#shes lost 6lbs in two weeks....
steorransaluki · 9 months
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✨ medical mystery ✨
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Love Is Blind: Chapter Seventeen
Robyn blinked a few times as she woke up but everything in her view was blurry. It seemed like a flurry of white running past her face. Her head hurt, hell, her whole body hurt. What was going on?
Chris paced in the waiting room of the hospital. They’d been here for over three hours and yet nothing had changed. Walking into his bedroom to see the sheets covered in blood and Robyn not moving completely stopped his heart.
Chris turned to see Anesa waking up in her seat in the waiting room. He rushed over to sit next to her, “yes Love Bug, what’s the matter?”
“Can we leave yet? Is Mommy coming out?”
“No, the doctors are still checking on Mommy so we can’t leave right now.”
“Daddy, I’m hungry.”
“Let me see if I can order you something to eat, ok?”
Chris walked over to the nearby nurse’s desk, “Excuse me, is there any place I can order something to eat?”
“Sure,” the nurse handed him a list of restaurants that delivered to the hospital, “anyone of these can deliver here.”
“Thank you. Do you have any information about Robyn Fenty-Brown yet?”
“Not at this time but I can page the doctor for you.”
“That would be appreciated. Thank you.”
Chris went to sit back with Anesa as he looked through the food listing. Seeing a pizza place that had an online ordering system, he decided to order that way. He looked over at Anesa, who went back to sleep in the chair. He pulled his jacket back over her body then gently rubbed her back.
Robyn’s vision still hadn’t completely cleared but the room became more familiar as she looked around. She was in the hospital, apparently. She tried to move her hands but it felt like she was strapped down. She tried to talk but something was in her mouth. Her brain was sending off all kinds of warnings. Something was really wrong. Her eyes darted from side to side, people were rushing around but nobody was really paying attention to her. It felt like her lungs were imploding. Her chest hurt. She couldn’t breathe. What was happening?
“Code Blue. Room 320,” came over the loudspeaker. Chris watched as two nurses rushed in the direction of Robyn’s room. He looked to Anesa, she was still asleep. He gathered her into his lap and rocked her gently. Last thing he wanted was for her to finally get a mommy, just to lose her.
She could feel them pressing something to her chest. It was warm.This beeping noise rang in her ears and she tried to open her eyes again. Everything was still kind of blurry but the white spots were staring at her now, giving her all their attention unlike before.
“Ms. Fenty, can you hear me? This is Dr. Richardson,” a deep voice said softly as a light flashed in her vision.
She nodded her head, or at least she tried to, since she couldn’t speak. Whatever was in her mouth was itchy and uncomfortable.
“Ok Ms. Fenty, we are going to unstrap your arms and remove your breathing tube. This may be a little uncomfortable.”
She tried to nod again. Soon, she felt her arms being released then something being pulled from her throat. She coughed a few times then smacked her lips together.
“Don’t try and talk yet. You were admitted due to severe bleeding and unconsciousness, ok?”
Robyn pressed her hand to her belly in question.
“Your baby is in the NICU. We did an emergency c-section but you had a seizure. That’s why your body was strapped down to eliminate the possibility of you hurting yourself, ok?”
Robyn nodded again. She needed to know where Chris and Anesa were. She coughed, “my husband. Daughter?”
“Don’t talk, your throat is very sore. They are in the waiting room. We can bring them to you, ok?”
Robyn nodded.
Dr. Richardson went over to a nurse and instructed them to give Robyn some water while he retrieved her family from the waiting room.
Chris watched as Robyn’s doctor came over to where he was sitting with Anesa in his lap, “is she ok? I heard the code.”
“She’s fine. Waking up with the tubes and having her hands strapped down kind of freaked her out is all.”
“Is she still awake?”
“Yes. We’ve removed the tube and the straps. Her throat is still fairly sore so try not to have her talk too much just yet. I’m gonna take you to see her.”
“And the baby is still ok? Last I checked, they said I could only see him through the glass.”
“Your son is still in the NICU. Right now he is on a ventilator and feeding tube. He’s a decent size but his lungs are underdeveloped. He may have to remain here for a week or so at the least before we can release him.”
“Will we be able to hold him at some point?”
“Once we get his breathing stabilized, we’ll see about having a nurse bring you and his mother to see him.”
“Thank you.”
“Not a problem.”
Chris followed Dr. Richardson to Robyn’s room and sat in the chair beside her bed. Dr. Richardson stepped out to speak with a nurse as Chris shifted Anesa more comfortably in his lap, “Robyn?”
She turned her head to face him and tried to smile but her face still felt stiff.
“Hey Baby. You scared the life out of me.”
She shook her head in disappointment as she croaked out a hoarse, “Sorry.”
“No, don’t talk. The doctor said it’s better if you don’t. You want something to write on?”
She nodded her head and Chris handed her a notepad and pen that was left on the nearby table. She scribbled sloppily and pushed the notepad over to Chris. It read, “did our baby die?”
Chris shook his head, “No, the baby didn’t die. His lungs were underdeveloped so he’s in the NICU right now. Once they get him stabilized, they’ll let us see him.”
Him? We had a boy? Did you see him?
“Yes, I saw him. He’s beautiful. He’s got a head full of black curls and green-brown eyes.”
Who found me?
“I did. I came home early after picking Anesa up from camp and found you in the bed. The doctor said that you hemorrhaged because your placenta had tore away from your uterus. Luckily, they got you stabilized and to the hospital in time to save you and the baby.”
Are you mad at me?
“What? Of course not. It wasn’t anything that you did. Sweetheart, you did everything possible to make sure our baby boy is healthy and he’s still here. Everything will be fine.”
When can I leave?
“They haven't told us yet. They’ll probably keep you for observation since you had a seizure after your c-section.”
Robyn nodded in understanding as she set the notepad back on the table and reached her arms out for Anesa. Chris smiled as he carefully shifted some of her tubes aside and placed Anesa in her lap. Robyn cradled her and rocked her gently before placing a kiss on her forehead. She looked over at Chris and asked softly, “did she see?”
“No, she just saw the ambulance. I kept her in her room until they had you covered and on the gurney.”
Robyn nodded, “Thank you.”
“You don’t have to thank me, Sweetheart. I really almost lost you today. I- I don’t know what I would’ve done without you.”
Chris wiped her face as he saw a few tears fall out of her eyes, “I just want you to know that I love you so much and I’m so glad that you made it and that our baby made it. I- you’re a blessing and I want you to know that I know it and I cherish it and I can’t wait until I can take you and our baby home to show that to you. Every day.”
Robyn reached out her hand and Chris pressed her palm to his face, “you do.”
“Not too much talking like the doctor said. But I’m gonna do more and just- all I could think about was you leaving and not knowing how much I love and care for you. I couldn’t remember if I told you I loved you that morning, if I had remembered to hug and kiss you goodbye. Nothing else mattered in the moment that I saw you.”
“Mel. Le.”
“I haven’t gotten a chance to call anyone yet. I left a message with your parents and Jessica but that was it. Everything just happened so fast, I wasn’t even thinking about it.”
She nodded her head in understanding and touched the side of his face again. Chris kissed her palm then held her hand in his, “I’m gonna take a leave of absence for a few weeks while you and the baby recover. I-”
Chris was cut off by a knock on the door. It was the pizza delivery guy. Chris walked over to grab the food and gave the guy a tip before sliding the door closed. He set the bag onto the rolling hospital table then moved it against the wall behind him, “Anesa wanted dinner but she’s still asleep.”
Robyn went to tap her and Chris shook his head, ”don’t wake her. She needs her rest. I’m thinking you need some rest too. Are you tired?”
Robyn shook her head, “No. Thirsty.”
Chris grabbed her cup and poured some water from a pitcher into it along with a straw. He held up to her mouth and Robyn drained the cup of every bit of liquid. She coughed then lied back against her pillows, “you going home?”
“No, I don’t really wanna leave you. I’ll see if Jess can pick up Anesa so she can go home.”
Robyn nodded then looked down at Anesa and smoothed her hand over her hair, “she’s so peaceful.”
“She was really worried about her mommy. I’m sure she can tell that you’re holding her”
“I hope so.”
“Oh Babe, he’s adorable,” Robyn remarked softly as Chris pushed her next to the incubator. Their son weighed 6lbs 7 oz. Even though his size was fairly average, the underdevelopment of his lungs was the major concern.
“Yea, he even looks like me a little bit.”
“More than a little. He’s so handsome.”
“He is.”
“Have you thought of a name?”
“Not yet. You?”
“Christian Amir Brown.”
“Christian, huh?”
Robyn laughed, “I think it’s fitting considering how this all started up again.”
“I can take that. I love the name, Robyn.”
“Good. So we agree.”
“We agree.”
Chris kissed her temple just as a nurse came into the room.
“Hi Family. I’m Nurse Jasmine. I heard someone came to hold their little one for the first time,” she said.
“Yes. Hoping we can take him home,” Robyn replied.
The nurse carefully opened the incubator and picked the baby up to set him in Robyn’s lap, “the steroids are taking their time to strengthen his lungs but hopefully it’ll only take a few more days. First baby?”
“Biological. We have an adopted daughter at home.”
“That’s awesome.”
Robyn gently brushed her hand across his head, “is there anything else wrong with him?”
“Nope. No infections. No oxygen deprivation or nothing. Your husband found you right in time.”
“He’s always been good at that,” Robyn said as she looked up at him, “thank you for taking care of him.”
“Oh of course. He really is an adorable little honey. Well I’ll give you some time alone with him, just ring the button if you need someone.”
The nurse left and Chris grabbed a chair to sit next to Robyn, “he’s so calm.”
“I know.”
“So about this husband thing?”
Chris raised his brow and Robyn laughed, “we have the same last name, you’re my emergency contact so everybody just assumed we are married. It’s easier than having to keep correcting people.”
“You know we were married before, we could totally make it happen again.”
“Christopher, I know where you are going with this. Not right now.”
“You wanna take him for a little bit?”
Chris moved closer to grab the infant in his hands while Robyn rolled out of the way. He slid his chair closed to the incubator so he wasn’t pulling the cords while Robyn maneuvered her wheelchair beside him.
“Hey Baby Boy,” Chris cooed softly, “your big sister can’t wait to meet you.”
Robyn smoothed her fingertips along his cheek and he smiled, “Aww...you’re the sweetest little thing.”
“We did good, Baby.”
“Yea, we did.”
“Alright Christian, I need you to work with Mommy. They won’t let you go home if you can’t latch on,” Robyn murmured softly.
After 4 days in the NICU, Christian was well enough to be moved to a normal room. Of course, now they had to get him to eat without his feeding tube. Trying to get him to latch onto her breast was a bigger challenge than Robyn expected. She shifted Christian in her lap as his mouth hovered near her nipple. Robyn waited to feel some sort of suction and nothing happened. She sighed softly then shifted him to another position to try again. It wasn’t mandatory for her to breastfeed but they felt more comfortable sending him home once he was eating on his own. He was having a hard time with bottles as well and no one wanted to have to send him home with a feeding tube in his stomach. His suckling mechanisms just weren’t working yet.
“Hey Baby.”
Robyn turned around to see Chris walking into the room. He closed the door and curtain behind him before dropping his stuff onto a nearby chair.
“I thought you had a class today.”
“No, my leave of absence started today. I had to finish some stuff up for the baby’s room and drop Anesa off at school.”
“Oh ok.”
“How is everything going?”
“Not great. We still can’t get him to take a bottle or breastfeed.”
“Oh man. How long are they gonna keep him if he can’t?”
“Doctor said they might give it another day or two, they’d really feel more comfortable with him feeding on his own but if not, we’ll have to use his feeding tube. They don’t want his weight to start slipping.”
“Understandable. How long you been at it?”
“About an hour. I can feel his lips there but he’s having a hard time latching on. Same with the bottle.”
“They say why?”
“With him being premature, some of his natural reflexes haven’t fully developed. It can take up to a few weeks for him to get the hang of it.”
“My little guy. You want me to try the bottle?”
“You can. Maybe he’ll do it for his daddy.”
Chris grinned so hard, it’s almost like he split his face and Robyn laughed, “I have never seen you smile so hard in my life”
“I’m a Dad again. I’m still in shock that he’s here.”
“You’ve been doing an amazing job, Chris.”
“So have you.”
Robyn shrugged, “I guess.”
“What do you mean you guess?”
“It’s only been a few days.”
“And a few days ago, either or both of you might not have been here. You came through for our baby, that deserves praise within itself. You’re here with him all day, every day. He’s strong and he’s beautiful. You’re an incredible mother, no matter how long you’ve been one.”
“Thank you Baby.”
Careful to not nudge the baby, Chris leaned over and pecked her lips a few times, “I’ve been missing you though.”
“I’ve been home. What you mean?”
“I know but we haven’t really done anything together and the doctor did say you need to move around more for your recovery.”
“He did say that but I’m not exactly in going out shape.”
“What does that mean?”
“Chris, I’ve gained like 50 pounds. I might not look pregnant, pregnant but I don’t exactly look normal.”
“You look perfectly fine to me. I already told you it is in all the right places. 50 pounds or 100 don’t mean anything to me.”
Robyn smiled and ran her hand down his arm, “you and your way with words.”
“I’m being honest.”
“I know but still, I don’t know if I’m ready to be out yet.”
“Is there a specific reason you don’t want to be out? You’ve never been self-conscious before.”
“I’ve also never been this big before.”
“Big? Are we looking at the same person?”
“Christopher, take your son please. I don’t wanna talk about this anymore.”
Chris took Christian from Robyn and sat down in the chair beside the bed, “we’ll talk about this later.”
“What is the big deal about me not wanting to be outside?”
