wavesoutbeingtossed · 5 months
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redninjaoutfit · 23 days
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fuck you *unbleaches your blonde*
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cometblaster2070 · 2 months
new ever after high headcanon: cupid is I mean cupid; she's the daughter of the god of love and she literally set up True Heart's Day and runs a podcast to help people with their love-related issues.
what i'm trying to get at is that cupid is THE person to go to if you want advice on romance or love in general yk, and my headcanon is that cupid's advice is usually great, is guaranteed to almost always work; she knows what she's talking about and you should always listen to what she's saying.
but faced with her own relationship??? i know for a FACT this girl is out here making the most atrocious puns EVER and it is only because blondie loves her to hell and back that she bears the horrible attempts at flirting.
essentially; cupid giving the best relationship advice known to man to other people but being a swagless rizzless loser in her own relationship and god knows how and why but blondie's into it so it works???
imagine like:
apple: blondie i really don't understand what you're trying to say; I'm sure cupid's flirting isn't that bad she's cupid after all!
blondie: no apple you don't understand-
cupid spawning into existence: blondie did it hurt when you fell from the vending machine?
apple: ???
blondie: oh no, it's happening again.
cupid: because you're a snack!!! *finger guns away*
apple: I see what you mean now.
blondie, sobbing: the worst part is I'M INTO IT.
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ceofcatgirls · 2 months
Going to finally make a post about this bc its been haunting my mind for a good month or two at this point--
This is a brief-ish post about guns being used as a metaphor for masculinity, power, and potential stand-in for phallus imagery in the dollars trilogy. I'll also be speaking about these things from a general stand point too, but I'll try to focus on how and where they interconnect.
I doubt most ppl will read all of this but I have brainworms so I need to put this out somewhere .
I think a lot of these points can be said about Westerns in general, btw. Not just Leone movies. However I'll focus on the dollar trilogy because this is already too long and needs to have a focus.
Now, I'm sure masculinity will need no defining, but I'll briefly show what definition of phallic imagery I use;
(Yes I'll eventually tie all this to the homoeroticism present in the movies, with a slight feminist bent to this analysis)
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(I want you to keep in mind throughout this post that guns are metaphoric stand ins for dicks lol, just so i dont have to keep repeating that all the time)
I think this definition is quite good as it incorporates the concept of power into itself, which imo is a must-have when discussing masculinity in artwork.
As expected, there is an undeniable connection between phallic imagery and masculinity, which is also tied to power. A lot of masculinity throughout human history has relied upon genitals (even if not completely) to assert itself, which in turn, would affect the power relations men and women have, but also between men themselves. After all, the patriarchy is dependent on gender, with the male gender having the upper hand. This would mean, within a patriarchal society, men with more masculinity have more power, so we can see how sexuality is so tied to the patriarchy also, and how men will inevitably compete.
I'll start with perhaps one of the most obvious examples of this from the trilogy; which also conveniently has phallic imagery, or phallic metaphors.
Specifically, I'll start with the first proper interaction Colonel Mortimer and Manco have in For a Few Dollars More
(I'll link the clip just in case)
I'll state the obvious first; this is obviously a competition to define who would have the most power (and thus upper hand) in their relationship. That's why neither character backs down, and why there is a tense animosity between the two. Of course its also more complicated than that; Manco, the youngest of the two, is obviously taking this more seriously and is the more antagonistic. Mortimer seems to just be entertaining him at times, whilst also trying to show that his years of experience can give him the upper hand. Its a perfect scene presenting power, age, experience, who the characters are, and how their relationship will be forward from this.
And of course, as any western, guns are used for this.
Perhaps it's the perfect genre for what Sergio Leone wanted to present. Guns are the perfect metaphor for a phallus; they display power, they display masculinity, and they even have the shape! They can define life or death, much like how male sexuality, and therefore a phallus, can define a man's position in the patriarchy.
The shootout ends in a draw, as both Mortimer and Manco are skilled with their guns. Their stand-off for power and dominance led to a standstill and an equilibrium between the two. This will then define their relationship, as they form a equal partnership.
