#she was literally referenced in the kenobi show several times
jjoelswatch · 1 year
My unpopular star wars fandom take is that I actually don't care if a show directly mentions Padme or Satine by name. I am okay with indirect references, or no references at all if it doesn't make sense for the plot of the show.
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Thinking about the Disaster Lineage that resulted in the destruction of the Jedi Order and the rise of the Empire, like…
(Disclaimer: While the Movies state Yoda as Dooku’s Padawan, it is mentioned quite a few times in the EU that Thame Cerulian was his master and for purposes of hilarity I am sticking with that, because it also says that Yoda trained all the younglings before they became Padawans to cover the incongruity of Yoda not teaching Obi-wan in the Prequels - as was stated in the Original Trilogy.)
Trained quite literally every single one of the pre-Clone Wars walking disasters as younglings.
Directly trained Luke Skywalker.
Thame Cerulian
Thame was a researcher and Consular Jedi, who believed that the Sìth weren’t truly gone and would return. As such he studied the Dark Side and steeped himself in knowledge about it trying to find a way to defeat it (considering what this post is about you’ll see why I find that equally a) problematic and b) hilarious).
Padawan: Count Dooku (Fallen Jedi)
Count Dooku
Dooku had several Apprentices over the years, all of them listed in Legends save for four that we have seen referenced specifically on screen. He believed that Thame did not understand what it meant to be a true Jedi.
Jedi Padawan: Qui-Gon Jinn
Sìth Apprentice: Asajj Ventress (Fallen Padawan)
Sìth Apprentice: General Grievous (Saber Form Only)
Sìth Apprentice: Savage Opress (Briefly, Before Betrayal)
Qui-Gon Jinn
Qui-Gon was known for frequently butting heads with the High Council and is usually seen and referred to as much more of a “Grey” Jedi. He also seems to match Thame Cerulian in personality much more than Dooku does. He was also the reason Yoda and Obi-Wan learned to Force Ghost (and pass on the ability).
Jedi Padawan: Xanatos (Fallen Jedi)
Jedi Padawan: Obi-Wan Kenobi
Force Ghosting: Yoda
Force Ghosting: Obi-Wan Kenobi
Obi-Wan Kenobi
The man. The myth. The Legend of Old Ben. Seriously, there isn’t much introduction I need to make here. His reputation speaks for itself, and I am incredibly hyped for the show coming out this year on Disney+. But it is definitely worth noting that Obi-Wan had Anakin foisted upon him when he was barely a Knight himself, a dying wish from his Master, and that possibly Anakin would have been better off with a more experience Master (of course, we then come to the problem that no one would take him because the Council was too old, so they made the best out of a bad situation, c’est la guerre).
And here we diverge, because the two most significant lineages Post-Clone Wars both stem from Obi-Wan at different times… Anakin’s lineage will be in Orange, and Luke’s will be in Green. The headers will also be smaller.
Jedi Padawan: Anakin Skywalker (Fallen Jedi, Turned Sìth)
Unofficial Mentee: Ahsoka Tano (Former Jedi)
Jedi Student: Luke Skywalker
Anakin Skywalker
This story is really all about the Skywalkers and their Disaster Lineage, but clearly the Disaster began farther back than the first to make his debut in the lineup. Anakin is notable for redeeming himself before his death in order to save his son, Luke, but let’s face it: he was a Sith far longer than he was a Jedi, and some of those darker traits were always present and passed on.
Jedi Padawan: Ahsoka Tano (Former Jedi)
Ahsoka Tano
Ahsoka is probably one of the bigger fan favorites to grace the screen in recent years, yet immensely underrated at the same time. After being betrayed by the Jedi when they let her hang rather than defend her to the Senate in the Clone Wars, she left and began fighting for the Light Side of the Force. Over the years, she became more aware of the balance, and achieved a status more like Qui-Gon’s with an alignment verging closer to the Grey. She also had a very close mentor/mentee relationship with Obi-Wan Kenobi as well as Plo Koon.
Ahsoka never took on any official students, though she mentored Kanan Jarrus in being a Master and Ezra Bridger in being a Padawan based on her own experiences.
Luke Skywalker
Luke has the distinction of having had two Masters complete his training to become a Jedi, being Masters Obi-Wan Kenobi and Yoda respectively. Not much is really known of what happened between the events of RotJ and TLJ, because someone *glares at Disney* threw out the beautiful story line that was the EU, but we do know that he had more than a few students seen on screen.
Recently, in The Book of Boba Fett, we have seen him training Grogu as he works to start his school. Whether Grogu remains his student or not is dependent entirely on where the show takes it, and whether or not we’ll see him again.
Student: Leia Organa (Trained, Refused Title Of Jedi)
Padawan: Ben Solo (Fallen Padawan, Turned Sith)
Student: Rey Palpatine/Skywalker
Rey Palpatine/Skywalker and Ben Solo
Rey was trained by two individuals: Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa, the Skywalker Twins. Training with Luke was brief, while training with Leia lasted far longer and left a much more profound impact.
Ben (or Kylo) was initially trained as a student by Luke Skywalker before falling in league some time after with the First Order, training under Snoke to follow in his grandfather Vader’s footsteps before eventually turning back to the light and dying, in much the same way. I guess, in a sense, Ben eventually did end up following his grandfather’s footsteps after all.
I wanted to jot this down because the hilarity of this Disaster Lineage, and the fact that there are notably five Fallen Jedi and a further two that either left the Order or refused to keep a title, while the start of all this nonsense stems from a man who was fascinated by history of the Dark Side specifically to defeat it, astounds me. Thame never fell himself, but it becomes apparent in the way that the lineage goes that there is a lot of back and forth surrounding it. And I’m sure we could go back as far as able and see a further trend somewhere, but it really brings home the realization that Anakin was destined to Fall from the start, part of the cycle, which started in this case with Thame Cerulian. Like…
And if you choose to ignore the EU and say that Yoda is Dooku’s one and only Master, does that not make the failure that much worse?
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