“The fact you need to work on life getting back to normal. You were on bed rest your entire pregnancy and then you’ve been in the hospital for the past two weeks with the baby. You need to get back in the swing of things.”
“What if I don’t want to?”
Chris looked over at her as she pouted, “Don’t be childish, Robyn. We can start slow. Maybe go out to eat or something. It doesn’t have to be an all day thing, ok?”
“I’ll think about it.”
“I’m taking you out this weekend.”
“Uh uh. Your “think about it” is a cover up for hoping something happens so you can say no and I am not going for it.”
Chris shook his head and laughed, “you’re gonna always push back just to push back, huh?”
Robyn laughed, “of course. Is he taking the bottle yet?”
“Nope, it’s just sitting in his mouth.”
“Oh well. You’re gonna have to use the syringe to put the mixture into his feeding tube.”
“Is it difficult?”
“No. And it doesn’t hurt him. I’d just rather him not have to be fed that way.”
“I understand.”
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Arc of a Scythe Short Story #1 part 2.
Munira’s hand flies up to cover her mouth, when she sees the baby. She had not been expecting Michael to show her the baby, she wasn’t even expecting him to tell her that the baby is here, last she had heard Marie was a week overdue and it didn’t look like the baby was coming any time soon. 
“You sly devil you!” Munira exclaims, when she finally recovers from the shock and composes herself. “How long have you been keeping this a secret? When was she born?” 
“Only for a day, Marie went into labor on the night of the 20th, and Mia was born at 9:23 that morning. We decided to keep the news of her birth to ourselves just for a day, while we settled into life with her.” Michael explains with a chuckle, he knew Munira would be shocked, he’s actually surprised she hasn’t yelled at him for keeping this a secret, Munira hates when Michael keeps secrets from her.
“Well congratulations! I’m going to book my flights to come visit, the minute I get off this call! How is Marie?” Munira asks. Even in this day and age, with pain killing and healing naniets, recovering from pregnancy and birth can’t be easy. 
“She’s doing very well, she’s mostly just tired now, like she was in the early stages of her pregnancy, but she’s getting plenty of rest, Mia likes to keep me awake, but she seems to know her mother needs all the rest she can get.” Michael says in an amused tone, looking at Mia, who is fixated on Munira’s image, on the computer. She hasn’t slept much today, meaning Michael hasn’t had a chance to catch up on sleep, but he doesn’t mind, he would gladly stay awake for the rest of his life, for his daughter. 
“She’s clever, like her Aunty Munira, right Mia? We leave your mom alone, but drive your dad nuts.” Munira laughs. She doesn’t know Marie as well as she knows Michael, and therefore doesn’t feel comfortable teasing her, as she teases and messes with Michael. 
“How I’m going to put up with you and Rowan at the same time, I just don’t know. If he weren’t hopelessly in love with Citra, I would say you two would make a good couple.” Michael says with a smile, only half teasing. 
“He’s not my type, men aren’t my type at all.” Munira says with a shrug. 
“I know, I’ve seen you flirt with that Nimbus Agent, Lorianna, you’re terrible at it.” Michael replies. Munira scoffs and says
“That’s rich coming from you Michael, you didn’t cop on to the fact that Marie was in love with you, until she told you, she came into your room at night and you thought she was trying to kill you, and you kept that journal entry about that night, as some weird macabre love note, you have no room to talk about being terrible at flirting, it’s a miracle Mia exists with how bad you are at flirting.” Munira laughs. She may be bad at flirting, but at least she’s never assumed Lorianna’s flirtations meant she wanted to kill her.
“I’m an old man of course I don’t know anything about flirting, anyway shouldn’t you be at work?” Michael asks, shifting Mia in his arms as she begins to fuss. 
“it’s my day off, but I do have other work to do, and I’m sure you’re busy with Mia.” Munira says, pushing her glasses up her nose. “I’ll let you know when I’ve booked my flights.” Michael nods, trying to calm a fussy Mia while he says goodbye to Munira. 
A few seconds later, they end the call, and as if she knows she now has her dad’s full attention, Mia starts squawking and crying loudly. Michael glances at the time on the computer, and sees it’s 5 minutes past Mia’s usual feeding time.
“Now where do you get that impatience from, young miss? Neither your mother or I are very impatient, though your mom wasn’t as patient as she is now, when I first met her.” Michael quietly says, as he makes his way over to the fridge to get a bottle for Mia and heat it up in the microwave. “And she wasn’t very patient when we started trying for you, when she didn’t get pregnant the first month, she thought it would never happen.” He adds with a smile, remembering how Marie would obsessively take pregnancy tests when they were trying, sometimes as soon as the morning after, then getting flustered when the test came up negative. Michael hadn’t seen her so on edge and impatient since she was a teenager, starting her Scythe training. 
“Telling our daughter embarrassing stories about me already?” He hears Marie ask in an amused tone. He turns to see her standing by the window in the living room, her long brown hair in it’s usual braid over her shoulder and her lavender bathrobe thrown on over an old jumper and sweat pants. To Michael, she looks as radiant as ever.
“Well she’s going to be hearing plenty of embarrassing stories about me, from Munira soon, I figured it was only fair she know I’m not the only embarrassing one in the family.” Michael jokingly says, as Marie walks over and presses a kiss to his cheek before bending and kissing Mia’s forehead. 
“I heard you video calling Munira and introducing her to Mia, have you told Rowan and Citra about her yet?” Marie asks, as Michael takes Mia’s bottle from the microwave. 
“Not yet, I haven’t spoken to them in a few days, but we should tell them soon, they won’t be pleased if we keep it a secret much longer.” 
“We should text them tonight, take a picture of Mia and write out one of those old, mortal-aged birth announcements, I always liked the idea of a birth announcement, and if there’s anyone worth of one, it’s the daughter of two Scythes, isn’t that right my beautiful Mia?” Marie coos, stroking Mia’s dark hair. Michael chuckles and puts an arm around her waist, pressing a kiss to her head. 
“Whatever makes you happy, my dear Marie, whatever makes you happy.” 
Half an hour later, once Mia has finished her bottle and is settled and content, Marie spreads out a colorful floral print blanket that Citra had sent for Mia, while Marie was still pregnant, and places Mia on her back on it, after dressing her in the most adorable outfit she could find. A white vest with gold lettering that reads ‘Hello World’, paired with baby pink trousers, with gold poka-dots and a little gold satin belt, tied all together with a baby pink headband.
“Does she really need the headband?” Michael asks in an amused tone, as Marie pulls the camera up on her phone. Though Mia looks absolutely adorable in her outfit, it is a bit over the top, not surprising seeing that Rowan sent it. 
“Of course, it ties the whole outfit together!” Marie defends her choice in accessories for their daughter. 
“It’s almost bigger than her.” Michael laughs. Marie shoots him a mock glare.
“Oh hush, you have no sense in fashion, not surprising seeing as you chose the most boring color robes.” She jokes. 
“Ivory isn’t boring!” Michael says in a defensive tone. “It’s no more boring than lavender!” Marie smiles and shakes her head. 
“Whatever you say Michael, whatever you say.” 
10 minutes later the mini photo shoot is done, and Mia has lost her headband and thrown up on her top, so while Marie typed out the birth announcement to send to Citra and Rowan, Michael changes Mia into a simple white onsie.(Ivory to be exact) 
“There, all better.” He softly says, picking Mia up and kissing her cheek. “Ivory suits you Mia, your mom doesn’t know what she’s talking about when she says ivory is boring, it’s definitely not bring on you, you sweet little thing. Come on, let’s go see how mommy’s getting on.” 
15 minutes later, Michael is sitting on the sofa with Mia curled up on his chest, fast asleep, one of his hands resting protectively on her back and the other holding a book, a fictional novel Citra had brought him last time she visited.
“Done, what do you think?” Marie’s voice pulls Michael from the fictional world of his book. She hands him her phone and he takes everything on screen, in.
Displayed on the screen is a picture of Mia, on her blanket, in the outfit Michael had just changed her out of. The photo was taken from above and is a beautiful shot of Mia.
At the top of the photo, Mia’s full name (Mia Willow Wilson) is written out in bold, curling letters. Beside it, is her date and time of birth. (October 20th, 9′23 A.M., Year of The Lynx) and under that, is her birth weight and length. (6lbs 4oz, 24 inches) Then at the bottom of the photo, is a short and simple message. 
‘We are so thrilled to welcome our sweet baby girl. -Marie and Michael Wilson’ 
“It’s perfect, Marie.” Michael says, handing the phone back to her and smiling at her. “I didn’t know you had a flare for photography and photography editing.” He adds.
“Oh I took a few months of photography in high school, this is the first time I’ve used those skills in over 200 years, I’m surprised I remember them.” Marie says in an absent tone, as she sends the message to Citra and Rowan.
"At least we won’t have to pay for Mia’s newborn photo shoot, that’s what normal parents do, isn’t it? Have a photo shoot for their baby?” Michael asks, not knowing much about being a parent, other than the fact that he loves Mia so much it hurts.  
“I think so. I was thinking of taking her to a local playgroup for babies, it’s a good chance for parents to get to socialize and know each other and it’s very beneficial for the babies, they teach them how to use their hands to sign for things like bottles, so we don’t have to try and decipher their cries all the time. It’s also very good stimulation for them and helps develop their minds.” Marie says in a hurried tone of fascination, enthralled by the whole new world of parenthood.  
Before Michael can answer, Marie’s phone starts buzzing with a video call request, from Citra. She smiles and quickly answers the call, angling the phone so she, Michael and Mia are all in shot. When she answers the call, she sees Citra sitting at kitchen table, her curly dark hair loose around her shoulders, and Rowan at her side, straining to see the small screen of the phone. When he sees Marie and Michael, his face lights up and he waves at them. 
“Hi Scythe Faraday, Hi Scythe Curie!” He calls in an enthusiastic tone. Rowan (like Citra and Munira) does usually call them Marie and Michael, but when he’s being teasing and playful he uses their former titles. 
“Hello Rowan.” Michael says with a grin. 
“I miss you!” Rowan exclaims, ducking out of view for a second as Citra attempts to hit him in the arm. “Ow, Scythe Faraday, Citra’s abusing me!” 
“I’ll glean you if you don’t stop messing like a kid, Damisch, I want to talk to Michael and Marie.” Citra threatens, glaring at him. 
“Okay okay, I’ll be good!” Rowan exclaims, holding his hands up in surrender. 
“It’s good to see you dear, and you Rowan, how are you both keeping?” Marie asks. 
“Oh we’re fine, this call isn’t about us, it’s about you and your adorable baby! Congratulations!” Citra exclaims. 
“I can’t wait to meet her and be her favorite Uncle!” Rowan interjects. 
“You’re her only Uncle, you dumbass, stop being so annoying or go away.” Citra says, lightly shoving him away. “As I was saying, she is the cutest little thing I have ever seen! We’re coming to visit as soon as possible!” She continues, turning her attention back to the call. 
“We can’t wait to see you, Munira is coming soon too, you 3 should come at the same time, we have something we want to ask you three when you’re altogether.” Marie says.
“What is it?” Citra asks in an eager tone. 
“We’ll tell you all together, Munira is coming next Wednesday, for two weeks, how about you two come down at the same time?” Michael asks. 
“Alright, sounds good.” Citra says, while Rowan nods in agreement. 
One week later, Munira, Rowan and Citra arrive, only an hour apart. Munira arrived first, so therefore had the luxury of meeting and holding Mia first. She, Rowan and Citra have decided among themselves that they each get to hold for a 15 minute period, until Mia either gets fed up with them, needs a new diaper, or gets hungry and needs a bottle. Right now, Munira is holding Mia, gently rocking her back and forth, while Rowan and Citra’s eyes are glued to the timer counting down the 15 minutes, on Citra’s phone. 
“She is so calm and peaceful, and beautiful, she musn’t take after you at all, Michael.” Munira teases, sharing a grin with her old friend. 
“Well Munira, we’re in agreement that she gets her beauty from her mother.” He says, linking his hand with Marie’s. 
“Hey, when we called you a week ago, you said you wanted to ask the three of us something when we came down here, what is it?” Rowan asks, looking up from the timer. 
“Oh, oh that. Well, as I’m sure you know, back in the mortal days when they believed in God, babies were given Godparents, who would have an important role in their lives and teach them about religion and God, in the later days of mortality, it became more about playing an important role in the child’s life, and less so about religion and God. 
When the Thunderhead gained sentience, and it was proved that God did not exist, Guide Parents replaced Godparents, naming ceremonies replaced baptisms. 
Michael and I have decided that we’d like Mia to have a naming ceremony, and we would like her to have Guide Parents, people who will promise to be there for her and help her through life. Ordinarily two people are chosen as Guide Parents, but you can choose however many you please, and Michael and I have chosen three. 
So, Citra, Munira, we would be honored if you would agree to be Mia’s Guide Mothers, and Rowan we would love it, if you agreed to be Mia’s Guide Father.”  There is a brief silence, following Marie’s speech, though it only lasts a few seconds, and Citra is the one to break it. She jumps up from her spot on the floor next to Rowan, and embraces Marie and Michael tightly, tears of joy spilling down her cheeks. 
“Of course I will, I can’t believe you would ask me, I’m honored.” She softly says, wiping at her tears, as Marie kisses her forehead and Michael squeezes her hand. 
“Of course we asked you dear, you’re like a daughter to us, we love you just as much as we love Mia, and we both know you will be a very important person in her life.” Marie softly says. 
“I-I am honored too, and of course I will accept, thank you so much for asking me.” Munira quietly says, holding back her own tears of joy. She had never been given such an important role in all her life, to be a baby’s Guide Parent was no small thing, but she cannot wait to teach little Mia all she knows, and help her grow into an amazing person.
