redislazy · 6 years
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Sheith Participation Week Day 5 (Share a Thought) // Sheith AU: Film Crew Member!Shiro  X  Actor!Keith
Shirogane “Shiro” Takashi - A 32 year old man (with sexy stubble) who works as film crew member. He’s in-charge with major props here and there, and he’s regarded as the most helpful staff member because hey, what could those muscles *not* do? :^) He’s a pretty reliable guy, and almost all producers want him to be a part of their team. He’s also easygoing, which makes most, if not, all younger and newer props people/film crew members look up to him. 
Keith Kogane - A 23 year old, newbie actor. He was just modeling here and there until he gained recognition within the film industry, mainly because of his looks. Due to that, he was scouted for really minor roles that just needed someone as handsome as him, but who knew? He actually had a hidden natural talent in acting. He still doesn’t know till this day what got into his head and decided to be an actor for real because you know Keith, he’s not essentially the people-type of boi, but hey, the pay is good, so why not? :^)
(Definitely an existing age gap right here, so please don’t kill me over it. I swear everything else is real wholesome and cheesy stuff because I’m a sucker for that fluff, so relax.)
Keith’s first starred role was a crime/suspense series. He played the role of a young, arrogant, impatient detective, eager to always jump to the action despite his experienced/senior partner telling so otherwise.
Keith was passive towards the staff members, he didn’t bat an eye at them at all. He’d only communicate with his manager and the lead staff most of the time. Knowing himself, he knew bothering with others is such a pain, and he’s only ever there to do his job. It’s his priority, after all. At least, that’s what he initially convinced himself with, but who would’ve thunk a sexy props man actually existed within his proximity? And he was a friendly guy to boot. Y’know, the easygoing adult, the reliable mister, aaaaaand it always happened that before shooting started, he’d always flash Keith a blinding smile and tell him “Hey, do your best out there, Keith!” And Keith would just melt because how could he not, when someone as breathtaking as Shiro encourages him every time to do a damn well job? It didn’t fluster him at first, but there was just something different from Shiro than the rest of the crew members. Then it became hard to resist feeling overwhelmed about it that he’d always look forward to Shiro’s encouragements every single shoot. It’s just awfully hard to put it to words when an unexpected attraction started to thread inside his chest. Oh, and did he mention that it’s not just before the shooting starts, but after, too? Every after shoot, whether he did bad or not, Shiro would attack him with that smile again, and this time, with the words “You did really great, star!” And Keith swore to himself he finally found a solid reason to be thankful that he started being an actor.
Of course, as time within the set passed by, they finally began chatting between breaks almost every time, unless something comes up and Shiro needed to be within the crew and Keith would be summoned by the lead staff to run over things for possible changes and make him practice, but if those circumstances do not come across either of them, they’d be talking as if that was the most natural thing to do. Shiro would always tell him these wild stories of his previous film projects, and he’d tell Keith about his dangerous experiences as a stunt double for some actor Keith had never heard of yet. Keith loved every word, every pause, every inhale Shiro would take. He loved hearing them all, and those stories just kept increasing Keith’s reasons of why he admires the said man. Then Keith would ask him of how Shiro had gotten some of his scars. He figured it might sound too personal, but Shiro would answer regardless, and he just answered with embarrassment because he got most of them over the simplest reasons, such as carelessness on site. He wouldn’t tell the scar on the bridge of his nose, though. But Keith respected that, and he actually found the mystery behind it quite intriguing, and he likes to leave it that way. 
During further filming sessions did Keith realize he had fallen too deep for the older male’s charms. Whenever in the middle of a shoot and it wasn’t exactly his turn to say anything yet, he would occasionally get distracted thinking of Shiro that he had to look away and settle his eyes at the film set in front of him, hoping to steal a quick ogle of a bulky man that made him feel that way, even just for a second. And worst part is, sometimes, he’d actually catch Shiro there, all sweaty, all exhausted, and yet... He’s the most alluring thing he had ever seen. He caught Shiro one time, wiping his sweaty face with the hem of his shirt, and Keith completely forgot the whole script he supposedly had no trouble memorizing in the first place.
Keith knew then, that Shiro is the end of him.
