#she's a perfect lady... calm and feminine and cute and all else is a Lie
mayanangel · 5 years
Oohhh fluffy and cute frian/maycury please! I alawys thought they are a LOT like Lilly and Marshall from HIMYM the longer you think about it the more sense it makes! Could you do Something with that pretty please?
Hey, anon! Thanks for the request! Unfortunately I’m not the biggest HIMYM fan, so while I do know OF Lilly and Marshall, I’m not like, the biggest expert on their relationship dynamic. 
So maybe I can offer you some fluffy and cute modern!AU Frian instead?
And by “fluffy and cute modern!AU” I mean something that somehow became a makeup artist!AU, because I’m a terrible person :(
Again, sorry for the suuuper late fill, but I hope you’ll like it! And of course, feel free to request something else if you want to. XOXO
“Don’t move.“
“I’m not.”
“I just sai-..! Brian! I said don’t move!” Freddie half-laughed, half-complained, grabbing his boyfriend’s fluffy - and giggling - face between his hands. “Now look what you’ve done - your eyeliner’s gone all crooked!”
Brian laughed. “I’m sorry, babe, I really am. Can it be fixed? I’ll be still this time, I promise.”
Freddie narrowed his eyes at his boyfriend, sneering jokingly. “You sit on a throne of lies, you liar.”
Brian chuckled, shrugging at the camera. “Well, I tried.”
Freddie flipped him the bird, while rummaging through the mess of cosmetics on his filming vanity for a makeup wipe. "And… I’m out of makeup wipes too, apparently.”
“Oh, are those the wet tissues you make Roger and I use after we perform? They smell nice.” Brian spun idly on his boyfriend’s spinning stool, a delicate finger just barely scratching at his nose. He knew better than to just rub at the itch the way he usually would; the last time he did that, they had to pause shooting altogether, due to Freddie almost bursting into tears over Brian ‘ruining his contour’.
Enter John, swooping in with an emergency cuddle while Roger laughed his ass off behind the camera.
“Ugh, whatever. Fuck those wipes! We’re doing this old school with a q-tip and some makeup remover. Now stay still, love!”
Brian practically held his breath as Freddie cupped his face with one hand, and then very carefully worked a wet q-tip near his eye with the other.
It was a strange sensation, having someone prodding around so near to his eyeball - but he trusted Freddie with his life. And to be honest, he really did try to keep perfectly still - after all, Freddie had been begging him to do this video for weeks, and he wanted nothing more than to make his boyfriend happy - but he just couldn’t help being both curious about everything Freddie was doing to his face, while also just appreciating his boyfriend’s very focused, and almost uncharacteristic seriousness, while he worked his magic.
And could you blame him? His boyfriend was gorgeous.
Today Freddie had done his own makeup hours before they even started filming, and like always, Brian had been distracted from the moment he saw him fully glam’d up. He just… he looked like a fucking work of art. Exactly how his boyfriend managed to look both prettier and more handsome at the same time when he was all dolled up, he had no idea. All he knew was that, beyond all the eye shadow and lipstick, he was just as mesmerised with this part of his boyfriend - or ‘Melina’, as Freddie dubbed his feminine persona - as he was with Freddie himself.
Sure she was a force of nature to contend with, his Melina; just as much a runaway storm as his Freddie. But he couldn’t stop loving either if he tried.
Fully dolled up, or hair slicked back, dressed head to toe in leather - Brian was hopelessly enamored with his boyfriend in his entirety.
Of course their fans knew about Freddie’s dabbling in makeup and the occasional drag. And of course, there were those who tried to make Freddie feel bad about it. But he and the others had decided long ago - before Freddie started his Melina youtube channel - that they would stand by their lead singer no matter what. God knows the amount of times he’s walked in to find John calming an irate Roger down from another screaming match with his laptop screen - all because some troll had commented about how Freddie was the death of decency in rock music.
As if rock and roll was ever 'decent’.
Those bastards could fuck off.
But Freddie - oh how his man just kept on being amazing and outstanding, despite the shit people were throwing at them.
Instead of giving up on drag and makeup, their lead singer had instead gotten even better at his craft, and eventually started his own youtube channel, where he could be honest and open about being queer and doing drag, while also being a rockstar. His makeup tutorials were especially popular; and as they grew as a band, Freddie began to grow as an exceptional makeup artist.