“i... I don’t know what to say, other than thank you, and of course I accept.” Rowan says. “And also, it’s my turn to hold the baby, give her over, Munira!” He demands, holding his arms out for the baby. Munira roles her eyes and passes Mia to Rowan. 
“Boys, so annoying.” She quietly says.
“Hi Mia, as long as you don’t spit up on me, I think you and I are going to be good friends!” Rowan says, letting Mia grip onto his finger. He has plenty of experience with babies, he has tons of younger brothers and sister (as well as older) and often helped out with them when they were little, which he always liked, except for when they would spit up on him, and today he’s wearing his favorite shirt and he doesn’t feel like waiting in line to buy a new one, when he gets home.
Later that night, when Munira, Rowan and Citra are back in their hotel (Michael and Marie only have one spare room, which is currently filled with baby paraphernalia) Michael and Marie place a fussy Mia on a pillow in the middle of the bed, and lie on either side of her, lacing their hands across her little stomach, once she has calmed. 
“I can’t believe we made her.” Marie quietly says, softly tracing Mia’s little cheek. These last two weeks have been the most surreal of her life, even more surreal then when she became a Scythe, but also the best, being a mother is without a doubt the best thing she has done in her long life, and she has never loved someone like she loves Mia. 
“Neither can I, I mean I’m use to taking life, not making it, I can’t believe how perfect she is.” Michael softly says, stroking Mia’s dark curls. All throughout Marie’s pregnancy, Michael was secretly terrified that because of the fact he use to be a Scythe and take lives, something horrific would happen to his child, or Marie. No matter what the doctors and midwives said through the pregnancy, he never fully believed that Mia was perfect and healthy, until she was born.
“I’m scared that The Scythedom is going to find out we’re still alive, and take Mia from us.” Marie confesses in a tight tone. Ever since she got pregnant, she’s had nightmares that she and Michael are found out by The Scythedom, and punished by having their child taken from them. She would rather die than live without Mia. 
“Oh Marie, that won’t happen, there’s hardly any chance The Scythedom will find out we’re still alive and even if they did, they could not take Mia from us, I would never ever let that happen.” Michael gently says, reaching out and brushing away Marie’s tears. Marie takes a shuddering breath and nods. 
“I-I know, I think it’s my hormones still settling back in, and new mom anxieties, maybe I should have my naniets adjusted.” She says. “I love you both, so much.” she leans over and kisses Michael, before pressing a kiss to Mia’s cheek. 
“Marie, I swear to you I will never let anything separate us ever again nor I will let anything or anyone separate us from our daughter.” Michael firmly says. He thought he had felt protective of Citra, Rowan and Munira, but he has never felt as protective over someone as he does Mia. 
Marie nods and moves closer to Michael, placing her hand over his.
“I know.” She softly says. “We’re a family now, and nothing will ever change that.”
It is a mild and calm day in September, almost exactly 10 months after Mia’s birth. The last 10 months have been the best, the happiest and the most difficult months of Michael and Marie’s lives. Being parents is an absolute joy to them, Mia is the sweetest, happiest baby on earth (with her mother’s quick temper of course) who is forever smiling and laughing, reaching for her mommy or daddy, wanting cuddles, playing with all her toys with her Aunt Citra, reading with her Aunt Munira and watching old mortal age children’s movies, with her Uncle Rowan. 
Raising Mia is a dream for Marie and Michael, and though there are definitely tough and challenging moments and times, they would not change a single hair on their Mia’s head, she is absolutely perfect just as she is.
Just half an hour ago, while Mia was down for her nap, Michael took the chance to go for a walk along the beach, to clear his head after struggling to get Mia to go to sleep. Marie was happy to stay in with Mia, and find her own way of unwinding and relaxing after the difficult hour they spent trying to get Mia to sleep. 
The walk had done what Michael had hoped and now he could not wait to get back to his wife and daughter. 
As Michael approaches their small beach house, through the window into the living room, he sees Mia sitting on the floor, her toy box emptied around her, smiling broadly up at Marie, who smiles softly back at her and bends to kiss her forehead.
When Michael opens the door and steps in, Mia’s face lights up and her smile broadens. Mia unsteadily pushes herself up onto her feet, wobbling for a few seconds. Usually she will do this and then reach up for whoever she wants to go to, or stand in their way to try and stop them leaving. This time however, she takes a wobbly step forward, causing Michael and Marie to both freeze on the spot, wondering if she’ll take more than one or two steps this time. 
Michael crouches down and holds his arms out to Mia. 
“Come here Mia, come to dada.” He softly encourages. Upon hearing his voice, Mia breaks out into a smile again. Slowly but surely, she wobbles her way over to Michael, walking right into his arms. 
“Oh my god.” Marie quietly says, taking her hands away from her mouth, hardly able to believe Mia just walked properly for the first time. “Oh clever girl, Mia!” 
Michael stands up with Mia in his arms and kisses her cheek. 
“Smart girl indeed, your Aunts and Uncle are going to be so mad they missed that, especially your Uncle Rowan.” He says in an amused tone, walking over to join Marie, and kiss her.
“Michael?” Marie asks in a cautious tone, as he sets Mia down among her toys again, and turns back to her with a smile. 
“I... I have to tell you something, can we talk in the kitchen?” Marie asks, even though Mia won’t understand what they’re saying and there’s no door separating the kitchen and living room, she would rather have some semblance of privacy. Michael nods and they cross the room to the kitchen. 
“Is everything alright Marie? Are Citra and Rowan alright? And Munira?” Michael asks in a tone tinged with worry. 
“Everything’s fine, Citra, Rowan and Munira are fine too. It’s just... well you know how we agreed to start the adoption process, when Mia turns 1?” Marie asks. Michael nods. 
“Well, I think we’re going to have to delay it a while longer.”  Michael furrows his brow and looks at her in confusion. As far as hew as concerned Marie was as eager to adopt as he was, to give Mia a sibling, was she having second thoughts? 
“Why is that?” Marie takes a deep breath, smiles up at Michael and takes his hand in hers before pressing it to her stomach. 
“I’m pregnant.” 
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Saturday 16 December 1826
7 25/60
11 3/4
my bowels not right - In my room at 8 25/60 - from 8 1/2 to 10 50/60 read over what I wrote last night to IN [Isabella Norcliffe] - and wrote page 2 and 2/3 page 3 - very small and close - breakfast at 11 - the potted shrimps I bought on Thursday excellent - breakfast and reading about 1/2 the paper took me till after 12 -
then went to the pot and did a very little good -
stayed talking to my aunt who was looking over the contents of her imperial in MacDonald’s room who, it seems, has found the petticoat I had lost, among her mistress’s things - she is strangely careless - she assured me it was not there - she takes things up she knows not how, runs away with them, and asserts that she does or does not know anything about them just as it happens - she is not fit for lady’s maid to have the care of packing, putting by, etc. etc. - wrote the above of this morning which took me till 12 1/2 - then finished dressing - went out at 1 40/60 in a fiacre - direct to Laffittes - exchanged 25/35 -
gave my last of hammersleys notes and othe[r] money for my fifty pounds I must make it do as long as I can -
from the bank to Bertaud’s rue neuves des petit champs No 33 bought cheese, soap etc. and another loaf of sugar the same as the last but one sol dearer - sugar advanced and expected to advance more - thence to Marnet, rue Montmartre No 70, marchand de cuir, and bought a leather to clean the knives on “1 planche a couteau” (de boeuf) - 6/. - thence to a large wholesale pot-shop (recommended by Bertraud), rue du Jour, No 4, près Saint-Eustache - an hour there choosing pots of one sort or other - ought to have had them cheaper there than at the retail shops but Bertraud said I must marchander and I believe I could have bought the things for quite as little in the Place du marché Saint Honoré - thence to Hamelin (also recommended by Bertraud) rue Saint Denis No 78, près celle des Lombards, for weigh scales - scales “une balance cuivre rouge montéc en cordes 15/. seven poids de fonte (6lbs, 4lbs, 2lbs, 1lb and 2oz) 8/. “une fille dans sa boite de 8o” (8oz) divisées “4/. thence to Nos 1-2 rue des Lombards for Tea - thence home at 4 - a drunken - fellow of a cocher disputed at the door with the porter and his wife and Auguste and would make me pay for 4 hours, 7/50 - Looking over what I had bought and dawdled over 1 thing or other Dinner at 6 1/4 - afterwards the man brought the scales - wrote the last 12 1/2 lines - Gilbert explained to me that the gruau is the 1st, the finest, and best flour (la tete de la farine) of any grain - thus there is gruau de blé d'avoine etc. - settled my accounts - very fine morning (one ought to go out early) but began to rain a little about 3 and continued to rain more or less (but always gently) the rest of the day - afternoon and evening - adding up and musing over the expenses of the week - came to my room at 10 1/4 - one should choose loaves of sugar that are sparkling, and should try them by the sound - on striking them they should sound like a well baked brick - O [two dots, marking discharge]
[Margin - very fine morning F49 at 8 1/2 a.m. 54 - 1 1/4 p/m/ 49 - 10 1/4 -]
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kryptcnborntbd · 4 years
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LUTHOR-DANVERS CHILDREN: 002                                                    What lies in the future.(Part 2)
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The following children respectfully belong to LUTHCRBORN & KRYPTCNBORN. They are strictly from our heads for OUR canon only. DO NOT STEAL ! ! ! THESE HEADCANONS WERE THOROUGHLY THOUGHT OUT AND TOOK A LOT OF TIME.
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KYAH ELLE LUTHOR-DANVERS (KYAH-EL); With the early preparations for little Kyah, it had been planned for her to be born in the comfort of the couple’s home. Completely natural with no drugs and little doctors present. Wanting it to simple be just Lena, Kara and a midwife so that after the two could settle and be with their little girl. The couple had set out a whole birth plan in attempt to prepare for Kyah’s birth in May. Unfortunately in late march when the couple woke up, something wasn’t quite right. Kara, who by now was use to hearing both Lena’s and their daughter’s heart beat every morning only heard one. Both Lena and Kara in denial schedule a check up which had been when the denial turned into reality, they had lost their little star. Being so far in the pregnancy, it was clearly that labor would have to be induced so the couple set up a date. A week later on March 20th, instead of the original birth plan Lena had to be induced at the DEO where they had prepared for the procedure to be done in a private med-bay. Besides the fact that Kyah is half Kryptonian, the DEO was the only place that seemed appropriate to deliver. It was much homier then the hospital and it was a place where Lena could be monitored and watched over constantly by Kara and her sister in law Alex. With her body not prepared to deliver just yet, the induction took two days for the methods to take effect. Those days where brutal and painful for Lena, full of tears and aches of both emotional and physical pain. Finally on MARCH 22ND had labor began, after thirteen long hours had Lena finally delivered Kyah Elle, who weighed 4lb 7oz
Kara and Lena spent hours holding on to their girl, despite her already being gone they admired her features. Telling her how much they love her despite not getting to meet her. Stroking her cheek and brushing the light strands of hair on the top of her head. Both spending individual time with her and for the last hour together Kyah, had she been laid to rest on Lena’s chest.
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LOGAN ASTRA LUTHOR-DANVERS (LOGAN-EL);The preparation for Logan’s birth was something that had not been made until the very end of Lena’s third trimester. Taking it into consideration Lena had already done a natural birth that however involved drugs and how everything strayed away from the original birth plan. The couple was determined to finally allow themselves to feel excited about their daughter which finally allowed them to reach the decision of having an at home water birth, once again they planned for no drugs and to simple go the natural route. Slowly this time they prepared for the little girl with only a few months to get what they needed. With the events of the past still haunting them, during the last month of the pregnancy Lena was put on bed rest by her ever so demanding wife. Where she spent majority of her days talking to her fur son, Arakan El, who was just as protective of her little baby bump as Kara. On November 7th at around 10 pm, as soon as Lena finally had been able to shut her eyes after a long restless day had she woke up with excruciating pain which had been caused by contractions. It caused fear to run through her being, never before feeling what was ‘normal’ for a natural delivery. The labor took 11 hours and a slight change in the birth plan. Instead of Kara being the one to aid Logan in entering the world she had to settle a panicked Lena. Jumping into the inflated pool and holding her wife from behind. Calming, assuring and comforting the woman as they both reached the last leg of their long awaited journey. Logan was born on NOVEMBER 8TH at 9:30 a.m, weighing at 7lb, 6oz.
Finally, Kara and Lena had their family, the child they desperately waited for. The first day with her was completely blissful. She slept most of it, laying on either of her mother’s chest as they took in her scent, watched as she took every little breath and smiled in her sleep. Unknown to them the following days would be filled with exhaustion and chaos dealing what seemed like a colicky baby. However, later discovering Logan’s kryptonian DNA had been burning off calories faster then she was getting them through breast milk alone. The infant having a heavy diet to gain healthy baby weight as she got older, with both breast milk and formula. Other then that, Logan proved to be a normal baby but clearly just simple a cry baby, always wanting to be carried or simple even wrapped in Kara’s sweater or cape.
