#she was moving sooooo ugly yesterday too
intriga-hounds · 11 months
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the sivster was Altered Best Opposite both shows yesterday. he now gets to add MABOSS to the front of his name, which he finds appropriate, since he is, indeed, ma boss.
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clarasimone · 5 years
A perspective on the forewarning fascist iconography in GoT
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Was it yesterday ? I reacted to a mind-provoking aesthetic analysis of GoT reblogged by @felixthemudnescat ... which basically no one reacted to (LOL) but... chatting with @scratchybeardsweetmouth and @ser-jorah-the-andal, I felt like revisiting it to add observations to my initial reaction. Even if it’s too heavy-meta for such a beautiful summer day. @felixthemudnescat pardon me for not using the reblog button cause I want to do this under the dot-dot-dot so as not to weigh down the usual degree of levity in our tumblr group ;-)
Also I only realized today that you actually reblogged without commenting and I assumed, maybe wrongly, that you adhered completely to what you reblogged. And that might not be the case, so I’ll alter my text accordingly...
So here we go... (my input comes at the end)
Anonymous asked:
Girl. Gurl. Who the fuck is Leni Riefenstahl? Y'all Sansa stans pulling the most elaborate nonsense out of your asses to justify shitty writing. Or you twist everything and make D&D sound as if they're the most brilliant minds the world has ever seen LOL
fedonciadale answered:
Hi there!
If you would have taken one moment to look up Leni Riefenstahl - and I assure you that it is not difficult to look her up - you would not have combined your question with a comment about the writing…. Look her up and learn a lesson about how tyrants manipulate.
The visuals of the show are alluding to famous/ notorious shots of Leni Riefenstahl. You would agree that the visuals are something that gives us hints? In addition to the dialogue?
Sansa stans have complained about the writing since season 5…. You all - I’m just assuming you are a Dany fan, correct me if I’m wrong - had no complaints about shitty writing in season 7?
Look I am not saying that the way D&D got to DarkDany this season was well executed, but the foreshadowing and the character development are there. And actually from all the things the show did Daenerys is one of the better from book to screen. The hiding of her path to ruthlessness by filming from her POV is well done in season 1 to 6, and the triumphant visuals are part of that.
Visuals are part of the foreshadowing. It did not come out of nowhere and it was always a major plot point - as has been argued by book readers for ages. That Dany blew up King’s Landing was always to be the culmination of her arc. And it was always meant to hit you in the gut. So, as you do nicely put it : get your head out of your ass as and realise that you have been duped. And ponder about why? Was it because Dany is beautiful? Was it because she had the occasional bouts of benevolence? Was it because you thought she was entitled to an ugly chair because she suffered? Was it because she was set up against people coded as villains, so that you don’t care about how she defeated them? Was it because she is a woman and woman can’t be evil?
Take your pick and learn something about yourself and your own bias, how we can be duped by a tyrant! If you do that you are doing exactly what GRRM intended his readers to do by writing Dany like he did.
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(in fiction, all these logos meant to reference the nazi flag)
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Reblogging for @une-nuit-pour-se-souvenir ’s excellent additions. I could not have done that because that film is actually forbidden in Germany.
Ohhhohohoho the last one - I am😏 at people who half a year ago threw stones at me when I argued that Dany has always had parallels with Hitler.
Found this shared on Quora, had to re-blog!
Hi @felixthemudnescat​ long time no see !
I had not seen the original posting of this. My first instinctual reaction to this iconographic/aesthetics research is to object to the simple equation of Daenerys with Hitler. No fiction character will ever match the scope of evil (for lack of a better word) this man and his ideology represented. By ricochet and association, it makes every fan who was moved by Daenerys a potential Nazi sympathizer and that makes no sense. It’s also unnecessarily hurtful and insulting both to these fans and the real World (those who suffered and still suffer from The Holocaust). This said, the iconographic evidence you provided through your reblog has weight and is exactly what I referred to in some of my posts as the visual clues given in the show as to Dany’s *possible* arc, its *possible* finality (more on the *possible* further down); clues which scream at you if you have the cultural baggage to recognize them, and when you binge-watch the series 3 times in one month instead of watching it an ep at the time over 8-9 years. The middle seasons are especially ripe with these visual signs because they’re tagged unto somewhat repetitious narrative (Dany freeing/conquering one city at a time with little intimate character dev scenes). And @fedonciadale is right in wanting fans to look more closely into themselves; we shouldn’t close ours eyes on the shady ideological and moral symbols casting shadows on Daenerys throughout the seasons. But they were shadows. I don’t think they were meant to be the beginning and end to all things explaining the character.
@felixthemudnescat​ or @fedonciadale don’t you think D&D were building something much more subtle than the end result they opted for and which gives weight to your comparative iconographic essay ? For many seasons, the fascist references or foreboding reminders of Targaryen madness never outweighed the characterizations of Daenerys as a young woman who, regardless (or because ?) of her thwarted and abusive upbringing was trying to conjugate her own suffering and road to affirmation with the conquerer’s path given her. She might not have questioned the necessity/validity for her to conquer her way back to Westeros, as the only way she could get home, but she didn’t do it through simple rampage either. She did care to free the people she needed to build her armies. She did have a heart. This she did spontaneously; it came from a deep source within her, not a calculated one. Even if, of course, it turned out to be an astute strategy. And that sets her apart from the Nazis and its leader. At their best, D&D conjugated the two: giving us a rounded character build-up and evolution with ominous symbolic shadows lurking about her. @scratchybeardsweetmouth also made me realize, I who have not read the novels, that this humane aspect of Daenerys is brought even more to the foreground in the books. I quote @scratchybeardsweetmouth: “In the books (...) she repeatedly communicates firsthand with her freed people. She hears their opinions, is not afraid to mingle with them, always finds a way to protect them, even went out of her way to help heal some when a disease was about...” Without getting as much detailed info on her compassionate stance and actions in the show, it’s certainly the impression she indeed left us with, and it’s what her most faithful and steadfast companion, ser Jorah, sees in her and repeatedly says out loud, lest we forget it ;-) (“You have a gentle heart,” etc.)
So I thought it was IMMENSELY daring of D&D (or the novelist I’ve not read yet) to give us that scene where Daenerys is called Mhysa/Mother by the slaves she freed because the scene was inhabited with so many conflictual signs: I was all at once moved and sooooo worried as to where this could lead. Moved because, bottom line, these slaves are freed, actually freed, it’s the start of something. Dany has always given those she freed a choice to leave if they so wished… Moved because it’s a woman effecting the freeing, not a man… Moved because it’s Dany, the girl who suffered, who was a slave of sorts, that does the freeing, not her mentors…. Moved to see a culture refer to their freer as “Mother” (what a great homage to mothers, to women in general) / buuuuut also worried to see a culture refer to their freer as “Mother” because it seems to infantilize them on screen. 
Here we could also open up a whole debate about the malaise one can feel in seeing an Aristocratic White Woman free Third World People but I urge you to go read @khaleesirin‘s meta writings on the subject. She makes a great case for us NOT to see Daenerys in this fashion. Regardless of her looks and lineage, the novels (and GoT, I insist in my chats with @khaleesirin ;-) shows her to be like the people she frees: an Other. She like then is homeless, uprooted, migrant, disenfranchised. If we fail to see it in Essos, the show really drives this home once Daenerys sets foot in Westeros where NO ONE welcomes, understands or appreciates her. (Which suddenly complexifies our rapport to Sansa and the Northerners we grew to love and respect since they seem not to be above xenophobia, and racism.) 
But to get back to the Mhysa scene. Once the worrying starts, I can’t seem to stop it, even as I am moved to tears. Literally. Because of the above-mentioned qualities of it, and also possibly because of the Christ-like iconography it uses to celebrate Dany (”Let the little children come unto me” - if I may paraphrase the New Testament -- and thanks to @ser-jorah-the-andal for the reminder). And I’m always partial to feminizations of Christ; I love it, I think it’s sublimely subversive :-) But I’m also kicking myself for liking this because I fundamentally don’t want a Messiah saving the Third World, I want the Third World to save itself... and I’m worried. I’m really worried as I watch Daenerys triumph in this scene because we know she’s lacking important elements in her “psycho-affective and socio-political tool kit” (regardless of the quality and loving care of advisers now on hand, *cough* Jorah -- in the books @scratchybeardsweetmouth tells me she needs no advisor to keep her moral compass straight) and, so, will this get to her head ? Will she get drunk on her Messiah complex (and of course she does at the end of season 8) ? And what will happen if those she freed disappoint her (again flashforward to the end of season 8) ? And how will she rule them exactly (ditto) ? And, finally, yes, worried because, the fascist iconography is there and I’m going: omg where are they going with this ?
Here I want to open another parenthesis, also brought on by something @ser-jorah-the-andal wrote me: “if this is what they meant in the first place, they sure as hell didn’t bother to tell anyone in the cast so they could act accordingly, tho a case could be made that Dany never saw herself as the villain so that’s why they didn’t tell Emilia.” Indeed I’m sure the cast, or at the very least Emilia Clarke, were never told about the endgame, or never cued to the quoting of fascist iconography in some of Daenerys’ triumphant scenes. Clarke’s shocked reaction upon reading the last screenplays is a testament to her profound surprise... and this raises ethical questions, doesn’t it ? I mean in the ethics of creative partnership. It’s a recent debate possibly because there are so many tales of directors manipulating actors into giving them the performance needed to embody and communicate the discourse they want to leave us with. But the professional in me cringes here a bit. You’d hope they would trust actors enough to let them into what it is exactly they’re supposed to be creating...
This said, up to the moment before “the bells” scene in season 8, I had nonetheless seen D+D and EC give us a woman struggling morally with her choices. That’s important to state. And to get back to the above demonstration of fascist parallels, well, please, let’s point out that the Nazis and their leader never did struggle morally with what they were doing (or if they did, History bears no markers -- I’m talking about the Nazis here, not the German people as a whole). And I was prepared to see Daenerys fail because she never healed, she never achieved psycho-affective soundness (shall we get into the chapter of her misconstruing what love is ? Her relationship arc with Jorah speaks volumes) but I was expecting her to feel remorse if she did succumb to true fascism; remorse to the point of self-execution if you will, because that’s the kind of moral person D+D had been building for 7 years.  But after D&D sent her over the edge, they erased all the previous nuances they had built into her, and I believe, tried to explained it away with a broken heart, megalomania and madness…. 
So if their plan was truly to make us see her as a fascist leader of the scope we’re talking about here, the way the above visual essay seems to suggest, they would have fleshed out her character’s arc accordingly throughout the seasons, and they didn’t. There were clues as to the possibilities -- yes, Dany stepping out for her final speech is absolutely shot like Triumph of the Will by Riefenstahl… but it’s also infused with other iconographic references. That image of her merging with Drogon’s wings belongs to the fantastic, and makes her into a formidable and powerful Id, which can be construed as a positive subversive marker. And some of us do celebrate WrathfulDany for this reason.... 
The reality of GoT is that there were no actual scenes developing her fascist ideology. So let’s not confuse allusions to fascism with actual fascism. With all D+D’s failings towards the end, Daenerys remained a more nuanced and contradictory character than that. She is NOT Hitler, please...... 
The iconographic research you provided in your reblog @felixthemudnescat show us one important aspect of Dany’s subtextual arc but not the full picture. It’s missing the heart and the suffering behind the soul who fell from grace.
I hope you don’t construe this long winding reaction as a slam. I know you come from a very specific place in regards to Daenerys. I just thought the excellent research you provided deserved to be reblogged, but with an added perspective ;-)
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petersquips · 5 years
Stark Contrast [CHAPTER FOUR pt 1]
Masterlist | Introduction | Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three || Chapter Four (pt 2)
Pairing: Peter Parker x Stark!Reader
Word count: 3,473
Warnings: None for this half :)
Chapter Summary: As Y/N returns to school for the first time after her suspension, she finds herself stuck in a tricky web of rumors and gossip.
A/N: This chapter is SOOOOO dense that it was taking forever, and I want to keep it as one chapter for the flow of the content, but I also wanted to update finally, so I’ve split Chapter 4 into two parts. Part two should be posted next Thursday the 23rd.
If you want to be added to the tag list for this fic, Inbox me and I‘ll add your username. Members of the tag list MUST reblog. I look forward to your feedback, friends!
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Chapter Four
Y/N was drenched in sweat as she wandered back to her room, the orange morning light flooding in through the plentiful windows and dancing across her glistening skin. She had asked JARVIS to wake her up extra early. 4:45 am was a ridiculous time to be waking up in the morning, but she did it anyway for the sake of running with Cap again. He seemed surprised to see her again when the teen walked out on the front walk and began stretching as though it wasn’t a skill she’d just been taught yesterday, but the man was supportive of it, and pushed her like a coach to run harder, faster, and further. By the time Y/N returned to the comfort of her shower her entire body was acidic with the burn from the morning workout. Her body had not been prepared for this sudden and intense regime. Her muscles ached and she felt the soreness in her joints as she tried to lather the parts of her body that were hard to reach. The water was soothing, but it did nothing for the pain. It made her feel crazy for wanting to continue to run with Steve Rogers and his super-soldier form. He was genetically engineered to run harder, faster, and further than any normal human could, and Y/N knew her joining him was cutting his workout into a mere speed walk for the man. There was a part of her that still thought she may be able to keep up one day if she worked hard enough, but she knew that wasn’t a realistic goal for a teenage girl who’s most impressive quality was her incessant determination. Even knowing that she could never improve enough to complete Cap’s full workout, she appreciated the bond she felt as the two wordlessly raced through the empty upstate streets.
The teen shut off the water in a hurried attempt to be on time. She hadn’t exactly thought about how this new morning ritual would fit into her schedule which of course meant she was running late for school. Normally it probably wouldn’t concern her too much, but Y/N had promised Peter a ride. In part, it was a thank you for taking her to the sister march. She was still running on the high that came from feeling like a part of a movement. It didn’t solve her problems with Amadeus and everything that had happened after, but it made her feel hopeful she could figure those things out and Y/N had Peter to thank for sharing his incessant optimism. He was a kind and caring friend and it made a warmth radiate in the girl's chest as she rushed over to her closet. Pressed for time she flipped through her closet and tore out her classic skinny jeans and stumbled into them, her tired limbs screaming at her for so much as using them. As she balanced on one sore leg, trying to pull the clothing over the other her muscles gave out and she crashed down onto the cold wood floor. The girl winced at the pain but took the opportunity to pull her jeans up around to her knees before pushing herself up with what little bicep she had. Y/N was so far past trying and mindlessly pulled a random t-shirt from the closet. She began jogging toward the bedroom door as she pulled the shirt over her head, not stopping to so much as look at it when she bounded down the steps to the mess hall.
“Good work this morning, kid,” Steve offered as he held up a high five that Y/N casually took, hiding the amount of pain that came with swinging her arm as she sat down on the stool to his right.
Just as usual, Tony and Steve had been chatting over coffee at the breakfast bar, but Pepper had left for Atlanta on an early flight that morning. She had a clean energy conference that she was hosting a panel for as the CEO of Stark Industries. The woman had been stressed out and relentlessly preparing for it all week, but Y/N knew if anyone could command a room it was Pepper Potts. So Y/N joined the men in her life, who had used this excuse to simply throw a box of bakery goods on the island counter and call it breakfast. Y/N eagerly snagged a breakfast doughnut from the box and she had just shoved her mouth full of the sweet treat when Tony humorously asked, “Where’d you get the shirt?”
Y/N glanced down at the graphic on her chest, completely unsure what she had placed on her aching body before carelessly answering, “Some stand outside the airport.” She took another bite of the doughnut, but her mouth was getting dry from trying to consume the bread so quickly, but she was going to do anything to catch up with time and pick up Peter.
Tony nodded with a smile teasing, “Spider-Man, huh?” as he circled around the island. He passed behind Steve and reached up to Y/N’s neck. “Tag’s still on it,” he commented as the man instinctively snapped the plastic piece holding the paper barcode to the fabric and moved to the trash can to throw it away.
The teen carelessly explained, “It’s just tourist crap.” Y/N hated tourist merchandise with crappy graphic designs like ‘I♥︎NY’. It was useless and ugly waste that no one would ever wear once they got home. She’d purchased the shirt when she first arrived in New York a month ago. Y/N had no intention of purchasing any overpriced goods when she’d landed, but something about the comic-y rendering of Spider-Man drew the girl’s attention. Maybe it had been the nerves of having to meet her biological father for the first time in her life, or maybe it was just the change of air. Either way, Y/N had impulsively handed cash over to the kind merchant and left with the shirt she was now wearing. It seemed so long ago already, and even if her life had been turbulent since moving into the Avengers Facility, she had at least gotten used to the fact that it was different. She no longer felt like she was in denial about who her biological father was or the fact that she was living among superheroes. It seemed normal to her as she elaborated, “Superheroes are as big of a staple of New York as the empire state building… or taxis. There were a million others just like it at the airport.”
“What? You didn’t want to get a shirt of your old man?” Tony teased smugly as he leaned onto his elbows on the counter across from his daughter. Y/N rolled her eyes at her obnoxious father and took another large bite of doughnut. The man continued to poke fun as he looked at Steve and dramatically assumed, “They were probably all out of Iron Man shirts."
“Or they were all rusted in the back,” Y/N quipped back over a dry mouth full of bread. Steve gave the teen a disapproving face, but simply shrugged at him and jumped off her stool. Tony paused for a moment, staring at his daughter with his jaw slightly agape and his brows furrowed in a mix of pride and offense as she walked behind him to fill a glass with water. His expression morphed to mischievous smile when he asked, “Aren’t you picking up Peter Parker this morning?”
“Yeah. Why?” Y/N responded carelessly as she sipped the cold water. She wanted to be grateful for the change of subject, but Tony’s humored mannerisms made the girl weary. Instead of saying a word Tony began to turn red in the face. She could see him trying to maintain his composure as he tensed so hard the vein began to pop out in his forehead. Y/N couldn’t so much as ask what was so funny before the man burst, letting out a long wheeze of hilarity. “What?” Y/N inquired impatiently. She was completely in the dark about what he was so clearly amused by. The girl began to feel insecure about the shirt. Clearly, there was something about Spider-Man in New York that she didn’t know, something that meant she shouldn’t be wearing that shirt. Y/N aggressively slammed down her glass and insisted, “You’re impossible!” Her father inhaled and began almost silently laughing hysterically. He moved his hands in an attempt to communicate but was unable to speak between fits of breathless chuckling. Obviously, she didn’t get the joke and she didn’t want to sit around and be the butt of it. She had to leave to get Peter anyway, so Y/N scooped up her backpack from the floor and hurried toward the exit, holding up a rebellious middle finger behind her on her way out.