Told you my bloody art degree would come in handy, he once told them, and Brian couldn’t agree more. He’d practically lost track of how many times he’s watched Freddie paint his face, and yet the process still never failed to take his breath away.
The way every movement, every action, every deliberate touch - slowly transformed all that was Freddie, until Melina finally took her place; it was fucking artistic poetry in motion. In fact, he even suggested once that Freddie do their shows in drag, but his boyfriend had laughingly declined.
'Melina’ isn’t made for singing on stage in a rock band, dear, he had told him. Melina was beauty, Melina was glam. Melina was fantasy.
But Freddie however - Freddie was made for the stage. Freddie was music, Freddie was performance. Freddie was for their fans, who had stuck by them, from their days of singing cover songs on Roger’s youtube channel, to performing original material on their official band channel, to them releasing their album and touring the country performing live almost every other day of the week.
For those fans, Freddie was Freddie, and Freddie enjoyed keeping it that way. Perhaps Melina could drop by once in a while, he mused, but at the end of the day, if he was going to stand on stage and sing while Brian, Roger, and John played their hearts out, he was going to do so as Freddie Mercury.
Besides, he cheekily added, he very much enjoyed being unmistakably male when teasing Brian during his solos.
Kept the thirsty ladies (and boys!) in their audience suitably reminded of their places, should any of them get the dreadful idea that his boyfriend only really 'liked’ him because he wore makeup and occasionally did drag.
Well, joke’s on them. Brian’s boyfriend may like to wear makeup and wear lingerie - but he still had a dick, so there.
Without even meaning to, Brian felt a fond smile form on his face. In front of him, Freddie finally stepped back to assess his work, eyes darting left to right to check whether Brian’s eyeliner was finally even. Brian hoped it was - he really didn’t want more things poking near his eye.
Freddie whooped. “Perfect! Done! Now, we just need to fix the foundation a little - as you can see, some of it’s come off around here - but other than that, I think we’ll just need to pop on some mascara, and then mayyyyyybe some fake lashes? What do you think, babe? Does this… supermodel, slash Hollywood starlet, slash Fairy Queen fantasy need some fake lashes?”
Not gonna lie, Brian kinda liked how Freddie described him as some sort of cross between an ideal and fantastical beauty. Made him feel like a real showstopper - a stunner.
He turned to the camera, puckering his lips and striking some semblence of a pinup pose. “Then I’ll finally be prettiest of them all?” he asked demurely.
“Oh please,” Freddie grinned, pecking a brief kiss onto his lips. “You know you’ve always been pretty, love.” He giggled when he saw that some of his lipstick had transferred to Brian’s cupid’s bow. “How else did you think you convinced me to date you?”
Brian straightened in his seat, eyes twinkling with mischief. “Well, I was thinking it was because of my big pe-…”
Freddie gasped, dropping his mascara and scrambling to cover Brian’s mouth. “BRIAN HAROLD MAY, DON’T YOU DARE!”
John and Roger broke down into peals of laughter off camera.
Brian snickered behind Freddie’s palm, gently removing it so he could smile indulgently at his boyfriend. “I was going to say PE-rsonality, love. Personality. Honestly, Fred. This is a family show, calm down.”
Freddie responded by rubbing indignantly at the trace of red on his lips, feigning annoyance and muttering under his breath.
“Yeah, Fred, let Brian tell us more about his 'big personality’!” Roger hollered off camera.
Freddie swiftly turned towards his giggling bandmates. “Shut up, Rog!” he mock scolded, embarrassment and amusement breaking out all over his face. “We are not doing that, okay - NO, sto..- John stop encouraging him! - I repeat, NO ONE needs to know about my boyfriend’s… personality or whatever, alright? This is a makeup tutorial - and you BASTARDS are trying to get me banned from youtube, when I’m not even halfway done with his face! Shame, the lot of you!”
Brian laughed heartily, taking Freddie’s hand to get his attention.
“Okay, okay. I’m sorry, babe, I’ll be good now, I promise. No more talk about… big… personalities.. Whether they be mine or yours!” He turned towards the camera, pointing a finger at their imaginary audience. “No more!”
“You insufferable knob, I hate you!” Freddie hid his face in his hands, eyeing Brian through the gaps between his fingers.
Brian batted his perfectly painted eyelids at his boyfriend. “Liar. You love me.”
Freddie pretended to consider for a moment, cheeks burning red, before giving in and looking up with a bashful smile.
