#aang is very amused.
thecelestial-art · 4 years
Something tells me that the gaang tried to play pai sho one time and lost to themselves. I’m not sure how that works but it feels right
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queenangst · 4 years
boghierophant replied to your post “boghierophant replied to your post “boghierophant replied to your...”
wait can i make this worse? im making it worse. immediately post banishment!zuko who's still recovering from his burn seeing aang and going *feral* trying to capture him. of course these efforts are not effective bc he is Babey, and he says something to the effective of "please you have to come with me, it's the only way i can go home, i just want to go home"
buddy you KNOW you can always make it worse. i want it worse. please bring it
post-banishment zuko who is still healing and he can’t see right and he’s still hurting and he’s pushing himself beyond his limits because the avatar is right there he’s right there please—
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mangaien · 4 years
i was this many days old when i found out that the current dalai lama’s name is tenzin gyatso.....
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taking-thyme · 3 years
The Gaang with a Modern Reader from Our World (Non-Bender)
@lady-latte, @moony-artnstuff, @beenovel My first Avatar imagine!!
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He’s so curious about you, and wants to know everything
Constantly asks questions about how life worked back home, what it was like, the people you knew, etc.
He’s also very protective over you, since you don’t even have any weapon training
Aang’s really scared something will happen to you
You’d probably catch him trying to look through your stuff and try on your modern clothes
Seeing Aang in a t-shirt would be so weird
If you brought along a CD player or anything that can play songs, he’d constantly be asking to listen to them
Just don’t play anything perverse,,, this poor boy can’t handle it
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She’s so determined to help you
After all, you just kinda,,, fell from the sky, dressed in weird clothes with no idea where you are
And you can’t bend anything!
Katara would be so protective over you
Especially once she starts to love you
And she’s easily the most helpful at explaining things and how their world works
Also for helping you overcome being homesick
She’s great at comforting you, and really eager to listen to you when you talk about home
She compliments you a lot, and likes how unconventional you are
It’s an amusing breath of fresh air for her
How could she not fall in love?
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Sokka would be pretty wary of you at first
But he’d warm up really quickly
Out of everyone, his humor is the most similar to yours
Making you a deadly duo
Constantly sharing stupid jokes and goofing off together
He’d also really want to train you, since there’s not much danger where you’re from
Would 1000% wear your patterned button-ups and graphic t-shirts
Ends up asking a lot of questions about where you’re from, especially when he starts to catch feelings for you
Really protective, just like the rest of them
They all love you, so your safety is one of their top priorities
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She was probably the first one to find you because she could feel your footsteps when you’re lost
Surprisingly takes to you quite well
Probably because you’re also unconventional for their world
Plus you’re humor is hilarious to her
If you swear a lot, she’d like you even more (much to Aang and Katara’s dismay)
If you show her Rock Music, she’d instantly fall in love
With both it and you
Toph insists the rock music helps her fight better
Occasionally asks what your life was like back home, but not too often
All she knows is that you’re here and she likes you
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Really nervous around you at first, and pretty jumpy too
It takes awhile for him to trust people, and you’re unlike anything he’s ever seen
But even after he warms up to you, he’s still really nervous
He doesn’t know if there’s any social etiquette from your world that he might mess up and accidentally offend you
Somebody help this boy, he’s too awkward
And unbeknownst to him there is no etiquette whatsoever 🙄
But he’s also very intent on keeping you safe and happy
Secretly also really likes your fashion, he finds it hot
May occasionally hug your or comfort you when you’re sad or homesick
Though he’s pretty bad at it, but god bless him he’s trying
The others tease him for his obvious crush
Because he always acts differently around you
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Really suspicious of you at first, but warms up after seeing you’re harmless
But that also makes her worried for you
She’d spend most of her time training you
May even ask you to become a Kyoshi Warrior once you get really good at it
Really curious too, but in a quieter way than some of the others
You two hang out together a lot, just enjoying each other’s presence
And she insists on doing tasks for you, no matter how basic
I headcanon her love language as Acts of Service
It’s not hard to tell when she’s crushing on you
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Imagine the Ember Island Players creating a romance between you and Zuko which hits a little too close to home
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You sat beside Katara and noticed how Zuko sat on the other side of her. Aang faltered, obviously wanting to sit there and you smirked as Zuko obliviously missed Aang’s look. Zuko had been with the group a few weeks now but his social skills still weren’t very good and you found it made for some very interesting interactions. His attempt at telling jokes alone made you smile every time you saw him for a full week afterwards and you found Zuko did a lot of things that amused you but apparently not so much the others. “I was going to sit there” Aang whined and Zuko shrugged “so? Just sit next to me”. Aang pouted and you laughed to yourself “here” you said standing up “take my seat Aang” and you moved so he could sit beside Katara. Katara was oblivious and you sat on the other side of Zuko chuckling at Aang’s blush. “What was that all about?” Zuko asked and you smiled “ow nothing you just almost ruined Aang’s evening”. Zuko frowned and went to ask what you meant when the lights dimmed so you knocked his arm shaking your head “i’ll tell you later now shhh”. Zuko folded his arm huffily but stopped talking. The play was wonderfully awful. As you hadn’t joined the gang straight away you knew you had time to just enjoy the first few acts and make fun of the way they portrayed all your friends. Plus what could they do to your character? You didn’t have any old flames like Katara or Sokka and you didn’t have an emotional backstory like Zuko or Aang. So you relaxed arms spread over the back of the bench and waited for *yourself* to make an appearance.
The second your actress walked on stage you knew it wouldn’t be good. They had your character all wrong! Your actress flirted with everyone and acted like a lovesick idiot. You didn’t think it could get much worse and then your character met Zuko’s.
“I’ll save you from the pirates” Zuko’s character purred to yours and you spluttered. “That...that wasn’t even me! That was Katara!” you whispered angrily. You looked to Zuko for confirmation who nodded “yeah I didn’t say that to you...and I certainly didn’t tie you up while staring at you like that”. “And I did not flirt with you like that either”. You both glared as your characters bonded and they actually invented Zuko letting you go voluntarily. As Zuko’s character stared off into the distance and said your name you heard Sokka and Suki wheezing from laughter while you simmered with anger and embarrassment. “I didn’t do that!” Zuko cried and you saw he was blushing vividly. That made you blush too and crossed your arms tightly “they better not stick with this theme”.
Of course they did. By the time act 3 had ended you and Zuko were living a star crossed lovers lifestyle in Ba Sing Sei. They again got you mixed up with Katara and said Azula kidnapped you to lure Zuko to the Earth King’s palace. The act ended with Zuko charging in to save you, offering his own life in exchange for yours, but Azula outmanoeuvred him and arrested him too. As the lights went up for intermission you and Zuko paused before exploding.
“That never even happened!”.
“I knew he was in Ba Sing Sei but we never went on a date”.
“Yeah that was a different girl”.
“And you did not fight with Jet over me”.
“I didn’t even know you knew Jet!” Zuko agreed and you both paused for air.
The gang all looked at each other before bursting into laughter. “What is so funny?” you cried and Sokka smiled. “We all know none of that stuff happened, we were there too remember?”. “Yeah so...can’t we rant?” you asked. “Well yeah but why get so mad about it? Are you trying to convince us or yourselves that the idea the two you flirted is so impossible?”. You and Zuko exploded again at the thought and Sokka and the others burst into laughter again. “All i’m saying is this is a lot of emotion to come from nowhere” Sokka smiled “now i’m going backstage so yell at each other or something” and he disappeared with Suki. Katara and Toph left for snacks and Aang went to the toilet leaving the two of you alone. “But i mean it is ridiculous” you muttered and Zuko nodded “utterly ridiculous”. “Sure we ended up together a few times” you shrugged “but that was completely by chance, it wasn’t like you were hyper-aware of me or vice versa”. “Yeah not at all” Zuko agreed but he wasn’t looking you in the eye for some reason. You stared at him confused and noticed his neck looked slightly red as if he was blushing. “Wait did you?” you asked suddenly “notice me more?”. Zuko looked up and he was indeed blushing deeply “what I....of course not! I never...I mean I did learn your name before anyone else’s but that’s because we spent that time together when I helped the pirates kidnap you and you wouldn’t shut up the whole night”. “Then why are you blushing so much?” you asked and Zuko shrugged “I don’t know I...it’s just them insinuating I like you. I’ve had it a lot”. “You have?” you asked amazed and Zuko nodded “when my uncle heard you’d seen me in Ba Sing Sei and that we’d reached a deal not to tell on one another he had this annoying smirk like i’d done it for any other reason besides the fact it was mutually beneficial. Then when I went back home Azula made it seem like me and you had a thing and Mai got jealous and started asking about you and I had to explain all our interactions and it was very awkward...she wanted me to reassure her by putting you down and making the idea seem impossible but I must have failed because she didn’t believe me. So I guess that’s why it makes me feel weird, everyone keeps telling me I act differently with you and I suppose I do but I have no idea if that’s because everyone keeps saying it or if I always have”. You nodded your head but were unsure what to say. “Well which one do you think it is?” you asked eventually and Zuko paused “what?”. “If you had to guess, would you say you act differently around me because of what people say about us or have you just always acted that way”. Zuko thought, staring at the ground and basically anywhere but at you, “i’m not sure but I guess maybe the second? They must have got it from somewhere I suppose”. “The second?” you asked surprised and Zuko’s blush returned vividly “I’m only guessing, I honestly don’t know”. You nodded your head and went to speak when the others returned which stopped you right in your tracks.  
The second half of the play began of course with you and Zuko reuniting in the prison under Ba Sing Sei. You and Zuko did end up there together but you definitely did less staring at one another. You rolled your eyes as your characters began to passionately speak to one another stepping closer and closer. They finally reached one another and you laughed when your character began yelling at Zuko’s. “Ha maybe they got some things right!” you whispered to Zuko who nodded “you did yell at me a lot”. You smirked and went to apologise when Zuko’s character kissed yours. You and Zuko abruptly shot away from each other. “That is not even close to what happened!” you cried at the others who were all laughing. Zuko nodded “this is just slander! They didn’t even bother to try to get our characters right and anyone with half a brain would realise that!”. Someone shushed Zuko and he glared “shush yourself” he cried before storming from the room. He didn’t return for the rest of the play and honestly you thought that was probably wise. It got worse and worse. They still kept in Zuko’s betrayal of Iroh but changed it making you at the centre of Zuko’s struggle. He chose the crown and they made you react dramatically (even getting a love ballad moment). They then skipped forwards to Zuko at the palace, who got his own song when he realised he’d made the wrong choice. Your characters reunited not long after and promptly confessed their love for one another. Then you were both murdered by Ozai very much in line with the tragic forbidden lovers style.
“I mean I’m just glad she’s dead” you shrugged on your way out “anything to end that romance”. The others smirked when Aang paused “do you think Zuko went back home to the villa?” looking around for the angry fire prince. “No he knows we don’t know this place well, he’s probably just sat outside somewhere” you replied looking around but you couldn’t see him brooding anywhere either. When you walked out the front door and still didn’t spot him Aang frowned “okay everyone split up and look for him, meet back here in five minutes”.
