#she’s lucky my mom doesn’t work tomorrow otherwise she’d be asleep
theamazingannie · 2 years
It’s after midnight and my brother’s old friend’s mom just called my mom and they’re just chatting on the phone…is the end coming???
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tsuki-chibi · 2 years
MayBee Queen 2022 Day 7: Ladybug
Read on AO3 instead
Queen Bee landed on the roof with a tired grunt, her legs almost folding underneath her. It was only Chat Noir’s quick reflexes that prevented her from faceplanting on the roof. She leaned against him, resting her head on his shoulder.
“Anything?” he asked, lightly pressing his cheek to the top of her head.
“Nah. Paris is totally quiet,” Queen Bee said through a yawn, looking around the otherwise quiet roof. It had been a while since Hawkmoth had released an akuma, which was make them all increasingly nervous. That was why Ladybug had decided that they should all increase their patrols for a while. Queen Bee got where she was coming from, but that wasn’t making the late nights any easier to bear.
“Same. I didn’t see anything,” Chat said. “Neither did Ladybug. She called me to say she was heading home though. She has to help in the bakery early tomorrow morning.” He made a face and so did Queen Bee as she lifted her head and stepped away from him.
“And you? What do you have on your schedule for tomorrow?” Queen Bee asked, looking back at him.
“Shockingly, nothing. My dad is still out of town if you can believe it,” Chat said with a shrug.
“I really can’t. What happened to the guy who didn’t even want to leave his house?” Queen Bee said, to which Chat shrugged again.
“No clue, but I’m not complaining. Nathalie went with him, which means that I have more free time than I know what to do with right now. So long as I show up to all my usual stuff, no one is keep track.” He grinned, looking adorably excited. “Marinette and I have plans tomorrow afternoon.”
“Of course you do,” Queen Bee said with a small smile. “I’m shocked that you’re not following her home right now.”
Chat’s smile turned sheepish. “I wanted to, but she said she’s going to be really busy in the bakery. Her parents have this big catering order so her mom won’t be there. I offered to help, but she said she’d rather I rested instead. Then I said she should get the chance to rest too so that wasn’t fair, and then she rolled her eyes at me and used her yoyo to escape.”
Queen Bee shook her head, more amused than she wanted to let on. She could see where Ladybug was coming from though. A few days of late nights weren’t going to kill her, Ladybug, Rena Rouge, or Carapace. But Adrien’s schedule was usually so crammed full that he was lucky to get a full night’s sleep. Ladybug was right when she said that Chat should be taking the opportunity to rest as much as he could.
“Anyway, then I tried calling Nino. But he wasn’t answering his phone. So… maybe I’ll just do another patrol. I don’t really want to go home.” Chat’s voice dropped, his ears drooping. He now looked every inch the sad, dejected kitty cat, and Queen Bee sighed.
“Would you knock it off? Ladybug isn’t even here to see your poor kitty act,” she said.
Chat kept it up for another few seconds before pouting. “Why doesn’t it ever work on you?”
“Because I’ve known you for like thirteen years, Adrikins. You don’t have to pout. You’re always welcome to come home with me,” Queen Bee said, faintly exasperated.
“Really?” He perked up immediately. “Thanks! I wasn’t kidding before. I really don’t want to go home. The mansion sucks when my dad and Nathalie are there, but at least when they’re around it doesn’t feel as empty as it does now.”
Queen Bee smiled, carefully covering up the stab of pity that struck deep. “Well, at least at the hotel you’re literally never alone in the building,” she said. “Now come on. Let’s go. If we wait any longer, I’m going to fall asleep where we stand and you’re going to have to carry me home.”
“I could totally carry you home,” Chat said, and Queen Bee snorted.
“Knowing my luck, someone would get a picture and then we’d have people on the internet speculating about whether Chat Noir is cheating on Ladybug with Queen Bee,” she said dryly. “I’d rather not deal with that, thanks.”
Chat crinkled his nose. “You could do a lot worse than me, you know.”
“Adrien. I am not having this conversation again,” Queen Bee said, now fully exasperated. “Are you coming or not?!”
“Of course. Race ya!” Chat grinned at her and took off. Queen Bee watched him go, shaking her head, and then ran after him. Tired or not, there was no way she was letting him win!
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beauvibaby · 4 years
love you like I used to - a.beauvillier
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requested [] yes [x] no
song: love you like I used to - russell dickerson
Tito stood at the foot of the bed, his suitcase freshly packed, his eyes landed on your finally sleeping figure, your hand hanging over the edge of the bed and into your son's bassinet. He smiled at the sight, moving to place the card he had written for you on the nightstand, right underneath the monitor to your daughters room so he was certain you’d see it. He carefully grabbed your hand, moving it onto the bed, “bye, my love.” Tito whispered, leaving a gentle kiss on your forehead. “It’s time already?” You whispered, peeking your eyes open at him. He nodded softly, pressing a kiss to you pouted lips, “I’ll be back before you know it.” He mumbled, “I love you.” He added, hushed, not wanting to wake Nick, the one month old finally being asleep. “I love you.” You responded sleepily, “don’t forget to say bye to Grace.” You called softly, he rolled his eyes teasingly at you in the doorway, you knew he wouldn’t but all last night Grace kept telling him to say goodbye to her in the morning, even though you both knew she’d sleep through it, you considered yourself lucky to have such a heavy sleeper for a toddler. You watched him walk into her room on the monitor, carefully squatting down beside her toddler bed, he moved her frizzy hair back, kissing her little forehead. “I love you, baby girl.” He mumbled, and just like you thought, she didn’t even budge, he stood to his full height and blew a kiss to the camera knowing you were watching. The second you heard the front door shut behind him, you were back to sleep, knowing you’d need as much of it as you could get.
Finally when Nick woke you up, you spotted the envelope on your nightstand, you furrowed your eyebrows as you reached over to get it, cradling your son to your chest. You pulled it open, sliding the card out and you could already feel the tears building in your eyes just from the cover. “I didn’t forget” printed in bold red letters on the front, you flipped it open,
“happy anniversary, ma chérie, I’m sorry I won’t be there, and no amount of sappy words I could write in here would make up for that. But that doesn’t mean I won’t try! I didn’t think I could love you anymore than I did, but then you agreed to be my wife, and then, when I thought my heart couldn’t grow anymore, you gave me two of the best little blessings. Everyday I love you more than I did the day before, and I’ll continue to love you more everyday for the rest of our lives. Thank you for doing all that you do and being the most amazing wife and mother to our kids, I’ll see you when I get back… I love you.”
