#she's latina so I'm not sure if this version of her has the same last name
pinknightsinmymind · 1 year
【 let me teach you - ellie williams 】
ellie williams x latina!reader
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content: modern!au, TEETH ROTTING FLUFF, ellie being the shyest cutest gf, teaching ellie how to dance bachata, she's a fast learner and pretty good at it too, latina!reader in mind for this fic but any and all latinas can read this fic and feel included as i didn't reference any specific cultures or ethnicities. see author's note for more pls <33
a/n: YOUR MIND YES this was so cute and fun to write i hope you enjoy it and sorry it took me a while to get to your request <33 i would just like to say that i'm mexican and while in my culture we also dance bachata, ik each culture has their own versions of dancing it, so i kept the fic constrained to the basic steps and hip movements that ik to keep it as general as possible so anyone could read this and enjoy it. also, photo from @/elliesapocalypse (i'm not sure what platform they're on, but i found the image on pinterest)
After nearly an hour of teaching Ellie the basic bachata steps in your room, you told her it was time to apply it to couple dancing. Doing the steps alone was one thing, but partner work was a whole other, which is why you made sure she took it slow and started off with the basic steps first. Ellie had grasped onto it pretty easily, and although she understood it, she was still a little unsure of how well she’d do when dancing with you.
“I’m scared!” Ellie whined.
“Of what?” you asked. “I thought the big, bad Ellie wasn’t scared of anything?”
“Fuck off,” she joked. “I’m scared of looking like a fool in front of your family.”
“You’re not gonna look like a fool,” you reassured her.
“What if they can tell I’m not a good dancer?” she asked in a panicked voice. You giggled a little at her worry before grabbing her hands in yours. You smoothed over the warm skin of her knuckles with your thumb. Doing that usually helped to calm her down when she got worked up with nerves like this.
“You’re a guitar player, aren’t you?” She nodded her head in response to your question. “Then you should be able to follow the rhythm. It’ll be easy for you, okay?”
“Fine,” she sighed. “Okay, show me that video again.” She seemed a little bit more determined than before. You let go of her hands as you reached for your phone in your pocket. You opened up YouTube and played the video you had saved of a couple dancing bachata at a party. As soon as your mother told you your cousin was having a giant birthday party, your immediate thought was how excited you were to bring Ellie. Not to mention how excited you were to dance with her at the party. That, of course, required teaching her your family’s favorite dance styles, bachata being the most important one as it was their absolute favorite. As the video continues playing, you could see how focused Ellie was on it. Very focused. She seemed so dedicated.
“Is the video helping?” you asked. You glanced at her face beside you, seeing the way her eyes lit up.
“Yeah, I think I get it a little better, but I’m still gonna need you to teach me more,” she admitted.
“That’s okay,” you told her. “I’ll teach you. You look a little excited,” you noted.
“Well, looking at this video makes me realize how close we get to be when dancing. And it seems fun.”
“Good! Okay, for starters, you can just use a simple eight-count when dancing bachata, and it’ll work every time. We’re not doing any crazy dance moves, just the basic moves, and even that is enough to have fun on the dance floor. We’re not at a dance competition, okay?” You made sure to choose your words carefully and specifically as you knew how much of a perfectionist Ellie was.
“Well, that’s simple enough.”
“It is. So, on the fourth and eighth count, the last hip you moved is the same one you’re going to kind of buck up. Does that make sense?”
“Yeah, just like you showed me,” Ellie agreed.
“Exactly. Since we got the basic idea down, do you wanna try doing it together?”
“Hell yeah, babe,” she said excitedly. You pressed play on the playlist you had queued up and casted your phone onto your bed. You grabbed onto Ellie’s hands and placed them right on your hips. You scooted your body extra close to hers, and you could feel the warmth emanating off her body.
“Your hands go here,” you said, “mine go here.” You placed your hands on her shoulders, your fingers grazing against her neck. “Perfect! You’re gonna follow me for right now. We’re moving to the right first.” Ellie nodded, her eyes trained on you as you started to move. You moved your hips with each step, Ellie’s eyes following as she tried to replicate your moves. You were taking things slow so Ellie could follow along and learn, and she was slowly picking up on it. One, two, three, you counted in your head, and on the fourth count you popped your left hip up. Ellie followed along, and although she missed the fourth count, she was still getting a good grasp on the rhythm. “We’re going to the left now.” You started stepping to the left, this time leading with your right hip. Once you reached the eighth count, you popped your right hip up. Ellie was a beat late on the pop, but it was amazing to see how fast she was learning.
