malcolmbrights-a · 5 years
ship meme ray x claudia
where was their first date ?: their first date was surprisingly really cute? like i know their meeting was essentially a meet-ugly, instead of a meet-cute, since they they didn’t like each other so much. but since they ended up becoming close friends, and claudia ends up writing to him while he’s overseas, after a while raymond ends up asking her out. it’s after he gives her her first kiss and she’s so fucking shocked, but in like, the best way ever. because she never assumed he liked her and probably assumed dayting just wasn’t his thing. also when she’s younger she doesn’t want a boyfriend, not really, but then when raymond asks her if she wants to date him, they end up going for dinner and then to play laser tag and they had fun. it was during the springtime because i love the idea of them going to the park often before that. because i feel liek the park is ‘their’ place, you know? so before their first date, in a way, they had lots of friend dates.
what my muse would do to cheer your’s up: claudia makes a lot of stupid as fuck jokes to make raymond laugh when he’s feeling down. like she has no idea what he went through overseas and she knows shit all about the assassin stuff because she doesn’t know he’s an assassin. but she does know how debilitating ptsd can be so she’d want to make sure that he was fine, so she’d make him smile, she’d hold him, she’d make him his favorite foods. she’d also talk to him about nothing and everything just so he can have the company. and i feel like he returns the favor when her bipolar is acting up. because they are just really supportive and helpful with each other when it comes helping each other with their mental health issues. 
who wakes the other up with kisses ( and where ) ?: raymond for sure. at first claudia was surprised by it cause he doesn't come off as a romantic at all. so when was asleep, and got woken up with kisses, she giggled and told him to stop being a fucking sap, even though she was super into it. i think at some point, when she wakes up earlier than him, she'll wake him up with kisses too. Or she'll fucking jump on him and straddle him, put her forehead to his and be like "wake up, raymond, darling…" lol 
who would pour water on the other to wake them up ?: claudia sksksk he would've had to do something to piss her off the day before for her to resort to childish behavior like. i can't think of what the thing is on the top of my head, but it'd be bad. maybe it's the day after she finds out he's a vigilqnte murderer in the verse where he is and she isn't.
how my muse would wake your’s up: i said above, with kisses or by pouncing on him. but on days where she's behaving, she'll wake him up gently by getting on top of him to nuzzle him awake. he usually smirks while she does it and will try to keep from laughing. and when he does end up laughing, he'll give her lots of mouth kisses and turn her on her back so her can kiss her more.
who would start a food fight while baking or cooking ?: claudia. she's a bit childish at times and has a playful sense of humor whenever she's not working. her and raymond would be in the kitchen baking because that what claudia does after retiring from the fbi. then claudia gets this wild idea to put icing on his nose, kiss it, and then ray puts a handful on her cheek and it turns into an all out war that ends with a huge mess and them laughing so hard that they both cry. and rory eventually walks in to see what the commotion is all about sees, the message and just leaves. HES NOT HELPING CLEAN THAT SHIT UP. NO THANK BRUH
who would suggest putting marijuana in the brownies ?: oh god claudia, but only for her and group of lady friends cause raymond is a former addict. 
who said i love you first and how ( or when ) did they say it ?: claudia says it first, surprisingly. the two of them are in his room, listening to some music that ray likes, and she ends up resting her head against his shoulder. the reaches for his hand - albit awkwardly - and turns up to look at him. she ends up smiling because even though he’s a bit goofy looking to others, she thinks he’s really handsome and he looks even handsomer while he’s in thought while listening to music. he catches her staring, goes “what?” and she blurts out that she loves him. she’s so embarrassed when he doesn’t say it back immediately, and almost leaves his room so she doesn’t like get teary eyed. but before she can leave, ray grabs her by her elbow and pulls her down to him, giving her a soft kiss before telling her he loved and pulling her down to him. 
who would get into a physical altercation over the other ?: they both would fight for the other. like claudia will hear some bitch talking shit about ray and she’ll be ready to fucking pouce - man, woman, nonbinary - and the only person who can stop her will be raymond lmfao. she will be like so mad that anyone would even THINK to talk about her mans like that. like how could they do that - how? also ray doesn’t tolerate people talking shit about claudia either. so really people need to like keep their words to themselves when it comes to these chaotic dumbasses. 