*The director gave Keith a handful afterwards for forgetting the script.*
wow. i initially just wanted to post the doodles and write a really short background but i ended up writing a lot??? lmao i’m sorry, i couldn’t help it since this AU had been bugging me a lot for who knows how long. please excuse me if there are any grammatical errors, english isn’t my mother tongue. i also apologize for my inconsistent artstyle sfjkdghsdfg keith doesn’t look anything like a model/actor in the character sheet at all lmao. i decided to make lazy/messy doodles based on this AU because  i wanted to write a fic about this for a very long time now but didn’t have the opportunity to do so. whoever wants to write a fic based on this AU, go ahead! i strongly encourage you! i will most likely make more random doodles based on this AU in the future if school doesn’t choke me too much. no promises tho. ;-; 
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vers-shiro-blog · 6 years
fics that I’d propel myself across a dangerous chasm for
These are some fics that I am deeply in love with, and I need absolutely everyone to know about them. So, here’s a rec in the spirit of @sheithparticipationweek day two!
Trenches by commodorecliche • 9.9k 
This fic is incredible. It has such a fantastic atmosphere, melding unsettling beauty and romance into this fucking masterpiece of a fic. Subtle world building, beautiful prose and pacing, and the most captivating characterisation - I swear it’s worth it, please give it a read.
Coming Out by melonbug • 1.3k
This is one of those tiny fics that just steals your soul away. The dialogue has great, subtle comedic timing and the characters absolutely shine. I wish I could read this for the first time all over again, but all the same I keep coming back to it. 
I wanna hold your hand by tsunkiku • 3.4k
I thought I had reached peak love for Keith. I was wrong. Sometimes I try to reread this fic and I have to take a little break because my heart is literally threatening to bust out of my chest. This is the sweetest, most well-written fic, and Keith’s internal dialogue is so well placed and genuine. If you want to be smacked over the head with soft-dorks-in-love... prepare for some spinning cartoon hearts, because this is the fic for you.
Wildfire by Graysworks • 13k
Fake marriage AU! Literally what more do I have to say? Except I’m going to say more because I’m actually in love with this fic. Humour! Action! Romance! Stunning characterisation! A plot that sweeps you off your feet! And I swear it’s as exactly as good as it sounds. Go read it, and then accidentally reread it because you scroll back to review your favorite part and just get lost in it all over again. 
soft as a lion tamed by ghostlypng • 11k
Alright, the truth is - nothing I could say here would do this fic justice. I am completely, totally in awe every time I go back. The prose is steal-your-breath-away incredible, and the characters are complex and so deftly written. It’s one of those quiet stories that is lodged permanently and perfectly inside me now. If you’re looking for something different, and interesting, and hugely inspiring - follow that link now. 
and run to the light by the hyacinth girl • 9.3k
This fic feels like the softest nostalgia. It’s fairy-tale beautiful, with enough complexity and and quiet sadness to have you daydreaming about the world inside it for days afterwards. I’m no kind of romantic, but my heart is aching right now just thinking about this story, and as soon as I finish making this post I’m probably going to go read it again. You should do the same.
Make You Sweat by filthbaron • 4.5k
A good author can get me into anything, and this author is uniformly excellent. This (very very extremely nsfw) fic edges that perfect line between absolute filth and sweet, sweet romance, and it does it so well. If you’re looking for something unapologetically different, give this one a try. 
A Floral Fuck You by HaroThar • 4k
This fic is just a whole lot of fun. There’s somehow a whole plot tucked into a few thousand, perfectly paced words. Soft pining, humour, intrigue, plot twists! If you grew up reading fic in any capacity, this is going to remind you why you love it in the simplest, most joyful sense. 
And that’s all, folks! Try to drop a comment on some of these if they make you feel any type of way, and always, always remember - sheith is love... and sheith is life. 
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Hey, don’t you think it would be fun if there was a fan event that everyone could participate in? Something with simple fan things that anyone could do to express their creativity and enjoyment of Sheith, without having to be a super experienced writer, artist, or have a bajillion hours of free time? Well now there is!