“This isn’t so bad,” she said quietly. You both stood still as you looked at her face, noticing how she seemed a little shy at the moment.
“I told you it wasn’t. Wanna keep trying?” you asked. She nodded. You started up again, leading her to the right, but she missed the hip movement again. It seemed like she had been so focused on moving her hips in a fluid movement like yours that she completely forgot about the last count for a moment. You understood what made the move hard, though. Moving the same body part again after you just moved it feels unnatural, and your body expects you to move the other side instead.
“It’s okay. You’ll get the next one,” you encouraged her. “You’re doing a really good job at the hip movements.” She really was. Watching her move her hips to the rhythm was addicting, and it made you a little flustered thinking about how good with them she was. The best part of bachata was feeling your partner close to you, moving together as one with you, staring into their eyes just as you and Ellie were doing now. It was beautiful. You rubbed Ellie's shoulder comfortingly, tapping the beats onto her shirt softly, then moving again to the left. Finally, Ellie caught on to the movement.
“You did it!” you cheered.
“You bet your ass I did!” she beamed. “They’re not ready for me at this party.” You laughed a little at her joke. She just seemed so excited and proud of herself, and it was so cute.
“Definitely not,” you replied. You leaned forward and gave her a small peck on her lips. “Good job, babe. Let’s keep practicing.” You and Ellie continued like before, you leading the way as you felt her body moving close to yours with the beat of the music. You had been this close to her while dancing before at her family parties, but those songs were typically slow, country songs she and Joel liked. Bachata was more energetic and faster paced, and when learning you usually needed to take it slow before you could actually pick it up. Ellie, however, was doing great. “You’re pretty much a natural,” you complimented her.
“Really?” she asked. There it was again—that shy look on her face. This also made you realize that talking while dancing wasn’t affecting her ability to stay on beat at all. Looks like you were right when you told her that being a guitar player would help her.
“Yeah! You picked this up really fast,” you said.
“Thanks,” she said. “I had a great teacher.”
“You’re corny.” And even though you were saying she was corny, you still had a giant smile on your face.
“You know you love it,” Ellie joked. The more the two of you moved, the more she seemed to get the dance down. She was hitting every beat perfectly now, and you were sure that by the time of the party she’d have them down extra smooth. You were beyond proud of her.
“Why have you been acting so shy today?” you asked.
“Just… feeling you real close to me, doing this dance with you. It’s just really intimate.”
“You’re such a sap,” you teased. “I’m proud of you, you know. You learned this so fast! You’re doing really good.” You didn’t miss the light pink blush spread across her face and the goofy smile that followed after.
“Now you’re just teasing me.”
“Not my fault you love praise so much.”
“Too far, [Y/N],” she said jokingly.
“I like doing this with you, too, you know,” you spoke up. “It’s nice. I like being able to teach you this kind of thing. I like that you want to learn.”
“I liked learning it from you,” she agreed. God, she was so adorable. You just wanted to squish her face in between your hands.
“Stop being so cute. I’m losing my cool here,” you groaned. Ellie laughed, and it was then that the two of you stopped moving.
“Yeah?” she teased. “You think I’m cute?” Her face was getting close to yours, and you could see every freckle, every blemish, every spot on that pretty face of hers. “Why don’t you kiss me, then, if I’m so cute?”
You didn’t reply to her taunts, only leaning in to finally meet her lips, warm and soft on yours, followed by the feeling of her hands cupping your face.
“I really wanna try to spin you. Can we try it?” she asked. The way her eyes lit up, the smile on her face—she seemed like an excited puppy.
“Yes!” you agreed. You and Ellie resumed your previous positions, moving to the right and then back to the left to complete the eight count. It was after that last movement that Ellie grabbed your right hand, raising it in the air as she spun you around, and pulling you back into her body. Once she felt you against her again, she resumed your previous movements from before. Your bodies were so close together, your hands roaming from her shoulders to cup her face as she stared so deeply into your eyes. Your foreheads were pressed together with nowhere to hide, nowhere to run from the other's gaze, just straight into each other. She had such a firm grasp on your waist, her hips moving in tandem so close with yours. It felt like your breath had left your lungs realizing that she was leading the dance now.
