#she’s not really a sword person but as a token of appreciation they briefly suspend their usual production to forge her a cool bracelet
zukosdualdao · 5 months
post-canon zuko and toph start making swords together with firebending and metal bending as a stress-relieving bonding activity. sokka gets winds of this and immediately starts designing swords he insists will work even better. he’s right. they accidentally start a forge in the basement of fire nation royal palace. other people find out about this, and zuko has to put out what is essentially a press-release that he is not, in fact, secretly making weapons to prepare for another war; he just really fucking likes swords. the forge becomes well-renowned, and sokka and toph earn very well from it. zuko doesn’t need the money and insists they just split it between them, but he’s really happy people like their swords. the end.
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