You scrambled to grab your phone, praying you’d catch him before the plane took off, you quickly dialed the FaceTime call, you had a rule, once you had Grace and he was nervous something would happen when he was away, you only did a normal call if there was an emergency, otherwise it was FaceTime. He answered almost instantly, “Y/N?” He questioned, concern evident on his face, you never called him this early on in a roadie, let alone with tears in your eyes. “I love you, and the card was perfect.” You spoke, his worries melting away when he realized that’s why you were crying. “You scared me.” He chuckled softly, smiling when you adjusted the phone to show Nick laid in your arm. “We won’t keep you, good luck tonight, we’ll call before the game.” You told him, smiling down at the baby, your bedroom door creaked open, “mommy, I don’t feel good.” Grace called, speaking as well as she could for her young 3 year old self, her little voice trembling, you held in a sigh. “Come here baby.” You waved her in, “did you want to say bye to daddy again?” You questioned, hoping it would distract her for a moment, she nodded eagerly, but still sluggishly climbing into the bed. You allowed her to hold your phone out in front of her face, “daddy!” She grinned, Tito mirrored her face, “hi, princess.” He laughed, Mat popping his head in the frame. “Hi, little lady.” He smiled, Grace squealed in excitement, “mommy, it’s uncle!” She gasped, showing you the phone, you looked up from Nick who was beginning to get fussy. “I see, but they need to go to work, so say goodbye.” You told her with a smile, she went to speak but instead, she threw up, all over you, and Nick. Instantly both of your kids started crying, “oh boy, I’ll let you go, babe, love you.” Tito rushed to get off the phone. “Love you too.” You had to force yourself to laugh under your breath, knowing the four days he would be gone would suddenly be a whole lot longer. “I’m sorry!” Grace cried when you looked at her, “no, baby it’s ok.” You assured her, trying to decide where to start with this mess.
“Seems like Y/N is gonna have her hands full.” Mat commented once the plane took off, “don’t remind me, I don’t know how she does it by herself, I can barely do it with her there.” Tito sighed, glaring at his friend, wondering why he’d even make such a comment. “Sorry.” Mat put his hands up in surrender, “I bet, uh, you know what, nevermind.” Mat started to speak but when Tito gave him a warning glance he decided against it. “Isn’t it your anniversary tomorrow?” Mat couldn’t help but blurt out, Tito sighed, leaning back in his seat. “Yes, Mathew, it is.” He grumbled, “I already handled that.” He added, Mat nodded with pursed lips, “you didn’t have to use my full name you know.” Mat muttered, rolling his eyes as he stopped the flight attendant, asking for some waters. Her eyes lingered on Tito for a moment too long, “that’s all.” Tito spoke since Mat decided to go silent in that moment. “Great, I’ll be right back.” She walked, with a definite sway in her hips, Tito rolled his eyes at the sight, making sure he took his water with his left hand, steel ring on full display.
You chewed your lip, carefully setting down Nick on his boppy to sleep, Grace curled into your other side, finally having cried herself to sleep after a few more times of being sick, you placed a hand on her forehead, frowning when you could clearly tell she has a fever. “Oh, baby girl.” You sighed, sliding out from under her, replacing your lap with a pillow, she didn’t stir, and you quietly rushed to the kitchen, phone in tow to call Tito while you got a cold rag for her. You propped the phone up on the counter while it rang, “hey, love.” His voice came over the screen, his face popping up a moment later and you sighed in relief, his voice alone calming you down. “Hi.” You sighed, giving him the look, the tired mom look. “How is everything?” He questioned softly, you shook your head, the wave of nausea hitting you like a truck. “She’s thrown up four times, she’s got a fever and I’m fairly certain I’ve caught whatever she has and how am I not going to pass that on to the baby? Tito, oh my god I can’t get the baby sick.” You rambled, words mixing together as you leaned on the counter, “I’m sorry, we’re fine, don’t worry about us.” You added quickly, eyes focusing on the way he was looking at you, “I’m sorry, baby, I’ll be home in three days, and I promise then you’ll get to rest for as long as you want.” He sighed, giving you a lazy smile, “I know, thank you.” And just like clock work, Grace came padding into the kitchen. “Come here, Gracie Lou.” You sighed, holding your hands out for her, she smiled at the nickname, one your father had dubbed on her.
She wrapped her little arms around your neck, legs squeezing your sides. “Hi, baby girl.” Tito mumbled, smiling as she lazily looked at him, “daddy.” She pouted, the tears building in her eyes. “Grace, don’t cry princess, I’ll be home in three days, you won’t even know I’m gone.” He spoke soothingly, you rubbed her back, “I want daddy.” She cried into your shoulder, “I know honey.” You sighed, this trip was starting out terribly, and it wasn’t so much what was happening at home that bothered you, it was how Tito was having bad phone call after bad phone call. “I’ve gotta go.” He sighed, running a hand over his face, as he held up a finger to whoever had just walked into his room. “Grace,” he spoke and she looked at him with a snotty nose and red eyes, “I need you to do something for me baby.” He told her and she nodded suddenly intrigued by having a task. “Can you be a good girl for mommy? And if your extra good, we’ll go for ice cream when I get back.” He smiled, you rolled your eyes but smiled as she happily agreed, already having more spunk in her attitude. “I loooooooooove you.” She spoke, this was their game, she would drag out the word, challenging him to do it longer, and we all know who won every time, but she loved it no matter what. “I loooooooooooooooove you.” Tito responded, smiling in success when she hid back in your shoulder, “and I loooove you too, mama.” He spoke to you, “I love you too.” You smiled, ending the call so he could get back to getting ready for the game.
You all but ran down the steps, baby monitor in hand, both of the kids were asleep, which meant you got some glorious time alone with Tito, he was opening the door as you bounded off the last step. “Tito!” You whisper shouted, running over to him, he dropped his bags in record time, arms outstretched as you reached him. “I love you so much, god I’m so happy to be back.” He mumbled into your hair, all but squeezing the life out of you as you cried into his shoulder. “I missed you.” You sniffled out, moving to pull him in for a kiss. “I love you, the card was all I needed, but thank you for the flowers.” You spoke barely pulling away from him. He chuckled against you, kicking the door shut softly behind him, “you deserve way more than flowers, baby.” He assured you, pulling you back in for a hug. “Now let me go see my babies.” He finally leaned away, hearing them rustling on the monitor. “Go, please it’s your turn.” You teased, still following him up the stairs, not wanting to miss the look on Grace’s face when she woke up to him. He tiptoed into her room, kneeling beside her bed, “Grace.” He whispered, tugging the blanket down, she whined stirring, “Grace, hi baby.” He spoke again, resting his hand on her stomach lightly, rubbing her softly. Her eyes fluttered open, she looked around in a sleepy haze, her eyes landing on him, she smiled, and then it hit her, “daddy!” She shouted, shooting up, clinging to him. “Grace!” He mimicked her, lightly tickling her sides, “daddy, no!” She threw her head back in giggles, “I missed you, little lady.” He smiled, peppering her face in kisses, grinning as her laughter continued filling the room. “Come on, let’s go get your brother.” He stood, dramatically groaning when she hung off of him. Anything to make her laugh.