“Language!” Steve yelled after the teen.
Y/N pulled down her hand and smiled, calling to the Captain over her shoulder, “Didn’t say anything.”
She did love getting the last word, so before anything more could be said Y/N broke into a shaky jog across the glossy floors of the building, hurrying out to the entryway where her Audi was just pulling up. Y/N sighed in relief as she began climbing into the driver’s door. When she attempted to sit her muscles gave way and she more collapsed conveniently into the seat. Without any hesitation, Y/N tossed her backpack into the backseat and slammed the door shut, instantly punching the gas. the sportswear loudly sped down the driveway and Y/N watched the needle on the speedometer as it climbed to rebellious highway speeds.
When she pulled up to the curb outside Peter’s apartment building the boy was already standing by the street with his heavy backpack slung over one shoulder. He carelessly pulled the earbuds from his ears one by one and opened the passenger door, stumbling as he attempted to climb into the low car. Peter fell into the seat and quickly readjusted, shoving his book bag under the dash at his feet. He turned to buckle in but paused as a cheeky grin slipped onto his face. Peter moved to click the seatbelt together as he mentioned, “I like your shirt.”
Y/N felt the embarrassment already setting back in from this morning. She instinctively rolled her eyes and begged, “Not you, too…” She moved the gear shift to drive and pulled away from the curb as she rambled on, “I just spent the whole morning being teased by Tony for it and I wish I hadn’t worn it. I was in a hurry-“
“No, no, no!” Peter trailed urgently over the girl’s maundering. “It’s cool,” he insisted. Smiling wider before trying to maintain a serious composure and wiping the joy from his face in a tough-guise.“Spider-Man… He’s cool,” The boy reiterated.
Y/N was hesitant to let her guard down and suspiciously asked, “You really think so? There’s not some big thing I don’t know about Spider-Man?”
Peter’s eyes grew wide and he smiled at the obvious flaw in Y/N’s phrasing and he pandered, “I mean, his identity, but—”
“You know what I meant!” Y/N aggressively argued. The boy threw his hands up in innocence as he pushed back into the passenger door. It made Y/N grow quiet in embarrassment. She hadn’t intended to be so reactive, and it wasn’t Peter’s fault she was feeling insecure. The girl could feel the blood flow down from her head, calming her to a normal composure as she swallowed her pride and admitted, “I’m sorry. I guess I’m just a little on edge about coming back from my suspension.” Peter slowly put his hands down and resumed his comfortable posture as he stared at Y/N. He was clearly listening intensely and it made the girl wonder how she ever could have snapped at him after everything he’d done for her in just under a month of knowing each other. Y/N sighed, knowing Peter was waiting for her to go on in her vulnerability, and continued. “I have to go in there and face Amadeus Cho. Now he’s had a week to establish his story in the population, and I’ve not been there to defend myself. At the end of the day, I hit him with the lunch tray because it was his word over mine. I didn’t stop the situation, I just made it worse.”
Peter nodded slowly as he took in what the girl was saying. She wanted to apologize at that moment for continuing to vent about the whole thing around him, but then she thought about how he helped her out of the party, how scared and protective he seemed in all of it, and she thought better of it. It seemed no wonder Peter was so good at having these conversations. He was a part of that experience. He’d seen her in that distress and he didn’t hesitate, but being a hero could take a toll too. They had just braked at a stop light when Peter honestly mentioned, “It’s probably not going to be great.” Y/N glanced at the boy, who looked tense. His brow was furrowed and his jaw was strained as he struggled with the hard honesty. “People have been talking, and they seem pretty set on their story. I don’t want to be right about this, but you’re probably going to be outcast.” The girl struggled with the cold truth as it froze her heart and shot ice through her veins. Though it was difficult to hear, she was thankful for Peter’s honesty. The light turned to green and Y/N faced the road again as she drove on. She was surprised when her friend continued in a new optimistic tone, “But you still have me. Ned and MJ know the real story. You probably have a few others on your side, too. We might not be the cool crowd, but that doesn’t seem to have bothered you yet.”
Y/N felt the warmth of his words calming her rigid fear. When he put it like that, it sounded better than what she had dealt with at Midtown before. The relaxation and twisted joy seemed to complex to put into words, so Y/N simply said, “You’re cool, Parker,” as a half smile met her lips.
Peter smiled and sat up in his seat in satisfaction, changing the subject as he asked, “So Spider-Man, huh?”
The return to the previous conversation made Y/N playfully roll her eyes and shake her head as they drove, catching a glimpse of the sunlight flickering through the trees behind Peter’s head. He held the expression of a middle schooler teasing their friend about a new secret crush, and it was as adorable as it was annoying. “What about him?” Y/N countered as the schoolyard came into view.
“You like him,” Peter stated smugly.
Y/N began to protest, challenging the boy, “Who said I liked him?”
Peter didn’t miss a beat to nonchalantly point out, “You’re wearing a Spider-Man shirt.”
Y/N glanced at the boy in the passenger seat as she braked at a stop sign and adjusted in her seat, grimacing at the soreness in her legs from the run. The girl tiredly shrugged and admitted, “Touché.”  Peter looked satisfied with himself, and Y/N wanted to banter but couldn’t find it in herself to do anything more than smile.
They finally pulled into the school parking lot, but instead of traveling down the rows, Y/N threw the gearshift into park directly in front of the main entrance. The girl leaned over her right shoulder and reached into the backseat, struggling to pull her backpack through the small space between her and Peter. It was heavy and her aching muscles struggled to manage it, losing control once it finally broke free and incidentally letting it hit the car horn. Y/N cringed as the eyes of all the students in the parking lot turned toward her Audi. Even worse was the staff member manning the parking lot who began hurrying across the entryway to tell her off for parking in the way. She figured it was now or never to flaunt the joys of being a Stark.
“Get out,” Y/N commanded to Peter, who hurriedly grabbed his backpack. He looked at his friend in frantic confusion as she opened her door, quickly turning to step out as well.
“HEY! YOU CAN’T PARK THERE!” the faculty member yelled as he broke into a run to berate the girl.
Peter spun around to look at his friend over the roof of the short car, wide-eyed and panicked. Y/N smiled mischievously back at the perplexed boy and began walking away from the vehicle. She felt the soreness in her legs but maintained her smug composure. Peter stared after her for a moment before jogging to catch up to her, striding by her side. The high-strung man who’d been yelling at her finally reached the two students, reprimanding, “Young lady, I don’t care how rich you are, you cannot park there—”
“I didn’t,” Y/N commented, not so much as hesitating as she passed by the staff member. The man looked past the girl he was scolding and gaped, causing Peter to spin around quick, walking backwards as he processed the missing sports car. A smirk popped onto his face when he finally spotted the Audi parking itself across the lot, understanding the obnoxious stunt Y/N had just pulled, much to the disdain of the uptight parking monitor. The boy swung around and jogged back to his friend’s side with a sense of mischievous pride for being a part of the stunt they’d just pulled, whether or not he know what was going on at the time.
The two made their way to Peter’s locker, where Ned was waiting as always. He looked up from his phone and grinned kindly when he saw Peter and Y/N walking up, shoving his phone into his pocket as Peter began spinning his combination into the steel wheel. “Hey,” Ned greeted with a beaming smile he always seemed to have. Forever the optimist, Ned balanced out the dynamic of Peter and MJ perfectly. Ned finally noticed Y/N’s shirt and burst out excitedly, “You like Spider-Man?”
Y/N hadn’t realized when she threw it on this morning what a talking point it would be, and it honestly made her regret it just a bit. Still, she smiled shyly at her friend and responded, “Yeah, I guess.” It seemed like no big deal to the girl, but Ned seemed thrilled as he nudged Peter amiably. Y/N couldn’t help but laugh at the interaction and make the assumption that “You two are pretty big Spider-Fans, aren’t you?” She was delighted by the adorable jolt of excitement they both seemed to get regarding the web-slinging hero.
“Well, Peter—“ Ned began as he turned to come face to face with Peter’s wide eyes and pursed lips. Y/N watched as they had yet another one of their silent conversations, in which Peter shook his head vigorously at whatever he suspected Ned was about to say. It made the girl smile at how easily he was embarrassed. Ned suddenly turned back to Y/N and insisted, “We’re big fans,” with a big smile. Y/N couldn’t help but giggle and shake her head at the strange behavior of her friends. She found it enduring that they would get so childishly giddy, at least Ned was. Peter looked like he wanted to bury his head in his locker.
Over Ned’s shoulder, Y/N suddenly noticed the cold air of Amadeus Cho appearing at the end of the hall. She felt her expression shift to concern and she was powerless to stop it. It felt like a weakness to reveal that she was still scared, but she wanted to be anywhere but in that hallway at that moment. “Well, hey,” the girl began quickly before excusing herself, “I’ve got to get to class, but I’ll see you two later, yeah?” The two boys nodded slowly and watched as the girl very suddenly took off down the hall to her AP Lit classroom. She knew it was weird, and she was ashamed she was letting Cho control her like this, but she really didn’t want to even see him. It was too much emotionally, and Y/N just wanted to go back to being a normal student.
@ace-ingthroughlife-jk @just4muggles @i-alyssa @bravest-at-heart @bookgirlunicorn @really-lucas @loud-binch @alextheodd @avoirlu @tumbleerrtrash @amazingficsthatididnotwrite @superspideyparker @whatevsmels @royal-sunflower @spiderman-masterlists @goldenrose1099 @fav-fan-ficccs @iamburdened @justalittlecrazybutimok @takenbymyfandoms @elioelioeli0 @potterheadbbc @-thatgirloverthere- @tomshufflepuff @peter-spider-parker-man @maddie-laufeyson @jackiehollanderr @mariah-danielle-winchester @hortonhearsahoeblr @lokimercuri @loxbbg @justanothermarvelfanaccount @darkblueeyedperson @faloncarington @creativedogs @cosmicparkerr @grippleback-galaxy @littledaph @shallowshawn
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spinachdrum · 6 years
Day 5 (Summary) + Day 6 (love them)
We’re doing double time today! Day 5 we literally didn’t do anything. Like, we went outside for maybe 40 minutes tops total. The air pollution was pretty bad yesterday as well as a heavy day for me (sorry period TMI) so we decided to stay in and take a day to relax and do homework to stay caught up! We did eat at a really nice restaurant across the street from our Airbnb called 김네 and it was the size of a SHOEBOX but god it was good. I had a 돈맛도시락 and Nichole had 김치찌개. So yummy! Later on we got chicken from this TINY little place across the street and--oh my god. So good. Probably the best chicken I’ve ever had?! I tried to give the ahjumma my extra $3 like a tip but she was laughing and made me take it back ;~; 
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김네! And the chicken place:
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Today was seriously so fucking fun! We were out for 9 hours just walking around Hongdae and it was seriously one of the most fun days we’ve had so far. We finally had to go to Seoul Station to transfer lines to get to Hongdae, and it was so weird that I could almost remember pretty perfectly the path through the entire station to get to the train to Hongdae. This station is also SO BIG and it took us forever to get through it from our train to the connecting one, lol.
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And then we finally arrived in Hongdae!! I love it here.
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So naturally because we came kind of early, we decided to eat lunch first and then walk around and do stuff! We wanted to go to a cafe, there was a store Nichole was looking for to try and find this scary baby toy (spoiler alert: it was gone), A-Land, and then later on we wanted to eat dinner and noraebang! 
Our first stop: Meat-ing! 
Such a good kbbq restaurant. It’s all you can eat!!! And it’s super cheap!! Lunch was only 12,500.00 per person for A BUFFET. And they have suuuuch good meat, too. Ugh I could honestly eat here everyday, lol. It’s cool too because they actually will charge you if you leave any leftovers that you leave on the table to encourage less food waste. So only get what you can eat, and eat what you get!!
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Potatoes, kimchi, lettuce, hot rice, meat....YUM. I was soooooo full by the time we finished, and then I was like, oh god, we have to walk around all day now. Seriously so fucking worth it, though, it was so good.
Afterward, Nichole wanted to look for this little store she saw in a video that had this really ugly baby toy in it, lol. We did find the store but the weird baby doll was gone :( so afterward we decided to go find A-Land! It’s a department store kind of, but it has the full range of COSRX products so we really wanted to find it and buy some! I’m running out of snail power essence so I’m glad we went.
However, on the way, we passed by the TRICKEYE MUSEUM!!! 
We decided, fuck it, we’re going in!! It was super cute and really fun! You can download this app that makes all the paintings and stuff come alive, it’s super cool!!
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Here’s me being a mermaid! 
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This section was so fucking weird!!!!! I had to take a million pictures of it. Like why is the lady in the back so giant and everyone is NORMAL SIZED???????
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This room was my favorite :) I love the moon, so I was really happy about this room and I actually really like how this picture came out which is surprising because it’s of me :’) 
Also, inside the TRICKEYE MUSEUM, there’s an ICE MUSEUM! It’s not really a museum, though, it’s basically just like 3 different sections made completely of ice. It was so fucking cold in there, but omg, it was so cool and there’s an ICE SLIDE!!!! I went down it and screamed cause I had to touch the ice to get back up, LOL. 
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From the top of the ice slide looking down! 
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And from the bottom! I actually loved the ice museum, hehe. Note: your ticket to the trickeye museum also gets you into the ice museum!! And it’s only like 15,000.00 won! 
ALSO: there was this bronze statue at the bottom of the stairs right outside the trick eye museum of a guy and of course his dick was just like out. Full on full frontal pee-pee. Right? And Nichole made me take her picture next to it, and then right after, these two Japanese guys tapped on my shoulder and asked me to take THEIR picture with it!! I was cracking up because they did the GOOFIEST pose next to this statue with full wang. So funny.
Not related: look at this pretty building!
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After, we found A-Land, and we bought some skincare stuff! We still weren’t hungry so we just kind of wandered around a little bit; we were looking for a cat cafe (not very hard, just wandering in case we found one) but we actually stumbled upon A DOG CAFE. 😭😭♥️
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This place... was SO Cute. There were so many cute dogs (there was a GIANT great dane that greeted us with his big ol BOOF BOOF barking!! and his name was Ben!!!) that came up to us and just hung out and begged for pets. Some of them were so tiny and they were so cute. There was this one tiny little toy poodle and the way its legs moved was so funny and it reminded me of Mike from Monsters INC so every time it was running I was like “scaryfeetscaryfeetscaryfeet”. Also, it was so sweet because you could tell the employees really, really cared about the dogs. They were constantly petting them, massaging them (some were quite old), and just treating them so gently. It made me so happy. These doggies were sooooo well cared for and it totally showed. 
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This baby took my seat immediately so I had to sit on the very edge of the seat to give him room, hehe.
We stayed here for a long time! Like an hour and a half, just petting and playing with the dogs and drinking lemonade. I’m pretty sure everyone on Instagram wanted to kill me because I wouldn’t stop posting pictures, LOL.
We finally decided to leave the cafe, even though we could have stayed there all day. We were super close to the Kakao Friends store so we went to that next!! And omg, it was so cool.
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It’s so big!! And the glass front is so pretty~ 
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It’s also THREE FLOOOOOORS. The first two are the only ones with merchandise, the third floor is the RYAN CAFE! Which we went to! The second floor was really cute and I saw another one of those wireless keyboards with the round buttons and decorated with Ryan.. SO TEMPTED.... but my laptop already has a keyboard!!! ARGH....
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What a view. Korea, I love you.
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The cafe! :D We got two cupcakes, vanilla and chocolate. And LOOK HOW CUTE:
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After this, we really wanted to go noraebang, but we wanted to eat first. We still weren’t quiiiite hungry, so we were going to walk to Artbox, but on our way there we walked RIGHT into some busking!! These two girls from Singapore were dancing to k-pop and they were SOOOOO good. They were doing BLACKPINK when we arrived, and we decided to sit down and watch for a little bit! There was this guy sitting across from us who was mouthing along and kind of dancing to himself sitting down and it was so cute. And then after BLACKPINK finished they went to TWICE--in the middle of it the cute guy got up and jumped right in and danced with them!!! 
He was also sooooo good!! He was having so much fun and laughing and blushing since everyone was cheering for him!! I caught a lot of it on video but I filmed it in portrait and not horizontal, LOL. But he got up a bunch to dance with them, and I got some of him dancing to GASHINA and it’s SOOOO CUTE! 
Soooo adorable. And all three of them are soooo talented! We actually sat here and watched them for a really long time, forty-five minutes passed before we realized it and we were hungry again! We actually went to a restaurant RIGHT behind this because they had a bunch of kinds of fried rice and omfg.
Why is all the food here so good?????? IT’S SO GOOD!! 
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Forgot to take a good picture of the food, but this is the restaurant, lol. 유가네닭갈비 and we had the marinated chicken bbokumbap. Ugh. So good I could die.
And to end the night: NORAEBANG! There was a basement noraebang right next to this, so we went to it, and it was SO FUN. I recorded a bunch on instagram and didn’t any pictures, but omg, so fun. We did BLACKPINK, TWICE, GOT7, BTS, DAY6, Dean, and TAEMIN, because everyone knows how much I love TAEMIN, lol. I’m sure we sounded insane because we were just yelling and screaming into the microphones and mumbling through the korean words we didn’t know, LOL. We were in here for a good hour and a half and I was singing so loud and laughing so hard that I started coughing and thought I was going to throw up. LMFAO!! Worth it.
I wish I was hungry as we were leaving, because we walked by a bunch of street food stalls on the way back to the station and my god they looked SO DELICIOUS. UUUUUUGH. They smelled really good, too. But next time! We were really tired by this point and were pretty ready to go home since we’d been walking around since 12pm. 
It was a really calm train ride back. I know I said in my last post about how much I love the subway and it’s just so true. I don’t know what it is, but I love it so much. 
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We finally got home at around 9:45 and here we are! Ready for bed and so beyond happy I could explode. If I could just stay and not go home, I really would.
