#i’m gonna start giving her a little wet food every day again and see if that helps
creaturebehavior · 1 year
i gave my kitty pumpkin to help her tummy and she loved it
i hope it helps her. at least it made her feel happy in the moment
i was feeling so bad for her earlier :( my beautiful constipated angel :(
she’s been resting calmly on my bed for the last hour or so. i fed her a bit of wet food before she got onto my bed, then my mom contacted her friend who used to work as a vet and she suggested we try pumpkin and my mom had a can in the pantry.
i mixed in a little bit of bone broth with half of the pumpkin i gave her too.
oh she got up just now, she wants to go curl up in her basket in the closet. god i love her so much.
also being a pet parent is like *grabs my glasses when my cat gets in the litter box so i can watch to make sure she poops* *watches her intently*
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miley1442111 · 3 months
hi ! can I request Derek Morgan x Pregnant! Reader?
Where reader is a couple days past her due date and is literally miserable and Derek’s lowkey frustrated because he’s tried every thing he can to help and he hates seeing his girl upset,
so they start looking up ways to help induce labor, and they try a few and none of them work, so reader gives up and starts to cry and Derek is there to reassure her that everything is gonna be okay,
& that he read somewhere that s*x induces labor and it’s turns into light fluffy smut?
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a/n: i love this idea, probably didn't do it justice, also my most sincere apologies for letting this rot in my inbox for so long :)
summary: derek has to do something when you're 3 days past your due date
pairings: derek morgan x fem! wife! pregnant! reader
warnings: pregnancy issues, smut (lowkey praise kink but wtv), going into labour
It would be an understatement to say that being pregnant sucked. 
You were tired, you were achy, you couldn’t do anything, you couldn’t sleep, and you were literally 3 days past your due date, with no end in sight. 
Fuck this stupid baby, and fuck your stupid husband for getting you pregnant in the first place. 
 You sat in your bed, miserable and in pain as Derek held you in his arms. He was annoyed. He could see how much pain you were in, and knew how much pain you’d be in soon when you had to give birth. He just… he wanted it to stop. So he looked up methods of inducing labour. 
“Apparently spicy food helps with inducing labour,” he muttered as he mindlessly rubbed his hand over your stomach. 
“I’ll try anything at this point,” you said in a small voice and Derek’s heart shattered. 
“I’ll order something,” he nodded and you offered a meek ‘thank you’. He ordered the spiciest things on your local Mexican place’s menu, and waited eagerly for its arrival. When it did come, he plated it and watched as you ate it.
Nothing. Not even a contraction. 
“Fuck’s sake,” you groaned, washing your hands after eating. “Now I just feel fucking sick.”
“I’m sorry baby,” he sighed, pulling you in to give you a soft but reassuring kiss. “The next thing on the list is physical exercise.”
That was not met with much enthusiasm, but you obliged anyway. You got on the treadmill that lives in your home-gym, and ran for 30 minutes. 
Still nothing. 
Derek watched as your frustrated face turned into the one you make before you cry, and his heart shattered a second time. “Come here baby,” he sighed and pulled you into his arms, pressing kisses to your forehead as you cried. He whispered words of reassurance and love,but you couldn’t stop crying. You were in so much pain, you were so tired, and you just wanted this baby out. You wanted to see your little girl and hold her. 
“What’s next on the list?” You asked between sobs. 
You looked up at him, drying your eyes. “Sex?”
“Sex,” he nodded. “But if you’re not up to it we can-”
“Derek Morgan, this baby is coming out of me today or so help me god, I will hurt someone,” you swore. Derek nodded quickly and took your hand, leading you to your bedroom. 
“What’s safe for the baby?” You asked him timidly as he undressed you. 
“Spooning, if that’s comfortable,” he offered. He’d done so much research about how to help you, it almost made you sob all over again. Stupid pregnancy hormones. 
“That sounds nice,” you swallowed back the lump in your throat as Derek smiled at you, then pressed soft kisses to your bare collarbone.
“So pretty for me,” he cooed. “My beautiful girl.”
You both laid down on the bed as he kissed you, whispering words of encouragement. God he was so attractive like this, taking care of you, loving you. You were getting ridiculously wet.
“I’m going to be real gentle, okay?”
“Okay,” you nodded as his hands started kneading the plump of your ass. 
“You feeling alright?”
“Good, just please- do something,” you begged and he chuckled. 
“Already beggin’ for me? God you’re perfect,” he kissed your cheek as he slowly slipped inside you. You let out a series of moans as his long cock filled you up, while his hands groped your body. “That’s it, good girl. Take all of me.”
He slowly started moving as you squirmed and moaned under his thrusts. 
“Come on, you’re so good for me baby. Doin’ so good babygirl,” he groaned. “So pretty around my cock.”
You felt yourself clench at his words. Then it happened. Your water broke. 
“Oh my god!” You shouted, immediately getting off of the bed and running to get your clothes on. Derek smiled as he watched you. 
“It worked?”
“It worked!” You chuckled, then the contractions came in, ruining the moment. You hunched over and leaned on the bed and Derek started getting dressed. 
“Come on mama, we gotta get you to the hospital,” he smiled as he helped you out. 
Twelve hours later, you two welcomed your first little girl, Emily Morgan. 
Derek already wanted another one.
criminal minds masterlist :)
navigation for my blog :) (criminal minds, marvel, top gun, challengers, the bear, the hunger games, obx+)
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specialagentlokitty · 8 months
Negan x reader - you have so much
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TW: mentions of not eating, thoughts of death, self inflicted injuries
Sitting in the middle of your cell, you hand your hands resting on your knees, listening to the door was it was opened.
You felt some bread hit you in the head but you didn’t both to open your eyes, you simply just sat there which math man laugh.
“Seriously? You’re still doing this? Fucking pathetic.”
You said nothing and he laughed again.
“Keep going, you’re gonna die in here, gonna turn, then we’re gonna set you on your friends so you can fucking kill them all.”
The cell door was slammed shut, and you stayed exactly where you were.
They brought you food at the same time every day, so you knew the routine, you had been here for a week.
You were hungry, you were so hungry, but you didn’t eat a single thing they gave you.
You could hear them talking outside, saying Negan will be pissed when he find out how they’re treating you, and that nearly made you scoff.
You were weak, you had the start of a fever, you going to die in a matter of time without food and medicine, and you didn’t care.
“Then we just kill her before he gets here, say she was bit on the way in or something.”
You took a small breath, shuffling back so you could rest your back on the cold wall behind you, helping to relieve how hot you were feeling.
You listened to them argue, and you slumped to the side a little, you couldn’t keep holding yourself like you had been doing.
So you moved to the corner, but you stayed sat up, resting your head on the wall next to you, taking small, shallow breaths.
You must have fell asleep like that, because what woke you up was the sound of people in the hallways, all arguing and shouting.
You slowly opened your eyes, seeing your cell door still shut, and you closed them again.
You heard Negan’s whistle, you’d recognise it anywhere, it was the last thing you heard before you were knocked out and brought to their sanctuary.
You weren’t going to tell them anything they wanted, you weren’t going to tell them anything about the place you now called home, about your family and friends.
You raised your head, hitting it on the wall next to you slightly, and you raised it again to do the same thing.
They couldn’t force information out of you if you were unconscious, or more likely in your state, dead.
You kept going, despite how painful it was and the fact your body was trembling, you felt a small cut open your head, and when you hit it again you felt it open more
You couldn’t make out the sounds of the talking outside, but you stopped when you heard the lock to your cell click.
“Now, let’s see if our little guest has any words of advice for us.” Negan smirked.
He swung the door open, the lights making you turn your head, eyes screwed shut at how bright it was.
Negan chuckled a little, tapping his bat against the metal door a few times.
“Now, it’s rude not to look at your host sweetheart. I’m the one who’s looking after you, you know that.”
You slowly turned your head to him, opening your eyes to stare into his.
Your half dead eyes boring into shocked and angry eyes as he stared right back, taking in your sickly form.
You were covered in sweat, you were pale, dark circles under your eyes, and if it were possible in the last week he had seen you, you looked thinner.
He saw the blood on the side of your head, and he watched it drip on to your shirt, then flicked his gaze to the wall next to you, the still wet blood running down it.
You took a shaky breath.
“Looks like… you lose…” you rasped out.
Negan turned around to stare at his men who all subconsciously shuffled back from the sheer look of rage on his face.
“Who the fuck let this happen?” He asked lowly.
There was silence and he slammed Lucille into the door, creating a loud echo.
“WHO DID THIS?!” He shouted.
Nobody dared to answer him, and he began to pace a step back and forth.
“If I don’t get answers I’m going to bashing heads into the ground, I don’t give a fuck if you did it or not, every minute I wait a new skull is getting mashed into shit.”
You laughed weakly, causing him to look at you, and you coughed a little.
“It.. doesn’t matter…”
“It does fucking matter, who the fuck was the one who was supposed to be looking after you?” He snapped.
You closed your eyes taking a few ragged breaths before looking at him again.
All you did was offer him a shrug.
You were going to buy yourself as much time as possible, and when he turned around again, you hit your head on the wall.
“Times up!”
Negan raised his his bat, there was a chorus of screams and finally someone was pushed to their knees in front of him.
He looked down at the man who was begging for Negan to spare his life.
“Did you let this happen?”
“I thought you wouldn’t give a shit! It’s just Ricks sister!”
Negan raised his foot, boot colliding with the face of the man, sending him flying to the ground.
“Get this fucking prick downstairs, I’ll be down to make an example of him as to WHY WE FOLLOW THE FUCKING RULES!”
Everybody scrambled away while two grabbed the man to drag him away.
Negan grabbed hold of one of the workers and shoved them the opposite way they were running.
“Tell the doc to get ready.”
With that Negan turned to you, and you raised your head, he took a step forward.
“You don’t get a say.”
He set Lucille on the ground next to you, and he crouched down, placing his hand between your head and the wall as you went to hit it again.
“Fuck!” He hissed.
Pulling his hand away, he shook it a few times to try and ease the pain.
Negan grabbed your arm, hauling you to your feet and he picked up his bat, walking you from your cell, or more, dragging you from it.
You couldn’t walk, and the sudden movement made you go light headed, and you fell to the floor with a head thud.
“Oh fuck! Fucking hell!”
He looked around.
“Follow me!”
He shoved Lucille into the hands of Simon, and Negan put his arm under your neck, the other under your knees as he hauled you up.
You braced your hand on his chest, and weakly pushed yourself, the sudden shift in your weight causing him to stumble, but he didn’t fall.
Negan tightened his grip around you and glanced down as he carried on running through the halls.
“Sorry sweetheart, you don’t get a free pass that easily.”
You tried to think of another way, your vision pulsating, and you could only think of one sure way.
Bringing your head to the side, you opened your mouth and dug your teeth into the exposed skin of his wrist.
“Fucking hell! Were you raised by fucking animals!? Holy shit!”
Negan rushed you into the infirmary and he set you on the bed, pushing your head back so you would let go and you did.
“Shit! What the fuck?!”
“What happened?!” Carson asked.
“She fucking bit me!”
Carson rushed over to his boss and he was shivered away, a hand placed on the back of his neck as he was led over to you.
“She isn’t dead, she’s alive, and you’re going to do everything to fucking keep her that way, if you don’t then you better be wearing your pissing pants, because you’ll be needing them…” Negan sneered.
While the doctor tried to look after you, Negan began to gathered everything he needed to tend to his new wound.
Carson was trying to put an IV in you, but you kept fighting it, grabbing the doctors hand you dug your fingers into his skin, making his drop it to the floor.
“I.. I need a new needle.” Carson said.
Negan grabbed one, slamming it on the table.
You locked eyes with Negan, breath trembling.
“I’ll be dead.. by the.. end of the day…” you sneered.
“You wanna bet on that? I’ll be fucked if I’m letting you die that easily. Simon grab her arm.”
Negan walked over, he trapped your other arm under him, using his arm he placed it on your collarbone, keeping you down, his other hand on your forehead, making sure to stay clear of your mouth this time.
He avoided the head wound you had as well, and he leant up so he could look at you.
“Stop.” He said quietly.
You were breathing deeply, jaw clenched as you tried so hard in your weak state to break free.
“Fucking hell (Y/N) we’re trying to keep you alive, stop!”
You locked eyes with him, and you slowly stopped fighting, your eyes closing but you tried to fight it.
“A sedative, it’ll wear off in a while.” Carson said.
Simon and Negan moved from you, Negan took his Lucille back, sending his friend away and he stood next to you, watching the anxious doctor work.
Carson hung a bag up, and he moved to clean your head and stitch it up.
“You better hope she makes it doc, your very life is depending on it.” Negan warned.
Carson glanced up, before turning his attention to you.
“She has a minor infection, some antibiotics will clear it up, and fight the infection before it gets to her head injury, she’s dehydrated, and she will need to eat something soon.”
The doctor stood up, and Negan looked at the bag.
“It’s one I made, it should get the antibiotics and some fluids back into her system, how did this happen?”
Negan said nothing and Carson quickly nodded his head, knowing it was better than to ask his question again.
When you woke up, it took a few minutes to realise that you weren’t in the infirmary anymore, you were on a bed.
You turned your head, groaning a little in pain, but it didn’t stop you from sitting up.
You didn’t recognise the room, you didn’t know how long it had been, but there was a glass of water on the table next to you.
You ignored it, hand reaching up to your head to find a bandage around it.
Glancing around the room to make sure that you were alone, you slowly began to unwrap it, tossing it aside, and you ran your fingers along the stitches.
Finding the first one, you began to try find a way to undo it, blood trickling down your face as you breathed through the pain.
The door was opened and closed, Negan walked in, setting Lucille down on a chair, not seeing thay you were awake, and he set some food down on the table.
You carried on what you were, trying to find a good angle or grip.
Negan froze, and he spun around, marching over he grabbed your wrist, pulling it from your head.
“Stop, now.” He warned.
You grabbed his wrist, trying to bite him again and he grabbed both your wrists in his hand, placing his hand on your head to stop you.
“Seriously?! Who the fuck bites people?! I’m trying to save your life! Stop trying to fucking bite me! If you’re going to bite me at least do it in the fun kind of way!”
You stopped, looking at him and he smirked a little.
“Yeah, that made you stop didn’t if.”
He shrugged a little, taking his bandanna off and he placed it gently against your wound, picking up the bandage you had discarded.
“It made you stop didn’t it? I’d say that’s a win. Now, sit still.”
You tried to move away and he gave you a warning look, making you stop.
Negan wrapped your head up again, and he handed you the glass of water.
“Drink it.”
You set it back down.
Sighing, Negan picked it up, taking a drink from one side, and handed you the glass back.
“It’s just water, that’s it.”
You smacked the glass out of his hand and it crashed to the floor.
“What the fuck is wrong with you? You need to drink, and eat if you want to keep on breathing, don’t you understand that?!” He hissed.
He walked over to the table, picking up the food and set it in your lap while he began to clean up the water you had thrown.
You didn’t want to waste food, so instead you just set it where the water was.
Negan noticed this and he sighed.
“It wasn’t my intention for you to get hurt in anyway. You weren’t supposed to be put in that cell, and the fuckwit that put you in there had now joined our lovely team of walkers out the front.”
You rested your back on the headboard.
“If you’re… going to kill me… just do it…”
“I just spent all that effort and those resources to save you, why would I kill you now? I gain nothing from that except your very pissed brother storming my sanctuary.”
You turned away from him as he set the food back down in front of you.
“Seriously? What is this a strike? Eat.”
You turned your head a little further away so you didn’t even have to look at the food.
Negan left it there leaving the room.
The theory was that maybe you would eat without him around, but you didn’t. Or if you did he didn’t notice anything missing.
He tried the harsh approach, the just seeing how you did approach, the trying to force you to eat approach which worked for a few days until you had enough strength to punch him in the jaw before you stopped again. He had tried to engage you in conversations, which sometimes you’d take part in, he tried to engage you in card games or even just a walk around the halls.
You would take part as long as it didn’t involve him trying to help you in any other way, if it was just company you’d take it, but that was it.
Now he was trying another, he brought your food in, and he sat on the chair next to the bed, setting the food in your lap.
You didn’t even look at it, you just sat there.
“Look, just tell me what I’m doing wrong here. Do you not like the food? Do you need me to leave while you eat? What? What do you want? Because I’m running out of ideas here, and I can’t exactly return you to Rick the prick in this state, so you’re stuck with my ass until you’re healthy.”
You looked at him.
“What do you want from me sweetheart?”
Negan watched you, the way you refused food or water, the way you were so determined to hit you head and take your stitches out.
These weren’t the tactics of somebody who was trying to survive.
“Just kill me…”
Negan swallowed the lump in his throat.
“Do you wanna die?” He asked quietly.
You looked away.
“Why do I need a reason?”
“Tell me why.”
You clenched your jaw.
“Because I can’t do it myself…”
Negan slowly nodded his head.
“This why you’re doing all this? So I get pissed off and kill you?”
You nodded.
“You tried this before?”
“Rick, Michonne… they took all my weapons, won’t let me go anywhere without someone there… I even tried to walk into a herd of walkers…”
Negan got up, taking the food from you, setting it aside and he sat on the edge of the bed.
He tried to get a better look at you but you wouldn’t let him.
“Why the fuck would you want to do that?” He asked.
Despite his swearing, the tone was gentle, soft, it sounded like he was actually worried about you.
“Because what’s the point? We’re all going to become one of those things some how, at least I’d have control over my death. I have nothing anymore, Rick isn’t even my biological brother, he just feels guilty he killed Shane, so I have nothing.”
You turned your head, contacting eyes with him.
“So do it. Kill me.”
“I’m not going to kill you.”
Negan took the food, setting it back in your lap, and he took some from the plate to eat, just like all the other times he brought you food.
“You said you had nothin’ but that’s not true, you do, they’re all waiting for you to go back, demand for you to go back. I’d say that’s something.”
Negan picked up the fork, and he held it out to you with a little grin.
“Come on, it’s good shit.”
He took the fork back, putting some food on it and he held it up and you took it.
“I can feed myself..”
“Yeah, because that’s gone well huh?”
You glared a little and ate some of the food, and you turned the plate, gesturing to whatever you just ate to him and tried something else.
Negan got another food, eating the part of your meal you didn’t like, he didn’t say anything in case you stopped.
“You ever gonna take me back?”
“When you’re healthy enough.”
You nodded, glancing at him before looking away.
“You got any apples?”
He chuckled, sitting up to grab his walkie, asking someone to bring him a bowl of apples to the room and he set it back down.
“Whatever you want you just ask, I’ll have that shit here in no time.”
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Day 13- Free use with Ransom Drysdale
827 words
Kinktober masterlist
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A/N: hey guys, i have to repost all of my 18 days of Kinktober for now. Because my account got suspended last night. Many of you might have read them already, and maybe many more of you might read it for the first time. I'm not someone who asks for reblogs, likes are find by me. But for this one time...i would be very grateful if you could reblog it. To help me go back in the game. I'm sad that i lost all my works. But so grateful i wrote them on Word... Or i would have lost literally months of prepration.
So yeah, Hi again, i'm back, hopping to get back my first account.
Don't be shy to comment, reblog or like! :)
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TW: free use discuss and consent by both before hand. oral (m receiving), fingering, p in v...
not beta read, english is not my first language, all mistakes are my own
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Holidays, vacation, relax days, you miss that. And you miss Ran. You’ve been working nonstop, so when he sent you a text with a date, an hour, and a destination you were more than happy. Getaway weekend like this meant one thing…free use.
You arrive first, almost happy to be here before him. You take off your panties before putting some leggings, not the one you love, the one he can rip off. You start to cook dinner because you are hungry and crave some mac’n’cheese. You finish cooking when you hear his car in the drive-way. You feel yourself getting wet. The real game begins now.
“Hooneey, I’m home!”, he sings song. You can’t stop your giggle, eating some of your mac’n’cheese from the pot.
“Hey Ran!”
The smile, he gives you make your inside curls and your pussy clench around nothing. He takes a bite of your food and kisses you tenderly…not for long you think.
You are in the expectative. Looking his every move, knowing he will take you soon and you have nothing to say against it.
Ransom knows you’re waiting, but he waits for when you start to give up, when you start to think it won’t happen…when he sees that look on your face when you come back from the bedroom for a movie night, he’s quick to bend you over the couch and to rip off your leggings and spanks your ass hard. You scream in surprise, pain, and pleasure.
“My little bitch thought I won’t take her?”
The next day you’re out to collect some pumpkins. The no underwear policy makes you squirms with your jeans, for the pleasure of Ransom. It’s behind a corn maze that hold your chin firmly.
“On your knees, daddy’s cock is cold.” You get on your knees and sucks him off.
Later that day, you’re at a restaurant, you change for some tights and a skirt.
“baby, come sit on my lap” he orders. You’re quick to obey and you feel him his hard cock when you sit on his lap.
“I want you to keep me warm while we drink our hot chocolate”.
“Ransom, red”. He arches a brow
“not in public.”
“Yet, you’re wet, I can feel it”
You whimper. You’re wet because you made him cum three times today already and yet you didn’t have a single relief on your side.
His hands go up your tights and he make a hole in the middle, you gasp and look at him.
“Shhh, shhh, daddy is gonna reward you, you deserve it, such a good girl for me, you suck me of so good, let me thighs fuck you in the mall, can still feel my cum here”. He rubs your legs, and you shudder. Fuck yes, that was so good.
“I know you liked it, almost came too, hun.” His fingers feather touch your mound and you go lax against him. “Trust me, it will be more discreet if you let me touch you, easier to pull out and hide your juice on my fingers than on my cock.”
He doesn’t wait for your greenlight. There’s none with the free use. Only red to make it stop when it’s to uncomfortable for you. Right now, your arousal is stronger than anything else, and when two of his fingers rubs your clit you have to bite your hand not to moan.
You feel eyes on you, you’re sure the two old lady know what you let him do to you, you’re certain that the waitress can smell you… but Ransom start to nip at your neck and all your thoughts go blank. You can stop yourself to rock your hips, can’t stop your hand to cup him through his pants. He growls, knowing fully that you’re gone, cockdrunk on him, he knows he can pull his cock out and fucks you, but he won’t. you said red and he respects that. He makes you cum, you bite so hard on your hand that you can see the mark of your teeth. He pays, still circling his finger on your clit.
He helps you walk to the car, he opens the passenger door and bends you. “now can daddy fuck you?” you whimper a yes and you don’t have any warning when he bottoms out in one hard thrust, your head fells on the seat and he fucks you so hard, deep and fast that you don’t have time to moan, breath that you’re cumming, overstimulated. He massages your ass and plays with your backhole. You squirm and fucks yourself on his cock. Gosh…he makes you “like my little whore, yes you are my little bitch, my little vicious bitch, so innocent, yet look at you, fucking yourself on my cock.”
The degradation ton is everything to you when he plays the free use card, yes you are his little vicious bitch. And fuck you can’t wait for the next weekend already.
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taglist :
@navybrat817 @christywantspizza @buckyalpine @iloveprettyboysblog @ethreal-love @nailedbymandy
@captainsimagines @buckybarnesandmarvel @rogersandlightwood @sparkledfirecracker @barneswinterraven @hansensgirl @blades-and-heartbreak @runa-falls @chrisdrysdale
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this kingdom v, m | jjk
pairing(s): jungkook x reader
summary: Jeon Jungkook is thinking about giving his noona a break. She's been grinding League of Legends games for weeks. A change of pace was good, right? (Jungkook definitely wasn't pressured by Kim Taehyung to serve a little romance for once in his life instead of constant horny). They go camping by the sea. They still fuck. Jungkook is predictable. He wouldn't say he was though. Not out loud. Maybe under duress.
warnings: rated M (18+) for language; Jungkook is low-key high-key? a brat; some technical LoL talk; fluff, tbh; intense smut (fem reader, spit kink, pet name (for JK), gagged + cuffed JK, edging, pain kink, handjob, begging, m-receiving oral / face-fucking, mentions of ball-squeezing, semi-public groping, indecent exposure(?), multiple orgasms, doggy, scratching, spanking, fingering); non-idol!BTS; long black-haired, tsundere softsub!Jungkook x self-assured, cocky, power-bottom/softdom noona!reader; switches between Jungkook’s and your POV; ft Kim Seokjin yelling at you to touch grass
yup, JK is still obsessed with her booty. happy JK day!
part i | part ii | part iii | part iv
“Little bunny, I know you want to scream, but the neighbors said we’re too loud, so I’ll have to silence you for now.”
Yeah, okay, like that wasn’t loud.
“I know you like that.”
Jeon Jungkook really wanted to tell himself that he didn’t. He was a simple guy. Food, games, girls, in that order… obviously. His friends liked to tell him he was a total simp for his woman, but Jungkook begged to differ. He was a sensible man. He wasn’t going to get all starry-eyed over some pretty girl. That was all cosmetic shit anyway. It was the stats that mattered.
She stuck her tongue out and spit slid off the pink tip, splattering onto his crotch, onto her hand around his rock-hard dick.
He could explain.
Jungkook bit down hard and tried not to let his eyes roll back into his head as she started jacking him off again.
She cocked her head at him, stroking her thigh with his belt, tracing the red mark at the inner part as she pushed him to the brink, again, with her spit and her hand. She wasn’t just a pretty face. No, his noona was drop-dead gorgeous. That dangerous smile, that messy hair that was usually in a defined ponytail, that sexy body that was a knockout in clothes, but even better naked. Perky tits and lovely waist that fit just right in his hands and flared out into that perfectly shaped ass that was now planted on his tense leg as he slammed his handcuffed hands into the headboard and chomped down on the ball gag, electricity all over his nerves as she adjusted her grip, now slightly higher, slick, sensitive, tight, please don’t, please don’t, he kept telling his head and his head whispered back, please do, just one more time, just–
She stopped and dropped down, wrapping her lips around the wet head and soaking it with saliva, cutting off his orgasm with softness and making him scream into the plastic.
He tried to jerk his hips up but her knee came down and pinned him, still leisurely sucking on his dick like he wasn’t thrashing on her bed and making the whole bedframe clatter against the wall. Staring at him to make him self-conscious, so he glared back, his long black hair a mess over his eyes, feeling the stinging strain all over his body and he hated it.
He didn’t like it one bit.
She stared into his eyes.
Okay, okay, okay, it was a fucking lie, it was all a fucking lie, he loved every agonizing second, fuck, so fucking stupid that he loved it so fucking much, stop looking at me like that, shit, getting harder, seeing peeks of her little pink tongue slipping out from her full lips, caressing his shaft with the utmost care, saliva dripping down and pooling onto his crotch, I’m gonna go insane, her hands sliding down, smearing it everywhere, two fingers slipping around his balls and stroking the space just under him and Jungkook was done for.
His eyes rolled back into his head, feelings her nails drag over his skin.
She popped her mouth off him and kissed up his tense abs, his shaking chest, past his racing heartbeat, and he couldn’t look, couldn’t bear her smirk of triumph as she planted a wet, sloppy kiss on the plastic ball gag that he was drooling around.
Fuck me.
His brain, annoyingly, reminded him.
She is.
Jungkook growled and snapped his head back to that wolfish, smug grin that was hovering above him.
“Why are your hands up here?” she purred, her fingers sliding up his arms, massaging his flexed forearms, fingers stroking his clenched fists above his head. She tapping her fingertips against his white knuckles.
She licked his face.
Hot, slick, possessive.
“Don’t you wanna fuck my pretty face?”
He was breathing very hard.
Don’t give in, don’t give in, don’t give in.
But this was her kingdom.
Her head moved to the side, tucking into the crook of his shoulder, Jungkook groaned, seeing her raised ass in the air. Round, perky, so delicious he wanted to sink his teeth into it. She placed her weight into his chest and he felt her hard nipples against his skin as she threw his belt over her back, using both hands to readjust the placement.
She let the leather cut into that curve, bouncing lightly to let him see it sink into her flesh.
Loosened her grip a little and snapped it down onto her ass, moaning lightly into his ear.
Probably didn’t even hurt that much but Jungkook was too horny to give a single fuck. Pride? What pride? Fuck pride, his arms came down and desperate, gurgled whimpers were emitting from his throat, pushing down on her shoulders with his forearms, and she laughed, he didn’t even care. Begging? Sure, why the fuck not, call it begging, he didn’t care anymore, shoving her down his torso, handcuffed hands awkward and jerky, but she moved like liquid, sliding down his body, placing her hands on the bed.
Lifted her head.
Hovered above his embarrassingly hard dick and grinned, letting her tongue hang out.
Jungkook grabbed the top of her head and pushed her hair away from her face, ticking his chin down.