(And of course, perhaps Mortimer was being kind to Manco and held back a bit. He did the same in the end of the movie, by letting him take all the rewards. To Mortimer, there is more to gunslinging than an attempt to assert masculinity. And the fact that he holds back in his competition with Manco presents a level of respect he has for him, which adds on to the already existing homoeroticism of two men using guns to assert their dominance onto each other. I'd even argue that's what makes the homoeroticism purposeful, in this movie's case.)
There are other examples of guns bring used to impose masculinity throughout For a Few Dollars More. That is the crux of every final duel after all. But Mortimer and El Indio don't have significant homoerotic undertones so I won't get into it.
My other favourite example of this occurance in the dollars trilogy, is in The Good, The Bad and The Ugly.
It's a quick, small moment in a wider, longer scene. However I like how it gets across its message in a simple way.
It's the end of the scene where Angel Eyes forces a partnership onto Blondie.
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I think it's important to mention how this is how Sergio Leone chose to end a scene where Angel Eyes and Blondie form a partnership. Its basically telling the viewer that Blondie consents to working with Angel Eyes. On a surface level, Blondie is sliding the gun to its holster to show that he's making peace with Angel Eyes. However, further introspection on the subtext also reveals other things.
For starters. The slow sliding in and the zoom in on the gun, with it becoming the centre point of the scene, easily becomes homoerotic (I don't think I need to explain how sexually suggestive it looks), but with it being seen as a sign of peace, it can also be seen as a sign of not only consent, but also submissiveness. Blondie here is admitting that he's under the thumb of Angel Eyes, and he can't do anything about it, not even with a gun. He can't challenge his power, nor his masculinity. The phallic imagery here only adds on to all of these points, for reasons mentioned previously.
Moving on from specific scenes, I'll mention something present throughout the movie that the definition I used above also mentions; cigars can also been stand-ins for phallic imagery, and masculinity.
Do I really have to mention how The Man With No Name is literally always having a cigar in his mouth ??? Its a very obvious oral fixation, one that Sergio Leone uses to his advantage.
Leone doesn't just use a cigar to make TMWNN look cool. The cigar, much like how a gun was used to represent Manco and Mortimer's, and Blondie's and Angel Eyes', relationships and partnerships, its also used to represent the relationship between Blondie and Tuco.
The scene where, imo, Blondie's and Tuco's relationship changes, is where Blondie offers Tuco a cigar after eavesdropping the conversation between Tuco and his brother.
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And Tuco takes it, smokes it and grins!
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Notably, Tuco's and Blondie's changing relationship is shown through a cigar rather than a gun, which is objectively significantly less violent, which sets them apart from the other relationships. There is also a closer contact between them, as in the other iterations of TMWNN never gave his gun to any ally of his, much less shared such a close contact as mouth-to-mouth.
The homoeroticism is rather obvious, and in this cade, it's present without power but still with phallic imagery.
(Another notable example was, if my memory serves correctly, in a Fistful of Dollars, Joe lights up a cigar for Ramone. But I won't mention that much since I could be confusing this for another movie, but if it did happen, it's also another scene packed with symbolism, and quite the opposite to Tuco's and Blondie's cigar scene).
Continuing to speak more generally, there are often focus and zoom ins on the guns in the movies. This peaks at the final Mexican standoff in GBU, where the guns are in their holsters and belts. Its natural that they'd be near their crotches too, but that only emphasises the masculinity, power and phallic imagery already present in the movie (as well as tension in the scene).
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It comes with no surprise when Blondie chose Angel Eyes to shoot at. After all, Tuco and he had already made peace with each other. The only true masculine competition was between Angel Eyes and Blondie + Tuco.
There are also scenes where TMWNN shows off his skills with his gun; displaying his masculinity again through phallic imagery, so it's no wonder he went to become a figure of masculinity.
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There is also the scene where Tuco acquires a new gun after being abandoned by Blondie. That represents what was mentioned previously; how men often fight for power. In this case Blondie takes away Tuco's power and masculinity by humiliating him in a desert. Tuco acquiring a new, polished and refined gun is his way of reclaiming his masculinity after Blondie emasculated him.
I won't speak much about A Fistful of Dollars, because the relationship between Joe and Ramone isn't as developed as the other relationships in the other movies. But it's also worth noting how a focal point in the final duel includes Joe's pistol and Ramone's supposedly stronger gun.
