#sheila fentiman
mywingsareonwheels · 2 years
Well today I want to knock the two doctors’ heads together.
FFS you twits. Mina has the best brain of all of you and is exceptionally stalwart and courageous, and Renfield genuinely needs to get out of there. You have some excuse for not realising the latter (ish, but the mental health ableism is still painful). You have no excuse whatsoever for not realising the former. I am reminded so very heavily of this bit from The Unpleasantness at the Bellona Club, and Lord Peter Wimsey (from a similar class/situation to Arthur) realising he’s messed up (towards the extremely excellent wife of a friend of his) and imbibing some respect women juice:- “I'm sorry, I didn't mean to bully. One has an ancestral idea that women must be treated like imbeciles in a crisis. Centuries of the women-and-children-first idea I suppose. Poor devils.” "Who, the women?" "Yes. No wonder they sometimes lose their heads. Pushed into corners, told nothing of what's happening and made to sit quiet and do nothing. Strong men would go dotty in the circs. I suppose that's why we've always grabbed the privilege of dashing about and doing the heroic bits."
At least I am fully expecting that it’s going to be come very clear that Seward and Van Helsing have each made an awful mistake wrt Renfield and Mina. I like that Jonathan clearly is having doubts; I wish he would voice them. Also I hate that VH’s stupid decision is driving a wedge between the Harkers. :(
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