His greeting to Nick was much more subdued, as he cradled the small baby to his chest, “oh, my sweet boy.” He grinned, Nick looking up with wide eyes. The sight in front of you was one you’d never get used to, Grace in his lap, while they sat holding Nick together, her asking a million questions about his trip while he happily answered. Neither of you loved each other like you used to, this, this was just so much better.
Taglist: @softstarkey​ @literarycharleton​ @wtfkie​ @mtkachuk​ @kempe​
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spookysanta · 5 years
e. a.
Summary: Ethan and Ari—the best of friends. (Or, “how Ethan parents when (Y/N) isn’t around”)
Pairing: Dad!Ethan Dolan xReader
WARNINGS: literally you’ll be smothered with fluff
this is my first full-length dad!efeet fic. damn. ANYWAY i’m writing other shit don’t ask when it’ll be up bc idk!! :)
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Listen. No one’s gonna ever deny this fact, but the Dolan boys love their kids more than anything. Their little girls are the best thing that’d ever happened to them. Ethan thinks his little girl is the best of all the little girls that ever existed, and Grayson would argue that logic with him for hours. But the fact is that they’re both pretty great.
Arielle’s getting to the age where her daddy is her favorite person and object. Person, because duh, it’s her daddy; and object, because she uses him as a vessel for her entertainment: she climbs his body, she jumps on his lap, and, her favorite thing to do, pull on his hair.
He doesn’t like any of these things but they keep the otherwise loud child quiet so he doesn’t complain much.
She likes to spend time with Ethan because she gets aways with doing things her mom wouldn’t let her do. Things like jumping on the bed, or eating on the couch.
But her favorite thing to do was drinking daddy’s soda.
She’s almost four now, so she’s got a bit more of a vocabulary and can communicate what she wants better. And that’s gotten Ethan into trouble a couple times, like today, because when he was drinking a cup of Sprite and let out a nice “ahhh” after a big gulp, she somehow knew that that’s the sound he makes when he drinks soda. And Arielle now loves soda (because of Ethan). So she says, “Daddy, I want soda.”
And of course, it’ll happen when (Y/N)’s around and naturally she’ll look at him. Why would Arielle know about soda if she can’t read and they don’t keep soda in the house?
And then that becomes a whole thing between the parents, but the little girl doesn’t care at all, because all that matters right now is daddy’s soda. “Daddy,” Arielle said again from the backseat as they drove to the (Y/L/N) family reunion one afternoon, completely ignoring (Y/N)’s scolding of her husband. “I want soda.”
“Just wait, Ari,” he replied, also ignoring his wife.
“No!” (Y/N) exclaimed. “Don’t give her soda! It’ll give her cavities.”
“Oh my God, (Y/N). It’s one sip, she’ll be fine.” The streetlight turned red and Ethan stopped the car, putting the gear in “neutral” and grabbing the large cup of Sprite from the cupholder and reaching behind the seat to put the straw to Ari’s lips. “Here, bubby.”
She took a big sip, Ethan having to pull the cup away so he could drive once the light turned green. She shivered. “Ooh, daddy, mommy! It’s cold soda!”
And (Y/N) had to admit, that was cute. She chuckled. “Yeah, bug?”
“Mhm. It’s spicy, too.”
Ethan snorted. “Spicy?”
In the mornings, Ethan’s job is to get Ari dressed and clean and ready for the day, so that when (Y/N) got back from work they could all do things together as a family. So when she wakes up ungodly late (inherited from her daddy), the first thing they do together is—“Potty!”
Ethan jumped awake. This morning, she’d gotten up early, managed to get out of her crib and get into her mommy and daddy’s room. “Ari?” He responded, because surely their toddler couldn’t’ve gotten out of her crib and bedroom by herself. But she had, and she was particulary proud of herself that she did. “What’s wrong?”
“Potty, daddy.” She whispered. Because when someone’s sleeping you have to be quiet. “Gotta go potty.”
He stood up from the bed, picking up the little girl who was wearing her mommy’s high school P.E. t-shirt, and carried her to the bathroom, escorting her to her potty and letting her do her business.
“Finished.” She mumbled after a yawn.
“C’mon, come wash your hands.”
“Kay.” She got up and went to the sink, stepping up on the Dora stepstool and washing her hands with the foaming hand soap. When she finished washing her hands, she left the bathroom and climbed up onto her mommy and daddy’s bed and laid down with her bum in the air, as she’s always done since Ethan could remember.
He cleaned out her potty and set it back on the floor next to the shower. After washing his hands, he came back into the room and got back into bed, pulling the covers over Ari’s body and his own.
“Daddy.” She mumbled, voice muffled by the cotton pillowcase her head was stuffed into. “I’m tired.”
“So go back to sleep.” He replied with a chuckle. “We don’t have to go anywhere until mommy gets back from work.”
“And then what?”
“And then we’ll—can you get your head out of the pillow? You sound like you’re about to suffocate.” She sat up and flopped over onto her back, resting her folded hands on her tummy like Ethan was. “We’re gonna go to Uncle Gray’s house for dinner.”
“Will GiGi be there?”
Oh Lord, Ethan thought. GiGi and Ari together were a dynamic duo; they did everything together. Whenever Gray or his wife would take GiGi to the park, they’d call Ethan and (Y/N) so that Ari could come along. He’d be more ecstatic about letting her go with his brother if it wasn’t at nine a.m. and he didn’t have to fight with her to get up. “Yeah.”
“And Grant?” Grant, the newest addition to the Dolan family, had the most empathy from Ethan. Because he was only a few months old, he was a spectacle for Ari because “babies look weird” according to her.
He agrees with that logic, but since he’s had a kid, he doesn’t say it out loud anymore.
When Ari’s there and Grant’s awake, she liked to poke him cheecks and tummy and squeeze his nose. Ethan doesn’t know why, (Y/N) doesn’t know why, and Grayson and his wife don’t know why. Hell, GiGi doesn’t know why.
But she does, because in her mind, he’s squishy—and you poke squishy things, don’t you?