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goldeneyedgirl · 2 years
Saw your previous post……LOVED IT
can I also request one where the cullens find out about maria
Anon, I'm sorry, I've blanked on which fic this was for but I'm nearly certain it was for Divorced Jalice. This is a VERY rough first draft of how I imagine the scene going - it definitely happens at a family dinner out, Maria definitely *intentionally* lets the truth slip, and Rosalie is the only one who catches on. But the final version will be polished and a little different than this. But hopefully you enjoy it!
It is, frankly, strange to see her brother with someone who isn’t Alice. That’s the only thought that Rose has when she sees Maria. They look strange together - Maria might be short (like Alice), have black hair (like Alice), but she’s not Alice; she’s Latina, for starters. Her hair is long and glossy, like the hair Alice always wished she had. Where her former sister-in-law had the physique of a ballet dancer, Maria is more of a model. She’s curvy and beautiful and Rose isn’t entirely sure she doesn’t already follow Maria on social media.
It just feels wrong that she’s not Alice.
“It’s so nice to meet you, Maria,” Esme gushes, as they all take a seat. Emmett had commented that it was kind of weird to take Maria to the same restaurant their family always met at, that she was just sliding into the spot Alice had left vacant. But Carlisle and Esme were creatures of habit, and it was Alice’s choice not to be here anymore.
She had been surprised that Jasper was already dating but she understood - she’d sprung the separation on him, moved out days later; Jasper had every damn right to find someone new if Alice was done with him. And he and Maria seemed happy together; she practically hung off him, even sitting down.
She doesn’t know why she’s so uncomfortable with Maria, not at first. She answers every question, makes several jokes, and asks questions of her own. Carlisle likes her and respects her education and aspirations for her own law firm. Esme is keen to discuss Maria’s apartment, in a new building that’s been in all the design magazines.
It’s halfway through the meal when Rosalie reaches for her wine glass with nothing to really say. She’s admitted defeat; there’s nothing about Maria that she can criticize. The whole relationship seems to have moved fast, but different things work for different people. Emmett, Bella, and Maria are dissecting the city’s foodie scene with enthusiasm - Bella is inexplicably passionate about soup dumplings, and tapas apparently, and Emmett is just enthusiastic about food.
“Oh I loved their cocktails,” Maria says, flipping her hair and turning to Jasper. “It’s where you took me after the Bergman deposition back in January - you liked it.”
For a moment, Jasper freezes and she freezes, and she’s not sure why at first. The twin thing, again. And then she meets his eyes, and Maria’s smile suddenly looks like a smirk and she understands completely.
Alice didn’t move out until the summer, and yet, Jasper was apparently taking Maria on dates to - according to Bella - one of the most romantic bars in the city.
She feels cold and hot, and it is only the fact that Carlisle and Esme visit this restaurant several times a month that stops her from making a scene. She remembers January, remembers psyching herself up for another round of IVF, and Alice sending text messages of support, flowers, and explaining Jasper was working late, working too hard, but they were both thinking of her. Remembered the last time she had breakfast with Alice, after yoga - Alice had skipped the class and shown up looking listless and tired, made a couple of comments about being lonely, about Jasper not being around much.
She looks around the table and no one else has picked up on that very intentional slip. They aren’t rushing anything in this relationship - they’ve been together the best part of a year; Maria had very intentionally taken Alice’s place at the table.
And it takes everything in Rosalie’s body to keep eating.
“He was fucking her,” is the first thing she says in the car, thin-lipped and coldly furious.
“I would hope so,” is Emmett’s response as she starts the car, Bella and Edward looking confused in the backseat.
The rage she feels is enough that she immediately turns off the ignition.
“Rose?” Bella sounds concerned.
“January. He took Maria to that romantic bar in January,” she’s so angry that there are tears in her eyes. She thinks of the phone call and, oh god, the texts she sent Alice when they separated and she had just assumed that Alice was being her flighty self. “Alice moved out in June.”
Bella looks shellshocked and Edward looked grim. Emmett just looks confused.
“That has to be a mistake,” Emmett begins and she loves her husband for that. That the idea of an affair, of her brother cheating on his wife, is impossible.
“He was fucking Maria whilst Alice was at home thinking he was working late!” she yells and slams her hand against the steering wheel.
“Maybe Emmett should drive?” Bella suggests meekly, and she doesn’t respond, just gets out of the car. She doesn’t know why, but she sees them just across the car park, sitting in Jasper’s car talking. Esme and Carlisle have already gone. In a second, she’s across the car park, and she’s not sure who she’s going to murder first - Jasper or Maria.