You returned five minutes later to see Katara, Suki, Sokka and Toph all hadn’t found him either. “I wonder where he is” Katara frowned and you shrugged “he’ll be fine, that boy has nine lives”. “He didn’t in that play” Toph commented and you nodded. “True but that play was a mess and there’s one thing I still can’t get over. Zuko said his family and friends thought he liked me that’s where his side of this rumour started but in the play they acted like I encouraged him! Where on earth did they get that idea?”. The group all went quiet and you paused “what?”. “Well...I mean you kinda do encourage him” Sokka frowned and your jaw dropped “I DO NOT! When have I ever...”. “When we got kidnapped by the pirates you teased Zuko constantly and refused to be quiet until he spoke to you” Katara pointed out. “Yes but that was to annoy him not flirt with him!”. “Okay how about when June asked if you were his girlfriend and you replied he wishes instead of no?”. “I was joking” you shrugged and Toph smirked “or how about when I was sneaking out to see Zuko at the Western Air Temple and found you already on your way to see him? What were you popping in to see Zuko for huh y/n? Nice date by the campfire?”. “I was doing the same thing as you! I was going to see if he would tell the truth and given that I knew him best I thought I....”. The gang all erupted and you paused “what?”. “You know him best?” Sokka asked smirking and you nodded “that doesn’t mean anything it’s a fact”. “Ow is it?” Sokka asked and you nodded “It is! Fine if I don’t know him best what was his fake name in Ba Sing Sei?”. Everyone went quiet and you nodded “or how about how long ago he was banished from the fire nation? Better yet just tell me his parent’s names!” you cried. When nobody replied you smirked folding your arms victoriously “told you I know him best”. “Yeah you’ve definitely proved how much you know about Zuko” Suki smirked looking past you. You frowned before you heard someone behind you. You turned to see Aang had found Zuko and by the look on his face he’d heard everything. You blushed and looked down “Zuko we were...”. “Having a competition to see who knows me best?” Zuko asked mildly amused and you paused “well sort of...Sokka started it”. “No I didn’t” Sokka retorted “you declared you knew Zuko the best and when I asked if you were sure you started spouting your favourite facts about him”. “They’re not my favourite facts about him” you snapped and Sokka’s smirk just grew “whatever y/n” and he turned leading the way home. The others all followed and purposefully made it so you and Zuko were at the back. “Why were you talking about me anyway?” Zuko asked and you paused “ow nothing I was just er...trying to work out why the Ember Island Players thought I had a thing for you but the gang was not helpful”. “They couldn’t think of a reason?” Zuko asked innocently and you frowned “no they could actually think of lots of reasons, it appears similar to your family they were also under the impression I held a flame for you as it were”. “Ow really?” Zuko asked. He kept his voice flat but you could swear he was smirking slightly. “Stop enjoying this” you whined pushing him “it’s not funny, it’s embarrassing”. “Liking me is embarrassing?” Zuko asked and you paused “no I didn’t mean that, I just meant having all your friends claim you like someone when you can’t see it”. “You really can’t see where they’re coming from?” Zuko asked and you shook your head “nope not at all”. Zuko looked away and you frowned “I saw that, what did that look mean?”. “Nothing...” Zuko trailed off but you sighed grabbing him by the arm to make him look at you “I’m sick of everyone saying things about me for once just say it to my face!”. Zuko sighed “fine, I just think i’ve been honest with you but you’re not being honest with yourself”. “Not being honest?”. Zuko nodded “Yes, I admitted I could see where my family were coming from and how the rumours started but you’re acting as if they plucked them out of thin air!”. “Well maybe they did! I don’t see how any of our interactions could be interpreted as romantic”. Zuko didn’t look convinced. “You don’t think there’s some truth to what the Ember Island Players said? That maybe there is something here?” Zuko asked gesturing to the small gap between you. “No of course not! Do you?”. “No” Zuko yelled back and you nodded “fine! You are the most infuriating...” you started when Zuko grabbed you kissing you. You initially tensed at the sensation but soon melted into it. Zuko seemed to be trying to prove a point by kissing you passionately and not wanting him to win you kissed him back matching his intensity. Finally Zuko pulled away for air and stared at you “still not want to admit there’s something here?”. You stared at Zuko torn between admitting he was right and your pride. You were annoyed, frustrated, excited and exhilarated all at once. You were breathing rapidly, your cheeks bright red as were Zuko’s and neither of you made to move away. “I...” you started eventually “that was a good kiss”. Zuko nodded, his frustration melting away “it was, I enjoyed it...I’ve been wondering what it would feel like to kiss you for a while now”. “You have?” you asked and Zuko nodded “as annoying as it is to admit my family and friends were right, I like you and I have for a while”. You smiled despite yourself at how adorable Zuko looked all bashful and embarrassed. “I tried ignoring it for a while but then when I joined the group your friends all saw it straight away. Then tonight...the play was bad but I was frustrated that everyone seemed to see it apart from you the person I actually wanted to see it...you”. You looked down wondering how to reply “I’m sorry I bet that was really frustrating”. Zuko nodded “It was and I figured this was just one-sided but that...did you feel it too?”. Zuko looked so unsure and unlike himself it was endearing and gave you confidence. “Yes” you said shakily “after that kiss I can tell you it is definitely not one-sided. I like you too Zuko and probably have since the start”. “Probably?” Zuko asked and you sighed “I’m not good with my emotions, I can be oblivious to them so I can’t with certainty tell you it’s been going on as long as the play made it out to be but I know I like you. Right now in this moment...I hope that’s enough, I know it’s a shit confession and you probably wanted something more solid but I...”. Zuko began laughing and you paused “what’s so funny?”. “Something more solid? Y/n I’m on the run from the Firelord who is my father, my sister is hunting me to kill me and I could very likely be imprisoned for the rest of my life if Aang fails and that’s if i’m lucky...I’m not even sure if I have a future so trust me all I need is the present. To know in this moment right here you like me back” Zuko blushed but he stepped closer and took your hands “that’s more than enough for me”. “It is?” you asked and Zuko nodded “yes and if by some chance it becomes more long-term I’ll be very happy but for now I just want to enjoy this time with you”. You smiled and leant in to kiss Zuko again when someone coughed. “Hey what are you two doing?” Sokka called. Apparently the others had finally realised the two of you were no longer with the group and walked back to find the two of you as you currently were. Luckily it was dark so you moved away from Zuko but still held his hand. “Yeah we thought you’d gotten lost are you okay?” Katara called. Zuko sighed and you smirked at his expression. “We’re fine” you smiled “we were just talking and Zuko’s going to show me this beach he went to a lot as a kid”. Zuko’s eyes shot up to yours and he smiled. “You are?” Aang asked and Zuko nodded “yep, it’s not far from here so we won’t be long. You guys head back to the villa and we’ll meet you there” and with that Zuko tugged you away from the others. You smiled at Zuko and he smiled back at you “quick thinking, I didn’t think we’d get out of there so easily”. “You can thank me later” you replied when you heard Sokka gasp “wait are they holding hands? Y/n are you holding hands?”. “Run!” Zuko cried and you laughed but did as he said. You kept running even after Sokka’s voice trailed off and only stopped when you reached a sandy beach. You both collapsed on the ground and you turned to look at Zuko “did you know this was here or did you get lucky?”. “Totally the former” he smiled and you shook your head “you’re lucky I like you”. “I really am” Zuko agreed and he stared at your face tenderly. His fingers brushed your cheek and you smiled “what are you waiting for?”. “I have no idea” Zuko admitted and he leant in to reclaim the lost kiss from earlier. This time you weren’t interrupted.
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yeoldenfictionwitch · 2 years
Purely for amusement
The chain´s sneezes headcanons:
TIME: LOUD, like a dad sneeze. Only sneezes 1 time tho. After that his face is totally normal like it didn't even happen.
TWILIGHT: sneezes 3 times in a row. Sniffs afterwards. Can still feel another sneeze coming but it never comes. Wipes his nose with his sleeve when no one is looking.
WILD: very quiet sneezes. But like 3 to 4 in a row. Sniffles a little afterwards
WIND: its that scene in avatar where aang sneezes. Basically he jumps a little. Not overly loud tho. Just 1 sneeze and its done.
FOUR: kitten sneeze. If anyone hears it. They've learned not to comment on it
SKY: louder than the boy intends it to be. More powerful too. Always carries a tissue on hand tho.
LEGEND: holds it back once, than twice. And then finally a loud ACHOO! happens. He sniffles a little afterwards´
HYRULE: kitten sneezes a few times in a row.
WARRIORS: the most normal out of all of them. But his eyes water afterwards anyway. Also has a tissue with him.
Wolfie: when twilight is in wolfie form he sneezes the same as when hes just twilight. He just keeps putting his paws over his nose as if to stop the sneezes from coming out or to wipe whatever is making him sneeze. If youve ever seen a husky sneeze id imagine it be like that.
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non-plutonian-druid · 3 years
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have an atla centaur sketch dump! try and guess who my favorite character is lmao, i didn’t make it incredibly obvious or anything
my apologies to anyone who knows anything about horses bc im sure most of this is not actually how horses work, and even more apologies bc the ID describes them as “brown” and “dark brown” etc on account of I didn’t feel like googling horse coloration
[ID: four images with 2 to 3 sets of sketches on each, of various characters from Avatar the Last Airbender as centaurs, all wearing their canon outfits slightly modified to fit. The sketches are colored but not shaded and the sketch lines are very messy. End ID.]
Longer ID below the cut
[ID: In the first image, there are three sets of sketches; Katara and Sokka play-fighting, Yue standing facing mostly forward with her hands folded, and Aang trotting facing completely forward with a grin on his face. Katara and Sokka’s horse bodies are both dark brown with darker tails, while Yue’s is white at the torso but transitions with lots of small spots to dark brown on her legs. She has lots of feathering on her legs, much like a Clydesdale, and her tail is white. Aang still looks like a foal, and his fur is light gray with darker gray spots. His tattoos continue down his back and to all four of his hooves.
In the second image, there is a sketch each of Mai, Azula, and Ty Lee. Ty Lee is rolling delightedly on her back, all four hooves in the air. Her fur is white with large splotches of reddish brown, and her tail is the same brown as her hair. Mai is lying down while she leans her head on one first, elbow propped up by something not drawn. Her fur is a reddish black, with a white splotch on her chest, and her tail is slightly darker. Azula was lying down but is in the process of getting up, looking angry. Her fur is a bluish black, her tail slightly darker.
In the third image, there are three sets of sketches, two of Zuko and Iroh and one of Yue. In one, Zuko shouts at Iroh while Iroh smiles and sips his tea. In another, Iroh hugs a very disgruntled-looking Zuko. In the last, Yue lies down in profile. Zuko’s fur is a bluish black and his tail slightly darker, just like Azula, while Iroh’s fur is a dark gray with darker gray splotches. Yue’s design is the same as in the first image.
In the fourth image, there are two sets of sketches. In one, Toph attempts to elbow Zuko despite her human shoulder only reaching his horse shoulder and her head only reaching his waist. She is leaning into him as they both walk facing forward, and Zuko is looking at her and lifting his arm out of her way, amused. Toph’s fur is a light tan, and her legs are slightly lighter, while her tail is the same color as her hair. In the other, Zuko and Zhao are fighting their Agni Kai. Zhao is rearing on hind legs over Zuko, who is circling under him. Zhao’s fur is a lighter, redder brown than Sokka’s and Katara’s, and has white socks and a white underbelly. End ID.]