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LYONEL JACK & KALYN LILY LUTHOR-DANVERS (LY-EL & KALY-EL); The twins preparation had been slightly different than their older sister’s. For one before they even began preparing for their babies, during the implant procedure Lena and Kara where expecting one baby, a boy. Who they planned to be the second addition to their family. One particular morning, Kara’s super hearing picked up two heart beats over her own but she did not think very much of it at first. Perhaps it had been unknown side affects of a procedure not done before on an alien causing her abilities to go out of wack. When the sounds of the almost in sync beats of two hearts thumped out of rhythm of her own refused to stop and still denial stuck on the stubborn hero she disclosed the information to her wife. Informing her how she hadn’t felt right all day, how the powers she had seemed to be reacting to being pregnant. Concerned for Kara, Lena set up a scan. Though her mind kept moving processing the information. While Kara might not have believed it was twins, Lena had a suspicion on that fact. Finding out about the twins was a game changer for the couple, shifting gears from preparing for a little boy to preparing for two kids. Considering through out the pregnancy the twins had depleted Kara of her abilities, rending her powerless multiple times and had her completely exhausted that it endangered both her safety and her children’s it seemed only right that Supergirl went dark and when the twins where to be born they would be have a water birth, with no drugs at the DEO. On AUGUST 20TH after about three hours of labor at the department of Extra normal just as planned Lyonel was born at 6lbs 3oz at 5:00pm perfectly healthy, Kara making it look effortless. However it wasn’t over, for a few minutes they enjoyed the peace with Lyonel but tragedy struck quickly. Kalyn was in distress, loosing oxygen as her umbilical cord had become wrapped around her. Losing time, the only option was to switch to a c-section the only trouble is, Kara’s impenetrable skin. With Kara placed under sunlamps, they had to wait until her skin was penetrable putting the little girl at more risk. Frustrated and scared for the infant more then herself, Kara demanded they not wait any longer by using Kryptonite to make her weaker much faster then the sunlamps. Unsure what the affect could do on the infant it was a long but quick debate about wither the idea was a good idea. The affects of kryptonite on a new born unknown to anyone, they had to take a risk. Despite Lena’s objections in fear of losing Kara from the affects of the kryptonite, she agreed with it. Hoping they could move quick enough to save her daughter and get rid of the kryptonite so Kara could heal. Doing all that they can, Alex helped to deliver her niece bringing her safely into the world at approximately 5:30pm, Kalyn was born at 5lbs 9oz, healthy despite being born completely deaf.
Yellow radiation lamps had been placed over her as she rested, helping her to heal remarkable fast once the kryptonite had been stored away. Lyonel doing well as expected and Kalyn put under oxygen just in case but over all stable, a smiling happy little baby.
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KIERAN ADAM LUTHOR-DANVERS (KIE-EL); Having had already three children, it was easy to prepare for this little boy however it being eight years since they had a baby in the home it took some time to adjust the older kids to the idea. Once the couple ensured nothing between their family would change other then a new addition, it had been decided Kieran would be born at home, seeing as Logan’s birth went successful they opted to use the same methods. However Kieran had other plans.Despite being a very settled baby during the pregnancy, he came early then expected. Just before he was born the family of five had planned for a last outing without a baby, a small vacation just a week before spring vacation that was set to drag on until the very last week of spring break. While cutting it close to the due date the family planned to be back just in time for Kieran to be born in the comfort of their home.Vacationing over seas in Ireland after an exciting day out and about the family settled into their private villa for the night. While sitting among another enjoying each other’s company with a fun game had Lena’s water broke. Unprepared in their villa, Lena and Kara rushed to the hospital. It was a rather quick and easy labor compared to the others.With eight hours of labor and it already being fairly late Kieran was born at 6:15 am on April 15th weighing at 6lbs 7oz.Even though the little Irish boy was born early, he was born perfectly healthy. Both Lena and Kieran spent only a day in the hospital and another day resting in the villa while Kara made arrangements to register their son as a US citizen. Granting him duo citizen and allowing the family to go home in a timely manor when their vacation came to an end. Making sure the kids vacation didn’t come to a halt, the couple made sure to continue on the adventures they had planed for their time in Ireland. While on vacation and even when they arrived home, the little boy proved to be quiet a calm and easy going. Quite abnormal for a family who has delete with complications or colicky babies. However it was welcomed, Kieran proved to be the last piece the family needed to be whole.
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luthcrbornarchive · 4 years
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LUTHOR-DANVERS CHILDREN: 002                                                     What lies in the future.(Part 2)
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   The following children respectfully belong to luthcrborn & kryptcnborn.                            They are strictly from our heads for our canon only.
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Kyah Elle Luthor-Danvers (Kyah-El); With the early preparations for little Kyah, it had been planned for her to be born in the comfort of the couple’s home. Completely natural with no drugs and little doctors present. Wanting it to simple be just Lena, Kara and a midwife so that after the two could settle and be with their little girl. The couple had set out a whole birth plan in attempt to prepare for Kyah’s birth in May. Unfortunately in late march when the couple woke up, something wasn’t quite right. Kara, who by now was use to hearing both Lena’s and their daughter’s heart beat every morning only heard one. Both Lena and Kara in denial schedule a check up which had been when the denial turned into reality, they had lost their little star. Being so far in the pregnancy, it was clearly that labor would have to be induced so the couple set up a date. A week later on March 20th, instead of the original birth plan Lena had to be induced at the DEO where they had prepared for the procedure to be done in a private med-bay. Besides the fact that Kyah is half Kryptonian, the DEO was the only place that seemed appropriate to deliver. It was much homier then the hospital and it was a place where Lena could be monitored and watched over constantly by Kara and her sister in law Alex. With her body not prepared to deliver just yet, the induction took two days for the methods to take effect. Those days where brutal and painful for Lena, full of tears and aches of both emotional and physical pain. Finally on March 22nd had labor began, after thirteen long hours had Lena finally delivered Kyah Elle, who weighed 4lb 7oz
Kara and Lena spent hours holding on to their girl, despite her already being gone they admired her features. Telling her how much they love her despite not getting to meet her. Stroking her cheek and brushing the light strands of hair on the top of her head. Both spending individual time with her and for the last hour together Kyah, had she been laid to rest on Lena’s chest.
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Logan Astra Luthor-Danvers (Logan-El);The preparation for Logan’s birth was something that had not been made until the very end of Lena’s third trimester. Taking it into consideration Lena had already done a natural birth that however involved drugs and how everything strayed away from the original birth plan. The couple was determined to finally allow themselves to feel excited about their daughter which finally allowed them to reach the decision of having an at home water birth, once again they planned for no drugs and to simple go the natural route. Slowly this time they prepared for the little girl with only a few months to get what they needed. With the events of the past still haunting them, during the last month of the pregnancy Lena was put on bed rest by her ever so demanding wife. Where she spent majority of her days talking to her fur son, Arakan El, who was just as protective of her little baby bump as Kara. On November 7th at around 10 pm, as soon as Lena finally had been able to shut her eyes after a long restless day had she woke up with excruciating pain which had been caused by contractions. It caused fear to run through her being, never before feeling what was ‘normal’ for a natural delivery. The labor took 11 hours and a slight change in the birth plan. Instead of Kara being the one to aid Logan in entering the world she had to settle a panicked Lena. Jumping into the inflated pool and holding her wife from behind. Calming, assuring and comforting the woman as they both reached the last leg of their long awaited journey. Logan was born on November 8th at 9:30 a.m, weighing at 7lb, 6oz.
Finally, Kara and Lena had their family, the child they desperately waited for. The first day with her was completely blissful. She slept most of it, laying on either of her mother’s chest as they took in her scent, watched as she took every little breath and smiled in her sleep. Unknown to them the following days would be filled with exhaustion and chaos dealing what seemed like a colicky baby. However, later discovering Logan’s kryptonian DNA had been burning off calories faster then she was getting them through breast milk alone. The infant having a heavy diet to gain healthy baby weight as she got older, with both breast milk and formula. Other then that, Logan proved to be a normal baby but clearly just simple a cry baby, always wanting to be carried or simple even wrapped in Kara’s sweater or cape.
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Lyonel Jack & Kalyn Lily Luthor-Danvers (Ly-El & Kaly-El); The twins preparation had been slightly different than their older sister’s. For one before they even began preparing for their babies, during the implant procedure Lena and Kara where expecting one baby, a boy. Who they planned to be the second addition to their family. One particular morning, Kara’s super hearing picked up two heart beats over her own but she did not think very much of it at first. Perhaps it had been unknown side affects of a procedure not done before on an alien causing her abilities to go out of wack. When the sounds of the almost in sync beats of two hearts thumped out of rhythm of her own refused to stop and still denial stuck on the stubborn hero she disclosed the information to her wife. Informing her how she hadn’t felt right all day, how the powers she had seemed to be reacting to being pregnant. Concerned for Kara, Lena set up a scan. Though her mind kept moving processing the information. While Kara might not have believed it was twins, Lena had a suspicion on that fact. Finding out about the twins was a game changer for the couple, shifting gears from preparing for a little boy to preparing for two kids. Considering through out the pregnancy the twins had depleted Kara of her abilities, rending her powerless multiple times and had her completely exhausted that it endangered both her safety and her children’s it seemed only right that Supergirl went dark and when the twins where to be born they would be have a water birth, with no drugs at the DEO. On August 20th after about three hours of labor at the department of Extra normal just as planned Lyonel was born at 6lbs 3oz at 5:00pm perfectly healthy, Kara making it look effortless. However it wasn’t over, for a few minutes they enjoyed the peace with Lyonel but tragedy struck quickly. Kalyn was in distress, loosing oxygen as her umbilical cord had become wrapped around her. Losing time, the only option was to switch to a c-section the only trouble is, Kara’s impenetrable skin. With Kara placed under sunlamps, they had to wait until her skin was penetrable putting the little girl at more risk. Frustrated and scared for the infant more then herself, Kara demanded they not wait any longer by using Kryptonite to make her weaker much faster then the sunlamps. Unsure what the affect could do on the infant it was a long but quick debate about wither the idea was a good idea. The affects of kryptonite on a new born unknown to anyone, they had to take a risk. Despite Lena’s objections in fear of losing Kara from the affects of the kryptonite, she agreed with it. Hoping they could move quick enough to save her daughter and get rid of the kryptonite so Kara could heal. Doing all that they can, Alex helped to deliver her niece bringing her safely into the world at approximately 5:30pm, Kalyn was born at 5lbs 9oz, healthy despite being born completely deaf.
Yellow radiation lamps had been placed over her as she rested, helping her to heal remarkable fast once the kryptonite had been stored away. Lyonel doing well as expected and Kalyn put under oxygen just in case but over all stable, a smiling happy little baby.
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Kieran Adam Luthor-Danvers (Kie-El); Having had already three children, it was easy to prepare for this little boy however it being eight years since they had a baby in the home it took some time to adjust the older kids to the idea. Once the couple ensured nothing between their family would change other then a new addition, it had been decided Kieran would be born at home, seeing as Logan’s birth went successful they opted to use the same methods. However Kieran had other plans.Despite being a very settled baby during the pregnancy, he came early then expected. Just before he was born the family of five had planned for a last outing without a baby, a small vacation just a week before spring vacation that was set to drag on until the very last week of spring break. While cutting it close to the due date the family planned to be back just in time for Kieran to be born in the comfort of their home.Vacationing over seas in Ireland after an exciting day out and about the family settled into their private villa for the night. While sitting among another enjoying each other’s company with a fun game had Lena’s water broke. Unprepared in their villa, Lena and Kara rushed to the hospital. It was a rather quick and easy labor compared to the others.With eight hours of labor and it already being fairly late Kieran was born at 6:15 am on April 15th weighing at 6lbs 7oz.Even though the little Irish boy was born early, he was born perfectly healthy. Both Lena and Kieran spent only a day in the hospital and another day resting in the villa while Kara made arrangements to register their son as a US citizen. Granting him duo citizen and allowing the family to go home in a timely manor when their vacation came to an end. Making sure the kids vacation didn’t come to a halt, the couple made sure to continue on the adventures they had planed for their time in Ireland. While on vacation and even when they arrived home, the little boy proved to be quiet a calm and easy going. Quite abnormal for a family who has delete with complications or colicky babies. However it was welcomed, Kieran proved to be the last piece the family needed to be whole.
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The Girl who wanted to like Musicals
Welcome to my new fan fiction. It’s a Sequel to the guy who didn’t like Musicals. 
Be warned! There will be aggressive, adult language, violence, also there might be Things triggering you so please only read if you are consent with all of this. 
Also be Aware that this Story contains spoilers to “the guy who didn’t like Musicals” as this is a Sequel.
Now enjoy reading Chapter one.