Fucking start!
She looked down and licked the dark red tip lightly.
He should have pulled on her hair, but he forgot. Jungkook just found himself whining, holding her hair back, shifting his hips impatiently.
“Don’t hold back, little bunny.”
Her tongue curled around the head of his cock and collected it into her lips in one swift motion.
Damn, those flawless mechanics.
Jungkook pushed her head down and she swallowed his length. Hot, wet, tight. He wanted to say he controlled the pace. He really did. He pushed down, but there was a split second of hesitation on pulling up – he was still holding onto her hair – but she got the hint, pushing back against him as if to defy him, so he pushed down again, she pulled back, a tug of war all of a sudden, her lips so soft, her throat so tight, her tongue all over him, all around the head when she ascended and underneath the head when she descended, him shoving her down, her jerking back up. The increased speed and roughness she used in resisting his hands, he returned in the force of his palms, and now they had created a furious, intense rhythm, his eyes squeezing shut, warm wet sleeve around his throbbing cock, so good, I hate it, I hate that you’re so fucking good, hate it so fucking much that I love you, fuck, but the words were muffled and trapped in his throat, his teeth sinking into the ball gag, thrusting his hips up and hitting the back of her throat, the muscles back there tightening, immobile, didn’t even gag.
He was scared he was going to fuck it up with his frenzied desperation, and he opened his eyes, seeing her shoulders lock, her hands bracing herself, and she glanced at him.
Hell, maybe borderline bored.
His cock jerked and Jungkook gasped behind the gag, snapping his head back into the pillows and forcing his hips up, sliding into the deepest, tightest part of her throat, and his orgasm shot out, his tense body violently flinching with each throb. Seeing white and moaning messily, wretched, wrecked, losing grip, ricocheting pleasure piercing through him, feeling her head retreat slightly, swallowing noisily around his cock, the vibration strumming through his veins, compounding the already overwhelming sensations.
Holy shit.
Her tongue, so soft, pressing to the base of the head, teasing the thin skin there.
His body collapsed into the mattress and her mouth followed, sinking down and licking all around.
His woman was always number one in his head and he was a total simp.
Not that Jungkook was going to say that out loud.
“How’s your wrists?”
“Ah. Cool.”
You turned away and rubbed your throat, swallowing lightly. The soreness was mostly in your jaw. You locked it for too long. Should have relaxed it in the tiny increments of ascending. You isolated the muscles and flexed it as you put the handcuffs in the nightstand. You picked up the ball gag beside you and chuckled, seeing the teeth marks. This was going to be expensive, trying to keep Jungkook silent.
You tossed it in the trash, shrugging.
“Are you okay?”
You stood up, plucking Jungkook’s white t-shirt off your gaming chair. “Hm?”
“I asked if you were okay,” your boyfriend snapped from behind you as you slid his shirt on, covering your naked body. He cleared his throat as you popped your head out, turning your head to look at him while you pulled your hair out of the neck hole.
“I… I didn’t want to be too rough on you.”
He was chewing on his lip, voice softened.
You smirked.
“You’re never rough on me, little bunny.”
You sat down and swiveled around, tapping your keyboard to wake your computer up. Jungkook was sitting on your bed, wearing only his black boxer briefs, loosely holding his phone. There were small marks by the sides of his lip, including a dent from his lip ring. You had massaged the sides of his mouth after removing the gag. Jungkook had tried to push you away, but you slapped his hand away and checked his piercing, ignoring his protests.
You let him wipe the drool off his own mouth, though. He wasn’t a kid.
“Shouldn’t you go to sleep?”
“I gotta play one more game,” you replied, logging into League of Legends. “Ten points from completing this mission. Probably just an ARAM. A Summoner’s Rift game will take too long.”
You heard rustling and seconds later Jungkook was behind you.
Your mouse hovered over the ‘Find Match’ button but you didn’t click it.
Instead, you sensed a shift in Jungkook’s tone and faced him, seeing him standing behind you.
“What up?”
His eyes shifted from the screen, to you, and for a split second you braced yourself, feeling as if the unpleasant conversation was coming. The you-game-too-much conversation. It always came, especially with the older guys you had fucked. When are you going to grow up? It’s nice to have hobbies, but you should focus on your career and starting a family instead of video games. Blah, blah, blah. They yapped like annoying dogs and you’d tell them to fuck off and then ghost them. It was a pain in ass dating someone who didn’t understand something as simple as your love for games, and you had no problem cutting out those kinds of people.
Except this was Jungkook and, in this moment, you realized how much it would really hurt if he asked you to stop gaming.
Fuck, I love this guy.
Jungkook ran his hand though his long black hair and shifted his eyes, darting his gaze to your face, to the wall, to your neck, to your computer, to your face, and so on.
“Do you have tea?” he mumbled.
You blinked at him. “What?”
“Tea.” Jungkook rolled his eyes. “Not every drink in this place is an energy drink or soda, right?”
You frowned. “Uh… I think my mom got me a box of lemon tea when I was sick, yeah…” You stood up, wandering off to the kitchen, trying to remember which cabinet it was. Opening random ones and reaching to the back. It was in the third one you opened, a little box with tubular packets of instant lemon-flavored black tea that could be made cold or hot. Your mom knew how lazy you were. “You want tea?”
“I want to make you some hot tea, yeah.”
You popped up from the ground, clutching the box of tea. You were behind the peninsula of the kitchen counter and Jungkook was on the other side, peering over to watch you search.
He jerked back, eyes getting all shifty again.
An awkward silence.
You stared at him as he shuffled around the counter, pointedly not looking at you as he neared. Snatched the box from your hands and scuttled sideways like a river crab, reaching into one of the lower cabinets for a pot.
“I have an electric kettle.”
Jungkook flinched as you reached around him and brought it out from an upper cabinet, placing it on the counter. You glanced at his face. He turned away.
His ears were red.
“Go start your game,” he barked gruffly.
A weird tingle danced through your chest and you reached up reflexively, touching your cheek.
It was warm.
Am I blushing?!
You yanked your hand away from your face and spoke up. “I… I can just make it myself, you kno–”
Jungkook’s head whipped around so fast that you backed up, hitting the counter as he pushed you into it, crowding you with his larger frame. Dark brown eyes flashing, brows furrowed, lips twisted into a frown, and his cheeks were bright pink.
“I’ll do it,” he gritted out.
You blinked at him.
He cleared his throat, leaning in closer. “I mean, I’ll do it, because if I don’t, you’ll think I can’t. I can make tea better than you can anyway.”
“It’s, uh, just the powder packets…” you pointed out, poking the box in his hand, not looking away from his face.
Jungkook looked down and saw the packaging. “Oh.” His head lifted and there was no more anger. You always knew he had some big peepers, but they were extra noticeable today. Just… stunning. Jungkook was always stunning, no question. Even your parents overlooked the tattoos and piercings because Jungkook had such a handsome face. He was always polite around them too.
You really are the perfect guy, Jungkook.
You opened your mouth to tell him that, but he closed the distance between you and him and placed a light kiss on your lips, his clean scent filling your nose.
“Go win, noona,” he murmured, kissing you again and nudging you with his nose, pushing you away from him, back towards the direction of your computer. “If you play too late, all the degenerates wake up.”
You chuckled, scooting away from him.
Then, before you forgot, you pressed your lips to his ear, whispering softly.
“I love you.”
You slipped past him and went to your computer, clicking the ‘Find Match’ button.
“What champion are you playing?”
Renata Glasc, the Chem-Baroness, the calculated bloodthirsty Zaun enchanter support that could turn opponents against each other with her ultimate, causing them to attack each other once her dark pink cloud of chemicals possessed them for a few seconds. You pioneered her with confidence, dancing the line of too close and just out of reach. Paired with Amumu, the Sad Mummy, whose ultimate stunned everyone within the giant area-of-effect circle, you two could provide great setup for your last three teammates to kill the entire enemy team.
The problem was, your other three teammates weren’t being patient.
“Fucking shit…”
The Amumu was great. They even communicated when they had their ult even though you could see the cooldown by the mummy’s portrait on the right. They were definitely following your lead. Your other three teammates were playing stupid now though. A couple won teamfights and those idiots thought they were invincible, not waiting for your and Amumu’s setup.
“What the fuck, why didn’t your Diana wait?” Jungkook complained as your screen went gray.
You rubbed your forehead. “Didn’t wait for Amumu to engage.”
“He had two seconds until his ult was up! Come on!”
You stifled your laugh, reaching over to the tea Jungkook had set on the side of your desk. His tattooed hand shot out and flicked you away from it, putting your hand back on the mouse.
“You revived.”
“I was going to take a sip of your hard work.”
He gave you the side eye. “It’s too hot right now. Don’t you know the concept of boiled water? Come on, Sett is gonna go in again like a fucking dumbass.”
You cocked an eyebrow as you bought your items and right-clicked your way back to the center of the map. “You wanna play for me?”
“Hell no. I don’t know how to play Renata.”
He was sitting on the edge of your bed, watching your game from behind. Surprisingly, not backseat gaming, only commenting and getting angry for you even though he wasn’t even in the game. Sometimes it really bothered you when someone watched, but this game was going to end soon… hopefully.
“It’s pretty easy,” you said as you played, right clicking and making sure to keep Renata out of arm’s reach from your opponents. “The Q is a hook to yank an enemy around, the W is an attack speed steroid and revival if your teammate’s health hits zero and kills someone before it runs out, the E is a shield that slows when you throw it out. And the R–”
“Is that nasty pink cloud that makes everyone go berserk, I see that,” Jungkook finished for you, his pitch hiking excitedly. “Shit! Nice!”
You had mashed R the second you saw Amumu throw himself into the fray and the enemy team pile on top of him. Killed four of the enemies and were now chasing down the last to ace them.
“This Amumu is actually really good,” you hummed, keeping an eye out as you attacked the tower. Everyone else had ended up dying after killing the enemy Maokai. Damn tree was unkillable. “I don’t know if we can win though. My Draven can’t kill Maokai and he won’t build fuckin’ lifesteal to survive either.”
There was silence as you focused, suddenly pulled into the game. Huh. You weren’t one to give up easily, but it hadn’t been going well and you could see your teammates weren’t really thinking about how to win fights, and yet, slowly but surely, you could see the tides were turning. The cooldowns were getting shorter, Amumu was getting tankier, and you focused on staying alive, because even if your inhibitor was down and your teammates were being dumb, you didn’t die, keeping them alive and winning the latest fight by the slimmest of margins, hooking the enemy Jinx and pulling her towards you, dying from her rocket as your teammates closed in and killed her.
You could see the angle now.
You had enough movement speed now to get close and bait the damage dealers into going for you, since they were avoiding the tanky Amumu. Now the fights were different. The enemy team was getting impatient, chasing after you a little too much, not thinking that you would have the gall to turn and fight, using your ult to buy that crucial second of time for your teammates to capitalize.
You could feel it.
The best feeling you could get when you were playing games, that kind of floating elation when you knew you were doing everything right, completely absorbed and moving by instinct, timing your movements to both start the fight and make up for your teammates’ weaknesses. Sometimes you had to accept the ones playing with you weren’t the best, but that didn’t mean you couldn’t win. You just had to predict what the opponents would do, how your teammates would react, and keep them alive for as long as you could, pushing forward bit by bit, grinning as you spied the enemy Jinx stepping a little too close.
A primary damage dealer seeking to kill the low-damage support. What could go wrong for her?
Q, W your Diana as she jumped in, R, E to shield at the last second and–
“Holy shit.”
Aced the enemy team.
“They can’t win now,” you declared.
You almost forgot Jungkook was there. Your mouth responded to him but your head was in the game, mapping out the path for victory. You died one more time, yet everything was falling into place. Finally, your teammates realized to simply follow your lead with Amumu’s engage, and that was all you needed, to control the pace, and you did so flawlessly.
“Shurelya’s was definitely the best choice here, we needed that speed up,” you muttered as the enemy nexus exploded, sitting back as the VICTORY screen popped up. “I’m glad I built that instead of Imperial Mandate,” you went on under your breath, peering at the ending statistics as you reached over to the mug of tea waiting for you, sipping the piping hot liquid.
Oh! Perfect temperature.
“That was crazy,” Jungkook sighed in awe behind you.
You almost splashed the entire mug onto your face in surprise. Oh, shit, that’s right! You swallowed hard, wincing at the amount, sudden pain and heat.
“Ack, uh... yeah…”
“Is it too hot?”
You waved hurriedly as you heard him scramble to his feet, choppily jerking your head as you tried not to cough. Not you choking on tea and not his dick. “Guk, fine… I’m fine…”
You caught his eye and froze.
Jungkook also froze, realizing his expression and stance of concern, torn between showing it and not showing it, but then it was too long of a timeframe and now he was just staring at you and you were staring at him, wheezing silently for a moment. You weakly took another sip of tea. He wiggled backward and slowly sat down on the edge of the bed again.
“You… You’re good, right?” he finally asked.
You nodded slowly. “Y… Yep.”
You drank some tea.
Jungkook’s long hair was tied up in ponytail, exposing his awkward face. “Cool. Cool.”
You breathed out. You weren’t usually awkward around Jungkook. It was kind of hard to be, because he was so funny. His behavior was probably infuriating to some, but it mostly made you laugh. Maybe some thought that you were enduring his childish behavior a little too much. You didn’t really see it that way though. Jungkook always had good intentions, and he tried not to show too much of his kind nature by pretending to be harsh. It was just…
Well, when you thought he might ask you to stop gaming, you realized that you might actually consider it if it really did bother him.
And that was made you embarrassed.
That would mean you loved him that much.
Yes, you knew you loved Jungkook, more than any other guy you ever dated, of course. The sex was incredible, he was fun to be around, you liked all his little quirks and his predictably stubborn reactions to your behavior. You would be sad if he gave up on his pretend fighting-for-dominance schtick. But enough to rethink your gaming habits? Whoa. That was a little insane, no? And he was right here. You weren’t exactly alone to process this new revelation. Plus, he made you hot tea because he was worried that he had hurt you. It didn’t matter if you said you were okay; you always said you were okay.
There was no reason to worry him.
You found yourself gazing into his eyes and he was gazing back, silent and entranced.
Maybe he knew that you would always say that you were okay, that you would always stay strong in front of him, that you never wanted him to feel guilty for being himself, especially when you asked for it.
You smiled at him from behind your Poro-printed mug.
Jungkook smiled back, probably instinctively.
Oh, God, we’re so gross.
You hastily took another sip and did not choke this time.
You heard him clearing his throat and scratching his head, reaching over the bed to pick up his phone.
“Hey, noona…”
“Have you ever been in a camping caravan?”
You scrunched up your face in thought. “Uh… think my dad took me camping a couple times when I was young. We rented one of those camping trailers, yeah. Went to go fishing and stuff. I never caught anything,” you added with a laugh. “Mostly he toasted a billion marshmallows and I would chow down until I felt sick,” you snickered, remembering those nights in the woods under the starry sky. “Mom never came. She thought it was horrible being away from a comfy bed. Why live like cavemen when we’re civilized human beings? So, it was only Dad and I, until I got a computer and then we kinda stopped…” You trailed off, suddenly feeling rueful as you remembered.
“Let’s go next weekend.”
You sat up, blinking rapidly, shaking yourself out of your thoughts. You could call you dad later. “Huh?”
“The LoL event will be over by then,” Jungkook mumbled as he poked around on his phone. “I’ll rent one and we’ll go.”
You chuckled awkwardly. “Jungkook, you’re not gonna want me out in nature. I barely touch grass as it is, let alone know anything about camping. My dad did everything.”
“S’fine. I know stuff.”
He looked up.
“I’ll do everything. You won’t rest your wrists unless you’re nowhere near your computer.”
You felt your face burn. “What! I–”
“Will just switch to a phone game or a console game when the event is over,” he finished for you with a roll of his eyes, going back to his phone. “I’ll rent it, pick the camping site, and we’ll go next weekend.”
“You’re not even gonna let me exp–”
“I won’t–”
“Yes, you will. Let’s go camping, like you and your dad used to do.”
You opened your mouth but nothing came out. You wanted to say, I’m not addicted to gaming, or, you’re not the boss of me, or some equally dumb shit, but then your recalled sitting by the sea with your father, a little cold, your child self snuggling by his arm, and he was asking you, did you have fun? You told him you did. You wanna go home now and watch TV, don’t you? Heh, I guess you put up with your old man long enough, kiddo. You had thought that was weird for him to say. I like hanging out with you. He had laughed. It’s the marshmallows, huh? You had punched his hard bicep with your tiny fist. No, you stupid dummy, I love you, Dad.
And then your father did a weird thing.
He started crying.
You were startled, because nothing sad was happening, as far as you knew.
He had hugged you super tight and you had wriggled around, confused, and now older you remembered this moment that child you thought was weird as fuck. He had stopped pretty quickly and started tickling you, making you forget all about it, but you remembered now, his warm hug and him patiently teaching you how to fish despite how fucking terrible you were at it, lighting sparklers at night, carrying you on his shoulders as he hiked along the path you were supposed to do together, scolding you to stop tugging at his ears but you kept doing so.
You were a rebellious little shit.
You heard Jungkook call your name and you snapped back to present time, seeing your boyfriend raising an eyebrow at you.
“You spaced out.”
You blinked slowly, clearing your blurry vision. “Ah, sorry.” You stood up, taking your now empty mug with you. “Okay. Let’s go next weekend.”
“Let me wash that.”
“Jungkook, I can wash dishes.”
“Not like how I can wash dishes.”
“What, did you spend ten thousand hours doing dishes and now you’re a  master at it or something?”
“Give me the cup.”
“Never met a man so aggressive about clean dishes, sheesh…”
Jungkook could not believe he was the one trying to convince his girlfriend that they should eat a damn vegetable.
“I’m fine with getting a fourth pack of pork belly,” he was hearing himself saying and still not quite believing it. “But we should bring some kimchi to sauté in the pork fat.” He never thought he be advocating for cabbage, but here he was, forcefully adding the packets of kimchi into the shopping cart. Shouldn’t this situation be reversed?
She frowned at him, dropping in the packs of instant noodles. “Are you sure that’s good?”
“Of course, it’s good. You think I don’t know what good food is?”
“You’ll eat anything, Jungkook.”
“I just hate wasting food,” he grumbled, seeing a small pot on a lower shelf. Oh shit. He forgot to pack one. That would be bad if she wanted noodles. He quickly picked it up and added it to the cart. “Did you get rice?”
“Ah, I’ll go get it.”
“I can follow you, you know.”
She turned and, right in the middle of the grocery store, flipped up the bottom of her oversized red and black T1 hoodie, exposing her slinky black leggings molded to her perky, plump ass. The most perfect shape he had ever seen, and those juicy, squeezable thighs.
“Oh. I know.”
His dick immediately shot up.
“Noona!” he hissed, but she was already walking off, causing him to hurry along awkwardly with his now very inconvenient tent in his pants while they were in this very convenient grocery store. Great. Just great. He wasn’t planning on pitching a tent in the store, but here he was. Ugh, her perfect ass though. Damnit. He fuckin’ loved it when she made it bounce as he jacked off on her command and had her roughly squeeze his balls like they owned her money. A whole fucking lot of it too. Love it when he begged her to smack her ass and knead it and sink her fingers into those juicy cheeks as he roughly pumped his dick and felt the violent pressure of her inescapable grip borderline destroying his poor, helpless balls.
He jumped, nearly flinging himself into the aisle of snacks as the subject of all his horny fantasies pressed up against him and nuzzled his neck.
“Do you wanna get some drinks?” that wolfish smile asked innocently as she not-so-innocently palmed his rock-hard dick through his sweatpants, sinful fingers curling around the length, lightly rubbing his balls underneath at the same time.
“S… Stop…” he breathed, feeling his cock throb and jerk happily from her touch. Stop, his mouth said, keep going, his dick said, you’re in public, his brain reminded him, and his dick agreed, hell yeah, I am, if only it was a little more public–
Jungkook forced his hand to shoot forward and wrap around her fingers, squeezing them and himself hard enough so his dick was choked into submission to avoid jail time for indecent exposure. He was two seconds away from dropping his pants and humping her right here in the goddamn grocery store. Would be a cool headline, but Park Jimin would never stop teasing him about it if it happened, so…
Not worth it.
He shoved his forehead against hers, glaring as piercingly as he could, which, admittedly, was probably not that intimidating, but he had to fucking try, didn’t he? One of them had to be sensible in this relationship! Not that he wanted to be, hell no, he wanted to be her sex slave, what, no he didn’t, well, I do but now is not the time to think stuff like that, he scolded himself, clenching his jaw as he fiercely stared into those gorgeous, mischievous, daring eyes. She was so damn pretty. Everything about her, especially like this, no makeup, just glowing under him, smirk and all.
It nearly made him sick.
“Stop,” he growled, low and dangerous.
Her smirk turned into a pleased, stunning smile as she strongly pulsed her palm around his length.
His eyes almost rolled back into his head.
Kissed his nose and let go of him, breaking out of his grip easily.
Jungkook had to bite his tongue to avoid screaming.
“Shit. I forgot something.”
“What is it? I’ll go back in since I’m paying for groceries.”
Jungkook shoved you back into the passenger’s seat before you could stand up. “Stay here.”
You cocked in eyebrow, resisting his grip. “Why?”
His hold tightened, his hand sliding down the front of your hoodie, pressing down on your thigh. That would stop a lot of women. Men too, probably. Would stop anyone, really, Jungkook’s tattooed fingers sinking into the inside of your thigh, squeezing hard and powerfully, but it didn’t stop you, too used to his type and his antics.
You crossed your legs and squashed his fingers in between your soft thighs, leaning towards him slyly.
You loved his eyes. Those big peepers gave him away every time, no matter how tough he was acting. His lips could be set in annoyance, his brows could be furrowed angrily, and he could try to hide under his large, charcoal dray bucket hat, but you saw the sparks within those large dark brown orbs. Fear and desire, mixed together. An expression you knew well.
You were the main perpetrator of both emotions for Jeon Jungkook.
“What do you think you’re doing, little bunny?” you whispered, hot and heavy.
He set his jaw, tugging at his hand. Trying to pull away, but not really, the pads of his fingers curling in, his breathing shallowing. You lurched your hips forward and the side of his hand pressed against your clothed pussy, crushing him from three sides.
Jungkook leaned in too.
Growling low, all bark and no bite.
“Can you listen to me for once–”
You licked the side of his lip, outlining his lip ring.
Stared into his eyes.
“S… Stop…”
His eyelashes lowered. Your head tilted. You flexed your legs, constricting his fingers between your thighs, inhaling the breath he let out with effort. You dismantled his defenses, one by one, and Jungkook refused to look at you, refused to lose until he could refuse no longer, because you were so close, centimeters from his lips, and his gaze lifted, knowing you would take what was yours the second he made eye contact, even right out here in the public parking lot, anywhere, always forcing him to walk the line of decency and desperation.
You knew he liked it.
He wouldn’t say, but those eyes willingly surrendering, pleading to be taken, were enough.
Your phone vibrated in your bag.
Both Jungkook and you jerked, squinting at the tiny black backpack that demanded your attention with a thrilling buzz. You reached over and he took the chance to yank his hand out, his breath catching, biting back a sound and forcing it back down his throat. Sounded suspiciously like a whimper, but he mumbled, I’ll be back, and stumbled out of the car, hastily adjusting his crotch before sprinting back to the store.
You watched him go, the corner of your lips quirking up.
Glanced at the phone screen and answered.
“Yah!” Kim Seokjin shouted. He did not know the meaning of a normal volume. “You are supposed to say hello! Where are your manners?” Well, maybe that habit was restricted to you, considering you answered with what instead of a pleasant greeting.
“Are you in jail?” you asked nonchalantly. “Otherwise, I can’t imagine why you are calling.”
“I am not in jail. I am a good boy,” Seokjin snapped, and you imagined his facial expression twisted into hamster-like fury, glaring at the phone even though you couldn’t see. “Also, are you implying you wouldn’t bail me out? Yah! I’d help you, you ungrateful–”
“After I figure out why you’re there and taking out the appropriate party, yeah, I’d come get you and your broad shoulders.”
You heard Seokjin mumble your ominous usage of taking out the appropriate party, and he was very aware you didn’t mean a nice date. “Anyway,” he pivoted, getting to the point of his call. “Since I know you never touch grass, I’m inviting you to my parents’ summer party this weekend, along with Jungkook, where you two will behave like normal human beings,” he added warningly. “There will be lots of meat barbecue and I’m inviting the other guys so you better come.”
You raised your eyebrows.
Apparently, Seokjin didn’t like what happened last time when you snuck off to the bathroom of his parents’ house to make out with Jungkook’s neck, leaving bite marks under his collar as you stroked your boyfriend's chest through his shirt, forcing him to look into the mirror as you pressed your chest to his back and watched him try to stifle his moans as you reached down, down… Only for Seokjin to stumble in and yank your hands off the younger man, scolding you in the corner, you insatiable animal, I knew it, I can’t take the two of you anywhere, and you grinned at his skittish panic, shifting your gaze to Jungkook and licking your teeth, teasing that deepening blush on those cheeks.
Still, Seokjin was inviting you again.
Probably would glare at you and Jungkook every two seconds, but that could be a fun game.
“Oi, stop plotting!” Seokjin barked. “Where’s Jungkook? Tell him.”
“Ah, Seokjin, you’re too late. Jungkook is actually taking me to touch grass. We’re going camping.”
You heard a gasp. “Jungkook? Jeon Jungkook, the friend I haven’t seen in months because he’s lost his mind over your fat ass.” He was trying insult you but you hummed approvingly, and Seokjin snorted. “Is taking you camping? You, who can’t live without games and internet?”
You imagined him squinting suspiciously.
“Who are you and what did you do to my friend?”
You checked your nails. “Sorry I can’t come. Tell your mom I miss her cooking.”
“What did he do? Is he threatening you? Should I fight him?”
A laugh burst out from your lungs. “You really think Jungkook can threaten me?”
Seokjin made a high-pitched confused noise. “I can’t imagine why you would willingly go camping.”
“Do you think you can fight Jungkook?” you teased.
“Well, no, but I can throw Jimin in front of him and I’m sure Taehyung will show up–”
The trunk opened and you whipped your head around to see Jungkook shoving something into the back hurriedly. He jerked up and spied you peeking at him from the front. You tilted your head at him and spoke into the phone.
“My piece of meat is here. You won’t be able to call me this weekend but we can chat later, Seokjin.”
“Ew, don’t call him a piece of meat, that’s disgusting, don’t ever speak to me aga–”
Your boyfriend glared at you from the back.
You stuck your tongue out and licked the air.
He slammed the trunk closed.
You crouched by Jungkook’s side as he attempted to attach the caravan to the car.
“Should we ask the employee again?”
“I got it,” he mumbled under his breath, doing who-knows-what. In his big bucket hat, oversized sweatshirt, and loose pants, all charcoal gray, he looked like big boulder against the ground. You were tempted to sit on him, but you didn’t want him to get distracted and later have to chase a runaway trailer because it detached, so you let him work on it.
Okay, a small part of you considered the risk.
The other part of you was enjoying his focus on making sure everything was secure. There was something attractive about it. You almost wandered off to ask for help again, but you realized your need to do that was your unease in depending on someone else. You didn’t want anyone to think you couldn’t do something if you set your mind to it. Especially a man. Being interested in video games jaded you – a woman taking on a hobby that was primarily male-dominant got you plenty of sexist comments over the years, and now you were forever nagged by the constant feeling of, I shouldn’t rely on a man for anything.
Of course, this was different. Jungkook was your boyfriend. You could and should rely on him. He wasn’t doing this to try to one-up you and hold it over your head. He was just doing it because this was his suggestion and he was following though. It wasn’t that deep.
You stood up and took a step back.
“Got it.”
Jungkook straightened, taking off the gloves he was wearing. “Wanna check? It’s super secure.” He turned and held out the gloves, glancing at you. “I don’t want it to roll away after spending all that money.”
Well, since he asked…
You reached out and took the gloves from him, giving him a small smile. “I liked the blue caravan, though.”
Those big brown eyes narrowed into slits. “We didn’t get to pick. They gave me this one. You want me to go back and complain after I just attached it?” He sighed, rolling his eyes. “Fine, fine.”
A quick swipe and you grabbed his forearm, squeezing it with a chuckle, pulling him back towards you.
“I’m kidding. This silver one is good.”