“Fine, you’re right. I do. I love you.” He leaned in for a kiss, stopping halfway to grab a tissue to press over Brian’s lips, then planting a firm smooch on Brian’s tissue-protected face. Brian grinned at his boyfriend’s ingenuity, wholly impressed when Freddie pulled away smiling and lipstick transfer-free.
“Oi! Get a room!”
Brian took the tissue from Freddie and threw it in John’s direction, the other man scurrying to hide behind an equally giggling Roger.
Freddie laughed, flipping off their friends for good measure. “Alright, enough! Let’s get back to work!” He reached for his mascara, manhandling Brian’s head back into the perfect position.
“Now, you need to sit perfectly still and hush, alright? For real, this time! - or I swear I will stab you in the eye with my mascara wand, and let Roger turn you into one of him memes.”
“You wouldn’t.”
“Try me, love.”
Brian grinned, already thinking about the many ways he could use those words against his boyfriend later. “Very well. Do your worst, babe.”
Freddie smirked. Roger and John rolled their eyes.
“Shut the fuck up, Rog!”
“….And this is the final look, guys! What do you think, Brian? Did I do a good job?”
Brian stared at his reflection in the mirror.
“Oh my…Fred, you did amazing! I look… oh, I look gorgeous! This is… oh wow. This is fantastic!”
“Really? You really like it?” Freddie asked earnestly. Brian nodded with enthusiasm.
“Freddie, babe… I love it!”
Freddie beamed, feeling probably the proudest he’s ever felt since coming out to their fans all those years ago.
To think that they would be able to have a moment like this after everything they had all been through, was humbling. Queen was doing great, his boyfriend was literally the best boyfriend in the world (John can kiss his ass if he thinks otherwise, no offense to Roger), and their fans - as far as he knew - loved and accepted all of them just the way they were, no questions asked.
Freddie honestly could not have asked for a better moment to bask in.
Well… then again.
He watched as Brian gingerly poked and prodded at his masterpiece, still enthralled by his new face. Freddie bit his bottom lip. There was one other thing that he’s been dying to ask of Brian. One other thing that he’s been dying to have Brian do for him.
Something that his wonderful boyfriend has consistently - albeit politely, because Brian - declined to do ever since he first offhandedly suggested it.
But then… considering how well he was taking the makeup thing - perhaps now would be a good time to ask?
“Uh oh.” Brian was turned towards him; mirror put away, camera still recording.
“I know that look.”
“I didn’t even say anything!”
“But you were thinking it, and I love you, but the answer is no.”
Freddie pouted. “But Brimiiiiiiii…”
“No, Freddie.”
“I already let you put me in makeup, babe, what more could you want?”
Another pout, but even closer to his face, because Freddie was now dangerously close to sitting on his lap. “…..Please?”
Brian sighed. “Freddie…”
“Just for one night! I promise it will be amazing, love! You’ll be amazing!”
“Freddie, I- I… you know I can’t dance…” Now it was Brian’s turn to pout, insecurity looming it’s ugly head. Of course he knew what Freddie was suggesting. He’d been suggesting it for almost as long as he’s been begging him to do this video. And it wasn’t that he didn’t like the scene or anything - hell, he probably enjoyed it more than Freddie did!
It was just… the whole over the top theatricality of it all could be so intimidating. He enjoyed watching Freddie and their other friends when they were into it, but he just couldn’t see himself ever having that kind of confidence to pull it off.
Freddie was having none of it, though, reaching out and lifting his boyfriend’s beautiful face to look at him.
“You stop that right now. You know as well as I do that it’s not about dancing, it’s about being and enjoying yourself. And in my personal opinion, darling, I think you’d be magnificent at it!”
Brian blushed. “You really think so..?”
Before Freddie could answer, Roger beat him to it. “I mean… if it’ll make you feel any better, John and I would definitely join in if you agree to it, Brian.”
“Yeah, Brian,” John added. “Roger’s been begging me to put him in drag for ages now, we could make a night out of it. What do you say?”
Freddie smiled, hopefulness blooming anew on his face. Brian worried his bottom lip, tasting lip gloss on the tip of his tongue. It tasted like sweet peaches.
“So… what do you say, Brimi? Ladies night out at a drag club in full drag? I’ll make sure you’re extra pretty.”
Brian smiled softly despite himself, already knowing that he had lost this fight. Who was he kidding? He never stood a chance.
