#she's got a little sack full of forages snacks i think
sporefound · 5 months
i think it's a running gag w amanita to be snacking at wildly inappropriate times
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esthersroleplayhud · 3 years
Walk in Nature
A Story of Seasons story where Female OC and Jennifer go for a morning walk.
Tagging @of-stars-and-pens because they asked me to.
I have a crush. I have a crush on a girl who I really feel like I should have a better grasp on what to do. Jennifer and I really had connected these past few months. I'm still waiting to figure out how to tell her my feelings, so one could only imagine how I felt when she suggested an autumn morning stroll.
I knew I had to have something to impress her. We had arranged for me to pick her up at the Inn where she was staying and I was going to make sure she had a smile on her face when she saw me. Was this greedy and selfish of me? Perhaps. But the Harvest Goddess said she would make me closer to anyone you wanted. And there was only one person on my mind. I said her name without even thinking. It really has been smooth sailing with Jennifer since. Part of me wanted to tell her about this encounter. But Mother Nature Bless. That encounter made me believe in what Jennifer believed. Funny how I was so easily influenced by her, isn't it? It just makes that crush of mine all the more valid, right? I hope so. But I suppose my opinion is the only one I should care about in this situation. Mine and Jennifer's.
I sigh and scratched my head as I looked down at the cooking pot. I was roasting chestnuts for us to share on our walk. She loved them. The chestnut trees were dropping like crazy and I noticed she was always so happy to receive one from me. I put the warm nuts in a fabric sack so they'd cool evenly. I grabbed a bar of chocolate and walked to the Inn.
Ran was wiping down tables. She looked up and gave you a knowing smile, "Those chestnuts smell like you cooked them to perfection, Esther! Jen's just gunna love them." "Thanks," I smiled at Ran, "Is she still up there?"
"Yeah. She's in her room. She's normally ok with visitors, so if you knock, I'm sure she'll be happy for the surprise."
"Thanks, Ran," I nod as I head up stairs. I take a deep breath and knock on the door.
"Come in!" A gentle voice beckons me in. I open the door and Jennifer is brushing her hair with a wooden hair brush. She pulls her hat on and looks at me. I felt a soft blush on my face as I see how soft her eyes were already, "Good morning, Esther. How are the energies of your farm?" "They're spot on. I got eggplants and chili peppers growing in spades right now!" I beam.
"Oh marvelous!" Her voice is moderately high with an airy quality about it that makes it feel like she never quite has a full hold of her breath. Something about it makes me want to listen to her talk more, "Are you ready for our walk?"
"I am," I hand her the bar of chocolate, "For when I bring you back here.
Jennifer took it, "Oh. My stars must be aligned for me to receive a gift this wonderful," She held the bar of chocolate close to her chest before putting it on the night stand.
I held up the bag of roasted chestnuts, "Then your stars must be in perfect alignment, because I made us some roasted chestnuts to snack on while we walk."
I smirk with confidence as her eyes get wide, "Wondiferous!" She gasps, "I do love those."
"I hope you don't mind, but I got a little creative and put some honey and salt on them. They're more candied than what I normally make."
"That will be fine," Jennifer assures me with a smile. I have very little doubt in my mind that this is going to work out.
"What is our route?" I look at Jennifer, "I know that we will go wherever Mother Nature takes us, but I also want to know where we will be starting."
"Let's start at the park and see where our feet take us," Jennifer was still smiling as she looked at me.
"Sounds perfect," I smiled back at her, "Shall we go, then?" I offer my arm, in spite of knowing that I will have to drop my hold on her so she can go down the stairs. Still, she takes it and we leave her room to head outside.
She took my arm again and I can't help but feel smitten. We walk through the park and on towards the mountain. We see Isabelle. Our lake. Our beautiful lake with its angelic name. I smile at the memory. Jennifer looks at me, "What?"
"Just thinking about naming that lake with you," I look back at her.
Jennifer blushed again, "I was thinking about that moment too. We always seem to be on the same page in moments like that, Esther. It's like you really see me."
I couldn't look away from her, "Yeah? I try to see people for who they are. I don't want to not see people for who they are. It's part of what made me leave the city and take on Grandpa's farm, you know? I just felt like there was something here where I would be able to connect with myself better."