Announcing Sheith Participation Week! An event for all fans to join in and celebrate in our ship together as a fandom. Running from Monday May 21st to Sunday May 27th, each day of the week will have a different prompt for fan activities to do. People can participate in as many or few days as they like, and their posts will be reblogged on this blog.
Day 1 (May 21st) - Share a headcanon
We all have them. Little thoughts and ideas about Shiro and Keith that are near and dear to our heart. Ways we interpret the characters, and backgrounds we give them in our heads. Now is your chance to share them!
Make a post about your favorite head canon about our lovely couple. No head canon is too silly, dark, or contradicting canon to be be shared. This is the time to share your personal canon free and clear.
Day 2 (May 22nd) - Rec a fic
Fan fiction provides hours and hours of free entertainment. They make us snigger, gasp, and get those stupid grins that have people ask what we’re reading. Today’s prompt is all about sharing the joy one of your favorite fanfictions gave you.
Make a post with a link to your favorite Sheith fanfiction, on any medium (tumblr, Ao3, etc.). Then write a little review letting people know why you love it, and don’t worry folks, one long sentence of incoherent squeeing is A+ review as far as we’re concerned.
Day 3 (May 23rd) - Share a Sheithy screenshot
We as a fandom have been blessed with so many beautiful pieces of canon. From Shiro and Keith staring lovingly into each others eyes, to daring rescues, to perfectly time freeze frames of confuzzled faces.
Head over to netflix and screencap a Sheith moment (push the print screen button, then right click paste into paint to take a screenshot). Then share that moment with us here on tumblr. Captions/thoughts highly encouraged, but some picture say more than words ever could.
Day 4 (May 24th) - Rec a drawing,
Fanart is a glimpse into whole worlds and stories drawn in color and lines. They inspire our imaginations, show us glimpses of precious moments, and make amazing backgrounds for our phone ;P
Make a post linking to one of your favorite pieces of fanart either on tumblr or elsewhere (remember to link, not repost people’s work). Then let people know why you love it.
Day 5 (May 25th) - Share a thought
That idea that keeps you up at night, that perfect image that pops into your head when you really should be listening to the lecturer. Everyone’s got ideas, and now’s your time to share them.
Make a post telling the world about that thought knocking around your head. An idea for an epic fanfic, a beautiful piece of art, or tiny AU that you wish someone would make.
Day 6 (May 26th) - Make a meta
We’ve all watched the show, seen the evidence right in front of people’s noses. The Proofs right there! Today’s the day to share what you’ve seen.
Make a meta. Doesn’t have to be big or important, just some idea about them that you have that you think is supported by canon. You can talk about how “Keith’s favorite color isn’t actually red”, or how you think “Shiro and Keith bonded because they were both orphans”, or even argue “Shiro has the most alien fangirls in canon”. Just share your thoughts on the canon, we want to read what you have to say.
Day 7 (May 27th) - Share your story
A week about fandom should be capped by its most important part, the fans! Celebrate yourself and fellow fans. Share your story on how you first started shipping Sheith!
1. You may participate in as many or as few days as you like. Just tag your post with #SheithParticipationWeek, or if your worried about spelling tag #Sheith and specify at the begining of your post that its for this fan event. (if we miss your post, let us know via inbox or messenger)
2. This is a shipping centered fandom event. Please no platonic content between Shiro and Keith.
3. Please no ships other than Sheith.
4. NSFW and Dark content is allowed. We will be tagging our reblogs for #NSFW and #Non-con. If there are other things you would like us to tag, please contact us.
We can’t make a rule for every situation ahead of time, so talk to us with any questions you have, and if you are interested in helping out with this event, please let us know as well. Currently this event only has one moderator.
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captainharunanase · 6 years
Day 3 - Screenshot
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This, to me, was the most impactful moment Sheith had experienced in the finale of season 2.
Together even through possible demise, Keith and Shiro are still connected in their final moments. Which are illustrated here with their respective lions (directly implying they are there with each other) in the background of one another's intense moment of distress.
It's essentially reinforced by the fact the other three paladins -don't- have lions on their backgrounds when the scene pans to them. The three floating alone with the outside screen small and insignificant compared to Sheith's wide angle shot of their own screens completely in view of the other's lion.