He frowned, the slight upturn of his lips exposing the tiny mole underneath. “Just good? You want the blue one or not? You think I can’t exchange it? I’m sure I can get whatever you want–”
You held his forearm, pressing it to your chest. Hard muscle against your breasts, and he blinked at you, looking down in bunny-like curious confusion. So close, and it usually meant something else, something usually as intriguing as it was indecent, but this was a different kind of tension, a moment where you held him and hugged his forearm. You smiled, and it wasn’t meant to tease him or throw him off.
“Let’s not waste any more time,” you said to him. “I want to be with you. Only you.”
His lips parted, stunned to silence.
Alright, you were teasing him a little bit without him knowing. You knew he liked these cheesy lines. He often watched dramas on your bed while you played games. Propped himself up with all your pillows and plushies, set up a table of snacks as you crushed kids in League of Legends. He would get so invested in the storylines that his mouth would be open while watching.
It was actually low-key hilarious.
Jungkook’s expression morphed into a stern stare.
“Why are you smiling like that?”
Oops, your amusement was showing on your face. Better change the subject.
“What the first thing you wanna do when we get set up at the campsite?”
Jeon Jungkook would never, ever say that he was predictable.
He was but he would never say that.
What was he supposed to do when his girlfriend was the hottest woman that walked the planet and knew all the things that drove him crazy? He could have staked down the awning on his own but she wanted to try at least once and, well, that required bending over in those leggings of hers, borderline indecent with how perfectly shaped her ass was, the seams molding and framing her hips.
What was he supposed to do?
Not stare?
He wouldn’t be human if he didn’t.
Jungkook would have preferred to do everything for her, but he knew she would hate that. So, he did what any good boyfriend would do – stare pointedly at her butt until she was finished, then stare at her face when she straightened and checked her work with that almost smug, proud smile she had when she did something successful on the first try.
Fuck, he loved her smile.
She was so fuckin’ pretty.
And then she turned and that smile was directed at him and Jungkook probably would have melted into a puddle if he wasn’t completely rigid – in more ways than one – and forgot how to speak. So knowing, so calm, so stunningly out of place surrounded by the beach and the forest. There was a sense of comfortable ease when she was absorbed in her games and her computer; camping was completely out of her element and yet it was always so damn sexy when she faced challenges head on.
Jungkook would know.
She faced him head on.
And ruined his whole life.
“Who’s the best, little bunny?”
“You are, you always will be, noona – o-oh, fuck!”
He was really hoping no one was going to notice the indecent exposure he was committing right now with his pants at his ankles and his cock down her throat, but in Jungkook’s defense, he couldn’t do anything when she squatted down in front of his pants and stuck her tongue out. He forgot about pride, about resisting, about playing hard-to-get, just went straight to whining her name as she wiggled that glossy pink muscle and teased him, say please.
Jungkook took in that nimble tongue, those juicy thighs, the curve of her plump ass and put on his best begging tone.
So now she was sucking his dick right there at the campsite. They lasted about five minutes before this moment. No hands, for she was still wearing the gloves. It amazed him every time, the control of her lips, tongue, throat, fitting around him with light pressure, swiping strokes, and tight suction. Jungkook wouldn’t say that he was predictable, and maybe he was, but he sure as hell didn’t care, so warm, so soft, the tip of her tongue darting out and lapping at his balls, he was going to go crazy feeling the cool air against his saliva-covered balls and the hot tightness of her throat choking the swollen head of his cock, pulsing around his throbbing length every time she swallowed him.
He was moaning far too loud.
There was no one to hear but her and the sea.
“Gonna cum, please, please let me cum–”
In hindsight, Jungkook realized that she was giving him no indication that she wasn’t going to let him cum. He was simply used to being edged. Alright, maybe he hoped for it, just to last a little longer, but no, not this time, and he wasn’t prepared for the sudden rise without the cutoff, throwing his head back and gasping and the pleasure rocketed up from his core and shocked every cell in his body, forgetting anything else but the pure, unadulterated nirvana that was the height of orgasm, his cock jammed down her tight throat and shuddering as she swallowed. Wet, squishy, warm all around, lustfully moaning to the open sky as his spine shook, shoulders lurching, heart racing.
There was no one like his noona.
The whole package.
The right body and the right mind.
Ten minutes into being on the camp site and Jungkook already had his first orgasm.
Hopefully no one heard.
“Your bucket hat fell off,” she commented, licking her lips after detaching from his crotch.
Jungkook twisted and nearly fell over due to his pants being around his ankles. Spit was running down his thighs. Her arm hooked around his knees and held him still, her laugh against his still-wet cock.
“I’ll get it. Sort yourself out, my love.”
“Sort – you did this to me!” He barked, then froze, heart aflutter.
No way.
She didn’t just.
Jungkook did not sort himself out.
He just stood there as she stood up and collected his bucket hat from behind him and continued standing there when she came back, his pants untouched, crotch still a bit wet but drying off from the air, mouth open, her voice ringing in his head.
My love.
No way such a simple pet name would cause such malfunction.
“If you wanna stay naked, you can stay naked, but I’m going to look for wood to start a fire and if your nuts roast in the sun, don’t blame me.”
Jungkook wasn’t a simp.
This was probably the most sun you've seen in ten years.
Alright, maybe a slight exaggeration. Still, if you asked your past self, say, a month ago, if you would be putting on the one T1 baseball cap you owned and standing ankle-deep in cold water from the literal ocean, past you would have scoffed and said that wasn't your style. Yet, here you were - stunningly clear blue sky, cooking in the sun's rays, cooled off by salty ocean breeze with dense sand under your bare feet as the water came in a calm rush, white foam waves framing tumultuous blue.
Wasn't too bad, actually. Nature was kinda nice. Who would have guessed?
You caught yourself smiling as you heard wild splashing of barreling activity beside you.
"Found my shorts."
"Nobody's here," you chuckled.
It took him a second to realize and up his volume by several notches.
"Noona, where are your pants?!"
"My hoodie is long enough."
Before Jungkook could sprint away to snatch up your leggings from the chair beside the caravan, you spun around and grabbed his arm, squeezing his hard forearm tightly and yanking him against you. The ocean laughed and danced upwards, leaving splatters of droplets all over your legs and his, but you were preoccupied with looking up into those big peepers, round like dinner plates when your body molded to his, as if he was completely and utterly shocked that you would pick him over anyone else in this world to press your thighs against.
“Hey,” you whispered with all the slyness of a big bad wolf coaxing a poor little bunny.
Your favorite expression of Jungkook’s was his wide eyes and slightly open mouth, such an amusing contrast to his colorfully dark tattoos, hard muscles, pierced lip, and heavily adorned ears. The juxtaposition of cute and rough was too perfect.
You leaned in and kissed him, slow and soft and with every intention to turn it to anything but.
Every intention.
This is love.
You breathed in his scent, clean with a little hint of fresh sweetness. He always used the nicer laundry products with the gentle fragrances. You always told him you would do your laundry later, and yet you still caught him folding and sorting your suddenly clean laundry after a night of gaming. You would catch him setting up the takeout like it was a gourmet meal, always your food first and his after. Heating it up if it was cold, never forgetting the chopsticks or the napkin. You half-considered telling him, it’s no big deal, you don’t have to do that, but then you saw Jungkook’s face after, hiding his embarrassment and acting as if he hadn’t just done all that, so instead of telling him he didn’t have to do it, you always remembered to say.
Thank you.
The ocean laughed and danced under you two.
You drew away, adjusting your cap with a smile.
Jungkook blinked quickly, bewildered. Likely expecting something else, and now he didn’t know how to react to rather chaste action, his cheeks flushing pink under his bucket hat.
“A… Ah…”
You turned your head to hide your smirk. Kept your grip on his arm and rubbed your thumb against the soft fabric of his gray shirt. Looked back out to the water and it waved back at you, sending a breeze your way.
“Jungkook?” you asked, calm and serene. Maybe more serious than you meant for it to be.
He stumbled over his words.
“H-Hm? Yeah?”
You remembered, years and years ago, standing at a similar spot with your father, holding his hand and watching the synchronization of the sea. The sun had been sinking down then too, just like now. You were much shorter then. Asked too many questions, of course, like any other kid.
“Why did you bring me here?”
The zephyr pranced around you and him, playful and daring, sending your hair aflutter around your shoulders. Good thing you were wearing the hat.
You felt Jungkook’s arm slide up and he wrapped his fingers around your hand, rubbing his thumb against your knuckles.
“Taehyungie said I should…” He coughed and swallowed his mumbles, standing a little closer, his larger frame framing you, never covering or shadowing all you were. “I wanted to make a good memory. Just you and me.”
You looked away from the shimmering waves and faced him, the one with too much fire, or so the fortune teller said. A brightness in those dark brown eyes, perhaps a slight awkwardness, yet the eye contact remained, a tiny smile creeping onto his expression.
You hoped you could always feed that fire, never let it die out under your watch.
“It’s always just you and me,” you teased, light like the cool droplets clinging to your skin.
A little unease.
“Are you…”
His fingers tightened around yours.
“Happy, noona?”
His face tried to remain neutral, maybe even borderline playful, but his hold on you gave him away, gripping too tight in his nervousness. You stared into his eyes. You never lied to Jungkook about things like this. You couldn’t.
Dad, why didn’t Mom come with us? Doesn’t she love you?
Of course, she does. Your father chuckled. She can’t love anyone else. That’s why we’re got married.
Then why didn’t she come?
Because she’s a princess. He broke out into a full-on laugh then, the sound melding with the mirthful waves and calls of nature, a world rich with sound and color. You splashed water onto his legs and he yelped, pretending to run away as you chased after him, kicking up sand and tumbling too fast, falling headfirst into his strong arms.
If Mom’s a princess, what am I then, Dad?
He grinned at you, mischievous and wolflike, an expression you could match in the mirror.
Don’t tell her, but you’re my queen, forever and always.
“I’m always happy with you, Jungkook.”
You squeezed his hand, tighter than he held you, making him inhale sharply.
“That’s why you’re my king, forever and always.”
You tilted your head and leaned in to kiss him again. Let your tongue graze his lip ring and sucked in his gasp. Pressure of lips to lips, sliding your tongue into the wet warmth, into his soft sound and whispers of love. A deep breath, and his scent mixed with the salt of the sea, you arm slipping around his waist and bringing him closer, blocking out the sun with your passion, feeling the contours of his body against yours, drinking in his kisses as you let go of his hand and lifted your cap, freeing your hair to the whims of the wind, causing it to curl against your cheek and his.
Jungkook yelped as the ocean splashed up his legs and soaked his shorts. You laughed and stepped back, dragged along by his hand on your arm.
The water seemed to be scolding you. Get a room!
You yanked your hat back on and grinned at your boyfriend who as glaring at the ocean angrily as if this had been a personal attack. He looked ready to throw hands with dihydrogen monoxide. You didn’t have the heart to tell him that he wasn’t going to win that one. Better distract him.
“Let’s eat. The sun is going down already.”
Dinner was an alarming amount of samgyeopsal. You and Jungkook probably weren’t going to survive on a deserted island. You would probably need the help of six big heads to avoid being hopelessly addicted to carbs on your first day. Thankfully, this was a campsite with access to water, an outhouse, and an hour’s drive away from civilization. You grilled the meat as Jungkook hunted for the tableware. Right before the meat was fully cooked, Jungkook asked you to scoot the meat to the edges and dumped a packet of kimchi onto the hot pan covered in pork fat, cutting it up to make it crispy.
“Did we get rice?”
“What do we need rice for?”
“We didn’t get rice?!”
“I’m just kidding; here it is, little bunny.”
Jungkook squinted warningly and you smiled back, unperturbed.
“Let me go get the surprise.”
“What surprise?”
She had been shoving sparklers into the fire and watching the chaos of sparks snap, crackle, and pop out dangerously. Jungkook had warned her not to do it. Fruitlessly, of course, because she did it anyway and he knew she would.
His older girlfriend wasn’t good at listening.
“Don’t put any more in.”
She pouted at him and he jerked back at the unexpected cuteness. Shit, what was with her today? Endless attack after attack, hitting him right in the uwus. He could only take so much before he couldn’t hide his swooning anymore. He quickly raced back into the caravan and found what he was looking for, gently but swiftly picking up the package and the wooden skewers.
He bounded back to her inappropriately poking the fire with another sparkler.
“Ey! Stop!”
She turned her head and was about to chuck it in to be a complete butt. Instead, she froze, eyes growing wide as she spied what was in his hands.
“You… You got marshmallows?”
Fuck, what was this gaming hermit with the fantastic beast of an ass so damn cute for?! Those damn sparkly eyes for fluffy white confectionary and the instant bounce up to hurry over to him were melting him faster than ice cream on a hot summer day.
“Y-Yeah, I got marshmallows,” he announced as if he wasn’t clearly holding them already. “You have to toast marshmallows when you go camping. That’s the rule.”
She stuck close to him as they sat back down, holding the skewers as he opened the bag.
“Heh, true, true.”
It was a little ritual, her taking a skewer and carefully spearing the large marshmallow right at the center, handing it to him and then doing the same for herself, setting the materials aside so they could lean over the fire, slowly turning them in the dancing flames to avoid burning them. It was dark now, colder by the open sea where the humidity wasn’t trapped by the urban jungle. Crickets and cicadas conducting their symphony in the forest, adding to the Bluetooth speaker Jungkook had set up to play some tunes on low.
Under the stars, wrapped int their jackets now, roasting sweet fluffs together.
She had looked so happy talking about toasting marshmallows with her father and he had that happiness now, complete with a pleased hum and the lively little dance of her shoulders.
“I don’t think I’ve had marshmallows in forever,” she laughed, tongue between her teeth.
Jungkook was frighteningly close to passing out from her cute charm. “How do you eat them? Do you–”
But he had no chance to finish as she raised her golden-brown marshmallow and pressed the flat of her tongue against it, presumably checking the temperature, then proceeded to open her mouth as wide as she could and shoved the whole ooey-gooey whiteness into her lips to devour it. Her eyes closed and did a little squeeze of joy, wrapping her tongue around the skewer to get off whatever clung on, covering her mouth as she struggled to swallow the mess with a laugh.
Holy shit.
Was he allowed to be horny after seeing that?
Not allowed or not, Jungkook was horny now.
His marshmallow would have burned if she hadn’t retrieved it from his limp hand and shoved it into his open mouth.
“Mmmphf! Hot!”
He fanned his mouth in panic and snatched the water bottle, chugging a fat gulp as the burning thick stickiness coated his mouth, pure sugar and heat bursting onto his tongue, quickly cooled down by bottled water.
“You have to eat it right away when it’s done,” she was saying in between snickers, taking the water from him so she could drink too. “Otherwise it doesn’t taste good.”
“You tried to kill me!”
“You won’t die from a marshmallow.” Devious sparkle in her eye and that smirk that made his dick jump up in interest. “You’ll die from old age after getting a heart attack from too many orgasms.”
“No, I won’t,” he snapped, jamming a poor marshmallow onto a new skewer and waving it at his demon of a girlfriend like a rosary. “The heart health of my family is excellent. You won’t get rid of me that easily.”
The glint in her eye was evil.
“Counting on it.”
“S… Should have bought more condoms… o-ooh, fuck meee…”
Jungkook growled in irritation that quickly morphed into a drawn-out groan as you slammed back into him, on all fours like an animal and fucking him just as ferally. Got a little lower to get more leverage and had him clutching your ass for dear life as your bodies shook the entire bed built into the silver caravan, making the whole thing shake. Pretty obvious what was happening, if the continuous slapping of hips and Jungkook’s uncontrollable moans through the open windows didn’t give it away already. You felt him squeeze and drag his fingernails over the curve of your ass, softness under his strength, falling apart once again to your tight heat and pulsing constriction for the third time.
Back-to-back… to back.
You slowed and focused on tightening around his girth in rapid throbs. Hummed approvingly at the increased hardness, savoring his whining shudder.
“P-Please, move again, please…”
“Helping you last longer, little bunny.”
“Fuck you,” he snarled with no malice whatsoever.
“Good idea, you could work a little harder and at least meet me halfway.”
Far too calm, of course. It was unfair, it was chipping at his ego, it was fueling the fire, and Jungkook growled again, grabbing your hips and sinking his fingers in punishingly, immediately loosening as you started up again, meeting your ass with a harsh smack of his crotch, loud and wet and obscene. It only took a moment to get the rhythm and it was there, fuck, yes, right there. So hard, so deep, your body angled just right to feel all of him, even his balls slapping against your clit, slippery and slick. The air was heavy with sex and salty ocean air from the open windows, so good, so intense that it was perfect, your fingers curling into the sheets, overloaded with pleasure. His cock, slamming into you and your pussy clenching around it to feel it all. His sound, desperate and loud and on the brink. His hands on you, possessive and hungry, telling you I love you, I love you, I love you, maybe more than his mouth was, considering that he was currently a moaning mess.
Jungkook slid his hand back and smacked your ass, gasping as you kept up the pace, half-losing his mind as you took over him. Again, harsh slap and you tightened around him, punishing him further, his fingers sinking into your waist, whimpering your name.
“I can’t, fuck, I can’t, I’m gonna c-cum, fuck!”
You had the audacity to snicker as you rammed back into him and sank all the way down to the base as he threw his head back and cried out, cock jerking and hips flinching as he rutted into you, trying to get impossibly deeper, trying to feel more, whining as you came around the sudden sensitivity. You let a contained exhale, letting the release wash over you, feeling it saturate your senses, nerves tingling with ecstasy, lost in the euphoria that was Jeon Jungkook.
His hand detached for your waist and he clawed at your back, groaning and delirious, sending slicing stings of pain through your bliss, amplifying it with his rough touch.
“F… Fuck… fuck…”
Captain America would not be impressed with his language.
Jungkook was falling over, swaty chest against your back, reaching up to cup your breasts, squeezing them. Running his fingertips over your hard nipples and shuddering, hot breath on your skin, panting hard like he had run a marathon.
Couldn’t do this all day, it seemed.
“Seems like you had fun,” you teased, keeping your voice even as your heartbeat thundered in your chest.
“F-Fuck you, why… why are you so… damn… s-smug…?”
His hips were not moving. You pulsed your muscles around his semi-hard length and Jungkook moaned, low and loud, burying his face into your hair and neck, flicking your nipples. You stayed on your elbows, resting your chin on your forearm, highly amused.
“As… A-As soon as he wakes up again…”
“Are you sure you’re not going to pass out?”
“Even if I do, I’ll wake you up in the middle of night.”
Predictably, you were roused by a dick trying to spear you in the thigh in the middle of the night, Jungkook’s lips whispering your name by your ear. No, nibbling at the curve of your ear as you rose from the dead, blinking hard at the lack of light, hearing the ocean and the cicadas singing in harmony.
“You’re always horny,” was your half-asleep response.
He was feverishly kissing your shoulders and the space right under your ear, the place you enjoyed the most. “Can I put my dick in your mouth? I washed off.”
You could say no, but this was very nice, the kissing and the soft kneading of your titties, gently pulling at your nipples and sending shivers through your torso. You hated being woken up in the middle of the night. At least, you had thought so… before Jungkook. You let him play around a little longer, enjoying the building arousal and his lips working your skin.
Maybe you were weak for Jeon Jungkook.
“Well, I’m not moving, so you’ll have to get up here.”
That did not deter Jungkook in the slightest.
The second you turned around, Jungkook put his knee down by your shoulder and shoved his rock-hard dick into your half-open mouth.
“O-Ooh, fuck, yes…”
You wrapped your tongue around it and rubbed against the slit, hearing him whine and gasp. You expected him to fuck your throat roughly, and he would have if he was slightly less horny, but he surprised you by feeling around for your hand and hooking it around his thigh, pressing your fingers into his skin until you dug your nails into his tense muscle. He moaned approvingly, slowly thrusting his hips forward as your tongue slipped around his balls and the base of his cock, then up to the head, rubbing against the underside, all the while keeping your throat tight, lips along the length, eventually retracting your tongue to give him that perfect pressure all around, pressing the head to the roof of your mouth.
You pressed down, sinking him in deeper.
Some would choke at this point, but you wouldn’t do that to your king.
Instead, you tipped your head back to give yourself the smallest sliver of breathing room and deep-throated him, not going as fast as you would if you had more breathing space, but steady, controlling the pace with your nails embedded into his thigh. You reached up with your free hand, running your fingers over the base of his wet balls, massaging them as your own saliva was running down your chin.
Sacrifices must be made.
Jungkook was gripping the windowsill above the bed so tightly that his knuckles were white, gasping your name pathetically, then biting his lip once he realized what he was doing.
You smacked his thigh hard, narrowing your eyes when he looked down.
“W-What…? N-No, don’t stop, please, don’t stop,” he rambled, the mole underneath his lower lip trembling in fear. “What d-do you want? Do you want me to beg? To tell you how good you are? God, you’re so fucking good, I don’t want anyone else, I never be satisfied with anyone else…”
You cocked an eyebrow but tipped your head back again, taking him deep as he continued. You couldn’t exactly instruct him with your mouth full of his dick, so you focused on tonguing him from tip to base, rubbing along the length and cupping the girth as you drew back, listening to his stream of horny consciousnesses.
“Ooh, yeees, noona, y-you’re the best, so soft, so tight, so much control, so much skill, you’ll a-always b-be my queen, thank you so m-much, oh, f-fuck…”
You could tell he was getting close because he was falling silent, focusing only on breathing, hard and heavy, trying not to cum too fast, squeezing his eyes shut and clutching the windowsill, fucking your face at the same pace, building and building, a little tighter, throat closing in around the throbbing head, and his shoulders shook, tattoos standing out in the moonlight, arms flexed and tense as he tipped his head back, groaning wanton and lewd, burying so deep into your throat that you could barely taste the cum as it shot out. It probably didn’t taste great at this point anyway. You swallowed around him, small gulps that stimulated him. His hips jerked, aftershocks making his eyelids flutter, jaw clenching, the muscles of his neck glistening in the low light.
You calmly laid there, barely breathing, lazily licking around his cock as he didn’t move for at least thirty seconds.
Did he pass out from the good nut or what?
“S… So good… I d-don’t wanna leave…”
You tapped his thigh and waved your thumb in the air to mime out, I’m dying here.
He peered down at you and didn’t move.
You poked at his balls.
He got off you.
“I’m going back to sleep.”
“But… what about her?”
And Jungkook moved your panties to one side and shoved two fingers into your wet pussy.
“Fuck, feels so fucking good in here…”
You kept your expression neutral as you stared up at him, deadpan. You did love sucking dick. There was no question about that. However, sleepy or not, you weren’t going to make things easy for your little bunny.
You clenched around his fingers so tight that he had to force them in.
His face was right next to yours, his shudder washing over your cheek as he felt it. You adjusted your hips to perfect the angle you liked and cocked your head at him, catching his eye.
“That’s it? You’re not that strong, huh?”
You pressed his buttons, and, predictably, Jungkook flared up, sliding his other hand under your head and grabbing a fistful of your hair, tugging far too lightly to be cruel. His brows furrowed, dark eyes flashing.
“Watch what you say, noona.”
You opened your mouth and licked his cheek, hot and wet.
“Give me all you got, little bunny.”
You saw his teeth sink into his lower lip, silver ring gleaming at the edge, and he clenched his jaw, shoving his fingers all the way up to the knuckles, rougher, faster, deeper, accelerating until you loosened your grip. Slick, sweet, sparks all over your skin, yes, like that, good boy, and Jungkook bit back his moan, forearm muscles bulging with his rapid movement. You reached down to wrap your fingers around his tattoos and felt him flex at your touch, his breathing erratic against your cheek, trying to maintain the fast speed and consistent depth, because too slow would be boring and too deep would be painful, no, he wanted you to sigh against his lips and shiver around his fingers, wave after wave of euphoria sinking into your core and spreading out in harsh throbs against the pads of his fingertips, dragging his face to yours to kiss him, thrusting your tongue into his mouth as he thrust his fingers into your pussy, humming into his garbled moans interrupted by your tongue. One taste was not enough. Never enough when it was Jungkook, and you felt it coming, succumbing to the bliss with a satisfied hiss, and his tongue took your place, thrusting messily into your mouth as you came around his fingers, soaking theme even more with viscous sweet-sour stickiness, coating him with your taste.
He gasped, moaning into your mouth.
You inhaled it, exhaling back into his lips, lustful smoke exchanged between you and him.
“Jungkook, my love…”
He murmured your name, the queen of this kingdom.
Different background, same scene.
“This is the most walking I’ve done in the past five years.”
“Come on, the viewpoint is up here.”
“Jungkook, you might have to carry me down or I might just end up rolling instead.”
“I’ll carry you, now come on, let’s take a picture here.”
Hm, well, there were some distinct differences in between this climb and climbing the ranked ladder of League of Legends. They say exercise is all mental fortitude, but you were pretty sure what was being tested here was your calves and not your strong mental.
“Ugh, you always look so pretty in every photo.”
“You’re welcome,” was your grump response as you drank a fat gulp of water, staring out into the lush green forest. It was nice. Not as nice as your bed, but nothing was as nice was your bed.
Maybe Jungkook.
He leaned his chin on your shoulder, looking out with you.
“It’s nice,” you commented. “Seokjin isn’t going to believe that I touched grass, let alone did a hike.”
Jungkook wrapped his arms around your waist, pressing himself against you.
“You can do anything, noona.”
You smirked. “Yeah?”
“Uh huh. And I can do it if you can’t, but I bet you could if you really wanted to.”
“Well, I really don’t want to walk back down.”
Mysteriously, Jungkook’s large hands migrated to your ass.
“I’ll carry you.”
“Uh huh.”
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sukunasbabymama · 3 years
The waitress.
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⌗ Pairing: Naoto Tachibana.
⌗ Word count: 1.6K.
⌗ Warnings: None I guess but lmk. Oh, they make out?
⌗ A/N: unconventional first meetings? That's right.
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He was stressed, tired and angry as fuck.
Why the fuck is always him who has to go undercover even after he stopped being a rookie? there must be someone who just doesn’t want to see him sleep early.
Look at him now, sittin in a corner at this high class bar, drinking some bourbon that is gonna cost him half of this month’s salary. He looks over to the man he’s supposed to watch and internally groans, seeing that he looks like he’s here just to get wasted.
“Didn’t your parents tell you that it is rude to stare?” A sultry voice whispers in his ear, he freezes on the spot.
He looks and his eyes widen at the beauty in front of him. You straighten your posture and he takes this opportunity to lower his gaze from your beautiful face, to your cleavage and chest, since you are wearing a dress with the widest neckline he has ever seen.
“Keep going,” You say, turning around slowly, giving him a little show. He looks at your thighs and ass and wets his lips.
And then he remembers he’s working. He sits straight, his face red from embarrassment.
“I-I… sorry.” He murmurs. You chuckle and take the chair next to him.
“Don’t be, I’m a waitress in a high class bar full of dirty old people,” You shrug. “If anything, your stare was the most respectful one I got tonight.”
He stays silent, not knowing what to say.
“So, which one of the big dogs do you need information from?” He chokes on his spit, looking at you with wide eyes. “I’m sorry, it’s just pretty fucking obvious that you’re a cop.”
“What?!” He murmurs and you chuckle.
You lean and without thinking he meets you halfway, letting you get really close to his ear.
“Your suit, all the buttons? Baby boy please,” He looks at his suit and nods, you’re right.
“But, how did you…?”
“I need to be able to read people if I want to keep this job,” You explain. “How can I get good tips if I serve some stingy fucker? I need to know which ones are good money. You look stiff, out of place, and the suit.”
“Well, thank you.” He rolls his eyes and you smile.
“Want me to help you?”
“Because you’re the hottest man I’ve seen in a while coming here.” He looks at you and smiles a little.
“I’ll pay you.”
“Yes, it can be dangerous to—,”
“Okay, then make out with me.” He chokes on his spit again, and you giggle. “See? You aren’t ready to pay for real, let’s leave—.”
Oh. Nice.
You stand up and sit on his lap without a warning, he opens his legs a little to make you comfortable. Slowly, you slide your hands all over his chest till you get to his hair, brushing it with your fingers slowly to give him a messy look. Then you open his suit jacket and some buttons of his dress shirt. You look at him and smirk.
“Now, what’s your name, cop?” He shyly puts one hand on your thigh and the other on your hip and you sigh in content because he doesn’t have them too high on your thigh or too low on your waist, just right.
“Naoto.” He murmurs, and you nod.
“You don’t need to help me, you could lose your job.” He tries to make you understand. “And, you don’t even know me.”
“You’re right, but I keep on seeing the same people, letting old men touch me just to get some tips that can keep me and my cat with food for the week.” You smile and he feels bad for you. “The salary goes to my rent.”