I saw a look in Jennifer's eyes that I had never seen before. I didn't know what she was thinking in that moment, but I had a good feeling about it. She spoke at last, "Then Mother Nature really has brought us together, Esther. One day, I hope that I feel comfortable telling you where I came from, but for now, we are just two souls seeing comfort in Nature. I can't imagine anything more perfect than that."
"Yeah," I smile at her, "Neither can I," I pause for a moment, "I know we're close to your tent, but do you want to rest here for a moment? Or do you want to go up the mountain?"
Jennifer looked at her tent, "Let's go to my tent. Perhaps I can make us some tea and we can enjoy the chestnuts you made."
"Sounds perfect," I follow her as she leads me to her tent. The smell of potpourri and incense fills the air. I know from prior conversations with Jennifer that everything down to her perfumes she makes herself, but I am always impressed. It makes me think of the herbalist and witch shops back from the city where I'm from. I always liked how those places smell. I like how Jennifer smells.
While I was day dreaming, Jennifer made us some tea. She was pouring my cup while I was day dreaming. I come back to have her hand me the cup, "Thanks," I say with a smile. I take a sip and melt, "It's perfect," I assure her.
She smiles back at me, "I'm so glad. Because of our walk, I was not able to forage for fresh tea ingredients. I am blessed to have a bounty as large as I did yesterday."
"I think we are all better off for your tea and for your presence, Jennifer," I untie the satchel of chestnuts from my belt and open it, placing the bag between us, "Please. Help yourself. Any leftovers are yours."
She takes one and melts, "The honey is from your farm, correct? I can taste the love and care you put into your work, Esther."
I smile back at her, having a sip of the tea, "I can taste the love and care in your tea as well, Jennifer. Say. Do you just want to hang out here for a while?"
Jennifer looked at me for a moment and blinked a few times, "Yes. Actually. I would enjoy that very much. Thank you."
I leaned back having another sip. This wasn't the walk in nature I had envisioned, but it was the walk they needed. I looked at Jennifer for a moment longer. If only there was a way I could show her how I felt. But words didn't work. I would have to ask the townsfolk about dating here. Even if we were both outsiders, I think Jennifer would appreciate a respect of customs.
I refocused on her. After all. It wasn't every day I had a private breakfast with a crush I had no idea what to do with. And for now, I was just happy to let these emotions be what they were.
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aweebwrites · 5 years
Move on Dragons Ch16
Can you guys tell that Acronix is my favorite twin? Anyway! Baby dragon arc! I couldn't pass up on writing baby dragons in this fic ok so I took my chance. I can't say for sure how long their tale will take but I know I'll have fun writing it. After that then the wrap up arc and that'll be that for the series! Might start a mini series with small stories about this but who knows.Thanks for reading!“I have to admit, they are adorable.” Jay grinned as he poked the soft stomach of the gun metal grey baby dragon with a strip of green and blue down both his sides, said dragon with reflective silvery eyes giving a low coo, his paw holding onto his hand.
“It’s good that you had stayed longer in our world Kai, else a most tragic fate would have befallen them.” Garmadon rumbled as he watched Kai struggle with the second of the two baby dragons, with maroon and amber stripes running down the sides of his body.
“Are their tales the same?” Zane questioned, looking to Wu. “Sensei Wu had told us that Acronix and Krux thought they could take over Ninjago because of their great power over time.” He told him and the large dragon nodded.
“They believed that since they controlled time, they could control all of Nindrago. But despite their great power, they were no match for all of us. When they had failed against us they sought to travel into the past with their combined powers to change the strings of faith, to destroy my brother and I before we gained the wisdom of age and before we understood our power. Before they could escape through the rift in time they made however, my brother and I managed to use the Kronos Steel our metal dragons had painstakingly prepared to take the time stop power from the older twin, leaving them without navigation, spiraling through space and time.” Wu told them, watching as the older twin hissed and fussed in Kai’s arms, trying to escape him. “We had no idea when they’d appear or if they ever would. Until then, we’ve kept the time stop power locked away safely so if they were to return, they would have no means to retrieve it.” He says, looking back to Zane.
“But this is an opportunity.” Garmadon spoke up, walking over to Kai, tilting the head of Krux up towards him as he hissed at him. “Perhaps, with new guidance as they grow again to adulthood, they will have a change in heart. Perhaps they will use their powers to protect, not to seize.” He rumbled.