The hugs, the shoulder touches, the words they say to one another, and their easy comfort they have for each other accumulates to this moment.
Because even through near defeat (and even nearly unconscious) their thoughts are to each other and are still seen -together- to showcase not even possible death can ever separate them.
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iamstuckinfandom · 6 years
Sheith screenshot
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wofuru · 6 years
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Sheith Participation Week - Day 3 - Screenshot
Ok 1st WOW. Which one to choose among all those amazing ones we were blessed with. Just thinking about it makes my heart flutters. I’m gonna cheat, sorry :P . So 1st THIS up here. It is a screenshot and it was modified by a request of the producers so they will be standing next to each other inside Shiro’s story. I mean come on guys ! Also ... look at Keith’s expression here ;_; 
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Keith’s expression again looking at Shiro wake up in the healing pod after their amazing episode alone together (S2 ep 1 will be the death of me I swear). 
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Keith ready to bite Allura’s head off because for once Shiro allows himself to show how much he’s suffering or is not able to filters it completely. Allura interrupts as they are having this conversation that is clearly Shiro in a ‘weak’ moment. And Keith will do anything to protect not only Shiro’s body, but also his heart from any harm. 
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There was two thing to be drived in and they just chose to get into the same one. I mean COME ON (ok I know its to have the trio of dofus do some team time as well which I totally love to). 
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Shiro just being so proud of how just good Keith is at piloting. It’s a bit like he’s taking it as if Keith was trying to show of XD.
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Shiro’s face looking at Keith’s state in the BOM episode. Look at how worry he is and desperate guys. 
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This sequence in 2 screens that I just noticed 1st time seeing this episode and went wyld. But it turns out it was another intentional one asked by the producers. This is such a intense and tragic moment in which they could have died and it was important to see them in each other’s background. gbuiaegivwf
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DO I REALLY NEED TO EXPLAIN THIS ONE ? My heart is still melting. Look at how Shiro is trying to comfort him, but also act like a bit shield against the world, but also treating him as an equal over here. Yeah I know, I see all that, because everything is in the small details. 
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Saved this for the last one, because I think this is one of my favorite sequence of Sheith of the bunch (with the hug). This is a tragic moment with all the angst for Keith and Shiro not being able to help him, etc. But then ... Keith goes into this mind scape and the 1st thing he thinks about and wants to see, as he is desperately in need of help and support, he thinks about Shiro. Kolivan explains it as much. My heart stopped in this sequence. I think I had to rewind what just followed after because I was being a bit too emotional to listen ahah (feeling ashamed here) XP
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babe-in-red · 6 years
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Day 3 - share a sheithy screenshot @sheithparticipationweek
Since I do edits and graphics I have too many. I literally have too many but not enough.
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somegoodsheith · 6 years
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I just... I just love this episode, ok? 
for the 3rd day of @sheithparticipationweek - Across the Universe bonpfire scene!
If anyone wants to put this concept as well - don’t feel like you can’t! You’re more than welcome to put any photo, so please don’t feel like I took it to myself or anything :>
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@sheithparticipationweek day one, share a headcanon!
It’s always been my hc that after the war finally ends, they move into Keith’s shack together. Of course, they’ve spent years out in space, fighting the empire and building the coalition and dirtying their hands in space politics, so the thing is in shambles, coated in dust and sand with the roof caved in on one side and one of the walls dangerously wobbly.
They roll up their sleeves and get to work. First there’s the wall to take care of, and it’s busted enough they just gotta tear it down and put up a new one, so while they’re at it they might as well make the shack bigger. They double the shack in size and add a nice kitchenette into the new space, Keith’s couch acting as the divider between the “kitchen and dining room” and “living room.” The roof needs fixed next, Keith stomping about and hopping with both feet, looking for places where the roof if faulty other than just the hole. He finds four more places, one of which by falling all the way through. Then there’s a mile worth of cleaning that needs done, dusting and sweeping and beating out the sand. Shiro doesn’t have many material possessions, and Keith has even less, so they fit their belongings inside easily enough, and Keith sometimes stops and stares at Shiro’s jacket hung over the couch arm, or Shiro’s toothbrush next to his in the kitchen sink. Proof that Shiro lives there now. Proof Keith isn’t alone anymore.