who insists on purchasing a pet together ( and what kind of pet ) ?: lol claudia. raymond doesn’t like the idea because at the time they’re like in their early twenties with a baby, and adding more responsibility to what they already have could be too much for them. but claudia assures him that she can take care of a dog and rory. he kinda of doesn’t budge on it at first, but then claudia does puppy dog eyes and pouts all day about it. does that thing where she fake cries like a brat. and like he gives in because he can’t deal with it anymore. anyways, they get the dog and ends up being a mental health dog and he’s raymond’s best friend after that. like he prefers raymond to claudia and claudia is always so fucking butt-hurt about it. 
who is louder ( in and out of bed ) ?: claudia is louder in and out of bed oh lord. she honestly is such a noisy person in bed because she likes how she sounds and wants her partner to know that she’s enjoying herself. like if she’s not being noisy it’s either really emotional sex or like she’s not feeling it at all. there’s no inbetween when it comes to her tbh. like no inbetween at all. she just has no middle ground. raymond is quieter but more dominant and he actually makes some noises (like you said he does)
who takes more risks ( in and out of bed ) ?:  holyshit, miss claudia here of course. she goes about doing everything face first and always had. it has been her downfall time and time again, but it has also opened the world of new opportunities to her. i feel like in college, before raymond went overseas, that the two of them would do a lot of stupid impulsive shit like grafiti the street and steal candy from the store. go to strip clubs for the fun of it. follow people to parties when they don’t even know them. stuff like that, and they have a blast. when they’re older claudia takes more risks but like she’s not into partying of stealing or whatever. she’s fine with just living her life with ray. but ooooooooooooh in bed i feel like it’s ray. claudia didn’t have sex until she met ray so ray would have more experience than her. i remember you saying he’d show her new things, and tbh i love that because she’d be so excited to try them. and her favorite thing would be spankings because she thinks they’re so damn exciting. like the rush she gets - how ray talks to her when she gets them. like it’s the biggest turn on ever for her. 
who would bring up the word ‘daddy’ first ?: none of them. like claudia wants to fight when guys tell her to call them daddy, and i’m pretty sure raymond thinks it’s gross lmfao. but you did say he called her ‘baby’ when he wanted to calm her down or when they were in bed together. she’s like in love with him using that as a pet name and it really makes her feel loved and wanted in and out of the bedroom. like wow he cares enough about her to have a special name for her. god that does things to her. both sexy and affectionate things. ahhhh
what is their shared, favourite kink ?: they’re both into light bdsm so i’d say their shared kink is their shared kink is basically sex games where you’re fucked silly but you  can’t orgasm unless you’re told to do so. or where you can’t touch unless you’re told to. or when you can’t touch yourself unless you’re told to. stuff like that. or just you know, not being able to do what you want unless you’re told. and since they’re both switches, sometimes claudia will be the dominant one, while other times it’ll be raymond. so they get their thrills from sex because it’s never just the same thing, you know? it’s always different. even when it’s similar to how they’ve done it before because they shake things up.
describe their typical kiss: their typical kiss is surprisingly really soft and not rushed? like you’d expect them to have these gross, over the top passionate kisses, but that’s just not how things go. these two, contrary to everyone’s beliefs, are really soft for each other and love each other very very much. like they’re always trying to do things to show they care for each other and it makes me so fucking emo dude. 
how my muse shows their love for your’s: god, she shows her love for him through acts of service and general affection. like she will cook meals for him and make him coffee just because she loves him and wants him to know that. and she’s always surprised that on days where she’s not the one showing love through acts of service, he’s the one doing it. so she shows him by doing little things for him. like she’ll help him shave his chin, her face really close to his so that it’s really sensual and so that she can really focus, and he always seems both into it and grateful. and later on he’ll draw a bath for her or whatever. It’s basically a back and forth where they take turns showing each other love in various ways.
their favourite ways to give affection: god before raymond claudia just would not kiss or hold hands (family not incestious just like cheek kissus, you know?) with anyone who wasn’t family. like she refused to kiss them or touch them or anyway. sure she was seeing a lot of people at the same time and just wanted to have her fun and the enjoy the company of others, but it always bit her in the ass when she didn’t want to give her company affection or sex, cause suddenly they didn’t want her anymore. raymond wants to be around her in the beginning even when they don’t kiss or hold hands though, but that’s because he’s usually not one to kiss and hold hands, so it’s like, you know mutual. and when he first kisses her she’s so shook that she’s not fucking repulsed by it and just wants to kiss him again, and when they’re not kissing, she thinks about kissing him again. and it’s just so goddamn girl with a crush on a bad boy lmfao. but anyway, she shows her affection with kisses and hand holding and that’s wild to me bruh
who is more dominate ?: they’re both pretty dominant, but for the most part it’s raymond. i feel like a lot of people would be surprised by that since he’s so goddamn soft spoken and claudia is so goddamn loud both with her body language and in general,  but no, he’s the dominant one for the most part and claudia lets him be. like honestly, she prefers him to be if i’m gonna be honest. she likes the feeling of letting go and not being in charge for a moment in her life. it feels really fucking good just to break free from it all and just let someone else have control for a little while. 
