#she’s a lot chiller now but she still hates Northern
gundamcalibarney · 2 years
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i’ve thought about giving fire powers to my loco humanisations but didn’t draw them until now so have a compilation of doodles.
Locomotion Locomotives tend to use fire as expressing anger in a “I’m not gonna make emotively obvious so here have Symbolic fire” kinda way unless there are times where they need to actually Use fire to do some heavy damage.
( Note: this is exclusive to Locomotion Humanoids, the Sudrians can’t unfortunately 😔 )
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pepperish · 8 years
Tag Game #8239484
Rules: Answer all questions, add one question of your own and then tag as many people as there are questions.    
(Ah-mazing @rashaka tagged me, but, unlike her, i have a LOT of patience to these questions AND no shame of polluting people’s dashboards so. I answered them all.)
Rules: Answer all questions, add one question of your own and then tag as many people as there are questions.
Coke or Pepsi? None? I used to love Pepsi Twist when I was a kid, but it was discontinued in Brazil and it still baffles me to this day because it was SO GOOD.
Disney or Dreamworks? I’m a big fan of animation, so I love ‘em both, but Disney and I have history.
Coffee or tea? STOP GIVING ME HARD CHOICES. I love both, but I’d go with coffee. I’m non-functional without coffee.
Books or movies? Errr, books, usually, but listen moVIES --
Windows or Mac? So, all my notebooks so far have been windows, so that’s the choice by default. I do really want a mac, though, and plan to get it someday. I love apple’s system, I literally hate every other phone that isn’t my iphone.
DC or Marvel? When I was younger and only cared about the comics, I was DC to the core - WONDER WOMANNNNNNNN -, but I do admit Marvel’s movies have more entertainment value so. Both.
Xbox or Playstation? I quite like xbox. PS is great, too though.
Night owl or early riser? Here’s the thing: I’m a night owl. For life. When I was, like, five, my mom tried to put me to bed at 9 pm and I’d wake up at 3 am and wreak fucking havoc until she gave up and let me go to bed 1 am. When I was six, yes. I don’t function like a proper human being before sometime around 2 pm. This said, I LOVE MORNINGS. I know, it’s ridiculous, but I do. I love the colors, the feeling of carpe-ing the fucking diem, i LOVE going out for breakfast. I wish I could stop time to sleep, tbh.
Cards or Chess? CARDS. Was that emphatic enough?
Chocolate or vanilla? I love chocolate, BUT GIMME MY VANILLA.
Vans or Converse? I only ever owned a converse.
Star Wars or Star Trek? Star Wars, NO SHADE OF DOUBT.
One episode per week or marathoning? One episode per week is TORTURE. Marathoning <3
Gandalf or Obi-Wan? Gandalf.
Heroes or Villains? Antiheroes are my thing, but I’ll just say it: I love a good damn hero. Yes, give me your kindness, your determination to do the right thing, give me the people that want to save the world!
John Williams or Hans Zimmer? John Williams.
Disneyland/Disney World or Six Flags? SIX FLAGS. I love Disney as much as your next gal, but rollercoasters own my ass.
Forest or sea? SEA. I’m a mermaid, never tried to hide it.
Flying or reading minds? It’s hard enough to make people shut up on their own, I’m gonna SOAR binch.
Twin Peaks or Northern Exposure? None.
Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings? Harry Potter. Lord of the who now? (Seriously, I hate those books)
Cake or Pie? P I E.
You are banished to a desert island, which Benedict Cumberbatch character would you choose to take with you? Alan Turing might figure out a way to get the hell out - without annoying THE FUCK out of me the way sherlock would have.
Train or Cruise ship? Both, but I really, really want to go on a cruise soon, so i’m going with that.
Brian Cox or Neil deGrasse-Tyson? Errrr....?
Wizard of Oz or Alice in Wonderland? Movies? Because they all suck. Books? Alice in Wonderland. Musical? Wicked.
Fanfiction or fanart? I love fanart. I love art and how much time and passion people put in it, but I cannot live - CANNOT - without fanfics. It’s not a preference if it’s a need.
The Hunger Games - Books or movies? All books. And that’s saying something, since the last book is bloody awful.
Be able to see the future or travel into the past? Nah, being able to travel into the past sound muchhhh more awesome, HOWEVER, seeing the future allows me to become filthy rich and that’s all I want tbh.
Han Solo or Luke Skywalker? Han Solo is the only answer.
Lilacs or sunflowers? Sunflowers are MY FAVE, the literal plant representation of my soul, they’re GORGEOUS and AMAZING and --
Spring or autumn? Spring because I love flowers. (and because in my country they are EXACTLY the same except autumn is slightly chiller and spring is a bit more flower-y)
Campfire or fireplace? Campfire <3
Watch a gory horror or a family-friendly animation? Animation ALL the way.
Favorite feeling? When you’re so happy it feels like your emotions are too big for your chest and you’re 0,5 seconds away from bursting. It usually comes along when I’m going on a travel.
Something fun or weird or cool about your body:  My scapulas are way too weirdly proeminent. Like, once I twisted my arms back and a friend of my legit lifted me clear off the ground by them. My back is bony af, but the scapulas are really weird. (also, i’m a redhead, which I find cool).
I’m awful taggin people, so I’m just putting @marauders-groupie and @royalblakes here :)
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