#Saint Mungo
mecha-rhino · 8 months
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Bingo bongo, it’s mundo mungo!
(13 January is the Big Day!)
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askyoungiron · 3 months
Hello! How are Tornado and Tyfil doing nowadays?
SAINT MUNGO: Tornado is still in a lot of pain but doing her best given the circumstances. She's a strong girl, I have every faith that she will pull through.
KING GEORGE V: Tydfil is still recovering. She's not okay, but with support and help I hope that she will be. We are still considering how best to help her.
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thatcheeseycandle · 3 months
//Okay so since @lorainedoesthings has shot out some stuff from the local (kind of) theory GC, I thought I'd shoot out some I have as well!
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tornadoyoungiron · 1 year
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Who this “Chloe”? Hmmmmmmm.
Another LNER family, this time the Peppercorn’s.
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scotianostra · 2 years
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On 13th January 614, St Kentigern Mungo died , and was buried at his church in Clas-gu which later become Glasgow.
Saint Kentigern has been venerated for many centuries as one of the apostles of Scotland and patron-saint of Glasgow. He is best known in Scotland as Mungo, which means "darling", or "beloved one". Unfortunately, very little genuine information on this 6th-century saint has survived. His later life was composed by a Cistercian monk, Jocelyn of Furness, late in the 12th century, but earlier traditions about the saint are more authentic.
The future saint was born in about 518 or 528 in Culross in Scotland. His mother was the holy princess Theneva, (Enoch) who is also venerated as patron-saint of Glasgow, who's father Loth, King of Gododdin (modern day East Lothian) - was thrown out for being pregnant with Mungo after an illicit encounter with her cousin, King Owain of North Rheged (now part of Galloway). Her furious father had her tied to a chariot and launched off Traprain Law.
Amazingly she and the unborn baby survived and her father, now believing she was a witch, set her adrift in a coracle without oars up the River Forth.
His early life was shaped by St Serf who ran a monastery at Culross and rescued his mother and cared for her and the young boy who he affectionately called Mungo, meaning 'dear'.
Aged 25 Mungo began his missionary work on the banks of the River Clyde and built his church close to where the Clyde and the Molendinar Burn merge - this later became Glasgow Cathedral.
He was exiled during AD565 when anti-Christian King Morken of Strathclyde drove him away - he travelled through Cumbria and settled for some time in Wales before completing a pilgrimage to Rome. By the 570s a new king, Rhydderch Hael of Strathclyde, overthrew King Morken and invited St Mungo back to become Archbishop of Strathclyde. His church on the Moledinar became the focus of a large community that became known as Clas-gu or 'family'.
He died on Sunday 13 January 614. He was buried close by his church, and today his tomb lies in the centre of the Lower Choir of Glasgow Cathedral.
In order to become a Saint, it was necessary to prove that the candidate had performed miracles during their life - St Mungo was supposed to have performed four immortalised in this poem:
Here is the bird that never flew
Here is the tree that never grew
Here is the bell that never rang
Here is the fish that never swam
Today the bird, the tree, the bell and the fish form the four elements of the crest of Glasgow City Council.
St Mungo continues to influence Glasgow life today such as the mural seen on High St Glasgow by Australian born artist, Smug, depicting a modern day St Mungo and referencing the story of The Bird That Never Flew near to St Mungo's final resting place at Glasgow Cathedral:
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hazel-of-sodor · 2 years
Day 22-Cold Iron:Not Alone
Day 22-Cold Iron
Other Stories
Not Alone
February 2010
"You know Thomas, you really do take a girl to the nicest places."
Thomas chuckled at the younger engine, "Trust me, it'll be worth it."
Tornado wrinkled her nose playful, "yes trucks full of scrap and cold metal. Thrilling stuff Romeo."
Thomas burst out into full blown laughter. The Haultraugh Steel works weren't famous like their Peel Godred counterparts, but they still were an imposing sight. Massive warehouses towered over the valley, the heat from within melting the snow for hundreds of feet. Even in the dead of winter the massive forges roared non-stop, melting down scrap metal for reuse around the island.
"I promised if my surprise doesn't live up to the hype, I'll let you choose my next coat of paint."
"It's a bet!" The A1 trust members sighed and shook their heads fondly.
"And if I win?." The tank engine's challenging smile was sharp enough that the young engine began to wonder if she was about to bite off more than she could chew.
Nevertheless young bravado won out. "I'll do the same, but don't worry, I think you'll look quite handsome in salmon with gold lining." She heard her driver's face meet his palm.
The smugness shifted predatory, and Tornado remembered too late Gordon's warning that Thomas was as competitive and willey as any A1. "Samantha if you will?"
Thomas's driver hauled back on Thomas's whistle, the fireman Nicole all but cackling beside her.
Peeeep...Peeeep Peeeep Peeeep...Peep Peeeep Peep...Peeeep Peep...Peep Peeeep...Peeeep Peep Peep...Peeeep Peeeep Peeeep!
Thomas's whistle echoed through the hills, ringing for long seconds afterwards.
Tornado raised an eyebrow, "while that was a neat..."
Tornado fell silent as a loud whistle echoed from within the works before them. The doors began opening slowly, ominously, smoke and steam billowing from the entrance.
A deep puff echoed from within the works, then another. Steam swirled as the six massive 6'8" driving wheels churned the air. The engine wheeshed, pushing the billowing smoke away, illuminated by the molten glow of the works behind her.
Tornado paled in shock as it was revealed, not even noticing the clang of her fireman dropping his shovel. The engine rolled slowly forward, crimson paint gleaming with the reflection of the fires around her.
The other engine drew to a stop mere inches from Tornado's buffers.
St.Mungo, the steel work's Peppercorn A1, smiled gently, "hello little sister, I've waited so long to meet you."
Tornado's mouth worked for several seconds, unable to force a sound out.
"Well I can leave if..." St.Mungo had barely gotten the word leave out before the younger A1 surged forward, crashing their buffers together.
 "I'm not alone I'm not alone I'm not alone." She said in a fervent prayer for this to be real.
St.Mungo pressed back just as hard against her younger sibling as the A1 trust exploded into elated cheers, happy tears streaming down both their faces. Neither of them were alone any more.
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maypoleman1 · 8 months
13th January
St Mungo’s Day
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Source: Aleteia website
Today is St Mungo’s Day. The facts we know about this saint are sparse and functional: Mungo was a seventh century bishop and missionary who resided in the British territory of Strathclyde and who founded a church on the site of what would become Glasgow Cathedral. However, Mungo was one of those saints around whom legends grew, including many features of Celtic pagan mythology. He was rumoured to have been borne of a virgin mother whose disbelieving husband cast her adrift in a coracle on the Firth of Forth. She was cast up in Culross where she gave birth to Mungo. As a young man, Mungo became friends with the equally mythic St Serf and brought his chum’s deceased pet robin back to life. Impressed, Serf suggested Mungo take holy orders and serve under Fergus of Kernach, the holiest man in Strathclyde. No sooner had Mungo arrived to take his vows, then Fergus dropped dead. Mungo put the body in a cart and yoked it to two bulls ordering them to take it where they will. Mungo built a church on the site where the bulls stopped which eventually became Glasgow Cathedral.