who sings in the shower ?: claudia because she likes to hear herself own voice and has always been that way because she thinks she’s god’s gift to mankind. her voice is great tho not gonna lie. like it’s really crisp and beautiful. however she is the type who forgets the lyrics to songs so she sings the wrong lyrics. i feel like it would annoy the shit outta raymond with other people when she sang in the shower or when they were in the car together, but when it’s claudia doing it he finds it endearing. but like, i could be wrong. i have no idea what raymond would think cause i know he is easily annoyed by certain things
who washes the other’s hair in the shower ?: raymond washes claudia’s hair and claudia just melts into his touch, arching her back and loosening her body. it always feels really good to her. to the point where she lets out little satisfied hums that she just can’t help but to release. eventually, she does end up returning the favor and washing his hair - even though he doesn’t have much - because these two are all about taking turns with each other. but it ends up with them having a soap war cause claudia is chaotic as fuck haha. like she be that way
who initiates shower sex despite being in a rush ?: raymond, and claudia is like “bruh, i have to go to work - stop and behave” and he grabs her ass and she just gives in, even though she was gonna give in anyways. like she loves being groped by him and always has liked being groped by him. it is so fun and exciting to her and makes her feel like he’s really into her body - not that she assumed otherwise cause she thinks she’s a goddess - and she loves that because it makes her feel powerful to know her spouse is fucking in love with her body. like ha wow
who teases the other under the table at dinner with the family ?:  claudia but only at dinners with her mother because she doesn’t respect that woman and she makes her anxious. so for some reason that makes her want to bone raymond. it’s probably surprising to him every time because he just fucking gets jumped as soon as they’re alone in the house and has no idea where to go with it because he doesn’t want her to regret jumping him later. but eventually, as time goes on and she does this shit over and over again throughout the years, he starts to see that she isn’t really gonna be upset after they have sex because it’s a form of stress relief when they’re visiting her families manor.
who has the weirder taste in music ?: i’d say claudia since you said ray mostly listens to 70s rock and roll. meanwhile claudia will listen to trashy country, trashy pop, or the worst trap music ever made. she doesn’t give a fuck. music is music and it nearly always makes her feel better. on days where she feels bad she will listen to a few random songs that are upbeat and suddenly her life is much better and she’s the happiest girl in the world. like it’s temporary, but it’s enough for her to be satisfied with her mood for a little while.
who would initiate dancing in the rain ?: claudia because she just enjoys the idea of it. she loves copying what she sees in the movies and i bet she saw something that made her do it. raymond gave her an odd look when she asked, but since it’s ray, he did it anyways, and ended up having a blast. i think as an anniversary gift to themselves, if it’s raining they’ll dance in it. and if it’s not, the two of them will dance in the sprinklers cause they’re fucking secretly saps. SECRETLY. Okay, not so secretly. Everyone knows how gross they are by that point. They both went from ‘don’t touch me’ to always holding onto the other always and i think it confused the shit out of the few friends that they shared between them. 
who would be the one to suggest marriage ?: raymond. claudia wasn’t sure if she wanted to get married. she really liked the thought, especially, since she was pregnant with rory before they got married, but she never expected them to actually get married because ray had talked shit about marriage to her in the past. but then, one day, she was going through a bag he’d left on the ground and she found her ring while he was standing behind her and instead of saying sorry, that bitch screamed and said yes. that fool could’ve been holding a ring for a friend, but claudia didn’t give a fuck, they were getting married now. but the ring was for her so yeah. 
what would they name their children ?: oh clyde and joyce!
who would their children take after more ?: joyce is more raymond, rory is more claudia.