Chapter one
“It’s been two weeks since tragedy struck our sister city of Hatchetfield. Candlelight vigils line the streets as Clivesdale citizens try to make sense of this unspeakable loss. Every last man, woman and child in Hatchetfield, gone in a blink of an eye. A meteor and a ruptured gasline was all it took to wipe them off the map. But it will take much much more to wipe them from our hearts”. Lydia turned of the radio. “Ruptured gasline my ass”, she hissed and returned to making breakfast. Ever since the tragedy in Hatchetfield happened it became the number one talked about topic everywhere in Clivesdale. While most people were sharing their fake sympathy for the many losses of Hatchetfield, Lydia was one of the few who didn’t care about them. She didn’t care about much at all, which is why she wasn’t in a good mood most of the time. But one of the few things she cared about was her daughter Vanessa, who just in that moment entered the kitchen. “Morning mum”, Vanessa said. “Any new news on what happened in Hatchetfield?”, she asked and sat down at the small rickety table. “Nope, just the usual ‘blah blah we miss our beloved sister city’ talk”. Lydia put down two mugs with hot steaming coffee. Vanessa looked at the sparsely breakfast in front of her. She looked at her mother who was nervously tapping on the side of her mug. “Mum are you alright?”, Vanessa asked while putting some butter on her bread. Lydia didn’t answer, she just stared blankly at the wall. “Mum? Is something wrong?”. Vanessa was worried. Usually her mother wasn’t like this. “What? Oh, I’m fine… I’ve just been… thinking… That’s all”, she took a sip of her coffee. It tasted horrible. The same moment Vanessa spit out her coffee. “Ew mum what the fuck? This is disgusting”, Vanessa took both of their mugs and emptied them in the sink. “I’m sorry sweety”, Lydia said while rubbing her temple. Since they ran out of coffee Vanessa put down two glasses and filled them with orange juice. “What is wrong with you? Ever since Hatchetfield happened you’re acting strange. It’s the fifth time you ruined our morning coffee and look at the breakfast. That’s just sad!”. She wasn’t wrong. The scrambled eggs were burned and had too much salt, the bacon was swimming in grease and the bread just looked sadly. “That’s it, I’m going grocery shopping today”, Vanessa said annoyed. The last two weeks she had to eat burned or frozen food, too salty or too sweet or her mother added too many spices at once. She lost at least 6lb in that time. Lydia stared at her, her voice was panicky. “You’re not leaving the house! You stay here. We can… Order food… No no… not order… Let’s see what we have left”, she stood up and opened the fridge. Inside was a box of spoiled milk, some wrinkled veggies, some sad looking cheese and the left overs of a pizza Vanessa had ordered last night because she was starving. Lydia took out the box of pizza, opened the trash can and threw it away. “Mu, NO! That was the only edible thing in this house!”, Vanessa yelled. She saved the pizza knowing the breakfast would be a disappointment. It was her favourite pizza, ham, pineapple and cheese. “No more ordering food from the outside!”. Vanessa was pissed. Tolerating her mother’s “cooking skills” was one thing. But not being allowed to finish her favourite pizza which she bought with her own money, that’s just rude. “You’re crazy!”, Vanessa yelled. Without hesitation her mother grabbed one of the mugs on the sink and threw it against Vanessa’s head. It hit her full force on the forehead. “All I’m doing is trying to protect you and that’s how you’re thanking me you crazy b*tch?”, Lydia yelled. Her eyes were red, and she was furious. Never before Vanessa had seen her mother that furious. What was going on? Pain ran through her head, starting from where the mug had hit her. The mug had fallen to the ground and shattered into million pieces. Slowly, Vanessa touched her forehead, feeling blood slowly running from the wound. “I just can’t with you right now. You’re a monster”, Vanessa said and stormed upstairs.
 Ever since she could remember her mother and her had been living in the same house, a small house at the edge of Clivesdale. Apparently, her mother lived in Hatchetfield and Vanessa was born there, but for some reasons they moved away when she was like one year old. Vanessa’s room wasn’t huge. The walls were covered in some old floral tapestry which was falling apart and since nobody cared to replace it, it looked really ugly. Vanessa would have cared to replace the walls but since she had no friends coming over, she didn’t have a reason to do so. Vanessa was a social awkward person. She never managed to find any friends or when she found nice people her mother told her to stop seeing those people. Vanessa never understood why her mother would refuse to let her find friends, but in the end, she just accepted it. She was a member of the school’s book club, but she never connected to the people there. Her clothes were spread across the floor. When was the last time she did laundry? It has been almost two years since she graduated from high school. Her mother wanted her to go to college but since they couldn’t afford it, Vanessa started working in the local book store. It was simple work. All she had to do was sort in new books, dust the shelves and tell customers where to find a certain book or show them the way to the toilet. “It’s not the ideal job, but money is money”, she had told herself on the first day of work. “Only until I find something better”, that’s what she told her mother when she started working. Now two years later she had to face reality. She would probably never find a different job again, not until she would go to college. There was a cheaper college in Hatchetfield. She would have been able to afford it while working at the book store. Also, she wouldn’t have to move there, she could’ve drove there every day by car. But as soon as she mentioned Hatchetfield to her mother, she freaked out, telling her that if she dared to enrol in Hatchetfield, she would lock her in the basement and never let her out again. Sometimes Lydia was really crazy, Vanessa thought and looked at her reflection inside her mirror. While she was running upstairs and staring through her room more blood had left the wound, covering her face with bloody streaks. “Bloody hell”, she hissed and slowly touched the wound. “Ouch”, she hissed again and walked into the bathroom across the corridor. One advantage of her bedroom was that the bathroom was on the other side of the corridor, so she wouldn’t have to run much when she had to pee or throw up after a long night of drinking with her co-workers. Touching the wound made it worse than before, she just realized. The sight on her right eye was blurry since blood kept streaming over it. How didn’t she notice all the blood before? It was just when she looked at herself in the mirror when she recognized all the blood. How long did she stare at her room to not notice? Vanessa looked at herself in the mirror. Her entire face was covered in blood and some blood had started to drip onto her yellow shirt she was wearing. Disinfect the wound was the first thing she could think about. She took a towel out of the shelf, drenched it with water and rubbed the towel over her face. That’s probably how you disinfect a face, she thought, but at least she got a better view at what was happening right now. The wound was burning and fresh blood kept running out of it. “Good job mum”, she mumbled and opened the medicine shelf. Unlike most people, Lydia and Vanessa owned a huge medicine shelf. Since Lydia worked as a doctor or nurse back in Hatchetfield, she knew what was important to have at home. And thanks to her over ambitious teacher at school Vanessa knew how to stitch a small wound. Vanessa took out some disinfection lotion, band-aids and the required tools to stitch the wound. She hesitated. She knew what she had to do, she practiced this so often. But she never thought she would actually have to do this. From downstairs she heard her angry mother, probably cleaning the kitchen and meanwhile destroying half of it. Nothing special, she thought since it happens all the time that her mother destroyed some furniture in the house. At some point they stopped caring about good replacements and just bought what was cheap and functional. Vanessa put down the tools on the sink. Blood started to drip from her chin, the blood was streaming down her face in big streams. Usually her mother wouldn’t hurt her, at least not that bad. Bruises were normal for her. Lydia always had an anger issue and Vanessa assumed it was the reason she was divorced. But she never understood why her father would have left her with her mother. All she knew was that her father was a crazy person, probably living in Hatchetfield, which meant… Vanessa shook her head. Now wasn’t the time to think about her sad family back story. Before she could start to stitch the wound, she would have to clean the face again, so she took the towel and rubbed it gently over her face. Tiny pieces of fluff got stuck on the edges of the wound. With shaky hands Vanessa took out some tweezers from the shelf and removed those pieces, trying not to poke the wound. But of course, she did, only to make everything worse. Angry she threw the tweezers against the wall. “Fucking piece of shit”, she cursed. How did Murphy’s law say? Anything that can go wrong will go wrong. Vanessa hated those phrases. She took a deep breath, then took a cotton ball and put some disinfection lotion on it. “Here goes nothing”, she said and put it on the wound. What followed was an agonizing scream, it burned like hell. She had to hold back tears, this wasn’t the time to cry. But this, she knew, was only the beginning of the trip to hell. She still had to stitch the wound. Vanessa looked around. There must be something she could bite on to prevent more screaming. Since she found nothing better she decided to take a towel. Her hands were shaking heavily, making it harder to get the needle and the string together. She took one last deep breath, then put the towel in her mouth. Whether she wanted to or not, now she had to sharpen her mind an concentrate. That’s not how she wanted to start her morning, but she had no other choice.
 30 minutes later, Vanessa had finished cleaning the bathroom. She carefully had to replace the band-aid on her forehead about five times already because it was soaking with blood. To ease down the pain she took some pain killers which soon kicked in. It probably wasn’t a good idea to take pain killers on an (almost) empty stomach, but she didn’t care. Too much had happened that morning. When she checked the time, she realized she would definitely be too late for work again. Her boss, a man in his mid-fifties didn’t like when she arrived too late. Mr. Miller was a nice man usually, but when it comes to punctuality, he had no regrets. Originally, she had planned to leave home earlier, go get something to eat at the bakery and then go to work, but since she was already twenty minutes late on her schedule, she would have to skip food. Vanessa sighed. This definitely wasn’t how she had planned this week. She was actually kinda looking forward for this weekend. Her co-worker, Miles, asked her if she wants to tag along this weekend to go to the cinema to see a movie. She hadn’t told her mother of course because she would probably refuse to let her go. Besides having friends, enjoying culture such as music or theatre was a big red flag in the Reynolds household. Every music channel on Tv was blocked, the radio had to be turned off as soon as music started playing. Her mother even edited her audiobooks and CDs so whenever music would play there was a harsh cut. Vanessa never understood why her mother was like that. Apparently, music triggered something in her past which is why she wouldn’t let Vanessa listen to it. Lydia even managed to get Vanessa out of every music related class. And since music was a banned topic in her family, Vanessa never showed interest in music. Whenever people asked her who her favourite band was or what kind of music she listens to, she always answered “You know, those who are famous right now”. This answer always counted, no one asked more questions. But it also had a good side to all of this. Since she wasn’t allowed to listen to music, Vanessa became interested in scientific audiobooks and documentaries from a young age. While others went through their boy band phases, Vanessa dived into the world of science. Her love for science helped her get good grades. Sadly, she wasn’t good enough to get a sponsorship for college, but that was alright.
When she checked time again another 15 minutes had passed. “Fuck”, she cursed and ran into her room. She still didn’t have time to change into something new. Vanessa pulled her shirt over her head and tossed it into a corner, then opened her wardrobe, hoping to find something acceptable to wear. One of her biggest weaknesses was forgetting about doing laundry. If Lydia wouldn’t remember her every now and then, she wouldn’t have nothing left to wear. At the bottom of her wardrobe she found a black dress. She usually wouldn’t wear a dress to work, but since she had nothing else to wear, she quickly changed into that dress and added a pair of black tights. When she checked her appearance in the mirror, she noticed that her dark brown hair was a mess. Quickly, she took her brush and put her hair into a bun. It didn’t make the situation better, but at least her hair wouldn’t annoy her so much. She grabbed her concealer and started applying it, when her mother suddenly slammed open the door of her bedroom. Lydia was sweating and breathing heavily. “Mum, you scared me, what is-“, Vanessa asked but Lydia interrupted her. “Listen, I’m sorry for what happened, I didn’t want to hurt you”, her voice was shaking. Something definitely was wrong. “Mum, what is going on?”, Vanessa asked and put down her makeup. Her mother was holding three bags in her hands. Two were already packed, one was empty. Lydia put down the two packed ones and threw the empty one on Vanessa’s bed. “Listen sweetie, I know you are confused. But please, pleaasee, pack some clothes, functional clothes. And hurry, we need to leave!”, Lydia said and stormed into the bathroom. Vanessa was confused. What the hell was going on? When Lydia came back, she had another bag with her, filled with what has been in the medicine shelf before. “Mum, please tell me what is going on”. It was then when she heard them for the first time. There were voices, loud voices outside the house. She heard them through the window. “Are you sure this is where you delivered yesterday?”, she heard a woman say. “Shitshitshitshitshit”, Lydia said and started to throw random clothing into the bag on Vanessa’s bag. “Don’t just stand there, help me pack!”, she yelled. “I won’t until you tell me what is going on!”. Tears started to fill up Vanessa’s eyes. It’s one thing to hurt her or destroy the inventory of their house. But never before she has seen her mother so nervous before. Lydia walked over to Vanessa and put her hands on her shoulders. “Listen sweetie. What happened in Hatchetfield wasn’t just a ruptured gasline. What happened there is coming to Clivesdale and if we don’t hurry and leave soon enough, we’ll share the same fate as the citizens of Hatchetfield”. “What-“. “Don’t interrupt me but listen, Vanessa. Your father predicted this exact scenario 30 years ago. Back then I didn’t want to believe him, I thought he was crazy. But it all adds up. Everything that happened in Hatchetfield, everything that is happening right now, it all adds up. We have to leave-NOW!”, Lydia zipped the bag and walked over to the door. “I will explain everything once we’re gone, but now we need to hur-“. A window shattered. The noises came from downstairs. First there was the shattering of the window, then there were voices. “The car is still outside, they can’t have left yet”, a male voice said. Someone was downstairs. Vanessa started to panic. “No, not now”, Lydia hissed. She looked at Vanessa. It was this moment where Lydia realized that only one of them would make it out alive. She hesitated, then she went over to Vanessa and handed her the car keys as well as the bag with her clothes, the bag with the medicine and a briefcase. “Take the car. Try to leave Clivesdale as fast as possible. You know my friend Leighton, right? He lives few miles outside from Clivesdale. You need to go to him. His address is in the car”, Lydia hugged Vanessa. “Do not stop. Don’t stop until you get to him. I filled the car yesterday, so you shouldn’t have to stop for gas”. The noises downstairs got louder. It seems like more people had entered the house. “You need to leave over the steps at the back of the house. Don’t worry about me”, Lydia gave her daughter a kiss on the cheek, knowing that it would be the last kiss she would be giving her. “Mum, what is happening?! Why do I have to leave?”, Vanessa was crying. Lydia stroke her cheek. “Now is not the time to cry. You must be brave. It will make sense as soon as you get to Leighton. One last thing”, she pointed at the briefcase. “Open it when you are out of Clivesdale, only when you’re save. It will explain everything”. The people downstairs reached the stairs, they were currently debating who should go up first. “Open it before you reach Leighton’s place. If what is happening right now already happened at his place, you will then now what to do. Just promise me that you survive”, Lydia hugged her one more time. “I love you, Vanessa. Always did and always will. And now go!”, Lydia left the room. Vanessa didn’t know what to do. It all sounded like a movie. But it was reality. She knew that if her mother was acting like this, then it must be really bad. She wiped away her tears. “Be strong”, she whispered to herself, then took the bags and left her room, walking down the corridor in order to get to the back of the house. Vanessa turned around one last time, just to see a man walking up the stairs to her mother. He was the same age as her mother she assumed but taller. Something about him felt familiar. “Hello Henry”, she heard Lydia say. “Long time no see”. More people were joining Henry. “My sweet sweet Lydia”, he said and grinned at her. “Did you really think you could escape from us? That you could stop us?”, he laughed. He had a beautiful smile, a smile she recognized. It was her own smile in some way, she thought. Lydia looked back at her one more time, signalling her that she has to hurry. “I know I can’t stop all of you. But at least I can make sure you never get her”. The last thing she saw before she ran out of the house was her mother pushing herself and all the people in front of her down the stairs.