“Could you just- sit still!” Kai growled as Krux kept squirming and scratching at him, trying to get out of his arms.
He was pretty big, despite obviously being a baby dragon, coming up to Kai’s upper thighs as he did. Krux only hissed at him and squirmed around more.
“Maybe he’s just restless.” Cole says as he reached out and took the dragon in arms, unphased by his hissing and squirming.
He then set him down, chuckling once he stumbled on unsteady feet before falling on his stomach.
“Come on Krux, you can do it!” Cole encouraged and the dragonling growled at him before struggling for a while, trying to figure out his body.
His wings were uncharacteristically floppy for a dragon but that made sense as he’s still too young to fly- or even know how to fold them. After a minute or so, Krux finally figured out how to stand without falling over, looking triumphant as he did.
“Good job bud!” Cole praised then held out a handful of berries he always kept in pocket for snacking as a reward.
Kruz blinked at the colourful berries before taking a careful step forward to sniff at them. He then ate them quickly, surprising Cole.
“Must be hungry too. I’d be grumpy too.” He says then looked to Garmadon and Wu. “What do baby dragons eat?” He asked them as Krux licked at his hand, pulling back before his sharp baby teeth could bite him.
“Usually fish, plants and soft animals as their teeth are not yet developed for animals and foods with thicker hides.” Garmadon helpfully supplied.
“There we go. Don’t worry Kai, I’ll help you take care of them.” Cole says as he picked Krux up again, the dragonling no longer squirming about but he certainly didn’t look happy.
“Me?! Why do I gotta take care of these guys?! In my world, he kidnapped my parents!” Kai yelled.
“In your world, yes.” Wu spoke as he stood, Morro hovering nearby, anxious and paranoid. “But these two are not of your world and they do not inherit the crimes of their alternate selves. It will take all of us, each and every one of this Thunder to raise these two in the light of forgiveness and second chances. We all need to give them a clean slate to begin again on, to make them feel at home and welcomed. Just one of us holding ill feelings against them may turn them down the wrong path yet again.” He warned, looking around at the small gathering.
“He’ss too cute to ssstay mad at.” Jay cooed, booping the tip of Acronix’s nose, grinning once the baby dragon tried to lick his finger.
“Well, they aren’t our Acronix and Krux so I have no problem with them.” Nya shrugged and Kai looked at her surprised before he frowned, looking down.
Wu’s right. He wasn’t their Krux and Acronix. They were literal kids now too. He couldn’t hold it against them. He sighed softly then nodded as he got up. He could do this. And it’s like Jay says, they’re too cute to be mad at.
“I’ll grab some fish.” He announced.
“Little G and I will scout out some more berries since someone ate them all.” Lloyd says, narrowing his eyes at Cole and Rocky who looked at him wide eyed and innocently.
“Zane, Pixal and I will work on setting up some blueprints for updating the Bounty while you boys babysit.” Nya says as she gestured to the others.
“Vortica just responded to the test message.” Zane says as he pulled up the message log.
‘Did it really take you two months to figure it out? Huh. Maybe you aren’t as smart as I thought.’
“What! She didn’t even leave instructions that little-”
“No yelling around the kids!” Jay cut Nya off, holding Acronix over his shoulder, the young dragon blinking at her with wide eyes.
“Isn’t he heavy?” Kai asked Jay with an arched brow.
“Yeah but he’ss too cute to put down.” Jay says, firmly hugging the baby dragon. “Let’ss go check out your new home Nix!” He grinned, walking towards the tower visible above the thick brush of trees, it’s head in the clouds.
Acronix only chirped, his tail wagging quickly. He clearly had no idea what Jay just said but was excited nonetheless. Kai placed a hand on his hip. Was Acronix always so easy to get along with?
“Hurry up and get going you. Rux will get grumpy again.” Cole says, snapping him out of his thoughts.
“Right- Rux?” Kai asked with an arched brow.
“Calling him Krux feels weird. Just go already.” Cole huffed and Kai chuckled but spread his wings and took off.
“No napping yet Nix, you gotta eat first.” Cole says as he reached across to poke the dragon’s nose, chuckling as he snorted, giving a displeased sound.
“Kai! Took you long enough!” Jay called once Kai flew in with a net full of fish.