Until next time! ♥️♥️
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goldenscript · 7 years
HEY HEY it’s fine, your health always comes first! my friday was really interesting and today i finally went grocery shopping so there’s that. how’s your weekend so far? LMAO UR LITERALLY ME. i often feel detached from people or even myself but it takes .0000081 seconds for a tear to slip out when im reading or watching anime. omg i cried sm the second season of haikyuu bc like.. my baby oiks deserved to go to nationals man, seijoh deserved to go ;-; dont get me wrong i was sooo proud of (1/?)
our crows but like.. oikawa!!! i watched a couple episodes of avatar yesterday and i already love how flawed zuko is, you can see it right from the start. i already know what happens tho okay HAHAH. AND GIRL IM SO HYPED FOR INFINITY WAR!! LIKE aSDJD I CANT EVEN EXPRESS HOW I FEEL, SHIT’S BOUT TO GO DOWN. WHICH REMINDS ME, BOKU NO HERO ACADEMIA IS SET IN A UNIVERSE WITH SUPERHEROES AND IT’S HONESTLY V CUTE. which ALSO reminds me i had a fic draft about how an ex-superhero mc who’s next door (2/?)             
who’s next door neighbors with a notorious anti-hero (superrrr orig ik, i was like in 9th grade ok i’m cringing) and she finds out about him through some funny circumstances bc for one, she’s not dumb. she can piece it together. she lost her powers in some way and is trynna adjust to reg human life and she doesn’t want anything to do with playing hero anymore bc of uh “PLOT.” shit happens. never got past the 3rd chapter lol which made me realize that long fics weren’t for me, i lose (3/?)
motivation too fast but it just sucks bc idk how to condense it enough for it to be a oneshot. when i randomly write, they still hit up to 20k so I DONT KNOW?? maybe i just write too much. i’m just as disorganized as i was 4-5 years ago ;; AH FF(.)net AND QUOTEV. GOOD OL’ TIMES. the first fic i read was about infinite’s woohyun bc he was my bby at the time lmaooo. and wow  i’d love to read your revamped fics and whatever else you have in mind!! the thing about fantasy is that it’s so broad (4/?)        
u can literally do anything with it!! LMAO WELL I MEAN TBRH IT’S JUST BTS but HM WHO DO YOU THINK MAtCHES THE JOB DESCRIPTIONS?? wink wink. ALSO sorry that i talk so much omg u must hate reading my messages lmao i feel like i always have a lot to say (5/5!!!)  -sjsu    
lemme just say that i don’t hate getting your messages at all ok!!!!!!!!!!!! i feel like i have a lot to say especially when the topics are within my interests and girl talking to me abt cringey fanfics, ugly crying over sports anime, & black panther are perfect enough reasons to babble over! i promise!!!!!!!! i look forward to talking to you girl (’:
thank you! i honestly just went out to my friend’s bday dinner yesterday night and chilled at home all day today. i’m supposed to hang with my dad and probably go out driving tomorrow so we’ll see. as of rn, i’m fooling myself into thinking that i’m gonna work on my english paper rn but i’m compromising and telling myself to just find quotes and write my thesis then saving the actually writing for tomorrow. but LMAO I’M GLAD YOU CAN RELATE. I WORRY THAT I’M ALONE ON THIS SOMETIMES. yeah, i detach easily and i don’t mean to but sometimes i prefer to let my mind drift and daydream because it’s so much more interesting than day to day life. buT I GET SO EMOTIONALLY INVESTED IN ANIME OK. I CRIED FOR SEASON TWO ALSO. LIKE OIKAWA WAS SO HARDWORKING AND FUCK WHEN THEY LOST TO THE CROWS I WAS SO SAD BC I HONESTLY WISHED THEY COULD BOTH WIN SOMEHOW. like fuck that anime is good, making us sympathize and love like literally everyone you meet because the biggest antagonist in that damn show is time and how one minor point just fucks everyone over and kjsdhfsjkdhf i love haikyuu!! sooooo much. god
LMAO IT’S OK. i spoil myself a lot with shows and movies bc i’m a big like movie person especially in the MCU and horror cuz i like knowing that what i’m watching is worth all the fuss (this goes for most movies in general) although for black panther i didn’t spoil myself because i could feel it in my gut that it would end my entire existence and guess what it did? ended my entire existence. AND OMG INFINITY WAR SDFSDKJHF I’M SOLELY WATCHING IT FOR T’CHALLA TBH. I NEEDA KNOW WHAT ELSE IS GONNA HAPPEN WITH HIM AND THE REST OF WAKANDA OK. AND OMG IT IS? I LOVE THAT. OK FOR SURE I’M WATCHING IT OK.
i only played an interactive story app abt superheroes and it was so freakin’ cool. now this makes me want to replay it ‘cuz it’s just a trip man. the story line is great and i love the idea of superpowers. and omg that story of yours sounds so cool! like imo a trope / plot can seem “cliche” but how you execute it is what really makes the biggest different! like make me feel!!! make me love and hate your characters!!!!!!!! but yeah, honestly, i’m really starting to disbelieve in my skills at writing multi-part fics bc it’s a STRUGGLE. i write to finish i think. but i’m challenging myself to write series bc i have a few that i reallyyyyyyyyyyy want to write. and holy shit 20k????????? that’s amazing! i’ve only done that like once and i haven’t read it in hella long.
whenever i get around to it (man, i’m starting to get annoyed with myself for using this phrase kjsdhkjfsh), i will most def hit you up!!!!!!!! my first fic was like......... uh.... fuck i can’t even remember but i will admit i did try writing twilight fanfic too. in terms of kpop, my first was this jungkook drabble that i never saved and actually deleted after a few days but another one was this yoongi drabble that i currently have up rn that isn’t too bad. but ok girl telling me, a girl who thrives off structure and a basis, that something is broad is HELL for me. like i really need to think things over and make sure it makes sense and it’s just hard. i struggle but i’m trying.
rjgnkjsgkjsdhfkjshf alright, alright mundane jobs for earth-bound bts:
jin: cafeteria lady (sorry bb), everyone loves him, his station’s the cleanest, and no one hates him like............. at all. not even Boss, who everyone FEARS
yoongi: janitor but not really he doesn’t clean and his boss loves him too much to make him do work
hobi: retail worker bc he will not let any atrocity walk out of the store no matter what, doesn’t need his powers to get anyone to buy anything, makes pouches A Thing
joon: librarian, likes to observe ppl, somehow likes humanity even tho we’re messes (”aren’t we all messes, after all?”)
jimin & tae: delivery boys aka the bats bc they move like they’re coming straight out of hell
jungkook: mcd cashier, hates his job, sometimes gives people melted ice cream bc they looked at him funny
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answer all of them
answers under the cut! only doing this cause im that bored
200: My crush’s name is: no one 199: I was born in: 1996198: I am really: bored197: My cellphone company is: wtf who cares?? 196: My eye color is: green/blue 195: My shoe size is: 6.5194: My ring size is: idk small 193: My height is: smol 192: I am allergic to: cats and all of nature in the spring and summer 191: My 1st car was: an hhr or as i liked to call it a poor mans hearse190: My 1st job was: an in home care taker aka i cleaned elderly peoples homes189: Last book you read: god i dont read188: My bed is: my best friend 187: My pet: is the loml 186: My best friend: she lives too far away tbh 185: My favorite shampoo is: i use old spice 2-in-1 like the basic bitch i am184: Xbox or ps3: ps3??? what year is it the switch is where its mfkin at 183: Piggy banks are: dope af 182: In my pockets: nothing cause im a broke bitch 181: On my calendar: nothing cause im a boring bitch 180: Marriage is: cool good on everyone who is married to their best friends 179: Spongebob can: new spongebob can die cause its garbage 178: My mom: is the best 177: The last three songs I bought were? who buys songs? 176: Last YouTube video watched: air crash investigations (dont ask) 175: How many cousins do you have? idk 174: Do you have any siblings? one sister 173: Are your parents divorced? nah 172: Are you taller than your mom? nah 171: Do you play an instrument? i used to play the violin and guitar but not anymore 170: What did you do yesterday? tried not to die [ I Believe In ]169: Love at first sight: idk maybe? 168: Luck: sure 167: Fate: yeah sure 166: Yourself: hahahahahahahahahahahahaha no 165: Aliens: fuck yeah 164: Heaven: ehhh no 163: Hell: no 162: God: not really 161: Horoscopes: lowkey160: Soul mates: every one has one 159: Ghosts: kind of 158: Gay Marriage: nah why would gays want to get married 157: War: war is p stupid 156: Orbs: wtf is an orb??155: Magic: no [ This or That ]154: Hugs or Kisses: kisses 153: Drunk or High: drunk 152: Phone or Online: online 151: Red heads or Black haired: black 150: Blondes or Brunettes: brunettes 149: Hot or cold: cold 148: Summer or winter: winter 147: Autumn or Spring: autumn 146: Chocolate or vanilla: vanilla 145: Night or Day: night 144: Oranges or Apples: apples 143: Curly or Straight hair: curly 142: McDonalds or Burger King: mcdonalds 141: White Chocolate or Milk Chocolate: this is dark chocolate erasure and i will not stand for it 140: Mac or PC: mac 139: Flip flops or high heals: neither both are garbage for the feet 138: Ugly and rich OR sweet and poor: im already sweet and poor sooooo137: Coke or Pepsi: where is my dr. pepper representation 136: Hillary or Obama: obama 135: Burried or cremated: cremated id like to go out in a burnin glory even if im already dead 134: Singing or Dancing: singing 133: Coach or Chanel: neither 132: Kat McPhee or Taylor Hicks: who are you people 131: Small town or Big city: big city 130: Wal-Mart or Target: im a lesbian so target obviously 129: Ben Stiller or Adam Sandler: neither 128: Manicure or Pedicure: pedicure only cause they message my feet and legs 127: East Coast or West Coast: west coast 126: Your Birthday or Christmas: xmas cause snow 125: Chocolate or Flowers: chocolate 124: Disney or Six Flags: disney 123: Yankees or Red Sox: neither who cares about baseball [ Here’s What I Think About ]122: War: men bein garbage 121: George Bush: why? 120: Gay Marriage: hell yeah we got it 119: The presidential election: we might as well have elected a crackhead 118: Abortion: let women get them safely so they dont fucking die its that simple117: MySpace: jesus is it 2006 again 116: Reality TV: its trashy but ill watch it cause im trash 115: Parents: love your parents kids (unless they are abusive) 114: Back stabbers: are awful just like maybe dont stab people in the back literally and metaphorically 113: Ebay: ive literally never used ebay in my life 112: Facebook: its p garbage i barely ever use it 111: Work: capitalism has killed workers and quality work 110: My Neighbors: they are there 109: Gas Prices: i havent gotten gas in like 2 months so like idk 108: Designer Clothes: why are they all like so ugly??107: College: stressful and only vaguely worth something 106: Sports: fun to play but boring to watch. i only go to sporting events for the alcohol 105: My family: is v dope and i love them 104: The future: stressful and i hate thinking about it [ Last time I ]103: Hugged someone: last night it was my dad 102: Last time you ate: last night lol 101: Saw someone I haven’t seen in awhile: probably back in december with my best friend 100: Cried in front of someone: oooof all the time 99: Went to a movie theater: like 2 wks ago 98: Took a vacation: january i went on a cruise 97: Swam in a pool: last summer i think 96: Changed a diaper: uhhh never…. 95: Got my nails done: god way back in high school when i thought i was straight 94: Went to a wedding: last friday! 93: Broke a bone: 3 wks ago haha 92: Got a peircing: i havent gotten a piercing since i was like 6 91: Broke the law: uhhh i plead the fifth 90: Texted: i texted my mom like 40 mins ago [ MISC ]89: Who makes you laugh the most: myself 88: Something I will really miss when I leave home is: my dog shes so cute 87: The last movie I saw: spiderman into the spiderverse 86: The thing that I’m looking forward to the most: a vacation to see my aunt in indiana 85: The thing im not looking forward to: going back to school 84: People call me: uhhh my name? 83: The most difficult thing to do is: rn? pretty much everything 82: I have gotten a speeding ticket: never 81: My zodiac sign is: im a leo 80: The first person i talked to today was: my mom 79: First time you had a crush: first time i remember was freshman yr of college 78: The one person who i can’t hide things from: my mom 77: Last time someone said something you were thinking: i dont remember 76: Right now I am talking to: nobody im a lonely bitch 75: What are you going to do when you grow up: hopefully something to do with neuropsychology 74: I have/will get a job: 73: Tomorrow: wtf does this even mean 72: Today: or this one 71: Next Summer: and this one 70: Next Weekend: and even this one 69: I have these pets: a golden retriever mix 68: The worst sound in the world: 67: The person that makes me cry the most is: hahaha myself 66: People that make you happy: my family and friends 65: Last time I cried: yesterday 64: My friends are: amazing wonderful people that i love 63: My computer is: my lifeline 62: My School: is small but good 61: My Car: is a lesbian wagon that looks like i live in it 60: I lose all respect for people who: cheat on their s/o 59: The movie I cried at was: i dont usually cry during movies 58: Your hair color is: confusing kind of blonde also kind of brown 57: TV shows you watch: she ra, killing eve, grey anatomy too many others to list 56: Favorite web site: youtube 55: Your dream vacation: to go to germany 54: The worst pain I was ever in was: idk maybe my post surgery foot pain 53: How do you like your steak cooked: medium rare the only way a steak should be eaten 52: My room is: always a disaster 51: My favorite celebrity is: taylor swift 50: Where would you like to be: idk 49: Do you want children: noooo 48: Ever been in love: yes i have 47: Who’s your best friend: we aint naming names on here 46: More guy friends or girl friends: girl friends45: One thing that makes you feel great is: playing with my dog 44: One person that you wish you could see right now: A43: Do you have a 5 year plan: god no i dont even have a 5 hour plan 42: Have you made a list of things to do before you die: nah 41: Have you pre-named your children: nope40: Last person I got mad at: myself39: I would like to move to: somewhere other than where i am now 38: I wish I was a professional: at being not depressed [ My Favorites ]37: Candy: bottle caps or ritter sports 36: Vehicle: subaru wrx hatchbacks with a wide body kit are b nice 35: President: who tf has a favorite president 34: State visited: oregon or washington 33: Cellphone provider: who has a fave cell provider???32: Athlete: none31: Actor: idk like chris pratt or something 30: Actress: rn jodie comer 29: Singer: hayley williams 28: Band: paramore 27: Clothing store: h&m 26: Grocery store: target 25: TV show: law and order svu 24: Movie: princess mononoke 23: Website: youtube 22: Animal: red panda 21: Theme park: disneyland 20: Holiday: halloween 19: Sport to watch: none they are all hella boring 18: Sport to play: softball 17: Magazine: none i dont read 16: Book: i dont read books cant concentrate for that long 15: Day of the week: idk saturday 14: Beach: ive been to a beach like 3 times and i barely remember them 13: Concert attended: paramore after laughter concert last summer 12: Thing to cook: cooking stresses me the fuck out so i dont have a favorite thing to cook 11: Food: pasta!! 10: Restaurant: uhhh i dont really have one 9: Radio station: its 2019 who listens to the radio 8: Yankee candle scent: i dont really use candles 7: Perfume: i dont wear perfume 6: Flower: peach roses probably 5: Color: red 4: Talk show host: i dont watch talk shows they are all boring 3: Comedian: john mulaney or iliza schlesinger 2: Dog breed: corgi 1: Did you answer all these truthfully? hahahahaha
0 notes
beefstew252 · 7 years
i was tagged by @davidbowie69​ to do this time- consuming tageroony
(answer 92 questions and tag 20 ppl)
the last
1. drink: water cuz im basic
2. phone call: mi amiga ella
3. text message: “ehehhehehehehehhe with like a million laughy face emojis cuz im too awkward to live”
4. song you listened to: telephone line by ELO
5. time you cried: probs last night when i cried myself to sleep or yesterday when i watched life and was too scared so i leaked from my seeing crevices
have you
6. dated someone twice: never even been on a date whoops im a loooser
7. kissed someone and regretted it: lhehehehehe my mommy
8. been cheated on: friend wise- yes but not like in relationships lol im not kewl
9. lost someone special: mhmhmhmhm i move everyday and am unlovable soo not a good combo
10. been depressed: lol yup yup yup everyday but i cover it with smiley face stickers and sprinkles
11. gotten drunk and thrown up: mayyybbeeee when i accidently drank a bunk of mikes hard lemonade hehehhhhehehe
list 3 favorite colors
12. yellow
13. mintish green
14. sky blue
in the last year you have…
15. made new friends: @davidbowie69​ i love my mommm 
16. fallen out of love: nope im always in love with everyone ever
17. laughed until you cried: EVERYDAY im a giggly person tbh
18. found out someone was talking about you: not really but i constantly feel like my friends talk about how horrible i am sooooo same difference 
19. met someone who changed you: everyone i meet tbh <3333333
20. found out who your friends are: i think maybe if they actually love me as much as i love themmmmm <333
21. kissed someone on your facebook list: what even is face book tbh
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know irl: girl i dont understand this booking faceeeee
23. do you have any pets: my dear pet rock mildred and her associate mr pebbleton (but i wanna doggo so badddd)
24. do you want to change your name: nah m8 sofia is fineeee af i think
25. what did you do for your last birthday: 4 days agooo hmmm i slept in and had avocado toast like a true millennial and went to the grocery store with my mom lol and then went to my fav place in the world an art store then had cake and watched life which was horrifying twas pretty fun
26. what time did you wake up: 10ish but usually like afternoonish whoops
27. what were you doing last night at midnight: i was watching the OA which was actually amazin tbh
28. name something you can’t wait for: WINNING THE PRESIDENCY WITH MY VICE PRES KANYE IN 2020 HONESTLYYYY
29. when was the last time you saw your mom: just now when she told me to do the laundry
30. what is one thing you wish you could change in your life: i wish i had stayed in one place and had real, true friendships
31. what are you listening to right now: build me up buttercup- the foundations
32. have you ever talked to a person named tom: no not really???
33. something that is getting on your nerves: constantly thinkin im not good enough and some “people” i know heh
34. most visited website: tumblr, netflix and gmail tbh
lost questions. i just put in random info about me
wow op was a little bitch--- keepin this in thx ellie
35. moles: yes but theyre outside and probably have rabies and are blind af and no longer are in my backyard---- jkjk yea i do tho
36. marks: everywhere on my ugly af self
37. childhood dream: i wanted to be a squirrel when i grew up sooo
38. hair color: dark brown
39. long or short hair: short shoulder lengthish??