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mrsbrucewayne-a · 5 years
shesuperlit is now mskaspbrak
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icyblack--- · 6 years
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malcolmbrights-a · 5 years
[ 📞 ] ‘ something happened. ’ / raymond&claudia
Title: Just One FixWho: Claudia Daviau & Raymond HaleRating: PG-13Notes: Raymond calls Claudia because something is wrong. She thinks he’s slipped on his addiction to alcohol and drugs. when in actuality, he’s shaken by a hit he’s done that she’s unaware of. TW: mentions addiction 
Adjusting her vision to the blur of the dark, Claudia yawns and paws her bedside table for her glasses. She’s a bit surprised to get a call so late, and when she reads the bright screen with blinking letters that say “Ray”, she’s both surprised and worried. After all, Raymond never calls her this late when he’s working after hours because he knows how hard it is for her to fall asleep. She’s always been something of an insomniac. Any small amount of sleep is good sleep. So immediately she knows something is wrong - no, that something has to be wrong. She’s not one to panic however, so there is no big scene of emotion from her, nor any demanding tone that asks him to speak up on her part. She acts practical, takes a deep breath, and makes the effort to speak before he does. “Why are you calling so late and being so weird?” she asks him, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. “By now you would’ve greeted me, or asked me how the kids are.” 
There’s a shuffling noise in the background and she hears the click of a cigarette lighter. This is another sign that something isn’t right, because Ray hasn’t smoked in years. His sponsor says that smoking could be a gateway to other addictive substances, and Ray’s always been one to avoid the things that take him back to a time where he wasn’t his best self. She wants to ask him questions, ask if he’s okay, but before she does that, he finally speaks. “Something h-happened,” he says in a way that makes her question whether or not he’s willing to tell her what. 
“What happened?” she asks calmly, though she could feel her throat dry and her pulse hasten. Something is wrong and she prefers to find out before whatever it is spirals into something worse than it already is. “Do you need me to pick you up from wherever you are? Do I need to call you an Uber?” She can go on and on and on, but she chooses not to. In the past, she’s been told not to pry and that his decisions are his own. If he wants to do something he will do them, just as she will do whatever she chooses she will as well. She might try and help move the direction of a choice or talk him out of it, and he her, but in the end, it is always his choice. So even if this could be dangerous or something awful, she respects that he’s venting to her instead of keeping it a secret from her entirely. 
The sound of a sigh comes through his side of the phone. “I can’t tell you. It’s...not great. But I needed to hear your voice. It always makes me feel better.” She hears him take a drag of his cigarette and exhale. Then he talks again. “Part of it is about the smoking - I started that again. The other part, I’ll tell you eventually. I just - I can’t right now.” There’s a cough from him. 
“Why not?” she asks, even though she told herself earlier that she respects his secrets and choices. “Why would you call and worry me if you’re not going to tell me? And when you say awful, do you mean drugs -- cheating?” 
He scoff, insulted. “I’m not a cheater, and I haven’t done drugs in a long time - though I guess the adrenaline I get from this could be considered one. But uuuuh, please, just please don’t ask about it anymore. I’ll tell you. Just, please, tell me about your day, baby.” 
She sighs, and then begins to ramble off. “So…” 
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malcolmbrights-a · 5 years
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malcolmbrights-a · 5 years
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malcolmbrights-a · 5 years
Mutuals send me a ❤️ & I’ll compliment you. @shesuperlit
vaaaaaaaaaaaaan! ma’am! miss! goddess! mr raymond hale is one of the most developed and interesting characters i’ve ever gotten the privilege to write with. like the detail you put into his backstory and personality have me so shook and only make me want to work harder on developing some of my lesser developed characters. i also love freya & eric & wyatt though and can’t wait to know them more over time! they already amuse me from the little i know about them! but you are truly fucking hilarious and your headcanons are always really fucking eloquent and make me feel like a dumbass. SO UHM LIKE WOW. thanks for being dope af & i fucking love your crackship images. they are ICONIC 
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malcolmbrights-a · 5 years
52      crying, sharing emotions, comforting each other
her whole body shakes as he holds her and she falls apart. to delphine this is the worst thing ever. she doesn’t like to cry in front of anyone, let alone ugly cry, but she’s so fucking tired of trying not to kill people and ending up killing someone anyways. she wants so badly to be away from the life of an assassin and wants more than anything to enjoy her daughters and her job. but it’s so fucking hard to do that when her brother is asking for her to take on hits for him because Irena is too ill to do them for him. and since this is her family, and not some random agency, she feels like she can’t say no. delphine is pretty sure she has to say yes to it. “i’m sorry if this is fucking weird. i’m just having a really really hard time keeping my word to you. i know i said i wouldn’t kill anyone, but it’s kinda who am i. i have to do it if i want my family’s name to continue to be known in elite circles,” she says into his neck, clinging to him for dear life. “as much as i want to tell everyone to fuck off, i just can’t do that, eric. i can’t - if we hire anyone else, they’ll fuck everything up. it’s me always. i have to do this and you have to accept that this is who i am.” even though it wasn’t really who she wanted to be, not really. she wanted to live a lavish life with her family and retire. no more killing bullshit. 