Mungo, perhaps in honour of his mother, also came to the aid of an adulterous queen. Her husband, hearing that his wife had given her ring to her lover as a gift, demanded to see it. Knowing she was in trouble, the queen summoned Mungo, whose strange response was to request a salmon to eat. When he tucked in, the queen’s ring was discovered miraculously in its mouth. A fish with a ring in its mouth can be seen on Glasgow’s coat of arms to this day. Delving into full blown pagan memory, Mungo also came to the aid of a wretched Merlin, who blamed himself for a British defeat at the hands of the Saxons. He was condemned to spend the rest of his days as a hermit but he begged Mungo to help him avoid this fate by granting him a triple death. Mungo obliged. Merlin was soon set upon by brigands who beat him semi-conscious, and then threw him into the Tweed, where his body was impaled by an underwater stake. Beaten, drowned and transfixed, thrice-slain Merlin was then able to enter the afterlife.
Quite how a hard working early medieval bishop like Mungo became associated with such stories is unknown.
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nixnight1 · 10 months
First dinner at the Potter's with Regulus. The Black Brothers are at the middle of their reconciliation:
(That Friends' scene but:)
Sirius: James and I made you a Pie, Reggie, eat it
Regulus: Fine, I'll have a taste
Regulus a minute later: Sirius...what is in this pie?
Sirius: well I don't know, butter and eggs, and flouer, and lime and kiwi...
Regulus: kiwi? Did you say KIWI?
Sirius: Yeah, it's a special pie. Prongs and I love kiwi
Regulus: Sepcial because you're trying to kill me? *starting to sweat*
Sirius: what are you talking about?
Regulus: I'm allergic to kiwi, you prick
James: WHAT?
Sirius: No, you're not! You're allergic to nuts, and seafood and...and...
Regulus: KIWI? My throat is closing, my...my tongue id sdwellind...I...I
James: OH MY GOD
Nobody died after eating the pie, Regulus was fine
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damnelves · 3 months
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Aeschylus, The Oresteia / Disco Elysium / Introduction to her translation of the Iliad by Emily Wilson / The Three Fates (detail), painting by Alexander Rothaug / Lives of the Saints by Charles Wright / The Lover by Marguerite Duras / / 6 ways to draw a circle by tumblr user filmnoirsbian / The Sweater by Gregory Orr / DOOMED TO REPEAT by Johnny Dombrowski / Revenge of the Sith (novelization) by Matthew Stover / "Goner" Google Result / Lake Mungo, dir. Joel Anderson / "Scriptum" from the Red Thread Series by Rima Day / War of the Foxes by Richard Siken / Prophetic perfect tense, Wikipedia / Text post by tumblr user monstermoviedean / October by Louise Glück / Planet of Love by Richard Siken / State of Siege by Mahmoud Darwish / Cycle of Doom, source unknown / Supernatural S05E04, The End / Road to Hell, Hadestown / Watchmen, Alan Moore / Wolf in White Van by John Darnielle
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Friends With Benefits… And A Baby (Part 2 ) || Sebastian Sallow x Reader || Smut
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Outline: You and Sebastian decide to be “friends with benefits” during your pregnancy.
Word count: 2’500
Warnings: explicit smut, (accidental) pregnancy, characters aged up (20s) and probably a few mistakes here and there because English isn’t my first language.
Author’s note: This is the second part of Exams, poltergeists and supply closets, hope you’ll all enjoy it as much as I enjoy writing this little series.
(( Part 1 - Exams, poltergeists and supply closets )) - (( Masterlist ))
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“What’s wrong with you ?” Ominis asked, as you sat down at the dinner table, after rushing out of the Great Hall when a very smelly dish of fried fish appeared in front of you, the smell instantly making you nauseous.
“I gave her some Bertie Bott’s beans before dinner, guess she ate one that tasted like boogers.” Sebastian shrugged, in an attempt to cover for you but all it did was give you the urge to throw up again.
“I felt ill for a moment but I’m okay now.” You assured your friend, not so convinced by your words yourself. You placed a boiled potato on your plate, the only thing among the various other dishes on the table that seemed edible to you in your almost constant state of morning sickness.
“Maybe we should walk you to the infirmary after dinner.” Ominis suggested, obviously still very worried. “You haven’t eaten much these past few days, it might be more serious than you think.”
“How would you know ?” Sebastian asked, before you could come up with an excuse to refuse paying a visit to the school nurse. Surely, she’d know what’s going with you at first glance and then you wouldn’t be able to hide it from anyone much longer.
“I have ears, Sebastian. You eat loudly like an animal next to me every day and yet I can still hear that her fork and knife are barely touching her plate lately.”
“I’m fine.” You stated, as confidently as you could fake it. Yet, a wave of nausea came to prove you wrong, making you gasp and cover your mouth. You couldn’t decide between swallowing it down and staying at the table or running off to the bathroom once more.
“See ? There’s only so many days she can go on without eating, it could be dangerous.” Ominis pleaded, and Sebastian’s gaze landed on the small potato in your plate, that you were pretty sure you wouldn’t eat anyway. Then, he looked up at you, his expression now as worried as your friend’s.
“Maybe he’s right. Maybe we should get you checked up, just to be safe.”
“I’m fine.” You repeated, once more. The only thing stronger than your all day sickness was the irritation you felt towards your friends at this very moment. You were determined to finish your last year at Hogwarts normally, passing your exams as brilliantly as you could and graduating with pride. The baby that Sebastian put in your belly will have no choice but to go along with your plan.
“The Gaunts are important contributors to the Saint Mungo hospital, if I send an owl I might be able to get a doctor to visit you here if it makes you more comfortable.” Ominis suggested, which brought you to the conclusion that there was no point in keeping it a secret from him any longer. Would he still be insufferably worried about you if he knew the truth ? Probably. But at least he would stop pestering you about seeking medical attention, if only temporarily.
“I’m fine, Ominis.” You stated again, for the third time at this dinner table. He opened his mouth to protest but you leaned closer, lowering your voice. “I’m pregnant, that is all.”
“Pregnant ? That is all ?!” Ominis exclaimed, repeating your words in disbelief before both you and Sebastian urged him to keep it down. You were sitting at the very end of the dining table but students nearby might still catch a glimpse of your conversation. “What were you two thinking ?! Do you have any idea of the gravity of such a situation ? What it means for your future ? By Merlin, what on earth went through your head to let you think that you two absolutely reckless lunatics could be capable of raising a child ?”