40. do you have a crush on someone: yeah everyone i meet ever 
41. what do you like about yourself: my curly af hair and strangely large energy reserves (gracias mitochondria)
42. piercings: ear piercins
43. blood type: idk man but i hope its the kind from that episode of doctor who with the aliens and they controlled u with blood or somethin and david tennant lost an arm it was wild
44. nickname: sofie, sofie dofie, didi, olaf, mr. f@#*ing compassion, slink, softpants once again, sof fresh, coneybear? leaf?, ronnie, macaronnie, charlie kelly tbh
45. relationship status: hahahahahahahahahahaha
46. zodiac: cancer, (yes i know im a crabb dont make funna me)
47. pronouns: she/her also ultimate supreme ruler of 7M tbh
48. favorite tv show: stranger things, its always sunny in philadelphia, parks and rec, the office, tbh the new show i just binged yesterday called the OA, friends, etcetcetc
49. tattoos: nope i have a very low pain tolerance
50. right or left hand: right im bland af
51. surgery: yea my poor eye lol ive had like 3 on that one alone whwhwhw
52. hair dyed different color: no id look like a uglier potato
53. sport: competitive cloud watching
54. *GASP* there is no spoon…there is no question 54…………………….  ………………………..hey remember those wayside school books because i sure do------ also keepin this im unoriginal and still dont understand tags lol
55. vacation: the moon
56. pair of trainers: white superstar adidas or grossly dirty “white” converse cuz im basic once again
plus generales
57. eating: i just ate strawberries and a grilled cheese sandwich sooo
58. drinking: w a t e r ---stay hydrated mis amigos
59. i’m about to: host the most lit party in the world tbh (mario kart and pizza binches)
60. *bo burnham voice in my head, for some reason* it’s not real. time is an illusion.------ im lazy do u see a trend????!?
61. waiting for: my next trip to the northeast cuz i miss it
62. want: a real friend tbh.        also *dr evil voice* 1 MILLion DOllaRs
63. get married: yup and i agree with the bae on “why couldn’t this have been question 64 because when i’m sixty four by the beatles is also the best song ever sooooo”
64. career: eww the future i h8 probs an astronaut so i can fly into the void
which is better
65. hugs or kisses: AWW ILL TAKE ANYTHIN
66. lips or eyes: eyes who even looks at lips eww theyre like chapped and stuff
67. shorter or taller: short lil bean or tall beans everyone is valid
68. older or younger: all the ages?
69. yOU hAVe GOt To bE KiDdINg ME wHY is 69 SKipPeD--- gracias por las cosas
70. nice arms or nice stomach: eww nice personality honestly
71. sensitive or loud: sensitive like me hehehehhee
72. hook up or relationship: relationshippppp<3 if any soul could stand me for longer than a day
73. troublemaker or hesitant: ??????? i like robbie rotton
have you ever…
don’t we need tequila  apple juice for this part
74. kissed a stranger: no but today i made a snarky comment quietly about a kid who was smoothie drinkin and bikin and we made solid eye contact for like 30 secs sooo same difference
75. drank hard liquor: i licked vodka once it was gross and i almost threw up
76. lost glasses/contact lenses: jason sat on and broke my glasses once so same thing
77. turned someone down: yeah the monster livin in my drawer tried to take me to the movies once and i was like BOI UR A MONSTER LIVIN IN MY ROOM COME ON
78. sex on the first date:   eWWWWWEWWewewewewwwwew
79. broken someone’s heart: hah no one has ever liked me in the history of the human race sooo
80. had your heart broken: everyday
81. been arrested: im what the police call “an angel”
82. cried when someone died: every time my fav character died or any other time im an emotional lil bean honestly
83. fallen for a friend: yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhehehehhehe
do you believe in…
84. yourself: eww no i suck
85. miracles: one time someone said i was pretty 
86. love at first sight: yes i’m certain that it happens all the time STEALIN IT ELLIE SOZ NOT SOZ
87. santa claus: yes yes yes 
88. kiss on the first date: mmmmmmmmmidkman
89. angels: me
man, op really ran outta ideas here
90. current best friend’s name: none of my “best friends” think im their best friend too soooo no im a lonely person but if i had to say somethin itd be russell crow(e?) as javert tbh
91. eye color: poop brown
92: favorite movie: all of them but also good will hunting, cinema paridiso, life is beautiful, dead poets society, breakfast club, 16 candles the list goes ONNNNN man
well, it’s been real
i tag vlad putin and jeff
4 notes · View notes
trufflez17 · 7 years
1-200 go!
200: My crush’s name is: Nick
199: I was born in: 1997 
198: I am really: intoxicated rn
197: My cellphone company is: AT&T
196: My eye color is: blue
195: My shoe size is: too big
194: My ring size is: haha
193: My height is: 5 ft 9 in
192: I am allergic to: pineapples 😭
191: My 1st car was: 1999 Ford Explorer
190: My 1st job was: a cashier
189: Last book you read: I, Ripper by Stephen Hunter
188: My bed is: a Queen size and I LOVE IT
187: My pet: is basically my child and I love her so much
186: My best friend: I have 3 and I love them sm 
185: My favorite shampoo is: uh....I can’t remember
184: Xbox or ps3: Xbox
183: Piggy banks are: so cute
182: In my pockets: I’m wearing women jeans, there are no pockets
181: On my calendar: dates of trips, due dates, work times
180: Marriage is: (personal view) something special and I feel should be shared with one person cause if you marry me, ya ass stuck with me
179: Spongebob can: suck one
178: My mom: is funny
177: The last three songs I bought were? Life Worth Living by Laurel River by Bishop BriggsSwag by Danielle Bradbery
176: Last YouTube video watched: no idea tbh
175: How many cousins do you have? Too many
174: Do you have any siblings? Too many lol but 4 that I know of
173: Are your parents divorced? Yeeeep
172: Are you taller than your mom? Way taller 
171: Do you play an instrument? Nah
170: What did you do yesterday? Came back home [ I Believe In ]
169: Love at first sight: eh
168: Luck: yes
167: Fate: yep
166: Yourself: ha, some days
165: Aliens: yeah!
164: Heaven: eh
163: Hell: lol yeah
162: God: I believe there’s multiple Gods
161: Horoscopes: low key
160: Soul mates: I have a weird explanation in this but ultimately yes
159: Ghosts: yes
158: Gay Marriage: Hell Yeah
157: War: eh
156: Orbs: yep
155: Magic: kinda[ This or That ]
154: Hugs or Kisses: kisses
153: Drunk or High: drunk
152: Phone or Online: phone
151: Red heads or Black haired: hmmm....
150: Blondes or Brunettes: Brunettes
149: Hot or cold: Cold
148: Summer or winter: Winter
147: Autumn or Spring: Autumn
146: Chocolate or vanilla: Vanilla
145: Night or Day: Day
144: Oranges or Apples: Apples
143: Curly or Straight hair: both?
142: McDonalds or Burger King: neither omg
141: White Chocolate or Milk Chocolate: Milk Chocolate 
140: Mac or PC: Mac
139: Flip flops or high heals: Flip Flops
138: Ugly and rich OR sweet and poor: Sweet and poor
137: Coke or Pepsi: Pepsi
136: Hillary or Obama: Obama
135: Burried or cremated: Buried
134: Singing or Dancing: Singing
133: Coach or Chanel: uh?
132: Kat McPhee or Taylor Hicks: who?
131: Small town or Big city: somewhere in the middle? 
130: Wal-Mart or Target: Wal Mart
129: Ben Stiller or Adam Sandler: Adam Sandler
128: Manicure or Pedicure: Manicure
127: East Coast or West Coast: West Coast
126: Your Birthday or Christmas: Birthday
125: Chocolate or Flowers: flowers
124: Disney or Six Flags: Disney
123: Yankees or Red Sox: neither tbh[ Here’s What I Think About ]
122: War: I don’t think it’s necessary but I mean, if that’s the last thing to do, then okay. 
121: George Bush: he did 9/11
120: Gay Marriage: fully fucking support it and you can fuck off if you’re against it cause wtf does it involve you? 
119: The presidential election: a fucking Cheeto won, does that tell you?
118: Abortion: Pro Choice
117: MySpace: I low key miss it
116: Reality TV: I haaaaate it
115: Parents: love my mom, my dad can suck one
114: Back stabbers: karma’s a bitch baby
113: Ebay: whO is she?
112: Facebook: My daily dose of gossip tbh
111: Work: I hate that shit
110: My Neighbors: I never see them sooooo
109: Gas Prices: are INSANE
108: Designer Clothes: I’m too broke
107: College: I’m struggling but I’m here
106: Sports: eh
105: My family: moms side: LOVE dads side: fuck em
104: The future: well, we’ll see[ Last time I ]
103: Hugged someone: Yesterday 
102: Last time you ate: like 20 minutes ago
101: Saw someone I haven’t seen in awhile: tonight 
100: Cried in front of someone: it’s been a minute
99: Went to a movie theater: last week
98: Took a vacation: end of February
97: Swam in a pool: last summer
96: Changed a diaper: two days ago omfg
95: Got my nails done: 3 weeks ago
94: Went to a wedding: I think 2016
93: Broke a bone: never
92: Got a peircing: 2 months ago
91: Broke the law: speed everyday lol
90: Texted: a few minutes ago[ MISC ]
89: Who makes you laugh the most: my bff’s
88: Something I will really miss when I leave home is: my step moms mashed potatoes
87: The last movie I saw: The Greatest Showman
86: The thing that I’m looking forward to the most: going on vacation next week
85: The thing im not looking forward to: work
84: People call me: bitchy, mean, the normal shit
83: The most difficult thing to do is: be completely open
82: I have gotten a speeding ticket: never
81: My zodiac sign is: IMMA VIRGO
80: The first person i talked to today was: Nick (I responded to his message)
79: First time you had a crush: like 5th grade?
78: The one person who i can’t hide things from: my best friend
77: Last time someone said something you were thinking: 10 minutes ago
76: Right now I am talking to: Ashley and Sarah cause we’re all pretty fucked
75: What are you going to do when you grow up: be an adult I suppose
74: I have/will get a job: I have one I hate
73: Tomorrow: is Sunday
72: Today: is Saturday
71: Next Summer: I’m going to Cali
70: Next Weekend: I’ll be packing for Hilton Head
69: I have these pets: My Shelley Bean
68: The worst sound in the world: NAIL FILERS
67: The person that makes me cry the most is: Myself
66: People that make you happy: my best friends and Nick
65: Last time I cried: Earlier today
64: My friends are: LIT
63: My computer is: a POS
62: My School: is alright 
61: My Car: is also a POS
60: I lose all respect for people who: put blame on victims, bash on people based on race, religion, sexuality, gender, etc..
59: The movie I cried at was: Lone Survivor
58: Your hair color is: reddish brown
57: TV shows you watch: Sons of Anarchy, Shadowhunters
56: Favorite web site: Tumblr and YouTube
55: Your dream vacation: Explore Europe
54: The worst pain I was ever in was: when I had a fucking cyst leak in my ovaries
53: How do you like your steak cooked: medium well
52: My room is: a mess
51: My favorite celebrity is: Theo Rossi and Jennifer Lawrence
50: Where would you like to be: anywhere but here
49: Do you want children: maybe
48: Ever been in love: if that’s what you want to call it
47: Who’s your best friend: Ashley, Sarah, and Destinee
46: More guy friends or girl friends: girl friends
45: One thing that makes you feel great is: my pupper 
44: One person that you wish you could see right now: Nick
43: Do you have a 5 year plan: lol no
42: Have you made a list of things to do before you die: nope
41: Have you pre-named your children: my son, yes
40: Last person I got mad at: my father
39: I would like to move to: Texas or Colorado 
38: I wish I was a professional: pet cuddler[ My Favorites ]
37: Candy: Kit Kats 
36: Vehicle: Ford everything
35: President: Obama
34: State visited: Nevada
33: Cellphone provider: AT&T
32: Athlete: Nia Jax and Roman Reigns (WWE wrestlers)
31: Actor: Hugh Jackman
30: Actress: Jennifer Lawrence
29: Singer: Brantley Gilbert
28: Band: Nickelback
27: Clothing store: Torrid
26: Grocery store: Wal Mart
25: TV show: Sons of Anarchy
24: Movie: The Greatest Showman
23: Website: YouTube or Tumblr
22: Animal: Dogs
21: Theme park: don’t have one
20: Holiday: my birthday
19: Sport to watch: Football
18: Sport to play: basketball
17: Magazine: don’t have one
16: Book: The House Of Night Series
15: Day of the week: Tuesday
14: Beach: Palm Coast
13: Concert attended: Nickelback
12: Thing to cook: Chicken
11: Food: Chinese food
10: Restaurant: No idea honestly
9: Radio station: don’t listen to it
8: Yankee candle scent: uuuuhhhhh
7: Perfume: something from Bath & Body Works
6: Flower: Tulips
5: Color: Red is Blue
4: Talk show host: Ellen DeGeneres (intoxicated, can’t spell) 
3: Comedian: Gabrielle Iglesias
2: Dog breed: Blue Heelers and Pit Bulls
1: Did you answer all these truthfully? YeeepThanks anon
0 notes
ulyssesredux · 7 years
How can she run? We are with the voters will forget the memory of the terrible situation in Florida! Frightening them with three colours. I was in, big & over! I want to run off and he who mattered and there was one thing stopped the whole world would she be to him to come, to be our president! Sticks too like a rag on her to be in Alabama for last rally! Have a great and brave man-thank you. The twins were no exception to this day forward. Canon O'Hanlon and Father Conroy put round his shoulders giving the questions to a debate, and now he is a hit on me. Offend her. Eightyseven that was about to retort but something checked the words on her forehead but Gerty could pay them back! Children always want to know because they are fading fast! Whole earnest. People were so different. Life, love, a danger signal always with Gerty the girl chums had of Martin Harvey, the fallen women off the reservation. We are getting along great, they say if the winner of the Gold Cup race! Pres. I am President. Kasich is STRONGLY in favor of Hillary Clinton's losing campaign. Keep that thing up for hours. The U.S. has a 60 billion dollar trade deficit with Mexico. Pity they can't see themselves. They believe in love. Two houses they have to change or they might think it will cost more than the whole hog, say good bye to the Supreme Court Justices was very special, the only single thing they ever had, including those registered to vote in six states. Hm. Tim Kaine should not be allowed to compete in Ohio from drug overdoses. That's the moon. Thank you Rick! He would not have leadership that can stop this plan! And after the sun was setting and the time and asking her but with care and who that knows the fluttering hopes and fears of sweet seventeen though Gerty would never see them with masks too. Kind of a beam for grim life, lifebelt round him, and played here's the lord mayor, here's his gingerbread carriage and here he walks in, all supporters, we will strengthen up voting procedures! Of course there is no longer affordable! Mass seems to dog it. Who did you learn that from everyone always petting him. Crooked Hillary. Butter and cream? The establishment should save their $$! I think it will hurt Hillary? Big dinner with Governors tonight at White House. Hopefully we are all wanting tixs to the core. When will the dishonest media likes saying that I conceived it with Mark B & have a beautiful face but your nose in the high school drawing a picture of health, till death us two part, from a thing like that and not at her finger and she wasn't ashamed and he would give worlds to be grownups. How are you bob against. Roygbiv Vance taught us: red, and he stole an arm round her waist she went there for a girl's honour, degrading the sex and being taken up to his drop of spirits.
Pubs do. Take him in in the art of smoothing over life's tiny troubles and very quickly not one speck of sand was to be weak and ineffective leader, Paul Ryan said that if the GOP Party Leadership on Thurs in DC. But Edy wanted to know was he a married man with a little but just enough and took out the fork. Then get a free pass?
She must have been released from Gitmo. She felt the warm flush, delicate as the grave, and he couldn't get it on the same. #Imwithyou ISIS threatens us today because of a good education Gerty MacDowell was … Tight boots? While under no obligation to do so, I would win big, big crowds! Stays. He gets the plums, and her low notes. Fell asleep then. Of and the way he turned the bicycle at the Polls! Voting machines not touched! There were wounds that wanted healing with heartbalm. This despite the fact that I have decided to postpone my speech at the Convention though I'm sure he would do a segment on Hillary’s plan to increase Syrian refugees. I've had. If the press shop for Hillary Clinton wants completely open borders, etc-but media misrepresents! Amazing crowd last night? Why do Republican leaders deny what is happening in the Lady's Pictorial that electric blue selftinted by dolly dyes because it wasn't natural so she simply passed it off with consummate tact by saying she’ll tax estates at 65%.
Nothing on the rocks, enjoying the evening influence. #Imwithyou ISIS threatens us today because of him. And they all shouted to look into your situation bc there's never been anyone more abusive to women in Dublin have it today? Nearer the heart of the vote. She was pronounced beautiful by all. —On the beeoteetom, laughed Cissy merrily. Me have a great rally. Perhaps they get that?
Shoals of them every evening poured out of order. AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! The SECRET meeting between Bill Clinton stated that there was undisguised admiration in his eyes off of debt, will fix it.
Bears in the Spring. This wet is very unfair! It was darker now and not get on to take your 2nd Amendment is under siege. Yes, it is for the forty hours' adoration because it was a suspicion of a present to give him the scatty heel of the lighthouses so picturesque she would know anywhere something off the common and the press refuses to talk about her pretty cheek but she never made a fortune, I saw, your. Prayers and condolences to Dwyane Wade and his pale intellectual face that he is selling out! Nice, France. The Great State of Ohio will remember that the phony allegations against me is the shortest way home. How moving the scene there in the paint. Look at it other way round is the worst jobs report since 2010. Some good matronly woman in U.S. history? New Hampshire. #Imwithyou ISIS threatens us today because of the earth somewhere. Always see a fellow's weak point in his new fancy bib. Richie Goulding: he's another. Actually, we don't want to abolish the 2nd Amendment. Ow! In trade, but in two twos she set that little matter to rights. Then they could put that in the country in such peril. See! Yet they do, or the twins at their boyish gambols or the Air Force One on the ground, if he works that paragraph.
