bryonyashaw · 3 years
So voting for local elections probably isn't newsworthy but for me I feel it's always a teachable moment to my children especially when it comes to females voting. As I've mentioned before about the suffragettes and their fight for Women to have the right to vote I feel it's a way to honour that fight by simply allowing my own opinion to be heard in a ballot box.
A suffragette was a member of activist women. The suffrage movement means right to vote. This movement belongs to the women and the poor people who have to fight for the participation in government. During the World War-1, the struggle for the right to vote got strengthened.
Now I'm 100% not into forcing my opinions on anyone, again as previously mentioned via lengthy Instagram stories, blog posts and Instagram posts I'm liberal minded and support people's decisions, beliefs and choices (as long as it in no way hurts others of course) I just feel it's important for my children to learn & respect the history as well as my daughters to know they have a choice.
5 reasons to vote:
1. Elections have consequences - You have the power to decide on the quality of life you want for yourself and future generations. Voting is your chance to stand up for the issues you care about like public transportation, raising minimum wage, or funding local schools.
2. Not voting is giving up your voice - Elections are decided by the people who go out & vote. Take some time and learn about the measures and the candidates. If you don’t vote, someone else will make the decision for you.
3. It's your money - Alot of people don’t know how their tax money is spent. Voting is your chance to choose how it is – such as funding for health care and social services.
4. Voting is an opportunity for change - Voting gives you that chance even though you think your vote doesn't count, it does. Support the candidates & ballot measures that can help your community, state, and even the nation for the greater good.
5. Our communities are made up of friends, loved ones, neighbors, and children. Some may not know how important voting is, while others don’t have the privilege. Make the decision to vote for yourself and those around you.
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coryyanes · 3 years
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Un 8 de marzo intenso y diferente, en esta ocasión con un reconocimiento a mi persona, por la trayectoria y labor realizada en pro de la igualdad. Agradecer al @iessanmarcos por haber pensado en mí para este proyecto “12 mujeres de tu entorno” Un proyecto transversal donde pudimos compartir espacios y entrevistas con el alumnado y profesorado del centro. Gracias, Gracias y Gracias!! Un placer poder compartir con estas pedazos de mujeres ICODENSES luchadoras y merecedoras de tal reconocimiento. Casi 22 años ya desde que formé parte del equipo redactor del Plan de igualdad del municipio de los Silos, Santiago del Teide, … empoderando a muchas mujeres en la isla, participando en proyectos tanto nacionales como internacionales. Después vinieron muchas otras batallas por las que reivindicar y desde distintos ámbitos como el político. Siempre con un objetivo claro “ la Igualdad” Me ha hecho mucha ilusión compartir mi experiencia y siempre encontrarán en mí la empatía y la voluntad necesaria para trabajar por el bienestar de las mujeres sin discriminación, en una sociedad de la igualdad de oportunidades donde todos/as/es sean iguales. Aún queda mucho por reivindicar y ahí estaré y estaremos, la clave es trabajar conjuntamente, la unión hace que se llegue más lejos. Trabajar por un feminismo antirracista, interseccional, Trans inclusivo,… porque todas cabemos. Este año mirando a las mujeres que sufren las consecuencias de la guerra. #ucrania🇺🇦 Gracias a todos/as lo que lo hicieron posible. En especial a Fernando, Ángeles, David, Noemi, al alumnado pieza clave y por los que realmente merece la pena esta exposición. No olvides visitar la exposición hasta el 14 de marzo, Casa de los Cáceres. Gracias!! #8demarzo #shethechange #iessanmarcos #icoddelosvinos #igualdad #feminismo #viviendovioleta #mujeres #mujeresinnovadoras #equidad #momentoscory #coryyanes #trabajandoporlaigualdad https://www.instagram.com/p/Ca3JlwsoytU/?utm_medium=tumblr
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@donna_mad_about_you 😘💓💓💓💓 #shethechange #loveyoubest #youdabomb #selflove #bemoreyou #alwaystrue #toself 👸🏽 👸🏾👸🏿👸🏻👸🏼👸 #curlspoppin 🙋🏾#curlygirlsrock #naturallyshesdope #chicagohairstylist #curlygirls #winning #graceandmercy
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shethechange-blog · 9 years
What it is
I care about cultivating a place to express my thoughts and feelings about what it means to be a woman today, and empowering the young women of tomorrow to change the world by changing the way the world views them.
The girl behind the site:
I am a University of Southern California graduate with double majors in Gender Studies and Communication. While at school I focused on studying gender representation in media, delving into the images and messages that kids receive from the programming they consume. In my spare time I was in a sorority, interned at ABC, Disney Channel and ABC Family, and was a member of WYSE, a curriculum based mentorship program, working with 8th grade girls at the nearby middle school.
After graduation I spent almost a year in the cut throat world of Hollywood talent agencies, worked in kids programming at a major kids TV network (all views and opinions expressed are my own) and spent a year as a personal assistant to a celebrity. I now work in "tech" and try to think big thoughts in my spare time. I got into the entertainment industry, and specifically kids programming, with the goal of creating quality shows that enforce positive body images, traits, and mental development for tween and teen girls. I started She The Change as an outlet for my thoughts on current events, zeitgeisty commentary and general cultural musings with the larger personal mission to reach girls who are on the cusp of self-discovery and development, working to educate and empower them through media literacy.
We all have the privilege to make a difference and change the world.
What will you do to She The Change?
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