"When a man with a .45 meets a man with a rifle, you said the man with the pistol is a dead man. Let's see if that's true. Go ahead, load up and shoot."
In here, Joe reclaims his masculinity through a final duel. I wish the movie had been longer so I could connect potential homoeroticism to this scene like I did with the other examples, but I think it's a good scene, so I mentioned it nonetheless.
Sergio Leone movies are very much centred around men. That's generally how westerns work, too. But I think it's interesting, as it adds aligns with the analysis that men uphold the patriarchy between themselves, and this is even more true with Leone movies as they include little to no women (whereas many westerns have at least one or two), so most interactions are between men.
I'm not suggesting Sergio Leone intended all this. I do think the homoeroticism, phallic imagery and masculinity is purposeful. He was a Marxist, so perhaps the feminist angle to all this was also purposeful, but I don't think that's the case. Much like his contemporaries, Leone focused on class analysis when critiquing power structures (this mostly in his other movies), so the patriarchal angle was perhaps unintentional. I like to give the benefit of the doubt to artists when analysing their art, though, so I'm always happy to be proven wrong.
As I said. This is way too long and no one will probably read all of it. There are far more examples but I won't include every bc this is already a long asf post.
What the conclusion? I need to stop thinking about gay people!!!!!!!!!
A look into how my braincells look whenever I think about these homos a bit too much;
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And this is how I felt writing this post:
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And the thing is there's so much more I can say but I don't wanna make this too long esp since this is me ranting more than a proper analysis but jfc Leone always made sure to make his movies so damn gay it's actually insane
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ohsc · 2 months
submissions for event now closed
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that is so so so crazy to me i really haven’t had this account for so long, thank you so so much to everyone who has read my fics or enjoyed my yapping. everybody here is so so lovely, thank you to all of the lovely friends i’ve made, the sweethearts who are always in my asks, anybody who i’ve interacted with on here youre so sweet you always make my day <3
i feel terrible because i’m not sure what to do for a complete follower’s celebration, i’ll make sure i have something big planned for 500 followers but for now i still want to do something!!
• if you send me a song + a spn character, i’ll make a moodboard with them!! pls specify if you want it romantic, platonic, or solely based on the character (or i’ll assume romantic!!!). my favourite artist is taylor swift so i’d love to get some of her songs for the requests and i can probably get through those quicker because i know the songs, but i’ll try my best with any songs!!
thank you so much again i can’t believe i got to 300 already that’s so crazy, i love you all so much you’re all amazing and mean so much to me <3
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suusoh · 3 months
Your post regarding Johan and Anna being a yandere for one darling intrigued me so much and I just wanna know what you think would happen if, say, their darling prefers one twin over the other? For instance, the darling prefers Anna over Johan, and vice versa. I personally think that if the darling prefers Anna, then Johan would sorta emulate himself to be a bit more like his twin sister (and I imagine him having an identity crisis low-key 😭) — what are your thots?
my friend do you WANT him to break down??? His whole source of trauma is having their mother pick between them 😭😭😭. This would absolutely not end well for all parties involved. But I do understand the angst factor. Let's say darling prefers women, he may just have to pull the wig out (jk jk). If this was Pre-Rurenheim, he'd have no problems playing dress up for you. He doesn't have his own identity so he doesn't really care. You like Nina? Well you're just in luck now you'll have another her. They're the same person anyways. But if this was post monster I don't think he can subject himself to that same trauma again of living his whole life as his sister's alternate/being just one half of a person. If you prefer Johan on the other hand, I think Nina would be more understanding about it. Even if she was also yandere in this scenario. She thinks her brother deserves nicer things now (you). She doesn't mind taking a back seat for now since she was able to live a good life in fairness to him. She was actually able to have a nice foster family and some friends. So she'll support it. As long as you don't forget she's here too! Her brother can't have all the fun of course.
yandere ANNA on the other hand (i'm so sorry. if this is confusing ToT Nina and Anna are different. Anna is if nina was the "monster" instead of johan ), would feel slightly upset and jealous and might even find you picking between them redundant. She's practically the same as Johan or even better, what does he have that she doesn't? This is dumb. Either don't pick between them or pick her if you had to. Their mother obviously picked her to give away, they picked her to prod and experiment on, so why can't you pick her this time? Proceeds to guilt trip you. to summarize: picking favourites between yandere johan and nina? Therapy needed picking favourites between yandere johan and anna? World War 3.