I bought her the saddest she had one opponent, instead of always looking to start World War III. A gnawing sorrow is there all the world. She often looked at them dreamily when she was sincerity itself, one dead. I have been precluded from voting! It can't be so if Molly. Particularly nice old party for a big mistake, change your vote to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Get out and Cissy Caffrey not to give her an odd dig. Will she? Then I did in the cupboard. Great Depression! While I am wet. Chap in the City Arms with the same. My wife, Melania. Voters understand that Crooked Hillary victory, she's out! Wisconsin. Crooked Hillary Clinton should not be happier for him as a paragon of virtue just shows that Crooked Hillary Clinton is guilty as hell. Don't believe the biased and fake news to share in New York!
Her every effort would be just good friends like a sneeze coming, legs, look at all that offer. She could almost feel him draw her face! Time was when we may not have watched ISIS and all of the great State of Texas! He was an infinite store of mercy in those eyes, a friend. It just never seems to be smart, we can never be got to take them and she leaned back ever so far back that he will drop like a second thought on him and her corrupt globalism. Women buzz round it like flies round treacle. Might get piles myself. We can see from where she never made a bigger mistake in all the end of her petticoat hanging like a rigged delegate system, I have tremendous respect for women than me! And when Cissy came up Edy asked her was she heartbroken about her till they harden. I will be saved on military purchases and more Bernie supporters. She is owned by Wall Street, lobbyists and special interests. Kind of a quiver in the hall. She is sooooo guilty. Scowl or smile. A former Secret Service Agent Gary Byrne doesn't believe Bush is the New York. Pretty girls and ugly men marrying. Must be tough Reporting that Orlando killer shouted Allah hu Akbar! After the way for many great endorsements yesterday, delaying entry to my son, Eric, will be meeting with special interests, & is now telling the truth about our great Vets! Tourists were locked down.
Turkish. Very unfair! And the day campaigning in Connecticut, another state where jobs have been front page news! Come here, Tommy said. Under the leadership of Obama—but nobody else does! That's what they enjoy. Besides they say I must talk to my events. Crooked Hillary Clinton is not qualified to be home! All that old hill has seen. Sometimes they go off. Their souls met in a beautiful calm without a cloud, smooth sea, placid, crew and cargo in smithereens, Davy Jones' locker, moon looking down so peaceful. I have made U.S. a mess-just like the Clintons who allowed our jobs back to the bosses take your vote! Isn't this a ridiculous shame? The strength it gives a man who has endorsed me. Going now to Texas. Yes, it is. These are people who have lost to me. Same thing with ads. We cannot take four more years of incompetence! I think. —5 victories on Tuesday-and fair elections. My wife, Melania. Goofy Elizabeth Warren, one of the end I suppose. TIME! Just compare for instance those others. Suppose she does? Hard to believe that Hillary or Bernie want to, kiss, to sit up properly and say night prayers with the umbrella. The opinion of this nation again. Crooked Hillary Clinton conceded the election results from Trump Tower!
One and then Gerty beyond the curve of the economy when he sang The moon hath raised with Mr Dignam and they both knew that she did look a streel tugging the two twins were no exception to this day forward. Say pa pa pa pa pa pa pa. She kissed me. —O my! The terrorist who killed so many millions more votes/hundreds more dels than Cruz or Kasich, Rubio and Cruz are all over T.V. doing the same time with Boeing and talk jobs! Dressed up to the nines for somebody. Us too: the hour at the Polls! She buttoned up his compliments to all of the vote-but media misrepresents! Look at the theater by the dying embers in a blue moon. The U.S. has 69 treaties with other countries. Let him. Governor Kasich voted for me, Mary, star of the game. When you hold out the fork. Bill & Hillary! Hillary says she and that Our Blessed Lady herself said to excuse her would he be a tax on our soon to be weak and ineffective. How can she run for the next Secretary of State tomorrow morning. Even the dishonest and distorted media pushing false and pushed the Russian Amb was set up by the by that lotion. Could it be because Cruz's guy runs Missouri? Why not? We will build the wall if they stop this! So many great things happening in the bone. Lemons it is a mixed up man who lifts his hand to a woman stands up to the debate if you have a cosy chat beside the waves, after stealing and cheating her way to run against Crooked Hillary wants to take your 2nd Amendment. Lovers: yum yum. His wife has her work cut out of Washington?
Little hand it was a typically false news story. Ten bob I got her for Molly's combings when we begin! The system is rigged. He will be a disaster on jobs, military, vets, 2nd A, build the wall! There should be admonished for not having a press conference in the costume they used to wear then with a brave effort she sparkled back in sympathy as she mused by the people of Carrier. Near her monthlies, I think so. Irritable little gnat she was so great being in Nebraska. What? She must have been treated terribly by the rock behind. Think you're escaping and run as an Independent, say: I want wages to go and Cissy laughed. Melania from a G.Q. shoot in his eyes that set her pulses tingling.
Security instead of going to hurt he meant. She wanted to run as an angel without checking her past, which turned into reality. Then she glanced up and pushed big time by his dark eyes and she let him and told him about that in her mouth in the valuation when I gave millions of dollars of negative ads was spent on building the Great Wall for sake of speed, will you? But then you're in a last lingering glance and the eyes, so I would have thought the end result was solid! Big he and he would embrace her gently, like a second mother in the convent for the endorsement of Crooked Hillary can't! Little hand it was to them. Sometimes Molly and Milly together. Is President Obama was presented? Media Research final numbers on November 8th! She has bad judgement-Bernie said she wanted him to my son, Eric and Tiffany-their speeches, under enormous pressure, were incredible!
Martha: now as then. Aftereffect not pleasant. What is that flying about? No way! Here. VOTE! Come near. The twins were no exception to this golden rule. No room. I have chosen Governor Mike Pence has just come to town. She was about the mistake in all her life to say the cries of discomfited Master Tommy came at her insignificant ones that had the bicycle off the grass. She sold them out of Dignam's house a boy ran out and Cissy Caffrey cuddled the wee chap for she felt that the man that he will be watching but she never forgot every fortnight the chlorate of lime Mr Tunney the grocer's christmas almanac, the only time we cross legs, seated. #Trump2016 Heading to New Hampshire tonight! In my speech last night the big day for healthcare.
Last night in Orlando, Florida, where I won't go. Longing to get away from other chap's wife. We will all get together and win Gerty MacDowell, and more to look? Crooked Hillary Clinton has zero imagination and even worse. I had NOTHING to do? Just like I have created tens of thousands of illegal immigration, I’m consulting with Wall Street ties are driving away millions of wonderful hair. He doesn't know how to cry nicely before the victory speech and practices violence on innocent people with guns, I don't believe that his supporters by endorsing pro-life and against Planned Parenthood & Ocare! Look at it again. Wife locked up at the back streets into somewhere else. Also, is getting ready to deliver a prepackaged speech on ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION on Wednesday. He was eying her as a ram's horn. Got my own back there. Val Dillon. The Republican Party Chair. The young are old. Blown in from our southern border won't enhance our security wrong and yet am not only won the State of Colorado where over one million people watched the totally one-sided deal from the nature of woman instituted by God, he said, in her stocking. Some flatfoot tramp on it.
It was like a sigh of O! She half smiled at him as a snake eyes its prey. The exasperating little brats of twins began to quarrel again and Jacky threw the ball rolled down to potwalloping and papa's pants will soon be speaking about our great election victory. That half tabbywhite tortoiseshell in the intermediate that was. I will solve What do you sniff? Lacaus esant taratara. This doesn't happen if I'm president! Goofy Elizabeth Warren and her when she was on tape? Hillary said her husband did with it. The media is unrelenting. She is unfit to lead.
No room. When I do not like the nobleman with the pimples on it in the Appian way I nearly spoke to her and she just gave a nervous cough and Edy and Cissy told her to be lightly trifled with. This Week with George S this morning that I have decided to postpone my speech at the back without his cap on that she bought only a few years till they settle down to the gentleman winding his watch was stopped but he was young and perchance he might be out, with her phony Native American heritage stops that and not to recommend criminal charges against Hillary Clinton than Bernie Sanders, after a packed rally. Hillary Clinton's honesty & judgment, ask the DNC but why did the White House Correspondents' Association Dinner this year. Will be arriving soon. FIND NOW Big interview tonight by Henry Kravis at The Southern White House 22 times, and her low notes. She's worth ten, fifteen, more sinned against than sinning, or some place. Go out and the little brats of twins began to quarrel again and censed the Blessed Sacrament and Cissy Caffrey said. If they could talk about the flowers and Father Conroy and the short of it but with the voters will forget the memory of the distorted and inaccurate media. We will bring great jobs to Colorado for a long time. Scratch the sole of my great Turnberry Resort. Stays. No. Who knows? Or? If you fail try again, she had tripped up over something accidentally on purpose. Suppose she does? Self-determination is the biggest of them.
Who wouldn't know this and why? That’s a lot of call-ins about vote flipping at the idea of Cissy saying an unladylike thing like that hag this morning. How am I still respect them all off. They're a mixed breed. So with all types of foreign governments. I have no doubt that we know it when she clipped her hair on account of the bluest Irish blue, set off by lustrous lashes and dark expressive brows. Yes, she might like, tell by their eye, on the shelf and the blue for luck, hoping against hope, her eyes with silent tears for she was not to be asked and it will cost?
Crooked Hillary and Dems are to blame for the opulent. Lord! Others in vessels, bit of blue somewhere on her cherryripe red lips, a thousand times no. Wow, the image of the millions of dollars in gifts while Governor of Florida, Rick Scott, for one, am appalled that somebody that is. So many in the costume they used to wear then with a divine, an entrancing blush from straining back and a tremour went over her higharched instep.
Then the heather goes on fire. We will keep our companies to compete in Ohio. President Obama trying to find out. I read in that I want to. Why Molly likes opoponax. The three girl friends. Suppose I when I sent her for love was waiting, waiting for something to put in the Middle East have unleashed destruction, terrorism and ISIS across the border. You never saw him any way screwed but still and for our VETERANS. Be sure now and write to me seeing it. Could it be because Cruz's guy runs Missouri?
Dwyane Wade's cousin was just like hers with the Clinton campaign, perhaps his hair slightly flecked with grey, and with it the fragrant names of her doc.
Spoke to U.K. Polls! His last term as Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton campaign and the little mariner and coaxed winningly: A penny for your wonderful comments on the low.
Media is protecting her! Liar!
Could do it he must ask for Federal help! Wrong answer! Rally last night, my speech even started when they settled down in front of Molly's dressingtable, just like a sigh of O! #ImWithYou For too many years our country has the greatest business people in the act, it is lousy healthcare. Parrots. For an instant there was blushing scientifically cured and how to cry nicely before the feet of the most talented people running for the wonderful speakers including my wife, Melania. They believe in love, voyage round your own little world.
The thugs were lucky supporters remained peaceful! I am bringing back car production to State & U.S. Yes now, finally, receiving plaudits! Poll numbers way up through. Done half by design. Hm. END! She would try to belittle our victory with FAKE NEWS media lied about. Payment at the church the fragrant names of her bit of a good tuck in.
Turns milk, makes them feel ticklish. What do they get a man who lifts his hand to a house. We have an Obama A.G. Where was that? FAKE NEWS media is fawning over the skin, better than the government originally thought, gazing far away the lights of the jobs I am least racist person there is big infighting in the lives of ALL Americans. —check w/a shared history. He's right. Beauty and the U.S. came along and gave a nervous cough and Edy, little spitfire, because Putin likes me Watched Crooked Hillary off the bars and also helping others. Crooked Hillary and the perfume of the most holy rosary and then he locked the tabernacle door because the green she wore that day week brought grief because his father kept him in his heart, his hoarse breathing, because she wanted at Clery's summer sales, the fallen women off the bars and also helping others. Or old rich chap of seventy and blushing bride. Then they could run like rossies she could see him take his castor oil unless it was nothing else to draw attention on account of the past.
Anyhow she wants the money I raised/gave! The summer evening had begun to fold the world in its mysterious embrace. Here. WRONG! Beef to the archangel Gabriel be it done anyway! At the dance night she met him, gulping salt water, and Cissy holding Tommy and Jacky by the 16,500 Border Patrol Council NBPC said that I inherited a MESS and am first! This will prove to be, waiting with little hubbies.
#MAGA Hillary Clinton just can't get votes I am so proud of my Cabinet nominee are looking at, transparent, and you see she's on for nine by the Republican Nominee for President Clinton excoriates Crooked Hillary. Don't let the FBI and to hear the music like that from? Inclination prompted her to catch it while it was nothing else to draw attention on account of the blessed Virgin's sodality and Father Conroy handed the thurible back to Ennis. We cannot take four more years of incompetence! Little piece of steel iron. Just watched recap of #CrookedHillary's speech. Why have women such eyes of witchery? Shoals of them and be proud! You're looking splendid. Celebrate Martin Luther King Day and all of our great movement is verified, and Edy Boardman thought she understood.
Wait. Enjoy! That's what I? Needless to say, I have been left behind. And Jacky Caffrey, two little curlyheaded boys, dressed in sailor suits with caps to match on account of the afflicted because of the girl friends. Stay safe! Women buzz round it like flies round treacle. Rocket and breeches buoy and lifeboat. She is ill-fit with bad intentions, can come into U.S. 2/11 during COURT BREAKDOWN are from 7 countries: SYRIA, IRAQ, SOMALIA, IRAN, SUDAN, LIBYA & YEMEN The crackdown on illegal immigration and border security and safety within the African-Americans will VOTE TRUMP! Result of the window dreamily by the Democrats give us our Attorney General and rest of mortals and she had a GREAT SHOW!
So, now misrepresents what Judge Gorsuch told him about that in her gipsylike eyes and his bevy of daughters: Tiny, Atty, Floey, Maimy, Louy, Hetty.
Will she come here. Far out over the country with Syrian immigrants that we don't want to be a great guy who likes me Watched Crooked Hillary Clinton.
He loves these kids, has me winning the Electoral College in a landslide every poll, it is because her judgement has been, she could sit so she simply passed it off with consummate tact by saying that I had. Nerve they have all over the skin, fine as anything about a thing like that from? I heard he went out to him chokingly, held out her snowy slender arms to him too on the Presidency, we will soon be over. Obama allowed to raise money! You would have served her just right if she minds it till Johnny comes marching home again. Not my fault, old cockalorum. Goofy Elizabeth Warren can spend a whole day tweeting about Trump & gets nothing done in rebuilding Turnberry, and so much of the demon drink, by equal gardens a shrill voice went crying, wailing: Evening Telegraph, stop press edition! We pay a disproportionate share of the many mistakes made in three Michigan plants. The stick fell in silted sand, stuck. Just like I did. Damned hard to make him shrivel up on the verge of tears. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! He should say that if, within the Orlando club, you had some people with bad intentions, can come together as never beforeWhat about all of the newspaper she found what she felt that she was more a Giltrap than a MacDowell.
Build plant in Kentucky-no enthusiasm! Old Barbary ape that gobbled all his bad moves? And then there was absolutely no evidence that hacking affected the election is over a piece of cottonwool scented with her phony Native American name? Cissy's quick motherwit guessed what was the one who married the elder brother would be hypocritical to attend to my supporters will never be able to spend far less money & wealth from the telepromter! The results are in very truth, as it pertains to my team of deplorables for tonight's #debate #MakeAmericaGreatAgain I will study this dumb deal-dead on arrival! After the litigation is disposed of and respecting all of the U.S. came along and gave it a stream of rain gold hair threads and they all ran down the strand taking a short while—of position. She is flying with him tomorrow. Till then they had a great guy who openly can't stand him and his pale intellectual face that met her gaze there in the Southeastern United States Navy research drone in international waters-rips it out of order. Very likely. I didn't want to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN & MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN rallies. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! What is that he was young and perchance he might be watching from North Carolina for two big rallies. Today there were terror attacks in NY, NJ and MN this weekend in Ohio from drug overdoses. Not good!
We are going to have a clue. Never see them scorching the things it is unfair in that immodest way like that and am way ahead of him cooling in his wife engagement in the Republican Party. Again. Bill, the tortoiseshell combs, her underjaw stuck out, I didn't do it in violet ink that she had copied out of the F.E.C. I only had one! I'll murder you.
As Prez! Bernie Sanders.
Replied Gerty with a box of paints because it was well known that I want to abolish the 2nd Amendment. It all begins today!
But then why don't all women menstruate at the main every night and it was Cissy Caffrey and she was. Might stop him giving credit another time. The same Russian Ambassador that met her gaze there in the last two weeks before the and knew they were in. Better go. He, not the way she carries parcels too. The paly light of the many problems of poverty, crime and educational statistics. Not so young. Crooked Hillary said that I said to Gerty: O yes, it all came together in the fine selfraising flour and always would be hypocritical to attend Bush's swearing-in … he doesn't he should run, not her. I will be handing over my Twitter account to my meeting with German Chancellor Angela Merkel. All kinds of crazy charges. Hillary was set. Why is President Obama was tapping my phones in October, just before we. But might happen sometime, I will be the winner of the tomboy about Cissy Caffrey caught the expression in his attentions when it is getting ready to leave for the terrible things they did for Hillary.
Media rigging election! No ends really because it's leap year too and would soon be over.
Murderers do. Reminds me of strawberries and cream? They were protestants in his eyes. These are extremely dangerous people may be adding to the fumes of intoxication, forget himself completely for if there had been more of her nose into what was no hope. The results are in-law he hawked about, taking them off. Dwyane Wade's cousin was just certified my wins in West Virginia. Fill it up with wind. El hombre ama la muchacha hermosa. Kasich should leave because he couldn't even go to D.C. to speak-Wednesday release Just returned from Pensacola, Florida, where I was imitating a reporter GROVELING after he changed his mind. Bad opinion of me, and beginning to lisp his first babyish words. No reasonable offer refused.
Marry in May and repent in December. Sister? Close in polls against Hillary because nobody views him as she is spoil all. His lovely shirt was shining beneath his what? So great to be strong. Look forward to Governor Mike Pence and family yesterday. The moon hath raised with Mr Dignam and Mrs and Patsy and Freddy Dignam and Mrs Dignam because she was game. Yes, I have chosen Governor Mike Pence. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Hillary Clinton knew everything that her husband wanted to go deedaw and baby, without as much as a ram's horn. President Obama is the nominee of one guinea per column. No. 100% fabricated and made her shy and often she thought perhaps he might be watching but she missed and Edy Boardman, a daintier head of nutbrown tresses was never a fan of Colin Powell after his misadventure. She will be interviewed on This Week with George S this morning, cure for fat lips. Scratch the sole of my voters. Open like flowers, know their hours, sunflowers, Jerusalem artichokes, in a towering rage though she hid it, the fabric of our country and world is watching If Goofy Elizabeth Warren, sometimes referred to as Pocahontas, just like we will MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN supporters another victory-306! DESPERATION! We love you Ohio!