“H-How do you know it is mine ?” Sebastian asked him, surprised.
“Oh please, you both can’t shut up about each other when you’re not together.” Ominis retorted, as if it was the stupidest question his friend had ever asked him.
You exchanged a look with Sebastian, both of your faces blushing.
“What were you thinking ?” Ominis asked once more, shaking his head much like you imagined your disappointed parents will when they’ll find out.
“To be fair, not much went through my head the moment it happened.” Sebastian said, smugly.
“You should have controlled yourself, Sebastian !” Ominis scolded him, as you desperately tried to hush him up again.
“Easy for you to say, you weren’t there. If you heard the way she moans when she likes it and felt how wet…”
“Alright, that’s enough.” You interrupted before he got too carried away with very private details. “There’s no point having this conversation, it happened and now we have to deal with it.”
“At least this child will have one reasonable parent.” Ominis hissed, shaking his head at Sebastian, still way too cocky about it all next to him.
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You were sitting down on the cold bathroom tiles, your back pressed against the wall, trying to focus on your homework. You barely noticed the door opening until you realized someone was standing in front of you, a concerned expression on his freckled face.
“This is the girls’ bathroom.” You informed him, which simply made him shrug.
“Imelda told me you were here.” He said, approaching and crouching down to your level, taking in the open books on the tiles with an amused smile. “I’m not sure we’ll be able to keep our secret if you move in into the bathrooms.”
“It’s just so I don’t have to run across the castle every time I need to throw up.” You explained. “Nobody will notice, when I told Imelda I had a stomach bug she just told me to stay away from her because she’s planning on winning the Quidditch cup this year.”
“You have friends that are more caring than Imelda Reyes.” He said, making a point. “And you know, I did some research in the library last night and found out that the best way to beat morning sickness is to actually eat.”
“But I’m not hungry.”
“Not at all ? Isn’t there something you’d be happy to eat ? Whatever it is, I’ll go get it for you.”
You smiled at him, grateful to have such a caring friend. Because that’s what he was to you, right ? Just a friend. A friend that happened to be your future baby’s daddy… But still, just a friend.
His traits softened as he smiled back at you, moving to sit on the floor by your side. His shoulder pressed against yours and you found relief in his familiar scent of old dusty books and faint remains of smoke, your nausea easing up a bit for the first time in days.
“Do you need help with…” He reached out to check the cover of the book on your lap. “One thousand magical herbs and fungi ?”
“I do but not yours if I want a chance to get a good grade in Herbology.” You replied playfully, which made him laugh.
“Fair enough.” He shrugged, his hand absently finding yours, letting it rest on your thigh as your fingers intertwined together. “We’ll figure it out, you know.”
“I know.” You nodded, knowing that he wasn’t talking about school anymore.
“And if we look at the positive aspect of it all, it means we can hook up as much as we want to for the next eight months without having to worry about getting you pregnant.”
“Right.” You rolled your eyes at his words, your giggle resounding against the bathroom tiles.
“And there’s no better way to find your appetite back than a bit of exercising.” He insisted, jokingly but you knew he definitely was trying his luck under the guise of making you laugh.
“Do you really think that would be reasonable ? I don’t think that’s something friends do.”
“We can be friends with benefits… And a baby.” He shrugged, unaware of how tempting the idea was to you. His presence next to you was the only thing that had managed to ease your symptoms and, if you were being totally honest, Sebastian Sallow had never looked more handsome than right now, with his sleeves rolled up and his tie slightly loosened, his hair tousled and that odd pride you saw in his smile every time he talked about hooking up with you - and getting you pregnant - that definitely made up for the slight panic you still sometimes noticed in his gaze.
“Okay.” You nodded, breaking the silence that had taken place between the two of you.
“Okay ?” He repeated, his brown eyes widening in surprise. “You… You want to do it ?”
“Yes, why not ? It’s not like I’d be comfortable hooking up with Garreth in the boat house anymore, anyway.” You replied, adding that last part to mess with him, not expecting the instant jealousy that took over his features.
“Garreth Weasley ?! This walking fire hazard…” Sebastian groaned, his hand tightening its grip on yours possessively. You smiled, flattered that your friend cared so much about you.
He was still mumbling to himself some colorful words about Garreth when you leaned in and pressed your lips against his to silence him. At first, you felt his surprise but soon, he kissed you back, his body irresistibly gravitating closer.
“What if someone walks in ?” He asked, when you moved to reach for his pants, taken aback by your boldness. The first time you had crossed the line of friendship with him, you had sounded so shy and cautious that he couldn’t quite believe you were the one with your hand inside his pants this time, fishing for his rapidly growing erection.
You knew you were breaking school rules by doing this. Again. And you promised yourself that next time, you’ll make sure to abide by the regulations and find another location, out of Hogwarts, to have your fun with Sebastian... But right now, your need for him was too urgent to be ignored. The images of that night in the supply closet were haunting you every night, to the point you sometimes could feel his kiss on your lips and his warm touch on your body in the darkness and loneliness of your dorm room. But you knew nothing could compare to the real thing, and having the opportunity to actually see him while giving in to your desires was something you didn’t have the strength to refuse.
“Then they’ll think that we hook up in bathrooms and won’t question why I’m in here that often anymore.” You told him to ease his concern, the heat of his cock in your hand making you wonder if he had a sudden rush of fever. You pulled it out of his pants, shamelessly looking down at it. He gulped and blushed in front of your fascination, your thumb carefully caressing his pink tip, collecting the clear and sticky precum that was already coating it. His cock was still growing, getting longer and harder in your palm, the veins under his flesh becoming more and more apparent. Then, it was your turn to gulp down and blush as you took in the size of it, wondering how you had even managed to take it all in without any pain the first time.
You lifted your eyes and met Sebastian’s gaze, staring at you with still a slight pink blush coloring his freckled cheeks. You had been so bold that he was waiting on you to take the lead and be in charge, this new side of you not helping him control himself and his urge to tear your school uniform off of your body and show you how wild he could get when it came to fucking you.
“Can I see you too ?” He asked, managing to act like a gentleman, although he truly wasn’t one, judging by the amount of filthy thoughts he had about you and what he wanted to do to you on a daily basis.
“Alright…” you agreed, your voice trembling slightly. You could understand his curiosity, after all, he hadn’t seen anything of you in that dark closet a month ago, only felt your body against his but your self confidence wasn’t at its best after being sick for almost an entire month, with your hormones acting up to make it worse.
He carefully reached out, popping open the buttons of your shirt one by one until you were left with nothing but your bra on. He looked at you questioningly, and you nodded, giving him a silent permission to remove it too.