“Fine.” He agreed, taking Freddie’s warm hands in his. “On one condition.”
Freddie lit up exponentially, already thrumming with excitement and ideas. “Anything, love.”
“Promise me…. that we’ll be prettier queens than John and Roger.”
Freddie burst into laughter, throwing his arms around Brian while their two friends protested loudly off to the side.
Brian joined his boyfriend laughing, kissing the side of his head as he held him close. A bit of lip gloss stained his temples, but Freddie couldn’t care less. He was just elated to be sharing another part of his world with Brian. His beautiful, sensational, and wonderful lover, Brian May.
He pulled away with a final kiss on Brian’s lips, then turned towards the camera.
“Well, that’s it guys! I just did my boyfriend’s makeup, and you heard it here first! Queen will be doing a drag night out - Coming to you soon!! Keep a lookout on all of our social media, which will be linked below in the description, and make sure you subscribe…”
Brian smiled to himself as he watched Freddie close out the video. He looked positively giddy, grinning from ear to ear, mind probably already designing the outfit he wanted Brian’s drag persona to wear. Well, he thought, he’s already been many things. A good son, good kid.
School nerd, space nerd. Rock musician, rock guitarist.
A closeted fool who once pined for another’s love; and now, an out and proud fool who was shamelessly in love with the love of his life.
Honestly, what harm could it possibly bring to add another thing to that list?
Besides, he thought to himself as Freddie slid onto his lap, if it made Freddie happy, then it was well worth doing, wasn’t it?
He saw Roger in the corner of his eye throwing his hands up in exasperation as John rushed to stop the camera’s recording; the set lights going dim a few moments later. John had all but dragged Roger out of the room by then, no doubt to get some alone time of their own - the horny bastards.
His attention was brought back to the man his arms when he felt Freddie leave his lap, moving to clear a space on the makeup table - just enough for him to hop up on, and beckon to Brian, legs spread apart oh so invitingly.
Brian wasted no time to stand between them, hands on Freddie’s hips while Freddie leaned back on his elbows, shamelessly smudged bottom lip between his teeth. Undoubtedly Brian knew his own makeup was probably ruined, but judging by his boyfriend’s reaction, it was far from an issue at that very moment.
In fact, it might well be the exact opposite of a problem.
Brian smirked. Oh yeah. Definitely worth it.
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lilover131 · 5 years
New CCS Oneshot!
Hi there everyone! I have written another CCS oneshot I would like to share as a thank you for reaching 700 followers! THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH!! 
This idea came to me all of a sudden, and I just felt the urge to write it immediately! I hope you all enjoy it! The links are below, but for those who are iffy about links, please feel free to also read below the cut! If you like it, please leave kudos/comments/reviews, as they are MUCH appreciated!! 
TITLE: The One Worth Dying For 
SUMMARY:  On a stormy summer night in Hong Kong, Yelan has gone into a dangerous labor with her 5th and final child. It is an exciting occasion for the Li Clan, as this may be the magical heir they've all been waiting for. However, Shiefa, the second oldest daughter, is not as happy as everyone else about this new sibling...
                                         The One Worth Dying For
 “What’s wrong, Shiefa? You’ve had a grumpy face all night”
 Little Shiefa looked up at her father, who had a calm expression despite the roaring thunder outside and the situation just past the double doors across the hall. She fidgeted in her seat, clinging to the green colored pajamas she wore. Shiefa was the second oldest child of the family, about seven years of age, and one of four daughters to Yelan Li, the powerful head of the Li clan.
 “I’m not grumpy…”
 Shiefa responded with an unconvincing tone and her soulful brown eyes gazed back to the doors of her parent’s room. Her father sat beside her in the antique horseshoe chair just beside her and placed a hand upon hers. It was clear to see that she was upset about something, and he was determined to find out what.
 “Is that so? You don’t appear to be too excited about your new sibling…your sisters almost couldn’t sleep because of their excitement, but you seem restless for another reason”
 The little girl tensed ever so slightly, but noticeably. It was no secret to the Li clan that she and all her sisters had been born without magic, and their mother was still under pressure to produce an heir. After having four children, Yelan’s body had surely been through so much already, so this fifth child was incredibly taxing on her physically. Yelan had been on bed rest for several weeks now, but tonight, on an evening with such a strong storm raging outside fueled by the humid summer of Hong Kong, she had gone into labor, and it was proving to have many complications.