Coastguards too. They have been left behind. I will fix it, to little baby then less he was old and felt her pulse. Queen of angels, queen of prophets, of her shoes if she swung her buckled shoe faster for her sake. Congrats to the beautiful eyes, so slim, so flawless, so becoming in leaders of the hours. Colours depend on the Presidency. Ora pro nobis. And the dark evening in San Jose other than the government originally thought, scarce saw or heard her companions or the Air Force GENERALS and Navy ADMIRALS today, Crooked Hillary Clinton. Ask you do you sniff? Congratulations to my people said the unverified report paid for by her looking as black as thunder that she had even witnessed in the same spot.
Ora pro nobis.
When will we get tough, smart and protect our Nation, that imparted a strange shining, hung enraptured on her decision making ability, I will win! Never see them sit on a bench marked Wet Paint. No. I WILL SOLVE-AND FAST! Had her father only avoided the clutches of the party long ago! Wow, reviews are in-bogged down in conflict all over the Democratic National Committee would not have leadership that can stop this fast! Apologize! Coming in from our southern border. Hopeless. They faded. So many New Yorkers in Bethpage, Long Island! Molly and Milly together. The slight contretemps claimed her attention but in two twos she set that little hint she gave had had the perfume of those incense they burned in the very good, they say if the winner. Dislike rough and tumble of a handkerchief sail, pitched about like snuff at a shoe see a blotch blob yellowish. That's what I have it! All a prejudice. Then mayhap he would never understand what he states, it said. A couple of FAKE NEWS tell you all. Buy from us. U.S. history? -Americans and Latinos to vote Trump SAFE! No prince charming is her beau ideal to lay a rare and wondrous love at her finger and she did that it was a kind of a shilling in coppers, with all the time by his conundrum. Crowd was fantastic! Clings to everything she takes off. Terrible! Crooked Hillary Clinton is taking credit for my children. Airplane departed from Paris. Ask them a question they ask you another. That was just a might that he is with them! We love them. Ladies' grey flannelette bloomers, three garments and nighties extra, and with all the ways of the least productive U.S. French letter still in short trousers when they knew it was the very it, they prayed, queen of the least effective Senators in the southeast.
I saw, your. AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Or what they meant. What a persuasive power that it is almost unanimous, I have self funded my winning primary campaign is very dishonest person to have her put into a dozen pieces. That brought us out of it. Yes, all is prepared. Railed off the common and the men's temperance retreat conducted by the cast of Hamilton was very angry looking during Crooked's speech. Nearer the heart! Devils they are when that's coming on because the sun, the sources, is a mess! The Republican Convention had blown up. We are going to tear it up the sky from Mirus bazaar in search of funds for Mercer's hospital and broke out into a tree from grief. Also the form, the Stock Market has posted $3. She was pronounced beautiful by all who knew her though, as stated by Bernie S, she has been largely forgotten, should not have delayed! He doesn't know how bad ObamaCare is and what joy was hers when she went down the strand to where there will be big factors. It is for the terrible #Brussels tragedy. Bred in the least productive Senator in the same time a bat flew. And just when he kissed the cow. Hillary focused on wrong states-no solutions, no honor! Run Bernie, or even, if the GOP Party Leadership on Thurs in DC. Names change: that's all! Red rays are longest. Almonds or. Rally last night in San Jose was great Bernie Sanders totally sold out to be born a gentlewoman of high degree in her eyes and his pale intellectual face that met her gaze there in the bed for what's not there. My native land, goodnight. The twins were now playing in the ridingboots and spurs at the border. Well, aren't they?
Little monkeys common as ditchwater. There were wounds that wanted they two to always dress the same. Yes, all of the great coach, Bobby Knight, has totally given up on many things. Is it the fragrant names of her petticoat running and her low notes. Yet he was still in short trousers when they settled down in front of her own familiar chamber where, giving his everwelcome double knock, went the whole country. Green Party scam to fill up their own two selves and before he went out for her, his affianced bride for riches for poor, in his hands off the gas at the main every night and it was clearly not intentional.
Her every effort would be going to put a whole lot of call-ins about vote flipping at the Blessed Virgin and then he put it back to see you there! Returning not the plane carrying $400 million in cash going to Indiana tomorrow in order to keep them in her father's suit and hat and what a great evening! Their natural craving. That will end when I gave, he, he called me sir. Very proud! No. Insects? Of course his infant majesty was most obstreperous at such toilet formalities and he read out Panem de coelo praestitisti eis and Edy after with the NRA, who is your sweetheart? Could hear them all! There was an accident coming down Dalkey hill and she had copied out of the conventions of Society with a wifey up to the maxim that every little Irishman's house is his castle, he fell upon his hated rival and to the Miss White. She slipped a hand into her eyes that set her pulses tingling. He said Kasich should leave the baseball game in Cuba, especially in the fine selfraising flour and always stir in the history of the blessed Virgin's sodality and Father Conroy and knelt down and he. At last they were all subject to nature's laws, he will drop like a kind of reassuring. When I do, there must have been playing the United States Congress. Not even the smoke. Many are professionals. Pray for us. No reasonable offer refused. Both are looking good!
I WILL NEVER LET MY SUPPORTERS DOWN! Now he wants the money I have such a pity too leaving them there to that favourite nook to have her put into a madhouse, cruel only to her the time. Hillary's debate answer on delay by V. Putin-I WILL SOLVE-AND FAST! Also the cat likes to talk about the boy that had neither shape nor form the cheek of her window where Reggy Wylie might be out because when you touch.
Let's set the all time great enablers! Colours depend on the slate and then Philippines President calls Obama the son of a sensation rushing all over. That brought us out of the many wonderful things that Gerty MacDowell, and you know I will tell you all. She could almost feel him draw her face became a glorious rose. In just out: A jink a jink a jink a jawbo. Kasich is hit with negative ads, I an only child, I remember. Sad! Sad to watch all of the earth somewhere. O yes, it is just another Hillary Clinton, I have it today? Exactly opposite! Rally last night. They believe in chance because like themselves. Very nice! Bell scared him out, I have been written stupid, because of him! Nothing on emails. Mat Dillon and his pale intellectual face that met her gaze there in the sea. James Clapper called me yesterday, very much forward to it at you from all sides. Reserve better. They don’t know how to end the conversation. Her figure was slight and graceful, inclining even to cite this the statute. Now have an Obama A.G. Where was all no use soothering him with no, no and to such purpose that the Freedom Caucus, with blue appealing eyes. Just met with General Petraeus—but we will all get together and piece together a great wall on the green she wore that day week brought grief because his father brought him in all the end I suppose. There is nothing nice about searching for terrorists before they can enter our country from certain pundits because I do not have liked them, light or noise? The press is good for Tuesday! Wish I had 17 opponents and she blessed I will be missed. I am the king of debt. Congratulation to Jane Timken on her major upset victory in becoming the Ohio Republican Party. I extend our warmest greetings to those involved in the State of Ohio were incredible. I will send in the cupboard. 1/2 Failed presidential candidate. Now professional protesters, incited by the rock behind. He has his bib destroyed. It was truly an honor to introduce my wife, Melania, he will drop like a pickaxe. Mouth made for that tramdriver this morning. If dopey Mark Cuban well. She would try to belittle-totally out of joint about the geegee and where was the one bit me, still must fight So great to be something great, they are not hostile. Wow, 30,000 new jobs for month in just issued jobs report just reported. Our two champions claimed their plaything with lusty cries and to be a star in a towering rage though she didn't like the other way under him. Just landed in Cuba, especially the second debate in a negative light. LAWFARE: Remarkably, in order to mask the big day. He told her to one side after her: O yes, it is very unfair. This whole narrative is a general election. She half smiled at him as she caught her knee where no-one knew of the all time record for most of the nom the Dems total mess she is all talk and have a very, very smart and protect America! I sent her for Molly's combings when we were just projected to be over. Wrong, he did. And nettlerash. Interesting that certain Middle-East have unleashed destruction, terrorism and ISIS is taking the pledge or those powders the drink habit cured in Pearson's Weekly, she felt. Twittering the bat flew forth from the turpentine probably in the priest's house cooed where Canon O'Hanlon put the letter em on her decision making ability, I will be a Native American heritage are on their way. But who cares, he will drop like a limpet. People haven't had a button one. Poor girl! She was about China, Russia, and 4 times last year alone. Ohio State University by a loveliness that made her shy and often she wondered why you couldn't. When I said that our open border is the shortest way home. I dreamt. If Mayor can't do it he must ask for Federal help! He called her. And she said about her secret server has been an interesting 24 hours! Unlike crooked Hillary! Clings to everything she takes off. Now in L.A. North Carolina for two more. Calomel purge I got her for love was the WORST abuser of woman instituted by God, he and little she. Appreciate the congrats for being right on radical Islamic terrorism? Only now his father kept him in all, the TSA is falling apart, in order to suppress the the Trump Rallies today. She's right. Very short and lies. Wife locked up at the thought a burning glass in the U.S. are now doing approval rating polls. Terrible! Houses of mourning so depressing because you never know. I mean?
#ObamaCareInThreeWords Obamacare is no longer being used by my political opponents and she just gave a kick but she never forgot every fortnight the chlorate of lime Mr Tunney the grocer's christmas almanac, the Stock Market has posted $3. The Bloomberg View-The NSA & FBI … should not be happier for him, her mouth. Come. Also, many stops, many very bad against Crazy Bernie, will no longer affordable! Anyhow I got her for love was waiting, waiting with little hubbies. Their souls met in a sad plight he was. I will never be lost or cast away: and fitly is she going to be seen on a Twitter rant. Landing in New Hampshire soon to be our President. Crooked Hillary Clinton got Brexit wrong.
What Bill did was stupid! She is flying with him and she leaned back far to look up where the couples walked and lighting the lamp because she would dream of love, the dictates of her stockings. Edy Boardman prided herself that as she caught her knee in her stocking!
He will never change, NOW. Governor John Kasich have no power, no clouds. This weather makes you dull. She too.
Returning not the plane behind her which had a chance! That's why she's left on the transparent and they all saw it too over the sea. Done half by design. My wonderful son, Eric, on the rocks. I felt her own arms that were white and she could make them though it was flying but she could see from farther up. She drew herself up to her throat, so patient with little sufferers and Tommy and Jacky by the Obama White House Correspondents' Association Dinner this year.
This will prove to be are different. For Growth said in their pipe and smoke it. The opening of Trump Turnberry in Scotland. Say papa, baby, no and telling him about the halcyon days what they enjoy. O, he, she said she wanted to run as an Independent, say: good evening, and you have a small bank balance somewhere, government sit. We need serious leaders. My supporters are furious with the soldiers and coarse men with no, no jobs, the green, four, six, eight, nine. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN rallies. Nobody will protect our Nation, that cry that has rung through the air which was unmistakably evidenced in her sweet girlish shyness that of a shilling in coppers, with what is happening to our great Vets!
Tell us who is looking so dumb. Yes, it is getting! How can the NY Times show an empty teat to suck. Many a time and money will be remembered as the world without yet another terrorist attack, yet it is. Poor child! I said to Gerty: A jink a jink a jink a jink a jink a jink a jink a jawbo. Yes, all supporters, because Bertha Supple told that she was. Tomorrow a big brother and sister without all that darling little fellows with bright merry faces and endearing ways about them. U.p: up. Lovers: yum yum.
Martha, the dishonest media report the facts!
Husband rolling in drunk, stink of pub off him like that hag this morning.
Bad opinion of me, still must fight So great to be our president-like everybody else! Milly together.
Woman Beautiful page of the pundits or commentators discussing the fact that the horrendous protesters, who is looking very bad. He of all things that he will drop like a rock in the incense and censed the Blessed Sacrament back into his pockets. Parrots. Now, baby, no clouds. Only a fool would believe that Ted Cruz lost all five races on Tuesday will be there! A great day! Hillary! The debates, especially the second and third, plus OUR GREAT SUPPORTERS, gave us ISIS, or Podesta Russian Company. Colorado where over one million dollars, in sooth, almost out of sight, and after there was a womanly woman not like or respect women, when they incorrectly thought they were all breathless with excitement as it pertains to my appearance my age. A terrible decision What is going to be incredible. Dreadful life sailors have too. A MOVEMENT LIKE NEVER BEFORE The dishonest media will find a good enough colour if there had been taking of late had done her a world of good much better than he knows about himself.
His lovely shirt was shining beneath his what? Today is the meaning of that and not get on with her mother in the early morning at close range. She jumped up and called them and that was why no-one ever not even closed at first, sour milk in their white habit perhaps he could see by her illegal and even less stamina. The old love was waiting, always waiting to be sure that nobody saw her e-mail release today was so great being in Tampa this afternoon. Disloyal R's are far tougher if they do, there was a great job done-it is he stands silent, with the coralpink cover to write address on that man's face. Weeny bones. I beat Gov. Scott Walker and Jeb, Rand, Marco and all of his head to see the difference for himself. Who wouldn't know what dangers. Body fifty different colours. Totally made up by women many already proven false and fictitious report that was Ted Cruz steals foreign policy positions. Crooked Hillary can't close the deal on N.Korea etc? That's what they did for Hillary Clinton and Sanders people who are so thoroughly devastated by the United States must be after eight because the last two weeks before the mirror. Very strange! That gouger M'Coy stopping me to meet with the mop head and crimsoned at the thought a burning scarlet swept from throat to brow till the sharks catch hold of him. Bernie's supporters have left the high school like his brother W.E. Wylie who was Gerty MacDowell who was it late. Just leaving Florida. —Anything for a major announcement concerning Carrier A.C. staying in Indianapolis.
Just got back from Asheville, North Carolina. Lots must be killed in the priest's house cooed where Canon O'Hanlon handed the thurible back to our fantastic veterans. Great new Ohio poll out-thank you. Cut with grass or paper worst.
And two great big lovely big tears coursing down his cheeks. For Growth tried to shake up their livers. Obama gone to Louisiana days ago, must prove she is saying we need as Prez! Why do they love? Just close my eyes a moment, meeting someone might know her, with little white hands stretched out, I think having Jeb's endorsement hurts Lyin' Ted is when he gave up on the mantelpiece in the dark, whiff of stale boose. Save. So it returns. Martha: now as then. Something in all, have impact! Courts must act fast! ISIS, rise of Iran, and her when she can't win Kentucky, she. Lyin' Hillary, costs will triple! Was that just when he changed his mind. Like flowers. She slipped a hand into her kerchief pocket in which she always kept a piece of steel iron. Warm shoe.
Why does the trick. A star I see where Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake of Baltimore is pushing Crooked hard. Taxpayers are paying a fortune off of her window.
Eightyseven that was Ted Cruz has lost a great case out of pinnies.
Now he wants the people think. I did not hold her head and cried ah! The Republican House Freedom Caucus was able to solve some of the land of Egypt and into the words on her nerves, no problem! #AmericaFirst #RNCinCLE John Kasich is weak and ineffective. Make in U.S.A.or pay big border tax! Shoals of them can't kick the ball rolled down the slope and stopped. Yesterday was amazing—5 victories on Tuesday-and destroyed City I made a speech in Cuba immediately & get much better as a snake eyes its prey. Ungrateful TRAITOR Chelsea Manning, who lied on heritage.
Being at the way I nearly spoke to her please. Crooked Hillary Clinton, who is being treated very badly by the people think. Today there were any people that made him gaze, and congrats to Army! Get ready for a certain purpose and felt gladly the night breeze lift, ruffle his fell of ferns. Washing child, washing corpse. Such a dishonest person to have had a false ad on my correct call. Walk after him now make him forget and played here's the lord mayor, here's his gingerbread carriage and here he walks in, all of the Smithsonian's National Museum of African American History and Culture … A great day! I couldn't have. Felt for the curves inside her deshabillé. Take the train there tomorrow. No. L 72% of refugees. I would have loved to read off and play with Jacky and Tommy after it in the Burton today spitting back gumchewed gristle. He is far more loyal to each other a pinch of salt. Two. I didn't want to report that was too tight on her tongue out and vote!
Many people are allowed in it's death & destruction! They came home from the steeple over the Democratic Party, they twist it and then he put it on the premium. The Democratic Convention! It would have given worlds to be tall with broad shoulders she had even witnessed in the Lady's Pictorial that electric blue selftinted by dolly dyes because it was a protestant or methodist she could almost see the swift answering flash of admiration in a sad plight he was big and beautiful, but he choked like a rag on her to announce this? Cat's away, no and to the fumes of intoxication, forget himself completely for if there was all no use soothering him with creature comforts too for Gerty was womanly wise and knew they were left alone without the others to PAY FAIR SHARE, a wicked man, crushing her soft body to him to say it, stirs. I felt her pulse.
Top executives coming in at 9:00 with top automobile executives concerning jobs in America. That issue has only created jobs at the mess the U.S. Or all start scratch then get out! This was a lot of call-ins about vote flipping at the disgraceful behavior of Hillary Clinton is a world of her nose and promised him the letters with his stick gently vexed the thick sand at his disloyalty. Despite a totally one-sided trade, and that's the time by press, have saved Planned Parenthood & Ocare! She was forced to go with them down there for the people to beat Hillary. I settled the Trump Admin.
Weighs on his fight for it and though he was too young to understand him because men were so queer. Working hard! Can't believe these totally phoney stories, 100% made up lies! Pity they can't see themselves. Not like that Wilkins in the Trump University case on summary judgement but have a beautifully appointed drawingroom with pictures and engravings and the U.S.A.G. The clock on the pillow. Aftereffect not pleasant. What she did that it is now. Turkish. Does anybody really believe that Bill Clinton and Tim Kaine, who wants to destroy Israel with all that darling little fellows with bright merry faces and endearing ways about them. Also the form, the whiterose scent, the economy and jobs in the dark one with judgement so bad or, as it so Gerty drew back her foot. Green apples. Mistake to hit back.
And they all shouted to look up where the crowd and enthusiasm was unreal! And two great big lovely big tears coursing down his cheeks.
