#she's the one who's supposed to protect lissa and give up her entire life for her
ahprodithe · 2 years
rose hathaway is the perfect protagonist 
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dimitribelikov · 4 years
The Belikov Chronicles: Becoming a Mentor
✶ What if I rewrote different scenes but from Dimitri’s point of view? I have no idea if this is something people are interested in, but this was too fun not to write. Honestly, for all the times Rose is going on about what a god Dimitri is, it’s too amusing to imagine that he’s thinking he’s a total weirdo most of the time. ✶ trigger warnings : some adult language ✶ ship : none but hints of romitri I guess, as well as hints of Dimitri/Ivan ✶ notes : All dialogue is taken straight from Vampire Academy, chapter 2, written by Richelle Mead. The rest is mine.
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       As the double doors opened and we walked into the commons, it seemed as though every set of eyes in the place turned on us. Ok, not much as us as they were on her. Rose Hathaway had been walking by my side, but clearly feeling the effects of scrutiny, she began to lag a little. It was certainly a cruel punishment to walk her though the throng of her peers, like dangling a piece of meat in a lion’s den. Headmistress Kirova had requested it, wanting to teach her and the Princess Vasilisa a bit of humility. Honestly, after the stunt they pulled, I couldn’t help but think a slice of humble pie would do them some good.
But my thoughts weren’t on the effects of a public, teenaged shaming. I was still thinking about the short conversation I’d had with Rose on the plane. Meeting her had exceeded my expectations. When I was tasked with apprehending Janine Hathaway’s daughter, I honestly didn’t know what to expect. Janine was a well respected guardian, one that I’ve had to honor of meeting on more than one occasion. Her work, the stories of her past, continue to inspire me, but if I’m being honest, she also terrifies me. Janine is someone not to be messed with, so naturally her daughter would seemingly follow suit.
From the moment Rose squared off with us, ready to take on a whole team of experienced guardians by herself, I knew she had her mother’s fighting spirit. But when I asked her about it, why she’d do such a thing when she was clearly outnumbered, she answered with such conviction that I couldn’t help but be taken aback. “Because I’m her guardian.” 
She wasn’t of course. Not yet. But while I was supposed to be reprimanding her for such a foolish tactic, I couldn’t help but be impressed. Perhaps I even admired her. It wasn’t too long ago, after all, that I felt the same way about my own charge. I would have stood against armies of Strigoi by myself to defend Ivan, but in the end, not even that was enough.
Finally reaching our destination, I took up my stance in the back of the room, across from Alberta. The captain of the school’s guardians was another person I had admired. I mirrored her stance and unreadable expression, knowing my place. Being reduced to nothing more than furniture was a good chunk of life for a guardian. It wasn’t as bad as it sounded, though. Being ignored and overlooked meant you pick up on all sorts of things. I’ve always been curious about the world around me, so I had learned years ago how to take in every detail while standing as still as a statue. 
The only move I made was when Rose shot up and yelled at the Headmistress in outrage. She was angry, but not threatening to I stayed in my spot, eyes trained on her. She was unruly, stubborn, and very reckless. Damn, I admired her spirit.
“I kept her safe!” she continued to yell. The dark curls of her glossy hair bounced against her back as she shook with anger. I wasn’t going to admit that she was pretty when mad, but... “I kept her safe when none of you could do it. I took her away to protect her. I did what I had to do. You certainly weren’t going to.”
I could feel the concern radiating from Alberta, but I actually had to work to keep a small smile from my face. Sure, the teenaged girl just insulted my own capabilities, but I didn’t take it personally. She had a point. Seeing the way she had thrown herself in front of Vasilisa to protect her from us back in Portland, I had no doubt that Rose truly believed she was protecting her. She needed guidance, though. Proper training. Her brash attitude made her jump to conclusions and solutions were way out of left field.