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unfriedough · 2 years
hii! i have a request if that's ok .
for this request you can do either a modern au just just a regular avatarverse because i believe it works both ways (though i think its way better with modern)
basically the girls of the gaang out together for a little girls night out and the guys are just hanging out together. they talk about their girls a little bit but then a storm rolls in and its HEAVY. fiance!zuko (or husband) you know starts to panic a little bit because reader isn't really answering the phone (if chosen modern au), and theirs like a pretty ugly storm. reader DOES come back eventually soaking wet/sneezing and coughing, zuko is kind of like 😟😟, and the rest of the fic is just zu taking care of soaked and cold reader and its all fluff at the end!
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‘The common cold’- Modern!Zuko x female!reader
Masterlist <3
An: HIYA!  Literally, I love you. I LOVE MODERN AU’S IM SO HAPPY YOU REQUESTED!!!!!! 🫶 Side note: I’m aware it’s almost been like a month since I’ve posted, and I really don’t know what to say other than sorry! (Though, I can’t guarantee it won't happen again, school starts soon :’))
Read request :) SET IN MODERN AU!!!
Warnings: stressed zuko tbh, super duper cheesey, pet names ig
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“Last week, Suki took me bowling! It was sooo much fun!”
“Were you any good?” Aang replied, interested in Sokka’s most recent endeavours.
The boy huffed in return, hanging his head, “No, I flopped so hard, you don’t even know.” he paused, before looking back up, “What about you, what did you do?”
Aang grinned, “Katara and I spent the day indoors, bingeing her favourite show! To be completely honest, I didn’t really understand what was going on.” he frowned, before smiling as he recalled how she laughed at a joke he didn’t get, then looked at him in shock when she realised he didn’t laugh.
Aang turned to Zuko, tilting his head, waiting for him to add his own side of the story, Sokka doing the same. 
“What did you and Y/n do?” the brown haired one asked, an encouraging look on his features.
He looked between the two, getting a middle school boy sleepover vibe from the atmosphere. Alas, he didn’t mind sharing, “We had a picnic by the beach.”
“Was it romantic?” Aang asked.
Zuko blinked twice in his direction - what else would it be?
“What do you think?”
“I’ll take that as a yes…” he rubbed his neck sheepishly.
“Anything else?” Sokka asked, feeling like he ended the conversation too fast.
Well, there were plenty of other things you did! You baked a few recipes you’d seen online, struggling to follow the complex instructions, causing a messy end result, but two very proud individuals. Zuko recalls lecturing you after you had some of the raw batter, and you simply wiped some off of the spoon and onto his nose - your husband wasn't very amused. You also made him take a few quizzes online, ranging from which (Favourite game) character are you, to what’s your love language, to ‘create a desert and we’ll tell you what kind of spouse you’re looking for!’. He was highly sceptical of the last one. By the end of that session, you had established that zuko was an introverted-triple chocolate fudge cookie-alien with no favourite colour - he was 99% sure that was inaccurate. Although, his favourite was when you two dressed in your most fanciest outfits, and danced around the house, bodies rhythmic and in sync, despite no music playing. Only sounds coming from the gentle hums leaving your body, content from being held by your lover. He wished that moment never ended, he wasn’t exactly sure how to tell you that a thought you had on a whim is now his go-to romantic activity. Maybe it was the silliness of it all, every new day punctuated with weird games and jokes. He was a fan though.
Sokka nodded, deciding not to push the man’s limits, and turned on the large tv. The movie playing was nothing more than a low budget horror film - if you could even refer to it as that. The CGI was poorly conducted, and the story line was nonsensical. Aang and Sokka enjoyed it though, ‘the tackier, the better’ - their words, not his. Just as the three relaxed into their seats on the large sofa, a loud jumpscare came up, the villain flashing onto the screen along with a horrible screech. It wouldn't have been that scary, if it weren’t for the sudden bolt of lighting striking the nearby ground. The younger two jumped, screaming, grabbing onto anything close to them.
Sokka nodded, deciding not to push the man’s limits, and turned on the large tv. The movie playing was nothing more than a low budget horror film - if you could even refer to it as that. The CGI was poorly conducted, and the story line was nonsensical. Aang and Sokka enjoyed it though, ‘the tackier, the better’ - their words, not his. Just as the three relaxed into their seats on the large sofa, a loud jumpscare came up, the villain flashing onto the screen along with a horrible screech. It wouldn't have been that scary, if it weren’t for the sudden bolt of lighting striking the nearby ground. The younger two jumped, screaming, grabbing onto anything close to them.
Sokka nodded, deciding not to push the man’s limits, and turned on the large tv. The movie playing was nothing more than a low budget horror film - if you could even refer to it as that. The CGI was poorly conducted, and the story line was nonsensical. Aang and Sokka enjoyed it though, ‘the tackier, the better’ - their words, not his. Just as the three relaxed into their seats on the large sofa, a loud jumpscare came up, the villain flashing onto the screen along with a horrible screech. It wouldn't have been that scary, if it weren’t for the sudden bolt of lighting striking the nearby ground. The younger two jumped, screaming, grabbing onto anything close to them.
“What was that!” Aang yelled, looking out of the window.
“Talk about bad timing.” Sokka sighed, the storm becoming more prominent outside.
The rain stuck to the big window, the outside view becoming more blurry. Zuko’s breath hitched as he realised you were out, immediately tugging at his phone, unlocking it, and searching for your contact.
“What’re you doing?” 
“Calling Y/n.”
“Oh my god.” Sokka immediately rushed to get his cellphone, Aang just as fast.
Zuko walked into your shared bedroom, picking at his fingers anxiously as he awaited the calling screen to switch from ringing to the numbers. As soon as he heard your voice he put the phone up to his ear.
“Yn where are-”
“Hi! This is Yn’s voicemail, please leave a message after the beep!” 
His heart sank, and he suddenly felt light headed. Zuko didn’t cope well under stress, especially when he didn’t know where you were.
And so he called again. And again. And again... Only to get no response. On the 7th try, it stopped ringing, only calling - you had no service. He officially couldn’t reach you.
“Any luck?” the ponytailed guy said, leaning on the door frame, staring at Zuko’s back, who was now sitting on the far edge of your shared bed.
Zuko shook his head, dropping it into his hands.
Sokka rounded the frame and sat next to him, rubbing his shoulder comfortingly,
“I’m sure she’s okay, her phone probably just died,” he smiled.
“Yeah but how about Suki or Katara or Toph? All of their phones died?”
“Suki never charges her phone before leaving the house, Katara’s phone probably got waterlogged, and Toph never answers anyways.” he shrugged, masking his anxiety with false coolness.
“I guess so,” they both knew that didn’t make Zuko feel better.
Just then, Aang ran into the room, heaving, “GUYS! KATARA’S CAR JUST PULLED INTO THE DRIVEWAY!” 
The boys immediately perked up, a bright smile on Sokka’s face. They sped to the door and opened it, finding you fumbling with your keys, with the three other girls behind you. Zuko’s face lit up, and he immediately engulfed you in probably the warmest hug you’ve ever felt.
“Hey,” you whispered, grinning. “I’m home,”
You knew he was probably anxious, judging by his shaky body, and furrowed brows. He had the tendency to project a face of anger when faced with fear and uncertainty. But you knew better. Zuko was just worried for you - and rightfully so.
He let you go afterwards, leaning back with his arms still on your elbows, examining the wetness on your clothes. 
“What took you so long?”
“It wasn’t long at all? The storm only got worse like 5 minutes ago?”
“It definitely didn’t feel like just 5 minutes, Yn” he said sternly, almost like that of a father to his kid who played in the mud. It was cute how worried he was.
Everyone stepped into the house, not forgetting to remove their shoes by the little shoe cabinet by the door, the one you decorated with stickers on a day much like this one, muddy and rainy. The stickers have since then chipped and faded, but the memory the hold within will always be sweet. You immediately went to your room, wincing at the feelings of your wet socks against the ground, a change of clothes being your objective. Zuko joined you in the room as you stripped down, throwing you a pile of fresh pj’s and socks. As you finally felt the warmth of the newly out of the laundry outfit, another, even stronger, warmth covered you. You leaned into him, the scent of his masculine perfume flooding your senses. It was one you picked out for him, seeing as though it smelt less like a scent and more like a feeling. Like the feeling of a cold winter day being ended with a cozy sleep under the soft sheets of a cabin, far in the woods. You loved it, and so did he. It’s been the one he’d dawned for ages now, refusing to swap it out no matter what. He sighed, kissing you softly. You pushed him away, shaking your head.
“Zuko, I think I’m sick. Don’t risk it.”
“Are you sure?” He said, eyes saddened, an irresistible pout on his face.
As if on cue, you sneezed. Not once, not twice but three times in a row, only slightly quieted by your sleeve. Your husband stared in shock, before snapping out of his trance and making his way to the medicine cabinet, passing you a pill for the common cold, mumbling things incoherently all the while. Whilst you took it, he gave suki, toph and katara some clothes you kept for sleepovers with your friends, he always loved your over the top preparations. Then, back to the room he went. He helped you under the soft, warm covers, pulling up the blankets to engulf your shaking body. Definitely a cold. Zuko’s hand was placed against your forehead, warm to the touch. Definitely a cold. Then he got the thermometer, it read 37 degrees Celsius. Yeah, definitely a cold. He sighed, shutting the lights as he left the room to let you rest, check in on the other couples + Toph in the guest bedrooms. Checking up on you again, he realised you fell asleep. Zuko neared your side of the bed cautiously, careful not to disturb your sleeping form. Gently, your lover neared his face to yours, planting an ever so gentle peck on your forehead, before moving back, standing up straight again. He sighed as he walked to the kitchen, already using his mobile phone to research different soup recipes, attempting to find one that actually seemed appetising.
The boy ended up settling on a classic, and began his cooking endeavour. Sure, he wasn’t the best at it, but the effort was there. As the mixture brewed, he moved on to making a drink. Hot chocolate. The brown mixture was being stirred by the spoon as he added sugar, before topping it with three marshmallows, soft and squishy - much like how he was acting, soft and- well maybe not squishy. Moving on from the beverage, he used a ladle to scoop some of the soup into a bowl, then put the bowl onto a tray, beside the drink. He texted the group chat to let the other boys know to grab some soup for the sick if they wanted, before shutting his phone. His sole attention needed to be on you and you only. He took off his home slippers, the cheap ones you bought him as a joke - but he’d grown to love, and stepped into the room, socked feet barely making a single noise. He carefully slotted the tray on his bedside table, and slowly got into the bed, staring at you all the while. Zuko’s arm carefully stroked your covered arms, his feather light touch calling you out of your sweet dreams and into your very lightheaded reality. You groaned, shaking a bit after gaining consciousness.
“Hey love, I made you some soup.” you turned over, Zuko’s eyes staring lovingly at you. 
You smiled, slowly sitting up so you could consume it. As you reached for the spoon, he pulled it back, looking at you with an eyebrow raised. “I don’t even want you to move a muscle.” you rolled your eyes, and he fed you a spoon full of the soup, the flavours actually quite nice to the taste.
“Hm, where’d you get this?”
“Why? You don't like it?”
“No, the opposite actually,” you laughed dryly, your throat hoarse.
“Oh” he blushed a little, “I made it.”
“You’ve improved!” you giggled, “They grow up so fast!” you wiped a mock tear from your eye.
He swatted your hand away from your face, a fake angry look on his face, “No moving,”
Although, nothing could disguise the blush from the compliments. He was always a sucker for your affection. Could you blame him though?