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malcolmbrights-a · 5 years
Holy shit, holy shit, holy fucking shit. This is all happening so fucking fast, but she knows, more than anything in the world that she sees Wyatt as more than a friend. It’s a crazy as fuck realization that she probably should’ve noticed the day she caught herself drooling over Wyatt while Wyatt painted her nails on the sofa, her blonde hair falling down in her face, just letting Sid see a small peek of her face. She should’ve probably even known way before then, too. But it’s only become a clear realization once Wyatt tells her that she wants them to be more than friends while she’s seated in the car with her. She had to turn the music down and ask her to repeat herself because it honestly made no sense to her. But then Wyatt says it again, and holy shit, holy shit, holy fucking shit, she knows that she wants to be more with her. Wants to fucking love her. Wow. 
“I want more, my gal. I’ve wanted more for a while, but I swear to fucking God, I always assumed you were straight. It never once, ever occur to me that you liked babes,” Sidney admits, laughing confidently at her own words. “So dude, I’m totally surprised. In a great way - surprised - but surprised, nonetheless.” She isn’t sure of what to do. Should she reach for her hand. Kiss her? She is confused as fuck. Something that makes no sense since miss Ahmed here is a real lady killer. “I want more. I want the world. Let’s fucking do this. I’m ready as soon as you are. First date, babes - name it - we go on it.” 
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malcolmbrights-a · 5 years
You should’ve told me.” / “You want to do what?” / eric & delphine
““You want to do what?”
In order to get her way, Delphine sits on his lap and holds his chin in her hand, looking deep into his soul. She knows that what she wants is crazy and totally out of nowhere, but she has a reason for it. both her husband and her children aren't safe here in this home with all the goings-on happening with her father’s agency. so until Delphine figures who wants to hurt her, she thinks it's a good idea to take them on a trip. Eric, being wise, likely knows that there's a reason behind it, but at this point, he knows it's useless to ask...so he doesn’t. "I said, we should take a trip to Disney Paris, and you and my four girls can stay at my sister's house. I'm sure you’ll all have fun and make memories. I hear everyone should go at least once in their life," she speaks casually,  stroking his face. "Why not now?"
You should've told me
“Should’ve told you I’m an assassin?” Delphine scoffs at that and takes a step back. He is part of the CIA and therefore probably could betray her at any moment. While they are in a relationship that is real to her, he probably thinks that her not telling him about her job is her way of lying to him about how she feels and that her love for him is a trap of some sort. That is not the case and she wants him to know that - he needs to know that, really. “You would’ve sent me right to prison without hesitation.” She analyzes him, curious about his response. He is very still, observing her with what she sees as a new perspective. “Prison is for ugly people, by the way. So of course, I couldn’t tell you.” 
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malcolmbrights-a · 5 years
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i’m awful at these, but i wanted to show my love to the people who write with me in some sort of way since i appreciate you guys so so much. i hope in the new year everyone has a great year and that you get lucky in some shape or form, and that sadness hits you a little less hard. LOVE YOU ALL!!!
people i write with:
i love you so so so so much!!!!!!!!!!! i am so glad that we’ve been friends for so long!!!!!!!!!! i honestly would’ve never been the person i am today without some of your positive influence!!!!!!! like the fact that i’m so open about being a lesbian now is because of you and i’m so thankful that you gave me the power of self love because of that!!!!!! anyways, i love all of your characters and i’m so happy that i get to interact with them and get to read your writing because you are so fucking talented. have a happy new year sis!
we’ve been talking for years and i’m so appreciative of you and our friendship!!! it makes me so glad to know that we met in a random ass roleplay years ago and we still talk after all of these years. i love you and i love how brillian you are. like some of the stuff you talk about makes me feel dumb because you are crazy smart but i learn so much from you too. headcanoning with you and discussing ships and characters has truly been a gift and  i’m so glad that you still do it with me. have a happy new year boo!
i’m pretty sure i have more plots with you than i have with anyone else lmfao. so that should say how much i love writing and headcanoning with you. you honestly light up my life kayla and are truly one of the sweetest, most brillian people i’ve ever met. next ever change. i hope that going into the new year that life treats you well and that you have a good one!!! but omg all of your characters are so fucking developed and i love that you give me monster headcanons and are patient with my dumb of ass
i’ve only known you for a year but i love you so fucking much girl! you’re always making me laugh and you always have something interesting to say. like you truly are the queen of taking my cursed plots and making them more awesome with your brilliant as fuck ideas. the way your brain works when it comes to visuals has honestly helped me imagine things so much better and has helped make roleplay fun for me again. here’s hoping for a happy new year to you and a good year for our friendship! 