“Rose?” Jasper’s leaning out of the car, and with the shadows of the streetlights, he looks drawn and sickly, almost grey; thin and with dark circles under his eyes.
“How fucking could you?” she half-yells, and she’s already tearing up with anger and frustration and resentment. “Alice loved you so much.”
And in the harsh light of reality, she cannot believe she ever thought that Alice would leave Jasper for no reason. She had revolved around him, been her best self at his side. There was a shaky cellphone video somewhere of Alice in the bridal suite at her wedding after the ceremony, sobbing into her hands as she messily confessed she was just so happy to finally be married to Jasper. How happy she was to have a family, when her parents had let her down and discarded her so many times.
Jasper shakes his head and Maria purses her lips to cover up the smirk.
“I’m so goddamn ashamed of you right now, how dare you sit there and pretend that you are the victim in this mess. How dare you bring that home-wrecking whore to a family dinner, and let her sit in her seat!” She stamps her foot and she knows she’s making a scene and people are staring, but suddenly Emmett’s there, with his arm around her. “I swear to god Jasper, I…”
“Let’s go, Jasper.” Maria’s voice is sugary and smug, and if she wasn’t in the car, Rosalie would have punched her, strangled her, and made her hurt.
Instead, Jasper just shakes his head and winds up the window.
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badzombies-sister · 7 years
If you haven’t seen I’m telling you right now it was amazing, it went beyond my expections. Being someone who grew up with the show since the beginning I’m telling you right now it was awesome and totally worth it, as a fan it was a great experience and it did justice to the show.
Also beyond this point I’m gonna say a few things about the characters so beware SPOILER ALERT!!
I love how they manage to make the movie entertaining while making it an origins movie, the backstory for the characters was great and I’ve dig a little deep into it so this is my opinions about it, since I’m sure some people saw and think some of the characters had their backstory more develop than others.
I’m gonna start with Jason. He’s your cliche golden privileged white boy, the american standard who has everything and is just plain stupid but honestly after thinking it through I’ve notice that he’s a little bit more than that.
Yes he’s the golden boy but I see him drowning in pressure, everyone has expectations about him, he’s the captain of the football team on his way to get a scholarship but everyone sees this perfect little boy, there’s so many expectations on him, he makes a stupid choice to get out of this sure he didn’t want to end up like he did but he was tired of the way everyone saw him and his responsabilities wich are spoken when he talks to Zordon, he’s so scared of making the wrong choice, of not being enough, of failing. He’s flawed but he’s a sweet boy as seen by the way he defends Billy even though they do not know each other.
Billy I think is the more obvious, he’s cut off from everyone but not by choice but by circumstances, he’s autistic and because of that he’s seen as weird or crazy by his peers. It’s so hard for him to make friends cause no one sees pass that, he’s different than the normal standard, as he says he doesn’t get sarcasm or jokes and since his brain works differentely he’s push away. Look at his mom, she’s so happy about him making friends cause no one ever tries to get close to him. Also let me say that he’s just adorable and the way he gets attached to Jason since he was the first to defend him and try to be his friend is just cute.
Now Kimberly, I now must people must see her past as ridiculous compared to most of them but she’s just a teenager. To me she seems really insecure, her actions prove that, what she did I see it as a way to make herself better to the eyes of this guy she likes but that was dating her friend; she tries so hard to be notice that she became this awful person and she feels so guilty and ashame of her actions. By the way her parents reacted about the hair I also believe that her parents have high expectations of her that she just doesn’t feel enough for them, she feels like she has to be perfect but can’t manage to be.
Als let me just say that my mind went to dark theories at first like at the bonfire her reaction and fear made me think that the guy raped her (or almost) and she hit him but he made it seem like she trew herself at him and his a good boyfriend and nobody believed her, another one was that the way she was speaking to Jason in his room about how she felt when she says how ashame she felt I thought for a moment that out of guilt and shame she tried to either kill herself or went to selfharming (the last one I haven’t completely discard it)
Zack, he’s so sweet and a bit crazy. He’s cut off from everyone unlike Billy is by choice. As seen he’s afraid of her mother dying because it means he’s left alone, there’s no father in the picture either (either he left or died is unsure) but it adds up to a fear of loneliness so he just stays away from everyone cause in the end everyone leaves (like Peyton Sawyer used to say), that’s how he sees it. To avoid being left on his own he just cuts himself from everyone cause if there is no one there then they can’t leave, twisted logic but it works on his eyes, specially since he sees his mother as the only one that cares about him at all. This also explains his drive to use the rocks and crystals to get money, to help his mother, they live on a trailer and his mother is really sick so that’s the only way to help her and staying in school won’t get him any money.