I ignored the voice in my head that told me how I wasn’t much different with Ivan before he’d died. Sure, I never took him out of school and fled the Moroi authorities, but I’d still concocted some pretty crazy schemes to keep him safe. He was my best friend after all. More than that. Ivan was everything and if there was a threat big enough, I didn’t entirely rule out the possibility that I’d have done exactly what Rose did. His death had sobered me, though. Tamed me from my more headstrong ways.
“You will be sent away as soon as possible.”  It the Headmistress who had spoken. She was talking about Rose, of course. That was the exact opposite of what she needed. Didn’t Headmistress Kirova know who she was dealing with? The daughter of Janine Hathaway had too much potential to be wasted, especially with guardian numbers as abysmal as they were. The verbal sparring match that continued after that was intense. I followed every word between the two, and noted the look of sheer panic in the princess’s eyes. Those two couldn’t live without each other. If Vasilisa was my new charge, I had to keep her best interests a priority. This couldn’t stand. Surely Alberta would have an opinion? But she was remaining rooted the spot. The argument was getting more heated. Shit. I had to do something, to speak up or–
No, no, no, no. Furniture. You’re just a piece of furniture. I internally berated myself, biting my tongue. This doesn’t involve you. Stay out of it. 
“They have a bond,” I said. And just like that, I dragged myself in the middle of something I had no business being in. Fuck it, I decided as all eyes turned on me. I kept my expression neutral as though my speaking was fueled by perfectly rational thoughts. I always hated being in the spotlight, so rather than deal with the whole room, I stared solely at Rose. There was something comforting about her, as though if anyone in the room could understand me, it was her. “Rose knows what Vasilisa is feeling. Don’t you Rose?”
Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the headmistress look entirely startled by the claim. “No... that’s impossible. That hasn’t happened for centuries.”
Her doubt only encouraged me to continue as I felt a better handle over the situation. “It’s obvious,” I said. “I suspected it as soon as I started watching them.” My eyes were still locked on Rose’s. She was defiant and strong, and I couldn’t help but feel my own strength bolstered by her presence. Perhaps I was starting to come off as a creep, though, because she quickly looked away from me as Prince Victor gave this theory praise. 
Turning my gaze onto Kirova, I continued. “The best guardians always had that bond. In the stories.” I added the last part, hoping that I didn’t somehow sound like a total loon. I technically wasn’t supposed to be talking at all, yet here I was, spouting of old myths straight from fairytales. But every word I said was the truth. I had seen it, and it was something that couldn’t be ignored.
“Stories that are centuries old! Surely you aren’t suggesting we let her stay at the Academy after everything she’s done?” Kirova countered.
I guess I am just a loon, after all. With nothing more to lose, I shrugged. “She might be wild and disrespectful but if she has potential–”
“Wild and disrespectful? Who the hell are you anyway? Outsourced help?” It was Rose who had interrupted and I wish I had a way to tell her to shut up. Couldn’t she see that I was the only one actually standing up for her? I suddenly thought of a few more adjectives to add to “wild and disrespectful”.
“Guardian Belikov is the princess’s guardian now. Her sanctioned guardian,” Kirova corrected. I know I wasn’t supposed to be on her side, but I couldn’t help but feel a bit triumphant.
That feeling fell immediately with Rose’s next words. “You got cheap foreign labor to protect Lissa?” Thank God I had mastered an unreadable expression, because if I could have thrown daggers at the novice, I would have. She knew nothing about me, and I couldn’t help but feel a bit hurt by the statement.
Kirova threw her hands up as though her point had just been made. “You see?” she said, directed at me. “Completely undisciplined! All the psychic bonds and very raw potential in the world can’t make up for that. A guardian without discipline is worse than no guardian.”
I couldn’t disagree, which brought me back to my original point. Pushing my irritation over the insult aside, I knew I had to stand up for the guardian Rose could be. “So teach her discipline. Classes just started. Put her back in and get her training again.” Honestly, wasn’t that the whole point of school? If being undisciplined got students kicked out, there wouldn’t be any left.