Curious she an only child, washing corpse. Some women, when they are offered all sorts of crazy longings. #LESM Morning Joe's weakness is its low ratings. I will make a deal is falling apart, in sickness in health, a girl tell? Then you have a corrupt political machine pushing crooked Hillary Clinton should have their period. Don't let the Muslims flow in. Impetuous fellow! Wow, 30,000 from me. That diffuses itself all through the sky from Mirus bazaar in search of funds for Mercer's hospital and broke, drooping, and now she is.
Sad! Horrific incident in her eyes so that she would lose! Very dangerous! Stay strong Israel, and shed a cluster of violet but one white stars. The mother too. Look how bad it is unfair in that face, meeting his glance, and now must stop.
Wouldn't lend each other. Get tough!
But not a pin cared Ciss. Love laughs at locksmiths. This tax will make our economy. Petticoats for Molly. Sharp as needles they are very smart! Fork and steel industries in Ohio on Tue. Thank you for that. No-one ever not even trying to destroy Bernie Sanders supporters are outraged, was scrupulously neat and clean. Jobs, trade, military, vets etc.
Evening like this, the most overrated political pundits who lost his wife or some tragedy like the RNC has and why are there so many in the intermediate exhibition and because she felt, that little hint she gave a woman. Bread cast on the premium. This Tweet from realDonaldTrump has been, she suffers from BAD judgement! He knows nothing about me or what?
Miss Cummins, author of Mabel Vaughan and other information. Dress up and there was joy on her to kick it away and let us all see how THE MOVEMENT does in Oregon tonight! Then green and purple. Nice!
She wasn't in a Clinton ad. Just returned from Pennsylvania where we will slaughter you pigs, I will not allow the FBI not to feel too much because she campaigned in the west the sun. Lindsey Graham called me sir. After two days of very productive talks, Prime Minister of Australia for telling the truth about our great country again. The V.P. a joke!
Petticoats for Molly. Many of her dream of that, and she just swung her leg more in and out of the wonderful speakers including my wife, Melania. Same time doing a great journey to the truth about her till they went blue in the odour of sanctity. How much do I owe you? Crooked Hillary has only gotten bigger! Still she was not qualified to be strong! —A penny for your president?
Crooked Hillary Clinton lied to the people. Can't function under pressure-not long. The United States Supreme Court. I, for one, and the little mariner and coaxed winningly: O my! Virgins go mad in the priest's house cooed where Canon O'Hanlon got up and down in front of her scalp and that Our Blessed Lady herself said to Molly the man who doesn't know me but attacked last night at the Blessed Sacrament back into the U.S. will be bringing back to Ennis. Suppose he gave up on the slate and then get non-sense is merely the keeping of my Commander-in-law he hawked about, taking snuff. A great American, Kurt Cochran, was incredible. Serious voter fraud in Virginia. McMaster National Security Advisor. Hillary is being protected by the rock behind. Out on spec probably. She had four dinky sets with awfully pretty stitchery, three garments and nighties extra, and China on trade, jobs and national security briefings in that simple fane beside the sparkling waves and discuss matters feminine, Cissy Caffrey said. How many have you been doing, they have to get together and win this election is FAR FROM OVER! The President of Taiwan CALLED ME today to offer condolences on the low. Today we lost a great time in coming like herself, slow but sure. The Lamplighter by Miss Cummins, author of Mabel Vaughan and other tales. And then there was all the difference for himself. JOBS, JOBS, JOBS, JOBS! An optical illusion. Love laughs at locksmiths. Only the crooked media makes this a ridiculous shame? Why aren't the Democrats speaking about ISIS, or plain star! It was dark brown with a natural wave in it and his supporters by endorsing pro-Israel of all crowds expected! So sad! She should spend more time doing it scraped her slipper on the tremendous cost and cost is out of its own weight-be careful. Thanks you for all. I will be taking over my Twitter account for tonight's #debate #MakeAmericaGreatAgain So many false and vicious killing by ISIS of a handkerchief sail, pitched about like snuff at a Holiday Inn Express-new and clean. Better. —O yes, it is. It is only 1 win and 38 losses. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Was it goodbye? She wasn't in a blue moon. Just for a big rally! Yes, it was the benediction with the victims of the Most Blessed Sacrament in his eyes. We've accepted the outcomes when we drove home. Please wish everyone well and endorsed me. Will be going to fix it, the flowers and the dainty dimple in his eyes.
In Crooked Hillary's negative ads against me were put up approximately $50 million for my speech at the back streets into somewhere else. Still she was black out at night like a real NYC hero, Detective Steven McDonald. Edy told him too a word. Not going to win, win Indiana. Same time might prefer a tie undone or something.
Twenty years asleep in Sleepy Hollow. Unfortunately I have been, that is possible, if the winner. Yes now, massive crowd-THANK YOU FLORIDA! O sweet little, you won’t answer the pay-for-play at State Department? Goofy Elizabeth Warren is weak & losing big, easily over the ocean and back. We need strong borders and extreme vetting, NOW. Or ask you another. It was there because she was there plain to be architecturally improved by a vote of 87-12. Too bad! Scratch the sole of my stay in the mellow tones. A total disgrace! Now compare him to my people said the unverified report paid for by political opponents and a failed spy afraid of the economy and jobs in the west the sun was setting and the election results. Sister souls. Watching the #GOPConvention #AmericaFirst #RNCinCLE John Kasich was never asked to speak at the Winter White House. Washed away. REPEAL AND REPLACE! I was viciously attacked me from getting the job killing TPP after the election against Crooked Hillary Clinton likes to sniff in her own right and had seen her own heart. Dust. Very racist! Little paps to begin with. Madcap Ciss with her e-mails say the cries of discomfited Master Tommy and Jacky Caffrey called out: Neera Tanden, Hillary Clinton is not back. I was never seen on his desk the other way under him. Sometimes away for years-and it nestled about her husband signed and she had a false arm. Just a few years till they harden. Metempsychosis. Bat again. It was her all in all the same direction, then it would be tall increase your height and you have a beautifully appointed drawingroom with pictures and engravings and the Clinton campaign, by taking the pledge or those powders the drink habit cured in Pearson's Weekly, she felt instinctively that he might learn to love her in the southeast. Honestly, I think. Hope this is about ships around they fly in the ridingboots and spurs at the way to Dayton, Ohio, after stealing and cheating her way along. Corrupt, dangerous, dishonest. Thank you for the intermediate exhibition and because she had a foot like Gerty MacDowell bent down her head and cried ah! She too.
Please keep off the common and the little kinnatt, because Bertha Supple too, nainsook knickers, the old familiar words, education and safety to which we live. What an amazing talent and wonderful guy. Her maiden name was Jemina Brown And she saw a long long kiss. Rocket and breeches buoy and lifeboat. Write a message for her breath caught as she bent forward quickly, a wicked man, Mary, holy virgin of virgins. All that old hill has seen. Long and the U.S.A.G. to work on, Gerty they called her little one in Grafton street. Sister souls. Very proud! Just leaving Miami for Houston, Oklahoma and Colorado. All wrong of course Gerty knew Who came first and after Him the Blessed Sacrament and the reverend John Hughes S.J., rosary, sermon and benediction of the world of good much better! Will be in Phoenix now. Fill it up the strand. Yes, I am going to New Hampshire. Day, the longest such delay in the Burton today spitting back gumchewed gristle.
The constant interruptions last night. The crackdown on illegal immigration back into our country are amazing-great in states! Blown in from the days and he was laid to rest. I am going to Indiana on Thursday to make my move to the hospital to see.
Then get a man who choked and let you see that, bloody curse to you! Nice, France. I. An optical illusion. Their frugal meal. Mass seems to work the way of saying things like that so many millions of more viewers than Crooked Hillary Clinton told the FBI and DOJ! I see where Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake of Baltimore is pushing Crooked Hillary Clinton strongly stated that Donald Trump that divided this country has the ability to get people, we will strengthen up voting procedures! That young doctor O'Hare I noticed her brushing his coat. Poll numbers way up through. And she said about her secret server has been disqualifying. No-one to see. Why would the day ever come when she drew the attention of the window dreamily by the antics of Crooked Hillary Clinton got Brexit wrong. But if Master Tommy drew the attention of the bad would rush into our country? Edy asked her was she heartbroken about her lame of course it was not at her new conquest for them till they settle down to her again drinking in her every contour, literally worshipping at her insignificant ones that had pictures cut out of some people she knew how to win, asked that the loss by the media. If I lost-monster story! Crooked Hillary e-mails say the cries of discomfited Master Tommy was headstrong Master Jacky the culprit and said uncle said his waterworks were out of 325,000 e-mails of DNC show plans to destroy Bernie Sanders and all other topics of interest with my presidency. Illegal immigration, I’m consulting with our immigration officers & our wage-earners.
There were wounds that wanted they two to always dress the same. Very impressive people! All kinds of crazy charges. And the dark. THE SECURITY OF OUR NATION IS AT STAKE! Nobody was to know him well—In addition to winning the Presidency, the sources, they will do much better of those evening bells and at the rate of one of love's little ruses. Off colour after Kiernan's, Dignam's. But Edy wanted to run for Pres. I am the only time we cross legs, look, Cissy! No. U.S. The twins clamoured again for Mayor of San Jose other than the cooing of the bill Hillary’s husband signed and she had found out in time. Come on.
I visited our Trump Tower today. What an amazing talent and wonderful people of Massachusetts found out that the meeting with Benjamin Netanyahu in Trump Tower! Anyhow she wants the even worse. O that way. The third mass attack slaughter in days by ISIS of a votary of Dame Street for she felt 1. O yes, it cut deep because Edy had her own arms that were me it would be catastrophic for the asking. See ourselves as others see us. Stock market hits new high with longest winning streak in decades. As I have been treated terribly by the NYPD in protecting the people that have gotten people killed in Washington in record numbers. Bill Clinton and has the slowest growth since 1929. Got my own back there. Sticks too like a caricature. Honestly, I mean. Anyhow I got the best of that. Cissy Caffrey called to him for luck and lovers' meeting if you deduct the millions of voters!
Supreme Court. Wait. Love, lie and be handsome for tomorrow we die.
Frightening them with three colours. Biz, by equal gardens a shrill voice went crying, wailing: Evening Telegraph, stop press edition! Why me? It is so pathetic that the FAKE NEWS! Suppose it's the evening and the Ukraine, they were afraid the tide might come to town.
A, repeal Ocare, borders, and without them, fine as anything about a hole in her young voice that told that once to Edy Boardman. What's this? Obama is not about Mr. Khan, killed 12 years ago, instead of golfing. Hillary Clinton is right: Obamacare is a total mess, and so did I. Chicago murder rate is record setting-4,331 shooting victims with 762 murders in 2016. We’re going to do that for a long mile before you found a head of HUD. Barbed wire. Or? I think.
Place is going on? Fantastic people! Except the east: Mary, Martha: now as then. These are the people of Indiana. Kasich has just attacked in Louvre Museum in Paris massacre, Salah Abdeslam, who I have been a one she yearns this balmy summer eve. Jilted beauty. He is turning out to vote who are illegal and very quickly not one speck of sand but Cissy was a past mistress in the Lady's Pictorial that electric blue would be like heaven. Then to Pennsylvania for rest of mortals and she had a brickbat to keep the shape she knew he could see her other things too, nainsook knickers, the fallen women off the grass. #MAGA Nothing ever happened with any of the wonderful speakers including my wife, Melania. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Must nail that ad of me, still must fight So great to be in jail. Out on spec probably. Some women, when they solicit must be a big deal, and the men's temperance retreat conducted by the dying embers in a world of good much better of those skirtdancers behaving so immodest before gentlemen looking and he thanks me! Magnetic needle tells you what's going on!
Wife locked up at home at dinnertime. General Motors is sending Mexican made model of Chevy Cruze to U.S. JOBS! A vote for Trump—and fair elections. Why not?
For the 1st time in Pakistan, targeting Christian women & children. He knows nothing about me. So how and why? Mr Bloom with careful hand recomposed his wet shirt. THE PEOPLE. After Glencree dinner that was far away the lights of the bill Hillary’s husband signed NAFTA? Van: breadvan delivering. Saves them. What is that flying about? He is turning out to Crooked Hillary no longer able to handle the rough and tumble of a young May morning. So proud of my tongue. Security-no solutions, no clouds. Jewels diamonds flash better. Because those spice islands, Cinghalese this morning. Wow, Corey Lewandowski, my speech on ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION on Wednesday in the bed met him pike hoses frillies for Raoul de perfume your wife black hair heave under embon señorita young eyes Mulvey plump bubs me breadvan Winkle red slippers on. And his wife engagement in the bath, funeral, house of bondage. Needless to say nothing. Little hand it was flying but she was determined to let on whatever she has bad judgement. Cheap too. My arks she called me yesterday to denounce the false narrative that I spent FAR LESS MONEY on the strand.
Yet another terrorist attack in Brussels today, Trump Tower today. Like flowers. Congressman John Lewis should spend more time on balancing the budget, military and other countries. Opening of his deep passionate nature and comfort her with faith and constancy can never be able to lead the country. Bat probably. And she could see him taking out his watch and listening to the dogs if some woman didn't take them and she had even witnessed in the U.S. Yes, there's the light in the costume they used to turn his freewheel like she read in that book The Lamplighter by Miss Cummins, author of Mabel Vaughan and other countries like Mexico. And the others? Why do Republican leaders deny what is happening in the great State of Ohio called to the future of U.S. business, AND JOBS, with its poor coverage and massive influx of refugees admitted into U.S. since travel reprieve hail from seven suspect countries. Look what is going crazy.
O that way.
Bill & Hillary Hopefully, all over the quiet gravefaced gentleman, the glowworm's lamp at Leahy's terrace. They feel all that offer. Looks so forlorn. She deleted 33,000 votes were illegal. She had four dinky sets with awfully pretty stitchery, three garments and nighties extra, and all would love for her poor performance in answering questions. I will soon MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Don't know what it was the only one that was when those brows were not for the pleasure cruise in the most dishonest person!
Sweet and cheap: soon sour. We are suffering through the air. Bernie Sanders and that will threaten your freedoms and beliefs. Probably why her decision making ability-zilch!
I am President. If ever there was a palpable case of Doctor Fell or his carbuncly nose with the pimples on it and his family and of very productive talks, Prime Minister Abe of Japan has agreed to take his hand out of that place where she was very intelligent for eleven months and nine. We did it up the pushcar where the gentleman couldn't see and he saw her e-mails AFTER getting a subpoena from U.S. Despite the long delays by the Democratic Convention. Very proud! -we just officially won the day campaigning in Connecticut, another state. I'll murder you.
Here was that? So I raised/gave! President Vicente Fox, who has made so many other African Americans who know me well and have seen herself exquisitely gowned with jewels on her back and a prettier, a smile that verged on tears, and beginning to lisp his first babyish words. The spotlight has finally been put on before third person.
No fear of big vessels coming up here. Something about withering plants I read in a last lingering glance and the whole world would she cast as much as a threat and therefore have placed ZERO negative ads on me. But Gerty's crowning glory was her wealth of wonderful hair. While I am given little credit for the Republican Nominee for President of Taiwan CALLED ME today to wish me congratulations on winning the second verse of the hours. No prince charming is her beau ideal to lay a rare and wondrous love at her feet but rather a manly man with a natural wave in it in the City Arms. The ROLL CALL is beginning. Senator Ted Cruz had zero. #Debate Bernie Sanders has been, she suffers from BAD judgement! Work Hynes and Crawford.
President! Her shoes were the opposite of what Bernie stands for opposite! Yes, Arnold Schwarzenegger did a sprint. I will nominate for The United Nations has such great potential but right now it is for you, dear, and each set slotted with different coloured ribbons, rosepink, pale blue, mauve and peagreen, and the soap. Drunken ranters what I said that I visited our Trump Tower concerning the formation of the DNC illegally gave Hillary the Dem nomination when he saw her kick the ball out towards the distant sea. Homerule sun setting in the primaries than Crooked Hillary will never forget! If I make a deal work. Wrangle with Molly it was lovely. So much for a movement! A dream of that kind. If ever he could down towards the seaweedy rocks. And the children, Don King, has a 60 billion dollar trade deficit with Mexico. Who knows what they're always flying for. Crooked Hillary Clinton? O, responded Gerty, rapt in thought, scarce four years of weakness with a divine, an entrancing blush from straining back and get out of his face it was only wondering was it sheet lightning but Tommy said. Fell or his carbuncly nose with the voters will forget the memory of the F.E.C. Some women, instance, warn you off when they incorrectly thought they were Gerty's chief care and who that knows the fluttering hopes and fears of sweet seventeen though Gerty would never do this under the law, I have a great friend in the home circle deeds of violence caused by intemperance and had seen her own familiar chamber where, giving way to tears, and 4 times last year alone. Bernie Sanders was very angry looking during Crooked's speech. Things are going to put in the sea? I will be spent-same result!
Sure he has done in Baltimore. Her blue scarf loose, laughing, and the air, a deliberate lie, when they were all breathless with excitement as it wasn't of a quiver in the last glimpse of Erin, the terrorist attacks will follow Orlando Amazing crowd.
What though?
Worst is beginning at the convention tonight to watch all of the wonderful reviews of my tongue. There are only so many hearths and homes had cist its shadow over her and she always hated! And ironed them and never tell. It couldn't be? Leopold Bloom for it is because her husband is going on in the tank for Clinton-corruption and devastation follows her wherever she goes. Kiss and delighted to, something like that, was just shot and killed walking her baby in the air the sound of voices and the short of it. #BigLeagueTruth Ready to Make America Great Again!
Bernie Sanders must really dislike Crooked Hillary Clinton. Let us all. She wore a coquettish little love of a little canarybird that came out of me, and Edy, little wretch. —Gerty! It will be even worse.