“Sorry. I met up with some other fire dragons at the river is all.” Kai says as he flew over then dropped them before the duo. “They’re kinda uneasy about the whole Acronix and Krux business but they’re willing to give them a second chance at least.” He explained as he opened the net but instead of handing them the fish, he sat down and began cleaning them up, removing the bones, scales and head with his sharp claws.
“We’re here too.” Lloydie says as he, Lloyd and Rocky walked over. “We managed to get a bunch of fruits he thinks baby dragons might like.”  He says as he lowered a wing so Lloyd could slide off with the bag filled with fruits.
It’s amazing the Labyrinth could keep up with so many dragons really but they might have to leave the area to forage come winter time in a few months.
“Nice!” Jay grinned then accepted the cleaned fish from Kai. “Open up Nix…” He says, holding up the fish for him and Acronix sniffed at it before he grabbed it with his teeth, eating it in two bites.
“Wow. He really iss hungry.” Jay says as Acronix began releasing yipping sounds.
“He’s asking for more.” Garmadon rumbled from over them, the large dragon monitoring them to make sure they were doing things right.
He was the only one of everyone on this level to actually raise a dragon from egg to current after all. Wu found Morro when he was mostly independent and had helped Garmadon raise Lloydie, yes but he didn’t have the full experience.
“Here you are then Nix.” Jay says, feeding him another while Cole did the same with Krux, careful when he decides to snap his jaws at his fingers.
“You’re a little menace, aren’t you?” Cole huffed, reaching for a peach from the sack of fruit and berries Lloyd set down then slit it open with his thumb claw to take out the seed before he fed half to him.
“He reminds me of Lloydie.” Morro rumbled as he padded over, Wu feigning sleep not too far away to escape his fussy son. “He bit my tail once as a kid and it hurt for weeks. I was convinced he was an Oni’s child.” He huffed and Lloydie swatted him with a wing.
“I wasn’t that bad.” He huffed then stuck his tongue out at his cousin.
“Oh you were.” Garmadon chuckles and Lloydie looked up at him with betrayed green eyes. “You were quite the biter. Much worse you had needle sharp teeth that deliver painful bites. But you were my little teething son and I love you all the same.” He hummed as he lowered his head to nuzzle his son, Lloyie purring as he did.
“So we’re kinda parentss now, aren’t we?” Jay as he took the other peach half to feed Acronix, smiling once he licked at it instead of eating it. “Eat. Like thiss.” He told him as he pretended to eat it then held it back to his snout.
Acronix looked at him then back at the peach and bit into it like he showed him and began eagerly eating the rest.
“Well it’s something to do. Ninjago’s been pretty quiet lately- and I’m totally glad for that- but we’ve had nothing much to do other than fly around, socialize with the other dragons and watch you guys struggle to figure out how that device worked.” Cole shrugged, letting Kai feed Krux the other fish.
“Raising a young dragon is easier said than done.” Garmadon warned them. “We have the metal dragons working on more Kronos Steel to take Acronix’s time forward powers but Kronos Steel is not easy to make so it will be some time before they can make more. By then, they will start using the abilities they have left and when they do…” He left the rest to their imagination.
“Oh boy.” Lloyd breathed out, grimacing at the idea of two baby dragons on the loose, wielding time rewind and slow down powers.
“Not to mention they’ll start to roam…” Rocky murmured and all eyes turned to Lloydie.
“What?” He asked, looking around at them.
“Look.” Jay grinned as Acronix waddled his way out of his arms, stumbling then walking awkwardly towards his brother.
Cole let Krux go and Acronix butted his head against his brother then laid down, yawning. Krux shifted closer, resting his head on his brother’s body, yawning too, both of them drifting off, Acronix doing so with his tongue out.
“That’s illegally cute.” Cole  had to admit, heart melting at the sight of them.
“Maybe it won’t be so bad…” Kai says with a small smile, looking at the two.
“Don’t count your prey before you catch them.” Morro huffed. _______________ (Can you guys tell that Acronix is my favorite twin? Anyway! Baby dragon arc! I couldn't pass up on writing baby dragons in this fic ok so I took my chance. I can't say for sure how long their tale will take but I know I'll have fun writing it. After that then the wrap up arc and that'll be that for the series! Might start a mini series with small stories about this but who knows.Thanks for reading!)
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