“So, you are playing the little detective so you can have a little fun in your life, even if that means you can be in danger?” He says, ever so direct and efficient in his deduction. You nod, proudly. “All right. I’ll let you have your fun.”
“Good, now tell me which one.”
“Old man with white suit who’s talking to another waitress,” He murmurs, watching you with a serious expression. “My guess is that he’s waiting for someone but—,”
“They already left,” You explain. “He comes here every single day for her. When she’s not around he starts touching whoever is walking close to him. I think earlier another man came and chatted with him.”
“Did you see if the other gave him something?” You nod.
“You want it?” Naoto gasps. “I can get it for you if you want.”
“I can’t do that.” He shakes his head.
“But I can. I’ll make a scene and you take the thing. I think it’s a file or something.” You are already standing up, ignoring Naoto’s complaints.
When you get to the old man you put on the most annoying tone you can get.
“Daddy! You didn’t tell me you were in the house tonight!” You pout in exaggeration.
“Oh babygirl—“
“Daddy, what?” The other girl says, giving you a knowing look that she will keep the act. A little favor she owes you for taking over her shift when she had a hangover.
“My, my, no need to fight ladies,” The old man laughs. From the corner of your eye you see Naoto gettin closer, doing a great job in his acting.
“No! I thought you were going to give me attention!” You whine and the girl do the same, making the old man get closer to you and away from the table.
“Would you feel better with a little tip, uhm?” He asks with a smile and putting his hand almost on your ass, you give him a fake flirty smile, letting him feel you up. You tilt your head a little and see behind him that the cop, Naoto, has a black folder and is already walking out of the bar. He motions you to follow him.
“I don’t want it now, I’m very mad at you daddy,” You say with a pout. “I’ll go out to smoke one and then you can give me that tip, yeah?”
“Of course.”
You walk out of the bar and to the parking lot, in a far corner there’s Naoto resting his back on a black car. He opens the back door for you and enters behind you.
“Aren’t you gonna get in trouble for not working?” He asks and you shrug.
“When we disappear like that they just assume we are with a customer getting them turned on so they can keep buying drinks, or we are just looking for… extra tips.” He nods, understanding what you mean.
“I can’t open the folder, though.” He says, pointing to the folder with his chin.
“But, is it okay if I do it for you?” You ask, genuinely interested. He nods.
“Do you mind if I record it? So I can write everything down at my office tomorrow and later will know where to start my investigation.” You shake your head no, letting him know that you don’t mind.
And so, you start reading to him the documents, a lot of dates, names and places where in there. He raises his eyebrows on some occasions but doesn't give that much of a reaction. When you’re done he nods.
“I knew they were in dirty business.” He mumbles.
“I assume you got what you were looking for,” You say. “Don’t worry, I’ll find a way to leave the folder around the club so another waitress finds it and gives it to the dirty bastard. That was fun, cop Naoto! I felt like a detective, have a good rest of the ni—,”
“On my lap.” He says and you look at him deadpan, what? “Didn’t you say you want to make out as a payment?”
“Oh, I didn’t think you were going to agree.”
“I said deal.”
“I thought you were joking.”
“I don’t make jokes about my job.” He pats his lap.
Excitedly, you straddle him softly, he opens his legs a little so you can sit on top of him comfortably, you hum. He puts one hand on the back of your neck and pulls you till your lips crash, you sigh on his lips.
At first, he is kind of awkward so you take things slowly, just giving him short pecks while simultaneously scratching the hairs at the back of his neck, he let’s a shaky sigh out and puts his hand on your waist, pulling you closer. When you slide your tongue on his cavity he grunts softly, tightening his grip on your side, he is getting intoxicated by your smell, your touch, your tongue. Hands started to get more in the equation, with yours sliding up and down through his chest and his going to your throat, you sigh on his lips.
“Isn’t that enough, mister cop?”
“It’s not.”
He pulls you back to him to kiss you, now more comfortable, taking your hands and putting them again on the back of his neck, his hands roaming your body softly. You bite his lips and pull back, he almost whines at the loss.
“Naoto, I have to—,”
“I’ll wait for you to end your shift to take you home.”
You chuckle right on his lips.
“You really liked it, uh?” You whisper in a sultry tone.
“Keep talking like that and I’ll make you lose the whole shift.” He whispers back, and gives you a small smile.
That’s how you met your later boyfriend, Naoto Tachibana.
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🔖: @saturnmitsuya @melaninnntae @milliumizoomi @keimisan @ccxiia @haitanigigi @manjiroarchiviste @welkinmoongrab @dai-tsukki-desu @yunho-leeknow @plutosexc
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redheadsinmybed · 3 years
Little reader, caregiver/little story
Wanda x Natasha x Reader
Summary: Reader hasn’t dropped in a while. What happens when reader finally drops???
Notes: Sorry this took so long, hehe my bad. Hope you enjoy! :)
You hadn’t dropped in a while. Like a few months, you just couldn't seem to get in the mindset no matter how hard you tried. Wanda and Natasha have been worried about you since the second week. Natasha and Wanda had tried everything they could to get you to drop, from calling you ‘baby girl’ to trying to get you to play with Steve,Tony, and Clint when they were little. They even brought you to every kids section in every store they could find. But you just weren’t feeling it.
Currently you were in your room feeling down, wanting so badly to be in your little state, but not being able to.
“Hey baby,” Natasha comes in and sits down on the bed next to you.
“Wanda is in the kitchen baby, you want to go meet her?”
“Yeah, I guess,” You say with no enthusiasm. Natasha gets up and holds her hand out for you. You grab it and make your way to the kitchen where Wanda is waiting for you.
“Hi baby!” Wanda says happily. You smile at her before your attention is drawn to something else. You spot a baby bottle sitting on the counter.
Suddenly your mind goes fuzzy.
“Ma-ma” You say sucking on your thumb.
“Hi baby girl,” Wanda says smiling at Natasha. You make grabby hands at Natasha, and when she doesn’t immediately pick you up you start to cry.
“Baby don’t cry, it’s okay i’ve got you.” Natasha says as she picks you up. Natasha cups your face, using the pad of her thumb she wipes your tears away. You lay your head on her chest as you continue to suck on your thumb. Wanda looks at Natasha puzzled, you usually didn’t suck on your thumb unless you were really sleepy or weren’t feeling okay.
“Baby girl, are you feeling okay,” Wanda asks as she brushes the hair out of your eyes.
“Pe-pe,” You say back shyly. Seconds later Natasha feels wetness on her arm where she is holding you.
“Baby girl?” Natasha says, your cheeks get a rosy red. You hide your head in her chest and whine.
“Okay baby, let’s go get you cleaned up,” Natasha says you don’t lift your head out of your hiding spot. Natasha gives Wanda a worried look. You’ve only ever done that when you were really scared. Wanda calls Pepper, her having been a caregiver way longer than her.
“Hey Pepper it’s Wanda, I need help with something.” Wanda says over the phone while Natasha washes you off.
“Yeah so Y/N finally dropped,” Wanda waits as Pepper speaks to her on the other end.
“Yeah it’s really great, except something is different, she’s not acting like she usually does. She had an accident and has been sucking her thumb, the only words she has said have been ‘Mama’ and ‘pepe’.”
“Oh, really?”
“Okay perfect, thank you so much,” Wanda says hanging up seconds later.
“Okay so Pepper said that Y/N might be in a littler head space than she usually is in because she hasn’t dropped in so long. She said by the way she hasn’t talked much that she’s about 8 months old, or around there.” You just sit there sucking your thumb. You make grabby hands at Natasha wanting her to hold you again.
“So she’s just a baby now?” Natasha asks as she picks you up.
“Yeah, I guess she didn’t say how long it would last, but she guessed it would take a while at least for her to change back into her normal little state.”
“Do you think we should get some supplies? We aren’t really prepared for a baby-baby,” Natasha says.
“Yeah you want to go to the store?” Wanda says.
“Yeah, should we leave her here?” Wanda suggests. looking at you.
“Baby do you want to go with Mama and I or stay here?”
“Ma-ma” You say happily.
“I guess she’s going,” Natasha says. You three make your way down to the car while Wanda makes a list of stuff you’ll need.
“Okay so I have dippers, a pacifier, and baby food. Anything else I'm missing?” Wanda asks.
“No I think that’s good,” Natasha says.
“Baby girl you’re gonna have to have Mama hold you,” Natasha says
“Ma-ma,” Is all you say in response. Natasha hands you over to Wanda and you two get in the back seat. Wanda knows it isn’t safe but she doesn’t want to upset you, so you sit on top of her facing her.
“We’re here baby,” Wanda says.
“Ma-me” You say back wanting to be back in her arms. Natasha picks you up and off from Wanda and into her. Walking up to the store Wanda grabs a cart.
“Okay baby girl, Mommy is going to set you in her okay?” Natasha asks. You look up at her with big eyes when she sets you in the cart. You sit there just staring at her before you deem that it’s okay. You get to look at Mommy and Mama while they shop and roll you around, and you're just fine with that.
Wanda and Natasha wander down some isles looking for the various items they need. They get the diapers and the baby food. You absolutely hate green beans with a passion so they avoided getting that for you.
When you arrived in the baby toys and activities section they stopped so you were right in front of the pacifiers. You take a second to take it all in. There was every color you could ever think of, and some of them had animals on them.
Wanda and Natasha pick out some that they think you might like.
“Hey baby girl look, this one has a koala on it,” Wanda says holding up the koala pacifier so you can see. You pout and look around.
“Bun-bun?” You ask.
“Baby girl Bunny is at home,” Wanda says to you. You stop looking around and your eyes start to fill with tears.
“Hey, it’s okay. It’s okay baby girl. I got her right here.” Natasha says as she takes out your stuffed koala from her bag.
“Bun-bun!” You say happily. Hugging her tightly to your chest.
“I brought it just in case.”
“Aren’t you mother of the day?” Wanda says with a smile.
“Well I just thought she might want it.”
“Well you thought right.” You spot a lime green pacifier as they talk to each other. You make grabby hands at it and whine when you can’t reach it. Natasha and Wanda finally look over. Wanda seeing you trying to grab a green pacifier.
“You like this one baby?” She says as she hands it to you. Your eyes widen instantly.
“I think we found a winner,” Natasha chuckles.
“Are you ready to go home baby?” Wanda asks. Still infatuated with your new pacifier you nod your head.
When you get to the check out lane Wanda has to take the pacifier from you so the check out lady can scan it. Wanda tries to take the pacifier until you yelp at her.
“Baby girl, Mama needs that for a minute, then i'll give it right back okay?” Wanda says as she takes the pacifier out of your hands. Your bottom lip wobbles and you start to cry. You cry and cry, and then finally the screams come. High pitched screams that could make people's ears bleed.
“Wanda. Give. It. Back.” Natasha says with worry and fear.
“Hey baby, here look.” Wanda tries to calm you down and give you your pacifier back, but it doesn't work and you scream louder. Natasha wheels you out of the store and Wanda follows behind.
Natasha thinks back to something she read.
When a baby is having a fit, they most likely just want someone to comfort them.
Natasha picks up your screaming flailing body and holds you tight to her in a Thor hug.
“Shhhh baby, it’s okay. Mommy’s right here.” You fight against her for a while until you can’t anymore. You finally relax against her breathing heavily with tears still streaming down your face.
“That’s it baby, Mama and Mommy are right here,” Natasha coos at you. Finally you’re just a big mess of sniffles. Wanda puts all the things into the car and brings the pacifier and Bunny into the back seat with her. Natasha put you in the back with Wanda and you snuggled up into her holding Bunny.
“Here baby, you want this?” Wanda says opening the package and getting the green pacifier out. You nod sleepily and she puts the pacifier up to your lips. You take it into your mouth taking a timid suck. You decide that it’s good and continue sucking on it. Snuggled into Mama with Bunny you feel warm and safe. Closing your eyes you fall asleep.
When you wake up you're still in your little baby state and you're hungry. Wanda is holding you, but she’s asleep.
“Ma-ma, ma-ma” Finally she starts to wake up.
“Well hi baby girl,” She says with a sleepy smile. She hears your stomach growl back at her.
“You hungry baby?” Again your stomach answers her.
“I’ll take that as a yes,” She says with a chuckle. She gets out of bed and picks you up. Wanda carries you downstairs where the bottle from earlier is still sitting on the counter. You point to it and look back up at Wanda. Wanda picks up the bottle and sits down on the couch with you. She was just going to give you the bottle when she remembered that you were a 8 month year old instead of your usually 3 year old.
Wanda holds the bottle up to your mouth and you wrap your hand around it. Taking into your mouth you suck on it eagerly. You look up at Mama to see her smiling down at you. She brushes the hair out of your face. You smile back up to her through the nipple of the bottle. You empty the bottle in less than 5 minutes. You see Tasha come in and she sits next to you. Wanda gets up and refills the bottle for you. When she comes back she sees that Natasha has taken her place.
“Here you go,” She says, handing the bottle to Nat. Mommy feeds you and after your done you sit up.
“I love you,” you say, surprising both of them.
“Baby girl?” Natasha asks.
“Hi Mommy.”
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simpforboys · 3 years
enough for you (3)
she/her pronouns
summary: y/n and jj finally come around
warnings: smut, praise kink, breeding kink, choking, dirty talk, oral (fem) unprotected sex. fluff, swearing, etc.
a/n: last part! hopefully u guys enjoyed! (im also not used to writing smut so i hope it’s okay)
part one and two
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“i love you…” jj felt the words escape his mouth before he could stop them.
that was a week ago. jj had been hopelessly slugging around. the pogues felt horrible for him, not knowing what to do.
it was like stepping on egg shells around him. one minute he’s drunk or stoned out of his mind, the next he’s like a ticking bomb just waiting to snap at any little thing.
jj wasn’t jj anymore. and the pogues hated it.
john b walked out to see jj passed out on the pull out couch, empty beer bottles scattered around him.
john b rolled his eyes. he walked over, lightly slapping the blond until he woke up.
“what the fuck, man?” jj asked.
“i’m tired of seeing you like this, dude. now, you’re gonna get your shit together, grow up, and talk to y/n like a big boy or are you gonna mope around all the time?”
jj rolled his eyes. “i’m not moping-“
“you’re moping,” pope said as he entered the chateau.
“are you finally giving him the talk?” sarah and kie asked as they came out of nowhere.
jj furrowed his brows.
“guys- i’m fine.”
“no you’re not. you’re acting like a six year old who lost a baby toy. just go talk to her,” kie said.
jj bit the inside of his cheek.
so here jj was, standing outside her house at nine pm. it took him all day to muster up the courage, and just when he thought it was silly of him to be there, y/n opened the door.
“what the hell are you doing, creeper?” she asked.
jj scratched the back of his neck. “i wanted to talk but… i realize that sounds kinda pathetic.”
y/n looked at him in confusion. “come on, jj.”
she opened the door so he could walk in. the poorly lit living room and kitchen illuminated the hallway until they reached her room.
sitting down awkwardly on her bed, jj stared at her.
“i’m sorry,” he whispered. y/n looked over at him.
“jj, it’s fine-“
“it’s not fine, y/n. i treated you like shit, and now i think i get how you felt. i’ve felt horrible the last month and… and i miss you, y/n. i’m in love with you, i just never realized it until you were gone.”
“jj… i’ve moved on,” she whispered.
jj felt his heart break.
jj watched as her lips curved into a smirk. “i’m kidding, come here…” she grabbed his jaw.
hungrily, jj’s hand came up to y/n’s neck as they kissed. jj was craving this moment. he needed this moment.
“asshole,” he joked. she laughed.
y/n was feeling like putty in his hands and he knew it. she practically felt like she was melting into him as he pushed her backwards on the bed.
his hands slowly pushed the fabric up as she felt him roam her body. “is this okay?” he whispered into the kiss.
“more than okay,” she whispered back as he grinned into the kiss.
“i’ve wanted to do this for so long,” she admitted as he kissed down her neck.
“i don’t want you to feel like i’m using you,” he said.
y/n rolled her eyes. “i know you’re not, j.”
jj made the effort as he kissed every part of her skin. she sighed happily, relaxing into the bed.
“let me take care of you, love,” he said, pulling down her pajama shorts. he looked up at her one more time as she gave him approval.
“touch me, please, j,” she begged.
jj smirked, taking his middle finger and running it up and down her slit. “so wet,” he cooed.
she bucked her hips up; craving more. “is your mom here?” he asked, taking off his shirt.
“no. she’s probably out getting cracked out,” y/n replied, feeling her clit throb.
“shhh, don’t rush me, love,” he teased, gently rubbing her clit.
“fuck,” she quietly moaned.
he flicked her bud as she rolled her hips. he grabbed his arm, holding her down as he began to lap at her pussy.
“taste so sweet, love,” he told her.
y/n whimpered as jj took his finger and entered her.
“such pretty sounds coming from your mouth. be louder,” he said, quickening his fingers pace as his tongue swirled around her clit.
“jj- fuck.”
he hummed against her, sucking on her bud.
“i’m so close,” she moaned.
“close? baby, i just started,” he smirked. y/n was a whimpering mess under him, and he took pride knowing only he was making her feel this way.
“cum, y/n.”
he felt her clench around him, her back arching as her eyes snapped shut. “such a pretty girl,” he cooed, licking his fingers.
y/n cupped his jaw, kissing him tenderly. “i love you, j.”
“i love you too, baby.”
“now please fuck me,” she said.
jj grinned, pulling his shorts off followed by his boxers. his tip was oozing pre cum and it was bright pink.
“ready?” he asked, taking her hand in his; interlacing their fingers.
y/n nodded, kissing him again as he slowly slid into her. she moaned softly as his head fell into her neck.
“fuck,” he groaned.
y/n felt her face grow warm. “faster,” she pleaded.
so wrapped up in the moment, jj took his hand and placed it on her neck. she gasped as he immediately took it off.
“choke me, jj,” she whispered. he smirked, pounding into her faster. his hand gripped at her neck, squeezing as she grabbed his hips.
“such a good girl. look so pretty with my cock going in and out of you,” he praised.
“takin’ me so well,” he continued on. y/n was in pure bliss as she felt her stomach grow tight.
“i’m gonna cum, j.”
“cum for me, pretty girl.”
jj took his thumb and rubbed fast circles on her clit. letting out a loud moan, she clenched around him.
“yeah, that’s it. i’m gonna cum, y/n. i’m gonna fuck some kids into this pretty pussy.”
“please, jj,” she scratched his back, driving him further to the edge.
jj whimpered as warm spurts of cum shot out of him. he stopped his movements, sucking hickeys onto her neck.
flopping down next to y/n, he felt her lay onto his bare chest. a thin layer of sweat coated their skin as they breathed heavily.
“i love you, jj.”
“i love you too, y/n.”
jj peppered her scalp with kisses as she laughed against him. y/n heard her phone buzzing as she unlocked it.
kie: hello??!! y/n??? jj????
jb: i hope jj wore protection
pope: is jj dead yet???
sarah: can yall chill you probably just ruined the moment
y/n: we’re alive assholes
jb: how was it??? i hope you guys were practicing safe kissing ;)
sarah: you’re gross
y/n and jj laughed reading their friend’s texts.
“i’ll steal you some plan b in the morning,” he told her, putting her phone back on the nightstand.
“romantic,” she laughed, feeling his lips on her face.
the next morning when y/n woke up, she went to the bathroom. looking into the mirror, she noticed the letter j was bruised onto her neck.
walking into the kitchen, jj was trying to make some eggs. “you sly bastard,” she joked, motioning to her neck as she saw his almost black eggs.
jj smirked. “i uh, tried to cook for you. clearly it didn’t go as planned,” he motioned to the burnt food.
“we can pick something up on the way to john b’s,” y/n grinned, kissing her new boyfriend.
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junghelioseok · 3 years
clandestine. | 06
↳ forbidden fruit tastes the sweetest.
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◇ jungkook x reader ◇ smut | fluff | brother’s best friend!au ◇ 7.4k [6/6]
notes: we’ve reached the end at last!!! thanks for sticking around through all the sporadic updates, and i hope you enjoy this final chapter!
warnings: some soft, soft smut.
⇢ 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 
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The day before your scheduled return to Seoul, your parents decide to throw a joint party with the Jeons. From your bedroom window, you can see the plastic tables and chairs scattered across your adjoining lawns, the tarps and poles that will soon become makeshift pavilions lying in the grass. Though a row of low bushes divides your property, a small stone footpath weaves between the green leaves. You watch Mr. Jeon make his way into your yard, joining your father to unfurl a sign that’s emblazoned with Bon Voyage, {Name}! in bright blue print.
“Noona!” Jimin bursts into your bedroom with zero preamble, the door slamming into the wall behind it. You jump at the sudden intrusion, and flinch when he bounds across the room in two steps and grabs you by the shoulders.
“Ow, Chim,” you grumble, trying and failing to push him away. “Knock much?”
“Help,” he whines, trying to pull you to your feet. “I put too much salt in the marinade, and I just spilled Coke all over the counter. Please come help me.”
You sigh as he casts you the most pathetic look he’s capable of mustering, complete with a quivering bottom lip. Wiggling out of his iron grip at last, you grab him by the wrist and drag him out of your room. “Fine,” you tell him as you pull him downstairs. “You’re lucky I like you sometimes.”
“Love you too!” Jimin singsongs. He swoops in to plant a too-wet kiss on your cheek, and when you squirm in disgust he just giggles and blows you another.
The kitchen, upon your arrival, is empty. “Where’s Mom?” you ask as you grab a rag, tossing it over to your brother so he can clean up the spilled soda.
“She left a few minutes ago,” he replies, sopping up the mess and flinching when some splashes down from the counter onto the linoleum floor. “I think she went to the store to pick up a few things.”
“Food things?” you ask dubiously, eyeing the sizable pile of vegetables and meat on the counter. “Is this not enough? Is the entire neighborhood invited to this thing?”
“You know Mom,” he replies, shrugging. “Just let her have this. She misses having another girl in the house when you’re away. Says Dad and I gang up on her.”
You chuckle. “That sounds about right. On the bright side, though, she only has to deal with you for a few more months.”
“Jeez, that’s weird to think about.” Jimin sidles up behind you and settles his chin on your shoulder. “We’re going to be at the same university soon.”
“Yeah, because you’re a little copycat,” you tease, reaching back to flick him on the forehead. “What’s next? Are you going to start following me around the sandbox again? Come crying to me when someone’s mean to you?”
“Yeah, right.” Jimin steps back and puffs his chest out dramatically. “I’m going to protect you from all those weird college guys, remember? Who else is gonna do it if not me?”
In an instant, your mind goes to Jungkook. Your throat goes dry, and thankfully the jingle of keys in the front door saves you from needing to respond. Jimin’s attention is diverted when your mother steps through with an armful of shopping bags, and you take a moment to shove away all thoughts of your neighbor before following after your brother to help her unpack.
You haven’t seen much of Jungkook since your impromptu sleepover in his room. As your time at home winds to a close, your parents have been increasingly adamant to spend as much time together as possible. Family game nights became routine, and although Jungkook has joined you on a couple occasions, Jimin has seemingly made it his personal goal to ensure that you don’t spend a single second alone with your dark-haired neighbor. Certainly, you’ve texted a bit, but Jungkook’s been picking up more shifts at the restaurant lately and you often see him through your bedroom window returning home after a long dinner shift.
Jimin’s voice draws you out of your thoughts. “Huh?” you ask, blinking, and your brother shoots you an unimpressed look.
“I said, I’m going out back to help Dad with the grill,” he repeats. “Can you bring the cooler out?”
“Oh!” You glance over at the cooler on the ground, filled to the brim with beer and soda. Jimin has a bag of ice in his arms, and you quickly follow him out into the backyard, wheeling the cooler behind you. Together, the two of you push it into an unobtrusive corner of the back porch, and Jimin curses when he upends the bag of ice into it and spills nearly a third in the process.
“Smooth,” you remark.
“Like you could do any better,” is his reply.
It’s just after one o’clock, the sun beaming bright in the cloudless blue sky, when people begin trickling into the backyard where your father and Mr. Jeon have started grilling. You spot Taemin and Minho from where you’re perched on the porch steps, and grin when they wave and begin heading in your direction.
“Heading back to the big city so soon?” Minho asks as he comes to a stop, slinging an arm around your shoulders. “We’re gonna miss you around here.”
“You know you’re always welcome to visit,” you tell him with a smile. “Besides, I’ll be back. I do like to see my family every now and then, you know.”
“When exactly are you leaving tomorrow? Taemin asks curiously.
“Bright and early in the morning,” you reply. “I want to have plenty of time to get settled before I start interning on Monday.”
Minho gives you a squeeze. “You’ll kill it. I know you will.”
“Thanks,” you tell him. You’re about to say more—ask about the rest of their summer plans, maybe—when you spot a familiar dark head of hair exiting the back door of the Jeons’ house. Jungkook is wearing a collared shirt the color of sunshine, the sleeves rolled to his elbows to expose vascular forearms and the silver watch on his wrist. His faded jeans have a rip in the left knee, and you swallow when your gaze automatically trails down to the defined muscle of his thigh, a peek of skin visible through the denim.
Across the yard, your eyes meet. He raises a hand in greeting, his watch glinting in the sun, and you wave back. Everything else seems to fade into the background—Taemin and Minho, the hubbub of the partygoers, even the sizzle of the grill. Jungkook is walking in your direction now, and your throat goes oddly dry at the thought of talking to him face-to-face after nearly a week of intermittent texts and occasional glimpses. Your fingers itch to run through the soft hair at the nape of his neck, and your body craves the feeling of his skin against your own. You’d even settle for a simple kiss—the press of his mouth and the slick of his tongue, his palms settling on your hips or looping around to the small of your back to pull you in close.
Needless to say, it’s been far too long since you and Jungkook last slept together. You wonder, vaguely, if there’s any way the two of you might be able to sneak away from the party and head somewhere a little quieter. One last handsy makeout session in his backseat, and one last chance for him to breach your walls with his cock. One last fix of the drug called Jungkook, before you return to your life in Seoul and try to forget the boundaries you’ve crossed in the last few weeks.
Because at the end of the day, Jungkook is your brother’s best friend, and therefore is off-limits. And as if Jimin himself is listening in on your thoughts, your little brother comes bounding out of nowhere, intercepting Jungkook on his path to you and dragging him away to help make more meat skewers for the grill.
The party continues. More people arrive, and you do your best to converse with everyone between bites of food. Many family friends have come out to wish you well, most of whom you haven’t seen in several years, so you put on your best smile and weather the innumerable comments about how much you’ve grown up since you last met. Off in the distance, you spot Jungkook chatting with Junghyun, who has driven in from downtown Busan. The elder Jeon brother has already wished you good luck with your internship, pulling you into a friendly hug when he first arrived, and you would’ve had to be blind to miss Jungkook’s penetrating stare as you hugged him back.
You’re returning from a bathroom break, easing the back door shut, when you are assailed by a tangle of limbs and excited cries. You end up with a faceful of strawberry blonde hair, and laughingly groan as you extricate yourself from the hug, offering a beaming Chaeyoung, Jisoo, and Lisa a grin. “Hey, guys. What’s up?”
“What’s up?” Lisa grabs you by the shoulders and gives you a little shake. “You’re leaving tomorrow! When will you be back again?”
“Winter, definitely,” you promise. “Maybe the summer too, if I don’t have anything else going on.”
Out of the corner of your eye, you spot Jungkook again. He’s looking in your direction, his gaze flitting between the half-eaten burger in his hand and where you’re standing on the back porch with the girls, as if he doesn’t want to get caught staring. The party has been underway for nearly two hours now, and you haven’t even come close to having a conversation with your dark-haired neighbor. It seems as though anytime Jungkook comes within speaking distance, he’s interrupted by friends, family, and at one point, even his family’s dog. Gureum has been a part of Jungkook’s family for as long as you can remember, and though he’s getting rather old, he’s still happily meandering around the yard today. You’ve already given in to his pleading face twice and offered him a bit of food from your plate, and you’ve watched plenty of others do the same. A quick scan of the yard reveals that the little white dog is now fast asleep in a sunny patch of grass, and you chuckle to yourself before your gaze finds Jungkook again. Your eyes meet, just for a second.
“{Name}, honey, can you come here for a second?”
You turn at the sound of your mother’s voice. “Sure,” you tell her, excusing yourself from the group of girls to follow her inside to the kitchen. “What is it?”
Your mom hands you a pile of small paper plates and plastic cutlery. “I’m bringing out the cake,” she says. “Can you put those out for me?”