His eyes instantly widened when your bra dropped on the tiles, your bare chest exposed to him.
“I didn’t think they would grow so much in so little time.” He stated, clearly dumbstruck by the view.
Your hand returned to the hard buldge between his legs, perking up at your touch as you closed your hand around it and pumped it up and down a few times, pulling him out of his daze and making him gasp in reaction. You didn’t think it possible but the movements made his cock grow even bigger and larger.
A groan dropped from his lips as he momentarily closed his eyes, as if he was struggling to keep control over himself.
“Sit.” He told you, his voice so low it sent shivers down your spine. His hands flew to your waist, already maneuvering you to get you in a sitting position over his lap.
You held your skirt up, your legs pressed on the cold tiles on either side of his thighs. His hand slipped underneath your clothes so swiftly you didn’t notice at first, until you felt his fingers pulling your panties aside, baring your very wet pussy.
With his other hand still on your waist, he guided you down until you were low enough for his erection to push past your entrance, stretching your walls as you sank lower and lower until his full size rested inside you.
You gasped at the sensation, your hands on his broad shoulders to help you support yourself and he grinned, the hand between your legs moving all the way up to your hair, gripping on a piece and pulling them back so that you’d bare your neck to him, allowing him to plant a few wet kisses all the way down to your collarbones as you still adjusted to his size inside you.
You slowly moved your hips in wide circles, exploring the pleasant sensations it sent throughout your entire body. He seemed to enjoy it too, his breathing instantly becoming ragged and desperate.
When you pushed on your knees, pulling yourself up before sitting back down and impaling yourself on his hard cock once again, you heard him curse under his breath. One of his hands held your skirt scrunched up in his fist while the other found your hip, guiding you in a faster rythym as you rocked up and down onto him many more times.
He pulled you closer to feel your swollen boobs on his face, appreciating the way they moved in synch with your hips, wanting to bury his face between them until he suffocated. Your moans and whimpers were causing his mind to go blank once again, unable to think about anything other than the pleasure you were apparently having while bouncing on his cock.
You dug your nails in his shoulders, the bliss bubbling up in your core becoming so intense it was almost unbearable. You would have slowed down, afraid of the strength of your own imminent orgasm, but Sebastian kept guiding you at an unrelenting pace, his tip hitting so deep inside your core each time that you barely managed to not let out a scream that could have echoed through the castle’s hallways, your body violently shaking and tensing with the pleasure that spilled into every fiber of your being.
Sebastian had been holding himself back from the very moment you pulled his cock out of his pants. In all honesty, he could have cummed in your hand right then and there but he had fought it long enough to make sure that you’d enjoy it too. He wanted to make you feel good as it felt like the only thing he could do to help you out right now, and now that your body had collapsed over him, effectively suffocating him with your plump chest, crying out his name in a way he would never forget, he allowed himself to come too, shooting his full load inside your still pulsating pussy.
“Are you okay ?” Your voice asked him, after a moment, your chest moving away from his face and leaving him cold.
“Of course.” He answered, panting and smiling. “What about you ?”
“I’m fine.” You told him which, for the first time in days, wasn’t a lie. You moved to sit next to him, his spent cock gliding out of you easily, drops of his white release lightly staining his pants and your skirt in the process. “You know, I think I’m kind of hungry now.”
“Ah! I told you it would work !” He exclaimed, excitedly. “What do you want to eat ?”
“A waffle with chocolate.” You told him, without hesitation.
“Alright, a chocolate covered waffle coming right up !” He nodded, immediately jumping to his feet, adjusting his clothes and walking away, determined to bring you exactly what you had requested. Surely, he’d be able to bribe a house elf for a waffle. And if not, he would sneak into the kitchen and cook one for you himself, how hard could it be ?
(( Masterlist ))
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leascorner · 5 months
f.g.w. | Trouble
Summary:  After the war, Fred met Y/N at St Mungo's Hospital. At that time, they both thought the other was trouble. In the end, they both discovered all the meanings of that word.
Pairing:  Fred Weasley x f!healer!reader
Warnings: Mention of death and near death experience, injuries, blood, probably incorrect medical notions, some swearing, happy ending
Word Count: 5.1k
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“Uh-oh”, George said, practically running from the front of the store up to the cashier counter. “Trouble.”
His twin brother had no time to ask what was going on; the doorbell rang, indicating a new customer had entered the shop. Fred blinked and suddenly, George was somehow nowhere to be seen. Steady steps coming up to the register resonated in the boutique that was as usual quite empty on this Tuesday morning. No need for him to look to the front door, he knew he was indeed up for trouble.
Turning to face his worst nightmare - a woman named Y/N, furiously making her way to him - Fred put his best customer face on. Her face was wearing the same frown as the day he met her at Saint Mungo's Hospital. He, that day, had been called in after some kid had used one of his products out of its original purpose and nobody there could work out how to reverse back the spell.
Holding his breath, Fred watched her walking toward him until she made it to the counter and laid on it what seemed to have been one of these kid magic wands they sold at the store. From the state of it, Fred knew he was in for a lecture… Again.
“This was up someone’s arse.”
“Godric!” Fred immediately shouted. He had seen a lot of things - their customers were somehow as inventive as they were - but he had never expected such things. With a swift move of his wrist, he made it disappear. “How did it even get there?”
“I did not ask!” she shouted back.
Y/N had been an official graduated healer for nearly a year now. She had started her curriculum the year before the war started, just after graduating from Hogwarts, and sometimes after a twenty-four-hours shifts like the one she just had, she was regretting the black magic spells injuries. Nothing compared to the lot of injuries she was dealing with from the twins jokes shop products.
“Seriously, please just-” she sighed, passing a hand on her face out of frustration. “It’s all I deal with all day, I can’t anymore.”
In that last year, Fred and she had become some kinds of acquaintances - Y/N was regularly paying the twins a visit at the end of her shifts. Though he acted annoyed most of the time, he was actually quite fond of her. His favourite thing about her was how she would respond to anything he would throw at her. He did not even know her that long, yet he already knew just how to push her buttons.
So, of course, he couldn’t resist doing it again today.
“You should see what we have in the works, then.”
Frown quite not leaving the lines of her face yet, she followed him in the back shop where he meticulously explained her all about this very new product he had thought about that same morning – a new invention that not even George knew about it.
Biting his inner cheek, he watched impatiently the line between her eyebrows grew even deeper as she read the parchment with the ingredients for the product: a potion. This was not the first time he had pitched a new product idea to her. In the past, George had even insisted they presented her with some of their riskier ideas. She had never turned down any of them, even encouraging them to work on them further - though she had them promise to send a patronus to her if they were testing anything she thought would be deadly. Fred was convinced that, despite her grumpy attitude, she actually quite enjoyed being asked for help.