Zuko slotted the spoon of broth into your mouth again, the hot liquid running down your throat, helping to warm it momentarily. He then leaned back, passing you the cup of hot chocolate, which he had fit into your favourite cup warmer. Your hands gently brushed his as you took the drink, a grateful smile on your features, one that warmed his nerve wrecked heart. He couldn’t help but smile back.
“Mmm,” you mumbled into the mug, “It’s so good, thank you,”
He hummed in acknowledgment, placing the half finished soup aside after you signalled you don’t want any more, before going back to his original criss-cross sitting style. He watched you gulp the drink down intently.
“Careful, it’s hot.” his voice rang as you took the final sip of the concoction. 
“You’re hot,” you replied, lowering the cup from your face. 
He chuckled, hiding his bashfulness with his hands, “Shut up,”
Collecting the mug from your hands, the boy popped it onto the tray on the bedside table, turning his attention back to you. A sigh left his lips as he checked your temperature, you sniffling in the process. You grabbed his hand off of your forehead, lowering it to your cheek, and pressing a gentle kiss into it. 
“I’m fine Zuko, it’s just a cold,”
“Luckily. Could've been worse.”
“And how so?”
“I- uh,” he paused, “I don’t know. Just could’ve,”
“We’ll, it wasn’t. I’m here, I’m safe, and I’m with you. Nothing to worry about sweetie,” 
He shrugged, anything could happen after all. 
You cupped his cheeks, your cold hands causing him to scrunch his nose. You giggled at your husband’s reaction, kissing the top of his head lovingly. He stared at you with wide, adoring eyes, and you tucked a lock of his hair behind his ear. 
“Thank you zuko,” you whispered to him, a grin on your face.
He tilted his head sideways, thank you for what? You understood the implication of the motion.
“For taking care of me,”
“It’s the bare minimum.”
You laughed, “it’s still sweet”
He mumbled something against your palms, something about your standards being weirdly low, before kissing your hand - an act of physical love he learned from you. 
Slowly, zuko removed your arms from his face and laid you down again, pulling the blanket over your body once again. Your fever had gone down drastically now that you’ve eaten and had something warm for your throat. But you were still severely dehydrated. He pointed to the drink next to you - water obviously - and said the following: “If you get thirsty, please drink, it’s right there.”
And you nodded happily, eyes already droopy. A yawn left your mouth as you rolled over, going from a position on your back to a position facing him - on your side. You watched him through half lidded eyes get up and change out of the clothes he was in, in favor of putting on fresh pj’s. He rolled his eyes playfully as he noticed your stare, leaving the room as he tugged the shirt over his head. 
The man’s socked feet made a pitter patter type noise as he traversed the hall which housed the rooms your friends were staying in, making sure they were cozy and situated, and alerting them of the different toiletries and essentials you had stocked for this occasion. He gave the men some of his spare pajamas, before leaving to head back to you, a good night leaving his lips as he does. He yawned as he entered the room again, slipping under the sheets next to you. Zuko watched your chest rise and fall with each breath, reminding himself that you were here, and you were safe. Though, he couldn’t sleep. Not one bit. His body was tired, but sleep wasn’t coming to him. For the simple reason that you weren’t by his side, snuggled up against him. He knew you would yell at him if he cuddled up with you, he would get sick after all. But what’s a little cold gonna do? Careful not to wake you up, he scooted closer, wrapping an arm around you. Your body gladly accepted the invitation, spreading your arms over his waist, and your head onto his shoulder. Content, he sighed, a smile playing on his lips, knowing this is the calm before the storm - the storm being the lecture he was bound to hear first thing in the morning. ‘Zuko you could’ve gotten sick!’ He laughed at the thought, your angry face being far too cute for anyone to ever be threatened. His thoughts wandered, mostly circulating around you, before his eyes fell heavy, and his breathing got deeper, his mind lulling into a soft, sleepy trance.
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An: lol
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ellakomskaikru · 2 years
Azula showing mercy
A common misconception about Azula that I have heard is that she is a merciless killer who has no regard for human life or that she is sadistic. That isn’t true. There were many instances where Azula could have killed a character if she wanted, but didn’t. There are also instances where she could have been cruel for no reason, and she wasn’t.
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In Appa’s Lost Days, Azula, Mai, and Ty Lee encounter the Kyoshi Warriors and end up fighting them. It doesn’t show the entire fight but it is later discovered that Azula and her team won. We later see that Suki was put in the Boiling Rock prison and the rest of the Kyoshi Warriors were put in another prison. Of course, Azula putting them into prison wasn’t nice. But it was wartime, and the Kyoshi Warriors were allies of the avatar, and therefore Azula’s enemies. But instead of just killing them and therefore eliminating another threat, she put them in prison.
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In The Crossroads of Destiny, Katara mistakingly alerted Azula, Mai, and Ty Lee of the presence of Zuko in the city. When Katara realized that they were not the Kyoshi Warriors, Ty Lee was too fast and chi blocked Katara, which made her fall to the ground and made her unable to move. Azula could have just killed Katara there. She could have still used her to lure Aang to Ba Sing Se, he didn’t need to know that she had been killed. Azula could have eliminated a very formidable opponent, but instead, she chose to throw Katara in prison with Zuko.
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In The Boiling Rock, Azula shows up at the prison and encounters the warden of the prison, who was questioning a gaurd and accusing him of having been involved in an escape attempt with prisoners. Although the guard kept saying that it wasn’t him that was involved, the warden did not believe him and would have continued questioning him if Azula had not said that the guard wasn’t the one who did it. If Azula were sadistic, she wouldn’t have cared and would have found the situation amusing, but she didn’t.
Azula does not have a disregard for human life, nor is she sadistic. She does absolutely have a mean streak. But she only went for the kill when she had to. For example, when Aang was going to go into the avatar state in Ba Sing Se, in which he would practically be unbeatable, Azula decided to shoot him before he could. It was a calculated decision made to protect herself and the Fire Nation in the future. I’m not excusing her action, but I am saying that Azula usually aimed to incapacitate and imprison her opponent if she could and only went for the kill when she felt she really had to.
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zutarabender · 2 years
@zutaraweek 2022 day 6 - Closeness. Read on AO3
"When I was little, I dreamed of marrying someone with black hair and golden eyes."
Bedtime conversations were Katara's favorite moment of the day. They were even better when they were on vacation in Ember Island. She was cozily snuggled in bed against Zuko, drunk on their closeness, with the sea breeze blowing through the open window and caressing them both.
Zuko seemed to share her glee, because he chuckled. When he spoke, his tone didn't carry nearly the amount of feigned indignation that he wished it did.
"So that's all I am to you. Black hair and golden eyes."
"You're also the ruler of a nation, the most handsome man I've ever met, and a Firebender..." Katara trailed off as an amusing thought caught up to her. "I imagined my partner in life would be a Waterbender. That one I got wrong."
"Well, I... I never thought too much about it." Zuko frowned. "I never thought I'd get to make that kind of choice for myself. It's not really how things were ever done here."
"I thought about it so much, even though I didn't have many options, really. That's part of why I wanted to go to the North Pole so badly." She shifted, pulling slightly away so she could look Zuko in the eye. When it was the two of them, just like this, Katara could say words no one else should ever hear. "I didn't really belong back home. My own brother treated my bending like it was some sort of cursed witchcraft or sorcery before... well. I needed to get out."
"I'm glad we both did, in a way." He placed his hand on her cheek, his gaze full of affection. "It led me to you."
Katara turned slightly to kiss the palm of his hand. She loved him so deeply that her body couldn't contain it.
"I'm so grateful that this is how things turned out," she whispered. "I feel like a spirit must be watching over me and blessing me with good fortune. Perhaps the Blue Spirit," she added cheekily, but then his grin mirrored hers.
"Isn't the Spirit of the Yang-hui River in your debt?"
"I never told you about that."
Zuko smiled wider, but didn't reveal much else. Aang or Sokka must have told him. Perhaps Toph, who had been trying to get them together since her seismic sense clued her in. While she never intended to keep it a secret, it wasn't exactly the sort of thing that came up in general conversation.
"The very land of this nation owes you so much, Katara," he said. "I don't know how to even begin to repay you in the name of the Fire Nation."
"Oh, leave duty and honor out of this bed, Zuko. There are no debts between us. Right now, we're just two people who love each other doing their best."
Zuko's eyebrows shot up.
"You said love." It sounded almost like a question, making Katara giggle.
"What, am I wrong?"
Zuko answered her question before putting it into words, holding her closer and placing a gentle kiss on her forehead.
"No," he said softly. "Not at all."
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woahtherebuckerino · 2 years
Fic Recs: Avatar: The Last Airbender
i rewatched this series when it came out on netflix and i fell in love with it all over again. so many amazing fic writers have taken inspiration from it, so here are some of my favourites!
first rule of earth kingdom fight club… by ohmygodwhy
zuko, his stubborn inability to die, and finding himself thru getting his ass kicked
this series is a collection of amazing fics all about zuko surviving the siege of the north and joining earth rumble despite not being an earth bender. it’s the perfect mix of hilarious and serious, and i love it so much
a crack in the glass (eye) by carthaginian_berries
Okay, so maybe Sokka’s noticed that Zuko’s left eye doesn’t really move that much. That’s fine. It’s fine, because it’s damaged, and probably injured terribly by some incredibly unlucky accident, and it doesn’t even have an eyelid, so like — Sokka can work with this. Maybe it just doesn’t have any functioning nerves anymore. Sometimes, eyes just don’t move; it’s all perfectly normal, a regular day, just like Zuko strolling into the Western Air Temple to volunteer himself as Aang’s firebending teacher/prisoner/Not A Friend. Walking in on said firebending teacher/prisoner/Not A Friend polishing an entire entirely-detached eyeball? Not so fine. or: zuko has a glass eye. toph is fully ready to exploit the fact.
very very amusing fic about toph, zuko and sokka terrorising the rest of the gaang. the scenarios and pranks made are hilarious and i love this fic so much
Wait for It by mindbending
Prince Zuko is born with eyes of pure gold, the surest sign of a strong inner flame. Prince Zuko is born unlucky. He has no fire to speak of. No spark of potential. (Until swords start bending to his will.)
loving this metalbending take on zuko. all of the ideas are so interesting and the characterisation is on point. plus, you gotta love the zuko & toph friendship
Embers by Vathara
Dragon's fire is not so easily extinguished; when Zuko rediscovers a lost firebending technique, shifting flames can shift the world...
could not have a fic rec list without including this masterpiece. the worldbuilding in this is so unique and intriguing, and you can’t help but get attached to the new characters as the story goes on. the amount of research and real world ties this fic has is also outstanding. this fic is over 700k, but i can promise you that it is so enthralling you won’t regret it
Getting Busy in Ba Sing Se by vixxer
Sokka holds up four fingers and pokes him with them. “Four months is still not a lot of time. Weren’t you traveling the earth kingdom for most of it?” “I could’ve met a lot of people while traveling,” Zuko responds defensively. “Really getting around the earth kingdom, huh,” Sokka says with a wink.
beware for general teenage humour and an inordinate amount of dick jokes. i really like this fic because it emphasises the youth of the characters whilst keeping a very lighthearted and comedic tone.
Boomerangs and Rainbows by mindbending
At Sokka’s behest, the Gaang skips rescuing Zuko during the Siege at the North Pole. Instead they leave him, unconscious, buried in the snow. In completely unrelated news, Sokka’s haunted by a ghost now.
a zukka fic with a very creative concept and outstanding writing. do not be put off by the major character death tag, as the guy in question still hangs around regardless. plus, i like how the fic also gives the other characters their time to shine, instead of simply focusing on the main pairing
Spirits Help Us, There’s Two of Them by hopepunk
Sokka and Zuko are both weird guys. Fortunately, they're the same kind of weird as each other.
another zukka fic that definitely deserves the clown-to-clown communication tag. the whole thing is wildly absurd and yet still sweet, and the other character’s bafflement towards their craziness is hilarious!