You nod, watching as she picks up the cake. It’s an impressive two-tiered confection, frosted pale purple and decorated with pink cherry blossoms and the words Bon Voyage! in flowing white script. You make sure to hold the door open for your mother as she exits the house on your heels, and duck your head in embarrassment when a few of your neighbors start clapping at your arrival.
The cake is cut and distributed, and you take your piece over to a shady spot beneath the awning of one of the pavilions your father has assembled. Jimin joins you, wiping a frosting-covered finger on your nose, and you squeal and wipe at it furiously with a napkin before taking revenge. Slowly, the afternoon progresses into early evening, and the party begins to wind to a close. Friends and neighbors begin to trickle out, wishing you well before taking their leave. At the far end of the yard, you see Jungkook talking to Chaeyoung, and wonder what the two could possibly have to say to each other before Taemin and Minho draw your attention away.
“We gotta head out,” Minho says, coming to a stop before you and pulling you into a hug.
Taemin nods, tugging you into an embrace as well. “We’ll see you again soon though, yeah? We’re definitely going to come up to visit you guys at some point.”
“Sounds like a plan,” you tell him. “You’re crashing at Jimin and Jungkook’s though. I’m not taking you in.”
“Cruel, but fair,” Minho says with a laugh. “See ya then, Noona.”
“See you.”
The two depart, and you begin gathering up your used utensils and plates, seeking about for a trash can. You smile at your dad as he walks by, and scratch a sleepy Gureum behind the ears as you pass him. Just as you’ve finally found a trash can and dropped your garbage inside, however, a voice stops you in your tracks.
“Hey, Noona.”
Your heartbeat quickens. Slowly, you turn around, coming face to face with none other than Jungkook himself. His dark hair is ruffled by the breeze, and his silver hoop earrings glint in the late afternoon sun. Tentatively, you offer him a small smile, and he hesitates for a moment before smiling back.
“You said that already,” you point out, trying to quell the sudden nervousness in your belly and swallowing down whatever moisture is left in your mouth. “Fun party, wasn’t it?”
“Yeah.” Jungkook nods. “Really fun. And the food was great.”
You chuckle. “Yeah. We have our dads to thank for that.”
A beat of silence passes, and then two. Jungkook is scuffing his heel against the grass, one hand darting up to scratch his ear, and you are just beginning to wonder at his uncharacteristic awkwardness when he suddenly pulls a bag from behind his back.
“Here,” he says, practically shoving it into your hands. “I—I mean, we—got you a gift. From my family. And me.”
Blinking, you peer down at the green tissue paper peeking out of the top of the bag. “Oh, wow. You… you guys really shouldn’t have.”
“It was my mom’s idea,” Jungkook mumbles, looking anywhere but at you. “You can open it now if you want, though.”
You do. Peeling back the tissue paper reveals two items inside—one of which is a lovely leather-bound planner, complete with a calendar and to-do lists and pages for notes. The other is a small canvas, and your mouth falls open when you see what’s painted across the surface.
It’s the lake house. Behind it, you can see lush green hills and trees, all bordering the rippling expanse of blue water. Jungkook has captured the scene at high noon when the sun is at its peak in the sky, glinting off the lake like diamonds. Off to one side, you spot the canoe roped to the dock.
“Wow,” you breathe, awestruck. “Jungkook, this is beautiful. I don’t know what to say.”
“It’s no big deal,” he says, shrugging and scratching the back of his neck. “I had to rush it a little, between work and all. It could’ve been better.”
“It’s perfect,” you tell him, running a fingertip across the canvas. You’ve always known that Jungkook has a talent for drawing, but you’ve never seen him use paint as his medium of choice until now. “Really. I love it, Jungkook. I’m going to hang it up in my dorm as soon as I get back.”
“Back,” Jungkook echoes. “Right.”
And before you can reply—before you can even inhale to speak—he’s pulled you into a tight embrace, his arms looping around your waist and settling there.
“Good luck with everything,” he says once he’s pulled back. And then he’s turning on his heel and walking away, and you’re left to wonder whether these past few weeks were simply a passing tryst after all.
As it turns out, your internship is more than enough to keep your mind from straying toward a certain dark-haired young man. Two months after Jungkook left you high and dry, you’re working harder than you ever have in your life. Your mornings are early and your afternoons run into evenings more often than not. “At least you’re getting paid, though,” Namjoon points out, glancing up from where he’s sitting on the couch when you stumble into your shared dorm one particularly late night. “You could’ve been one of the unlucky bastards who got stuck doing unpaid labor at their internships.”
“Oh, good. At least they’re working me to the bone ethically,” you snort, accepting the wine he hands over. Trust Namjoon to have an extra glass at the ready. Your suitemate, despite his flaws, always seems to know when you need a pick-me-up, and you suppose you can forgive his clumsiness and messiness for that. If he keeps it up, you may even start looking past the heart attacks he causes you every time he enters the kitchen and so much as looks at a knife.
Namjoon chuckles and tops off his own wineglass. “So now what? You hungry?”
“Starving,” you admit. “What are you thinking tonight? Pizza? Chinese?”
“Thai? I’ve been craving it lately.”
“I can do Thai.” You lean in closer as he pulls up the delivery menu on his laptop, pointing to what you want before sitting back and letting him place the order. “Can you get me an iced tea, too?
“Two iced teas, coming right up,” he replies. “You wanna start thinking about tonight’s feature presentation?”
Flopping onto your side, you reach into the bag you dropped on the floor and fish out your own laptop. You select a film from Netflix as Namjoon fetches his wallet to pay for your food, and the two of you settle in to wait as the opening credits of Disney’s Hercules roll.
“I’m not a good singer,” Namjoon cautions as the Muses begin their introductory monologue. “I just want you to know that beforehand. But out of all the Disney films? This soundtrack is unmatched.”
“Damn right,” you reply, clinking your glass against his. “Best soundtrack ever. We’ll both sound like dying cats, and I for one can’t wait.”
Namjoon laughs and leans over to flick off the lights. The room goes dark and the music begins, and you’re both singing along before you even hit the chorus. Spending time with Namjoon is comfortable, and though you’ve already lived together through the entirety of your first year of school, these past two summer months have strengthened your friendship tenfold. He’s almost like a brother by this point, and you wonder, vaguely, whether Jimin would get along with him anywhere near as well as you do.
As if summoned, your phone goes off. Jimin’s name lights up your screen, and you frown curiously at it before unlocking the device and swiping open the message.
[7:56pm] Chimchim: miss me yet? 😚
[7:56pm] You: no way, weirdo
[7:57pm] You: what do you even want anyway? sure you’re not the one missing me?
Immediately, your phone buzzes with a response.
[7:57pm] Chimchim: seriously? offensive
[7:57pm} Chimchim: orientation’s in less than a week or have u forgotten already?? good thing i’m reminding u
Your heart skips a beat in your chest when you realize that you had, in fact, forgotten. You remember your own college orientation vividly—a jam-packed weekend filled with building tours and ample opportunities to talk to current students. Several of your friends, you’d first met that weekend as you all tried to navigate a new chapter of your lives—Namjoon included. It’s how the two of you ended up living together—jammed into a suite with two others who thankfully meshed perfectly with the both of you. Neither Hoseok nor Jennie are here for the summer, but you’ve kept in touch while apart. Both of them poke relentless fun at Namjoon for opting to take summer classes, and you never hesitate to join in on the lighthearted teasing.
[7:58pm] You: oh yeah lol
Your response is casual and calm, but your heart rate is anything but. Jimin coming to orientation means Jungkook is coming too, and the thought of seeing him sends an anxious flurry of butterflies aflight in your stomach. You remember texting him the day after you came back—just a simple photo of his painting, hung proudly on the wall above your desk. He responded with a string of thumbs-up emojis, and that had been that. You’ve barely heard a word from him since, and Jimin’s occasional texts and social media posts are the only reason you know he’s still alive. Hesitantly, you type out another message, thumb hovering briefly over the send button before hitting it.
[7:58pm] You: you and jungkook are driving up, right?
[7:59pm] Chimchim: yep! road trip
[7:59pm] Chimchim: still not convinced jk’s car will make it all the way tho lmao
You think back to Jungkook’s beat-up sedan with its sputtering engine and scratchy seats, and the ominous way the passenger side window sometimes rattled if you slammed the door too hard. Can’t blame you for having doubts, you write back, earning yourself a hearty LMAOOO in response. And then:
[8:01pm] Chimchim: i’ll probably have to do most of the driving anyway
You frown, brows furrowing. Why’s that?
[8:02pm] Chimchim: just a hunch. jk’s been weird lately
[8:02pm] You: …weird how?
[8:02pm] Chimchim: just weird. a little distracted, maybe? he doesn’t answer me when i ask him whats wrong
[8:03pm] You: how long has he been weird?
[8:03pm} Chimchim: idk 🤷‍♂️
[8:03pm] Chimchim: 2 days, maybe 3? i think he might be worried about orientation or college or something. either way i don’t trust him to operate a motor vehicle rn
Your bottom lip finds its way between your teeth as you consider your brother’s revelation. It’s perfectly natural to be nervous about something new, but you still can’t help but wonder if Jungkook’s strange behavior might have anything to do with seeing you again. But before you can dwell on it more, your phone buzzes again in your palm.
[8:04pm] Chimchim: i mean srsly he didn’t even hit on mina when we ran into her at jin’s the other day. do u remember her? the girl from the bbq place we went to for grad dinner??
[8:04pm] Chimchim: but on the bright side, it looks like he and chae made up. about time, tbh. things were really awkward for a while
[8:05pm] Chimchim: wait u knew about them, right? they dated for a while?
You take a deep breath before responding, the gears of your brain whirring as you fight to process all of the information he’s dumped on you. Yeah, you write back. Chae told me. They’re okay now?
[8:06pm] Chimchim: yeah. i think they talked at your going away thing
The memory of them chatting in your parents’ backyard resurfaces, and a rush of relief follows it. Even though your conversation with Chaeyoung at the mall confirmed that she was no longer angry with Jungkook, the guilt of sneaking around with him continued to linger in the back of your mind. You’re definitely going to buy her a box of cookies from Kim’s Kitchen as an apology the next time you see her. Maybe even two.
After a few more texts, your conversation with Jimin peters out. He signs off, citing a house party he has to start getting ready for, and you settle back in to watch the rest of the movie with Namjoon, smiling reassuringly when he shoots you a curious look and mouths, everything okay?
Everything is okay, you decide. Jungkook’s weird behavior isn’t your problem, and there’s not a whole lot you could do even if you wanted to, considering how little you’ve spoken in the last eight weeks. That doesn’t stop you from opening up your messages and scrolling down to Jungkook’s name, though. It doesn’t stop you from opening up the last conversation you had—something about a particularly annoying customer at Jin’s restaurant—and scrutinizing every word.
Later that night, just as you’re brushing your teeth and getting ready for bed, your phone buzzes again. The name attached to the text immediately sends your heart into your throat, and you shakily towel off your hands before swiping it open.
[12:25am] Jungkook: i mis s yuo.
Drunk, the little voice in your brain whispers. He’s drunk. Belatedly, you remember the party Jimin had mentioned, and realize that Jungkook must be there as well. Alcohol has clearly loosened him up, enough to instigate this unexpected sentiment, but you are painfully sober. At a loss, you stare at his message until your screen goes dark. Irritably, you wake it up again, unlocking the phone so you can stare some more, and after what feels like an eternity, you type out a response.
[12: 28am] You: drink some water, jungkook
He doesn’t respond. You wait for five minutes, and then ten, but your phone screen remains obstinately dark and devoid of new notifications. Climbing into bed, you check one last time, but there’s still no response from him.
A resigned sigh leaves your lips as you turn off your bedside lamp and plug in your phone to charge. Sinking down into the mattress, you push away all thoughts of Jeon Jungkook as you close your eyes and wait for sleep to come.
On Friday night, you once again find yourself working late. Thankfully, Jimin and Jungkook aren’t due to arrive until later in the evening, so you still have plenty of time to change into comfier clothes and eat something before you have to play host.
Or at least, that’s what you thought. When you swing open the front door of your home, however, you’re greeted by two extra pairs of shoes—one of which is a certain individual’s signature black Timberlands, scuffed and worn from years of use. “Joonie?” you call cautiously, toeing off your loafers and skirting around the corner to poke your head into the kitchen. “Are you home?”
No reply. You wander a little further, entering the living room, and that’s where you’re greeted by the sight of your suitemate, his sheepish grin flanked on either side by two very familiar faces.
“Noona!” Jimin is grinning from ear to ear, and immediately skips forward to smoosh your cheeks between his palms. “We got here early!”
You slap his hands away and poke your fingertips into his ribs. “I can see that,” you retort. “What I don’t get is why you didn't bother to tell me.”
Jimin shrugs. “Surprise?”
You sigh and turn instead to Namjoon, who’s watching your exchange with an amused smile. “Thanks for getting them settled in,” you tell him gratefully. “You should’ve called me, though. I would’ve tried to get off work early if I’d known.”
“Nah, don’t worry about it.” Namjoon waves you off. “They got here about half an hour ago, so it wouldn’t have made much difference, anyway.”
“Still, let me thank you,” you insist. “Dinner’s on me tonight, since I have to feed these heathens anyway. Do you want to order something in? Go out?”
“I’m okay either way,” Namjoon says, shrugging, and you turn to Jimin and Jungkook questioningly.
“Doesn’t matter to me,” Jimin says. “I think we’re both pretty tired from the drive, so staying in might be nice.”
“Anything’s fine.” Jungkook is staring down at his right hand as if he’s trying to crack a secret code etched in his fingerprints, and when he speaks, his voice is soft. “Whatever you want, Noona.”
You haven’t forgotten about his text from a few days ago, and judging by the way he can’t even look you in the eye, neither has he. It’s strange seeing him here now—wearing ripped jeans and a black t-shirt like he so often does, his feet encapsulated in plain white socks. His hair has grown out since you last saw him, leaving only the barest glimpse of his silver earrings visible beneath the dark, shaggy locks. You can’t help but wonder what it would be like to run your fingers through it, but quickly quash that train of thought before it can progress any further.
The group eventually settles on ordering pizza, which you order and pay for on your phone. Conversation flows easily as Jimin, Jungkook, and Namjoon get to know each other, and when the food arrives, Namjoon pulls out his collection of board games. The remainder of the evening passes in a haze of pizza and game tournaments, and it’s only when midnight has come and gone that you decide to call it a night. Jungkook and Jimin settle into the two empty bedrooms—Jungkook in Hoseok’s and Jimin in Jennie’s—and you bid everyone goodnight before retiring to your own bed.
You don’t miss the way Jungkook’s gaze lingers on your retreating figure, but he doesn’t say anything and neither do you. He’ll be busy with all the orientation events scheduled tomorrow, and you’re planning to spend a good chunk of the day running errands that you don’t have time for on weekdays. The question of why he’d texted you that night remains on your mind, but you don’t want to ask. And you especially don’t want to ask why he’d never responded after that first message. Confrontation has never been your style, and with any luck, you’ll be able to avoid spending extended periods of time with him altogether.
With any luck, this weekend will pass with no further incident, and you’ll be able to spend the remaining few weeks of your summer in peace.
It’s just after two o’clock in the afternoon when you return to your dormitory, a grocery bag clutched in each hand and a tote bag draped over one shoulder. You’ve finished up with all your errands for the day, and even managed to get some reading done for one of your upcoming fall classes. Dropping your bags in the kitchen, you stretch your arms overhead lazily before starting to unpack your groceries. Namjoon is holed up in the library working on an essay, and Jimin and Jungkook don’t appear to be around either. A moment of rare quiet is welcome in your normally hectic life, and you take the opportunity to put some music on and change into your comfiest shorts and a tank top.
You’ve just finished popping some popcorn and are settling onto your bed to watch some Netflix when someone clears their throat from your doorway. Startled, you look up, your eyes locking on Jungkook standing there. He’s wearing a loose gray sweatshirt and matching sweatpants, and you swallow when you see the way he’s rolled up the sleeves to expose vascular forearms and the silver watch on his wrist. Jungkook blinks at you silently from behind his dark fringe of hair, and a beat passes before he clears his throat and speaks.
You straighten up into a seated position, crossing your legs and plopping the bowl of popcorn in your lap. “Hi.”
Jungkook hesitates, then shoves both hands into his pockets. “Can… can we talk?”
“Sure.” You incline your head. “Talk.”
Your curt tone doesn’t go unnoticed by him. Awkwardly, he shuffles his feet for a moment before scratching behind his neck and ruffling his already tousled hair further. “My phone died,” he says, and you blink confusedly at him, twice, before responding.
Jungkook winces but presses on nonetheless. “My phone,” he explains. “It died the other night. I was going to charge it before the party, but I forgot to plug it in and then it was too late. I didn’t—” He sighs. “I would’ve texted you back, otherwise.”
Belatedly, you realize he’s talking about his text from a few nights ago and why he never responded. His reasoning is relatively sound, at least, but you still have an unanswered question. “Why?” you ask, your voice soft. “Why did you text me that night? I don’t hear from you for weeks, and then you message me that out of the blue? Why?”
“Fuck, I know.” Jungkook takes two steps into your bedroom, before he seemingly thinks better of it and takes a step back. “I shouldn’t have done it. I should’ve texted you more, or earlier, but—” Another sigh, and this time he rakes his hands through his hair and sends his dangling earrings tinkling. “I’m sorry. I really am. I was being a coward, and…”
Jungkook trails off, and you see that his attention has flitted elsewhere. He’s staring at the painting of the lake house, still displayed prominently above your desk, and you see the gears in his head whirring before he speaks again.
“You… you still have that hanging up there?”
You glance at the painting before looking back at him. “Well, yeah. Of course I do. It reminds me of home.”
It reminds you of him, too, but you don’t voice that particular thought aloud. Instead you turn your attention back to your increasingly fidgety companion, leaning back on your hands and regarding him with your head tilted curiously.
“What were you saying about being a coward? What are you afraid of, Jungkook?”
Jungkook rubs his jaw and sucks in a deep breath. “You,” he finally answers, after several beats that feel like several lifetimes. “I’m afraid of losing you. And I feel like I already might have, especially since we left things so weird at the party. I should’ve…” He shakes his head. ”I should’ve said something sooner. I should’ve told you how I really feel, but I was stupid and scared and I just couldn’t find the right time to do it.”
Your breath catches. Your mouth goes dry and your chest feels tight, and when you try to speak, your tongue feels like sandpaper. “I—” you begin, and it’s all you manage to get out. Jungkook is murmuring your name in a voice so gentle that your heart skips two whole beats, and when you look at him again he is much, much closer than before.
“But I guess late is better than never, right?” Jungkook breathes. Stopping at the edge of your bed, he drops to his knees, and you don’t protest when he takes your hands and cups them protectively between his own. “It’s you, {Name}. It’s always been you. I tried to forget about my feelings when you left for Seoul—tried to convince myself that it was just a stupid crush—but nothing I did worked. I couldn’t forget about you. And then you came back, and I just knew.” Gently, he traces a fingertip across your knuckles before looking up and meeting your gaze in earnest. “I’m in love with you, {Name}. I’ve been in love with you for years, and I’m sorry for not telling you sooner. And… and I really hope that I haven’t fucked everything up by telling you this now.”
“You—” Your voice sticks in your throat, and you swallow thickly before trying again. “You haven’t. I… I like you, Jungkook. I like you so, so much, and I think I owe you an apology for trying to push you away so much. It’s just that these feelings… they’re so new. And I—well, I don’t know if I love you yet, but I think that I definitely could.”
“Then that’s good enough for me,” he replies, his face stretching into a wide, crinkly eyed grin. “As long as you agree to be my girlfriend, and let me have the chance to make you fall for me.” And when you nod, giggling, Jungkook leans in and presses his mouth to yours.
The kiss is soft and sweet, and lasts several moments before a sobering thought enters your head. You break away, frowning, and Jungkook’s brow furrows as he takes in your expression.
“What’s wrong?”
You bite your lip, worrying at the delicate skin. “This… thing. This relationship—what if it doesn’t work? I mean, god, you’re Jimin’s best friend in the entire world. What if we have an argument? What if—what if we break up?”
“We won’t,” Jungkook replies confidently, lacing his fingers with yours before leaning forward to nuzzle his nose against yours affectionately. Instinct has you leaning into him, seeking out proper contact, and you feel his lips curl into a smile as he indulges you with yet another kiss.
“You can’t know that for sure,” you murmur when you break apart, but your voice is readily lost in the huff of laughter that escapes your companion.
“Maybe not for sure,” he says. “But I’ve loved you since I was about eight, and I don’t think that’s going to change anytime soon.”
This time, when your lips meet, there’s a bit more heat behind it. Jungkook curls a hand around your nape to draw you in close, and licks sweetly into your mouth when you part for him. He’s quick to press you down onto your mattress, and you sigh as he trails down your body and takes the straps of your tank top with him. The material falls off your shoulders, leaving just enough room to tug the rest of the shirt down to your waist, and he groans when your bare breasts are freed.
“No bra? Fuck, you’re killing me.”
You arch beneath him, huffing out a breathless little laugh when he seizes the opportunity to envelop a nipple into his mouth. His fingers find the other—squeezing and rubbing and tweaking until you’re quivering in his grasp. “Jungkook,” you breathe, waiting until he lets out a soft hum of acknowledgment. “Jimin—he could come back any minute. Maybe we shouldn’t do this right now.”
Jungkook glances up from where he’s exploring the underside of your breasts, tracing the soft swell of delicate skin with his lips and tongue. “Jimin,” he says, “is at a special session for his major. He won’t be back for hours, so why don’t you relax and let me make you feel good, hmm?”
And, without even waiting for an answer, he drops down to his knees and digs his thumbs into the waistband of your shorts. Your legs are dangling off the edge of the bed, and Jungkook easily tugs the material off them, taking your panties right along with it. Tossing them aside, he doesn’t hesitate to spread your legs and slot himself into the newly created space. His tongue darts out to moisten his lips, and your breath hitches when you glance down the length of your body and see the ravenous glint in his eyes.
There’s no doubt in your mind that you’re wet enough to take his cock right now. You can feel the slick gathering between your legs, and the smirk on Jungkook’s face tells you that he’s noticed it too. Teasingly, he presses an experimental fingertip to your clit, watching in satisfaction as your hips buck off the mattress at the flare of pleasure. Then he’s sliding down, sinking a lone finger into your entrance and curling upward to find the soft spot that he knows will unravel you in a matter of minutes. A gasp escapes you when he finds it, your hips rising again, and he soothes you with a warm palm on your thigh and a sweet kiss to your hipbone.
It’s almost embarrassing how quickly Jungkook is able to build up your orgasm, but then again, you suppose you shouldn’t be surprised. He’s always been a quick study, and you’ve never been sure whether it’s stubbornness or determination that drives him to excel at his passions. Here and now, with two of his fingers buried inside your cunt and a third teasing its way in, you don’t even care which it is. All that matters is the pressure building in the pit of your belly, and the way Jungkook keeps murmuring your name and encouraging you to cum for me, princess. It’s enough to push you over the edge, your back arching off the bed and your lips parting in a moan as you ride out your high.
“So pretty.” Jungkook circles your clit with his thumb, his fingers still sheathed within your walls. “You always take my fingers so well.”
“Think I’d rather take your cock instead,” you reply breathlessly, sagging back against the mattress and reaching for him. Jungkook takes the hint, gritting out a hoarse curse before crawling up your mostly bare body and crushing his mouth to yours in a searing kiss. You grab the hem of his gray sweatshirt, pulling it up and over his head, and are more than pleased to discover he’s not wearing anything underneath. His sweatpants soon follow, Jungkook impatiently kicking the material off his ankles, and you sigh out his name when he wraps you in his arms, skin against skin.
“I’m not going to last very long,” he warns you, his breath a puff of hot air against the shell of your ear. “Promise I’ll make it up to you later. Just wanna feel you right now.”
“Go on, then,” you murmur, pressing a kiss to his jaw. “How do you want me?”
Jungkook groans, no doubt having a furious internal debate with himself, before reaching down and taking his cock in one hand. “Just like this,” he decides, gazing down at the way you’re spread out on your back for him. Deliberately, he settles between your thighs, giving himself a few pumps before positioning himself at your entrance. “Wanna kiss you while I fuck you. Wanna kiss you for the rest of my life.”
He’s pushing forward then, stealing the breath from your lungs along with any thoughts that may have crossed your mind at his last sentiment. Jungkook sinks into you until you’re gasping at the fullness, his hands grabbing at the meat of your hips and pulling you against him with every thrust. He fucks into you with reckless abandon, hoarse praise and gritted curses falling freely from his lips as he uses your body to seek out his own high. Every now and then, his mouth seeks out yours in a sloppy kiss, which you happily indulge as his rhythm falters and becomes increasingly erratic.
Jungkook floods you with his warmth, his arms gathering you up tightly as his cock slowly softens within you. His lips find yours, and this kiss is a simple, tender one—an affectionate press and a crinkly eyed smile that has you automatically smiling back.
“I don’t know why you’re so happy,” you tease, poking him in his slightly sweaty chest. “Jimin’s going to throttle you for this, you know.”
“Worth it,” he replies cheekily. “Anything’s worth it as long as you kiss me better afterward.”
“Gross,” you tell him, laughing. “You’re so lame.”
“But you still like me,” he says with a shrug. Then he grins. “The real question, though, is whether you like me enough to help me move in the fall.”
You hum, hiding your smile. “Depends. What’s in it for me?”
A positively wicked grin spreads across his face and settles there. “Why don’t I give you a preview?”
A few weeks later -
Jimin hums softly under his breath as he strolls into his new dorm, a cardboard box cradled in his arms. There’s a growing pile of boxes in the middle of the living area already, and he’s only just found an empty spot to drop the latest when he hears an odd noise coming from the bathroom. A wet, smacking sound, kind of like—
“Jungkook, you dog,” he snorts, throwing the cracked door open. “Get your ass out here and help me unpa—“ He stops in his tracks.
The scene before him doesn’t make sense. Jungkook is standing in front of him with wide eyes and fear in his expression, but that doesn’t make sense. At least it doesn’t until he sees you in the reflection of the mirror over the sink, your clothes disheveled and your lips swollen.
“Wait, we can explain,” Jungkook begins, following the trajectory of Jimin’s gaze and waving his hands in a fluttery panic. “I swear, Jimin, it’s not what you think—“
“That’s my sister,” Jimin says, his voice dangerously calm.
“Yeah, but—”
“You put your hands on my sister,” Jimin continues matter-of-factly, as if Jungkook hadn’t spoken at all. “I’m going to fillet your dick with a dull knife and serve it over rice.”
And before you can catch your breath and open your mouth to stop him, Jimin leaps forward, his fingers aimed directly for Jungkook’s throat.
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dracossweetprincess · 3 years
hii, can i order one wherever the reader's birthday is, and Draco gives him presents and things like that, and at the end of the day they fuck? make it fluff but also smut, thanks in advance🤍
spoiled | d.m
Tumblr media
request: yes/no
preview: it’s y/n’s birthday, and draco plans to spoil her rotten.
warnings: draco being a simp for his gf, draco being a softie, SMUT (+18), fluffy smut, praising kink, vaginal fingering, oral (female receiving), vaginal sex, unprotected sex (don’t do that).
Since Draco found out what day Y/n’s birthday was, he had been planning that whole day since the moment they started dating. This was Y/n’s first birthday with Draco. She did expect Draco to spoil her a little bit, maybe get her some chocolates and flowers, but she had absolutely no idea what Draco had planned for the day.
Y/n slept soundly beside him, as they were staying at the Malfoy Manor for the holidays. Draco woke up with the sun hitting his pale face, slowly opening his eyes and stretching his arms. He smiled to himself remembering what day it was, wanting to give Y/n a birthday to remember. He turned around, rolling on top of her and starting to shower her face with kisses.
On her cheeks, on the tip of her nose, on her eyelids, in her forehead and finally on her lips. Y/n’s eyes fluttered open, as she smirked at the way Draco was treating her so lovingly. “Good morning, gorgeous.” Draco smiled down at her, leaning down to press another kiss to the tip of her nose as she scrunched it slightly, making Draco chuckle. “Happy birthday.”
“Good morning, Dray.” She let out a soft yawn, gently rolling Draco off of her and sitting up. “Today is your birthday and I’m spoiling you rotten, darling.” Draco smirked, wrapping his arms around her waist to pull her on his lap. “Oh yeah?” She whispered in his year, pressing a kiss behind it sending shivers down Draco’s spine.
“Yes, but first I need you to wait downstairs.” Y/n scrunched her eyebrows, trying to figure out what Draco was up to but nodded in agreement jogging downstairs. She waited on the couch reading a book, when she felt Draco wrap his arms around her from behind. “Come on, pretty girl.” She chuckled, following him upstairs towards his room again.