And there’s the almighty statement that emerges from her mouth after they’d left and were on the way home. “Daddy, I want a baby brother.”
The first time she’d said that (Y/N) choked on her coffee.
And (Y/N) and Ethan had made a pact since before they got married. “One kid.” She told him when they decided to try for a baby. “That’s it. If we get lucky and have twins, great, but I’m only going through this pregnancy thing once.”
And Ari voicing her want for a baby brother (an alien in her eyes) was right around the time Grant was about to be born. And he thought, well, maybe if I take her to the delivery room and she’s reminded of what having a newborn was like, maybe she’ll want another kid.
That didn’t happen.
He tried though.
“Daddy,” Ari grumbled when she was awoken from her nap on the couch. “Daddy, I want apple.”
“Mhm.” She let him—emphasis on let him; she does not like to be bothered when she’s woken up—pick her up and take her to the kitchen. He set her in her chair, going into the refrigerator and grabbing the container of apple slices that he’d cut yesterday for this specific moment. He made sure the peel of the slices were removed, putting them on a plate and setting them in front of her. “Thank you, daddy.”
“You’re welcome, bubs.”
They sat in the kitchen in a comfortable silence, him just being there so she wouldn’t worry about where he is—because that happens a lot more than you’d think. “Daddy?”
“Hm?” He looked up from an article he was reading on Buzzfeed. “What’s up?”
“I wanna watch tv.”
He’s not supposed to let her watch tv while she eats because she gets distracted easily, according to (Y/N). But she was at work, and what she won’t know won’t kill her. So he took the plate and the kid and sat down on the couch, putting her in his lap and letting her lean into his warmth. He turned on Blue’s Clues, which, as he’d learned from watching, was nothing like the version he grew up on. He didn’t complain though, because she was quiet and content and was actually not distracted for once.
(Y/N) got home from work about forty minutes later, unlocking the door and calling out a “hello?” into the atmosphere of the house. She didn’t get a response, though she saw Ethan’s truck in the driveway. She walked further into the house and entering the living room she could’ve died at the sight.
Ethan was slouched on the couch with Ari laid across his body, a protective arm around her while she hugged him. Her head was tucked into his chin, a thumb in her mouth. (Y/N) took notice of the two of them sleeping soundly, taking a blanket off the back of the recliner and draping it over them. She decided to join them a bit later after she’d had a chance to decompress from a stressful day.
As she walked toward the steps, she’d heard him groan—a telltale sign that he was waking up. She couldn’t even count the amount of times she’d been woken up by the loud grunts of Ethan Dolan. “Baby?” He mumbled, eyes halfway opened.
“Hey, hun.” She crept her way back to where they were, pecking his lips and peppering kisses on Ari’s cheek. “Just got in.”
“Okay. ‘M gonna wake her in a few, she must’ve dozed off.”
“And I wonder who she got that from, Mr. Lazy Bones.”
“Daddy, I don’t wanna go to bed.”
“For the last time: no Disney tomorrow if you don’t go to bed. I mean it.”
He didn’t mean that.
He’d take her to the moon if she really wanted him to; but someone has to have the authority, because (Y/N) says he’s just as much of a kid as their daughter is. “No Disney tomorrow if you don’t lay down and go to sleep.”
“Can I sleep in your bed?”
He sighed. This always happens when she’s trying to prolong sleep: she’ll whine and complain about how she doesn’t want to go to bed, then she’ll get in Ethan and (Y/N)’s bed and be asleep in ten minutes. “Ari, when are you gonna sleep in your own bed?”
“I do!”
“No, no. When are you going to sleep in your bed without sleeping in mommy and daddy’s?”
“Oh... I dunno. But you keep the bad dreams away.”
“Yeah.” He kept holding her in his arms, feeling her body begin to settle. “They don’t like you.”
He chuckled. “I don’t think they’ll want your big, scary dad to get them, huh? Same with the boogey man.”
She nodded quietly, letting out a soft yawn. “Sleep in your bed? Just for a little bit?”
“Alright, fine.” He carried her into his bedroom, setting her in the middle of the bed, next to (Y/N), who would wonder why Ari was there but already knowing the answer, she didn’t say anything. He took up the rest of the space, letting the sleepy toddler climb over him like she usually does. One would think she’d grow tired of sleeping on her daddy’s (hairy) chest so often, but he assumes that she sleeps the soundest when she’s with him. “Comfy?”
“Mhm.” She hummed with her thumb in her mouth. She pulled it out to say a, “Comfy, cozy.”
“Good.” He pulled the covers up over the three of them, (Y/N) turning off the lamp on the nightstand and keeping the tv on. “Goodnight, my sweet girls.”
“Goodnight daddy!” mumbled the child.
“Goodnight, daddy.” (Y/N) cooed in his ear seductively, kissing the lobe before laying down to sleep.
He cut her a glare, as if to remind her that there was a child laying across his body and to not awaken anything within him. He allowed himself to get comfortable, watching bits and pieces of Family Guy to keep him entertained as he tried to doze off. But about ten minutes later, instead of hearing snores, he heard in a quiet voice:
“Daddy, I’m thirsty.”
“You want some water?”
“No, daddy. I want some soda.”
He glanced over at his wife who was sleeping soundly, then looked down at the little girl that made his heart flutter. “You know you’re bot supposed to have any soda, especially not this late.”
“But daddy, I just want a little bit.”
He had to give in.. his little girl was dying of thirst, he had no choice! “Fine. Let’s get some soda.”
He took her down to the kitchen, setting her on the counter by the fridge. Then he opened the fridge, taking out the half-empty bottle of Sprite he’d just-so-happened to have stored, getting a straw out the drawer, and holding the straw to her lips.
She swallowed happily, a satisfied ahhhh leaving her lips. She giggled. “Mm. I like soda.”
She nodded gleefully. “Yeah.”
“Is it spicy, bubby?”
“Yeah. It’s spicy.”
He had to laugh. He put the soda away, taking Ari back downstairs and laying her back down. “Okay. Now, bed.”
“Okay daddy.” She kissed his cheek, cold lips buttoned against his beard. “Love you.”
“I love you too, princess.”
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chocoluckchipz · 5 years
Marked by Fate
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                                    Read it on A03, FF.net, WattPad
Marinette’s soul mark wasn’t a ladybug for nothing. She was supposed to be lucky, and despite everything in her life that said otherwise, today she would be because today she’d finally do it: she’d catch that mysterious person in black who’d been leaving flowers and random presents at her balcony almost every day for the past year. Not that Marinette hadn’t tried to catch them already. She did and failed too many times to count, but that didn’t matter. Today, she would succeed. Today she wouldn’t fall asleep. She couldn’t fail anymore because now catching that person had become important.