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thebakingqueen5 · 2 years
KW 2022: Drunk Kataang
Day 4 of Kataang Week 2022 hosted by @kataang-week with the prompt Drunk Kataang!
Links: AO3 || FF.net
Summary: Do I seriously have to come up with a new one of these every year? Kataang Week 2022 Day 4: Drunk Kataang. While Kataang loved each other sober, they couldn’t help but find each other’s drunk selves equally endearing.
Word Count: 2.7k
The press, particularly the fangirls masquerading as press, had always gotten on Katara’s nerves. 
She supposed it was a natural consequence of her and her friends saving the world at such a young age and going on to become world leaders and dignitaries, but did they have to be so freaking insistent? Katara was positive that if she had a yuan for every time she’d caught a journalist or a cameraperson trailing them on the streets of Cranefish Town, soon to be known as Republic City, she would have enough money to buy each and every tabloid company.
She loathed reading all of their over-the-top, greatly exaggerated headlines whenever they went out into the city- “Avatar Aang Cheating On His Wife?!”, “Councilwoman Katara Keeping Secrets From the People!”, “Pregnancy On The Horizon?”- it never seemed to end! 
The journalists rarely asked any meaningful questions from her own personal experience, instead sticking to quite… malleable questions, the answers of which they could use to paint you as the four nations’ biggest hero or worst enemy, depending on their mood that day.
Due to all the mess it seemed to cause, Katara rarely paid any mind to what she and Aang would be asked during their weekly errands into the city. However, one day while out shopping for the newest shipment of exotic fruits from the southern Earth Kingdom, a particular question caught her attention. 
“What is the other like while drunk?” 
The reporter asking her looked quite young, maybe in her mid-20s, with thick brown hair up in a bun and a notepad in hand. Though Katara ignored the girl and would never give her answer to the media themselves, she couldn’t help but muse on the question; the waterbender hadn’t really thought about it before. 
Of course, the couple had seen each other drunk many times before. They were only 20 and 22, but that didn’t stop Sokka and Toph from dragging them both to the newest local bar they had found once Aang had turned of age. It would also typically be one of the two benders that was designated the “responsible one” for that night, making sure everyone in their little group got home safely. This made for quite an interesting collection of stories to tell, as both Katara and Aang had very vivid and clear memories of the other’s drunken shenanigans. 
Katara grinned just thinking about the last time Aang had gotten drunk as she added another orange to her basket. 
What was Aang like while drunk?
“Affectionate,” the waterbender thought, chuckling to herself, “And that was putting it mildly.” 
Alcohol tended to amplify traits already present in a person, and Aang was no different. Aang was no lightweight, but Drunk Aang, or Draangk as Sokka (and Katara) liked to call him, never failed to entertain Katara with his flirty and hilariously forgetful self. 
“Katara?” Aang had hiccuped once, looking at her with as serious a look as he could muster. 
The waterbender raised an eyebrow at him, an amused sparkle in her eyes. “Yes, sweetie?” 
“I have something very… hic …important to ask you.” His eyes were wide and grave, cheeks flushed as he swayed a little on the bar stool. 
“Go on, Aang.”
“You shouldn’t… hic …you shouldn’t fall from Appa. You should fall… hic …for me instead!!” 
Katara looked down very intently at the stone tile of the bar flooring, pressing her hand to her mouth and barely resisting the urge to laugh. 
“Sweetie,” she began after clearing her throat and sitting back up, her composure regained. “I already have fallen for you. We’re a couple, remember?”
The waterbender had never really understood what it meant to have a smile that could light up an entire city, but she thought she was getting the idea now. Judging by the look on his face, Katara swore she could’ve told Aang that the whole city was on fire and he wouldn’t have even given it a second thought. 
“Really??” Aang asked gleefully, his seat creaking underneath him as he bounced up and down in excitement. “Do you… hic …think we could get married?”
“My love, we got married three years ago.” 
The airbender gasped in incredulity before hiccuping again. “No. Way.” 
Katara scrunched her nose playfully, a smile finally having made its way to her face. “Yes way. I’m pretty sure I was there, Aang.”
“You’ll never believe this but me… hic …too!!! Gosh, we have so much in… hic …common we must be soulmates or something.”
The airbender gasped again, getting off his chair and taking Katara’s hands in his, his eyes staring deeply into hers.
“That’s me, sweetie.”
“Will you marry me????”
Katara snorted, both in and at the memory as she snapped back to the present, paying the woman who ran the fruit stand 15 yuan. Aang always knew hot to make her laugh, albeit not always knowingly. It was little moments like those that made her fall in love with him even more. In fact, as if the peak of Aang’s drunken high wasn’t endearing enough, an even sweeter side of him always came out after they had gone home, and it never failed to make Katara’s heart melt. 
“Kataraaaaaa- hic -aaaaaaa,” Aang whined later that night from his position lying on the bed. “I miss youuuuuu.”
The waterbender blushed as she pulled her head through the opening of her satin nightgown in front of the mirror, quickly walking over to the bed and accepting the embrace of Aang’s outstretched arms. 
“I’m right here, sweetie,” she murmured, her tired muscles relishing in the feeling of her firebending husband holding her so close. “Did you have fun tonight?” 
“Yeah… hic, it was fun. I wish I… hic …spent more time with you though, sweetie.”
Katara lifted up her head from Aang’s chest, quirking an eyebrow at the airbender. “We were together all night.” 
“I know,” he said simply. “It just… hic …it never feels like enough. I wanna be with you more than… hic …all the time.” 
She groaned internally, her heart fully a puddle on the ground as she struggled to find words to express her love for the one underneath her. Where on Earth had she found such an undeniably sweet and perfect person? 
“We can spend more time together tomorrow if you’re up for it, sweetie,” she finally said after a few moments of internally squealing. “But for now, I think you’re gonna need a good night’s rest, so let’s try and go to bed okay?” 
Aang nodded vigorously and peppered kisses all over the top of Katara’s head and around her face.
“What?” he asked when she gave him an amused look. “If I’m not gonna… hic …be able to kiss you for the next eight hours, I might as well get it in now.” 
Katara chuckled, reaching up and pressing a long, sweet kiss to his lips. “I love you so much.”
“More than stewed sea prunes?” Aang asked, his face not containing the slightest hint of humor.
“More than an entire buffet worth of stewed sea prunes.”
“How about a lifetime supply?”
“More than three lifetime supplies,” Katara amended for good measure.  
Aang grinned, seemingly satisfied with this answer, before giving the waterbender one last kiss. “I… hic …love you too, Tara. G’night.” 
Katara sighed heavily, though not unhappily, back in the present. It had been a while since she and Aang had gotten the chance to go out; those memories seemed like they had taken place ages ago, though they were good memories nevertheless.
“Everything alright, Katara?” she heard a voice ask from behind her.
“Oh, it’s nothing,” she replied, greeting the airbender with a quick kiss. “A reporter just got me reminiscing.”
“A reporter?” Aang raised an eyebrow. “That can’t be good.”
“Nothing that bad, for once,” she said, weaving through the crowd. “Just a question that got me thinking.”
“What was the question?”
Katara looked up at Aang, exaggerating and contorting her facial expressions while speaking in the excited but nasally tone all the reporters seemed to have. “What is the other person like while drunk?” 
“Ooh, okay that’s actually not a bad question, especially with all the stories I have about you.” 
The waterbender scoffed, lightly pulling on his sleeve to tell him to stop at the grain stand. 
“Like what?” she whispered quietly while looking through the different kinds of rice they had. 
“Remember the cactus juice incident?” Aang whispered back, patting a sack of barley.
Katara gasped, affronted. 
“You swore we would never speak of that again,” she hissed. 
“I did no such thing!” Aang said, his voice now an aggressive whisper. “Why in the world would I pass up a chance to share the tales of your shenanigans after thinking Toph’s pitcher of cactus juice and rum was just some odd-tasting apple juice? Who would even bring apple juice, any non-alcoholic drink really, to an informal event hosted by Toph?!”
“I was young,” Katara said dramatically. Aang snickered, earning him a playful glare as she continued. “Too innocent and too naive for such a harsh world.”
“Too drunk and giggly it seemed as well,” he muttered under his breath, gaze turning back to the barley as Katara squinted her eyes at him. 
“What?” Aang feigned innocence. 
“I heard that,” she said dryly, and then pointed to a bag of jasmine rice and asked the shopkeeper for its price. “We’ll talk later,” she whispered as she passed Aang on her way to the till. 
“Oh yes, we will,” Aang said, sticking his tongue out at her, the waterbender returning the gesture. He shook his head once she was out of sight, chuckling to himself.
Ah, the great Cactus Juice Incident of 106 AG. 
Katara, like Aang, was by no means a lightweight, and more often than not the more responsible drinker who knew her limits well. 
That night however? 
That night was an entirely different story.
Aang had turned 18 a few months prior, meaning it was Toph’s turn to finally be of drinking age in the Earth Kingdom, not that the rebellious earthbender hadn’t drank before. Naturally, when her parents gave her a rather large fund to spend on a celebration, Toph went all out. Plain water had been quite the scarcity at her party, leading to a multitude of shenanigans taking place that night by various partygoers, though most of them involved either Toph or Sokka. 
It was at this event that Aang saw Katara possibly the drunkest she had ever been or ever would be, and to say he found great amusement in the waterbender’s antics would’ve been a dire understatement.
See, there was one thing Drunk Aang was right about- Katara and Aang were quite similar, and it showed in their drunken personas. Though Drunk Katara was by no means as verbally affectionate as Drunk Aang, she was quite physically affectionate, clinging on to Aang that night like a purple pentapus (not that Aang minded of course). 
In her ever motherly and responsible nature, she had also tried her best to be the mature one of the group but instead ended up dissolving into laughter every other minute at the smallest of things. 
In addition, due to Katara’s smaller stature in comparison to Aang, she tended to stay drunk longer, still extremely giggly and cheery even after they had already gotten on the ferry back to Air Temple Island.
“Aang?” she had asked him, eyes wide and innocent as he looked into her sea-blue eyes.
“Yes, sweetie?”
“I wanna be closer to you.” 
“Sweetie, we’re already hugging,” an amused Aang replied, resting his chin on the top of her head. 
“I know,” Katara sighed and buried her head in the fabric of his shirt. “I still wanna be closer to you.” 
“How so, my love?” 
The waterbender tilted her head up to look at him. “Kiss me.”
Aang chuckled, leaning down to happily oblige her. 
“Happy?” he murmured as he pressed another kiss to forehead.
Katara giggled. “Happy is a funny word. It has two p’s but you only say one!”
The airbender snorted at his wife’s revelation. “What about ‘giggled’?” 
She gasped, laughing. “‘Giggled’ is an even funnier word!!! It has two g’s, but it also has seven letters and ‘seven’ has two e’s!!!!” Katara went on her tiptoes and pressed a bunch of kisses to Aang’s cheek.
“What was that for?” 
“For showing me such a funny word!!!!” 
Aang chuckled and pulled her a little closer as a chilly breeze went by. “You are so drunk right now, Katara.”