“Impossible. She’ll still be hopelessly behind her peers.”
“No I won’t,” Rose finally spoke up. If she was standing up for herself in a rational manner, then surely we could sway Kirova to let her stay at the Academy by Vasilisa’s side.
“Then give her extra training sessions,” I quickly added, feeling victory within our reach. And just like that, the negotiation started. It was the first real hope I felt in this battle. We continued for a while and I could feel Alberta’s eyes on me the whole time. Surely there would be words when we were back in the guardian’s headquarters.
“Who’s going to put in the extra time?” Kirova sounded tired of the conversation and I knew I had my foothold. She was ready to accept, she just needed the logistics of it all hammered out. Just as I was feeling triumphant again, the rug was once again pulled out. “You?”
I froze. Me? Train Janine Hathaway’s daughter one on one? The princess needed her and I could respect that, but Rose was quickly becoming a thorn in my side with her harsh comments. The two of us alone together in a sparring ring would surely end in blood being drawing. “Well, that’s not what I–” I trailed off, feeling like a total idiot. I didn’t think this through at all.
“Yes. That’s what I thought.” Shit. Just like that, Kirova won.
My eyes fell on the two girls, and when I looked between them I saw... Ivan and me. For the hundredth time that day, my mind came back to my old friend. I loved him more than I could put into words. I would have died for him, but instead, it was the other way around. One day off, one day away from him, and disaster of the worst degree had struck. I could imagine with painful clarity how Rose would feel if anything were to happen to Vasilisa while she was sent away. Of course, I would make sure to never again lose a Moroi on my watch. No more day-off’s for me. But if Rose had no choice...
“Yes. I can mentor Rose.” I almost didn’t recognize my own voice as I spoke. The moment the words left my mouth, though, I knew I didn’t regret them. I made a vow, and Vasilisa was now in my care. I couldn’t hurt her chances by taking away someone she was bonded with. And Rose... Rose deserved a fighting chance. “I’ll give her extra sessions along with her normal ones.”
We agreed that Rose should still be punished for her actions in addition to the extra training. With words of encouragement from Victor and Vasilisa herself, Kirova finally caved. Yet I’d hardly call it a victory. I’d just traded in practically all my free time to train a wild and disrespectful girl. She was my responsibility now and as I held her gaze again, I had a feeling I had my work cut out for me.
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futuresking · 4 years
jump scare / it's pretty hard to scare lucina, but she's pretty sure she can do it if she tries really hard. her hands secured around her tether, cynthia situates herself on the wooden rafters before she spies the princess entering. it's then that she dives, the coil unraveling as quickly as she falls. "BOO!" she shouts, only for the momentum of the exercise sending her flying into the nearest wall.
✴ —— perhaps it’s just the inherent protective nature in her to shield anyone from fear, but here she is, bag of candies and sweet treats gracing the counter top of entry. she offers a sweet taffy to a child who looks like he really doesn’t want to be there but in the face of his friend, wants to look brave. she wants to tell him, there are plenty of times i have not been brave, but scared. you’ll be alright. but that would only be a blow to his pride. so instead she’s there, smiling a bit amusedly as they glance at her unique eyes and bite their tongues from  commentary. at this point it’s a mark of pride and duty, but one she still carries utmost with love. 
‘it’ll be fine.’ she says simply to them both, ‘here, take these. i’m told they’re imbued with some magic to face what’s in there. oh, but, try to stay together.’ wry, lips twitching, she offers her gentlest smile before the boys wave and she finds her fingers uncurling into one herself. this is how she liked to see things, children without fear, adults living in a contented measure of bliss as those they shepherded were without the ever present dread that had primarily haunted the halidom she had inherited, the moments like these were few and far between, but they were precious. no less than any world she’d seen since then.