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So we just had our sembreak. We had like two weeks and i was determined to lose weight. But as you know, yes, i ate too much. Not even binging, just eating too much. I told myself that after i get my braces, ill start my diet again. And it worked. Kind of. I couldnt eat too much because my teeth hurts. I used that excuse for one week to my parents so that they’ll let me eat small amounts of food. But my inner pigself surfaced. I binged. Again. This was the week that i learned how to actually purge. Everytime i binged that week, i would immediately purge it out. It felt awful, but i told myself that i needed it. I have to do it. And on top of that, i was working out. I lost like 6lbs, and i was so happy. I was so happy going back to school. I felt confident, somehow. Then tuesday came... And from that moment on. I lost all my confidence in just one sentence. I was showing my other friend my braces, then she suddenly just blurts out “you look fat.”. I looked at her and said “really?” She said “yeah, your face looks puffed.”. I went silent from that moment on, and she left. After that. I had anxiety building up on me. All that confidence i built. Came crashing down to me all at once. I thought about until lunch. I was crying. All that hard work that ive done. All of the times, i was kneeling besides the toilet. Everytime i was tortured when we were eating. I was so stressed that thought that i needed help. I said to myself that i needed to get better. I needed to get help. So that lunch, i came home and ate. My parents were kinda confused. And that afternoon i just told them im on a cheat day. But then aftet dinner, guess what i did. Purge. I didnt even mean to. I just felt full. I felt sick. And so i threw up. Guess i was just lying to myself.
My name is, Ten.
Im a boy.
Im thirteen.
Im 86lbs
And im fat.
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livinginthemitten · 7 years
Back to running this week! I took months off but finally felt like I wanted to run. 2 miles on Monday and 1.5 miles today. I think I'll run Saturday, probably 2 miles. So I started Nutrisystem on Sunday. Yeah I never thought I'd see the day that I'd do that. But honestly, that's my biggest problem, food. So I feel like if I'm paying for this, then I better follow the plan. I'm down 6lbs already but I think most of it's water weight. I need to lose 58lbs to date. Doug's doing it too but he only needs to lose about 30lbs, he's lost 5lbs already but he's not doing 30 minutes of exercise like I've been doing. I've gotten burnt out on my trainer's workout plan. She's supposed to be getting us a new one in a week or two.
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1. Was this a planned pregnancy? 
2. Were you married? Nope
3. What was your reaction to finding out? 
Utter excitement and shock.
4. How long had you been trying to get pregnant? 
A year of NTNP and active TTC.
5. How old were you and your partner? 
20 & 22.
6. Who was the first person you told? 
My boyfriend, and then our parents.
7. How did you find out?
 Home pregnancy test
8. Did you want to find out the sex? 
Yes I could’ve wait to know!
9. When was your due date, did it get changed at all? January 6, and no it didn’t change.
10. Did you go into labor near that date? I was induced on December 20 due to preeclampsia and after a failed induction, had a c-section on December 22. My due date is still two days away lol.
11. Did you have morning sickness? 
Yes up until about month 7.
12. Any weird cravings? Not really weird, but I couldn’t get enough of sweets.
13. How much weight did you gain? 
14. Have you lost all your pregnancy weight? 
I don’t know, I don’t have a scale and I haven’t had my first doctor’s appointment yet. I’ll know on Monday!
15. Did you have any complications during labour or delivery? 
I was induced but wouldn’t dilate passed 1cm for over two days, so I had a c-section.
16. Where did you go to give birth? 
The hospital.
17. How many hours were you in labour? My induction lasted just over two days, and then my c-section was like 10-15 minutes.
18. How much did your baby weigh? 
5lbs 13oz
19. Did they have any trouble eating or gaining weight? 
No trouble eating, she lost a good bit of weight before leaving the hospital which they were concerned about, but we had a doctor’s appointment yesterday and she was up to 6lbs 2oz!
20. How old is your baby as you type this?
 13 days old, two weeks tomorrow!
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emeraldgenevieve · 8 years
I can never resist this shit!
1. Was this a planned pregnancy? No. 2. Were you married? 
No we were engaged though. 3. What was your reaction to finding out? I think I was in pure shock, I didn't really start to believe it until I could feel kicks constantly at like 23 weeks or whatever. 4. How long had you been trying to get pregnant? Literally never 😂😂😂 5. How old were you and your partner? 21 and 22 6. Who was the first person you told? I guess Evan even though he was there so idk if that counts. Other than that it was two of my best friends. 7. How did you find out? We tested and got a negative result then went on holidays and I felt awful, tested again when we got back and BOOM! Pregnant. 8. Did you want to find out the sex? I didn't want to but we did because my husband was dying with anticipation. 9. When was your due date, did it get changed at all? 
It was originally 29th February which was awesome but then it got pushed back to March 6th. 10. Did you go into labor near that date?
I was induced 6 days early and delivered 3 days early. 11. Did you have morning sickness? Yeah I was super nauseous in the first trimester and started throwing up in the second. I threw up most mornings and every time we had sex up until I delivered. 12. Any weird cravings? I really wanted to eat the laundry detergent, I didn't eat but my God did I want to. Even thinking about now, I want it. 13. How much weight did you gain? From my pre-pregnancy weight I ended up being about 6 lbs down when I delivered because I lost a stone and a half at the beginning and I struggled with a really suppressed appetite throughout my pregnancy (which I blame for the whole IUGR thing). So from my weight at he end of the first trimester I gained about 13/14lbs but I still weighed less than I did when I got pregnant. It's weird. 14. Have you lost all your pregnancy weight? HA! Despite losing weight during pregnancy I'm now bigger than ever. I am pregnant again though. 15. Did you have any complications during labour or delivery? I was induced due to intrauterine growth restriction, which was awful. I had a slow labour that didn't progress at a rate which the doctors were happy with so I was pushed towards a c-section for about 6 hours of my labour. I kept refusing and by the 12th hour of my labour was fully dilated. I'm so glad I stuck to my guns because I can't even imagine how hard it is to recover from a c-section with a newborn!!!! At the end of my delivery I was two exhausted to push effectively (I had been in the hospital trying to start the induction for around 45 hours even though I'd only been in active labour for 14 hours) and was pushed towards an assisted delivery. I refused forceps and kept pushing without intervention until I only needed a vacuum. On top of all that, I had two failed epidurals and some kind of adverse reaction to the anaesthetic which gave me back-to-back contractions for about 9 hours of my labour. It was pure agony tbh. That's why I want to go naturally this time. 16. Where did you go to give birth? I gave birth on the labour ward in a delivery room. 17. How many hours were you in labour? I was in active labour for 14 hours and 14 minutes, the induction process took 45 hours and 14 minutes. 18. How much did your baby weigh? 6lb 4oz 19. Did they have any trouble eating or gaining weight? She was slightly jaundiced (she couldn't be diagnosed because her bilirubin levels weren't quite high enough) but it was enough to make her lethargic. She would sleep for 5 hours at a time, which I though was great but it wasn't. Her weight dipped to 5lb 11oz but once we got the hang of breastfeeding and I learnt that I would just have to wake her up to eat, she thrived!! 20. How old is your baby as you type this? She is 10 months and 1 day old!!!
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ehealthy-diet-plan · 4 years
'Chocoholic' Reverses Diabetes In Exactly 35 Days After Joining Eating Regimen Together With His Wife
A 72-12 months-ancient "chocoholic" who went on "cake crawls" at native cafes and scoffed a packet of biscuits along with his spouse before mattress reversed his diabetes in exactly 35 days after starting a food regimen.
Carer Bruce Elliott, who weighed 16 stone, turned into able to come off the insulin he had used to handle excessive blood sugar brought about by means of classification 2 diabetes for 23 years, initially of a weight loss adventure that noticed him shed three-and-a-half stone in 4 months.
And his 17-stone wife Renee McBride, 64, a scientific hypnotherapist and birthing doula, lost the equal quantity, having counseled they slim down collectively after being impressed by way of a weight loss instruct who had also reversed diabetes by overhauling his weight-reduction plan.
Bruce, of Broxburn, West Lothian, who volunteers for two charities, says his precise wake-up call came when his “cake crawl” friend Joe died of leukaemia a couple of years in the past, including: “Joe obtained very ill. His blood sugar tiers were now not in manage either and that they may do nothing for him. His melanoma took him very without delay and that left an immense hole for me. It became six weeks from prognosis to him passing.
Bruce earlier than and after his weight loss (photograph: PA actual life/bring together)
“It become complete shock and a wake-up call, as we used to go into cafes on the high street collectively and have a cake in every one.”
He continued: “i thought if I received unwell i might now not continue to exist an operation. I didn’t want to die of anything minor and knew that I had to do whatever thing about it. At my largest i used to be wearing a 5XL, now I’m a M to L. I’ve misplaced 10 inches off my waist.”
At 6ft 1in Bruce, who has two adult infants and six grandchildren, had a body mass index (BMI) of 29.6 – compared to the NHS suggested range of 18.5 to 24.9 – making him overweight. In the meantime, at 5ft 8in Renee – a yo-yo dieter – had a BMI of 36, making her overweight, according to the NHS.
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however all that changed after she met Mark Hannigan, a expert with The 1:1 food regimen by using Cambridge Weight Plan, at a enterprise convention, the place he told her how he had lost seven stone and reversed his diabetes.
Renee talked about: “We were speaking in regards to the hyperlinks between cancer and blood glucose levels and the expanded possibility to diabetics. This man became on a mission to reduce his own diabetes and had been on the 1:1 food regimen for six months.”
She introduced: “At this aspect, Bruce’s blood sugar degrees have been out of handle, so our intention became to make his body much less poisonous and get his blood sugar ranges down.
Brian and Renee on their marriage ceremony day (graphic: PA precise lifestyles/assemble)
“He became on two doses of insulin a day (70 contraptions) and 2,000mg of metformin, used to reduce blood sugar. We consulted his medical professional who idea it become a very good theory to get Bruce’s weight down and cut back his reliance on insulin. We now have been married for 3 years and i notion if we may do that, it may supply us many extra years together.”
knowing she would even be a ways healthier if she misplaced weight, Renee decided they should still join the programme as a group.
She noted: “We had some unhealthy habits. Often we would have a fry up for breakfast and would go to bed with a packet of digestive biscuits, which we’d share between us.
“Bruce became very diabetic. The nerve endings in his fingers had died as a result of diabetic neuropathy, which isn't reversible. He has the same difficulty in his toes, however the circulation has all started to improve, which we were not anticipating.”
Heavy all through his schooldays, Bruce weighed 17 stone when he left and become greater than 20 stone in his twenties.
He said: “I’m a chocoholic and for years I labored in an office and would feel nothing of eating a whole packet of mince pies on a way to work. I may consume anything else. Half of the problem is the approach. My best friend and i would go to cafes and have a cake in a single then a scone in one other.”
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Bruce explained: “I’m no longer the form of man who feels relaxed going to slimming classes, so I’d on no account managed to get the weight off.”
In November 2019, they joined The 1:1 eating regimen through Cambridge Weight Plan together, having consulted medics at Bruce’s diabetic health facility.
Renee said: “We had meal replacements thrice a day and one fit meal like venison, salmon, fowl or turkey with vegetables.”
She delivered: “the burden started to drop off and Bruce had lost well-nigh two stone in the first month. It took him 23 days to come off insulin, which he’d used for 23 years. We burst into tears after we found.
“Then it took him an additional 12 days to return off the metformin, a medication which lowers your blood sugar degrees via enhancing the style your physique handles insulin.”
Bruce Elliott and Renee McBride earlier than (picture: PA real lifestyles/compile)
concerned that a Christmas holiday to Tenerife would throw them off beam, the couple even managed to drop extra pounds over the festive length with the aid of sticking to healthier alternatives on the inn buffet and filling up on Cambridge Weight Plan snacks.
Renee spoke of: “We came home on Boxing Day and i had lost two kilos. It became the top-rated Christmas latest because Bruce presently came off the metformin. Inside 35 days he had reversed the classification 2 diabetes he had lived with for 23 years.”
She added: “It turned into astounding. We couldn't have in mind how this message changed into no longer getting out there. If somebody had talked about to us, ‘Don’t eat sophisticated carbs or definite fruit. Devour veg and protein,’ then we may have seen consequences years in the past.”
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Renee has additionally been delighted together with her own transformation.
She pointed out: “I’ve long past from a measurement 24 to a dimension sixteen and i’m reasonably happy with being Mrs common. I’m asthmatic and jogging upstairs would make me breathless, however that has definitely enhanced everything.”
“before lockdown I had a private coach at the fitness center, when I’d done zero activity for years earlier than shedding weight,” she delivered.
“Even my shoe dimension has modified. It’s stunning now not to look all bumpy and to be capable of put on clothes with out the handle underwear. I believe a good deal freer. I suppose like I’ve acquired more space inside my physique. But the most important aspect for me is the reversal of insulin for Bruce.”
Renee earlier than and after dropping just over three stone (photo: PA precise life/bring together)
Renee defined: “Bruce has broken the boundaries of what is viable and we're hopeful that sooner or later he should be capable of take half in, or assist deploy a trial, on how a low-carb low-calorie meal alternative programme with chronic help can reduce the need for insulin in classification 2 diabetics.”
each Bruce, weighing 12st 5lb, and Renee, now weighing 13st 2lb, have misplaced 3st 6lb and are eager to flow on their expertise and to support other diabetics having develop into consultants with the 1:1 diet by using Cambridge Weight Plan.
Renee pointed out: “When diabetes receives to an superior stage americans have an multiplied risk of suffering strokes, heart assaults, thrombosis and amputation, always of the toes.”