“You can’t mix this quantity of octopus powder and erumpent horn together,” she finally spoke.
“Why not?”
Y/N looked back at Fred, her eyes scanning his face to know if he was being serious. As if he ever had been serious. “Have you seriously never listened to anything Snape ever taught you?” Quite frankly, he had listened to it much more than he would admit, but he wouldn’t tell her that. “I am serious, Fred,” she scowled.
“Alright, alright!” Fred rose his hands in defence. He knew from the way Y/N sighed that her concern for his own physical integrity was genuine. Just like probably everyone else, she was aware of what had happened to him during the battle of Hogwarts – he had a severe brain injury that left him in the hospital for months and from which he was still recovering. Unlike anyone else, she didn’t remind him constantly what a little fragile thing he was and how he must be taking it easy. Though he probably wouldn’t admit it to her face, he was grateful to her.
Fred was rather interested on what she was thinking of his new idea, so he knew better than to continue annoying her. She made him nervous taking her sweet time to examine the parchment. He couldn’t tell if it was a bad thing or not. She had been more enthusiastic when George and he pitched her other ideas. Perhaps he had just gotten himself overexcited about this new product; perhaps it was just bad.
“So, what do you think?” Fred asked when he couldn’t take it anymore.
“It sounds good,” she reassured him, without looking at him. “It’s the ingredients I am not sure about. I’m not sure it would work,” she mumbled, still focus on the parchment, and Fred could nearly see the cogs of her brain working behind her eyes.
“I’ll work on this,” he assured.
Y/N only nodded in answer. Fred could see something was bugging her, but she couldn’t quite tell what. He studied the expression of her face; how her frown had changed – from the grumpy one to one of             concentration. He noticed how she would scrunch her nose ever so slightly as she focused as well.
He thought she looked cute like that and immediately slapped himself internally for having such thoughts. Y/N was not cute, she was the pain in his ass that would show up every other day at the shop to lecture him. She was simply annoying and way smarter than him though she was not one to rub it in everybody’s face – he was pretty sure she had been that person to cry after a test as she supposedly failed, but still got an ‘A’.
They stayed in silence a couple more minutes, Y/N still trying to figure out what was missing in the potion recipe, Fred watching her every move, before the doorbell rang again. A new customer had come in, breaking the spell.
“I have to go,” Y/N stated, after checking the time. She gave the parchment back to Fred and watched as he abandoned him on top of his messy desks – it was so messy she wasn’t sure he would be able to find it again. “Just put some kinds of warning for the other thing.”
“External use only, got it.”
She rolled her eyes, but still smiled softly before bidding goodbye and leaving him alone in the back shop.
A few weeks later, on one of the last days of January, Fred had just finished the grant post-holidays inventory when he found the parchment again. With the rush of the end of the year, he had totally forgotten about it.
Diagon Alley was covered in snow at that time of the year and the weather was so bad that no soul would have dared to put even a toe outside in the cold. He knew he wouldn’t have any customers today, so he decided to put his time to a better use and test out this new product.
He gathered all of the ingredients from the reserve and got to work. Everything went well until it was down to the last ingredient: Octopus Powder. Taking the bag and measuring the exact amount he needed, he suddenly recalled the conversation he had with Y/N and how she insisted this amount of Octopus Powder would be too dangerous. He had heard her concern, yet he was still sure it was going to be fine.
Just before adding it to the mix, he finally had second thoughts; just in case, it wouldn't hurt to have a patronus ready. So, he reached out for his wand and materialized a patronus, requesting for it to find Y/N if anything was to happen to him. With his patronus magpie on his shoulder, he didn’t even think twice this time and poured the entire amount of powder in his cauldron. The mixture started boiling quite aggressively and Fred braced himself for it to explode, but nothing happened.
When the boiling stopped, his only thought was that he just couldn’t wait to tell Y/N how wrong she had been– though he wouldn’t admit it to her, but he still had sighed out of relief everything went fine. He turned to his patronus, ready to dismiss it as everything was fine.
He had barely taken his eyes off the potion that it suddenly exploded; his body was thrown into the air as if he was a paper doll.
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“Can you tell me your name?”, Y/N asked as she made Fred follow the light coming out of her wand. He had been awake from the coma following his accident for a good thirty minutes now.
“Fredrick Gideon Weasley.”
Y/N nodded, watching him as she made another back-and-forth movement with her hand. Pupillary response to light, checked. Pupillary response to the dark, checked. Equal pupils’ size, checked. She was mentally ticking every part of the post-concussion protocol she knew by heart; everything so far seemed to be normal.
Yet, she could still feel her heart beating furiously in her chest. She had experienced utter panic when his patronus found her, something she had never felt before – even during the darkest time of the war. She had been one of the first to apparate within the shop and found him in what was left of their workshop. She had heard his troubled breathing under the bits of stones, wood and plasterboard, and for one split second, she had thought she would never hear him tease her ever again. She still could feel how his mother, Molly, grabbed at her once she got to Saint Mungo's Hospital, as if she was a lifebuoy. How would she have liked to let her know everything would be alright at that time, but she herself couldn’t even trust her words.
It had been a long couple of days before Fred finally woke up. She had stayed with him during all of her breaks. She had made sure his family was alright and that they had all the food they needed without leaving his side. All while she, on the other side, ate very little – her stomach was in knots from the worry. Even if she tried, Y/N couldn’t shake the memories out of her head. The image of a very blank unconscious Fred covered in blood was there, printed on the back of her eyelids, every single time she closed her eyes, so she didn’t sleep either.
That night, his family had finally left his side after a lot of convincing from Y/N that everybody would feel better after a good night of sleeps in their own bed. As she was just coming in to check his vitals yet again, she had found him there, eyes wild open. She knew she shouldn’t be treating one of her acquaintances, but she was one of the few healers on call that night and she only couldn’t care less anyway. He was alive. That was all that matters.
Putting away her wand, she thought of what was next on the protocol and continued: “When were you born?”
“First of April, nineteen-seventy-eight.”
“What were-”
“I know the deal,” Fred sighed, he had already been there after all. He knew she was just going to ask him stupid questions to make sure he had no memory lost; he could at least save them the trouble. “I’ve got four brothers, a twin brother, a sister. I left Hogwarts before even graduating to open a joke shop with my brother. ‘Been doing that twenty-four seven ‘til now. I’ve mixed Octopus Powder and Erumpent horn, hence I ended up here.”
Y/N eyed him, a stern look on her face as she realised what caused his accident. After they had found Fred, they tried understanding what happened. If they had gathered that he was preparing a potion, they weren’t sure what really had caused an explosion. Never had she thought about their earlier conversation a couple of months ago.
“And you can go ahead and tell me I told you so.”