The pair walked into Draco’s room, Y/n looking around to be met with about twenty different gifts spread all over his room. “Draco, what’s all this? It isn’t Christmas.” She asked a little in shock. “Presents.” Draco chuckled, wrapping his arms around her from behind and tucking his face on her shoulder. “Are all these from you?” Y/n asked, slightly worried. As much as all these gifts were nice, Y/n didn’t like it that Draco spent so much money on her.
“Yup.” He smiled proudly, as he absolutely loved buying her gifts. The smile on her face always made his heart swell, so he never exited to buy everything the girl looked at for more then five seconds when they were window shopping in Hogsmeade or Diagon Alley. “Draco! This must have cost a lot of money, I don’t want you spending so much money on me like that!” She scolded him.
“But why can’t I?” He whined like a little kid. “I need to spoil my baby.” He smiled, pressing a sweet kiss to her cheek. Y/n sighed, considering herself defeated and opened all of the gifts. The gifts were things like perfumes, flowers, chocolates, clothes, and her absolute favorite was a soft dark green sweater that had the words “Draco Malfoy’s property” sewed on it.
The pair ended up cuddling in Draco’s bed again, until lunch time. Y/n starting to feel hungry. “Alright, let’s go back downstairs and see what we can make for lunch.” She got up, but Draco grabbed her arm making her turn around again. “What? No! Let’s go to my mom’s tulip garden, I have a picnic ready, I’ve been planning it for weeks.” Y/n’s heart swelled at the sweet gesture.
“Wait, really?”
“Of course, angel.” They walked towards Narcissa’s beautiful tulip garden, hand in hand. It was possibly the most beautiful garden Y/n had ever seen, and it was definitely her favorite part of the Manor. Y/n gasped as they got closer to the picnic, seeing a blanket spread on the grass with a variety of her favorite foods. Spaghetti, brownies, cookies and pink lemonade. “Do you like it?” Draco asked, pleased with himself for being able to put a smile on her face.
“Like it? Draco I love it.” She hugged him around the waist. “I’m glad, love.” They both sat down, Y/n resting her head on Draco’s lap letting him feed her and play with her hair after a little fight over how she could feed herself. Feeling the sun hit her face, making it hard to keep her eyes open and the soft breeze making her hair slightly messy.
They walked back to the Manor, Draco going to take a shower. He walked out of the bathroom, towel around his waist and wet hair. Y/n didn’t even notice, but she was staring. “Take a picture it’ll last longer.” He smirked, leaning against the bathroom door. “Like what you see, darling?” Draco let the towel fall to the floor, now standing completely naked in front of the girl making her gasp.
“Draco!” She hid her face on her pillow, trying to hide the fact that she was blushing madly. “Time for your last gift, darling. And since today’s about you, you get to choose whatever you want me to do to you.” He smirked, getting on top of Y/n and pressing a soft kiss to her lips. “I want your fingers, I want your mouth and I want your cock.”
“Mmm my greedy girl wants it all? Huh?” Y/n nodded, already feeling herself get wet at the thought of the activities that were about to happen. “Alright, darling. Just because it’s your birthday I’ll give you what you want.” Draco slowly unbuttoned her silky pijama top, groaning at the sight of her breasts already on display for him.
He pushed her bottoms down her legs, while massaging her breasts as the girl moaned quietly into his shoulder. Y/n shuddered feeling his breath over her sopping cunt, as Draco slid his index finger through her folds, spreading her wetness and bringing his finger into his mouth, sucking it clean. “You taste so good, darling.”
Without warning Draco slid through fingers in her cunt, immediately starting to pump them in and out at a fast pace. Draco rubbed circles on her clit, his fingers still reveling in her tightness. “Dray fuck! It feels so good.” She moaned. “Good girl.” He let out and added a third one. Draco continued continuously pumping roughly into her tight hole, placing kisses all over her, shoulders and breasts while she bucked against his hand trying to get more friction.
Y/n closed her eyes, focusing on the pleasure of the coil in her stomach as all she could think about were her boyfriend’s fingers fucking into her. “Draco, fuck!” She cried, as she started to come undone coating his fingers. Draco didn’t waist a second to pull his fingers from her cunt, and suck them clean again, not letting a drop go to waste. “Good job, love. You did so good. Now spread your legs so I can ruin you.”
Y/n was still in her aftershock, but obeyed spreading her legs wide giving him a clear view of her swollen pussy. “I want you to fuck my pussy. Want you to ruin me.” Y/n let out calmly, Draco’s eyes darkening at her words. Draco pumped his length in his hand, pushing inside of her without hesitation. Giving her a few seconds to adjust, he started thrusting hard and fast, the girl’s moans growing louder.
Draco moaned into her neck, the feeling of her clenching walls around him being heavenly. Draco was hitting every sweet spot inside of her, making the girl throw her head back at the waves of pleasure that hit her like a train. Draco wrapped his lips around one of her nipples, lapping his tongue and sucking on it, Y/n almost letting out a scream at the intense pleasure.
Y/n was moaning hard, bucking her hips rhythmically trying to get him deeper inside of her. One of Draco’s hands flew up to her hard nipple and began roughly massaging it again. Draco’s cock moving against her tight walls with delicious friction. Y/n tossed her head back against the pillow, closing her eyes as he fucked her harder and harder. Her walls tightened around him, and Draco felt like he might break, pumping frantically inside her.
Y/n let out a scream of pleasure, that was muffled by her pillow, drowning Draco’s cock in her cum. Y/n felt Draco twitch inside her, and fill her up to the brim with a final rough thrust. Draco pulled out, cleaning himself up and turning to the girl that still lied down on his bed, completely naked, legs spread only for him, like a slut. His slut. “How about I get you to that third orgasm? Would you like that, my slutty princess?”
“Yes, Dray. Want your mouth.” Draco went to work, burying his face in between her legs as his tongue lapped up the taste of hers and his cum. Draco licked long stripes up her slit at first, before sucking on her clit, harshly, in the motions he knew would make her fall apart. “Feels good, Dray. S’good.” Draco smirked against her pussy, Y/n bucking her hips up wanting him to get back to work.
Tears pricked her eyes, as it just felt too good. “Fuck, Draco! Fuck, fuck, fuck. Gonna cum. M’ gonna cum.” Y/n squirted on his face, Draco letting out a satisfied groan as he licked her clean, Y/n whining realizing just how overstimulated she was. Draco pressed a sweet kiss to her lips, walking to the bathroom to get a cloth to clean her up, and pull her into his naked chest. Legs entangled, Y/n let out a satisfied sigh, starting to feel relaxed.
“Happy birthday, darling. I love you.”
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(Y/n) and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Week: Tuesday
Monday     Wednesday     Thursday (Part 1)     Thursday (Part 2)     Friday     Saturday     Sunday
Spotify Playlist (collaborative)
Warnings: anxiety, doctor’s offices, taking pain pills (not sure if I need to tag that, but just in case), stalkers, blackmail, swearing, non-consensual taking pics of nudes, slight body dysmorphia, self-loathing, toxic friends
Word count: 5,326
(A/N): another long chapter, my little wlw heart loved writing this chapter! Also holy shit I was not expecting the first part to blow up, thank you to everyone that read it! Gosh, it’s enough to make a grown woman cry :’)
You cracked open your crusty eyes to Wilbur poking his head into your room. “(Y/n), Dad wants you.”
You groaned rubbing at your eyes in an attempt to get the sleep out of them. “I’ll be down in a sec.” Your voice was scratchy and thick with sleep.
He closed the door silently and you heard his socked feet thumping down the hallway. Your pain faded slightly into soreness, but your shoulders and upper back were slightly stiff. After you drug yourself out of bed, you shambled down the stairs to see your family at the table eating breakfast. Your stomach growled loudly, making you blush slightly in embarrassment. 
Your eldest brother snorted. “Hungry (y/n)?”
You slumped into your seat next to him slowly shoveling food into your mouth. “You have no idea.”
“You wouldn’t be that hungry if you ate dinner when you got home like I told you to do last night, young lady. You better eat every single thing on that plate.”
There was no arguing with a stern Dadza, so you reluctantly complied. Meanwhile, Tommy and Tubbo were telling Wilbur about your match animatedly. 
“And the ball was like fwoosh and she- the ball and-and-”
“And she hit it and Haley hit it to the other side! It was so cool!”
Wilbur merely smiled listening to them ramble about how badass you were last night. They made you feel genuinely happy that they admired your volleyball abilities; they were probably your biggest fans and that made your day most of the time. You remembered the first match they came to during your freshman year, they had run up to you right after the end-of-match whistle blew to spew about how good you were on the court. They met the team that day. Your team adored having them at your games, over the years they slowly replaced your school’s mascot. They played a huge part in morale boosts before and during matches. 
He looked over to you, “I didn’t know my little sister could be so badass.”
You felt your cheeks flare up. “It’s nothing I haven’t done before. It really wasn’t anything special.”
“(Y/n),” Philza pursed his lips, “you did all that with a bruised back, I’d consider that something special.”
“Wait (y/n), you’re hurt?” Tommy and Tubbo looked at you with wide concerned eyes.
“Yeah, but it’s not that bad. I can still move and stuff.”
Techno rolled his eyes, “it’s bad if you’re going to the doctor for it.”
“Eh, it doesn’t hurt as bad as it did yesterday, so I’m not worried.” 
“You’re deadass wincing everytime you move your arm,” WIlbur deadpanned, “it clearly still hurts.”
“Well yeah, I didn’t say the pain went away completely. Fuckin’ dumbass.”
“Language,” Philza glared at you two, gesturing to the two fifth graders watching the exchange with interest. 
You and Wilbur resumed eating and murmured out a defeated “sorry Dad.” You both glared at Techno when he huffed in amusement. 
“If you three keep bickering, you’re going to be late to school. Remember, you two have to drop off Tommy and Tubbo today cuz I’m taking your sister to her appointment. Now go get ready, I’ll take care of your dishes.”
Your brothers took off up the stairs, each competing to get to the bathroom first. Occasionally, you would hear shouts and slapping noises. You felt glad you didn’t have to deal with that today. Judging by Techno’s gruff voice laughing and an explosion of loud complaints from the rest, you assumed that he won today. “I swear, they’re gonna put me in an early grave.”
“You and me both Dad, you and me both.”
You went into the kitchen and pulled out a bottle of pain pills from the junk drawer. Various bottles of Motrin and Advil were scattered around the house because when you live with a rambunctious family like this one, people are bound to get hurt and headaches are common. Popping three into your mouth, you washed it down with a glass of water. The sound of the running water faucet and the slight splashing of water filled the silence of the room. 
“How’s your back? Does it feel any better?”
“Kinda, today it just feels more sore than throbbing, my headache went away mostly, and my shoulder doesn’t feel any worse, so that’s better I guess.”
He shut off the water and reached for a towel to dry off his wet hands. He moved over to the freezer and grabbed a frozen package of peas that your family never ate. You all used it whenever one of you would get a bruise. He moved behind you and held it against your back without warning. Flinching forward from the unexpected temperature change, you winced with the wave of pain moving brought you. 
“Shit, sorry.”
“You’re good. Just give me a little warning next time,” you chuckled. He gently placed it back on your back and you sighed from the slight relief that it brought you. You leaned into the peas and closed your eyes. “That feels amazing.”
“I bet. That bruise was pretty bad yesterday, can I look at it again?”
You reluctantly left the sanctuary that was the medical grade frozen peas and leaned forward, moving your hair out of the way for him. “Knock yourself out.”
He made a hissing noise as soon as he moved your shirt out of the way. “Dad, it probably looks worse than it feels.”
“...Have you seriously not looked at this yet? It looks pretty bad, hun.”
“Well, sorry I can’t move to look at my back without being in pain. I’ll try harder next time.” You snarked him.
“Hey, watch the attitude. Here, I’ll take a picture so you can see how bad it is.”
You heard the rustling of fabric as he fished his phone out of his pocket and the obnoxiously loud click of his camera app. You turned around to look at the damage. You squinted at his bright phone screen. Your entire back was swollen in some areas and was covered in ugly reds, blues, blacks, and purples. You made a disgusted noise in the back of your throat and cringed away from the screen. You always got nauseous seeing injuries.
“Yikes isn’t the only word I would use, it’s bad (y/n).”
“It looks worse than it feels, I promise. I’m gonna go get ready so we’re not late to my appointment. It sounds like the boys are finally done with the bathroom.”
You hobbled up the stairs slowly and made your way to the bathroom. The door was wide open ready for you to use. Turning on the light, you closed the door in a hurry so that your brothers wouldn’t try to get in again to hog the bathroom like they usually did. You frowned at your appearance. Your hair was sticking up in every direction and you had dark eye bags around your dull looking eyes. A few pimples dotted your skin like constellations in the night sky, but much uglier and more out of place. Turning your body, you scanned your figure. Your eyes watered as you realized that you had gained some weight. Adrian, Sammy, and Annie were right, you looked like garbage all the time.
You ripped your eyes away from yourself in the mirror with disgust etched deep into your features. You were disgusting through and through. Ripping your brush through your hair, you winced at the pain emanating from the back of your head. You deserve the pain for letting yourself go. Once you were slightly more satisfied with your appearance, you stepped out of the bathroom and quickly changed into the clothes you would wear today. You decided on a hoodie and a pair of tights. You didn’t feel like dressing yourself up. 
You once again walked down the stairs and slipped on your shoes to meet your dad in his car. You idly scrolled through your phone while you waited for him, looking at your notifications for the first time that day. You had ten texts from the group chat that you were in with Adrian, Annie, and Sammy.
Sammy <3
(Y/n) where the hell are you?
Adrian <3
Do you guys think she ditched us?
I knew she was ignoring us
Sammy <3
Who ignores their friends?
Annie <3
(Y/n) apparently. 
She has more important things to do ig
Oh my god
Do you guys think she skipped school?
Adrian <3
I wouldn’t put it past her
Maybe she finally gave up
I’m sorry guys, I just have a doctor’s appointment today
I would never ignore you
Sammy <3
Yk, it’s hard to keep defending you when you keep ditching us..
I’m not ditching you!
I’m sorry I didn’t tell you guys about my appointment
I’ll make it up to you guys
Adrian <3
You’ve already skipped out on us enough already
Annie <3
Oh ik!
She can write our final research paper for us Dri!
I haven’t started it yet lmao
Adrian <3
Saaaame lmaoooo
Sammy <3
Guys, what about me???
Adrian <3
Idk, figure it out yourself
Sammy <3
Ur gonna put together my final presentation for us history
Alright, I can do that for you guys
Sam can you pls send me the rubric? 
Annie <3
Thanks love ;)
No problem, I like doing things for friends
My dad’s coming, I gotta go
Talk to you guys later
Adrian <3
Byeeee (y/n), ur the best!
: ) <3
You put your phone down as your dad started up the car and pulled out of the driveway. The drive was quiet as you stared out the window and thought about how much work you now had to do. On top of your own classes, you had two more to write and a presentation to make in a class you hadn’t taken since the first semester in your sophomore year. The research papers had to be at least four full pages long with a minimum of ten sources each due on Friday and you had no idea how big Sammy’s US history presentation has to be or what it’s even about. But that was fine, you’d do anything for your friends. 
“So, who were you texting? Your boyfriend?” He asked jokingly.
“Oh, just Adrian, Sammy, and Annie. I don’t have a boyfriend Dad,” because you were a closeted lesbian, but you wouldn’t tell him that anytime soon. “You know that.”
“I know,” he chuckled, “it’s been a while since I’ve seen them. How have they been?”
“They’re good. Adrian got a job at the diner, he’s a host. Sammy and Annie have been focusing more on raising their grades.”
“Good for them! You should invite them over for dinner sometime.”
“I was actually thinking that I could maybe go hang out with them on Halloween...?”
“(Y/n), the family was going to take Tommy and Tubbo trick-or-treating.”
“I know, but there’s always next year. Plus, we haven’t been able to hang out in so long! We’re always free at different times.”
“I don’t know (y/n), what if they don’t want to trick-or-treat next year? What were you planning on doing with them?”
“We were just gonna hang out at Annie’s house and watch some horror movies,” you lied. He would never let you go if he knew you were going to a party. Especially one where alcohol would be involved and hormonal teenage boys ran rampant actively scouting for an easy lay.
“...I’ll think about it.” The car pulled into the doctor office’s parking lot.
“Thank you Dad! It’s been a while since we’ve all hung out together.”
He chuckled as you both walked into the lobby, checked in, and waited for your name to be called. About ten minutes later, you were summoned by a nurse so you went into the back leaving your dad to wait in the lobby. The nurse recorded your height and weight (much to your dismay, you gained four pounds) and asked you the standard questions about your injury and uncomfortable questions about your overall health. The clacking of her acrylic nails on the plastic keyboard filled the awkward silence.
Once that was done, she left and you had to wait a little bit for the doctor. After slipping into the backless gown the nurse left, you mindlessly scrolled on your phone. Jumping when someone knocked on the door, you looked up to see your family’s doctor smiling at you.
“Hello (y/n), how are we feeling today?”
“I’m alright.”
“I hear that you had quite the fall onto some concrete, is that true?”
“Yes, I landed on my back and the back of my head.”
She reached over and squirted hand sanitizer onto her hands, rubbing it in and looking back at you. “Can you please lay on your stomach so I can take a look at your back?”
You nodded, shifting on the uncomfortable paper covered cushioned table onto your stomach. You felt her cold hands gently graze your bruises before she pulled out her stethoscope. “Can you take a good deep breath in for me?”
You complied and she instructed you to let it out. Doing this multiple times along your back, she put her stethoscope away and continued prodding at your exposed back. 
“There’s definitely some swelling in multiple areas… It doesn’t feel or sound like you cracked or broke any ribs, which is excellent… Do you have any pain deep in your shoulder when you move it?”
“Yes, I landed on it wrong last night at my volleyball match.”
“How would you describe your pain? Stabbing, sore, throbbing…”
“More sore, but a little stabbing pain when I move my arm.”
She moved her fingers to examine your shoulder. “It doesn’t sound like a sprain or fracture, can you move it up and down for me?”
You moved your arm up and down, front and back, and side to side. “You still have a full range of movement, that’s good. Can I have you sit back up again?”
You sat back up and she started testing you for a concussion. After passing her tests, you were cleared of having a concussion. “Alright (y/n), it appears that you only strained your deltoid and teres muscles and you have severe bruising along your back. Make sure you ice your back and, if you have one, wear a shoulder compression sleeve. Anti-inflammatory medications such as Ibuprofen will help with the swelling. Other than that, you have a clean bill of health! You can still participate in volleyball practices, but you need to take it easy. Don’t do anything that will strain the muscles any further.”
“Thank you Dr. Samson,” you smiled at her. 
“You’re welcome. I’ll leave you to change back into your clothes and you’re free to go! You may leave the gown on the table.”
She left the room and you redressed yourself. Walking out to the lobby, Philza’s head perked up when he heard the door opening. He stood up and walked over to you with a slightly worried face. You both walked back out to the car.
“Dr. Samson said that I don’t have a concussion, sprains or broken bones. She told me that I just strained my shoulder muscles and I need to keep ice on my back.”
He visibly slumped in relief. “Thank god. What’d she say about volleyball?”
“She said that I could keep playing, but I have to take it easy.”
“Good, wouldn’t want you missing finals on Thursday. Do you know if the team you’re playing is any good?”
“Dad, of course they’re good, we’re the top two teams in the area.”
“I bet their setter is nowhere near as good as you are and I bet the setter and spiker aren’t as synced as you and Haley are. You two make a good pair.” 
“Yeah we do, don’t we?” You looked out the window and smiled a little and felt your ears turn red. The very mention of Haley’s name was enough to make you feel like you were on cloud nine. The car fell silent again as you neared your high school. 
In your AP world history class, the class was looking at the test you had taken yesterday. Surprisingly, you got a 74% on the multiple choice part and a 50% on your essay portion, so that landed you with a just below passing grade. You thought you completely flunked that test yesterday, so that was a pleasant surprise. It took a good portion out of your overall grade in the class, lowering it from a comfortable A- to a slightly alarming B. You supposed it could’ve been a lot worse. Besides reviewing your tests, the class didn’t do much except starting the reading for the next chapter.
Your psychology online class went like it usually did, however your phone blew up with texts about midway through the block. Glancing down, you saw that it was Haley. Shouldn’t she be in class?
Hales : )
(Y/n) meet me in the locker room right after school
I need to talk to you before practice starts
It’s an emergency
What’s going on?
Hales : )
I’ll explain after school.
Can’t talk about it over text
Alright, see ya then ig
You felt your gut twinge. Something’s wrong, but you didn’t know what. You were worried about Haley, usually she was really bubbly. You’ve never seen the senior act so strange before. You could only wait the block out until the bell would release you from the confines of the library and into the locker room. After sending a quick text to your brothers that you were going to stay after school for your practice, you stared blankly at your laptop’s clock as you counted down the minutes left in the class period. Ten minutes. Eight minutes. Four minutes. Two minutes. Thirty seconds-
You shot up from your seat as the bell rang. Pushing past some groups of freshmen that congregated in the hallways, you made a beeline for the locker room. In the locker room, you found Haley sitting on the metal bench on the opposite end of the locker room with her back facing the last row of lockers and facing the brick wall. She was clenching her phone in her hand with an iron grip. You hurried to sit next to her.
“Hales, what’s going on? Talk to me.”
“It’s bad (y/n). Like, really bad.”
“What’s bad? You’re worrying me.”
Wordlessly, she unlocked her phone and handed it to you. On the screen was something that you weren’t expecting to see. You scrolled through the contents and felt your stomach drop with each scroll; someone took pictures of you and Haley throughout the match last night. Every picture was a violation to yours and Haley’s dignities, they had gotten zoomed in pictures of your boobs and asses. Deeper, there were even pictures taken of you changing into your volleyball uniform through your open window. You were only in your underwear. Haley had a similar picture that you scrolled past as fast as you could. Scrolling to the bottom of the text message thread, the person that sent Haley the pictures added a caption to the last picture. It was a picture of you and Haley together celebrating your match, her arm slung around your shoulder with your mouth open mid-laugh.
I’m sending these out to the entire school unless you stop hanging around her.
If you tell anyone, the pics will be printed off and put in every single locker and bathroom the school has.
You’ll be the sluts of Klinkver High. 
Cut all ties now. You have two days. 
Do not try me.
“Jesus christ Haley. Who the fuck would do this? This is sick.”
She took her phone back and locked it without looking at the screen. “I don’t know (y/n). I wanted to tell you not to openly talk to me for a few days. We don’t know who took these, we don’t know what they’re capable of. I don’t wanna risk angering them.”
“We can find them! If we look close enough, we might find a few clues where they were sitting. Do you remember seeing anything suspicious last night?”
“(Y/n), our best option is to leave it. We just can’t talk in person anymore; we can still text each other.”
“Hales, how are we gonna not talk? I’m your setter.”
She ran a hand through her thick black hair. “I don’t know (y/n). Just-just don’t talk to me anymore, I don’t want your pictures leaked.”
“I don’t care about my pictures. My name’s been drug through so much shit this past year that it won’t affect me. I don’t want your stuff leaked.”
She gave a watery laugh, “you care too much, I love that about you…” Glistening eyes turned to look deep into your own. “I’m so scared (y/n), I don’t know what to do.”
You pulled her into a hug, wincing slightly when she squeezed her arms around your upper back. She buried her face into your shoulder and started shaking with muffled sobs. “Haley, I promise I’ll catch whatever sick bastard is doing this to you. You don’t deserve this.”
She said nothing as you rested your chin on the top of her head and started to rock her back and forth slowly. You two stayed like that even after her sobbing resided, finding comfort in each other’s presence. Glancing at the clock, you realized that you two have been in the locker room for an hour. Practice was set to start in fifteen minutes, people were going to start coming into the locker room soon. 
You reluctantly pulled away from the hug and looked Haley in her bloodshot eyes, “I’m not going to let those pictures of you get leaked. I swear on my-”
The door to the locker room swung open and loud laughter echoed throughout the room. Haley pushed you away and speed walked off to a bathroom stall, slamming the door shut behind her. 
“Damn (y/n), what’d you do? She’s pissed.” 
“It’s none of your business, Zara.” 
“Oh, so it’s a lover’s quarrel then~” She cackled, her hair bouncing slightly with each heave of her shoulders. 
“For the love of… Haley and I aren’t dating, we’re both straight.” She’s straight.
“Mmhm.” She brushed past you to go to her locker. You followed her, your locker was in the grouping next to hers. You shared the area with Haley. You changed as fast as you could so that Haley would have time to change before practice starts. Speed walking into the gym, Zara was hot on your trail wearing a shit eating grin.
“Why are you in such a rush? Giving your girlfriend the silent treatment?”
“Zara. We aren’t dating. For the last time, we’re both heterosexual, not homosexual!” You wildly gestured with your hands to emphasize your point, your voice being amplified by the vast gym. Coach Williams gave you a confused look from across the gym. 
“You just keep telling yourself that.”
“I’m serious.”
“Hi serious,” a soft voice replied from behind you, “I’m Jazzy.”
You groaned at the pun at the same time Zara started cackling, giving the short libero a high five. “Nice!”
“That was so bad, Jaz.” You couldn’t help the smile that found its way onto your face.
Zara poked your cheek with a wide grin. “C’mon, you’re smiling!”
“I am and I hate it.”
Your bickering continued with Jazzy watching you two with a content smile. The remaining members of the team (Haley, Marlene, and Zuri) filed into the gym right as Coach Williams blew her whistle. 
Practice went by slowly without Haley talking to you. Sure, you had the rest of the team, but it didn’t feel the same with you guys ignoring each other. If the team or Coach Williams noticed you two not talking to each other, they didn’t say anything. By time practice was over, you all went to the locker room to change. After slipping into your fuzzy pajama pants, you sat on the bench and texted Wilbur to come pick you up. He was supposed to pick you up after practice today because he and Techno took the car home after school. Five minutes passed and he still didn’t reply. He probably won’t see the text until you got home from walking.
You sighed, resting your chin in your palm as you leaned forward. One by one, the girls left the locker room until it was only you and Haley left. 
“Do you need a ride (y/n)?” She asked gently.
“But what if the person sees us together? I can just walk home, it’s not really a big deal.”
She rolled her eyes at you. “It is a big deal. It’s cold and dark out. You could get kidnapped or something. You don’t even have a coat with you. I’m giving you a ride whether you like it or not.”
You playfully rolled your eyes at her and stood up to walk next to her, “okay, mom.”
“Don’t give me that attitude young lady.”
“You can’t tell me what to do, you’re not my real mom!”
She gasped and lightly smacked the back of your shoulder, “I married your- are you alright? Shit, I didn’t hurt you did I?”
“No, you’re good. It’s just this damned bruise.”
She moved her hands and frantically turned you around to pull the neck of your shirt down. You two stood in front of the school’s main entrance with the nauseatingly bright fluorescent light bouncing off the reflective surface of the tiles. The orange tinted street lights lit up the sidewalk outside.
“I know what you’re gonna say.”
She scoffed, “oh really? What am I gonna say then, o wise one?”
You turned around to face her, “‘oh, this is bad, yadda yadda yadda.’ Everyone’s been saying that about it. Honestly it looks worse than it feels. Tis but a scratch, m’lady.”
She snorted and covered her mouth, “never call me ‘m’lady’ ever again.”
You started to walk to her car in the empty parking lot. “Or what? What’re ya gonna do?”
“I swear to god, (y/n), I’m gonna leave you here.”
“Do it, pussy. Bet you won’t.”
“You really wanna bet?”
You grinned at her, “hell yeah.”
She broke off into a mad dash to her car, laughing freely into the night sky. You chased after her trying not to move your arms much, your laugh mixing with hers like a perfect symphony composed of the world’s best musicians. The sound of your rubber soles slapping the pavement resonated throughout the parking lot as you quickly gained on her. Reaching out to grab her shirt, she smirked at you and sharply turned to the right into the grass.
You grinned as her pace slowed down slightly. You’d be able to catch her at this pace. You pushed your legs to move faster as she looked at you from over her shoulder and shrieked in surprise at how close you were to her. You cackled at her reaction, reaching out once again, you grabbed her hand. She was stopped dead in her tracks as your shoulder was yanked with the sudden momentum, making you hiss in slight pain. Despite that, you didn’t let go of her soft hand. 
You both stood there under the moonlight and the soft orange street lamps trying to  catch your breath. The slightly damp blades of grass tickled your ankle as you shifted to face her better. Through gasping breaths and a dopey grin, you said “you… lost, pussy.”