“Am not!” she huffed. “I am perfectly sober. So sober, in fact, that I can tell you when the next ferry is. It was 2 AM when we left, and it takes us 15 minutes to get from Toph’s house to the docks, so the next ferry should be at 2:30.”
“I’m right, aren’t I?”
“Well, yes, but we’re already on that ferry. In fact, we’ve arrived.” 
Katara burst into laughter, tears of joy coming to her eyes in seconds. “‘Ferry’ and ‘arrived’ are wunny fords too! They hoth bave two r’s!!!” She gasped again. “‘Funny’ is a funny word!!!” 
Aang stared blankly at the waterbender, vowing to make sure she never drank four cups of cactus juice again. “Yeah, okay, let’s get you to bed, sweetie.” 
The airbender quickly turned Katara around and lightly pushed her to walk off the boat, thanking the captain as he disembarked. He quickly picked her up bridal-style, which resulted in Katara having a whole existential crisis on why “style” had a y and not an e, before using his airbending to jump them up to their balcony and enter their bedroom. 
“I’m gonna go change. Do you need any help doing the same, sweetie?” he asked her as he closed the balcony door behind him and opened a few windows.
“Nope,” Katara replied, popping the ‘p’. “I’ll be fine.”
Aang quickly walked into his closet and got dressed in his normal sleepwear of a pair of loose cotton pants. He then walked back out and got under the covers of their bed, relishing in the feeling of the soft mattress after standing for the last few hours.
“I’m ready!” Katara giggled as she emerged and joined Aang underneath the blankets. 
Aang raised his eyebrow at her, blushing and trying his best to keep his gaze above her neckline. “Sweetie… you’re not wearing anything.” 
“I’m wearing my engagement necklace,” she replied matter-of-factly. “‘Sweetie’ is a funny word too.”
“Other than your necklace, I mean.”
The waterbender shrugged, laying her head next to Aang’s as she rested one of her arms on his bare chest and kissed his cheek. “I told you, I wanted to feel close to you.”
Aang blushed and drew her in flush to his body, a grin fighting its way onto his face as he pressed a kiss to her hair. Even drunk out of her mind, at the end of the day, she just wanted him. Aang couldn’t believe she was real sometimes.
“Have I ever told you how lucky I am to have you?” he murmured. 
“Not-” Katara yawned. “Not luckier than me,” she mumbled. “Too amazing for that.” 
Aang chuckled, lightly resting his head on hers. “I love you, sweetie. Goodnight.”
“‘Sweetie.’” Katara giggled. “Goodnight.”
“What’re you so smiley about?” Katara interrupted his trance, having finally returned from the back of the shop.
Aang shook his head and snapped out of it. “Oh, I was smiling?”
The waterbender rolled her eyes. “Is it safe to say it was related to the cactus juice incident?”
He rubbed the back of his head sheepishly. “Maybe a little. Any chance we can grab some cactus juice on the way home?” 
Katara snorted. “Only if you’re the one drinking it. I quite enjoy being proposed to twice in the span of five minutes by the husband I already married, you know.” 
“Awwww, I was hoping we could find some more funny words,” Aang pouted playfully. 
“Not a chance,” she laughed and paid the shopkeeper for the barley and rice. “C’mon, we have more errands to run.”
The two left the shop, just as another swarm of reporters found them and started asking questions. 
“Avatar Aang- would you and your wife be able to join us for an interview next Tuesday?”
“Master Katara! Have you found any waterbending regiments that correlate with weight loss for our readers?”
“When are you planning to have children? Will the Air Nation be repopulated soon?” 
Aang and Katara gave each other a look and laughed together.
Just another day in the life of two of the most powerful benders in the world.
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loopy777 · 2 years
Do you think there was ever a time that Izumi was intimidated by Zuko? Whether that was her seeing him yell at someone, or not know the full story of his scar and her friends made rumors up about it?
Hm, hard to say. My dad is a quiet dude of average height with no scary features, but I was intimidated by him as a little kid because his sneezes were super loud. Izumi might not be as much of a loser as I've always been, but we don't really know a whole lot about her.
So I'll just make a list of the things about Zuko that she might have been intimidated by as a little kid, based on my understanding of how little kids are....
Zuko's Ceremonial Winter Solstice Robes: She thinks the way they're so voluminous, with such wide shoulder-pads, is scary because her father almost disappears into them. No one actually knows why she starts crying every time she sees Zuko in them, and by the time she's old enough to explain, she's completely forgotten.
Dragons: They roar too loud for her. Baby dragons are okay, but not anything bigger than Appa. She doesn't visit the Sun Warriors much with Zuko until she is a tween and can't understand how he can be around the dragons they're raising. This suits Mai just fine, as it gives her an excuse not to go along on the trips to the nearly naked people with all the tattoos, but she tells Izumi that she's scared of their roaring, too.
Palanquin Rides: Izumi does not think they are safe and seriously wonders if Zuko is trying to kill her by insisting they have to ride them in public. As a result, the public rarely sees Izumi before she is seven and gets over it, at which point she memorably is glimpsed attempting to take a running leap off her palanquin (it seemed like fun) and subsequently is rarely seen until she is seven-and-a-half and understands what being grounded for six months feels like.
Lightning Bending: Izumi hates the noise. The crack of the thunder is audible even if Zuko is on the practice grounds and Izumi is hiding under her bed. (It's not that bad, but after she was startled by the noise the first time Zuko was showing it off to her, she's developed an irrational hatred of even the most distant echo of the noise. This does not apply to thunderstorms, for some reason.) Every time she hears it, she goes to Mai and tattles that Zuko is scaring her. This leads to Mai berating Zuko and him getting flustered because is he not supposed to practice his lightning unless Izumi is in another nation?
Zuko's Jokes: She doesn't understand that Zuko is terrible with jokes, and he seems so amused by them that she's quietly sure she's stupid and somehow not getting them. When Mai discovers this, she says, "Oh, honey, Daddy has no idea how to tell a joke. He leaves all the important bits out. Even Aang just smiles to be polite, and Auntie Ty Lee will laugh at anything after she's had enough grown-up grape juice. You like Toph's jokes, right? Then you're fine."
Zuko's Chest-Scar: She's not intimidated by his facial scar, since she's been seeing it since she was born, but she's a bit freaked out by seeing the scar on his chest from where Azula hit him with lightning. She wants to know why his boo-boo isn't getting better. She's surprised when she's told it's like the scar on his face, because that's obviously not true, that's how he looks, but the scar on his chest is a boo-boo and that's different. Izumi informs Zuko that she needs to keep his shirt on so that his boo-boo can get better. This one really confounds Mai, until she eventually hits on the idea of explaining that Katara was supposed to fix that boo-boo and didn't do a very good job, but they shouldn't mention it because Katara feels very bad about it and they don't want to make her sad. When she's older, Izumi is scandalized to remember this, and makes Mai apologize to Katara, who has no idea what they're talking about.
As for Zuko yelling at someone, I think I'm going to say no. I figure Zuko yells so much that she gets used to that, too; his voice isn't particularly booming or resonant, so it's not an intimidating sound by itself, and she's seen Zuko yell at Aang and Sokka and Toph without them getting so much as ruffled. In fact, Sokka teaches Izumi to say, "Daddy, use your sweety voice. Yelling is mean." As an adult, she credits this as one of her first and most important lessons in diplomacy.
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atlabeth · 3 years
hey! i love your zuko fics so much and was wondering if you’d like to write this, because the idea just popped up: maybe a zuko x reader fluff that takes place before/during LOK? maybe they’re reminiscing about their past adventures w the Gaang while helping out the new Team Avatar? idk it’s just that every time I see old zuko it makes me soft and emotional 🥲🔥❤️ anyways, much love! (and don’t feel pressured to do this at all, I was just thinking abt who I could submit this request to, and obvi my first choice was you 💕)
reminiscence - zuko x fem!reader
summary: just because you and your husband are retired doesn’t mean you don’t have amazing advice for the new team avatar.
a/n: this is so cute omg!! thank you so much for requesting this and thank you for much for your kind words i'm honored <33 im so sorry this took so long
sorry im posting so much lately im trying to stop slacking and publish things that have been wips for over a month sdkjfh
wc: 1.3k
warning(s): none bc i choose to ignore the news of zaheer’s plan right after this scene
Retirement was… nice.
You had spent your childhood fighting with the Avatar to end the Hundred Year War, a feat that was only made more difficult with your Fire Nation roots and connection to the banished prince. But all that’s well ends well, and you ended up getting your happy ending together — you had to fight hard for it, though.
You married Zuko at nineteen, three years after he ascended to the throne, and spent the subsequent years balancing your duties as Fire Lady and taking care of your daughter. Ruling the Fire Nation was a lot, but you knew you could get through anything with your husband at your side.
When he told you his plans to abdicate the throne, you were more than supportive. One of Zuko’s biggest fears was becoming his father, and by giving up his position willingly to Izumi, it guaranteed that he wouldn’t fall victim to the power-obsessed ways of his ancestors. It also gave him a well-deserved break after decades of being Fire Lord, and you were more than ready to get out of the world of Fire Nation politics. You had sat through enough meetings to fill multiple lifetimes.
But just because the two of you weren’t as involved in every day affairs of the world didn’t mean that you were completely out of it. No, that was far from the truth. You and Zuko were still some of the most important people in all of the nations, which meant it wasn’t a rare occurrence for your husband to be called off on some sort of mission.
One such mission was stopping the Order of the Red Lotus for the second time; Zuko had been part of the team that stopped them from kidnapping Avatar Korra as a child, so it was no surprise that he had been called to help for a second time. You knew even in his old age that your husband was powerful, but you couldn’t help but feel concerned about everything he was doing.
This concern was ultimately what led you to join Zuko on his trip to meet with Chief Beifong and Chief Tonraq in the Misty Palms Oasis. He had originally been against your involvement, claiming that the Red Lotus was far too dangerous, and he didn’t want to risk you getting injured in any way. You, of course, weren’t having it. “The Avatar’s in trouble, and I’d like to think I know a few things about getting out of trouble.”
One thing was certain after you arrived — it had been far too long since you had ridden on the back of a dragon. You truly adored Druk, and you felt bad for everyone that would never have the opportunity.
After conversing with Lin and Tonraq inside, you all exited to greet the new Team Avatar. If what you were told was true, then they had been through quite a lot since leaving Zaofu. For as long as you had been involved in foreign affairs, you had never met Avatar Korra nor her friends, so you didn’t know what to expect — an awestruck boy that could barely speak wasn’t at the top of your list though.
“Oh my gosh. It’s Lord Zuko and Lady Y/N. I can’t believe it!” He stared at the two of you with wide eyes, his voice getting higher and higher as he whimpered. He looked like he was going to fall over until another black-haired boy pulled him out of the way, his tone apologetic.
“Uh, forgive my brother,” he said as he put his fist against his open palm, his brother following suit. “We’re just really honored to meet you both.”
“It’s no problem,” you smiled as you and Zuko returned the greeting. It had been years since someone had reacted that way towards you, and you would be lying if you said it didn’t amuse you. “It’s a pleasure to meet you as well.”
The two boys straightened again as the taller one gestured to them each in turn. “I’m Mako, and this is Bolin. We’re Korra’s friends.”
“Ah, she’s got her own Team Avatar?” You inquired with a twinkle in your eye. “You know, I traveled with Avatar Aang years back along with my husband.”