They sleep in the loft which is basically just a glorified crawlspace with a narrow staircase to it, both of them snuggled together on a “bed” really only built for one person but that’s more than fine. Desert nights are cool and they’ve only ever wanted to be close.
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tragedy-machine · 6 years
Sheith Participation Week - Day 2
Day 2: Rec a fic
- Amortentia by rosegardenlake @whoalookingcooljoker - it’s a super adorable fic set in Hogwarts!
- The fallen star by the same author (read everything by this gal, really) - a pre-kerb au with an alternative timeline, the story of how they come together is b e a u t i f u l, the feels and pining are 10/10
- Deep down by Kalira - something happens to Keith and he turns into a feral animal but... oh he’s nice only to Shiro? Shiro has to take care oh him now? oh??
- Gone and I Want You Back by @carry-a-world, if you like a suffering Shiro because he thinks Keith is dead with a happy ending, you’ll like this one
- Cherries & Whiskey by @olddarkmachine, football au, great smut but with feelings, hot as hell
- Behind Closed Doors by Pholo @mighty-trash, a parasite feeding on emotions latches on Keith and spills all of his secrets, lots of suffering and it’s great
-Shiro the Hero and the Hungry Chain by Saasan, awesome omegaverse smut, lots of science, talking and feelings, first part about Keith’s heat, second ongoing about Shiro’s rut!
-Porcelain by razielim, very good bottom virgin Shiro with prince Keith set in a fantasy au
- Passenger Side by idolboi, only one long chapter and ongoing but oh man, the angst gives me life already, basically Keith broke up with Shiro two weeks before the gang planned to go on a roadtrip together so now they’re stuck together and still hopelessly in love but angst
Also general shout out to @disloyalpunk, @phaltu, @hazelnatcoffee, @arahir, @im-all-in-shiro for being great writers!
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phaltu · 6 years
sheith participation week - day 2, fic rec
OK I wanted to at least participate in this day out of @sheithparticipationweek. I don’t get a lot of time to read fic, but I do try my best! So here are a few recent faves
i told the moon to never let me go by @disloyalpunk
honestly an inspiration and everything i love about sheith, with an underlying plot related to kerberos that’s so enticing that i got actual goosebumps while reading one section with matt and shiro. full of love and life and it’s definitely one of my all-time faves for sheith
married at first sight by @flashedarrow 
super cute, really indulgent and fluffy and it’s a really good pick me up. oozes happiness and it made my heart light
araneidae by @bymidnightflame 
short and sweet and sexy but in a really rich and velvety way. i read this and felt like i ate a box of high end chocolates
you were a wild thing by @arahir
i can sincerely say that the prequel to this fic is one of my other all-time faves for sheith and this one’s going to be so good too. i’m buzzing in excitement like a fly
special shout out to where the light doesn’t reach by @whoalookingcooljoker i started reading this like 15 minutes ago and the premise is really interesting and i can’t wait to read more!!
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marcellaereeves · 6 years
Perhaps day one...
I hc that Keith was in love with Shiro before Kerberos, and Shiro at least had an idea about that. But he didn’t have those feelings, Keith was his friend and he figured Keith would grow out of it - it’s Shiro, people get crushes on him all the time.
After Shiro returned to Earth he was instantly reunited with a different Keith, a wounded Keith who was more careful with his feelings, but still he loved Shiro. And Shiro wasn’t a confronted with the kid he left behind on the ashphalt, but with a competent young man with fire in his heart and on his sword, who would tear reality and fate aside for him.
And Shiro fell in love too.
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ilovelocust · 6 years
Day 3: Make a Sheithy Screenshot
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This is one of my favorite sheith related screenshots. Just because it shows that even the other paladins can’t imagine Keith and Shiro as anything but attached at the hip :D
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captainharunanase · 6 years
Day 5 - Just a thought
I'm a big sucker for Omegaverse AUs. If it's not crossover or fantasy AUs then you'll definitely find me sifting through Omegaverse fics of my otps.
I love the whole dynamic of A/B/O and all the good ol' cliché mpregs that come with it. What can I say? I love me some hardcore primal smut.