lol me and you always come back to each other even when we disappear and our ships are like some of the longest running ships i’ve ever had. i love our babies but i love you even more and i’m so blessed that we met each other all those years ago on that stupid ass forum where we both were young and had no idea how to write. 
tee, the tea is that i love you and you’re my girl. i love sending you things that will traumatize you but i mostly send them because i know deep down they will make you laugh and i love the idea of you laughing, soooooo. but yeah, i hope you have a happy new year! i love you and your characters and you mean so much to me!
faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyeee. you are my best forum friend!!! i’m so happy you reached out to plot with me 2 (or was it 3 years ago) on ignite because you have quickly became a best friend to me. i love you so fucking much and our threads and comms are always super fucking exciting to me. thanks for humoring me all the time and telling me about your life. i love hearing about it. and i love you. happy new year!
ma’am! i must confess that i love everything you have ever produced and i see you as writing god soooooo uhm, yes. thanks for sharing your characters with me and like making me laugh my ass off with our ridiculous headcanon scenes and threads. and tbh making me laugh as  a whole jkfhskjdhsf have a happy new year!!!!!!!!!
omg omg omg i’ve basically known you ages and have followed you for ages but haven’t really spoken to you until now? like i’m surprised since we had the og brotp maura x mia but like we never really talked. you were always liking and commenting on my self threads and that always made me feel really good tho, so thanks. and i’m glad we talk now because you’re cool and have such brilliant characters and ideas and i’m so glad that i’m getting to know them! happy new year!
lmfao we’ve only known each other a few months but honestly i love talking to you. like sure we both started talking because we were obsessed with the clown movie and richie tozier but now i’ve noticed we have more in common and i think that’s pretty fucking neat. i am so happy that we have so many plots together and can’t wait to plot more with you. BUT REMEMBER, PENNY THIGHS THE ASS CLAPPING CLOWN ;) wonk djfhdjksfs
grimm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! uhm, hello grimm!!!!!!!!!!! everytime we talk i always get so much out of you. we don’t talk too much but i know so fucking much about georgia and victoria due to what you’ve told me and i love them and our ships so much. you can tell you put a lot of thought into them and your work and it makes me honored to write with you. also also also our ooc conversations are fucking awesome always. so there’s that too. lots of love and happy new year!
honestly, jess!!! i am so fucking thankful that you write with me because you are truly such a fantastic writer!!! i feel like every thread we have together i learn something new and i’m in awe of everything you do and every character i’ve gotten to write with!!!  i’m so fucking happy that we talk, whether it’s about ooc things or ic things. and i’m so happy that you’re patient with me because sometimes i am so slow. but i hope that the new year is good for you and i can’t wait to write with you in this new year and maybe grow closer to you as a friend!
THE QUEEN OF BEAUTIFUL HEADCANONS. seriously, it is so hard to find people who headcanon as much as i do, but i found you and it was like recieving the best birthday gift ever. xD i love our girls and i love that you headcanon with me because you can tell you put so much work into abigail. also i think you’re just pretty cool as a whole, so i hope that our friendship can develop in the new future and that we can add some extra muses to our roster. but omg happy new year, queen!
abby you are such a sweetheart and i’m so happy to have known you. you are such a talented writer and every time you post a response to one of our threads, i’m like “!!!!” because your responses are always so good. i also enjoy hearing from you whenever you message me because you always have something interesting to say. oh and you share my love of ladies loving ladies so i’m like aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah. happy new years!! i hope our friendship flourishes in the new year!
uhm hello adrian! ameezing, bad bitch adrian! hope you have a happy new year and i hope it treats you well. i feel like everytime we’ve spoken it’s been an absolute treat and i’m so fucking happy that you’re patient with me even though i can sometimes be a goddamn slowpoke. but holy shit. i love all of your characters so much. they are all differenet and all have lots of depth, so i’m happy that you let them interact with my muses. and i’m happy for any conversations that we have!
we don’t talk because i’m a shy dumbass who’s a bit intimidated by you because you seem cool and i’m dumb of ass. but you are such a good writer! i love our little ship thing with claudia and holly! their relationship is refreshing and it’s interesting to see where it goes. have a happy new year!!
i don’t even know if you’re around anymore, but honestly, headcanoning with you was truly one of the best headcanoning experiences ever. like you know so much about your boys and any scenario i threw at you you threw something cool back at me and i was so in awe of it. our ooc conversations were cool too and i’m so happy that we got to talk in general because you seem great!
angie, we’ve been talking for ages. i love our ships and i love you even more. we might not talk as much as we used to but i’m so thankful to have met you and i feel like you’ve made some of my rather boring years a lot of fun. so thank you for being my pal and happy new year!!
we haven’t known each other too long but you are talented and lovely and yeeeeeeeeeeeah we have a lot of plots already because we vibe so well. have a good year and i hope we continue being friends and developing our boos!