“Of course I know!” Bolin exclaimed. “Oh, I’ve heard so many stories about your adventures, they’re all so amazing!” His eyes widened and you actually thought that he was going to fall over. “Oh, oh, could you tell us about some of the things you went through?”
“Bolin, we really shouldn’t bother them—” Mako started, but you laughed and waved it off.
“I assure you, there’s nothing to worry about. It’s not often I get to relive my journeys to such avid listeners. What would you like to hear about?”
He thought for a couple seconds then shot back up again. “What was it like when you escaped the Boiling Rock together? You guys were the first people to ever break out, right? That had to be amazing!”
You and Zuko both laughed as you shot him a look. “It was… interesting,” he said.
“By interesting, he means it was a complete disaster,” you corrected. “Everywhere something could’ve gone wrong, it went wrong. They had originally come there to rescue Sokka’s dad, but instead they found Suki and I. Then Zuko got found out and thrown into prison, our first escape plan failed, Sokka almost got found out, Azula showed up… it was honestly a miracle we made it out at all.”
“It wasn’t that bad!” he protested. “Getting thrown into prison was part of the plan, we wouldn’t have been able to get the cooler out if I hadn’t been found out.”
“I guess I can’t complain,” you chuckled. “I did get to punch you a couple times.”
“They are so cool,” Bolin whispered as the two of you went on in the background. He elbowed Mako in the shoulder and gestured towards the couple with his head. “Come on, ask them something! This is a once in a lifetime opportunity!”
“I’m not going to ask them something, Bolin—”
“Excuse me, my brother has something he wants to ask too!” Mako shot him a dirty look which quickly disappeared when you and Zuko turned to him attentively.  
“Oh, um…” He coughed and scratched his head. “I guess.. is there any advice you have for us? With this whole Team Avatar thing, I mean.” You smiled at Mako and took Zuko’s hand.
“The friendships you forge during your journey are the most important thing — they’re the things that will keep you going during your darkest moments, and they will last a lifetime. There will be mountains and valleys, ebbs and flows, but no matter what, you will hold an unbreakable bond.”
You felt Zuko squeeze your hand and turned your smile on him as you returned the sentiment then nodded for him to continue. “Never take anything for granted, and trust in fate. You’re where you are for a reason — everything will end up working out in the end.”
You grinned and kissed him on the cheek, humming in agreement. “It did, didn’t it?”
After a few more minutes of talking with the two brothers, they went off to join the rest of their group. It was strange being on the outside of it all after how intense your childhood was, but it was… refreshing not to have the weight of the world on your shoulders anymore.
“The world’s in good hands with them,” you murmured as you leaned your head on Zuko’s shoulder.
“They all have that same fire you had when I first met you,” Zuko chuckled. You watched the four of them conversing and a smile graced your lips.
“Oh? Then I think the world’s in very good hands.”
perm tag list: @dv0412 @siriuslyslyslytherin
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avtr-aang · 2 years
Lychee Nuts - (Azula x Aang)
Fanfic Snippet
So, I was planning on slowly getting back into writing for fun and posting some one-shots for Aang Rarepair Week (Yes, I know it was in like April but I was studying for finals. Besides, every week is Aang Rarepair week.) But, as I wrote this brief one-shot for Day 1 Denial... I started having all these ideas and now it's probably going to be a full multi-chapter fic! Anyways, just thought I'd drop this short snippet here because, let's be honest, Aang rarepair ships could use a little more attention.
Her servants would inform her of current happenings around the world. While not being allowed to step foot outside the palace walls, this was the one way she could understand how the world was continuing to change. The Council refused her even the briefest opportunity to step foot outside. They believed she would initiate some sort of coup otherwise. Ridiculous. In their defense, she had already thought about how she would accomplish such a goal and could execute it if she so wished. Luckily for Zuzu, she simply had no interest in pursuing such efforts at this time. 
While there should have been some solace in being back home - surrounded by all the luxuries and commodities she was used to - restful sleep eluded her. Most nights consisted of tossing and turning, chased by demons of her past that somehow always grew stronger in the night; as if they knew she grew weaker as the sunset. Some nights were harder than others… 
Azula walked down the Royal Gallery hall. Her footsteps echoed through a silent corridor. She was, as always, the very picture of poise and confidence, though she was not sure exactly where she was going. However, Azula noticed something in her peripheral that stopped her in her tracks. Turning towards the line of portraits she faced the domineering image of the once-great Fire Lord Ozai. She raised her hand towards it and grazed her nails against the soft silk of the portrait to confirm if it were real. She had purposely avoided the hall ever since her return. She could not bear to look upon the face of her father. She did not ask nor speak of him for he only existed in her mind as the image of power and greatness he once was and not what may have become of him now. 
“Azula,”  she obediently turned to face the familiar, emotionless call of her name and immediately dropped into a bow, head hung low. 
“Father…” She could tell her voice was shaky even as she attempted to fight it off. “I did not expect to see you.”
“Hm.” She looked up to see Fire Lord Ozai closely observing his own portrait. He was just as she remembered him. Tall with a gaunt face and shiny long black hair. He was wearing the Fire Lord headpiece. Azula released a breath she did not realize she was holding. All seemed right with the world. She rose and stood by his side. “I suppose it will be your portrait here one day. The Fire Nation may continue to thrive.” She beamed at this. 
“Of course, father. I will make you proud,” Azula responded dutifully. 
“Will you?” He sounded doubtful, almost amused. “Your brother turned out to be a disappointment. Perhaps you may too.” 
“Father, you cannot possibly compare me to Zuko!” 
“And yet you have failed me just as he has.” She was taken aback by this. Azula was many things but a failure was not one of them. “B-but I conquered Ba Sing Se! I killed the Avatar!” She hated how the scrutinizing gaze of her father turned her into a stammering child but she could not help it. He always had this effect on her “I have always been by your side! I would not betray you the way he did!” He directed his gaze to her. Amber eyes so much like her own peered down at her. However, while her own eyes were cold and steely, his had a fire burning behind them. Azula must have lost that fire long ago. He took a menacing step toward her.
“Have you not already betrayed me, Azula?” he questioned. Azula took a step backward. “I had high hopes for you. But time and again you let me down. It is because of you that the Fire Nation fell.
“No…” she whispered. He took another step towards her. She took another back.
 “It is because of you that we lost the war.” 
“No..!” she whispered slightly louder. 
“And it is because of you the Avatar won! You could not save me nor our country. You are a failure and disappointment no different than your brother. Perhaps even worse for you fooled me into believing that you were capable.” Azula tried to compose herself but she could not before his intimidating stature and grave, gaunt face. There was no kindness or mercy there- just wrath and fury. She looked around, panicked, and noticed they were no longer in the Royal Gallery but in the Agni Kai arena. She looked back at Ozai, holding a fireball in his hands. She tried to harness her own flames to fight back but she could not move. It was as though she were paralyzed by fear. “It is only fair, Azula, that you should share his mark of shame.”  
Her lips parted in a scream that made no sound as he hurled his flame towards her face and - 
“Princess Azula, wake up! Wake up, Princess!”  She shot up in bed, sweat dripping down her brow.  She frantically looked around and found she was in her own chambers, the first rays of sunrise peeking in from the balcony and illuminating her Lady’s maid's worried expression. Azula raised her trembling fingers to the left side of her face. It was delicate and smooth, unblemished. “Are you alright? I heard you yelling and came at o – ”
“It is nothing, Tomoko,” she said curtly, steeling herself before the elderly woman’s scrutiny. 
Just like Lo and Li, Tomoko was always at Azula’s side. While Lo and Li taught her Fire Bending, Tomoko taught her how to be a lady, a princess who would govern her people justly. It is no surprise which lessons Azula preferred. But while Lo and Li were critical and stern, Tomoko was kind and tender. Azula could recount many instances where she was outright cruel towards her Lady’s maid and yet she remained; an ever-present source of guidance who she came to avoid during the war. 
Being a lady was no longer of interest to her at the time. She wanted to be the Fire Lord and learning how to bow just so and play games of politics were insignificant when the Fire Nation would rule the world anyways. How quickly those dreams were dashed. Upon her arrival at the palace, Tomoko was quick to greet her with open arms and welcoming words. Perhaps it was the effect of her time away but Azula could better appreciate such gestures now whereas they seemed frivolous once. 
She noticed cheering outside for the first time. “What in the world is all that noise?” she questioned irritatingly as Tomoko wiped her brow with a towel. 
“Did you not hear, Princess? The Avatar is arriving today.” Azula’s irritation grew. To think that her own people would one day cheer the arrival of the Avatar. It was unimaginable to her. It would be treachery once upon a time but perhaps even the Fire Nation masses adored the celebrated hero. Azula stood up, tied the sash of her robes, and walked towards the balcony. It was early morning and yet droves of people stood outside the palace gates. Azula followed their gaze upwards and noticed the familiar fluffy beast descending down into the crowd. He was too far to spot but she noticed a tall lithe figure easily descend down from atop the beast’s head and into the crowd. Their cheers grew louder. 
Azula watched as the Palace gates opened and her brother walked towards them, stopping halfway between the gate and the entryway. As the gates fully opened and the palace guards held the crowds back, she got her first glimpse of the Avatar. 
He was certainly older. Tall and lean yet muscular and, admittedly, walking with the grace and power one would expect of an Avatar. He donned the traditional yellow and orange sashes of the Air Nomads and the hefty beads of a master air bender. The Avatar bowed before the Fire Lord in the traditional Fire Nation way. Her brother bowed back. In her opinion, it was below a Fire Lord to bow before anyone, even the Avatar, but surely her brother had different views on the matter. The mood shifted as they both rose. The Avatar grinned at the Fire Lord, his eyes twinkling with a  child-like wonder before they embraced one another. Perhaps he had not aged much after all.
They began walking towards the palace when the Avatar looked up and noticed her perhaps for the first time. It might have been her imagination, but his face seemed to light up at the sight of her. Azula glared back. 
“He has grown quite handsome, hasn’t he?” She turned to her side and noticed Tomoko peering over the railing beside her. 
“Why the Avatar of course.” Azula granted her an incredulous look, one verging on disgust.
“Perhaps your eyesight has failed you in your old age, Tomoko. Be useful and prepare my bath.”
“Very well, Princess Azula.”   
While Azula would accompany Zuko for meals, she did not sit with him and his companions when they visited. In fact, she made a conscious decision to avoid such a blending of friends and family. Not because she feared conflict, no she rather thrived on that, but simply because she could not enjoy her dinner in peace surrounded by watchful eyes and bated breath - everyone expecting her to shoot lightning across the table towards the Fire Lord and take his seat. These fears were not unfounded. 
While Zuko tried to be amicable with her, even in the face of her biting words, he knew when to give her space. However, when the Avatar was visiting, she was always requested to join them. Azula quickly learned that each night he was there, she would receive an invitation to join them to eat, and each night she refused.
By the end of Azula’s first year since her return and the Avatar’s fourth visit to the palace, Azula came to habitually refuse the Avatar’s invitations. It was starting to feel like pity. 
“The Avatar insists, your Highness,” her attendant had informed her shyly one night.
Azula turned sharply towards the attendant, her fury so evident that the woman flinched. “Not everyone bends to the whim of the Avatar - and certainly not me,” she snarled. 