One of my ideas for a fic I'd write (if only I had the time) is one where Keith (because he didn't "present" as either Alpha or Omega during puberty) assumes he's just the average Beta. He goes about his days in the Garrison uneventful with no Alpha-laden desires to rut or any Omega tendencies in heat and whatnot until he meets Shiro.
Now at first, Keith is dead set that Shiro is the true definition of an Alpha. The Golden Boy of the Garrison with the perfect track record and Alpha-like bod--yup he gotta be the stereotypical strong Alpha. How lucky would Keith be to befriend the most popular (not to mention surprisingly kindest and sweetest) Alpha AND get first hand lessons from the "Legend" himself?
The only thing close to ruining all of this is his maybe kinda obvious crush on Shiro.
Keith wouldn't be sure when it happened--he's not the most social or emotionally connected with others--but something about Shiro just -clicked- with Keith and he could not for the life of him understand why he can't stop from nearly making a fool of himself on a day-to-day basis. Sure he's a little clingy than he should be around Shiro and yeah okay he sometimes semi-growls when he gets a little jealous of other cadets vying for Shiro's attention. And yes he stands a little closer to him and likes to keep his arm around Shiro--big whoop--it's definitely not what people think.
Even though it definitely IS what Keith wants people to think. It's hard crushing on the most perfect guy and not knowing how to control these sudden urges and sure maybe scenting him (too bad Beta scents aren't strong) would definitely be a no-no but a guy could dream?
Keith is also curious as to why Shiro always disappears for a week every month and why he always has a strange itch at the back of his throat whenever it happens. But he respects Shiro and his space even though he feels lost without him after a day or two without seeing him which makes Keith want to hide in shame at feeling so dependent on Shiro but hey loving someone ain't easy especially when that someone is Shiro.
Pretty much Keith goes about his days pining for his best friend and desperately wishing he was an omega just so he could be with Shiro--not that he can't as he is now it's just that Keith is a romantic at heart and would love nothing more then to be fated pairs with Shiro that only Alphas and Omegas can have.
Of course, meanwhile, Shiro is definitely 100% pining after Keith and is utterly confused as to why a Beta like Keith is throwing all of his senses off kilter but that doesn't matter because Shiro knows Keith can be so much better than him and wants him to succeed and okay his major crush on the cadet is making him biased but it's still true. Then there's the dilemma of Shiro wanting to tell Keith something--extremely important about himself--but he gets selected for the Kerberos mission and decides to hold off until he returns to confess.
Cue in the "PILOT ERROR" and all that jazz except the moment Keith finds out Shiro is labeled "dead" he has such a severe meltdown from the shock that he presents as an Alpha (due to his latent Galra instincts which he didn't know at the time so he writes it off as having an extremely late puberty thing) and boy is it painful.
He's sent to the medic bay and is pretty much in intense pain for a whole week while his body tries to "right" itself from a Beta to an Alpha (is what the medics tell him but they don't understand it themselves because it is unheard of for anyone to just change one's dynamic like this).
Keith comes to once the week passes and is hit with all the new senses and takes a good while to process it. But like how canon goes, his newly acquired heightened senses only boosts what was already a part of him and his grief for Shiro reawakens the untamed part of himself and his now unchecked emotions.
He punches Iverson, gets kicked out, and follows through on the strange energy he always sensed before but now more strongly and persistently than ever.
Cue in the first episode with Keith rescuing Shiro but upon leaning over to caress Shiro's face he is suddenly hit with the stronge scent of distressed Omega. And without realizing, Keith had been oozing angry territorial Alpha pheromones the whole time the moment his inner Alpha sensed Shiro's presence and is now subconsciously soothing him--which explains why it rubbed Keith helluva wrong way when the Garrison Trio arrived because too many scents and too many bodies close to Shiro and he just wants to bite off Lance's arm for touching his omega like who does this punk think he is--until Keith is hit with the sudden realization.
Holy quiznak Takashi Shirogane is an Omega.