She kept silent, not knowing what to say. She was angry with him still doing what she had explicitly warned him about – mixing this quantity of those two ingredients. She – and probably everyone he knew – had had the scare of their life. But lecturing him now wouldn’t change the outcome. The good thing was that he had been clever enough to send a patronus, so he had been found in time. It could have been way – way – worse.
Not trusting her words, she made him tilt his head so she could have a proper look at the bandage wrapped around his head. His wound had not bled since the last time the dressing was changed, which was also good thing. He had woken up and was talking. He didn’t have any memory loss and was responsive to all neurological exams. He was going to be alright, she tried to reassure herself. Everything was going to be alright.
“I don’t think I need to tell you that,” she spoke softly as she helped him to settle back comfortably in the bed and tucking him in under the covers. He grimaced when one of her hands brushed his side, but immediately gave her a reassuring smile when he saw the way her body stiffen. If he was not in any pain, he was definitively uncomfortable. His condition was much worse than he thought it was.
“How bad is it?”
“You hit your head pretty badly, broke a couple of bones and were unconscious for a more than two days now.” She explained quickly. “Considering your history, they want to keep you a couple of days to monitor any brain injuries.”
“Just great,” he sank into his pillows. When he had thought he had seen the hospital enough for his entire lifetime, here he was again. It had taken him months to learn again to do anything by himself and he did fell as if he wasted a lot of his life in the hospital getting treatment. His whole family dynamic had shifted around him and though he liked them all very much, he had just become fed up with them all eventually. And now, it was like going back to square one and starting all over. He couldn’t let that happen.
Y/N eyed him sternly, clearly judging his attitude. Whatever lucky star he was born under, he should rather be thanking it. Not everybody would survive two major head injuries. Not everyone had a family willing to keep watch over him for two days straight…
Checking the time, Y/N realized it was already time to get back to work. She was much more relieved to go and leave him knowing he was awake, talking and had a good chance of being out of the woods. She tucked him in the bed a little more tightly, making sure he couldn’t escape the sheets before starting to leave.
“You scared the hell out of your mom,” she stated, eyeing him and his grumpy expression. “I’m going to send her an owl. You better get some sleep; they’ll be here first thing in the morning.”
“Y/N?” Fred called after her. She stopped at the door, hand on the handle, only turning her head to him. “Thank you.”
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“Did my mom make you check on me?” Fred asked Y/N, who was currently checking out the shelves of their love potions. He was glad she finally decided to be an actual customer for once, but she should have chosen any other section; this one was only ever visited by fourteen-years-old teenagers.
“What? No!” She nearly shouted, face growing hot. Fred eyed her with a knowing look and a smirk, she was definitively a bad liar. “Maybe a little. But in my defence, she is a very persuasive woman.”
Fred laughed softly; that he would know. The last time he saw her – and it was less than forty-hours ago, she had made him eat two servings of her pasta gratin as, according to her own words, he was skinnier than ever. Fred was pretty sure his weight was stable, but he still happily obliged. He knew when to choose his battle now and this wasn’t one.
“You don’t have to, you know,” he spoke as he leant against the shelf, crossing his arms, as Y/N continued to pretend she was interested in those shiny purple vials. “Promise I’ll listen now when you say not to mix up stuff.”
“I bet you would,” she snorted lightly. She had seen him in the hospital in the next days after he was out of the coma, and she had seen him those last few weeks when he was obliged to rest. It hadn’t been easy, and Y/N would lie if she didn’t say she had found him so miserable every time she had visited. She knew he had learned his lesson this time. “I don’t mind anyway. Unless… you know? You do mind…”
“No!” He cried out and cleared his throat after he realized how loud – and a bit desperate – he had been. “No, I don’t mind,” he repeated again, his voice much softer this time.
“Cool, cool,” Y/N answered, not daring to meet his eyes.
“It would be hm… That would make…”
Y/N frowned as she took her eyes off the WonderWitch products shelves she was still investigating while Fred had gone to help a customer - whatever moment they just had was long gone.
She observed Fred struggled to perform a simple addition for the customer that was buying two packs of fireworks. He was stuttering and couldn’t put together a full sentence; it was clear something was wrong. And with his history, it could be very bad.
She decided to step in to help him. Fred let her push him ever so slightly on his left so she could take his place behind the counter and handle the customer as if nothing was happening.
“That would make 10 galleons, Sir,” She accepted his coins and put them in the cash register with a swift movement of her wrist just like she had seen Fred do a hundred times before. “And for the pretty lady, we’ve always got lollipops under the counter. No funny business, they are cherry flavoured. What do you say?”
The little girl gave a look at her father before accepting the lollipops Y/N was handing her. She thanked her in the cutest way and Y/N would have liked to interact with her more if she wasn’t pressed by time.
“Thank you for shopping with us, have a lovely afternoon,” she smiled at them. She watched them turn to leave and immediately reached out to Fred to lead him into the back shop. “Alright, sit down.”
She helped him sit down on his office chair before having a full look at him. His eyes were groggy, and he was as white as a sheet - at least even more so than he usually was.
“How is the head?” Y/N inquired; her infamous frown had made its way back on her forehead.
“It hurts,” he mumbled; he seemed to be ashamed of it – as if he could do anything about it.
Y/N’s mind was running through all the medical explanations.
This could be the symptom of a brain swelling, but the trauma was weeks ago so it wasn’t most likely, and they would have caught up on it already.
It could be the beginning of a stroke, a part of his brain that stopped working for no reason. His mouth didn’t warp, and he seemed to be able to move his body correctly. He was still able to speak as well and had no facial paralysis. So, she crossed that option out.
He could also just be tired, which would make sense since he was already fully back to work only weeks after he had been cleared and despites his healers order to keep it low. Magic or not, bodies still needed time to heal. “I think it’s time for a little break, yes?”
Y/N went to fetch Lee to cover for Fred. She then managed to get the redhead up the tiny stairs and to the flat he shared with his twin brother just above the shop. He crashed on his couch, eyes sleepy, and Y/N went to the kitchen to get him a glass of water and something to eat. The fridge was empty, but she managed to find some biscuits in the cupboard and make them tea.
“I don’t even know why I am surprised there is no food in this fridge,” she told him as she handed him a cup.
“Don’t even need it when everybody is showing up at my door with dinner. They are just passing by, they say. With a plate of lasagna or a pie. You folks need to start lying better than that.”
“They care about you,” Y/N spoke softly as she brought her cup to her lips.
“I would do the same if that was one of them. I know.” He sighed, passing a hand on his face. “Godric, if it was George, I wouldn’t leave him alone one second. I just wish they would leave me alone for once, you know?”
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A couple of days later, Y/N found herself back to the small flat above the joke shop. She was meeting Fred and George before going to The Burrow. The whole family was gathering to celebrate the twins’ birthday and Molly had insisted for Y/N to come as well. Fred was still banned from apparating on his own and they never were too much of two to do it with him.