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malcolmbrights-a · 5 years
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@leiaskywclker (the icon, the light!) sent me a meme to describe myself in 9 photos on my camera roll.
i'm tagging: @yagirlbrit-writes @coolgirlwrites @shutuprhian @leftlipstick @fayelistic @undermyanumbrella @lostghoul @shesuperlit @bvckywrites @theycallmeloveless @nastyevilgirl & anyone else who wants to do it
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malcolmbrights-a · 5 years
Send me a ♪ and I’ll write a drabble for our characters based on whatever song comes up on shuffle. (you didn’t specify, so i just chose) 
I asked about his family, did you see his answer?
His hands started fidgeting, he looked askance?
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There is something he's hiding from everyone. Claudia picks up on it one day when they're at a coffee shop - him having tea, her coffee with way too much cream and sugar; diabetes waiting to happen - and a news alert comes on about "The Surgeon". His breathing begins to shallow, she notices from the slow way his chest moves, and he seems to dissociate while his hand twitches. She has no idea why he's triggered by this news alert since he's usually interested in murder and what makes someone pull such heinous crimes. Questions about nature and nurture coming up between them with enthusiasm. So his reaction is confusing, and while she's not super empathetic, somewhat upsetting. 
"Mal? Mal?" She repeats in a soft voice, watching as his body begins to fall out of his seat and onto the floor. She gets beside him, asks if he's okay, and of course, of course, he compartmentalizes whatever just happens and brushes it off. Sighing, his hand on her shoulder.
"I'm fine. I haven't eaten anything all day. I think that's what happened," he tells her, calmly, his eyes huge as he tries to get up and fails. She helps him up to the booth and he looks a bit better and less pale. "What was the question you asked?" 
She no longer wants to talk. She thinks Malcolm should go home and relax. But since he wants to talk, she will talk with him. "Your family. I brought up mine to you - or rather,  you read me for filth," she says a bit bitterly. He had known about Munchausen's by proxy and how her mother used to poison her as a child. He picked up on it due to something with her body and how she reacted when she said she was going to meet her mother at a party in Annapolis. She always kept that part hidden from everyone, but he knew and bluntly told her so. "But it's fine. You don't have to answer."
He looks into her eyes and his hand begins to shake again, making her think she struck a nerve. "The surgeon is my father," he tells her shakey, no longer making eye-contact.
Claudia's eyebrows raise and she's quiet for a moment. "Is that why Collette hates you so much? Your connection with Martin Whitley?"
He shakes his head, hand no longer shaking. "No, I think she hates me because my methods are unconventional." And stupid at times, she wants to say, but she doesn't. 
"That's an interesting word for it. But, you know, hearing that makes a lot of sense. You sometimes seem lost? Like you're in a whole different plane of existence." 
He looks away again, taking a sip of his tea. "Did you find anything out about the Johnson case?" He asks, changing the subject. She knows better than to pressure him, so she ends up talking to him about what she knows about the case. There is no more mention of his father, but she's curious, considering the Whitely case is what got her interested in true crime in the first place. 
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malcolmbrights-a · 5 years
@shesuperlit SOPHIA lkjsdlkfjsdlkjflksdjlkfsdlkfslkdf 
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malcolmbrights-a · 5 years
‘ you sure slept in late. | claudia x raymond @shesuperlit
Her arms stretch over her head as she takes in a deep breath and lets out a small, yet satisfied noise as she releases her breath. Last night was the first night she’s ever stayed at Raymond’s and it had been a pretty nice night, surprisingly. He wasn’t gross towards her or anything like the men she was typically used to. Usually, men, when she spent time at their house, would put the moves on her to try to sleep with her or would attempt to get handsy, but not once did Raymond try anything with her.  The whole night he had been nothing but a gentleman towards her - giving her space in the kitchen while they cooked dinner, along with space on the sofa when they sat together on the sofa. He also let her sleep in his bed while he slept on the floor, the two of them chatting with each other for hours until Claudia knocked out, not once even suggesting anything that would make Claudia uncomfortable. 