And it isn't until they are all safe, Shiro confides in him about wanting to tell Keith before Kerberos but was afraid someone would find out that the once Golden Boy Takashi Shirogane was nothing more than an Omega pretending to be an Alpha--and the thought of Keith looking at Shiro differently and not wanting to be friends with him and all that angst. Keith reassures him and all that good stuff while secretly howling to the moon and back because YES he will do anything within his power to keep Shiro safe and goddamn will this be harder to hide his not so secret feelings.
It won't be until they find the Blades that Keith realize he's half Galra and that the reason why he didn't present as an Alpha before was because all Galra only ever present when they are around their fated mate--essentially the idea here is all Galra are pretty much "Betas" until they encounter their fated mate and thereby present in whatever dynamic that laid dormant in them. Kolivan (and later Krolia who's an Alpha herself) explains some traits are noticeable before presenting and when it does occur the week long shift is not meant to be spent alone but with the intended mate.
The fact Keith survived the intense change and that it occurred after meeting Shiro (they believe it to be because Keith is also half human and wasn't able to fully present but still display Alpha-like possessive behaviors and probably would have presented sooner if he had attempted to mate with Shiro prior) and was then able to be stabilized once Shiro returned are all signs of an obvious fated pair--pretty much Keith can only be quelled when Shiro is around (like a sheath to a blade anyone?)
Now if only the universe would stop taking Shiro away from Keith that'd be great, thanks.
I want to write it canon-verse but with the ABO dynamic thrown in there 'cause I'm an even bigger sucker for canon omega aus~
Oh wow, I think I just wrote like half of it down without realizing haha now to decide on Keith having an alien knot or not~!?
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aether-staza · 6 years
Sheith Fic Recommendations
This is day 2 of @sheithparticipationweek and I got a little carried away with these and to be perfectly honest, I still have even more recommendations up my sleeves. I'd love to share the other fic recs if anyone is interested but for now, I think I listed a little too much already (its kind of a long post so sorry about that)...
(In no particular order):
•Kitten by ilovelocust
"Kuro violently kidnaps Keith from the Castle of the Lions. Team Voltron desperately tries to get him back, while Kuro taunts them about all the things they can't stop him from doing. When they finally rescue him, the truly hard part begins."
Personal Notes: Its a little bit on the darkside of the fandom so be ready. I got a certain thrill while reading this and that made me enjoy it a whole lot. I'm also a sucker for whump Keith so yeah.
•all you love, you keep by arahir
"Love isn’t earned in blood and devoted silence, but it takes them years to figure that out.
"I don't have anyone else," Shiro starts, and that at least is honest. "But we can only have family at the launch. We can only talk to family on the mission, and you—it would just be a technicality. We can dissolve it when I get back, but—“
Keith is so open, and so unwitting. He’s got a blind spot for Shiro as wide as his heart.
“Will you marry me?”
Personal Notes: I love the characterization in this fic and the way Keith and Shiro's bond was written. Two additional things I liked about this was protective!Shiro and the fact that they were secretly married (eeeep~)...
•The kind of love we're dying for (Series) by chiapslock
"A series retelling Voltron S1 if Shiro had come back with implants in his mind that forced him to obey everything his masters tell him to. Keith is one of his masters."
Personal Notes: This, this hurts real good, lemme tell you. You can really see Keith's internal turmoil here as well as, Shiro's loyalty to Keith even when he's not "himself". Angst material right there.
•Between the Shadow and the Soul by magisterpavus
"The most terrifying things in the desert were the men. Of this, Keith had no doubt.
Until Keith found him."
Personal Notes: Ahhhhhh! Definitely one of my favorites (its reeeeeeally up there in my top 5). I love how whimsical it is and how it really dives right into the culture portrayed in the story. The backstories and the plot is well thought out and I can say that its definitely one of the must read fics in the Sheith community.
•Not even death do us part by Destinee Zara (LadyDestineeZara)
"Dealing with spirits wasn't something new to Hunk. It was his job after all. He might not like it so much sometimes (ok, a lot of times), but he was used to it. However, this case was different from all others before. There was something off with the fire that destroyed that old asylum.
Who started it? Why?
Who was the spirit that stayed behind?
Hunk was determined to get at the bottom of it.
(A Sheith ghost love story.)"