She added: “There have been two promising clinical trials that exhibit people who controlled their diet and lost weight managed to reverse their classification 2 diabetes and have been still in remission two years later.
“I feel there are swathes of the population with classification 2 diabetes who, with a calorie-controlled weight loss plan, might go into remission.”
Bruce, who stressed the value of consulting a doctor before beginning a weight-reduction plan, is now hoping for a protracted and chuffed existence.
He introduced: “It’s been a wake-up name. If I try this I might live longer satisfactory to annoy Renee for the leisure of her lifestyles! I’ve bought grandkids that I want to see transforming into up and graduating from institution.
“I’ve been given a brand new rent of life and i’ve not ever felt so suit. I’ve had three hip replacements, one at the age of forty six, and have had problems with my knees, however this has eased that. I’ve in no way felt fitter.”
He concluded: “If a doddery 72-year-historical can do it, a middle-aged grownup can do it. That you can turn your life around, you simply must have self-discipline.”
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plxyboi-blog · 5 years
Weight loss diet: Woman lost three stone on this plan - is it safe? Experts reveal this
New Post has been published on https://healthy4lives.com/weight-loss-diet-woman-lost-three-stone-on-this-plan-is-it-safe-experts-reveal-this/
Weight loss diet: Woman lost three stone on this plan - is it safe? Experts reveal this
amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit0"; amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "books009a-20"; amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; amzn_assoc_region = "US"; amzn_assoc_design = "in_content"; amzn_assoc_linkid = "eb6b8d82602b7891da759d9bf5221f00"; amzn_assoc_asins = "162315944X,B00UJIXKL4,B07CZ837VB";
Attaining a body weight loss intention is an enjoyable detail, so it is no shock slimmers like to just take to social media to share their transformation. 1 girl just lately shared her 3st 9lbs body weight loss on Reddit. The 28-calendar year-previous – who goes by the screen title “_whateverforever” – exposed she’d dropped from 14st 3lbs, to a a lot healthier 10st 6lbs for her 5ft 6in body. Sharing a right before and soon after picture, she exposed: “These final ten lbs . are holding on, but I’m nevertheless damn proud of what I’ve achieved in the 365 days involving these two pictures.” The slimmer exposed she’d managed to drop the lbs . by applying the CICO diet, which is one more title for calorie counting.
CICO stands for “calories in, calories out” and will allow dieters to only consume what they want, so extensive as the range of calories they take in is less than the calories you melt away off.
The dieter also employed intermittent fasting.
Are they risk-free?
According to dietitian Sonya Angeline, a spokeswoman for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietics, the CICO diet: “Meets the requires of people today who ‘want to have their cake and consume it, too’ as extensive as the piece is not far too huge.”
A calorie refers to a device that actions vitality. Calories are typically employed to evaluate the vitality contents of food items and drinks.
Calorie counting can be sophisticated, as calories are necessary to perform essential functions, these kinds of as supplying vitality to the mind, kidneys, lungs, coronary heart and anxious process.
The entire body also uses calories for digestion and actual physical activity.
It is advised that the average girl consume about 2000 calories for every working day to retain, whilst males are necessary to consume 2500 day by day.
Despite the fact that this is the advised day by day allowance, slimmers do really will need a calorie deficit to reduce body weight. This is since excess vitality is saved as fat in the entire body, thus dieters will need to melt away much more calories than they consume to drop the lbs ..
According to healthline.com, females can consume 1500 calories to reduce one particular pound of body weight a week, whilst males can consume 2000.
Some scientific studies that have been performed on fasting have demonstrated some promising added benefits, with it joined to the enhancement of blood sugar stages and coronary heart health.
Nonetheless, no diet is without the need of its hazard, and fasting can guide to serious feelings of hunger, shakiness, mind fog, tiredness, feelings of weak point, an incapacity to focus, and binge taking in.
Healthline.com exposed that fasting can be especially risky for people with health ailments like diabetes.
The site reads: “Fasting can also be pretty risky if you have any medical ailments, these kinds of as diabetes or hypoglycemia. Some people today may possibly be ready to regulate swiftly to only taking in one particular food a working day, whilst other people may possibly have difficulty likely that extensive without the need of calories. Everyone is diverse.”
Other slimmers may possibly opt for a much more structured strategy like the keto diet.
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gyrlversion · 5 years
Were in a diabetes epidemic, heres how to tell if youre in danger
At crisis levels — that is how some experts describe the increase in the numbers of people being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes.
New data published last week revealed there were more than 200,000 new cases diagnosed in England and Wales alone in 2017, the equivalent of one diagnosis every three minutes.
‘In an average GP practice clinic, it’s not unusual for every second or third patient to have either type 2 diabetes or pre-diabetes,’ says Dr Campbell Murdoch, a Somerset GP and chief medical officer of the global online diabetes community diabetes.co.uk.
‘We’re experiencing a crisis, both for individual patients and the healthcare system, which is swamped by this problem.’
Shocking new data published last week revealed there were more than 200,000 new cases diagnosed in England and Wales alone in 2017
Type 2 diabetes occurs when the body becomes resistant to the effects of the hormone insulin, which is produced in the pancreas and takes glucose (sugar) out of the bloodstream and into cells. When people become overweight, this process becomes less effective, so more and more insulin is needed to do the job.
Ultimately, the pancreas becomes overwhelmed and starts producing less insulin, leaving more glucose circulating, resulting in type 2 diabetes.
Not everyone who becomes overweight will develop type 2: genes play a part, as does gender. ‘A male with excess deposits of fat in the abdomen is more likely to develop type 2 than an equivalent female,’ says Dr Alex Miras, a senior lecturer and consultant endocrinologist at Imperial College London.
Alarming research published yesterday highlighted why type 2 diabetes is not a diagnosis to be taken lightly.
A study based on more than 300,000 patients revealed that those diagnosed in middle age or younger lose more years off their life than older people.
‘Those diagnosed with type 2 in adolescence lose more than a decade in life, those aged 40 to 50 lose around six years, whereas once above 80 there’s no loss of life years,’ says Naveed Sattar, a professor of metabolic medicine at the University of Glasgow and lead author of the study, published in the journal Circulation.
Michael Short, 51, an NHS healthcare assistant, lives in Wakefield, Yorkshire and was diagnosed in January
And from middle age is when some people can develop type 2 with even modest weight gain, he explains.
In contrast, it takes significant weight gain in younger people to trigger it, because their pancreas is more efficient and so can pump out more insulin. However, their extra weight means they’re likely to have high blood pressure and other risk factors for diabetic complications.
The risk of complications can be reduced in some cases with medication and significant weight loss (either achieved through surgery or diet), plus lifestyle changes.
One approach producing impressive results is a low-carb diet, as the Mail reveals in a major series starting this Saturday.
However, while some people will have typical symptoms of type 2 diabetes — such as extreme tiredness, thirst or urinating more than usual — others have none, so won’t know anything is wrong.
We spoke to four people, all recently diagnosed within a few weeks of each other.
Their stories highlight one of the major factors behind the growing tide of type 2 diabetes — and make salutary reading . . .
Michael Short, 51, an NHS healthcare assistant, lives in Wakefield, Yorkshire, with his wife Jill, 57, a retired nurse. He was diagnosed on January 15.
From around last November I really battled with lack of energy: I was coming home from work and falling asleep.
Karen Hewitt, 59, an NHS practice manager and mother of two was diagnosed in February
My wife Jill told the GP I snored badly and, at first, he suspected sleep apnoea, where you momentarily stop breathing while asleep, causing you to wake throughout the night.
Like type 2 diabetes, it’s common if you’re overweight. At the time I weighed 17st 8lb, and at 6ft tall my body mass index (BMI) was 33 — classified as ‘obese’.
I was referred to a sleep specialist, but in the meantime my fatigue meant that trying to make it through a day at work was like wading through treacle. I spent my days off sleeping.
Whereas until recently my hobbies had included walking and wildlife photography, now I had no energy for them.
On New Year’s Day I hit a low point. I felt I couldn’t go into work and I was also really thirsty despite drinking loads of water.
I saw a GP on January 10, and a few days later I got the results of blood tests which showed that my HbA1c [which measures average blood sugar levels over three months] was 61 — the threshold for diabetes is 48.
I knew from my work as an NHS healthcare assistant how serious type 2 can be, and I just couldn’t believe it had happened to me. My weight gain had escalated in the past five years but I thought I could get away with it because I was young-ish and on my feet all day at work. The diagnosis was a massive wake-up call. I knew my diet was terrible. At the hospital I was always dipping into the chocolates relatives buy staff, and I drank up to 15 small bottles of sweet cider a week when I wasn’t working the next day.
Doing shifts didn’t help, as I ate at irregular times. And I ate a lot of carbs — about seven slices of bread a day, plus biscuits and cake.
The practice nurse advised me to follow the Eatwell Plate approach, with around 38 per cent of calories on your plate from carbohydrates, 40 per cent from fruit and vegetables, 12 per cent from protein, 8 per cent from dairy or alternatives and 1 per cent from oils or spreads.
And this is why you should take it seriously  
Poorly controlled type 2 diabetes is associated with a range of serious complications, including blindness and amputations. Here, we explain why.
High blood sugar levels can nearly double the chances of a heart attack or stroke, compared to somebody with healthy readings, says the British Heart Foundation.
This is because it damages the inner walls of the arteries by interfering with the release of nitric oxide — a gas produced by all cells in the body — that keeps blood vessels stretchy and elastic so blood flows through them freely.
With too little nitric oxide, arteries become stiff and narrow, forcing up blood pressure, which can lead to inflammation. This, in turn, makes it more likely that plaques will form, blocking blood supply to the heart or brain — and potentially triggering a heart attack or a stroke.
Just as high blood sugar damages major blood vessels around the heart, it does the same to tiny ones at the back of the eye that supply nutrients to the retina — the area responsible for converting light into signals sent to the brain.
High sugar levels start to cause inflammation inside these tiny blood vessels, which can block them completely or weaken them so they start to leak — reducing healthy blood flow to the retina.
The body’s natural healing response is to form scar tissue and grow new blood vessels. But these often grow randomly and over the surface of the retina. In time, the combination of scar tissue and new blood vessels leads to severe vision loss. It causes around 1,200 cases of blindness every year in the UK.
Lower limb amputations due to type 2 diabetes are at a record high. This is because persistently high blood sugar levels can damage nerves. As a result, patients can suffer an injury but not know about it.
High blood sugar also triggers a cocktail of harmful reactions; the immune system, sensing damage, despatches excessively large amounts of cells called cytokines to patch things up. But this ‘rush’ of too many cytokines also harms the nerves.
The other problem is excess sugar reduces blood flow by damaging blood vessel walls. This means wounds can be starved of the oxygen they need to heal.
As a result, an undetected injury can become infected or ulcerate, potentially leading to gangrene and amputation.
Diabetic foot ulcers affect around 15 per cent of those with the condition.
Kidney disease is probably one of least known complications, but as many as one in four adults with diabetes will have it, according to the U.S. National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases.
The main job of the kidneys is to filter waste and extra water out of the blood; they also help control blood pressure and make vital hormones.
Very high blood sugar levels block the tiny filters inside the kidney’s blood vessels.
If blood sugar levels are well managed, the damage can be controlled. If not, it gradually gets worse and some patients end up on dialysis.
I followed this religiously, but within days felt worse. After eating a baked potato with breaded fish and peas, I felt lightheaded and the TV screen looked blurred.
I then heard about how going low-carb could help. The NHS accepts this can be of benefit and has approved the Low Carb Program app, which involves cutting all the main sources of carbs, such as bread and rice, to a minimum.
Within 24 hours I had more energy. I felt sharper and the blurred vision went away.
Almost three months on, I’ve lost 3st and got my mojo back. My blood sugar is in the normal range (my last reading was 39), so I’ve put my diabetes into remission. Like a lot of people, I didn’t really think enough about the risk my weight was causing. Being overweight isn’t just about what you look like; it can shorten your life.
Karen Hewitt, 59, an NHS practice manager and mother of two, lives in Liverpool with husband David, 61, an airport baggage handler. She was diagnosed on February 1.
I’m fully aware that being overweight is the main risk factor for type 2, but when, in 2015, a blood test found my blood sugar level was just below the diabetic threshold, I put my head in the sand.
I was 12st 6lb and I’m 5ft 5in, so my BMI was 29 — ‘overweight’.
That test should have been a wake-up call, but I’m ashamed to say I didn’t take it seriously.
I’d struggled with my weight ever since having children. I’d also developed gestational diabetes when pregnant with my daughter Rachel, now 33, which is a risk factor for type 2 later in life. I love chocolate and red wine and was eating big portions. I’d joined a gym in 2016 but the exercise set off sciatica and I had to give up.
In January I started feeling tired and ropey, with one cold after another, so went to my GP. A blood test showed my HbA1c levels were 64. Despite the previous warnings I was shocked.
This time I’m really motivated to do something, as I know you can put diabetes into remission if you lose enough weight.
My GP has referred me for two diabetes education group sessions. In the meantime, I’m taking metformin to help bring my blood sugar down, and I’ve changed my diet [to low carb]. I’m also walking the dog more and being more active.
I’ve lost a stone in six weeks and my HbA1c levels are down to 57. By the time I turn 60 in November I want them in the normal range.
Darron Broadhurst, 51, an IT engineer, lives with his wife Sarah, 40, a bookkeeper, and their two teenage children in Worcester. He was diagnosed in mid-January.
There is no getting away from the fact I’m a big guy — my waist is 52 in. The last time I was weighed (six months ago) I was over 23st. At 6ft tall, my BMI is over 40 — ‘obese’.