She let out a breathy laugh as she pulled you to her car. “Shuddup.”
“Make me~”
She opened the passenger side door for you and got into the driver's seat. Her car smelled like vanilla and citrus. “Oh, you will later when I make you do more sets in weight lifting tomorrow, hurt shoulder be damned.”
She turned on the ignition and the car revved to life, soft indie pop wafted from the speakers. She backed out of the parking space and sped off to the main road. “You wouldn’t…”
“I’m your captain, (y/n). I can make you do whatever I want.” You felt your cheeks heat up a tad. You were happy that she couldn’t see you.
“Naw, you’re too much of a softie for that. Admit it, I’ve got you wrapped around my little finger.”
She chuckled as she pulled into your driveway and put the car in park. “...Alright, maybe you do. Just a bit.”
She turned to look at you. She looked stunning with the shadows accentuating the contours of her face perfectly. You found yourself glancing at her lips and leaning slightly towards you. To your surprise, she started leaning into you as well. Before your lips could finally mesh together, she pulled back with a sigh and ran her hand through her hair. You felt a rush of disappointment and fear course through your veins. She didn’t like you like that, you should’ve known better. You were so stupid. So, so stu-
“I can’t (y/n). I want to kiss you so bad, but we can’t. Not yet at least. Not until we find the pervert that took those pictures of us.”
You sighed, “right.”
The car was filled with awkward silence. Not even the soft music streaming from the speakers could alleviate the awkwardness. God, you really screwed up your friendship, didn’t you? Sammy, Adrian, and Annie were right; you messed up everything you touched.
You coughed, “I think I’m gonna…”
You grabbed your bag and walked into your house, the smell of chicken slapping you in the face instantly. Without checking in with your dad, you hurried up the stairs, desperate for the warm comfort of your bed. That, and if you wanted to get Sammy’s presentation and Adrian’s, Annie’s, and your research papers done by Friday, you had to start as soon as you could. You were going to skip dinner for tonight, you’d just grab more breakfast tomorrow morning. 
You plopped on your bed and got started on your research paper. Luckily, you already had all of the sources you were planning on using and the rough outline of each body paragraph, so writing the actual paper wasn’t going to take long. You worked until you heard a knock at your door. 
“(Y/n),” Techno’s monotone voice called out, “dinner’s ready.”
“Tell Dad I’m not hungry. Practice’s got me beat, I’m going to bed soon.”
He grunted, “you know he’s not gonna like that right?”
You felt frustration start to swim circles around your chest, “Techno, just tell him that I’m not hungry right now. Please.”
“Damn, you don’t need to be like that. I’ll tell him.”
You heard his stomping footsteps thumping down the hall. Shit, you pissed him off. You were a terrible person, he was just trying to get you to eat something, Pushing back the tears that threatened to spill from your eyes, you forced the panic that was starting to swirl around your body in laps deep into your being. You didn’t have time to deal with your failures and stupid emotions, you had to get this done. You didn’t have time to think about Haley’s warm breath ghosting across your lips. You didn’t have time to think about how she probably regretted almost kissing you. You didn’t have time to fall into an anxiety spiral, you needed to focus if you wanted Adrian, Annie, and Sammy to forgive you. You ruined yours and Haley’s friendship and did the same to yours and Techno’s. They were the only ones you had left. You needed to be a better friend.
Taglist (comment if you want to be added or if I missed you, it won’t let me tag some tumblrs :((( ):
@immadatmostthings  @thaticecreambish  @hee-hee-haw  @dearnataliealoveletter  @wasteofspacze  @dcml04  @bbigbbrainn  @dirtydiavolo  @vanhakirja  @rinzyx05  @misselsbells06  @ialexabsuniverse  @im-a-depressed-gay  @energy-drinkk  @mothra-main  @i-need-hugs  @dragons-lurk-here  @katj733  @m4r-s  @vievi  @dykeragee  @waterstrawberry  @aplaintart  @kakamiissad  @myunfinishedsymphony  @nagitokinnieissad  @autumnpleaves  @justanothergirlwithdemons  @zachariethememerie  @moon-asia  @m0on-blue  @strawberrysodababy  @akikko-yataro  @haikkeiji  @shiningsunrises  @cinnamonmochi  @queen-turtle-boiii  @imanewsoul  @sparkling-gayyyy  @angelicaschuyler-church  @vixenfoxpup  @ella-ivanov  @shio-yuki  @mosstea-png  @ijustshatbricks
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marauderundercover · 3 years
The Strings that Bind Us: Chapter One
Marinette Dupain Cheng was tired. She’d fought the same villain for fifteen years. She’d been a hero longer than she’d been just Marinette. It was exhausting. And she was ready for a break. Two years after unmasking Hawkmoth, Paris was finally healed enough for her to move on. To leave.
Which was why she was currently putting fairy lights and pumpkins on the balcony of her new apartment in Gotham. It was quiet, and lonely, but at least she didn’t have the weight of a city on her back anymore. She hums as she places the last pumpkin. Perfect. Glancing across the city, she lets out a sigh. Here she was, in an entirely new city, no connections and no one to talk to when she needed to just talk. But it was worth it, the memories of everything in Paris still too fresh. It still hurt too much. Deciding it’s not too early to go to sleep, she walks back inside. She’s just closed the door when a loud crash from outside has her tensing. She peeks behind the curtain, frowning at the figure on her balcony. She opens the door.
“Uh, hello.” She greets the strangely dressed man. If what she’d read had been correct, this was Batman. Gotham’s resident hero, or vigilante as the papers called him. He probably wasn’t here to fight her, but you can never be too careful.
“My apologies.” He says, his voice gruff. Her eyes narrow at the way he favors his left side.
“Would you like a cup of coffee?” She asks suddenly, her face instantly heating up as the words tumble out without her permission.
“I’m not-” He starts, but she shakes her head.
“I insist. You are out trying to protect citizens, are you not? The least I can do is offer you a coffee.” She says, turning and walking back inside. She doesn’t turn to see if he follows, but she does hear footsteps behind her. She figures he could walk silently, if he really wanted to. After all, even though he’d been around for eight or so years, few had ever seen Batman. She hums, moving around the kitchen and starting up her small coffee pot and grabbing a few of the leftover pastries from earlier. Placing the pastries on a plate, she pulls down two cups before turning to the vigilante in her kitchen.
“How do you take your coffee?” She asks, and she swears his lips twitch slightly.
“Just black.” He says, and she grins.
“Thank goodness. One of my friends in Paris refuses to drink coffee unless it’s half cream and sugar.” She says, trying to keep the conversation light. After all, what do you say to a random vigilante? It was different when Chat Noir, or Adrien, visited her back in collège. He didn’t start doing that until after she’d helped with Evillustrator, which helped it to not be awkward. Like it currently was with her and Batman. God, why did she even invite him in? She turns and almost sighs in relief when she sees the coffee is done. Quickly filling up both cups, she passes one to Batman and then pushes the plate of pastries towards him.
“I own the cafe downstairs.” She says as an explanation when she sees his lips purse. He nods and grabs a croissant, taking a hesitant bite out of it.
“Thank you.” He says, and she just smiles. She may not want to be a hero again, but maybe it would be okay to be friends with a hero again.
The bell over the door notifying her of another customer makes Marinette stick her head out from the back.
“Hello! Welcome to La Petite Tasse, I’ll be with you in just a minute.” She calls, not catching the response before she’s back in the kitchen, pulling a fresh batch of croissants out of the oven. She slides the tray onto the cooling rack before tugging off the oven mitts and rushing out to the front.
“I am so sorry about that, most of my workers are also students so they have class right now. What can I get you?” She rambles, freezing when she looks up into the most attractive blue eyes she’s ever seen. The man just smiles at her, and she swears her knees go weak.
“That’s fine. Could I have... a large black coffee and a croissant?” The man asks, glancing up at the menu before looking back at her. She nods and smiles, cursing the way her cheeks heat up. Sure, this was quite literally the most attractive man she’d ever seen in person, but she was not going to fall for a pretty face. Nope. Totally not. She turns and grabs a cup, filling it up before rushing to the back to grab one of the fresh croissants. After all, they were better warm.
“That’ll be three dollars and twenty seven cents.” She says, passing the man his order. He grins and passes her a twenty.
“Keep the change.” He says with a grin before he turns and walks out. She blinks, slightly confused, but takes the change and puts it into the tip jar. That was weird, she thinks, but she doesn’t think too much into it. It’s not like she’d ever see him again.
She had been wrong, and she was completely okay with it. The man came in almost every day for two weeks before she worked up the courage to introduce herself and ask his name. He’d seemed shocked, but had introduced himself as Bruce. And after two weeks, she was happy to say that Gotham had started to feel a little lighter, that she was a little happier in this dark city. The bell above the door chimes, but she keeps working on filling the macarons since Mack was manning the counter.
“Listen kid, open the register and I won’t shoot your fucking brains out.” A voice says. Oh hell no. She drops the piping back and picks up her rolling pin. Peeking out, she breathes a sigh of relief when she sees it’s only one guy, not an entire group. She tosses her rolling pin lightly before catching it, familiarizing herself with it as a projectile before she actually uses it. She watches as Mack’s hands shake, obviously panicked. Letting out a steadying breath, Marinette aims and manages to hit the man in the head with the rolling pin. He drops instantly, the gun clattering to the floor. She rushes out and grabs a couple zip ties from under the counter, walking over and cuffing the man’s hands behind his back before dragging him towards the handrail and attaching him to it. She glares at the man before she remembers Mack and gasps. She rushes over, frantically checking over the girl to make sure she’s okay.
“Mama M, I’m fine. I promise.” She says, though her voice shakes. Marinette breathes a sigh of relief before crushing the girl in a hug.
“I am so sorry, Mack, so, so sorry.” She apologizes, holding the girl close. She can feel the girl shake slightly, her shirt getting wet as the girl cries. Marinette just coos softly, whispering reassuring words to her. She barely hears the bell signaling a customer ring.
“What the hell happened?” A familiar voice asks. She glances over at Bruce and grimaces.
“Attempted robbery. Would you mind calling the police?” She asks, nodding towards the landline. He blinks, standing frozen as he stares at the tied up man in the corner. “Bruce!” She calls, his attention snapping to her. She nods towards the phone again and he nods, walking over to make the call.
After the police take their statements, Marinette sends Mack home with the tips from the day, despite the girl’s protests.
“Sweetheart, you were just held at gunpoint. I’m not gonna let you stay here. Go home, eat some junk food and watch something funny. I’ll see you on Monday.” Marinette says, giving the girl another quick hug before watching her leave. She turns to Bruce, who had been kind enough to stay, and winces. “You’re not gonna get in trouble with your boss, are you?” She asks. He just grins.
“I was actually off today, don’t worry about me.” He says, his smile falling as he looks her over. “Are you okay?” He asks. She lets out a shaky breath before nodding.
“Yeah, yeah. I was more worried about Mack, honestly. I was in the back, but I couldn’t just stay there. Not knowing she was in danger.” She says, her arms wrapped around herself as she tries to stay calm. It was the first time she’d had an actual gun aimed at someone she cares about.
“You were quite the hero today.” He says softly, and she snorts, shaking her head.
“No, Bruce, I wasn’t. I did what anyone else would’ve done.” She says, waving him off dismissively.
“Only you would actually believe that there are still people good enough to act like that.” He says softly. She blushes and clears her throat.
“Well, did you want your regular?” She asks, moving to go back behind the counter. He frowns.
“Mari, you aren’t seriously going to open the cafe back up today, are you?” He asks and she frowns.
“Why wouldn’t I?” She asks.
“Because your store was just attacked!” He exclaims, and she snorts.
“If my parent’s bakery in Paris closed every time there was an attack, they would’ve gone out of business.” She says flippantly. He frowns, and she worries she’s said something wrong, when his face suddenly twists back up into a smile.
“Spend the day with me.” He says and she blinks in surprise.
“I had set out to ask you on a date when I came in today, but the whole attempted robbery stopped me. I know you want to just get back to work, but what if you spent the day with me instead?” He offers. She stares at him, wide eyed, before a wide smile forms on her face.
“I thought you’d never ask.” She says. It’d be fine to have the cafe closed for a day.
Event tag list: @maribat-october-rarepairs
Permanent tag list: @stainedglassm​ @kittenmywaythrulife @laydeekrayzee @doll246 @queenz-z @deathssilentapproach-blog @literaryhiraeth @unoriginalmess
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bokutoslittlebird · 4 years
Request : hi bb chan can i request for miya twins competing who will impregnate their little first? whos going to have a first child with their beloved little sister whos too innocent to know that her brothers are trying to impregnate her and theyre not giving her pills but a vitamins so you wont let them wear a condom and sincce you like to be bred by them so fucking bad you trust them so much until you got pregnant. if you’re busy please feel free to ignore this, thank you ☺️
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Ima just let y’all know that if it involves incest I’m probably gonna write it just because I love writing onii-san stuff (and onee-san) and breeding? Fucking fire my dudes and dudettes. Also I realized I wrote something similar to this??? The miya twins with their 19 yr virgin sister drabble
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Includes : incest, creampie(s), breeding, forced pregnancy, dubcon/noncon, unprotected sex, miya madness, deceiving onii-sans, drugs, feederism, cum-eating (implied), use of the word “cunny”, Atsumu uses the nickname “bunny”
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The special tea Atsumu gave you was delicious, warm in your belly. It was supposed to relax you, easing the stress out of your muscles as he rubbed the soreness away. A soft moan and a lean into his touch had his massage turning into a different direction. With his hand down your panties, the empty cup was forgotten, slipping from your hands as you favored gripping his toned arm as you sunk into his chest. Your whines were drowned out by his deep rumble of laughter.
“Yer wound so tight, somethin’ the matter?” His voice was like silk, melting away any stress you had left. You whine again, feeling his fingers rub that special spot inside your cunny.
“It’s nothin’, really,” you gasp out, your other hand gripping the arm around your waist.
“Oh? Don’t wanna tell nii-san, is that it?” His growl in your ear has your walls clamping down on his fingers, but he removes them before you can have release. A whine comes as you squirm in his hold. Hot breaths against your ear are al you get, but you know what he wants. He wants the truth.
“It’s just... is this wrong? It feels wrong when you and ‘Samu-nii touch me..” you voice your concern. It didn’t feel wrong, but you were forbidden from telling anyone, including your parents. Both of your brothers said they’d never touch you again if you told anyone. Like it was a bad thing.
“Of course not, bunny. It’s not wrong to feel good,” he murmurs into your ear, his fingers sliding back into your warm heat. You sigh at the feeling, back arching as your orgasm builds up again. “As long as you take your medicines, you’ll be fine,” he murmurs once more, his eyes focused on the hand inside your panties. When your walls tighten again, he doesn’t pull out. Releasing all over his fingers, you find yourself much more at ease than before.
Only a moment to relax before you find your face pushed into the pillows, Atsumu’s hand planted on the back of your head to keep you down. The panties are ripped off, exposing your glistening cunny folds to the air of the room. Your room was always kept slightly chilly since your onii-sans kept you warmed up every night. A thick thumb flicked at your clit, eliciting a whine from your throat before you were spanked.
“Don’t be impatient. You’ll get what you want in a minute, don’t worry,” Atsumu coos, hand rubbing an apology where he spanked you. After a few seconds of clothing shuffling around, you felt his tip nudging your entrance. Swiftly, he slid into your wet cunt and had to stop halfway. You always needed to adjust the first time of the night. Wiggling your hips had him pinching your hip, getting a giggle of you before he started to thrust.
Atsumu’s hand kept you firmly planted against the pillows, pistoning his cock into your cunny with sloppy, wet noises bouncing around the room. Your hands were bunching the fabric below you, mouth open in a never ending moan as your walls tightened around Atsumu. A chuckle left his chest, amping up the pace as you released your essence all over him. He wouldn’t stop until he had his own release, though. Didn’t mean he wouldn’t see how much he got out of you.
With his balls slapping against your clit, he didn’t need to rub his fingers against the little bud. The added pressure had you coming undone once more, a silent scream from you as your eyes roll back, toes curling with your last orgasm. Atsumu grunts and buried himself to the hilt, spilling inside your warm cunt. Once he’s finished expending himself into you, gentle kisses press into your sweaty back as you come down from your high.
“Think we got-“ a knock interrupts him, a sigh as he finishes. “Time. I guess not, see ya later, bunny,”
“M’kay,” you moan, feeling him slip out of you. Had it not been for Osamu on the other side of the door, Atsumu would’ve stayed to push his cum back into you. Another sigh leaves his lips as he tucks himself away, opening the door to be greeted to the sight of Osamu with a plate of food.
“All yours,”
“Took up an entire hour, ‘Tsumu,” Osamu blatantly states. Atsumu growls at that, full well knowing he spent that hour pleasing you and making you comfortable. Seems like it might be Osamu’s lucky day.
“Shut up. She drank some tea,” he mutters in response, leaving Osamu to have his fill of you. He’ll just rest before Osamu’s hour is up.
Osamu shrugs in response to Atsumu’s attitude, entering your room and shutting the door. Your tear filled eyes gaze up at him, glazed over as you wait. “Flip over. It’s time for your snack,”
“Snack?” You tilt your head, owlish eyes looking at him as he shows you the plate of onigiri. You excitedly start to dig into one, finding it’s a bit saltier than usual although it is still delicious. Osamu encourages you to eat more, shoving another rice ball into your mouth once the first one is gone. You greedily eat it up, feeling his cock rubbing between your folds as it collects the mixture of yours and Atsumu’s cum. “‘Sa-‘Samu,”
“You gotta keep eating if you want my cock, you know that,” he flicks your clit with his thumb, your legs twitching at the stimulation. He grins at that, knowing you’re sensitive. You finish off the onigiri, feeling his cock slip inside seconds later. “Good girl, eat all of it,” he presses another one to your lips.
“I’m not hungry, ‘Samu-nii,” you moan out, his hips rolling as he slowly thrusts into you. It has you quickly feeling your orgasm rise, the feeling of his cock stretching you out and pumping Atsumu’s cum further into you.
“If you don’t eat it all, you won’t get to cum,” he says. You immediately continue eating, the threat of no release much worse than multiple ones. He grins again at that, picking up his pace as you moan around the food in your mouth.
When you finally finish the onigiri, you feel so full and stuffed. When he notices, he grabs the back of your knees and pushes them to your chest, making it hard to breathe. “Nii-san!”
“You gotta be good for me, yeah? Be good for nii-san and take all of it,” he grunts, the sound of his balls slapping against your ass loud as you cream around him, back arching. Your lungs burn from going into overdrive and your legs burn from the stretch, but your cunny stings from the heavy and sharp thrusts of Osamu’s hips into it. It isn’t until he starts rubbing your clit do you know he’s close to release, his groaning getting louder as he stutters his hips, thick ropes of cum oozing into you and spurting out, dripping from your plugged up hole.
Breathless moans leave both of your lips, Osamu diving to give you a passionate kiss as you wrap your arms around him. Your night isn’t over, but he’ll let you rest.
The next morning, you always take a pregnancy test. Just in case your special pills don’t work. Atsumu told you they prevent pregnancy, that’s why you let them release inside. Even so, they want you to take a test in case. It always shows negative, a relief on your part while your nii-sans seem tense. When the test shows positive, your tears are enough to show them something’s different.
“Well, I guess it’s time to see whose it is. The unlucky one can get a try next time,” Atsumu chuckles, turning the blood in your veins cold.
What does he mean?
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drakenology · 4 years
Make Me. - Yuuji Itadori & Sukuna
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summary: being the bratty little sub you are you push your boyfriend’s buttons until he makes you remember why you call him d*ddy.
warnings: smut! , mirror sex, dom!yuuji, sub!reader, bratty!reader, slapping, overstim, use of the word d*ddy in sexual context, male receiving oral, sukuna comin out to playyy, the sweetest aftercare ever 🥺, cussing of course and sukuna being mean (degradation)
author’s note: happy valentines day babies! I’m writing this as a gift for you guys as a thank you for your support and to celebrate valentines day! enjoy lovelies!
You have no idea why. No rhyme or reason how. But today, you awake in a very temperamental mood.
Poor Yuuji was just sleeping; snoring next to his beautiful, sweet and kind girlfriend. Well she was gone today. A bratty little snatch had arisen and it was about to become everybody’s problem. You were always such a good girl. Never started fights. Never really acted out. But today, you just felt like being the baddest you could be.
Yuuji being the perceptive boyfriend he is already knew you were being testy. He tried everything to make you feel a little better. He was so sweet; so caring and understanding. But you just would not budge.
“I have an idea. Let’s go out, hm? Get us some food? I know you’re hungry.” He coaxed, earning a nonchalant “whatever” from you. Yuuji just shrugged it off but the raging curse, Sukuna was in the back of his mind reeling him for letting you off so easy.
“You need to put that little brat in her place. If you keep allowing her to step all over you then I will take care of her.”
Yuuji just pushed his voice to the very back of his mind, hating having to punish you. Sukuna got a kick out it though; always urging Yuuji to hit you harder, fuck you faster. Even he himself found it absolutely tantalizing to see you submit yourself to him, completely helpless as he fucked you so hard that all you could do was lay there and take it. But still, hurting his precious baby was no easy feat. Fuck.
You and Yuuji spent rest of the day at the mall after you two ate; not a single conversation without ending in an argument. He was losing his patience with you, your bratty tendencies becoming such a pain in his side. What the hell was up with you?
You were walking through the mall with him, lazily holding his hand until you saw the biggest stuffed animal you’d ever seen. You wanted it; hell you needed that stuffie.
“Ooh! Look! Can I have it Yuuji? Please?” You pleaded, pointing at the stuffie through the display window.
“No, Y/N. We’re leaving. You got enough treats today.” He said.
“But I want it!” You persist.
“Drop it, Y/N. You’re really starting to get on my nerves. Let’s. Go.” Yuuji said sternly.
Your eye twitched in annoyance, ready to throw a fucking temper tantrum just because. You cross your arms and stand right in front of the store.
“Make me.” You tease, sticking out your tongue like a petulant child.
That’s it. You’ve done it. The straw that broke the camel’s back. Yuuji was livid at this point.
He raised his eyebrow and towered over your body, face close enough to kiss you.
“Oh I’ll fucking make you, alright.” He said, grabbing your arm and pulling you out of the mall with enough force to scare you straight.
Yet still you test him, cussing and screaming at him to let you go all. The way. To the car. Yuuji stops and pins you against the car, your back facing him and the same arm he held now folded behind you.
“When we get in this car, you’d better be quiet the whole way home or else.” He hissed, nearing himself close to your ear.
“Or else what?” You persist, immediately regretting it when Yuuji lifted up your skirt and yanked your panties down.
“You just don’t know when to quit do you? Get in the fucking car.” He snarled, pushing you towards the car door as he stuffed your panties into his pocket.
You stumble, struggling to get the door open as your legs tremble in devilish excitement. God he was being so rough. Maybe this is what you needed all along. You crawl into the car, becoming meek as Yuuji gets in the driver’s seat and slams the door.
“You know how much trouble you’re in? Huh?” His deep voice echoing in your ears as you stare down at your thighs, not answering him. Yuuji let out an aggravated growl and grabbed your chin, forcing you to meet his intense gaze.
“Got nothing to say now, princess? You had so much mouth earlier. What happened?” He chuckled darkly, slipping his hand between your legs to palm at your already wet pussy.
“You like talking back to me, don’t you? You’re gonna fucking get it.” He says as his hand reaches down to choke you while the other stuffs one meesely finger inside your weeping hole. You’re stifling your noise, panting lightly as you try to grind up against his hand until he stops his movements completely.
He completely pulls away and says nothing, starting the car and driving away. Your whole body is hot and needy for Yuuji to fuck you or even toy with you just for a little.
Should you risk touching yourself without permission? Should you just be good for once? All your thoughts leave your mind as Yuuji slips his hand back between your legs, this time using two fingers. You gasp, shocked at his sudden move until you look up and see you’re at a red light.
It felt so good; Yuuji’s fingers hooked deliciously to find that spot he knows drives you insane, urging you to rub your clit for good measure. It was all too much, your legs trembling as your pussy drooled all over his hands and the seat of his car. Your eyes were locked onto Yuuji’s fingers, losing focus quickly as you start to come undone.
Then he stopped. The light was green and Yuuji pulled away from you to drive once more. He made sure to lick his fingers and laugh at your dissatisfied face.
“Oh come on, don’t give me that look. We’re almost home.” He teased, your eyes tearing up as he snatched your hands away from your puffy clit. You whimper and try rubbing your thighs together to relieve the ache between your legs but no dice. You needed him to get you off now, or else you might just go off the deep end.
As the drive home went on you dreaded every light signal; hoping he’d catch every greenlight so you’d calm down, get your barings. But of course you weren’t getting off that easy. The light just before your block just had to turn red.
You could feel Yuuji’s eyes burning a hole in the side of your head, trying to close your legs before he could attack your cunt again. Of course you’re over powered by his strong hands, your thighs now split apart for his every so desire. He’s using three fingers now, demanding you rub your clit for him as he fucked you with his fingers.
Your pussy emitted the dirtiest noises, Yuuji groaning as you moan and writhe in the passenger’s seat. Your eyes were at the back of your head, begging and pleading for him to let you cum only for him to chuckle and stop again. You sob pathetically, tears threatening to fall as Yuuji started driving again.
“Now you wanna cry. Heh. Pathetic.” He spat, his mean words burning as you shamefully become feral at his insult.
The car slowed, signaling you were finally home as you pulled your skirt down to get out. Yuuji climbed out of the car without a word and led you inside, the tension so thick you could cut it with a sword. He shut the front door with a slam, lifting you up and throwing you onto his shoulder as if he were carrying a sack potatoes.
“I hope completely showing your ass today was worth it ‘cause now I’m gonna fucking ruin you.” He said, walking to the bedroom with you hanging over his shoulder like a rag doll. He opened the door and kicked it closed, slamming you onto the bed.
He was so angry you could see it in his pretty eyes. So angry that Yuuji just wasn’t Yuuji anymore, Sukuna’s tattoos taking form on his face and body as he stood over your now shaking body.
“Finally. I’ve been waiting to bring you to your knees, brat.” Sukuna says, his face pulling the most intimidating smirk you’d ever seen.
Only once in a blue moon you act out so badly to the point Sukuna gets tired of seeing you be let off so easily and takes over Yuuji. In fact, he’s the reason you only act out once in a blue moon. Sukuna was rutheless. The way he fucks you should be down right outlawed. Your body was always incredibly sore when he was finished with you.
“I’m tired of toying with you. Get on your knees. Now.” He demands, motioning you onto the floor. You oblige, sitting on your legs as Sukuna pulls you towards him by your hair. He rips off his shirt in true Sukuna fashion and pulls out his massive, heavy dick; the sight nearly making you drool as it slaps against his stomach. Yuuji had a nice dick but Sukuna- oh boy. Sukuna only enhanced his size, girth and length along with some of the most devine veins you’ve ever had the pleasure to have inside you.
“Open.” He said, forcing his length down your throat as soon as you do. You gag around him, forgetting how fucking huge he was. Sukuna laughed as he watched you struggle to take him all in, drool dripping down the sides of your mouth as he fucked your mouth. Your cheeks hallow with every thrust, eyes clouding with tears as he forcefully bobbed your head onto his dick.
“That’s right, slut. Suck my fucking dick like a good little whore.”
You blink away your tears and look up at him, sticking your tongue out to lick the underside of his dick as you reach your hand down and rub clumsy circles on your sensitive bud. Sukuna cussed and yanked you off of his cock, slapping you as you gasp. The sting fades into a strange pleasure you hadn’t felt in so long, the sensation going straight to your pussy. You had to admit being hit in bed was so wrong but so fucking right. Though Yuuji could never bring himself to hit you, Sukuna had no problem.
“Who said you could touch yourself? You ask me permission first, do you under fucking stand?” He barked. Sukuna paused waiting for your answer, his hand still holding your hair as he forced you to keep your eyes locked on his.
You nod, out of breath and mind hazy as Sukuna yanks your head back to spit in your mouth.
“So good when you listen, slut. Bend over in front of the mirror. I want you to see how fucking pathetic you are.”
You do as you’re told, crawling on your hands and knees towards the large full body mirror you convinced Yuuji to buy one day at the mall. Who knew you’d eventually be fucked in front of it? Sukuna made sure to say every demeaning and degrading word to you as he walked behind you while you crawled, kneeling down behind you once you get to the mirror.
