#shes so pretty im going to throw uo genuinely
gwensy · 5 months
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i hauve covid
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bakugoukatsukisonly · 4 years
im in love with satori and im in my feels so here you go, a cute fluff for my tendou satori simps
tendou x reader
"tendou, what did you do this time?" ushijima asked after he saw a girl screeched and run towards the opposite side tendou was.
"what, i didnt do anything this time, she suddenly bumped into me and i was helping her get up and then that happened" tendou smiled, already used to these type of stuff happening to him. another normal day for the infamous 'monster'. his teammates(except ushiwaka) snickered at him, finding it funny that tendou has never actually talked to girls despite his confident behaviour. tendou also laughed along with them everytime this happens
"yeah..." he trails off and then quickly changed the topic. he was maybe a little bit offended but what can he do? he was the monster that everyone had hated since he was young.
rumours had been going around in their class that a super cute girl will be attending their class from today onwards but tendou paid no attention to that as its just another person that would be disgusted by him. but nevertheless, he was one of the many people that actually gawk upon seeing her entering the class, she was unbelivabely beautiful. 'oh shit oh shit, shes really pretty, oh no' was what he had thought.
"hi, guys, my name is y/n and ill be in your care starting from today, i look forward to befriending you" she bowed with a smile on her face. the teacher told her to sit anywhere and continued on todays lesson. tendou knows he dont even have a chance against that, and she'll most probably slide into one of ushijima's fans also. but holy, how can one ignore true beauty ???
the boys went crazy after that, y/n caught the attention of all the boys and girls even from another class and tendou definitely blocked his feelings from growing bigger. but he would throw occasional glances at y/n though subcounciously.
"hey guys, today i had brought a guest that you guys would like to meet" shiratorizawa's manager said out of the blue, gesturing to someone from behind the door of our club room. "hi, guys!" in came a cute little bean with her sweater pawed hands waving to all of the boys inside saying that today she wanted to watch them practice and cue the screaming of overly excited boys.
tendou was extremely nervous today, everyone showed off their skills as to impress y/n and y/n hyping them up, giving compliments here and there. 'oh why is she so lovely, i could just melt- oh crap oh crap, she's looking, act normal satori! act normal!' tendou was taken aback by the sudden eye contact and was even more surprised when y/n looked away but with a crimson red face and a small smile as if she was shy. tendou brushed it off saying maybe because she just saw ushiwaka's spike.
and the day went like that, tendou being his normal self, playing around and actually had spoken to y/n from time to time. keeping the flirting at bay. but he was supposed to move on from this stupid crush, right?
the practice was over and y/n had left awhile ago. after cleaning up, tendou was the last one to close up the club room door and he went straight on his way home thinking about how cute his crush was just now.
the day after, something happened again in tendou satori's life. it was the evening after school before practice starts, tendou was being his usual self with ushijima but was interfered but some girl that was trying to confess to ushijima. that was nothing out of ordinary but this girl crossed the line when she flung herself onto ushijima and was making a scene, tendou tried to stopped by shoving the girl out of their way but was backfired when she shoved tendou away calling tendou "stupid monster, you dont deserve to be by my ushijima's side, youre weird and no one wants to be a weirdo's friend" that had left tendou speechless but when ushijima wanted to defend his bestfriend, out of nowhere y/n appeared.
"you dont go calling people names and especially to tendou !" that sweet y/n was out, because of the anger building uo inside. "he's the most sweetest human being i've ever met and you dont know that. so, stop whatever youre doing right now! you think ushijima will accept you like this? please" y/n spat and took both boys' hand and proceeded to go the gym.
both boys were shocked over that and y/n words lingered in tendou's mind. 'does she really think of me like that? i mean, im just a monster that everyone avoided, ah must be because the girl clung onto ushijima, maybe she's jealous over that,' but what she did after they were at the gym caught him off guard
"let me see, are you hurt, satori? did that girl shoved you to hard?" y/n was genuinely worried and that shows, ofcourse she asked ushijima also after that but tendou was stuck because she really called him by his last name and it was music to his ears.
"y/n, i like you"
'wait, did ushiwaka just confessed? what?'
pt.2 coming right up
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gaylilfireball-blog · 6 years
Rant time (open for discussion if you want)
(Hey sheridan if you could just not read this thatd be great thanks)(but tbh i mean i cant stop you so🤷‍♀️)
Okay so yesterday i spent a better part of the day cuddling with this guy. Hes someone ive been friends with for almost a year and a half but its been a friendship mostly revolves around heloing each other through depression. Anyway last few months ive been working on actually making it a more thoughtful friendship bc he is genuinely a sweet guy.