So when I was diagnosed with type 2 after a routine blood test, it wasn’t a surprise. But it was scary. My mum had type 2, developed kidney problems and had a mini-stroke as a result. It frightened me. I want to be around to see my kids grow up.
I know I need to lose weight but I’m obsessed by food. I’m always stopping at the supermarket to pick up more. I eat a full English breakfast twice a week, as well as cakes, biscuits and takeaways, and I am fond of whisky — I probably drink too much. I have a sedentary desk job and a long commute (travelling 100 miles two days a week), so I’m too exhausted to think about exercising. I also suffer from depression and when my mood is low, I comfort-eat. Then I become even more depressed and binge again.
Andy Capon, 53, a factory floor worker from Faversham in Kent was diagnosed on January 3
I’ve lost weight three times before, most recently at a slimming club, prescribed by the NHS, a few years back, when I shed 3st. But when the funding ended the weight went back on. I can’t afford to pay for it myself.
Luckily, the doctors think my diabetes has been caught early, but it’s now down to me to make big changes. I’ve already started by cutting my portions — my ‘full English’ is now just a poached egg on toast with baked beans. I used to enjoy walking a lot and intend to start doing it more. I’m also taking the drug metformin.
Somehow, I have to find the willpower to make some very big lifestyle changes or diabetes is going to shorten my life.
Andy Capon, 53, a factory floor worker from Faversham in Kent is single. He was diagnosed on January 3.
When my doctor told me I had type 2 diabetes, I knew practically nothing about it. So I Googled it — and scared myself to death. There was the threat of going blind, of amputations. I had no idea diabetes could be that serious.
The irony was I only went to see my GP to talk about coming off the antidepressants I’d been taking since 2016. I felt I was in a much better place, and he said: ‘OK, let’s taper your dose. But first I’ll give you a blood test.’ The GP thought they’d caught the diabetes early, though, and said it was reversible through diet and exercise.
Knowing what I know now, I’m not surprised I’ve developed type 2. I had an irresponsible lifestyle, but at the time I had no idea what I was doing to my body.
Darron Broadhurst, 51, an IT engineer, was diagnosed in mid-January
My main problem was booze. I wouldn’t touch a drop during the week, but I love real ale and between finishing work on a Friday and going back on Monday I’d have too many pints. I would also eat pasties, white bread and big curries. I did no exercise.
But straight after my diagnosis I quit booze, had salads not sandwiches for lunch and cut out the junk food. I also joined a gym and went four times a week. I was 17st (I’m 5ft 7in) when diagnosed, but by the end of February I’d gone down to 15st 7lb. For the first time in 53 years I was feeling great. I had more energy and people said they’d never seen me look so well.
Then I was diagnosed with a thumb-sized tumour in my bladder. To hear the word ‘cancer’ was horrifying. I admit I went to the pub that night, February 22, and got drunk. I stopped going to the gym and started drinking again.
Two weeks ago they removed the tumour and I’m waiting to hear if I need chemotherapy. But I’ve found my way again. For the past week I have been back to the gym and am off the beer.
I can’t do anything about the cancer, but I can do something about my diabetes.
I know people with type 2 who take tablets for it but don’t do anything about their lifestyle. But I have this chance to address the diabetes through diet and exercise and I’m not going to let this pass me by. 
For more information, visit diabetes.org.uk or diabetes.co.uk
The post Were in a diabetes epidemic, heres how to tell if youre in danger appeared first on Gyrlversion.
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Let's go back..
Let's go back to three years ago. I met a guy in college that I talked to some times. This all started about Halloween and he was apart of my college club we had recently set up earlier that year. We exchanged numbers and talked on and off about the club. Not much really happened. Then after college we started to talk a bit more then I went with my family on a two week vacation towards the west coast and on the way back that's when I found out he liked me and that I started to develop a crush for him. No biggy right?
Well after we hung out, we started to date. Six months of dating is when i, at the time assumed, he was cheating on me with some I knew. Turns out, I wish it was that simple bc I ended up finding out that he was doing drugs. Like not the heavy kind, but still illigal kinds. I broke it off with him and dropped all contact with him for a few more months.
In that time spam of not talking to him, I found out, and on the same day, had my son. 3mons early and he was very tiny. Like he was a bit bigger than a russet potato (2lbs 13oz) & I had developed a major uterus infection which led to PID (Pelvic Inflammatory Disease) and my endomitosis to get even worse. I was in the hospital for almost a week while my son, who I still haven't seen at this point, would be in the hospital for 2.5 mons dealing with all kinds of issues due to his small size.
Every single day till he got out, me and my mom drove to the hospital and we would be there from early in the morning (7.00am) to just about dinner time (4.00pm). I was finally able to hold him some two weeks after he was born and my God... I thought that if I moved he would just break he was so tiny. At this point my ex, my son's father, was cruel to me. He would blame his problems on me as if I had the ability to fix them and I didn't. I still don't know why he did that to this day. I never even put his name of my son's birth certificate or told h about him either bc I didn't want that negative bullshit in my life when I was more worried about whether or not my son would survive to the next day, or even week.
Two months pass and my ex stopped messaging me and my son is close to 6lbs and almost ready to come home. By now, my mom has gone with me to the hospital every single day, cept one or two due to a job she got then lost bc the oil companies we're struggling here.
Soon my son was home. My mom taking the night shift to watch him, and me during the day while she napped. She got lucky bc he would sleep almost all night long with no issues. I was struggling, silently, with the idea that I am now a single mom of one who has no job and no way of getting one or anything like that to even help out around the house. I was able to get support from the government, but that still didn't help my parents out. I felt horrible and still do. They have bought my son clothing, diapers, wipes, food (if I couldn't through food stamps) and done so much more to help me and him out that all I ever wanted to do was to help them pay their bills. Now their going bankrupt bc my dad lost his job and is the only money maker in the house. I don't want them to loose the house bc of this.
If I could get donations to a PayPal account I set up some time ago, then I could do it for them secretly, like that secret Santa who goes around and gives away 100s of $$ to people who need it. That's all I want to do it help them bc they have done so damn much for me. Please, if your reading this and you want to help, even if it's a few $$s message me and we'll talk about it. Please, I want them to grow old in this house to see their grandson grow up and be the bright, silly little boy he is. Anything will help.
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lynxshrinks · 6 years
What this is - a Q and A
Q: Who are you? A: You can call my Sparkle or Lynx. I’m 29. White. In the US. Queer (bisexual and bigendered). He and She pronouns are both equally valid for me - just don’t be an ass about it. Q: So what’s the deal with this blog? A: My an my partner have the right genital configurations to make a human baby. We’ve been trying for two years. Right now we’re having the exact causes of our infertility checked out - but it looks very likely that our only option will be a medical procedure we can’t access until I specifically lose weight. About 80 lbs. I’m not interested in bariatric surgery, so, I’m going to try dieting. It sucks. I hate it. I wouldn’t be doing it if I didn’t have to. I need a fat-positive, dieting critical space to talk about what I’m doing as safely and carefully as possible. Q: Geeze - why don’t you just adopt instead? A: Adoption is way, way more expensive than most people realize. The only remotely affordable option of it is to foster first - which reduces the price by about 90%. Only problem is with fostering you aren’t guaranteed that the kid you take care of will be one you get to keep - the goal of the fostering services are, after all, to try and get the child back with their family of origin. In my state only 60% of parents who foster end up keeping the child. This is not something my partner and I feel comfortable with doing for a first child - there’s too much tied up with the pressure of Being Our Chance At Parenthood that I don’t want to put on a kid. Pregnancy is a little different - there���s limited ways you can interact with the fetus and once it’s uh... out its yours. Reproductive technologies are expensive but far less expensive than non-fostering adoption options.  Additionally fostering and adoption involves our lives being looked at through a lens that massively favors white, thin, cishet, rich, Christian people. Our family is multi-ethnic (my partner is Jewish), “interfaith” (atheist and Jewish), queer (my partner is bi and I’m as I detailed above), and middle class. I know people in better circumstances than us who got shot down just for being an atheist home. It blows. Q: Why aren’t you gung-ho for weight loss, fatty? A: I’ve spent most of my life at this point battling awful body image and self-loathing. It isn’t productive. It’s taken me a long time but... I’m mostly fine with how my body looks.  Additionally I was pushed into dieting at a young age - my early teens, largely for aesthetic reasons. Before that I was chubby but at a weight most people would consider ‘healthy’. After that my metabolism went haywire. I was probably predisposed to a haywire metabolism - I have multiple hormonal disorders - and it may have been correlation... but I A) firmly believe that outside of extreme circumstances depriving a growing body of a child of calories in such that they’d be at a calorie deficit is not great for that body and B) doing that damaged my relationship to food and my body image in such a way that it helped nothing for me in the long run. My strongest memory is being at a weight that would basically universally be considered healthy - within even the bullshit BMI standards of a ‘good’ weight and being told how much better everything would be after I lost ‘five more pounds’. Then I lost the five pounds and I was still being told how much better I’d look if I lost ‘five more pounds’. Q: But won’t this make you healthier? A: IDK - it might. But my largest health problems are genetic in origin - even skinny people have them, even if there is some correlation with exacerbation of the condition and high weight. But getting thin isn’t going to magically make my anxiety clear up or my psoriasis go away. I get migraines but so does everyone genetically related to me regardless of their weight. I’ll likely just be about the same as I am now - maybe with a little less muscle cramping. My blood pressure is good (I’ve actually had issues with it going too low), there’s no immediate family history of diabetes, and no family history of cholesterol issues.  There’s a chance losing weight might impact my end of the fertility issues - but, my end is not where the main problem lies, it lies with my partner. Q: Then why isn’t your partner losing the weight? A: Okay, up until now I’ve avoided talking about our specific genital configurations because it invites gender essentialists, terfs, NBphobes, and all of that ilk to crawl out of the woodwork. But for this part I have to go into the equipment each of us have and what’s going on. - I have a uterus and have PCOS. Losing weight will not resolve the PCOS, though, it might help balance my hormones some. Maybe. People of all weights can have PCOS but PCOS can put one at a predisposition to gain weight. Whether or not I’m ovulating is a popular topic for discussion among my various doctors. The answer? I probably am. Some. It can be irregular. However, getting someone to ovulate is something science can do. We’ve got drugs for it. Losing weight and balancing out my hormones some might even get my body ovulating on its own. Maybe. PCOS is kinda unpredictable. - My partner has a penis and testes. Getting him checked out to see if he has any fertility issues has been like pulling teeth. It feels like many doctors think male-factor infertility is basically bigfoot - especially in a person who is pretty healthy. The thing is, we’ve had a semen analysis done and the results STRONGLY pointed to male factor being an overwhelming contributor to this. Even after seeing his semen analysis results his primary care doctor seemed in disbelief and told us to come back in 3 months for another semen analysis. Didn’t even begin the referral process to a urologist. We finally ended up going through a referral chain of two gynecologists who, while concerned about my fertility, took one look at my partner’s results and went ‘oh boy’. We find out in about 10 days if there will be any way to improve my partner’s fertility. If there is we might have some reproductive options immediately available to us - IUI (artificial insemination) and/or fertility drugs. If there is no way to improve his fertility basically our only option is IVF. IVF requires sedation. The anesthesiologist who does it with the clinic I’m working with won’t sedate patients over a certain BMI. And so, here we are. Q: Oh man that blows. A: I know. Q: So your end goal is to lose weight and then get pregnant - what are you going to do if you get pregnant along the way? A: Talk to a doctor about what’s best for the pregnancy. I know even for significantly obese patients weight loss during pregnancy isn’t recommended. If I get pregnant at a high weight I will likely not GAIN weight and nursing afterward might even make me lose weight. If I get pregnant at a lower weight I will probably gain some weight. Q: So that makes the ‘maintenance’ part of weight loss kinda moot for you, huh? A: Yup. After I’ve produced human life I’ll reevaluate what I want to do with my body. Pregnancy will probably change it some. Q: So how are you losing weight? A: I have mild non alcoholic fatty liver (diagnosed by a liver doc) so it’s recommended I lose weight slowly - no more than 1-2 lbs a week. This is going to be a long process. Which, I know, waiting even more time to have a kid will have an impact on fertility. But I don’t have much of a choice - if I lose more quickly I could develop gall stones and possibly even damage my liver. the docs have been very clear. So, it’s basically a modified CICO. I know there are additional factors that impact CICO so I’m willing to adjust based on results. So far I’ve done it for about 2 weeks and have lost ~6lbs... which is faster than I should be going but, y’know, water weight or whatever Q: I’ve decided this blog is inspiring or should I say... thinspiring? A: Uh, please don’t consider me your “thinspiration”. I’m someone who has to lose weight in order to be a parent, not someone losing it for an ambiguous canopy of ‘health’ (since this likely won’t make me that much more healthy), or for aesthetic reasons. Fat me is largely content with how I look, and I’m happily married. I’d much rather be looked at as inspiration for how one might get through a troubling and awful medical procedure (which is what dieting is for me). If I can pull through this without destroying my sense of self worth, giving in to diet culture or fatphobia, and access the medical care I need in order to have a kid then this is a battle other fat people struggling with infertility can win too.  Q: So... how do you feel about the knowledge that most diets ultimately fail and people gain the weight back and then more? A: Well, i mean, I could care less if it ‘fails’ in the long run as long as I get these ~80 lbs off and can access the medical procedure I want.  I mean, as I talked about above my goal is to get pregnant as soon as I can - which will likely leave me at a different weights and body composition anyway. s Q: Kind of off topic - but what is your icon? A: It’s a lynx from a medieval bestiary.  Q: Why lynx - for the URL, nickname, or icon? A: I’ve got a special affinity for lynx as animals. They’re bulky, furry, and kind of perennially grumpy looking which are all traits I have. Plus ‘lynx shrinks’ is a fun thing to say.
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