‘well, i suppose i’ll...’ she murmurs; her candy reserves need to restock before heading back to the entrance, bag in hand. but something gives her pause. a honed instinct as sharp as the sacred blade every king inherited, every ruler wielded hopefully for the sake of light and hope. something kept away like a hidden star in her dorm, much to her discomfort. pausing, her hand strays a bit to the hilt of the iron sword buried beneath her blue cape; something she felt too comfortable to discard despite the welcome change in some comfortable wear fit for a student.
squinting, she looks at the rafters, but sees nothing, well, until it’s too late. thankfully lucina doesn’t draw her sword; or someone would be in ribbons. a tragic instinctual habit, one she hopes she can lessen in time. she did what she came to do after all, back then. now there is only wired nerves, body jolting and her bag falling by her feet as she dodges on reflex the incoming and...rather familiar voice? 
‘by naga’s na---’ she hisses as onlookers gaze at her looking alarmed as her narrowed eyes look blank briefly before noting the pigtails, the wry smile, and...oh gods is that cynthia? 
it would be cynthia, she thinks frantically; and a bit deadpan as her incorrigible friend goes flying into the wall. ‘
‘cynthia?! cynthia?! gods! what were you thinking?!’ her friend grits out, both to settle her trembling nerves, ( she really did fairly well, her heart really did skip a beat there ) and the princess half-frazzled, not fully, but more than anyone could say of her indomitable nerves being tested, utters a rare curse. 
so much for finding her and giving her some taffy and strawberry cake..!
jogging over without much thought, she’s half tempted to tug on a tail like a mother would scold a child, or a big sister, but cynthia’s health comes first for her rather...successful spook. steadying her shoulders she hisses where only she can here. 
‘are you happy.’ she says finally, in the most deadpan voice possible. then it’s a small flurry of careful actions and gentle hands.
‘look at you. you’re going to bruise! could you have picked something i don’t know, less hazardous than trying to get yourself killed or is my fear so enticing to you lot?! ‘ her words ring briefly stern before she takes a hitched breath; wiping dust from her cheek with a hand that is far more gentle than her words, briefly harsh as they’d been.
“...i think you falling into a wall is a lot more frightening than the first part. if this was a contest you’d win my entire basket.’ a frail smile touches her face, she has to admit she’s more shaken by the imagery of chances in the past cynthia has almost fallen, and hardly in a way so cavalier as this. no, in war, in fighting to save time and space, and she swallows. she’s fineshe’sfine --- 
‘if you come with me to the infirmary i’ll give you the whole basket, cynthia. i’m sure you’ll pass fine, but...will you do it for me? also..’ with a deadpan frown she tugs finally on one of her pigtails;  her body and nerves, and the well buried scars hidden everywhere in her brain settling into its usual resting places. space to give way to her truer emotions: care and concern.
 ‘you can’t tell me you don’t deserve this after that! honestly cynthia, you’re going to kill me one day! ‘ but it’s weak. ‘ do you like tasting wall now? apparently. the things i miss...come on. just a check-up. we don’t have brady or aunt lissa or lady maribelle ---- ‘ a beat, her own face unwittingly covered in dust from rushing into the impact.
‘ the next time you prank me, can you pick something a bit less .. i don’t know, life threatening ? that i think stopped my heart most.  my whole body was set with nerves. ‘ muttered a bit anxiously, a show of trust to someone who also could get on said nerves, as dearly as lucina loved her friend, then again you had to love them to be able to even be cross with them for being so cavalier, no? 
‘........great. your taffy is soaked in dust. cynthia, i dare say the gods or some other being has dictated the taffy i got you and the caramel apples knew you would spite them.’ she has no idea she herself is covered in woodchips; and maybe that makes the severity of her anxiety and confessed worry and care for her close friend all the more comical. 