 “…I don’t need another sibling. Why are they so important anyways? Because they might have magic? Futtie, Fanren, Feimei, and I can lead the clan together…we don’t need an heir with powers…”
 Her father was a bit surprised by this statement, but he could also understand where she was coming from. The magical world could be a very competitive place, and it was of the upmost importance for the leaders of each clan to produce an heir. Most children that were born without magic were seen as disappointments, but the Li clan treasured all of their offspring, magic or not. However, despite the Li Clan’s more progressive outlook, the need to keep magic alive in the family was still very important, and this must have unintentionally brought much guilt to his daughters.
 “Your new sibling, whether they are born with power or not, will be no more important than you or your sisters. Your mother is a very strong woman who takes her duties very seriously, but her love for her children will always take precedence.”
 Shiefa raised her head to look back at her father, this time with a look of anger.
 “But she is willing to die for her duty…”
 Her father frowned at this and gently squeezed her hand.
 “Why do you say that?”
 “I overheard the family doctors talking the other day. They were talking about how this child is taking a lot out of Mother and may even kill her…so why is it so important? Doesn’t she love us enough to live?”
 Shiefa had tears burning in her eyes, and her father suddenly seemed to understand the situation. It was no wonder why she was reacting so differently from her sisters, now that he knew she had overheard such a thing. He was silent for a few moments, thinking carefully about his next words. He couldn’t lie to her…she was too smart for that.
 “Yes, it is true that this labor will be difficult, but your mother is the most stubborn woman I know. She will not be defeated by this. And it is not duty she is risking herself for, Shiefa…”
 The girl wiped at the stray tears in her eyes and tried to remain strong. She was a tough child, perhaps the strongest of the daughters, but she was still a child nonetheless. Her father reached his arms over to grab hold of her and lift her to sit on his lap. Her heard naturally rested on his chest, and her body curled into his gentle embrace.
 “You may not be old enough to understand this yet, but life is a truly precious thing. There are few things worth risking it for, and I can tell you that magic is not one of them. However, bringing another life into the world…now that is something really spectacular. I never realized there was anything I could love as much as your mother until you and your sisters were born…”
 Shiefa looked up to him, rather surprised.
 “Really? Even though we were born without magic?”
 Her father nodded with a gentle smile on his face.
 “Of course! You and your sisters are perfect exactly as you are, and I would never wish for you to change. Your new sibling will need all of you to protect them and show them how to be loving and warm hearted towards others. Can you do that for me?”
 Shiefa paused for a long moment before nodding. Somehow the request felt a little sad, like he was not going to be around to teach this new child himself of the ways of the world.
 The man seemed pleased to hear this, and the both of them gazed upwards towards the double doors as there was a sudden loud yell of pain, appearing to be that of Yelan’s voice. Shiefa felt as if her heart had just fallen into her stomach, but then…the rumbling of thunder seemed to stop and the hallway was filled with the soft sound of an infant crying.
 The two stayed very still and waited patiently for several minutes until one of the doctors emerged from the room with a smile on his face.
 “My Lord, the Lady has given birth to a healthy son…!”
 The father instantly rose from his seat, still cradling his daughter in his arms as he made his way to the room. Shiefa couldn’t help but notice that her father’s shoulders dropped upon seeing his wife alive and well, and it was then that she realized how scared he himself had been without showing it. He must have put up a false calm in order to soothe her…
  Once inside, he gently rested Shiefa to sit on the side of the bed and took one of Yelan’s hands in his, kissing the top of it affectionately.
 “My love…you never cease to amaze me…”
 Yelan, although exhausted, smiled back at him and looked down to the newborn resting against her chest. The baby was so small was staring up inquisitively at his mother with big amber eyes. Shiefa hadn’t been old enough to remember the birth of her sisters, so this was the first time she had truly seen an infant that had just been born. It was rather mind boggling for her to see a human so tiny, and the way he looked at their mother was as if she were his entire world. She saw that connection between mother and child already forming, and there was something that stirred within her own heart as well. Shiefa couldn’t quite explain it, but her parents had both seen it in her eyes.
 “Would you like to hold your brother, my little snowflake?”
 Yelan smiled at her daughter who nodded rather eagerly. Gently, her father lifted the newborn and reached over to hand her the baby, making sure he was well supported before he fully released him. Shiefa stared down at her brother, who was looking at her in much the same way as he had with his mother.