And yet, despite such assertion, she attended that night spurred on by some form of curiosity. She expected, perhaps hoped, that the Avatar wanted a rematch to which she would happily oblige. It would be preferable to some flowery words about being friends and putting the past behind them. Azula was tired of hearing such trivialities. No one could understand the pain of losing a father, an empire, and their very sanity all in one day. Such pain was not simply pushed away, no. It hovered - constantly looming over the mind like a shadow. If such despair plagued anyone with a will weaker than Azula’s, surely they would crumble under the crushing weight of it.
 As she sat at the very end of the table before the new Fire Lord and his band of two water tribe peasants, the loud-mouthed Earth Bender, the Kyoshi Warrior, and the Avatar himself, the room fell terribly silent. It did not bother Azula. She sipped at the still-warm tea sitting before her placement, as though everyone else simply was not there. 
“Thank you for joining us.” Zuko greeted, cutting through the silence. 
“Hey, Princess,” said the Earthbender. 
The two from the water tribe and the warrior did not express a verbal welcome so much as slight nods and hesitant waves. Rightfully wary. Azula returned these greetings with an acknowledging glance. 
“Princess Azula.” She heard her name from across the table as she brought her cup down from her lips. Amber eyes met cool grays. His were just as intense as hers - seemingly boring into her in a way that made Azula sit straighter though there was no malice behind them. The Avatar smiled at her as though greeting an old friend and not an old enemy. “It’s good to see you again.” There was a soft yet rich timbre to his voice which she was not expecting. It was heavy like a rising storm but smooth like honey. 
Azula bit back the urge to say something along the lines of “Wish I could say the same - how’s your back? Still stings, I’d imagine?” She would have been delighted to see a look of insult from him. Instead, she merely responded with a simple, less satisfactory, “Avatar.” 
He probably could not stand the thought of anyone not worshiping the ground he walks on and wanted to make a show of his ethereal kindness towards the forlorn Fire Nation princess. Annoyingly, his smile only grew wider, smugger. For what seemed like minutes, their gazes stayed locked on one another. Hers, she was sure, carried a burning dislike; portraying her extreme annoyance in being called here as some show of goodwill. His look, however, she could not fathom. It was almost… curious? Like he was trying to understand her. 
“Aang, I specially called in a chef from Omashu,” Zuko interrupted. This pulled them both out of whatever trance they seemed to be under. Azula went back to her tea. 
“Oh, what for?” 
“You’ll see.” Azula never knew Zuzu to be one for surprises.   
The rest of dinner went by filled with reminiscing talks and inside jokes - none of which Azula could relate to of course. Surprisingly, everyone was mostly cordial towards her and by cordial, she means barely acknowledging she was there. The waterbender kept glancing at her every few minutes or so. There was anger, resentment, and distrust in her looks - normally irritating but in this moment, not unwelcome. It was the one thing that seemed… expected. What she did not expect was catching the Avatar’s eyes every once in a while but just the same, she found herself looking at him too. 
The Avatar was no longer a boy. His jaw and face were chiseled yet his eyes remained kind. He possessed a defined yet gently sloping nose. His features were strangely soft and delicate while also being strong and sharp. Even his countenance appeared to portray the very balance he was tasked to protect. Curious indeed. Near the end of their meal, the chef from Omashu personally greeted the Avatar and presented to the table their city’s delicacy.
“Egg custard tarts from Omashu, Avatar! I have been told they are your favorite. You have wonderful taste!” the chef praised. The Avatar thanked him, grinning ear from ear as two were placed in front of him. Azula acknowledged what a penchant for sweets he must have. “Please, please no thanks is needed! It is an honor to serve the Avatar and the Fire Lord, as well as the Heroes of the Hundred Year War,” The water tribe peasant seemed to beam at his title. 
Azula noticed the way the chef avoided serving her. Ah, of course. The people of Omashu likely did not forget when Azula captured their city in the name of her father - New Ozai. She did not take this insult to heart and was instead preparing to get up and leave. 
“I do hope you enjoy the delica -” the chef stopped speaking as a fruit tart was carried along the table atop a swirling pool of wind and landed directly in front of her. Azula looked up at the Avatar who was already enjoying the one tart he had left. 
“It’s exactly as I remember it, thank you. But please make sure to serve all guests at the table. The people of Omashu are hospitable enough to do this aren’t they?” He said this lightly and with a smile. There was not a threat in his voice but it was exacting, as though he took it personally.  
“O - Of course, Avatar Aang. I apologize, please excuse me…” and he bowed away nervously. 
To say the least, Azula was amused. She picked up a small spoonful of this Earth Kingdom specialty, wondering why it would be a favorite of the Avatar. She noted that he was glancing at her from the corner of his eye, perhaps anxious to see her reaction. She has had egg custard tarts before. How could this one be any different, she thought. But as the first bite passed her lips, she blinked in surprise. It was smoother and silkier than any custard her palace chefs had made her but most unique was the crust. 
“Mmm. Lychee nuts,” she mused to herself. 
“See why it’s my favorite?” He looked at her expectantly. 
“I suppose I do.” 
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How Avatar characters would react to you coming out as asexual
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Aang is one of the few characters that would know was asexuality is straight away. We know the monks were very welcoming of same-sex relationships and I imagine they'd feel the same way for all LGBTQIA+ identities. So Aang knows what it is and doesn't ask any annoying or offensive questions (cough Sokka cough). Instead he just validates your feelings and makes you feel seen. I imagine this coming out would be very emotional because Aang just understands and is so compassionate and supportive. You'd definitely both be crying by the end of it.
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Has no idea what it is at first but is supportive from the start. The second you say the words "I'm asexual" Katara can feel what this is even if she doesn't know what it means. She knows you're sharing a part of yourself with her and she loves that! So she'd hug you, thank you for telling her and then politely ask if you could explain it to her a little. She wouldn't want to put all the burden of educating her on you but instead goes away afterwards and learns about asexuality herself. She's such a caring friend I imagine she'd definitely buy you anything ace related, paint little ace flags on her cheeks on pride days, ask your boundaries and help affirm your identity if you ever struggle with your asexuality. She'd also definitely fight any acephobes without hesitation healer or not.
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I love Sokka but something tells me he has no clue was asexuality is and he would be that person who asks all those weird invasive questions the first time you tell him. He of course doesn't mean any harm or offence but it's still not a nice experience. I also imagine he wouldn't know he's said anything wrong until Katara pulls him up on it. Then, after he gets over being told off, he'd be very apologetic. Once he understands how he hurt you he'd be upset and work to do everything in his power to show you he's sorry. In a relationship sense I imagine Sokka might have the most adjusting to do just because it's not a concept he's heard of before and it's different to the typical macho expectation he has about relationships. So he'd be a little quiet and unsure at first and things would be tense but then he'd get his head around it (probably thanks to Katara again) and realise nothing's really changed! You're still the same person just you've found your identity. He loves you so he should support that and he does. After that he'd get to the stage of being so proud of you for living in all your aceness, definitely bragging that his partner is ace and then giggling to himself at the joke.
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Azula is smart so I figured she'd have heard about asexuality having read it somewhere. I think Azula would be a very protective friend so she'd just support and guide you. She'd definitely be that friend ready to fight all the acephobes and if anyone ever makes you feel lesser for being ace they will burn. As a partner I've kind of touched on this before but I don't think this would be a deal-breaker for Azula. When Azula chooses a partner it is for their strong character and brilliant mind, not just the physical side. The only part I think she'd struggle with would be the keeping up appearances part and feeling like she's not like other couples...but I imagine that FOMO would decrease as she matured and realised she loved her partner way more than society's expectations of her. I also headcanon Azula as aromantic or ace herself so honestly I feel like after she's adjusted to her life being slightly different to other people's she'd really like it.
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As a friend Zuko would be hopelessly lost but supportive. He has no clue what asexuality is but once you explain he gets it and supports you. I honestly think Zuko would be like "there's a word for that" and relate to you on a lot of aspects. As a partner I think Zuko would be so relieved in the sense that a lot of pressure and expectation is lifted. I always find it amusing how Zuko is headcanoned as a "hot" character but when we see him with Mai he's pretty awkward and unsure. So I imagine he'd be so relieved his partner is ace because it means he doesn't have to necessarily erm perform quite so much which is a huge weight off his mind. I could definitely see Zuko being somewhere on the ace spectrum so there might even be a really cute moment where your coming out helps Zuko realise he's also ace. Happy tears all around.
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Has no idea what asexuality is and like Sokka kind of makes a mess of it at first. Lowkey insulting you and just being generally insensitive...but of course without meaning to, it's just her way. Once Toph realises she went too far and joked about something she shouldn't have she would be full of apologies. She'd still be pretty unsure because emotions don't come easy to her but I can so see her being one of those friends who asks "what can I do to help support you?" and basically just needs a little education. Then if anyone says anything mildly acephobic around Toph Beifong...they better fear for their lives because Toph is an ace ally and she will not stand for anything less.
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Mai isn't really one for labels so I imagine she'd not have much of a reaction. After you explain it to her I feel like she'd just nod or thank you for telling her and then change the subject but not in a dismissive way just in a "cool sexuality isn't as big a deal as society makes it out to be" kind of way. To Mai I don't think it would be a huge deal at all, if you were her partner or friend, I get the sense she isn't too touchy anyway so I don't think it would really change things between you at all (am I trying to say I also suspect Mai could be on the ace spectrum.............yes). She'd also be that quiet supportive partner who notices when something is bothering you and speaks up if someone's being rude or insensitive. Mai does not hold back when someone is hurting someone she cares about.
Ty lee
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Ty lee is one of the only other characters besides Aang and Azula whom I think would know what asexuality is and I think she'd be very supportive as well. As a friend she'd ask what support you need from her and be that cute ally who sends you ace posts she finds or headcanons ace characters with you. Ty lee is well educated on the LGBTQIA+ community and she'd be able to listen as you vent about all the issues ace people face and she'd just get it. As a partner again I think she'd be supportive af. I imagine Ty lee is a very loving, supportive partner so there's no way she's going to steamroll over your wants and preferences. She only wants you to feel love and comfortable so immediately asks your boundaries so the two of you can work out a healthy system that works for everyone.
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Suki is a queen so again while she's not sure what asexuality is she'd be respectful and supportive. Similar to Katara she'd sense the importance of what you're telling her and give you a big smile and hug. She knows what it's like to find a community that gets you so I can imagine her helping you set up an ace organisation (if you were from the fire nation it could be called "fire aces" which sounds so cool) so you can have your own "warrior sisters". As a partner I feel like Suki would be the perfect balance between being logical and respectful. She'd sit down with you and discuss how you're feeling and how she can best support you as your girlfriend. She'd regularly check your boundaries haven't changed and be very accommodating. Kyoshi would be proud.
I know I missed Ace Visibility day was last Sunday but this idea only came to be on Tuesday so Ace Gods please forgive me! So and I hope this isn't necessary, no acephobic comments will be tolerated. Asexuality is a valid identity and we are wonderful members of the LGBTQIA+ community. Also just to note that obviously not every ace relationship is going to work and sometimes couples will split up because they're not compatible sexually, that is totally fine. In this instance I made all the couples work because 1. Aces never really hear stories with happy endings like this 2. there is still quite a lot of focus on the ace person in these relationships with the implication they're "the problem" and so I wanted to centre the ace but affirm ace people are not a burden in a relationship. Their partner is not "losing" anything but gaining an awesome partner! So that's also why I made all the relationships work to highlight how it's great to be ace and anyone would be lucky to have us.
I might do a part two with Lok and Rise of Kyoshi characters too. I really want to write more ace content so hopefully aceness will become more frequent. 
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