That’s why as soon as the sun went down, Marinette hid behind the greenery that covered one of the walls on her balcony and waited. It took longer than she’d expected, but when the moon was high and bright, a black silhouette appeared on her neighbour’s roof. They sneaked down to her balcony and placed a red rose by the entrance to her bedroom, then stood and listened. A moment later, the person turned around and looked at her through the thickness of the greens. Her body tense, her heart racing, Marinette forgot to breathe as she stared back at the intruder, the light of the full moon making it possible for her to clearly see them.
It was a young man. A very handsome young man. He wore black clothes on what looked like a slim and well-toned body. His jaw, from what Marinette could see, could probably cut diamond. His messy hair almost shone under the moonlight. A black mask covered half of his face, but he still looked handsome. He’d probably look gorgeous without it, especially with those mesmerizing, electric green eyes that were now locked on hers.
The man grinned and bowed. “I see you finally managed to stay awake, my Lady.”
Her cheeks warmed. No one ever bowed like that to her. Or called her their Lady.
The man stretched out a gloved hand toward her.
She took it hesitantly. “You must have mixed me up with someone else. I’m no Lady. I’m a seamstress. A baker’s daughter.”
He stepped closer, slowly raising her hand to his lips. “You’re a Lady to me.”
Her cheeks burned when the man placed a lingering kiss to her knuckles.
He grinned. “Allow me to introduce myself. Chat Noir: your loyal knight.”
“That���s a weird name.”
He laughed. It sounded like wind playing with little bells on a sunny day in the garden. “I’m afraid it isn’t my real name. And I’m sorry, but I can’t tell you that just yet. But let me tell you how immensely happy I am we meet at last.”
Feeling braver and remembering why she was here in the first place, Marinette pulled her hand back from him and said, “I’m glad I finally caught you as well, Chat Noir. I wanted to thank you for all the presents you’ve given me. Especially for that medicine for my mom and all those beautiful fabric cuts for my dresses. Oh, and for flowers. I loved the flowers. So, thank you.”
He beamed. “I’m glad you like them.”
She cocked her head to the side. “I do wonder though, why do you keep bringing me presents? It’s not like I can give you anything back.”
“What do you mean?” he teased. “You’ve left me plenty of treats in return.”
“So, you’ve been doing this for croissants, cookies, and macarons?”
His lips twitched in amusement. “Not really, but they were greatly appreciated.”
“Then why?”
Chat Noir leaned forward and whispered, “Isn’t it obvious?”
Marinette shook her head, her eyes wide and locked on Chat’s.
“It’s simple—” Chat Noir stretched every word, his voice as sweet as honey, as he got a hold of her hand again, “—I’m in love with you.”
Marinette’s heart speeded up as Chat’s lips brushed against her skin. Tingles all over her body, she stared at him in shock. “What?”
“I’m in love with you, Marinette.” His smile brightened up the darkness around, the soft expression on his face. “Have been for—I don’t know—five, maybe six years now? And falling deeper and deeper with every passing day.”
Her face would get severe burns, she knew it. Her mind was probably already fried because she had to go and say the stupidest thing ever. “But you’ve been bringing me flowers only for the past year…”
Chat nervously chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck, his smile lopsided. “Yeah, sorry about that. I was away a lot before.”
No, she was totally flabbergasted because how come from millions of questions his confession had raised did she manage to ask, “Why do you leave them here? Why didn’t give them to me during the day without the mask on?”
Chat Noir dejectedly sighed. “Social etiquette. My father would’ve heard about it and sent me away again to ‘help me remember my place and keep my head clear.’”
A memory jumped into Marinette’s mind, a memory of Adrien, the son of Duke Agreste. When they were fourteen, he’d helped her out of a pond once. He even scolded Lady Chloe for pushing her in just because she stood in the place that spoiled brat wanted to take. The shirt Adrien took off himself and gave her to cover her shivering body was Marinette’s greatest treasure even now. As was the basket in which he brought her fruits and candy the next day when she got sniffles. She heard his father punished Adrien for that; they shipped him to a boarding school in a neighbouring country. He came back only during the summers, returning permanently only a little over a year ago. Marinette was lucky to catch a glimpse of him from time to time since she was working as a seamstress in his father’s mansion. She’d heard from Nino, one of Adrien’s guards and her best friend, Alya’s, fiancé, that Adrien was still just as kind and amazing as before, and he’d become quite handsome too. However, that didn’t matter because Marinette stayed away. There was no way, she’d cause him any more troubles after the kindness he’d showed her.
“So, you’re a noble?”
“Yeah. Had the bad luck to be born there.”
“It isn’t bad luck,” Marinette protested. “You have it much easier than most of us.”
“True, but I pay with my freedom for that,” Chat Noir countered. “I can’t do what I want. I have a list of rules to live by. My father decides my future for me. I can’t even be with the woman I’m madly in love with because she is of a lower social class. A load of crap if you ask me.”
Marinette looked to the side, her heart pounding. She kept quiet for a few moments, then whispered, “Then I suggest you stop this. With the flowers and presents.”
Chat frowned, taken aback. “Why? You said you liked them, didn’t you?”
“I do like them,” Marinette replied, her voice soft, a wistful look in her eyes. “There were days that only the hope of getting a flower in the morning kept me going. And days where it was the best thing that happened to me. When I was sick or sad, I’d keep them close by to smell the aroma and forget my problems. I still have every single one of them pressed but… I want you to stop now.”
Chat’s sight fell down, his voice cracked. “I—I don’t understand—”
“I’m getting married,” Marinette said. Her smile was shaky as she looked at him. “And I doubt my future husband would love it if his wife continues to accept presents from a stranger every night.”
Chat Noir flinched, his body going stiff. His eyes widened, eyebrows knitted in a frown. “You getting married? Why haven’t I been told about this—” He threw his hands over his mouth, but it was too late.
“You’re asking around about me?”
He swallowed, shifting his sight to a side. “Just one person and nothing too personal. Basic stuff everyone knows: your favourite colour, dessert, flowers. You know, stuff like that to help me with choosing the presents…”
Marinette crossed her arms over her chest, narrowing her eyes at him. “Name the traitor.”
He was quick to respond, leaning towards her with a smug look on his face. “Only if you marry me instead of whoever you’re planning to marry now.”
Marinette made a face. “I’m not marrying a stranger.”
“Then I’m not telling you the name of the kind person who is helping me woo the girl of my dreams.”
They stared at each other for a few moments before Marinette relinquished. “Okay, fine. You can protect them. It doesn’t matter anyway, because all your efforts are wasted. I’m accepting Luka’s proposal tomorrow evening.”