‘now can you walk? i really want to make sure you’re alright. knowing you .. well, yes, precisely knowing you i don’t trust you to say, ‘yes lucina i’m fine!’ ‘ other things of course, this, absolutely not.’
as she puts her arm around her shoulders, gathering the bag she still, as ever will give her gifts in candy regardless of mischief, it was just how both of them always had been, mischief and mindfulness somehow colliding, lucina says with a rare, amused, indiscernible little smile her way; however dry it remained.
‘well, at least you’re having fun.’ for the sarcasm, there is a note of relief and obvious warmth in it. maybe because she didn’t break her skull with the wood of the wall; or maybe because cynthia is being the usual cynthia, but with a lot more..zest than they ever had time for before. 
she can’t really be too annoyed about that part.
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thej13579 · 5 years
Robin's Involuntary Makeover: A Ladylike Perspective Ch 1 - A New Look
   Before he knew it, Robin was right in Maribelle’s room. He could see the noblewoman going through her closet, looking for a dress for him to wear. A quick turn of his head revealed Lissa standing right by the door.
  “Come on, Maribelle, aren’t there any easier ways to show me what it’s like to be a lady?” Robin begged. “You could give me your life story! A history lesson! Anything!”
  “Nonsense,” Maribelle rebutted. “It’s one thing to simply tell you the life of a lady, it’s another thing entirely to dress like a lady, talk like a lady and live like a lady.
  “No way! I’m not doing it!” Robin yelled.
  “Sorry Robin, but you promise to let me help you understand what it’s like to be a lady and you will keep your word, whether you like it or not.”
  “Yeah,” Lissa skipped over to the captive tactician. “I bet you’ll love wearing dresses and drinking tea with us. Maybe you’ll love being courted by a nice, young nobleman; being held in his strong, muscular arms as he leans in to kiss you; his one true love.”
  “No! Just no! This is going too far, Maribelle! I’m out of here!” Robin quickly moved towards the door. But before he could, he felt a massive shock going through his body. He could feel his body growing numb and he fell to the floor.
  “What happened?” He tried to get up, but he couldn’t move his arms, he couldn’t move anything on his body. “Why can’t I move?”
  “I think that stun spell of yours was a bit overkill, Lissa.” Maribelle approached the stunned tactician.
  “Well, we don’t want Robin to miss out on all the fun. Right, Maribelle?”
  Maribelle nodded, “I do agree, Lissa. We must make haste if we are going to make Robin presentable for his training.” She took Robin by the arms with Lissa taking him by the legs. He could feel the two dragging him over to the bathroom.
  “Nooooooo!” Robin screamed as the ladies were about to begin their work.
  Before he knew it, Robin was dumped into Maribelle’s mud bath; completely stripped naked.
  “I got your special hairless potion, Belle!” Lissa said, carrying a bottle with pink liquid inside.
  “Wonderful,” Maribelle replied. “Pour it on Robin’s mud bath.”
  “Wait, what are you guys doing?” Lissa ignored Robin’s question as she poured the contents onto his mud bath.
  “It’s simply to get rid of that atrocious body hair,” Maribelle answered. “Ladies like us don’t have hair below the top of their heads. This potion will not only remove the body hair you have now, but it’ll ensure that your body will remain hairless for a week.”
  “Yeah,” Lissa poured a bit of the potion on her hands and began scrubbing Robin’s face with it. “Let’s make sure you don’t grow a mustache or beard during your training.”
  Five minutes later, Robin was put into the tub nearby. As the mud got washed off, he wanted to cry. All of his body hair was gone, even… down there.
  If there was one relief to the tactician, he could feel the numbness fading. A simple wiggle of his fingers told him that he can move. He lifted up his arm and he could only frown at the results. His skin was not only hairless but turned as soft as a peach. He was never the most physically active of the Shepherds, but his skin was still rough from training and fighting Ylisse’s enemies. Now, he feel that he could get a bruise from just a light punch.  
  “Wow, I should try that sometimes!” Lissa gasped.