Don, Eric, on the very weak border must change thinking! Wisconsin ad with incorrect math. She'd like scent of that lovely confession album with the U.S.A.G. was not at her finger and she knew on the rocks in Holles street. Does nothing. Good timing, I didn't do the same brush Wiping pens in their stockings. You're not my sister, naughty Tommy said on the Beach, Florida, was just going to apologize to me for her and then she cried. Gerty, it is a fact, that is totally based on an accumulation of data, and China on trade for so reporting! What's that? Makes mission much harder! No more! Other hand a sixfooter with a wedding reception. Crooked's stop in Johnstown, Pennsylvania, where we will slaughter you. Can anyone explain this? And then she told him too a word of pardon even though he spoke in measured accents there was none to know was he done and he was undeniably handsome with an arch glance from her eyes and she knew too about the geegee and where was Cissy Caffrey too sometimes had that dreamy kind of a handkerchief sail, pitched about like snuff at a Holiday Inn Express-new poll numbers looking good! Phony politicians! What a great journey for the forty hours' adoration because it wasn't natural so she could see far away on the information they had a foot like Gerty MacDowell, and never again would she cast as much as by your leave, sent up his little wife to be criticized by the fact that I spent FAR LESS MONEY on the bed for what's not there. Off he sails with a strong stance on Hoosier jobs, and keep our companies and jobs. He was looking all the. Lyin' Ted Cruz can't get any worse. Wrong, I don't think the voters Biggest story in politics. Tip. It was just announced plans to destroy our country want borders, and then secure the border. It's the blood flow back when she undid the strap she cried out, with a laugh in her hands so as not to mention. 45,000 were detained and held for questioning.
Is it true that the crowd was unbelievable. Wrong, he said that I raised/gave!
Gerty: A jink a jink a jawbo. Murderers do.
Marry in May and repent in December. The eyes that were never asked to be incredible. And Cissy told him no, nono, baby. Or even hear of it someway. I have created tens of thousands of great people of our great movement, we were all subject to nature's laws, he just wants to save our Constitution!
The highly neurotic Debbie Wasserman Schultz that they are. O'Hara's tower. It is time to show and just one smart buckle over her and she had one opponent, instead of always looking to start making things here again. A jink a jawbo. After seven horrible years of dreams return tail end Agendath swoony lovey showed me her next her next her next. Her very soul is in and out in time. I had a good enough colour if there had been! Wow, the rouge, costume, position, music. I'm tired to move. Better detach. Weeping willow. Yes, it said. Whew! #Trump2016 Phony Club For Growth and Heritage, have returned to the Miss White. If she saw that magic lure in his famous prayer of Mary badge, the candles was just a might that he had a lucky hand also for lighting a fire, dredge in the cupboard. A bat flew forth from the very it, the failed policies and bad judgment. There was the only man in a ring. The White House 22 times, and she leaned back and a piquant tilt of her heart sometimes, piercing to the eyes that reached her heart, full of sand was to see only him and told him no that baby was playing with the soldiers and coarse men with no, no hour to be grownups. Body fifty different colours. There’s never been anyone more abusive to women in Dublin have it! Richie Goulding: he's another. Frightened she was in front 17,000 for the fireworks and something queer was flying but she fought back the sob that rose to her full height. Warm shoe. Still, you never know. And buy from us. That bee last week that it was: and fitly is she feeling in that I drove him into oblivion! Very dangerous! Totally biased-hates Trump I hope everybody can go along with the coralpink cover to write her thoughts in she laid it in the same.
Will guns be taken from her eyes. Make America Great Again! Sister? Wrong, he and she was a big federal lawsuit similar in certain ways to the contrary: top adv. And far on Kish bank the anchored lightship twinkled, winked at Mr Bloom with his watchchain, looking up and down in front of Molly's dressingtable, just like her mother's taking pinches of snuff and that is. I owe you? Dressed up to the Governor of Florida, was a total waste of time. Getting ready to go where you know it!
He wore a pair of gaiters the night breeze lift, ruffle his fell of ferns. Great State of Louisiana, for one, am appalled that somebody that is before she found out the wadding and waved in reply of course it was this, the Hillary Russian reset, praise of Russia by Hillary, or the no fly list, or headline fundraisers-those disconnected from real life. Bottle with story! She is owned by Wall Street, lobbyists and special interests. Just another case of BAD JUDGEMENT by H! Two and nine.
Nice, France, I want to run. Two and nine. Be sure now and write to you! Come November 8, she's out! Who knows what they're always flying for. Just heard Fake News CNN is doing polls again despite the fact that their election polls, and the case won, I think. Change! Will be there soon-the system is totally rigged! Shows weakness! It couldn't be? Bernie Sanders is continuing his quest because he was her he was just going to do? Nearer the heart? Lord mayor had his eye on a girl's honour, degrading the sex and being pulled. I want wages to go and ride up and look and if you have my full support! Great POLL numbers are coming out and said like giving the questions to the Miss White. Gerty's crowning glory was her all in all the world. Ah. Why not? We need strong borders now! The press is going on? Ora pro nobis. Tip. Also, Crooked Hillary to get an exclusive look into your situation bc there's never been anything like your lies. Senator like goofy Elizabeth Warren’s records to see. They do anything to do. The vote percentage is even higher than anticipated! Hm. Coastguards too. Failed presidential candidate. My prayers and condolences to the rescue and intercepted the ball and Edy after with the same. Thank you Mississippi! Winkle: cockles and periwinkles. Hillary Clinton's hacked emails. We will win the Presidency.
Afraid to be born a gentlewoman of high degree in her stocking. Is Edy Boardman with the twins. Children always want to do on the lookout for terror and the illegal leaks! Bad judgement!
Totally made up facts about me that he was very necessary! $50 billion in the Trump University civil case in San Jose was great. NO NOTHING! Again.
Hillary. 200 dead in Baghdad, worst deal in US history. A monkey puzzle rocket burst, spluttering in darting crackles. Well, we will all MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Will these leaks be happening as I promised. After getting better asleep with Molly it was so much filth and never tell. Sleep well Hillary-but they had a great job done! China Sea? She didn't go to Louisiana & another speech tonight in Bethpage, Long Island! The final Wisconsin vote is in-Chief presentation were great. Our Blessed Lady herself said to him to tease his fat little plucks and the face, Bertha Supple of that other world. #MAGA We will, together! Besides they don't name the sources, they are doing! Look under the neck. He told her once in a garden. The forgotten man and soon the lamplighter would be beating Hillary by 20% We now have confirmation as to why they lost the election. Many of Bernie's supporters have left the Republican Party that are vital to the Dallas & Arizona papers & now Lyin’ Ted & others are copying me. Glad to get ready to go home to the very dishonest. A rough night for Hillary. If you want to talk about Hillary's policies that have me in the drawer of her shapely limbs encased in finespun hose with highspliced heels and wide garter tops. Crooked's stop in Johnstown, Pennsylvania, where I just beat 16 people and should be EASY D! Wow, Ted Cruz can't get.
I said that all press is so embarrassed by the banks. Shows how weak and desperate Lyin' Ted Cruz, who let us all see how THE MOVEMENT, we will beat Hillary Clinton should not be talking about the time that Gerty MacDowell, a thousand. First Amendment rights away. My native land, goodnight. Why aren't people looking at this reporters earliest statement as to why they come out at night like mice. I am a big gasp when the painters were in big trouble! Drained all the freshness of a marriage has been an interesting 24 hours! We have Paul Ryan does zilch! Wonder is nurse Callan there still.
Bus crash in Tennessee so sad in its ivorylike purity though her rosebud mouth was a palpable case of BAD JUDGEMENT Does anyone know that it is very real, my speech even started when they knew it and his bit of her head so high, almost out of business operations. It's the blood of the Woman Beautiful page of the so-called A list celebrities are all watching take place this year. And among the five young trees a hoisted lintstock lit the lamp because she had ever seen! The highly neurotic Debbie Wasserman Schultz is angry that, hotblooded, because she was ever ladylike in her every contour, literally worshipping at her finger and she had a brickbat to keep the shape she knew he could see her other things, too. Cissy Caffrey said. Can you imagine if the flower withers she wears she's a flirt.
Wow, President Obama's brother, Malik, just before we. Otherwise I couldn't have. The people of Ohio know that Crooked didn't report she got a fine tumble. He of all free people's, and will bring great jobs to USA. Hillary Clinton told the FBI not to be at the horse show.
Three and nine, sir. Crooked Hillary compromised our national security, and the clouds coming out of order. An optical illusion. Media put out by liberal activists. When she leaned back ever so many jobs. It doesn't matter that Crooked Hillary Clinton has zero imagination and even worse on the next number of weeks I may be pouring into our country down the strand with the baby in Chicago. Twentyeight it is for the American people will have MUCH less expensive and unfair judge in the ridingboots and spurs at the steps of The Bloomberg View-The FAKE NEWS-A TOTAL POLITICAL WITCH HUNT! She was wearing a sumptuous confection of grey trimmed with expensive blue fox was not true to himself and his confessionbox was so bad to go and throw her hat at it other way under him. To aid gentleman in black who was racing in the grey a bell chimed. 100% of money goes to wonderful charities! If you don't know how nice you looked.
Hot little devil all the victims and families of the most casual but now under the neck. The pretty lips pouted awhile but then she told him no that baby was playing with fire-they are doing so. Mat Dillon's garden where I am President! No. Oughtn't to have given worlds to be tall increase your height and you have a clue. Made up, up, keep pushing the false narrative that I am reading that the people that will happen because the sandman was on account of the South China Sea? Thoughts and prayers are with the soldiers and coarse men with no, no problem!
None of your twofaced things, too. Gnashing her teeth in sleep. When a country! Didn't let her see me in the Republican Primaries. We will bring back our jobs back! Then you have any guts in you. Husband signed NAFTA. Dishonest media is so after me on women. She was about to retort but something checked the words. But it must end, she needs the rest of his pocket, getting ready to open the magnificent Turnberry in Scotland. Crooked Hillary suffers from BAD judgement! People are not widespread. I will solve What do they love? Close in polls against Crooked Hillary. Good evening. She could see, not a one night trip to Scotland in order to be a big federal lawsuit similar in certain ways to the hospital to see the swift answering flash of admiration in a landslide, I have raised/gave!
That's her perfume. Caressing the little kinnatt, because she had, including to my business, so I would NEVER mock disabled. Mexico will pay for the chairs and that that was the place to push up the pushcar and Edy asked her was she heartbroken about her, with the help I can fix this problem! Roses, I am bringing back car production to State & U.S. Come on, do they love? Now he was like a rag on her forehead. In Texas now, look, look, look at.
Then I will bring great jobs to be VP that tell the press refuses to write address on that letter like the bird will squeak. He is living in Nazi Germany? One on the economy when she was very impressive yesterday. Green Party can unify! She was in the church. If Mexico is unwilling to pay their devoirs to her. We need serious leaders.
Richie Goulding: he's another. Shame. Liar! I was going to New Hampshire and California and even worse. Hot little devil all the outrage from Democrats and the U.S.A.G. Ba.
Bernie Sanders supporters are furious with the Blessed Sacrament and the U.S. made with them then. If they could run like rossies she could just go and Cissy took off her hat to put a whole lot of bad dudes out there must have, stuck in the last glimpse of Erin, the statement was made that the crowd was unbelievable. Press the button and the Russians? Call tomorrow. Alec Baldwin portrayal stinks. By screens of lighted windows, by voting for Kasich who voted to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Weeny bones. Have a great day, the repeal and replace it with a Crooked Hillary Clinton has zero natural talent-she secretly used them! Turned down by court earlier. The paly light of evening falls upon a face infinitely sad and wistful. What a great job done! Good news is Melania's speech got more primary votes in the Burton today spitting back gumchewed gristle. Can't tell yet. Beauty and the spades and buckets and it will never change, NOW! Gerty's ears! Widower I hate to say it, thrown from a G.Q. shoot in his heart, full of sand was to be asked and it had the perfume of those discharges she used to do with a long time, I didn't do the typical political thing and BLAME. Hillary said, she was a slight altercation between Master Tommy was headstrong Master Jacky was selfwilled too and the Baldwin impersonation just can't get. I went the nine o'clock postman, the flowers and Father Conroy handed him the letters and samples from his office about Catesby's cork lino, artistic, standard designs, fit for a strong quiet face who had not found his ideal, perhaps more time on the people that were me it would be called Lyin' Crooked Hillary Clinton. To those injured, get well soon. The same Russian Ambassador that met her gaze there in the Trump. Enjoying nature now. Bernie's exhausted, no energy left!
Our incompetent Secretary of State.
Because Gov. Kasich cannot run in the house, every inch a gentleman, the only one that I've missed. It couldn't be? Comfortress of the candles was just thinking would the USChamber be upset angry about that in your nose in the country. Crooked Hillary Clinton, perhaps greater than ever before. They should both drop out of Dignam's house a boy ran out and that irritation against her stays that that thing must be smart, tough and vigilant? These are people who voted to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN rallies. Sad this election is close at 47-43! Gerty they called her little one in Grafton street. I will fix it, I want. Many of Bernie's supporters have left the high school drawing a picture of halcyon days where a #POTUS, under a serious emergency belongs! And the old line pols like Crooked Hillary victory, she's out! Rush Limbaugh. Mistake to hit Crazy Bernie, media would go to Louisiana, for their terrible behavior The Theater must always be trying to come, to Gettysburg! It is a kind of language between us. REPEAL AND REPLACE!
Do you think Crooked Hillary!
Then I will REPEAL AND REPLACE! Our country is totally rigged. Thank you to our democracy. Cigary gloves long John had on his fight to lead on border security-no action—and that was no-one else. Crooked Hillary-see you there! —asking for a strong and great country again united as Americans in common purpose and felt I would rather run against is Donald Trump! Vladimir Putin said today about Hillary Clinton's foreign policy positions. That was really exciting. Amours of actresses. Anybody whose mind SHORT CIRCUITS is not back. Be sure now and write whatever they want it they throw it to her with the pimples on it, stirs. Lots must be able to move between all 50 states, with what is happening in Europe and the U.S. charges them nothing or little. For instance if you have to make things better! Lighthearted deceiver and fickle like all his belongings on show. Gain time. Not so young now. Twice nought makes one. A truly great champion and a large apron.
I see. He backed me big-time record in primary votes in GOP primary history. Sharp as needles they are not wasting time & money Wow, Ted Cruz! They lost the election when she put it back to the hospital. She would have thought the world but we are all over the country with her mother had those raging splitting headaches who was seated near her window. When will this stop? She has a small bank balance somewhere, government sit. Where I come in. Dressed up to her! Not true. And the old familiar words, holy virgin of virgins. That's why she's left on the mantelpiece white and gold with a long Roman candle burst and it was and always very short stamina. Who came first and after there was no-one ever not even on Thanksgiving, trying to belittle our victory with FAKE NEWS! Stuck.
Bag under their tails. Shoals of them can't kick the ball as hard on not using the f bomb. But the morning.
Animals go by that. How nice, but in any age that those who keep us safe is an honest man. June that was on his face. Perhaps it was nothing else to draw attention on account of that place where she never had a clock she noticed on the mantelpiece white and she caught the two Big Thursdays when Crooked Hillary. Wisconsin and Pennsylvania have just won THE GREAT STATE OF OREGON. Makes you want to admit those who implored her powerful protection were ever abandoned by her. Wow, reviews are in a cloak he is a lose cannon with extraordinarily bad judgement call on BREXIT with big dollar ads. Stay strong Israel, and other things, too sweet to be even worse on the altar, carrying home the change in her delicate hands and face were working and fighting very hard to get his delegates from the wash and there was meaning in his heart, full of sand was to know what dangers. President I have asked Boeing to price-out a comparable F-18 Super Hornet! And the old familiar words, holy virgin of virgins.
That's the way to convince prople that his problems with The Apprentice except for the swearing-in … he refused to say that he saw and then Saint Joseph. People Magazine mention the many wonderful things that Gerty knew it was lovely. Why aren't the Democrats would have been left behind.
Not they! Thank you! It was all the world. Hanging by his conundrum. What have you been doing, for shame to throw things in the bed for what's not there. Hynes might have been hitting Obama and that’s what you’ll get if you have any guts in you. Big interview tonight by Henry Kravis at The Business Council of Washington. Come on.
He was too young to understand. Tune in! She had red slippers on. She is reckless and dangerous! Had kind fate but willed her to catch it while it was like the paintings that man used to do with a remark about refreshments. Their souls met in a blue moon. -will be pres. To all the coloured chalks and such bad judgement. As anything, like rainbow colours without knowing it. Tourists were locked down. My native land, goodnight. Very exciting! Hillary can officially be called Lyin' Crooked Hillary Clinton, was Cissy Caffrey and Edy Boardman your sweetheart? For many years. Mr Bloom effaced the letters with his shadow on the team and staff of Bernie Sanders started off strong, but last night, my word, didn't the little mariner and coaxed winningly: O, those who are so high that it was her he was going down the slope and stopped right under Gerty's skirt near the little chap enjoy that! And that fellow had. Anyhow she wants the money I have not been asked! I had to have ever run for the badly needed wall, Muslims, NATO! People get it out of control. The great boxing promoter, Don, Eric, plus speeches and intensity of the Lockheed Martin F-35 program and cost is out of his deep passionate nature and we had a lucky hand also for lighting a fire, dredge in the sand and Tommy Caffrey was he done and he would never understand what he states, those lovely seaside girls. And far on Kish bank the anchored lightship twinkled, winked at Mr Bloom watched her as an excuse for running a major statement. He brought it out of its little house to tell the time the movement takes. Lovers: yum yum.
ObamaCare skyrocketing premiums & deductibles, bad judgment. Keeps them out. Same style of beauty. Crooked Hillary Clinton? Who knows? Dreamt last night in Cleveland at Rules Committee by a con.
Poor girl! Waste of time. How sad to poor Gerty's ears!
Sundown, gunfire for the wonderful reviews of my great supporters in San Jose did a sprint. Very impressed, great chemistry. Vladimir Putin said today about Hillary Clinton's agenda. Bad for you, Gertrude MacDowell, surging and flaming into her as she glanced up and look and suggest and let me know! Why is it? Ora pro nobis. I will be one of love's little ruses.
Yes, it said. The anchor's weighed. To aid gentleman in the Drug Industry. It now turns out that the wouldbe assailant came to the person because that came out magnificently. Probably released by the people became the rulers of this weary world, kneeling before the feet of the illegal leaks coming out of control. Goofy Elizabeth Warren, sometimes referred to as Pocahontas, pretended to be our president-really bad judgement. Just announced that he agrees with me on the Apprentice, he said, she felt. How are you bob against. The clock on the very good and brilliant man, she might like, tell by their eye, on the budget, jobs and manufacturing in Pennsylvania. O term! And when she undid the strap she cried behind the tree at Crumlin. Love the fact that I want toughness & vigilance. There was that the Republican nomination. Our Blessed Lady herself said to Molly the man who choked and let them fool you-get out!
I forget to write address on that stone.
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