Chat shook his head. “You don’t love him.”
Marinette wanted nothing more than to wipe that smug grin off his face. “Maybe I do.”
“No, you don’t.”
“I think I should know better whom I love and whom I don’t—”
“You’re in love with Adrien Agreste, the Duke Agreste’s heir.”
Marinette pulled back, her cheeks flooding with crimson. “H-how do you know?”
“My sources told me.” Chat Noir walked closer, stopping in front of her. Slowly, he reached forward and tucked a stray hair behind her ear. His voice was quiet. “Marinette, please, tell me, are you accepting this man’s proposal only because you know you can’t be with Adrien?”
She looked away.
“Marinette, please—”
She shook her head, turning away. She wished she could deny this, but the truth was she did plan to accept Luka’s proposal because there was no way she could be with Adrien, and Luka was a good man. She was sure she’d be happy with him.
“Don’t do this, Mari,” Chat begged. “If you don’t love him, don’t marry him. It won’t end well.”
“It’s just a crush, Chat,” Marinette whispered. “It’ll go away, and Luka is sweet and kind. I’ll be happy with him.”
“Are you sure about that?”
She barely exhaled. “I am.”
“What about me, then?”
Marinette looked at him, frowning. “What about you?”
Chat took her hand with both of his and said just as quietly. “I just confessed my love to you, and I know for sure I’ll never be happy with anyone else.”
Not letting her hand go, Chat Noir kneeled before her. “You’re the most beautiful, kind, smart, and brave person I’ve ever met, Marinette. Please, give me a chance. Marry me. I promise I’ll make you happy.”
Her heart skipped a beat. This couldn’t be happening. This gorgeous man couldn’t be saying what he was just saying, and even if he did…
“Chat… You said it yourself: you’re a noble. You can’t marry me.”
He shook his head, his eyes full of hope locked on hers. “There is one way. My father is huge on traditions, and before Mom died, she made him swear he’d allow me to marry my soulmate, no matter who they are. If I can prove to him we are meant to be, he’ll let me marry you.”
Marinette sucked in the air. An old tradition, a crumb of magic their world still retained from what it used to: the soulmate marks. Everyone had one ingrained on their backs. They were believed to tell the future, define their wielder’s fate. They were also only a half of a picture, the other soulmate carrying the second piece to a puzzle on their backs, something that either contrasted or added to the first one. Once the first kiss between the soulmates was shared their marks merged, creating a whole picture, now painted on both of their backs. Only, these days it was rare to find a soulmate. Sure, there were plenty of people who did, and Marinette had always dreamed of finding hers but…
“I’m not kissing a stranger to find out if we are soulmates.”
Chat puffed. “But I’m hardly a stranger. I’m a handsome knight who spent the last year proving his affection to you.”
Marinette would lie if she’d say it wasn’t tempting. If anything, she’d end up kissing a handsome man… right before she planned to give Luka an answer to his proposal. It wasn’t right. She couldn’t. “It can hardly be considered knowing each other.”
To her surprise, Chat settled down on a floor and patted a place by his side. “Okay. Then, let’s get to know each other. Ask away. Anything you want to know, apart from my identity.”
Marinette hesitated. “Chat—”
“I’m not giving up,” he said. “This might be the only chance for real happiness for both of us, so, I’m not giving up without a fight, Marinette. All I’m asking for is a kiss to see if we’re soulmates. If not, I’ll disappear, and you’ll never hear from me again, so ask me whatever you want to know. I have all the time in the world… until sunrise.”
Marinette giggled. He kind of looked adorable, and really, what harm would it be if she just sat down and chatted with him? None, right?
“Okay,” she agreed, settling down. “Let’s start with… Oh! You claim you wanted to get my attention. Yet you never stopped by to talk to me? Why? Wouldn’t it be easier for you to get me to notice you if we’d actually talk?”
Chat pouted. “I was going to stop by in a few weeks. On your birthday, actually. I even got you a gift already.”
“Oh. What did you get me?”
“I’d like to keep it a secret for now, in case I’ll be allowed to gift it to you. But I promise, you’ll like it.”
“Ah, so you’ve planned to sweep me off my feet.”
He grinned. “I did.”
She smiled bittersweetly. “Sorry for spoiling your plans.”
“I’m not complaining,” Chat replied. “I found out about the proposal because you told me, and now I have a chance of marrying you. It might have been too late if you haven’t caught me tonight.”
“I see your spies have failed you this time?”
Chat frowned. “They did. I must have a word with them.”
Marinette laughed. “Don’t be too hard on them, though. Luka proposed just this evening, so no one apart from me and my parents knows yet.”
Marinette lost count of how many hours they’d spent talking. Surprisingly, considering their drastically different upbringings, they’d held a lot of similar beliefs and dreams. Their goals matched perfectly, and disagreements happened only in a few non-essential issues such as which frosting was better on a chocolate cake. Marinette insisted it should be vanilla with strawberries in between layers. Chat preferred chocolate with little pieces of walnuts. In the end, they decided that whatever it was, the big family they both wanted would enjoy both.
Somewhere along the way she’d become his Princess. He: her Kitty, mostly due to the ungodly amount of cat puns that reared its ugly head soon after she allowed him to rest his head in her lap. It was worth it, though. His hair was unbelievably soft, and the noises he made when she let her fingers brush through it, Marinette wasn’t sure she’d ever forget. Talking with Chat came naturally. Being with him was comforting and somehow familiar. She knew she could trust him with her life. Somehow, she felt it, and when he spotted the sun peeking through the horizon and asked her for the umpteenth time for a kiss, she agreed.
“I love you,” Chat whispered, pulling Marinette close.
Barely awake, she leaned in and whispered back. “I think I’m falling in love with you, too.”
He smiled, gently cradling her face as he brought her forward, leaning in himself. When their lips touched the world around Marinette exploded. His lips were warm as they moved against hers. Sweet, yet electrifying. One of Chat’s hands shifted to her back, pulling her closer to his chest, as the other got into her hair. She melted against him, wrapping her hands around his neck. Gosh, he smelled so good. Divine even. He felt even better. So hot…
And how was she supposed to marry Luka after a kiss like this? Marinette regretted it already. That damn soulmate mark better work, or…
The skin on her back tingled when Chat pulled away.
“Can you feel it?” he asked, his voice breathless and raspy.
She nodded, not being able to speak.
“Can you check mine?” Chat rushed to pull his shirt over his head and turn around to reveal a perfectly toned back with her cherry blossom and her ladybug soulmate mark smack right in the middle. Only now there was a black cat with its paw in the air completing the picture. It almost looked like they were playing together.