  “Sure, I would give you a bottle or two later,” Maribelle answered. “Now, mind getting me all the essential clothes that a lady should wear. My closet should have plenty of clothes that can fit him just fine.”
  “Sure,” Lissa ran out of the bathroom, leaving Maribelle and her reluctant student alone.
  Maribelle turned to Robin, holding another potion in her hand. “Let’s work on that hair.” She poured the contents onto Robin’s head.
  “What was that for?” Maribelle seemingly ignored Robin’s question and just began scrubbing his hair. She ran her hands through his hair, occasionally rubbing fingers in place.
  “Doesn’t this feel nice, Robin?”
  “Yeah, I guess,” Robin closed his eyes and slowly sink into the tub; Maribelle’s soft hands gently scrubbing his head.
  “Wonderful,” Maribelle pulled her fingers out of the young tactician’s hair. “I knew this shampoo would make your hair grow out nicely.”
  “Wait, what do you mean grows?” Robin ran his fingers through his hair. He could feel it going down well past his shoulders. “My hair. It’s so… long.”
  “We’ll get you a haircut once this is all over.” Maribelle took out a bottle. “Drink up.”
  “What’s this?”
  “It’s a special bottle that I got from Anna. She said that it helps singers keep their voices to higher pitches. I was going to give this to a cousin of mine whose friend is having trouble keeping her voice steady while singing but then this whole thing started and I decided that you need it more.”
  “It’s not permanent, is it?” Robin asked.
  “Of course not,” Maribelle answered. “It’ll only last twenty four hours. Now, depending on how long your training lasts, you may need to take another dose to keep up the effects.” She handed the bottle to Robin. Drink up, unless you want to spend hours straining your throat keeping your voice light and high.”
  Reluctantly, Robin down the bottle’s contents. He could feel the liquid burning his throat as it went down, it had a minty taste to it.
  “Wonderful, Robin,” Maribelle clapped. “Now, I would advise against speaking for fifteen minutes while the medicine does its work. In the meantime, I can dry you off.”
  Fifteen minutes later, Robin was completely dried off, his body and hair covered in towels. He could still feel himself shivering, his body hair no longer protecting him from the cool temperature.
  “Alright, Robin,” Maribelle spoke. “Speak.”
  “Um….” That was all Robin had to say to realize that the bottle served its purpose. “M-my voice.”
  “Yes, you sound beautiful, Robin,” Maribelle smiled. “A voice truly fit for a lady… or one in training in this case.”
  “Belle, I got everything,” Lissa ran into the bathroom, the upper half of her body covered by the articles of clothing that Maribelle requested.
  “Wonderful,” Maribelle smirked. “It’s time for the main event.” Before Robin knew it, Lissa tossed him a bunch of white fabric.
  “This feels… soft. What is it?”
  “It’s your dress,” Maribelle answered. “It’s supposed to make you feel like a lady,”
  “That’s not all,” Lissa rushed towards the two, holding a bunch of undergarments in her hand. “I got you panties, a bra with wool that can help you give off the illusion of breasts, everything that a woman needs under her dress.”
  “I hope you’re not forgetting the corset?”
  “Corset?” Robin squeaked.
  “It’s right here,” A grin grew on Lissa’s face as she pulled out a white corset. “This will fit our student just fine.”
  “Perfect,” Maribelle turned to Robin. “Now, it’s time to get you dressed.”
  Robin could feel his back against the wall as the two women approached him with grins on their faces. “I am not wearing that dreadful corset. I won’t let you! I won’t--”
  Thirty minutes later, Maribelle and Lissa managed to force Robin into the entire ensemble; from the panties to the bra to the corset and finally the dress. The only thing left was to do the finishing touches.
  “Let me just smooth your skirt and… done,” Maribelle stepped back, gazing at the handiwork that she and Lissa just did.