When she made the decision to spend the night, she thought things would be a bit weird between them following their kiss and their first date, but it wasn’t at all. They seemed to act like none of that ever happened - minus a few longing glances and moments where their hands would brush against the other’s while they walked past each other while cooking in his small kitchen - and kept on talking like they spoke before, teasing each other relentlessly with their words, while also managing to have deep conversations about their lives that they probably wouldn’t have had with anyone else had they been asked before. Claudia had enjoyed her night with him. And when she got out of bed, and walks towards the kitchen, she begins to think that she’ll like her morning with him, too. 
‘ you sure slept in late.’ he tells her, as he pours her a cup of coffee and puts a plate of eggs and bacon in the microwave. He is in a white shirt and sweatpants, and his ears are too big, but she thinks he’s handsome all the same. She wants to tell him so, but she thinks that might be weird, and she’d prefer things not to be weird between them since she wants to keep this a good day, opposed to an awkward one. 
With a moon-sized grin, she shrugs her shoulders and goes to sit down at his table. “I did, huh?” she looks at the table and notices it’s two pm. “I think it’s cause your bed was comfortable as fuck, and also because you fed me waaaay too much last night.” she laughs. “Annnnnd because the conversation we had last night before bed was really long. So, uhm, you really fucking exhausted me, Ray.” 
He’s the one laughing now. “At least it was a good night, right?” he asks, putting the coffee in front of her.
“Hell, yeah it was a GREAT night,” she replies to him, picking up the coffee to take a sip. “A fucking great night, man. We should totally do it again sometime.” And she means it, too. She wants to spend time with him more, wants to get to know him, cause to her surprise, she really likes him. She likes him quite a lot. Somehow, sometime, this grumpy bastard managed to steal her heart.  
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malcolmbrights-a · 5 years
“I dreamt about you last night.” @shesuperlit​​  [Delphine x Eric]
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 Delphine relaxes her chin over her crossed wrists as she smiles down at Eric from the top of the bed. Eric is settled on the ground, reaching forward to touch her arms. He has a big, dorky grin on his face and his eyes are bright with what she assumes to be either excitement or love. She wonders if this is expression is because of her, or if it’s because he’s had a great day at work, but she doesn’t ask. There’s a part of her that wants to and should, but she avoids it, and just keeps the mood light, in a way happy to think that ‘of course’ he’s smiling that way because of her. She is the most amazing woman on the planet, any man dating her should worship the ground she walks on. 
Thinking about that, she purses her lips and holds back a smile herself. To her surprise, after that, he opens his mouth to speak.“I dreamt about you last night,” he says, adjusting himself to lean on his elbow so he can look up at her properly and take a sip of his wine. 
“Oh, really?” she teases, adjusting herself to lean her head over the bed in a way that was not sexy at all, and in a way, is rather childish. This way she can see him better, and she likes how her hair falls down like a waterfall. The way her head is tilted just over the edge though makes her think that would cause him to roll his eyes. 
But no, the stupid grin stays and he reaches up to run his fingers through the golden blonde hair that was dangling down. “Yes, I dreamt of you. You and I were slow dancing to ‘the way you look tonight’ and you were all in a white v-neck dress with long sleeves. You looked beautiful.” He reaches up further to stroke her chin. “But you said you had a secret and were really worried about telling me what it was.” 
Delphine lets out a laugh that turns into hysterical laughter that her rolling on her back and holding her stomach. She cannot see Eric at the moment, but she knows that he probably doesn’t understand what’s funny. He is aware that she’s an odd person though, so she’s pretty sure that’s why she doesn’t hear him say anything to her about why she’s laughing so hard at something serious he’s just told her. And when she calms down and gets back into the position she was in earlier, she isn’t surprised to see him looking less than unimpressed with her. 
“I don’t think you’re keeping any secrets from me, Fee - but if you are, feel free to open up to me. I promise I will never judge you.” His voice is sincere when he says this and Delphine instantly believes him. She always does because he is always genuine about what he says and hasn’t lied to her just yet. The thing is, she can’t tell him she’s an assassin, and she thinks that he would - in fact - judge her if she told him. 
So instead of being honest with him, she smirks down at him and says. “I know. You have nothing but the truth from me, Er. I told you about and let you meet my girls, for crying out loud. If I had a secret I would’ve told you.” She sounds confident. Swallowing though, she can’t help but feel a little guilty. But with it being Delphine, that feeling of defeat doesn’t last for long at all. 
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