About a week ago i hung out with him for the first time and we just walked around the mall being obnoxious teenagers and i walked with him to his apartment because he wanted to show it to me and i didnt want to make him walk by himself. Well then i was leaving and he ended up walking me back to my car at the mall. A few days after that we had planned to hang out again but this time at my house (wanted to meet the cats)
Like a day or two after that i kind of had a crisis and wasn't sure if i was developing feelings or not. I had a little crush but i wasnt sure if it was because i actually genuienly like him or if i was just latching on because he paid attention to me. He also has been pretty flirty for most of the time ive known him but its a small enough that it can still be considered friendly and him jusy being nice. I had asked about it previously and he mentioned that he tended to come across as flirty to a lot of people on accident. Anyway i did the ol' 20 questions thing and hinted out that there was a possibility of a crush but didn't mention anything after it
Hours later into the conversation he said that crush was mutual. I did make it fairly clear that i needed to figure out my jead and that i didnt know what was going on and that i wasnt promising anything. We continued the random q n a over the next day or two and it was a generally pretty open 20 questions. Didnt really not answer anything.
Well on the day he was coming over he planned to bring a movie (Rango) and i wanted to watch the black mirror movie so it was like already pre established we planmed to have casual movie day. We had both been keeping up the casual flirting and whatnot and like the night befire he had asked me if i wanted to cuddle as we watched movies. I did one of those like half answer things and basically did the "theoretically yes, realistically im anxious" but it was fine🤷‍♀️.
(I should probably preface with the fact that about 2 years ago i came out as pan rom and ace but like thats still very confusing bc honestly sexuality is hard? Ive dome some things that def werent ace and i enjoyed them kinda? More if the emotional aspect rather than any physical pleasure? But i still have very mixed feelings about said things so i dont even kmow anymore. Its kind of like i want to do and experience those things with another person (boy or girl) but like the thought if a dick kind of rly grosses me out and i dislike General nudity. So that aspect of my life is super wacky.)
(My first and only relationship was with a girl and it lasted about a year and 4 months. We lived pretty far away from each other (like a 30 min drive which was a lot bc neither of us amhad our license at the time) but we had been best friends for years prior. We did practice on the same team 12-16 hours a week together but we werent able to actually be a couple at the gym. Anyway we were already pretty close and comfortable with each other and it became like that physically as well. However i was very conflicted physically because i wanted the emotional bond that came with physical intimacy but the actual like pleasure aspect wasnt quite there. In the moment it was generally fine and enjoyable but ive never really understood like the big deal kind of? And afterwards it was kind of uncomfortable to think about so i mostly just ignored it. I also think i allowed myself to go too fast bc we knew each other really well but not necessarily in the relationship aspect. So we had been dating for 3 months maybe but i would have only seen her outside of practice like 4 times? I domt know im just kimd of scared of doing that again)
But anyway back to my story. Yesterday the boy camw to my house and it was pretty casual playing uno and joking around with each other. We started watching rango and were sitting on two pieces of a sectional together but not really together id you know what i mean. It was more of like separate cushions and i was leaning up against the wall on a pillow but our legs were touching. (He totally thought at one point he was playing footsie with me but it actually my shin. That was pretty hilarious) He also made a terrible joke "why are you using that pillow when theres a 6'2" one right here" (yes he is tall boy but i am tall girl so its fine) (i didnt take him up on the offer either.)
We had later moved to my bed to watch black mirror on my phone and were laying on our stomachs side by side. Totally ended up pressed together along oir sides and he was playing with my feet but it was warm and nice but goodness i was nervous. There was so much like tension.
I ended up flipping onto my back (bc i can only lay on my front for so long befire my shoulders and arms absolutely die) and told him he could do whatever but that i was laying on my back. He took that as an invitation to cuddle on me (it kind of was ) and thank god bc i was losing my mind. It just started out with his head on my shoulder/chest but as we got more comfortable his arm was around me and i was leaning into him.
Anyway(how amny times do you think ima say this lord) it was real nice and all but what inspired this rant was that i wish id like participated more in cuddling or like done something more with it. But then again im also like noooo dont go too fast calm doooown.
I also have the problem of like not being completely attracted to him. More of emotionally attracted but maybe im alao just attracted to the idea of him and i really could put anybody in that place? But he keeps fishing for compliments and its rly hard bc im not one to be untruthful but i look at hom and its just ?? I dont know. Thinking back to my ex girlfriend i never particularily found her attractive until we agreed there was mutual feelings and right before we dtarted dating? Then she basically became the light of my life and was perfect in my eyes. Kind of hoping that happens with this boy but i dont know.
I really just dont wanna like get his hopes uo and like keep it going that hey i like you and thrn jist kind of throw it all away later? But i also really love this whole like casual awkward flirting and im desparate for cuddles in my life. But it could also just be with anyone and i feel terrible for it.
So yeah what do??
Also thanks for actually reading through this clusterfluff mess of writing. Gosh this actually could be like a fanfic i wrote wow. Idk feel free to leave your thoughts ig. Do you want you want😂🤷‍♀️🙃
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