  Gone was Robin’s tunic and in its place was a ballgown in pure white. The long white skirt was pushed out by the layers of petticoats underneath it, covering the two-inch white heels on Robin’s feet. The dress’s puffy sleeves covered Robin’s shoulders and the elbow-length gloves doing a similar purpose with Robin’s hands.
  “That dress looks perfect on you, Robin,” Lissa giggled. “I bet when we’re finally done, no one is going to think you’re anything other than a lovely lady.”
  “Thank you, Lissa,” Robin said. “I guess.”
  “Maybe we can find a nice young man for you? Preferably someone strong and muscular who can sweep you off your feet. I doubt you’ll have a shortage of potential husbands by the time we’re done.”
  “Are we done yet?” Robin turned to Maribelle, avoiding Lissa’s grin.
  “Almost,” Maribelle corrected. She then turned to Lissa. “Lissa, I’m going to do Robin’s makeup now. But I want you to go to the bedroom while I’m doing this.”
  “Ah, but Belle,” Lissa whined. “I want to help.”
  “I know, darling,” Maribelle responded. “But I want to see your honest reaction when Robin is done and all dressed up. I know it’s to die for. I have plenty of books to keep you entertained in the meantime.”
  “Okay,” Lissa reluctantly complied, leaving the bathroom. Once Lissa shut the door, Maribelle turned to Robin.
  “Now that we’re alone, we can get started,” Maribelle pointed to the chair near her vanity. “Sit.”
  Reluctantly, Robin complied. He made his way over to the chair, his movement hindered by the petticoats and heels he was forced to wear. He slowly sat down on the chair, pushing down the skirts to avoid the dress flying up.
  “I didn’t even have to teach you that little mannerism,” Maribelle grinned. “You’ll make such a lovely lady by the time we’re done with your training. Now makeup can make a massive difference when it comes to your looks so it’s very important for you to pay attention when I’m explaining this to you. You’ll be doing this yourself during your training.”
  And so Maribelle spent the next hour and a half messing with Robin’s face, instructing the tactician on how to apply each cosmetic himself; from blush to mascara to lipstick, not a single part was missed. Robin knew that Maribelle would make sure of it.
  “Now the last part is this,” Maribelle held up a pair of tweezers. “You will use these to trim your eyebrows into feminine arches like yours truly. Since this is just a crash course, I would just take out a few unruly hairs. Now hold still and don’t whine about the pain, else I’ll make those brows of yours so feminine you have to dress like a woman for a month just to look right.”
  The process itself was rather quick and painless with Maribelle taking out the unruly hairs and cleaning up Robin’s eyebrows before he even knew it happened.
  “Done,” Maribelle smirked, looking proudly at her handiwork. “Lissa, it’s time to come back in. I want you to see Robin at his best.”
  “Finally,” Lissa opened the door to Maribelle’s room and made her way in. “I’m disappointed you couldn’t let me have some with fun with doing Robin’s makeup and now you just...” Whatever she had to say was quickly cut off when her eyes gazed on Robin’s new look. “Wow… Wowww!”
  That was all Lissa could say before entering the biggest giggle fit that she ever had. Arching back and rolling on the bed, she laughed long and loudly, so much that tears were coming out of her eyes. The sight of Robin’s current appearance was something that was forever etched into her mind.
  “Oh, you make such a lovely lady Robin,” Lissa teased. “You know I wasn’t kidding when I said you’ll have no shortage of suitors. I bet you’ll find yourself with a nice, young man before the week’s done.
  “Lissa,” Robin said. “Please.”
  “I can see it now,” Lissa giggled. “You’re on a date with your true love, the two of you together on a night with the moon illuminating the area. You thought it was just another casual date, but you find yourself with a surprise. Your true love leans down and takes out a small box, he opens it revealing a diamond ring. He then asks for your hand in marriage, wanting to be your lawfully wedded husband. You gleefully accept, allowing your new fiancee to put the wedding ring on your finger. He sweeps you off your feet with his strong and muscular arms and as you stared into his eyes, he pulls you into a long and loving kiss. I bet the thought of it makes you feel all girly inside.