Sukuna made his dominating presence known as he slapped his dick against your pussy, watching you flinch at his sheer girth. Sukuna grabbed your hair and pulled you up to face the mirror.
“Look at yourself. Such a fucking whore for us, hm? I think you owe us an apology.” Sukuna said rubbing the head of his dick against your needy pussy. You stutter, moaning as he prods himself at your entrance, Sukuna not moving a single muscle until he hears you beg for him.
“I-I-‘m sorry.” You breath out, Sukuna striking your ass hard in protest.
“Not good enough. Say it like you mean it.” He demands, his grip on your hair tight as he pushed himself just barely inside.
“Fuck! I-I said I’m sorry. Please, daddy. I need you. I’ll be good I promise.” You whimper, a sharp gasp leaving your mouth as Sukuna sunk himself deep inside you.
Your eyes lock onto Sukuna’s body in the reflection of the mirror, the tattoos all over his muscular body accenting his lightly tanned skin. Pink hair sticking to his forehead with sweat, eyes locked downward towards where you connected. You watched as his body rutted inside you with brute force. He was truly the most gorgeous thing walking. Even if he was inherently evil, the way he fucked you as if you meant nothing more to him than a cheap fuck was sickeningly addictive.
You’re a mess, panting and wailing filthy words as Sukuna fucked you with one leg propped up and the other kneeled on your side. He’s mumbling about how worthless you are, only fucking you this way because Yuuji just can’t do it without his help. Every long, deep thrust of his veiny cock sent your body ablaze; your orgasm violently approaching as you cry out for more.
“God, look at you. Crying for my dick. So pathetic.” Sukuna says clearly, the feeling of your pussy alone not enough to completely break him. He is a curse after all. Still, he sees why Yuuji loves you so much. If he had more control over his vessel, he’d be fucking you like this every night.
“G-Gonna cum, daddy! Please, please, please.” You gasp, digging your nails into the rug as he rocks his hips into you; harshly bumping his cockhead into your cervix. You inhale sharply, pain and pleasure mixing as your eyes flash white.
“I guess you can cum. Go on then. This body can’t last for shit anyway.” Sukuna shrugs, a little disappointed his time was almost up. Yuuji was fighting him for control over his body and Sukuna was losing his grip, his tattoos fading as Yuuji returned to finish the job.
You don’t notice the switch, your body stuck to the floor as your orgasm tears through your core. One final thrust and Yuuji was coating your insides with his cum, fucking it inside you with loud grunts as he smacked your ass one last time. You both sit there for a moment, your highs crashing down as you’re both out of breath and drained.
“Hey.” Yuuji said, only getting a weak “hm?” from your fucked out body.
“Was he too rough with you? I saw him hit you. I-I’m sorry I didn’t stop him.” Itadori explained, rubbing softly on your bruised ass, a huge hand print embedded into your left ass cheek. “God, you’re all bruised up. Stop being so bad, you hear me?”
“Y-Yuuji. ‘S okay.. I liked it.” You slur, words muffled slightly since your face was buried into the floor. Yuuji laughed nervously, pulling himself out of you; simultaneously whimpering with you at the feeling.
“Let’s get you cleaned up, huh?” Yuuji said, scooping you up off the floor and taking you to the bathroom. You smile into his shoulder, his strength still a shock to you as he effortlessly sat you on the edge of the bathtub. He said nothing, instead kissing every mark and bruise Sukuna left on your body as he drew your bath.
“I’m sorry I was such a brat today.” You say weakly, stepping into the water once it’s ready, grabbing Yuuji’s hand to get him to get in with you.
“Oh I know you are. I heard you apologize. Ah~ I said I’m sorry!” He mocked, laughing when you splash him with the bath water. He sat behind you, running the warm water down your bare back and grinning as you sigh and relax.
“Love you, Yuuji.” You say, leaning into his chest closing your eyes.
“I love you more, love bug.” Yuuji smirked, kissing your forehead as he continued to wash you up.
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frenchpuppycormier · 3 years
fluff 10 and/or 11 + supercorp for the sentence starters pls 💞
"Are we on a date right now?" / "I think I'm in love with you."
Saturday signals the best day in Kara's book for one simple reason: the farmers market. It's the perfect place to buy fresh produce directly from the grower at a lower price than those pesky retailers. Not to mention, it's fresher and it's a great way to support local communities.
Kara enjoys it most in the early morning between 8 and 9 when the California heat hasn't bombarded its citizens yet. One of her favorite memories of going to the market was when she first arrived on earth, and Eliza and Alex took her to the one in Midvale. Eliza bought her the sweetest miniature doughnuts which practically melted in her mouth. She's been a huge (understatement of the year) fan ever since.
The farmers market is located 20 blocks from her apartment, just a short jaunt or flight for the hero.
Today she decides to walk and enjoy the nice cool breeze, and the warm sun spilling on her face. She can already hear the acoustics of a folk band covering a Fleetwood Mac song at the end of main street. The leaves are starting to change, indicating the beginning of fall, and the ones already on the ground crunch beneath her feet.
Her reusable cloth bag with the words, "Okey Dokey Artichokey" and a cartoon artichoke with a smiley face and tiny stick arms, is slung over her shoulder. Lena had given it to her as a gag gift, but Kara uses it the most out of all her bags. Any gift from Lena is special and she will always treasure it.
As she rounds the corner to the market, she sneaks another look at her list to remind herself what she needs, when she bumps into someone. Hard. Fortunately, Kara manages to grab the other person's arm before they fall.
"Oh my gosh," Kara cringes. "I'm so sorry, I wasn't watching where I was—" she interrupts herself when she sees, "Lena?"
"Hey there, slick," Lena laughs and nudges the hand latched on her arm to tangle with her fingers.
Kara responds by swinging their arms back and forth, like what friends do when they haven't seen each other in months. But Kara and Lena just saw each other yesterday. This is normal, right? Kara thinks. The fluttering in my chest is completely common whenever I see my friends....Right?
"Wh-what are you doing here?" Kara speaks before her brain can catch up with her.
Lena's face lights up with a sly grin. "Can't a woman go to the market every once in a while?"
"N-no no, of course you can," Kara laughs awkwardly, "I meant, gosh I'm not sure...I guess I just didn't expect to see you here. You live all the way on the other side of town."
"Relax, love," she chuckles and squeezes her hand and releases it, Kara immediately missing the warmth. "I'm teasing you. But to answer your question, I'm in desperate need of fresh kale, and I heard this particular stand has the best in the city."
Kara feigns gagging and Lena playfully shoves her shoulder. “I still don’t understand how you can eat that stuff.”
“Who knew the green stuff that incapacitates you was kale.”
“More like your eyes,” Kara mumbles.
“What was that?”
Kara’s eyes widen. “N-nothing,” she rubs the back of her neck. “Um, so….do you care if I join you? Wandering aimlessly through the market checking out food stands with my best friend sounds like the perfect way to spend my Saturday morning.”
“I’d love nothing more,” Lena replies, smiling brightly.
“Oooh, look! A food truck!” Kara points.
Lena laughs at her zeal. “Let’s see what they have.”
Kara reaches for her hand and twines their fingers together before dragging her toward the truck. Lena’s stomach swoops at the action, but she calms herself down enough so Kara doesn’t notice her rapid heartbeat. Not that she would, considering food is the best distraction when it comes to the blonde.
Little does Lena know that nothing can distract Kara from Lena, especially considering 98% of the time Kara is listening to the constant thumps and quivers of Lena’s heart, but Kara doesn’t say anything.
Kara looks up at the man in the truck and politely rattles off her order, then looks at Lena and asks, “What do you want?”
“Um,” Lena quickly glances at the menu and says, “I’ll have the Avo Smash, please.” She moves to hand the man cash, but Kara stops her and insists she'll pay for it. "My treat."
Once they give their order they move to the side and wait until their names are called.
When they get their food they move to a shady spot on the sidewalk and admire how delicious it looks.
“What’s that?” Kara asks.
“Oh, it’s a piece of toast with smashed avocado, egg, and tomato,” Lena replies, noticing how Kara turns up her nose. Lena rolls her eyes and gestures at her hands, “What’d you get?”
"Uh, only the most scrumptious and melt in your mouth-watering food you can get here," she replies, eyebrows pinched, incredulously. Lena raises her eyebrows in a get-on-with-it kind of way. "French toast bites," Kara finishes, exasperated at Lena's lack of enthusiasm.
"Sweet food for a sweet girl."
Kara's cheeks grow a slight pink. Instead of replying, she dips a piece of her toast in the syrup, and shoves the whole thing in her mouth. Lena simply hums and takes a bit of her own food. Kara smiles like a chipmunk with cheeks full of goodies.
When Lena's finished with her slice of hipster toast, as Kara calls it, a small body runs into her legs from behind. She looks down and finds a small boy with sandy blonde hair and big, blue eyes looking up at her with a toothy grin.
"Hi, there," she smiles at him.
"Henry!" a woman in a flowy maxi dress and brown sandals comes running toward them. She picks him up and gives him a stern look. "I told you not to run off like that!" The woman adjusts him on her hip and shyly realizes she has an audience. "I'm so sorry! He gets too excited about their french toast."
"Oh, no worries," Lena reassures her. She carefully grabs Kara's elbow and says, "This one does too."
Kara acts hurt by placing a hand over her heart. "Well, can you blame me? They're delicious! Aren't they?" she smiles at the boy and waves. He giggles and hides his face in his mother's neck. "Someone's a little shy, huh?"
"He is, isn't he?" the mom kisses his cheek. "I think he has a little crush on you."
"Who, me?" Kara laughs. "No, I think he has eyes for Lena. As most people do." She steps forward and tickles his stomach so he looks at her. Kara holds out her hand for a high five and whispers, "Good choice." He gratefully slaps her hand.
When Kara steps back, Lena is blushing, but rather than call her out on it she ignores it out of respect. Kara smiles at her and Lena smiles back, but then she's suddenly laughing through her nose.
"Darling, you have a little," she gestures at her own face.
"What? I have something on my face?" Kara touches her cheek, but completely misses.
"Here," Lena's fingers tenderly touch the side of her jaw while her thumb swipes her lip. Lena's completely focused on what she's doing, but Kara only has eyes for Lena.
Lena pulls back her hand, thumb now sticky with syrup. Instead of wiping it on the napkin Kara knows Lena has in her bag, she sticks it between her lips and licks it clean.
Kara completely stops breathing.
"How long have you two been together?" a voice snaps her out of her reverie.
Kara gapes at her with wide eyes and stutters, "Um...we, we're uh, just friends."
"Oh," the woman almost looks upset. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to presume. Well, I'll let you get back to your morning." She smiles at them and walks away, leaving a flabbergasted Kara and quiet Lena.
They don't say anything and choose to ignore it while they continue down the street.
"Lena, you have to try this," Kara doesn't give her a chance to respond before shoving a spoonful of gelato in Lena's mouth.
Lena gasps and nearly chokes on the ice cold dessert enveloping her tastebuds. She hisses and nods, as she lifts her hand to hastily catch the dribbles of melted chocolate trickling down her chin. Kara winces, "I'm so sorry!"
"No," Lena shakes her head as she swallows, "I just wasn't expecting that."
"Well? How was it?"
"Y'know, I'm not gonna lie...it was pretty fucking delicious."
"Right? Marco really knows his stuff."
"Um," Lena holds her hand out, fingers spread apart to prevent more sticking, and shakes it like she doesn't know what to do.
Kara jumps to action and runs off. She's back in two seconds with a wet wipe and cleans Lena's hand. "Where'd you find that?"
"Don't ask."
"Okay?" Lena laughs breathily. "You're a mystery wrapped inside an enigma, Ms. Danvers."
"I aim to confuse," she jokes.
Lena shakes her head, and eventually says, "Thank you."
"Don't mention it," Kara smiles at her, their eyes locked onto each other. She's finished cleaning her hand, but rather than letting go, her hand stays curled around Lena's, not wanting to ruin the moment.
“Oh Rao, you didn’t,” Kara gasps.
Lena turns around and frowns at her. “What?” Kara gestures to Lena’s bag. Lena looks down and chuckles when she realizes what she’s talking about. “In my defense, I was drunk. You know how my shopping brain acts when I’m drunk; I buy things I don’t need.”
“Hmmm, well maybe your alcohol-addled brain just remembered how funny I thought it was and wanted to impress me,” Kara teases with a twitch of her eyebrow.
“I’m sure that’s exactly what happened,” Lena deadpans. She glanced at the words on her bag again and fondly shakes her head. It reads: Oh Kale Yeah, with a bunch of kale on both sides.
“I think so,” Kara steps closer and smiles.
“Oh, really?” Lena raises her eyebrows.
“Yep,” she ends with an extra pop of the ‘p’ and boops her on the nose.
Lena opens her mouth in surprise, a protest on the tip of her tongue, but a voice interrupts her from in front of them.
“You two are such a lovely couple,” the vendor gushes.
Lena and Kara startle, forgetting they’re standing right in front of a stand selling various vegetables and fruits and jars of honey. Behind the table is an older woman, most likely in her late 70s, with streaks of gray hair, crinkly eyes and facial lines as if she’s smiled her whole life.
“Oh, we’re not—”
“Thank you,” Kara answers, smiling bashfully. She pushes a lock of hair behind her ear and says, “I’ll take one bunch of radishes and one spaghetti squash.”
“Coming right up,” the woman replies.
Kara glances over at Lena and gives her a shy smile, before handing the woman a $10 bill and thanking her. She grabs the veggies and carefully drops them in her bag.
“Thank you two, have a wonderful day.”
“Of course, you too!” Kara places her hand on the small of Lena’s back and guides her forward.
As they make their way to the next stand, Kara laughs, remembering their conversation, “I can’t believe you bought that bag. You’re such a giant dork.”
Lena whips around and eyes Kara curiously. Kara’s hand shifts from her back to loosely rest on her waist. Lena’s eyes are squinting from the bright sun, but Kara can see the speckles of gold in them and thinks she’s never looked more beautiful.
“Are we on a date right now?”
Kara's heart quickens and she opens and closes her mouth a few times, until finally she clears her throat, "Did you want it to be?"
"I thought—”
"Because I do," Kara states. "Want it to be a date. But only if you do, of course. I don't want you to feel pressured or like I forced you to hang out with me," she retracts her hand. "That's the last thing I—”
Lena grabs her hand as she pulls it way, not wanting Kara to close herself off. "Hey, I want this just as much as you do."
Lena lightly presses her thumb into the grooves of Kara's knuckles, and absentmindedly plays with them. She smiles, fully dimpled, and says, "I do. Actually, I uh..." she lowers their connected hands and looks off into the distance, mind seemingly elsewhere.
"What is it?" Kara asks. She playfully shakes their arms back and forth to get her attention.
Lena looks at the ground before completely focusing on Kara and those baby blues she's come to know and love. She takes a deep breath and her voice shakes when she whispers, "I think I'm in love with you..." Lena stumbles and shakes her head, "No—I am in love with you."
Kara inhales sharply and Lena thinks she's made a giant mistake. She starts to turn and do something stupid, like run away, but Kara keeps her hold on her and pulls her forward.
Smiling, Kara slowly inches closer leaving the opportunity for Lena to stop her. When Kara's lips press into hers she welcomes it completely. Kara's hands come up to cup Lena's jaw until she moves one to tangle in her hair.
Kara disconnects from her lips, but stays wrapped up in her, their foreheads touching. "I'm in love with you, too," she whispers against soft lips.
"Good," Lena smiles and kisses her again.
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kkusuka · 4 years
We all know how looks can be deceiving right? I’d love to request head cannons of Kuroo, Bokuto, Iwaizumi, Konoha, Terushima, and Atsumu with a gf that’s gifted with that super-soaker, wet-wet pussy, a pro at riding that dick, and has the gwak gwak thotty throat slobber 9000 but she is so shy, cute, and innocent at first glance. She looks like the soft-spoken librarian but when they get down and dirty, she puts her body to work and these bois just don’t know how to act from how amazing she is. Let’s say they teased her too much, so she revoked their sex privileges for a few days (not knowing how addicted these guys are on her body). Desperate bois are best bois 😈
i’m shell shocked anon, you’ve blown my mind
Cw: hair pulling, super WAP, kinda fem dom but not really, severe pussy-whipped men  
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firstly, he thought you were the innocent type up until you sucked him off for the first time
Honestly, he thought you were a total virgin prude
It wasn't really his fault, you two had met as lab partners for an AP chemistry class
You know, a class full of nerds and people he just assumed would get a job and married when they were thirty
Looking back he should have caught on after seeing you unconsciously jerking of a test tube
But, contrary to popular belief, kuroo is not the social cue master
After a few months of dating, you guys were just a horny time-bomb
Ahh~ the first blow-job, one for the books
He should have known it was going to be good just from the way you were unzipping his jeans, was it normal to almost cum just for your girlfriend palming you?
When you did get his dick out and had it all the way down your throat within the minute, he really did think you were a godsend
He didn't even know what you were doing with his balls, but whatever it was it was working
You didn’t gag or cough, even when he grabbed that back of your head and practically face-fucking you
(the real kicker was when you licked your lips after he came  and gave him that small fucking smirk, mans was done for and he knew it)
Even with all that, nothing, and I mean nothing compares to the first time you guys went at it
when I say that you guy made out for five minutes when he went under your panties and felt the pacific ocean in your panties
He was about to propose right there (and about to cum in his pants for the thousandth time)
He didn't need to but he still rubbed a few circles around your clit, but apparently, you were ready enough
Considering you grabbed his dick and fully sunk onto him in one motion
Poor baby didn't know what hit him
You had to have done this before, and if he hadn't met you in class he would have been sure you slept around and learned everything in the book
You would clench every time your sims met and- AND THAT THINGS WITH HIS BALLS AGAIN
His mind was bungled, especially after you had both come and you fell onto his chest going back to the shy and sweet version he knew you as.
What the hell was that????
Was he fucking you or were you fucking him?? Because at this point he didn't even care
After that experience, you fucked like bunnies, all the time, even in school more than a few times.  
And we all know kuroo can't shut his mouth
And he always teases you about how cute and mouse like you are outside the bedroom and how it's like he’s dating two different girls
....that hit a nerve...
Two different girls??? Well he’ll just have to endure one girl until he realizes what a blessing you are
5 days, 120 hours, 7,200 minutes, and 432,000 seconds, that's how long he lasted
He was going insane, and so he explained that he didn't mean it in a bad way and that he loved how you acted
Forgiving him you rewarded the poor cat boy, 5 rounds for five days
(he didn't want to admit it but he’s pretty sure his dick would have fallen off if you didn't relent when you did)
(he just didn't want to admit that he was pussy-whipped)
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You actually had met at a library
One of his teachers wanted him to get a bit of extra tutoring and volunteered you for the job.
You had hit it off great! Personality-wise
(you’ll never tell him but it was frustrating that he clearly didn't understand anything you were telling him)
And you were so sweet and cute, and such a good teacher
He would know that if he wasn't too busy just staring at you and thinking about you and thinking about what you like and what you wear outside of school
(or how good your lips look, or how your thighs look so soft, or that when you get up he can see under your skirt.)
Your guy’s first time was an experience
(bokuto is the cunny easting master, don't call me out)
More cunny juice = more food for owl man
He was excited, somewhere in his mind he knew that it was gonna get better from then on
He wasn't wrong either, although he didn't let your mouth near his dick just yet, he knew that would be good considering the ‘art’ you've created on his neck
The true fuckary started with him on top, but the second he was in you he...froze
Poor baby was shell shocked, you felt better than he had thought, and he just slumped over, you thought he came but he wasn’t ready for it to end so soon
He just sat there for a few minutes, fucked out, before you just decided to flip you both over
That was more his speed at the moment
So he grabbed onto your hips for dear life and you got working
Within two minutes the two of you had created a pool of juices on his bed (bokuto had a lot of precum ok), not that he really cared
You were not competing with anyone but he already had you 2 to 0
(point 1 for the meal and point 2 for being an Olympic dick-rider)
I am also a firm believer that bokuto thrusts up, he just can't help it
You are too addictive, or the way you ground onto him in between every bounce was addictive
I also don't believe that you could even truly deny bokuto sex, he was good at guilt-tripping and he was soooooo adorable
(not to mention the puppy dog eyes  he does that could convince good to do his will)
So I’m sure the only way he wouldn't get sex would be no nut November.
(aka the devil's month of torture, actually not month, week give or take)
This year it just happens that he set a new record, 8 days
He went a whole 8 days without trying for sex
Truly he went about 10 days before he stopped begging and just took matters into his own hands
(under enough pressure Bokuto become a hard dom and no one can say otherwise)
The entire time he was telling you how pretty you were and how well your pussy takes him and that you had no ‘right’ to tell him he couldn’t have sex
He even gained a new phrase “this pussy belongs to me”
You were going to have to set some things straight once he was done ;)
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You were on the student council, it felt sacrilegious to think anything but pure thoughts about anyone on the council
(that didn't really stop him)
honestly, from the moment his crush festered he wanted to ruin your little innocent vibe  
You always smiled so sweetly at everyone, and just seemed like a true goody two shoes.
And that point seemed to have been correct when you began to date
Until! The fateful day where his perceived innocent girlfriend pulled a full 180 on him!
Firstly, you had offered, out of the blue, to suck him off in the middle of the movie you were watching.
Second, he asked if you knew how, and you giggled at him with that smile he loved so much
Thirdly, when you did get his dick out, you swirled some of the pre-cum on his tip with your thumb, he started getting a bit suspicious
Lastly, you completely swallowed him down, face pressing on his hip, cheeks hollowed.
That’s when he realized that you did know what you were doing
(that also arouse the thought that you had been with someone else, which was counteracted with the fact that you knew how to suck dick by practicing on hair brushed and popsicles)
((it also helped that you barely had a gag reflex))
Truly trying to put that to the test, dom iwa came right out, grabbing your hair and telling you  to suck harder
And you impressed the man, to say the least
After that he had to fuck you, he really just had too
For the first time, he went with a solid missionary, just to test that waters
He didn’t think anyone's pussy should feel like that, but since you were his it was ok
All was well he was lost in the feeling of your pussy and the deciding moment was when you pulled him against you and started to grind your body onto his
You were putting a whole lot of body into it too, and you were so soft, and unless he wanted to cum early something was going to have to change
So he flipped and changed to doggy style, which made thighs worse???
From there you got tighter and he could see all of the wetness drips from your fold onto the sheets
Yup, you were the one for him
(solidified when he pulled your hair and you moaned like a street whore)
As for the no sex thing, that was a ride
It started when Makki asked you if you were always dripping for iwa
And after a week of no sex, he confessed to letting them on his phone and  watching a recording of one of your nightly escapades and he was sorry
(and he just wanted to show them what they were missing, y’know brag a bit)
That was, and he says the only time, he let you try to dom him
You truly were the most amazing woman in the world
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( i made him kind of an ass lol sorry)
You wee the girl who sat next to him in class
(not to be mean, but he thought you were a nerd)
You always had your uniform covering everything and you were always playing with your short sleeves
You raised your hand a lot in class, always had a pencil to borrow
He just assumed that you had cobwebs in your pussy
Proven wrong at one of the volleyball teams parties, you had apparently been dragged there by a friend (surprising)
And you both were dragged onto some weird spin the bottle game
The bottle would spring and someone would draw an action from this jar and the two people would have to do it in a bedroom in the house
Seeing as that’’s how fate goes you and him were chosen
A blow-job card was chosen
And he laughed with a friend about how you wouldn’t know what to do
Mistake, that struck a real nerve, was this guy for real?
Oh hell no
Being the baddie you were, you walked to him, grabbed him by the arm, and locked lips, breaking away after a moment you asked if he was ready to go.
Poor boy didn't even respond, he just nodded and stood up
Two minutes in, he knew what he had done
You were blowing him like it would be your last time, it should be illegal to be able to suck someone off that well
And damn you pulled away right before he was going to cum.
And then just left him! Walked out of the closet like nothing had ever happened
That couldn’t be it, he wouldn't let that be it
After two weeks of non-stop begging from the guy you agreed to a date, which led to many dates
Which led to him finally being able to fuck you
God damn, he didn't think it would get better, and it did, it really did.  
You were laying on top of him and grinding your entire body onto him
Dripping all over him and squeezing him like crazy
He was never going to let you go
Now, that same friend from that party seemed very intrigued with your relationship
And he just can't help but tell him about how amazing you were, it just sucks that he did it right in front of you in the middle of lunch
Pussy pass revoked
He didn't think he did anything wrong so he went two whole weeks without any touch and he went crazy
He fell apart and apologized
After he begged enough you gave him the pussy pass back
And now he doesn't do anything to jeopardize it
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this is gonna sound weird
I feel like terushima knows when someone is a good lay
It's like a secret talent of his, he just knows and his radar went off when he saw you
But he thought it was wrong at first considering you were wearing leggings and a huge sweater
Not good fuck material  
But he had to make sure, so he just walked up to you and asked if you were a good fuck
Surprisingly you didn’t punch him in the nuts, instead, you laughed at him and said that he would just have to find out
And that he should at least take you out to dinner first
Adm he took you up it, made it the best damn dinner date he’d ever be on
And you reward him
With what?
The best damn blow-job he’d ever get as long as he lived.
And it fit that to the T
It started with the little licks and swirls, then, you gotta catch the man off guard, and just take his entire dick in your throat
And with that, he was sure he had superpowers
When He came, fairly quick for his taste, you swallowed all of his cum and he was ready to marry you
If he needed to take you on a date for that, he would take you on a date every day for the rest of his life
(not every day) but that's what he did
But eventually, just a blowjob wasn't enough, oh no he knew you had a tight hole
And he knew you were gushing most of the time (ushy gushy my pussy-)
If making him suck the fingers you used to fuck yourself after he came was anything
And you tasted good, really good
He was so ready for it that he let you ride him the whole night
He thought his dick was a]going to fall off, you were just that damn good
It was insane, you were almost using him as a dildo, grinding your clit on the base of his cock
And you looked glorious, he was going to have to talk to you about recording it so he could watch it over and over
Maybe show a few people-
And that's what he did, poor unfortunate soul got the silent treatment for two days before he fell apart
He literally got on his knees and asked for forgiveness
(biggest simp on the planet, but only for you (and your dripping cunt))
He’s sure to never do it again, he’s also sure that if you asked him to step on him he would let you
(and I think he’s the most pussy-whipped)
Ok maybe you didn't fully forgive him until he showed you what his tongue piercing could do, but it was worth every moment.
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Honestly, he was dared to sleep with the next girl who walked through the cafeteria door
And that just happens to bring you, miss. I remind the teacher there was homework
(Well he actually wasn’t really sure about that but that's what you looked like and he was already regretting his decision.)
In defense of him, your hair was in a messy bun and you had this teacher's pet aura around you
But he would be damned if he lost this bet to his brother and Suna, oh no
The moment he wa[lked up to your table you knew what was happening, and shut it down immediately
After that, you officially had his attention!
Lucky you!
Unlucky you for the fact that all he wanted to do was get in your pants.
But lucky you again because you could hold this over his head!
But one day you just woke up and chose dick (respectable)
So when atsumu did his daily “c'mon baby, you know you want some” you just stood up, scaring him
(he finally thought you were gonna kill him)
Instead, you grabbed him by the dick, literally grabbed his dick through his pants, and tugged him all the way to the roof
“Hey-hey baby, no need to be that rough”
“Shut up, Miya. pants down, now”
That was not where he thought that was going but he isn't going to complain.
“You want your dick wet so bad? Here you go!”
Honestly, he could die happy.
Not so sound gross, but you were slobbering around his cock like a pro. Now that left the thought, you had to have done this before.
You had hands on the back of his thighs pushing him further down your throat, hollowed cheeks, damn he should’ve done this was sooner
He was gonna cum-
And your mouth was gone, your hand was jerking him but that wasn't nearly as nice
“Lay back.”
Yes, yes he will do that. If what’s about to happen is what he thinks is about to happen  
And now your pussy was above his face. Ok a little detour but he’ll take it
You were literally dripping onto his face while he got to work, and you went back to sucking him off
Yup, heaven.
After you both came he made sure to tell you that that had to happen again.
And it did, you rode him to hell in the hole to heaven, and he couldn't help himself from telling the entire volleyball team about how good you were
Now he really didn't think about what would happen if the news got back to you
But he definitely didn't think that meant a whole week of nothing
Well nothing for him, you made sure to send him more than a few videos of rigid dildos and fingering yourself
A week of torture, but when it was finally over he had an entirely new folder of spanking material
he was sure about who he told about your escapades, as in he told himself and Osamu if he just wanted to vent
poor guy was paranoid now
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