#shes only the cat who united skyclan and was firestars mate and was an extremely important character
yuridovewing · 1 year
Sorry to be like that but I’m noticing the parallels between Billystorm and Sandstorm’s deaths. They’re both the leader’s mate and died a tragic completely avoidable death far away from their families and are buried in a random unmarked grave where no one will be able to visit them. And how Billystorm is treated with significantly more respect than Sandstorm was.
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andreacantillos · 7 years
Why Snowfur's Death Is Important
If Snowfur hadn't been run over and killed, the whole series would be different. This is because Thistleclaw only truly turned evil after his mate's death, as she had been chasing ShadowClan intruders over the road that cuts the territories likely causing Thistleclaw to want to avenge her, and become evil and hateful to the other Clans. Thistleclaw's apprentice was Tigerstar, and grew up believing that revenge was the only way since Thistleclaw would encourage him to be vicious and would teach him battle moves he was too young to learn, to push his limits and make him better than the others. One example is when a tiny black kit was found on ThunderClan territory and Thistleclaw tells him to teach the kit a lesson he would never forget. Tigerpaw then proceeded to brutally wound the kit even through Bluefur's pleading that the intruder was only a kit and would do no harm. Thus Tigerstar was heavily influenced by Thistleclaw. If Snowfur hadn't died, Tigerstar would likely not have turned evil, and we wouldn't have an antagonist for the Warriors Cats series.
Another reason is that Thistleclaw wouldn't have had an ambition to be clan leader and wouldn't be Bluefur's rival. This means she wouldn't have to give up her kits to make sure Sunstar chose her as his deputy as he wanted her to be deputy from the start but thought she had enough on her paws with the kits. They would have grown up in ThunderClan, so this means Mosskit wouldn't have died of hypothermia in the snow from Bluefur taking them to RiverClan. But, it also means that Mistystar would never be leader of RiverClan, so she would continue to be Mistyfoot. Bluestar would also never have gone into shock because of her traitorous deputy.
This also goes for Tigerstar's own daughter, Tawnypelt. if Tigerstar had been loyal, Bluestar wouldn't have exiled him, he wouldn't have become ShadowClan's leader. Tawnypelt wouldn't have gone to be in ShadowClan, she wouldn't have taken a ShadowClan cat Rowanclaw for a mate, and her kits Dawnpelt, Flametail, and Tigerstar II wouldn't have been born. this also means that Crowfrost and Dawnpelts kits Sleekwhisker, Juniperclaw and Strikestone wouldn't exist and so wouldn't Tigerstar II and Dovewings kits Lightkit, Pouncekit and Shadowkit. No one would fear Bramblestar and Tawnypelt because they had a traitorous father and didn't want his spirit to live on in them.
Several cats that died/got injured wouldn't have ended up the way they did. For example, Redtail wouln't have been murdered by Tigerstar. He would still be deputy of ThunderClan, maybe even Redstar. Tigerstar wouldn't have brought the pack of dogs to ThunderClan for revenge. Swiftpaw wouldn't have died. Brightheart's face would have remained intact. Brindleface wouldn't have been murdered by Tigerstar to give the dogs a taste of cat blood. Bluestar wouldn't have drowned in the gorge while trying to lead away the pack leader. Tigerstar wouldn't joined ShadowClan and RiverClan together and try to rid the Clans of half-Clan cats whose parents are from different Clans, so Stonefur wouldn't have died. He also wouldn't have teamed up with the BloodClan cats to threaten the Clans into joining Tigerstar's mega-clan. There would have been no attack on WindClan, and Gorsepaw wouldn't have died. In the battle between BloodClan and the united Clans, Whitestorm and Scourge wouldn't died. Tigerstar himself wouldn't have died at Scourge's paws.
Now to Firestar. If Tigerstar wasn't a danger to the Clan, Spottedleaf may never have received the 'fire alone can save our Clan' prophecy since Tigerstar was a good warrior and he wouldn't need to be confronted by Firestar. Dustpelt and Sandstorm would likely be mates, so Firestar's daughters Squirrelflight and Leafpool wouldn't have existed and so wouldn't Squirrelflight's and Bramblestar's kits Alderheart and Sparkpelt and Leafpool's and Crowfeather's kits Jayfeather, Hollyleaf and Lionblaze wouldn't be alive, so wouldn't Lionblaze and Cinderheart's kits Hollytuft, Sorrelstripe and Fernsong. Jay's Wing, Dove's Wing, and Lion's Roar (previous incarnations of Jayfeather, Dovewing and Lionblaze respectively) would still be alive during the dawn of the clans but maybe they wouldn't be where they are today if Jayfeather hadn't suggested to leave the mountains for the forest and the start of the Clans.
Also since Firestar never made it into the Clans Princess wouldn't give him her son Cloudtail to be raised there so Cloudtail couldn't have kits with Brightheart. They wouldn't have had Whitewing, Ambermoon, Snowbush and Dewnose together. Whitewing wouldn't have had Dovewing and Ivypool with Birchfall (whose parents are Ferncloud and Dustpelt, and whose siblings Spiderleg, Shrewpaw, Hollykit, Larchkit, Foxleap and Icecloud wouldn't be born if Dustpelt's mate was Sandstorm.) So, the Three (Lionblaze, Jayfeather, Dovewing) wouldn't exist since Skywatcher of modern SkyClan wouldn't give Firestar the prophecy ('there will be three, kin of your kin, who hold the power of the stars in their paws'). Modern SkyClan wouldn't even exist, since Firestar wouldn't have journeyed to rebuild the Clan. Rosepetal and Toadstep wouldn't be alive since Spiderleg and Daisy are their parents. Snowbush and Lilyheart's kits Honeyfur, Leafshade and Larksong also wouldn't be alive.
Some other things:
•Maybe Whitestorm and Bluestar wouldn't be all that close since Bluestar was like a second mother to Whitestorm after his mother and her sister Snowfur died.
•Spottedleaf and Thistleclaw wouldn't be attracted to each other since Snowfur would still be alive. Spottedleaf would have remained a warrior and never become a medicine cat since Thistleclaw wouldn't have not kept his promise about training in the Dark Forest causing Spottedleaf to leave him and begin training under Featherwhisker as a medicine cat.
•Whitestorm might even have had a sibling since his parents were still alive, who knows?!? Hence, creating a whole new line of cats from that sibling.
•Ravenpaw and Barley would never stay together on the farm, since Ravenpaw wouldn't have to escape from Tigerstar for knowing too much about his dark secrets. Hence Rileypool and Bellaleaf never finding their way into modern SkyClan.
•Bramblestar might not be leader right now, since he was a deputy chosen by Firestar.
•you're probably not even reading this rn but you are awesome if you are
So to summarise Snowfur was an extremely important cat whose life might not even have been half as significant as her death given the events that followed. Also, this is bad news for all the Snowfur fans out there but Snowfur had to die for the Clans to be this way today. I'm not saying I'm a Snowfur hater, infact I do love her, but her death is just that life-changing taking into consideration that many cats' lives would be altered.
((this is just a theory. its actually unknown what would truly happen if snowfur hadn't met with her accident))
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