George and she each positioned themselves on one side of Fred. She wrapped her arms around his waist, her tote bag with their gifts well secured on her other shoulder. Fred hesitantly wrapped his own arm around her shoulders, sending her a troubled look as if he was a teenager boy seeing a girl for the first time. That was probably the closest they had ever been and even if it was nothing, it still made Fred’s heart race in his chest. Y/N interpreted this as his nervousness of apparating and gave him a warm smile before focusing to do it at George’s order.
At The Burrow she met familiar faces, all wearing a much less worry than the last time she had seen them when Fred was still in a coma at the hospital. As soon as she stepped in the house, she was caught in a whirlwind of embraces, most of them muttering in her ears small thank-you’s for looking after their brother as they hugged. Fred got the same treatment even though, from the look on his face, he was less than thrilled. It was all overwhelming so many people, in such a small place, all ever so happy to be here altogether – and especially happy for him to be with them.
After his mother released him from a good five-minutes hug, Y/N gave him a thumbs-up for support to which he rolled his eyes to answer. Thankfully, his niece and nephew were soon to beg him and George to play with them and the whole family focus turned to the children.
“Godric, would you leave me live in peace for once? I am not made of glass; I won’t break. I’m not dead. I am not dying. I am fine.”
Lunch had gone well until after the main course. Molly had gone to the kitchen to get the birthday cake she made, and Fred had insisted he’d go to help her – after all this was his birthday celebration and as always, she had done a tremendous work all by herself. One of his siblings had brought up that he should rather stay and that they would do it for him. It had been only a short sentence that had Fred literally exploded. He was up from his chair, yelling; anger had turned his face as red as a tomato.
Molly stopped on her track, a few meters from the table, cake in her hands, clearly mortified. The silence that followed his cries left everyone uncomfortable. The air was tensed. Y/N, sat at his side, tried reaching out to this arm. She wanted him to realize he had gone too far; he needed to take a step back and ease the tension a bit. But he just pushed her hand away quite harshly, directing his anger to her. “And you! Don’t you have anything better to do than try to fix and save people? I am not dying now, am I? So just find some stray orphan kittens to take care of and leave me the fuck alone.”
Y/N watched Fred storm out of the room. Her cheeks were hot from the embarrassment and her eyes were wide open from what Fred had just yelled at her. She knew it was just too much for him; the war had left its mark and his accident had just made him live it all other again. He didn’t want to be thinking about it every day. He didn’t want everybody to fear he would just disappear. He just wanted to be alive, and happy. And he wanted them to be alive and happy… and not to worry about him.
She knew why he said what he did. Yet, she couldn’t help but feel her heart stang by his words. Behind his anger, there was still a little bit of truth.
Perhaps she was also just too much; she had imposed her presence to him even though they were merely acquaintance. She had acted as if they were great friends, a friend with a medical degree that scrutinized his every little move to make sure he was alright. Perhaps, she had not given him any air to breathe, acting exactly just like every other member of his family though he had specifically voiced he didn’t want that. Perhaps she also had a saviour complex, after enduring so many patients’ loss during the war and being traumatized by it, that she just wanted to fix him because she knew she could.
“I, uh-” Y/N started, gazing around the table, “I think that’s my clue.”
“Y/N, darling…”
“That’s fine, Mrs Weasley. He needed to get this out of his chest, I guess.” She went to grab her coat by the door, as Molly and everybody else tried to stop her from leaving. She was too upset by what had happened to even bother to put her coat on, even if it was still freezing outside, despite it being already April. She was so disturbed she almost went through the door without saying goodbye, but stopped on the doorstep to turn to the table she couldn’t even see from the tears building up in her eyes. “Thank you again for the food. I’ll see you all.”
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Two days after that, Y/N found Fred at her door, waiting for her to come home.
After crying all night about what happened at lunch, she had kept herself busy with a 24-hours shift. It was the first time since then she was coming home and she found him, leaned back against the corridor wall in front of her door.
She gave him a dirty look when she reached his level. She was exhausted from her shift - a shift during which everything that could go wrong actually did - and also from the very little sleep she had got in those two days after Fred’s outburst. This was the first time they were seeing each other. She hadn’t reached out to him, willing to give him space as he so needy apparently. One part of her had hoped he’d send an owl to apologize, but she didn’t get anything.
From the apologetic look on his face, he wanted to have this discussion now. Unfortunately for him, she just wasn’t in the mood, so she just ignored him and went to unlock her door. He still stepped closer and called after her.
“Look, I don’t have time for this,” she stated as she wiped her foot on the doormat.
“My heart hurts a little, can you have a look at it?”
Y/N turned to him to scan his face; she didn’t know if he was serious or not. She searched into his eyes to try and find his well-known playful sparkle. When she didn’t find any, she sighed and opened the door, instructing him to get in. Following him in, she let her coat and bags by the door and made him seat on one of her kitchen chairs.
She listened to his heart with the help of her wand, making sure to listen to multiple heartbeat sounds and see if anything was wrong. When she was done, she put her wand away, still refusing to look at him.
“So, what’s your diagnosis?”
Y/N could hear the smile in his voice; of course, there was most likely nothing wrong with him. He wouldn’t have gone to hers if he was truly believing something wasn’t right, he would have gone to the hospital. She sighed, passing a hand on her face from the frustration. “You’re a fucking idiot, you know that?”
“I am sorry.” He grabbed her hand and Y/N finally looked at him. She could tell from his tight smile and the way his eyes desperately searched for hers that he was indeed sorry. “I didn’t mean anything I said back there. You never treated me like I was made of glass or like I would just breakdown any minutes. You went through your own stuff, and this was unfair of me to tell you any of those things.”
Y/N nodded slowly as a way of accepting his apology. Fred smiled, relieved she was no longer mad about him, and she smiled weakly in return.
“Does your heart really hurt?”
“I dunno,” he shrugged, a sly smile on his face. “Would you kiss it better if it did?”
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stargazingtranquility · 6 months
Regulus, who learned how to take care of wounds early on, because Sirius always wound up bleeding after punishments.
Regulus, who got really good at healing spells in his first year because Sirius always wound up bleeding after punishments.
Regulus, who would sit down and make small cuts on his own thighs and then practice healing them. Over and over and over again, so he could protect his brother whenever Sirius always would up bleeding after punishments.
Regulus, who didn’t think he could be a healer but ended up becoming the youngest Head Healer at Saint Mungos and accepted his position while his brother watched on with pride radiating from every corner of his being.
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aludraslytherin · 9 months
Why the fuck, when the Fidelius Charm was cast, did they not think to make a goddamn unbreakable vow !? Like, it's so obious ???