Marinette held her breath, running her fingers on his skin, following the lines of the flowers. Then, closing her eyes, she leaned forward and placed a kiss to the kitty’s nose.
“It’s there, right?” Chat asked again. “Please, tell me—”
“It’s here.” Marinette smiled against his skin. “Your black cat saying hello to my ladybug.”
Chat stilled for a moment. Letting go of the shirt, he swirled around and wrapped Marinette in his arms.
“I love you so much, Mari. Will you marry me now?”
She couldn’t help but smile. “I will.”
He kissed her gently. One, two, three times. She smiled against his lips and only when the first rays of the sun fell on their faces Chat pulled away.
“I should go. My father wakes up with the sunrise, and I’d better be home by the time he’s awake, so I can speak to him about this before he leaves for work. I’ll send out an official marriage proposal as soon as I can, so don’t you go agreeing to marry anyone else before that.”
She sleepily smiled at him, melting into his embrace. “I already promised you. How can I agree to someone else’s proposal now?”
He pulled her closer, smiling into her hair. A moment later he swept Marinette in his arms and brought her down into her room, laying her on her bed. A parting kiss to her forehead and he was gone, only a tingling on her lips and her back reminding her that perhaps it all wasn’t a dream.
The next time she opened her eyes her parents stood above her head with the most worried expressions on their faces. According to them, there was a woman downstairs waiting for Marinette to validate the mark on her back, accompanied by a dashing but very nervous young man who insisted he was her soulmate and he was here to officially propose.
Next >
Happy Birthday, @corgi-likes-chat ! All the best and be always just as awesome as you’re now. <3
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ficdirectory · 7 years
Blink (An AU Fosters family fic) Chapter 34
 Morning comes too quick.
Now it’s light.  Now it’s real.  Now it’s gonna happen.  But before the dread of leaving Pearl really has the chance to settle in his chest, Jesus hears it: Frankie’s voice.
 She’s singing.
 “I wanna be where the people are.  I wanna see, wanna see them dancing.  Walking around on those, what do you call them?  Oh.  Feet.”
 She sounds happy.
 Jesus lifts a corner of one of the blankets to peek at her.  He waves.
 She waves back.  Gets up.  Comes over.  Sits by the outside of the table.  “I wish I got to sleep inside of a tent for our campout…”
 He holds the blanket aside.  “Wanna come in?”
 Eagerly, she crawls inside.  “Cuddle?” she asks.  
 At his nod, she gets really close and leans into him.
 “What’s up?” he asks softly.
 “Ariel gots a tail.”
 “Yeah?” he asks.  Jesus isn’t always sure where Frankie’s going when she starts a conversation but he wants to be sure she knows he’s listening to her.
 “Mm-hmm.  She wants to walk like the people but she can only swim inside of water.  If she grows legs for real she has to not have any voice.”
 Jesus thinks for a minute.  “That sounds like it would be a hard thing.”
 “Yeah, she just wants to do what all the other people can do.”
 “Doesn’t she live with a bunch of other mermaids?  Or, mer-people?”
 “Yes but she knows the best world is where people walk without tails.”
 “Do you think Ariel’s a good swimmer?”
 “Of course I do,” Frankie smiles.
 “I think she probably can swim fast, and knows how to do lots of things that people without tails can’t do.”
 “Like swim faster than sharks!” Frankie exclaims.
 Jesus shushes her, not really thinking about it, until it gives him a weird, unsafe feeling.  He makes himself take a deep breath, slow.  To try and calm down.  Nobody will die if Frankie’s not quiet.  Their lives aren’t in danger.  They’re okay.  
 Still, the feeling hangs around.
 By now, Frankie’s talking about how she wants popcorn for breakfast.  Jesus thinks of French toast.  Of having to stay here and have breakfast with the fam.  He crawls out from under the table.  Looks out the back door into the yard.  No sign of them yet.
 He checks out the living room.  Somehow, Mariana and Callie are still asleep.  No one else is awake.
 In the cabin next door, Pearl has been up for hours.  She never really went back to sleep after the weird nightmare that she had.  It’s one of those that feels so real she knows the exact spot where Jesus crouched in the dream.  The exact corner.  How it smelled in here.  Like dirt and sweat and so much fear.
 She can’t shake it.  She’s gonna need to see for herself that he’s okay and not being chased through the woods.  Strangely, it’s the first time she hasn’t needed to shower for an obscene length of time, or actually check herself over to be sure she’s not bleeding like she always is in the nightmare.
 At 7:30, Gracie needs to go out and Pearl is more than ready.  She cranes her neck to see the little back step.  Empty.
 Wait - no.
 “Pearl.  When you’re back, if you want, come and have breakfast.  French toast,” Jesus calls.
 She waves, an acknowledgement.  She’s not a big breakfast eater, but she might make an exception today.  She hasn’t eaten yet.  Might as well see if she’s developed a taste for anything heavier than a granola bar or yogurt in the morning.
 It’s still snowy.  Still cold enough to take your breath, but the sun is out.
 When Gracie’s done walking and doing her business and sniffing absolutely everything, they walk up the back step of Frank’s cabin and knock on the sliding glass door.  (If her cabin had one of these, she’d prefer it.  Always being able to see who’s on the other side.)
 “Hey.  Come in,” Jesus says, pulling open the door for them.
 She takes a deep breath, “It smells like heaven in here,” she says and means it.  She can’t remember the last time she was not responsible for making breakfast herself.
 “Well, thank you so much,” Stef says from the stove.
 “Need any help?” she asks, as Frankie rushes up to them.
 “Can I pet Gracie?” she asks.  “We really missed each other.”
 “Honey…” Stef starts, casting an apologetic glance Pearl’s way.
 “Sure, you can,” Pearl nods.  Now her attention is on Stef.  “What can  I do?”
 Pearl has never been one to sit back and let others do all the work, though the kids, including Jesus, don’t seem to mind if Stef and Lena are busy and they aren’t.  Pearl tries not to judge, but it’s hard.  She grew up with a single parent.  Had to help her mom.  There was no question.  They wouldn’t survive otherwise.
 By the time they sit down to breakfast, Pearl almost feels at ease.  The more time she spends around Stef, the more she remembers all the things she loved about her.  It feels patently unfair that they’re leaving tomorrow.
 “Can Gracie come to our house?” Frankie asks, around a bite of French toast.
 “She is at our house,” Brandon supplies.
 “I mean our California one.  Can you guys come there since we came here?”
 “It’s a long drive,” Pearl points out weakly.