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sadly-never-after · 3 months
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@irinaclock thank you for the ask!
Here are some Blondie headcanons ^_^
Asexual demiromantic lesbian
She loves to gossip about the school couples with Cupid! The two of them sometimes broadcast together about all the love related gossip although Cupid usually stops her before she can divulge something that should rather stay private.
Is partially motivated by a sense of altruism when it comes to her perfectionism, noisiness and also her attempts at presenting herself as higher than she actually is in the social hierarchy. In another life she would have made a very committed and surprisingly honest (although too impulsive) politician.
She spends an unhealthy amount of time on the mirrornet and tends to use said lingo in real life conversations (think of words like "slay", "ate", "spill the tea").
She loves hosting "girl's nights" at her and Cupid's dorm but those are usually very lonesome since most people fear she'll be spilling whatever information she gets on "Just Right!"
Undiagnosed OCD
She has amazing skills when it comes to photoshop and video editing programs. Not that she always uses them for good.
She takes Holly under her wing when the later arrives at EAH because her innocently insensitive and blunt persona reminds her a bit of herself and she loves reading Holly's writing.
She is part of the trekking team (I forgot the eah name for it) and is the third fastest girl after Ramona & Cerise because she has been training running from the bears since she first knew of her destiny.
Mr Badwolf has filled a restraining order against her.
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stars-n-spice · 3 months
I am once again asking you to show me your Star Wars POC and alien OCS.
Need to clean my timeline and spice it up a little.
Please and thank you 🛐
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imaginespazzi · 6 months
Can you post the my strongest soldier pic? I need to see it again 🫠
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mxltifxnd0m · 1 month
a message to @ohsc and @prentissluvr
on behalf of the sam lovers fan club, thank you for feeding us with two smut masterpieces in one single night🙂‍↕️😘😘
- a sam lover and addict <3
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free-if-we-want-it · 10 months
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skeletalheartattack · 5 months
Every time I see your SKELETON tag I think of the skeleton warriors theme song
holy shit
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bittwitchy · 5 months
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messy, top lip kiss, how i long for our tryst
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vigilskeep · 2 years
Keir is ecstatic that he managed to get one (1) of his friends into the manor and proceeds to try and get all of them tbh. Why? Why must they all live in different parts of the city???
keir: all of you should just move into my house. anders has and i don’t see why the rest of you won’t. maker knows there’s enough room and you’ll all be safer
isabela: oh sure and anders agreed to that because he cares so much about safety
keir: what? what else?
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nikoisme · 6 months
Time to return the favor! Hope my silly cheers you up and strengthens you! :D
This is Sundrop (Sunny)! She's my horse! She's a cremello paint who is very sassy. One of her favorite things to do is to use her lips and kind of "pull" at hair and clothes for attention. She's actually so pale that her nose sometimes gets sunburnt! :'D She's actually what I imagine what Hector's "Blondie" or "Sparkle" looks like!
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Funny enough, even for this photo she was being a bit sassy. She kept wanting to go back in and eat so my younger cousin had to sit on the ground with some corn to get her to have her head out and not try to pull on me.
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She's neighing "Tran's rights!" and sending strength! :D Hope you feel better, Wormling!
I AM WILLING TO FIGHT FOR SUNNY. I have known her for a few minutes but if anything happened to her i would kill everyone in this room and then myself.
I love cremellos so much and she is SUCH A BEAUTY :00 she looks like she knows it. I love her eyes and eyelashes,, i can't get enough of horses with such eyes aughhhh. AND HER NOSE. I also love a cremello who says trans rights <33 give her a pet for me
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meme-streets · 1 year
angel eyes basically kidnapping blondie as if that's the start to a good partnership rather than a guaranteed way to make blondie wanna kill him and lounging there all sluttylike staring at him and giving him new clothes and telling the gang "i want the blonde alive" like he's a hot girl. he really tried to wife him. but in like, a mustache-twirling tying-him-to-the-train-tracks kind of way. he tried to dracula's bride him. can anyone hear me
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