#she was refusing to eat anything but freeze dried food for awhile but we got a fresh bag of her prescription food so i’ve been giving that
creaturebehavior · 1 year
i gave my kitty pumpkin to help her tummy and she loved it
i hope it helps her. at least it made her feel happy in the moment
i was feeling so bad for her earlier :( my beautiful constipated angel :(
she’s been resting calmly on my bed for the last hour or so. i fed her a bit of wet food before she got onto my bed, then my mom contacted her friend who used to work as a vet and she suggested we try pumpkin and my mom had a can in the pantry.
i mixed in a little bit of bone broth with half of the pumpkin i gave her too.
oh she got up just now, she wants to go curl up in her basket in the closet. god i love her so much.
also being a pet parent is like *grabs my glasses when my cat gets in the litter box so i can watch to make sure she poops* *watches her intently*
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