And last but not least important Trini. She’s one of my favorites (well the girls and Billy are my favorites) and in her case her family is the root of her problems, from what she said her parents are so normal and expect her to be the same, she feels so different from them that she doesn’t know how to communicate with them, that and the fact that she moved around form schools a lot she doesn’t know how to connect with everyone else then add the fact that she’s gay she just decides to not talk with everyone from fear of being rejested, while Zack does it to avoid loneliness she does it to avoid rejection. I also believe that given her parents actions something happened in the past that she just cuts herself from them, maybe it was the way they expected her to be normal or their reactions to finding out she’s gay, both likely.
Btw I believe that her dislike for Kimberly stems from the fact that she probably has a crush on her, I mean she has no reason to hate her so maybe she hates the way she makes her feel cause it just proves that to the world’s standard she’s not normal and she decides to hate her for this. ( yeah I’m probably shipping them)
This are my feelings on their past and I find them so great cause the show never explored so much about them and it makes it easier for different people to connect with the characters. The fact that we get a gay and an autistic power ranger is amazing and so progressive, I just love this movie so much and it went beyond everything I hoped for.
Also add the fact that this Zordon is not so selfless and Elizabeth Banks was just amazing as Rita.
In conclusion I’m gonna re-watch this movie a lot xD
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I'm honestly not sure these people are even reading what you're saying other than like the 2 lines they're quoting back to you. Or maybe they're reading like every other word? I don't know why they are so dead set on thinking you are somehow insulting Scott, or Posey, or trying to insist he's white, when you are clearly not saying that at all. Like all you're saying is that it can be interpreted either way? And that the show really should have done better if they actually wanted him to be a POC.
One little thing about the “Delgado” surname: most of the latin american surname came from the invasion of Spain and Portugal, and they’re more common here than there, and in every latin american country you can find some surname more common than others, like an ex. in my country they’re González, Benítez and Martínez. And in Argentina, they have A LOT of european surnames. But having a “latin american” surname doesn’t mean you’re a latin american.
Another ex. I have a friend who’s last name’s Nara (japanese) and my brother-in-law is Scheffer (german I guess) and none of them are or look at all like a japanese neither a german. My brother-in-law is short and with dark skin.
Well, this comment wasn’t intended to clarify anything, I just wanted to say that surname and “race/body-face-looks-like” can not always match. Years ago, at work I had a co-worker that if you look at her, you’d say “she’s japanese” but NOT, pure carcass. I used to called her “fake japanese” LOL!. Neither she and her parents speak japanese, they grandparents came here a hundred years ago.
Also I thought Melissa Ponzio was latina because the way she looks! And now I think that at the end all these are just stereotypes that we have.
Anonymous said: the surnames aren’t even that reliable. there is josh played by a brazilian actor and with a hispanic surname in the show instead of the brazilian version. i doubt the name Josh díaz was meant to indicate this character was brazilian just bc the actor is
Anonymous said: Latinx denotes geography! Hispanic denotes language! Having a hispanic last name just means you have hispanic roots! Not to mention Delgado is from Spanish AND Portuguese! // Huh, I didn’t know that re Hispanic vs Latinx. Thanks anon! Also, that could mean that Melissa very well could be Spanish, and therefore white, and not have any Latinx heritage at all, right?
Anonymous said: i absolutely understand and support fans and fandoms that support and defend people of colour, plus characters of colour. but get your facts straight?we all know that scott mccall was written as a white character i mean didnt ryan(the guy that played parrish) audition for it, so did dylan too so tyler being mexican has no bearing on this particular character.&the fact that scotts mother and father are not latinx/mexican show how he was orginally meant to be white, disregarding thedelgado name.
Anonymous said: I have my Tumblr filters on, so I can’t see the Scott reblogs but I see fhpoc so I’m assuming it’s more bullshit. LOL
I’m putting all these asks together since they all touch on the same subject. 
Meanwhile, let’s all sit here quietly for a moment and ponder the strange mirror universe we all walked into today, where insisting that a show should have done better for a character of colour is now racism… 
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