Personal Notes: I love, love, loved this story! Another one of the stories that make you feel something along the lines of "it hurts so good". The Sheith here is rather bittersweet but totally worth the read.
•Punishment by Association by Pilindiel
"He should have listened to that coiling in his stomach, to that heavy weight in his bones, and he hears the fight over the comms before he sees it.
Shiro hates being right.
Keith's breathing is harsh and sharp over the electric buzz in Shiro's ears, but his voice is so dangerously low it sends a chill down his spine.
Or maybe it's just the name that tumbles past Keith's lips that makes his blood freeze in his veins.
Prompt: Something with Keith being healed by quintessence"
Personal Notes: Shiro's character is well written here and it paints him as someone who's not just Voltron's leader. Also, whump Keith... what more can you ask for?
♡♡♡ Welp, this got out of hand but I had so much fun making this! I didn't expect that but I did! I actually wouldn't mind making another, lmao. Hope you guys will have fun reading these, I know I had. ♡♡♡
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talulebell · 6 years
Sheith Participation Week Day 1: Share a headcanon
Getting a cat was the best decision they’ve ever made. The cat, a female Siamese named Luna, is their baby. 
Keith has always liked cats, but he’s never experienced having one. Shiro, on the other hand, has probably had a few in his life and has always imagined having more in his future. Being new to cats, Keith has a lot of questions, which include:
“Why does she just lay in the litter box? Does she actually find joy being in her own toilet?”
“Why does she sometimes lick water off her paw rather than drinking it normally?”
“Why does she purposefully shove her toys under every piece of furniture?”
“How do her legs curl up when she sits like that? It’s like they’re gone.”
“Why is she scared of something that she’s seen a thousand times?” and then goes into “What do you mean that she doesn’t like that it’s an inch off from it’s regular spot and she thinks it’s suspicious?”
“If she wants to be left alone, does she really need to go on top of the pantry?”
With Siamese cats being a very vocal breed, Shiro thinks it’s adorable when Keith talks back to her. He’s always like, “Yes?” and when she responds, he’ll add on by being like, “Oh, really? Tell me more.” 
She’s usually wherever they are, whether it’d be directly next to them or within sight. They talk about their day during dinner and Luna will either be all sprawled out on the other side of the table, rubbing against their legs, or sleeping on an extra dining chair. One of them will wake up in the middle of the night and want to be closer to the other, but Luna is sleeping in-between them, and it’s practically illegal to move a sleeping cat.
Personally, Shiro doesn’t mind if Luna goes on the kitchen counters. As long as she isn’t getting into something she shouldn’t, she’s fine. Keith is not a fan. He doesn’t like it that he may be too busy to keep an eye on her and that she’ll get into something. Luna also tends to gently pat things out of curiosity and he doesn’t want her touching food. There was a time where he was able to barricade the counter (after putting her down multiple times), but she found her way up by climbing up Keith’s leg. From that moment, Keith just decided to give up, but he still doesn’t like it. Luna is allowed to sit on his shoulders and watch, though. Shiro then teases him because “But you always give her a kiss on the head before putting her on the floor”, to which Keith rolls his eyes and denies. 
Luna and Keith both have a favorite spot: Shiro’s chest. It’s comfortable and provides warmth, so why wouldn’t they like it? There have been times where Luna beats Keith to it and he’ll settle for Shiro’s side. Like any cat, Luna kneads on many surfaces, and one of those is Shiro’s chest. She’ll do it for a while before Shiro is like, “Okay, you have to be done.”
When Shiro gets anxious or wakes up from a nightmare, Luna helps calm him down. It’s comforting to pet her and hear her purring. If he’s in bed, she’ll curl up by his shoulder and purr into his ear. 
Shiro and Keith one time went on a date and while reaching into his pocket, Shiro pulled out a cat toy. He doesn’t know how it got there, but it’s there.
Shiro carries her around the house like a baby and speaks to her as if she were a baby. If he holds her for long enough and she’s comfortable, she’ll fall asleep.
These two buy her a cat tree that is typically used for a household of like three cats, but Luna deserves the best. It’s right in front of a huge window so she can watch the birds and squirrels outside. 
They hope that they make Luna as happy as she makes them. 
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