know-you-for-real · 1 year
THIS. Probably the word 'chemistry' is not enough. But I miss this, I miss to see them together on and off screen. I miss waiting for a new episode. I miss the way they made everything so natural and heartwarming. I miss Ben and Martin. I miss BBC Sherlock.
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'A point we would particularly like to share however is the obviously very close relationship shared between Benedict and Martin. It is well documented that Jeremy Brett and Edward Hardwicke were in fact best friends on and off the Granada Sherlock Holmes series and the friendship between Benedict and Martin in real life certainly appears to be also very strong. There was a very touching moment between them on Wednesday; Martin had arrived on set several hours after Benedict, and when Benedict spotted him he went straight up to Martin who was standing by the monitors and gave him a huge hug. It was lovely to see, especially as they continued to talk, Benedict standing in the road and Martin on the pavement (but still managing to be the same height incidentally), Benedict arranged the front of Martin's shirt for him as he talked. There has been a lot of discussion by the writers about the development of Sherlock and John's relationship during this second series and if the little display we witnessed is anything to go by, it will be a wonderful thing to see.'
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‘The Grinch' New York premiere at Alice Tully Hall, Lincoln Center on November 3, 2018 in New York City. If you take this photos without logo - credit me!
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thementalist221b · 6 years
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Eyes on the prize! The final lesson is coming! #sherlocked #sherlock #cube #sherlockology #sherlockian #themonographs #thedeductionist
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What to observe when glancing at others?
The grand trick in observing body language, emotions or behavior is to understand before hand that people are infinitely complex and unpredictable, you can never be entirely certain how a subject would behave. But on the the other side, you can always manage to frame the subject into some field or bucket. People are conformist by nature, no matter how complex, they will always have trendy behavior, and they will always try to act like one another in order to seek conformity, and a sense of belonging. That ranges from the shoes they choose to wear to any event, to the type of food they choose to eat. No matter how irrelevant you might these actions are, we are all wired to behave in a way that falls under the domain of conformity. Of course there is always the few black sheep who choose to stray from the flock every now and them, but the end of the day they will conform with the society they live, one way or the other. And that does not exclude myself, even though I am conscious of this cognitive bias, the best I can do is think my decisions twice to make sure that I am acting to my own will, and not influenced by society, media, trends or any other aspect surrounding me.
With that being said I will be sharing some tips on how, and what to look for in order to size someone up to some extent. Today I will be sharing my take on the eye and I shall be summarizing some insights on what to observe from someone’s face, specially the eyes.
1. Face
a. Accessory: Simple vs Flamboyant, the simplicity of any accessory might be an indicator that the subject does not wish to draw attention, but simply wants to look nice, and this reveals some sort of introverted behavior. On the other hand, if the accessory reflect flamboyant colors or are designed to draw attention, that could be a good indicator that the subject strives on drawing attention and is conscious about their own image in the eyes of others. This is a sign of extroversion.
2. Eyes: The eyes are windows to the soul, you might want to really consider starting with the eyes when first observing a subject’s face.
Begin by taking note of the blink rate, when we are nervous or troubled our blink rate increases, a phenomenon often seen with liars but also frequently seen with people under stress. 
 Eye blocking is just one of the more obvious things that we do. When we are troubled, frustrated, or struggling with something emotionally, our eyelids may also close hard and remain closed or the eyelids may flutter rapidly as an expression of our sentiment. Hugh Grant is famous in the movies for his eyelid flutter whenever he screws something up.
Eye contact/aversion could be either a sign of respect or fear, depending on the cultural context.
Constrict eye pupils show that subject is feeling uncomfortable or afraid, while dilated eye pupils convey that the subject is interested/ecstatic or happy. 
Make sure to spot wrinkles around the eyes when validating the authenticity of a smile, people rarely give authentic smiles and tend to generate fake ones to ease social situations. 
People who suffer short-sighted, may squint and blink and hold books right up to their eyes. While people who suffer long-sightedness tend to  hold objects far away from them while reading.
Squinting of the eyes in general shows that the person is displeased with what they are looking at, and may refer to eye blocking if the feeling is intense. (Although can be associated with lying - that is why context is important.)
Below are interesting notes I have had the fortune of coming across from another blog
A grey ring around the cornea indicates high cholesterol and triglyceride levels, especially in people over 60.
Yellowed scleras indicate liver disease, usually due to excessive drinking.
When you take a photo of someone, you can sometimes get that annoying red eye glare. However, should there be an anomaly in the glare, such as the glare being not red or absent all together, then there is a good chance that person has retinoblastoma, a form of eye cancer.
Eye redness can be misleading, as the cause can be anything from allergies to drug addiction. Generally, though, if its in one spot, it’s probably irritation. If the entire sclera of both eyes is red, then a cause like lack of sleep, general allergy or other major factor is more likely.
Look for marks left by glasses. If you see horizontal line running from the top of the ear to the face, then they probably wear glasses with a fairly active lifestyle. They deliberately chose tight glasses so that they would’t fall off during physical activity.
3. Eye-brows: People lower or knit their eye brows when they show disagreement or displeasure, also they tend to frown when displeased or in disagreement with the other party. Raised eye vs frowning brows can show submission/dominance of the subject, specially when demonstrated on several occasions unconsciously (which is the case usually). Through out the upcoming posts, I will be sharing my take on each body part, and what you can observe or note while observing to give you a better perspective of the world and people that surround you.
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Saw this on twitter -#benedictcumberbatch vs #andrewgarfield 😂😂😂 Ben #ftw #sherlock #internetsboyfriend #marchmadness #fangirling #tomhiddleston #cumbercollective #cumberbunnies #tomhiddlestonisperfection #disapprovingsherlock #mcu #iwishyouweremyboyfriend #bracketology #sherlockology
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cansomething-blog · 7 years
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Abie and I are MCing karaoke at Sherlocked Con tonight! @babsek79 #sherlock #sherlockology #sherlockbbc #convention #comiccon #showmasters #karaoke #DJ #pretty #geeks #classylookingnerfherder (at Los Angeles Airport Marriott)
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buckybarnesaddicted · 7 years
I don’t want to hate Sherlolly but I also don’t ship it, but everyone can ship whatever they want and it is OK. But I think the worst thing for me in TFP was the I love you scene. I knew they wouldn’t make sherlock say that to John but I still had hope….the closer the episode was the bigger my hopes were….and I think that….that hurt me the most.
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fandom-cat-blog1 · 7 years
So I'm deceased
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One member of the cast in particular...
I think when Sherlockology says "One member in the cast in particular potentially exceeds all their previous work on the series in their performance." they must mean Lestrade, Molly, or Mrs. Hudson. I see a lot of people thinking the "shocking reveal" is about Mary but Mary is already a major character who has had big scenes. It actually looks like they are playing up Lestrade in the promos so while I think it could be Molly or Mrs. Hudson my money is on Lestrade.
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queerbaitinglock · 7 years
seriously, the casuals never 100% trusted mycroft, it wouldn’t be a surprise to them to find out he is or was somehow involved with moriarty f.e. (m theory anyone?) 
my bet is on our funny, ordinary, not as smart- john watson (or how casuals still like to see him), especially after the clip of him, mary, and sherlock. he’s bringing her down himself (remember the dog chasing the shark on the crew shirts? and the scene from the trailer in marocco?) and can therefore finally show what he is capable of - now that would surprise many! 
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stlgeekgirl · 8 years
Batten down the hatches girls, it's gonna be a bumpy Monday.
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