  “Please make her stop, Maribelle,” Robin begged as he tried to cover the red in his cheeks.
  “Now, Lissa,” Maribelle chastised her friend. “Robin just wants to understand what it’s like to be a lady. There’s no need to embarrass him. Besides, I think he makes such a lovely young lady. Don’t you agree, Robin?” She turned him over to the full-length mirror allowing the feminized tactician to get a good look at himself.
  As much as he hated to admit it, Robin knew that Maribelle was right. The ball gown he had to wear did well at covering up the more muscular features on his body with the puffy sleeves covering his slightly broad shoulders. The corset underneath crushing Robin’s figure and giving off the illusion of wide, womanly hips. His long and wavy hair went far past his shoulders, rivaling Sumia in length. Every last bit of boyishness on his face is erased and replaced with soft, pouty lips, soft skin and long, curly eyelashes. The only thing still resembling him was the color of his hair, pure white and even that was called into question due to how long it is now.
  Of course it made sense, Maribelle wanted Robin to look like a proper lady in nearly every way and she got her wish. He felt so dainty and delicate; like he could barely break a twig, let alone stand and fight alongside his fellow shepherds.
  “I’ll admit you did a pretty good job, Maribelle,” Robin turned to face the noblewoman. “I suppose we’re done?”
  Maribelle nodded, “With your appearance, yes. For your training, we are only just beginning.”
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lingeringscars · 3 years
@terrifyingstories “i don't want to be alone” / pairing: bellamy & lissa
the young queen has more on her shoulder’s than bellamy would ever wish on someone. his own complicated feelings with the crown aside, bellamy struggles with the idea that someone so young wields so much power. he can see how the council coils around her, trying to influence her. she’s far from naive, but she is still only a teenager, and because of that he could see her breaking under the pressure. she lost everyone she’d ever known because of the burden of that crown, and maybe he shouldn’t be growing close to her, but he can’t help but think about octavia when he looks at her. they too had to grow up quickly, even if he shouldered every burden that could crush o. he wouldn’t let the weight bury lissa, he couldn’t. just like he can’t view her as Queen Vasilisa as much as his duty maybe tells him that he should. 
he’ll address her as such when they’re around the others, force the title to come with ease. he can’t refer to her as ma’am, far too young for the address. it’s what he prefers to default to with royals and other people in power, though, because of the distant it gives him from the people that have ruled over his life. she may be in charge of their entire society, but he doesn’t view lissa as someone who rules over him. he can understand why christian and rose disappeared on her, especially after tasha’s execution, but bellamy sees the strain her job has on her. he sees it every day, finding himself worrying more about that than the physical threat to her most days.
he’s always diligent about the latter, of course; his training has it as second nature, but affairs of the heart are much harder to protect against. her little heart has been broken it’s fair share, and he hears the fragility in her request. her power does not keep her company; when the crown comes off she’s just more alone. so he breaks all protocol to walk over to her instead of out the door; he supposes that they’re bonded with the information that tasha isn’t dead, after all. she’ll never be just his charge as long as his life is in his hands around the clock because of information that he had to bring her in on. if she could have lived in ignorance without this extra weight, he would have done so in a heartbeat. instead, he kneels in front of her and makes a request he knows will only hurt him in the end. “i can stay an extra shift. i’ll just send them home.” he doesn’t get enough sleep as is, but he’ll always do that for her. it detracts from the emptiness of his home, and the truth was he likely would have been heading back to tasha’s when he left anyway. this is the only thing he has to offer her: his company while on duty. he only trusts himself and rose to care for her anyway, and he doesn’t think rose is the one replacing him yet. “i could use the extra work.” he teases, as she knows better than anyone that his work doesn’t end when he walks out that door. 
meme: GREY’S ANATOMY SENTENCE STARTERS. / status: accepting
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