 “He’s so small…and his eyes…they’re almost golden, like a wolf”
 Her father chuckled lightheartedly at this comment.
 “Like a wolf, eh? Yelan, have you decided on a name yet?”
 The mother shook her head.
 “No, but I think I have one in mind. How about Xiao Lang?”
 Her husband’s lips curled into a smile and he gave a nod of approval.
 “Small wolf? I think that works nicely”
 Shiefa smiled, perhaps for the first time that evening, and whispered down to her new brother.
 “Xiao Lang…I promise to always protect you, no matter what. And Futtie, Fanren, Feimei will too. We’ll keep you safe and happy, just like big sisters are supposed to”
 The young babe of course did not understand what was being said to him, but he still gave a hopeful look that implied he knew the feelings behind them. Shiefa was pleased with this and beamed at her parents. Her father nodded knowingly at her and reached forward to place a gentle hand on her head.
 “I’m sure you will…”
 ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Several Years Later*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~
 Shiefa fell to the ground roughly after having been struck by her younger brother’s kick. He immediately rushed to her side with a look of worry and guilt on his face.
 “Shiefa, are you all right? I didn’t mean to hit so hard…”
 His sister nodded and slowly got back to her feet, rubbing at bit at her side which had been impacted.
 “I’m fine. I’m tougher than I look, you know. I may be beautiful and feminine looking, but normally I can knock you down with one strike. You’ve gotten stronger…”
 Syaoran’s gaze averted, a serious look in his amber eyes.
 “I’m still not strong enough…I have to get stronger”
 Shiefa smiled at him and placed her fingers underneath his chin, gently angling his head up to look at her.
 “For her, right? The cute girl you met in Japan?”
 Syaoran nodded in determination. His older sister ruffled his hair, which made him scoff slightly in annoyance.
 “What was that for?”
 Shiefa laughed at her brother’s question.
 “You were so cute, I couldn’t resist. So you’re really going to go back to Japan, huh?”
 Her brother nodded again and wiped the sweat from his brow. He and his sister had been sparring in the garden outside as they often did. Although all of his sisters were incredibly talented in martial arts as well, none were quite as challenging as Shiefa. Wei taught him everything he knew, but he was getting too old to fight, and he couldn’t hold back right now when he had so little time left. He needed to get as strong as he could before he returned to Japan. Syaoran learned a great many things from his sisters, but training in magic was primarily done by Yelan. That training was the most brutal of them all, and his family members were concerned that he might be pushing himself too far. Even his mother was concerned, and being the strongest magic user in the Li Clan, this was quite telling.
 Shiefa placed her hands on her hips and her face became more serious.
 “Father, how can I protect this child from himself…?”
 She whispered softly to the air for her father’s angel to hear, and Syaoran rose his head, having heard her speak, but could not understand what was said.
 “It’s nothing. I just want you to remember something…”
 Shiefa stepped forward and warmly wrapped her arms around head in a kind embrace. Syaoran blushed in embarrassment from this action.
 “W-what are you doing?”
 He struggled a bit, but was firmly pulled back by his sister so there was no escape.
 “I want you to remember…that your life is precious.”
 Syaoran blinked at the statement, clearly confused as to where this was coming from. Shiefa did not let go of him as she continued.
 “Xiao Lang…don’t you make me break my promise…if you get hurt, you will make your sisters cry!”
 The boy went silent for a long moment and sighed before responding.
 “I don’t know what promise you’re talking about, but I don’t plan on making anyone cry”
 Shiefa suddenly pulled back, but her hands extended to pinch his cheeks and pull them to the side, as if to punish him.
 “Good! We’d never forgive you, you know!”
 Syaoran flailed his arms wildly in pain from the ‘torture’ until his sister finally released him. He massaged his red cheeks to soothe them, however he had been released from one torture to endure another. The remaining three sisters all swarmed around him, having snuck into the garden quite stealthily, and hugged him so tight that he felt the air nearly leave his body.
 “H-hey! I can’t breathe!”
 All the girls laughed and showered him with love, whether he wanted it or not. After all, a promise had been made, and it was one that they intended to keep, no matter what.
 Soon, Syaoran would be going away to Tomoeda with their mother’s permission to help save the girl he loved from unhappiness. But no matter how strong his magic or martial arts skills got, he would always in his family’s eyes be the little baby born in the thunderstorm; the one who was worth dying for.
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