 “You fly on a plane,” Frankie explains.  “It makes you go super fast.”
 She doesn’t know what to say, and she’s distracted by Mariana who’s whispering to Jesus.  He hasn’t touched his food.  She reaches in her pocket and hands him a granola bar under the table.
 They lock eyes and he puts it in his pocket.  Then he picks up his fork and starts to eat.  No easy way to store French toast and eggs must’ve hung him up a little, but at least he’s eating now.
 Pearl picks up her own fork and eats, too.  The food is good.  She actually has an appetite and finishes everything, before bringing her plate to the sink, rinsing it and opening the dishwasher to find all clean dishes waiting.
 She bends down and starts putting them away.  Gracie’s beside her.  And before she knows it Jesus is too:
 “Um, can we get out of here?” he asks, looking skittish.
 “Yeah, I was just gonna help your moms by finishing this and then we can go.  Wanna help?” she asks, hoping her annoyance at all the kids’ reluctance to pitch in doesn’t show.
 “I...can’t,” he whispers.  He looks torn.
 “I don’t understand,” Pearl blinks.
 “I can’t help with kitchen chores.  Trauma thing,” he says simply.
 “Is the fact that I’m doing this making you nervous?” she wonders.
 “Yeah,” he nods.
 So, as anxious as it makes her to leave a mess behind, she takes Jesus at his word and gathers her things to go next door.
 “Please come back and say goodbye,” Stef begs, wrapping Pearl in a warm hug that she’s not ready for, but relaxes into.  It’s everything she wanted as a child.  To be seen.  Noticed.  Affirmed by older, cooler, Stef.
 “I will.  Tomorrow morning.”
 “Oh, we’ll be out the door early,”
 “I’ll be up,” Pearl says at the same time as Jesus insists: “She’ll be up.”
 In Pearl’s cabin again, Jesus feels like he can finally breathe. Relax.  Be.  It’s his favorite thing about this place.  There’s so much on his mind.  The trip home feels like it weighs a million pounds.  There’s the packing.  The being in the car.  The airport.  LA.  The meal situation being all screwy.  Even thinking about it makes him feel a little panicky.
 ��I didn’t know about your kitchen thing.  Sorry,” Pearl apologizes.
 “It’s fine,” Jesus says absently.
 “What’s on your mind?” Pearl wonders.  Gracie rests her head in Pearl’s lap.  Jesus is a little jealous.
 “Going home.  Coming out here was so hard.  And leaving, I know what to expect, so it’s gonna suck even more.”
 “Is there any way I can help?”
 “...And I told Frankie to keep it down this morning, you know, ‘cause everybody was still sleeping?”
 “Right,” Pearl follows.
 “And for a split second I felt that like...major level of terror.  Like being quiet used to mean the difference between staying alive and just...not.”
 “Sounds terrifying…” Pearl says, but her eyes are saying I understand.  It makes Jesus feel better.  Like he’s not the only one who’s felt freaked out over small shit.
 “Can I tell you something?” she asks.
 He nods, curious.
 “You were in my dream last night.”
 “What was I doing?” Jesus wonders.
 She swallows.  “Running.  You wanted to hide in my cabin.”
 Jesus waits.  He’s not sure if this is gonna be a good dream or a bad one.  Or how much Pearl wants to say about it.  Finally, though, Jesus can’t stand it and has to ask.  “You let me, right?”
 “I did.”
 He breathes a sigh of relief.  “Because you said you would.  If it was you who saw me walking home, you would make sure I was safe.”
 “In my dream, you really wanted to go home, though,” Pearl admits.
 “How old was I?”
 “About ten.”
 “That makes sense.  And I do really want to be home, but I don’t wanna actually go.  The idea of traveling is making me really freaked out.  We didn’t really plan how tough coming here would be for me.  So I just don’t want it to be like that again.”
 “So, plan for it.  Seriously.  If you need to talk something through with me, or your therapist, or your moms?  I’m here.  You guys can talk over here if you need privacy or whatever.  Gracie and I can go out and walk around or something.”
 “I wouldn’t even know where to start…” Jesus admits.
 “What’s one thing you’re worried about?  With traveling?”
 “Everything,” he says, feeling hopeless.  He can’t isolate just one thing.  One thing becomes an avalanche of things all threatening to overwhelm him just like that.
 “Listen,” Pearl says, sitting forward on the couch.  She’s wearing the bracelet he gave her still.  Looking at him in the eyes.  “Are you worried about food?”
 “Yeah, because it’s unpredictable.  We don’t eat on a schedule.  And it’s a lot of fast food, and that and the car is just…”
 “Say you didn’t have to worry about food for some reason.  Say a miracle happened and it was okay.  Just that thing.  What else is bothering you?  The car, you said?”
 “And the airport.  And LA…” Jesus adds.
 “Well, you know who helps me through situations that feel unsafe?”  Pearl scratches Gracie behind the ears.
 “We all can’t be so lucky,” Jesus says wistfully.  But the idea of a service dog for trauma stuff sounds so awesome.  If only he could get one.  If only he could trust it to help him like Gracie helps Pearl.
 “I mean, what about a buddy?  For traveling?  You pick someone in your family to be with you for a certain part of the trip.  Somebody who makes riding in the car easier.  Somebody who keeps you safe in the airport.  Somebody you trusted in LA.”
 “Would they go for it, you think?” Jesus asks, nervous.  “I mean, I depend on them for a lot already.”
 “If it were me,” Pearl says.  
 “Then I’d say, they’re your family.  They’re supposed to be there for you.  You help each other out.”
 “Right.  So you need help with this.  They’d wanna know that.  They’d want to help.  And now you know what you might need to help you manage in those situations so you can ask them for that.”
 “Yeah, they did say that to me once.”
 He remembers the first time he was able to talk to his moms about something that was bothering him - the door to his bedroom - which they kept closing at night.  They told him that they wanted being home to always feel like a situation where he could feel the most safe.  He’s pretty sure the same is true now.  But he also can’t quite forget Monday when Mom lost her shit and he lost his and they were both out of control.
 Jesus can’t deal with this at all if his family can’t keep it together - especially Mom.  She’s the one he needs by his side in the airport.  On the plane.  In LA.  If she’s still mad or scared or whatever, then she obviously can’t keep him safe.  He’s starting to feel distant.  But he sees Pearl motion to Gracie, who goes to Jesus, puts her front paws on his knees and licks his face.
 “Hey,” Pearl says, softly.  “You’re with me.  We’re okay.”
 “Yeah.  I’m with you,” he echoes and wishes it could always be like this.
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leigh-kelly · 8 years
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