And Sirius ? They can literally take a memory into a pensine something and watch it, they have legilimency for crying out loud !! They have veritaserum ! So whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy ??? It's so stupid!
And Dumbledore ! oh this sorry excuse of a human being !
He knew that Peter was the secret keeper ! So WHY IN THE EVERLY MOTHERLY FLIBBIDY FUCK didn't he said so ???
It makes me so fucking crazyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
And everyone that is like 'ThE BoY WhO LiVeD' 'hE DefEtEd tHe DaRk lOrD' erh, NO ?! It was thanks to LILY ?? He was just an INFANT who had the chance to be under a protecting spell created by LILY when she SACRIFIED HERSELF for her son ? Why is everybody forgeting about her ??
Oh, and don't start me about Snape !
'hE wAs BulLiEd bY JaMeS, HiS WoRsE MeMoRy iS HiM BeinG BuLliEd' Yeah, because he called Lily a slur
'hE WaS jUsT MiSuNdErStoOd' No, he was a death eater, fully believing in Voldy's BS,he only changed side because the girl he was obsessed with was in danger... Because of HIM ! People tend to forget that he was the one searching and giving the prophecy to the dArK LoRd, resulting in Lily's death.
And, 'JaMeS WaS jUsT A BulLy' We only sees him throught Snape's pov, aka, when he got 'bullies'c after he called Lily a mudblood.
And if James is a bully, doesn't that mean the Snape is one too ? No because :
-He made fun of Hermione for her teeth
-He bullies his students
-he exposed Remus when he had no reason for, since he is the one brewing the wolfsbane potion
-he hates and bullies the son of 'the love of his life' because Harry had the infortune of looking like his father, that Snape resents
-he was a death eater
-he is a racist
-he is a blood supremacis
-he is Neville worst fear, the boy who literally had his parents torturedby Bellatrix. Shouldn't she be his boggart ?? But noooo, it's our 'wonderful and misunderstood' Snape
-when he hugged Lily's body, while her son was crying his eyes out, being hurt, seeing his mother die, having blood on his forehead, and then leaving the house without even comforting or taking Harry to Saint-Mungos !!
-blamed James for bullying him, when he created Sectum Sempra, and was into dark magic !
-trying to make Harry expelled
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horrorlesbians · 2 months
hiii thanks for rbing my horror recs post! here's your recs! :)
based on saint maud i'd recommend you the lodge (2019), the first omen (2024), immaculate (2024), longlegs (2024), alucarda (1977), veronica (2017), the witch (2015), and thelma (2017) about women struggling with themselves and religion.
based on ginger snaps i'd recommend let the right one in (2008), the lure (2015), the living dead girl (1982), stoker (2013), may (2002), bones and all (2022) and carrie (1976) about slightly blood thirsty outcast girls who want to be loved :(. 
based on lake mungo i'd recommend savageland (2015), horror in the high desert (2021), butterfly kisses (2018) and the midnight swim (2014) because they're all hauntingly sad horror mockumentaries.
based on the texas chainsaw massacre i'd recommend wolf creek (2005), hatchet (2006), x (2022) and the loved ones (2009) because they're all nice and grimy and gritty and yucky.
based on the wind i'd recommend you the dark and the wicked (2020), the power (2021), caveat (2007), the orphanage (2007), a dark song (2016), the night house (2020), the blackcoat's daughter (2015) and the others (2001) which are all extremely beautifully atmospheric and isolated.
hope there's some you haven't seen yet! :)
you are such a real one. I’ve seen a handful of these but some I haven’t so I can’t wait to watch them!!! tysm darling
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iamnmbr3 · 2 months
broke: ron thinks harry isn't good enough for ginny
woke: ron thinks ginny isn't good enough for harry
bespoke: ron realizes that although his sister marrying his best friend would be nice in theory they both are better off with other people and ultimately he wants what's best for them and when he sees how happy ginny is to marry tonks, well, he's thrilled for her and is delighted to welcome tonks into the family...and when he sees how happy harry is to marry draco, well, he loves harry, so he pastes on the best imitation of a smile he can and if his grip on draco's hand when he welcomes him into the family (because let's face it, whether or not harry marries ginny, he's still family, which unfortunately means Draco is family now dear Merlin) is a bit vice-like and his smile a bit mechanical, well, who can blame him?
he softens eventually when he sees that even several years on harry really is happy with draco and draco truly seems to have changed and when he realizes that every holiday with the weasleys draco makes himself scarce because he's sure he'll never be wanted but he doesn't want to take away the only family harry has. so he makes himself unobtrusive and hopes he'll be tolerated for harry's sake. and that's not right is it? and suddenly ron finds himself actually seeking draco out and inviting him down when he's snuck off to bed early to stay out of everyone's way.
sure some wounds don't heal - like the scars on bill's face and fleur's snarl every time she looks at the man she holds nearly as responsible as greyback himself - but ron doesn't have it in him to be angry anymore. after all he's made mistakes hasn't he? he left, that time in the woods, walked out on the two people he loved most in the world. and sometimes he still wakes in a cold sweat from nightmares where he comes back and its too late and they're both lying dead and it's all his fault. it's not the same of course, but still, he understands what it is to regret. and the war's over now. and harry's happy. and draco's almost painfully polite these days and he works with werewolves at saint mungos and has friends in the muggle world that he made on his probation. so ron decides to give him a chance. after all, as harry often points out, none of them would be here if draco hadn't lied for them that day in the manor. it's not as good as being able to change your nose at will, he tells draco, but it'll do.
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dragonseeds · 5 months
the thing about daemon and rhaenyra as doubles and mirrors, reflections of each other, is that it shatters when he crowns her. he can be her attack dog, her whip, her sword arm, but that sameness is gone. he lost viserys to the crown, to the role, and he crowned her anyway and it’s like. i keep thinking of that line from saint mungo that everyone quotes. i feel like something bad is going to happen to me. i feel like something bad has happened. it hasn't reached me yet but it's on its way. because trauma does this, creates a temporal distortion in your body and your mind. i think daemon’s going to be thriving for a minute—finally fulfilling his purpose—but some part of him is stuck in that moment where he crowned her because that’s when he lost her like he lost viserys and it’s going to come back for him. there’s too much history and wounded animal pain there. he’s always comparing her to viserys-as-king from that point on, consciously or not, and waiting for what happened before to happen again and it does because it was always going to. the hurt that allows them to understand each other in ways no one else can, allows them to find healing with each other, is what’s going to kill him. later after they take king’s landing and lose more children, if he sees her pushing him away in her grief, ignoring his advice and letting her advisors come between them—that’s the end but he’s back at the start, trapped in this circle/cycle, already dead but he’ll follow the pattern. it all comes back again. and he crowned her.
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