dropthepace · 8 years
It was a strange sensation. He knew he was dead - the memory of his burning lungs still ached in his chest, like a flickering phantom reminder that his time here was now very much the epitome of impermanence. Still, he was there, and Charlie wasn't dumb. If he didn't need to be, for some reason or another, he wouldn't be. But what was it? Some divine purpose, or simply that the Island really was as John had thought all along? A magical mystery tour of weirdness.
The woman that had come into view was someone that he hadn't expected to see again. The only time before was on a tiny, grainy, screen...moments before his death. But he knew of her before that. She'd been the one Desmond had told him about - his girl, the woman that he loved. Charlie had felt bad, shutting the door so quickly, his friend realizing that it had been her on the screen... but if he hadn't, Desmond would have died too - and they both knew that it wasn't in the plans for him to. As bad as it had been, Charlie had done it to save him. To save everyone.
Hesitating for a moment, he tried to assess the best way about this, assuming that she was the one that he had come back to see. A little curly headed boy was by her side, and Charlie immediately felt a ping of guilt for leaving Aaron behind. While he wasn't biologically his son... Charlie drew in a breath.
Giving the woman a sort of half wave, Charlie stepped closer, never really knowing how these sort of things were going to go. Hopefully she wouldn't run from him like Hurley once had.
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eightfifteens · 8 years
☔ for des bc CUTE
Symbol Starters - ☔ for our muses to share an umbrella on a rainy day.
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The day had started out with a bright, hot sun blasting through the curtains. It was one of those cosy, lazy mornings where they both would wake a little early than usual despite the sun making it seem so late in the day and by the time they checked the time again it was somehow later. However it wasn’t a warm day, no, they wouldn’t be blessed with one of those until summer rolled around. The cool air had a frosty edge to it, so they bundled up in their coats before they set out to seize the rest of the sunny day, not evening daring to think that it could possibly rain even though it had been raining on and off for the past week.
It was Penny who had the umbrella, a small travel one she kept in her bag, which Desmond took to hold above their heads which just about covered the two of them - of course he held it over her head a little more than his, not bothered about a little rain, wanting her to be as dry as possible. It was light enough to stroll at first, but the shower began to get heavier causing them to begin to pick up the pace, like an unspoken hunt for shelter, their bodies bumping into each other at the close proximity, her arm joined with his.
 “Oi,” a smile tugged at his lips. “Stop hogging the umbrella, I’m getting soaked here!”
He wasn’t getting soaked at all but he couldn’t help but tease her.
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wickedmore-blog · 7 years
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undermycontrol-a · 8 years
shewhocanfindanyone replied to your post:does anyone else remember those days when everyone...
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togobcck-blog · 9 years
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                      ❛    It’s nice to FINALLY meet you,    Penny.    Ol’ Desmond over there wouldn’t STOP talking about how much he loved ya’ on that ISLAND.    ------    He’s lucky,    that’s for SURE.    ❜
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I’m melting because your muse is my muse’s home. Desmond makes Penny feel safe and warm and loved. As long as he’s with her, she feels like everything is going to be okay.
Your muse is my muse’s home!! He feels the same about her! She is everything good in his life. Honestly, I mean, they live on a little boat and he’s perfectly happy as long as she’s there! There isn’t a single thing he needs as long as he has her. 
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dcsmondhumes-blog · 9 years
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Penny + signs of love
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"Can you hear me?"
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“I’m just sick, Penny.No need to go all ‘mom’on me.”
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@shewhocanfindanyone / x
It was late. It was really late. It was late, and he’d been drinking a little. Or a lot. Either way, he’d found himself making the familiar walk to Penny’s apartment. The one he’d been too proud to move in to. Well, he can see where that pride had gotten him.
He didn’t really know why he was there, or why he was knocking on her door, surely waking her up. A moment passed, and he was going to leave. He was, again, going to give into cowardice and leave before she opened the door. But the door opened, and there she was. Tired, and beautiful, and Penny, but angry, too. She was upset with him. Of course she was. She should be.
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nevxrapart-blog · 9 years
                          ❛ Um,                    ma’am? ❜ She asked brightly, coming out of her house, putting                    the paperwork she was  working with  (devising  graphics  over                    the mineral productions within the island’s earth)  down by  the                    porch chairs.  I’m guessing that you’re new here,   just came to                    the island,  she said in a friendly tone,  pulling down her shorts,                    coming over to Penny.  ❛ If so,  namaste.  I’m Annie,  one of the                    geologists for Project DHARMA - I’ve just moved to the Island                    just three months ago. Want to grab a glass of lemonade? ❜                   &&. long overdue starter for the patient @shewhocanfindanyone ! ! !
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thxvariable-blog · 9 years
️⚡️ do u ship widcest jk jk
send me this thing
ew youre the worst
my first impression of your muse: oh god um, probably something like “wow shes hot” or WHO IS SHE, SHES SO MYSTERIOUS I NEED TO KNOW MORE. it was so long ago my first impression of you: I can’t even remember, probably just me screamingmy favorite thing about your muse: is it acceptable to say everythingmy favorite thing about you: that youre simultaneous hilarious and life ruining at the same timewould I ever consider shipping our muses: no thanks, im not boone. (but like platonically im so for)a plot I’d like to see between our muses: literally everything. penny setting dan up on blind dates, them hanging out, dan going to penny for baby/parenting/relationship advicean AU I think would be interesting for our muses: UM LIKE MAYBE PENNY AND DAN GROWING UP TOGETHER OR SOMETHING LIKE THAT
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my first impression of your muse: tv show wise: ‘everyone should bow down to penny’blog wise: ‘i was right. everyone does bow down to penny.’my first impression of you: a total sweetheart who has the mind of her characters down pat and we should all bow down to her as we do with penny.my favorite thing about your muse: her kindness and love for desmond. i mean she waited years for him to call and she trusted him enough that she waited that time and wasn’t disappointed like. her determination, kindness, and open heart are absolute amazingmy favorite thing about you: your ability to slay on CAH and the fact that you legitimately called yourself a ‘professional nessie wrangler’.would I ever consider shipping our muses: eh, it’s kind of on an ‘if it happens and it works, then let it happen’ sort of thinga plot I’d like to see between our muses & an AU I think would be interesting for our muses:(this involves several people and it works to combine both questions)so penny finds herself on flight 815, crashes on the island. she meets the castaways and somehow, penny and shannon become friends. boone and shannon survive their near-death experiences, penny and desmond meet each other again and perfection happens.following that, they lo and behold, meet dan. well, whatdya know, it’s a boraday thing because they meet and boom, instant chemistry and boone and dan are dating. so then, it leaves penny, desmond, and shannon to just comment and gossip about the cute couple - think crack!thread, but we try to make it work as cohesively as possible
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dcsmondhumes-blog · 9 years
( shewhocanfindanyone liked for a spoopy af starter )
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    ❝ D-did he just say he turned us into --     into VAMPIRES?! ❞
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Kate wasn’t even sure how this was happening. Things had just gotten so heated, in a good way, and the bruising had slipped her mind. Of course Penny would notice, and of course she would ask. Why wouldn’t she? Now she was sitting up with her back against the headboard, and the sheet wrapped firmly around her body and trying to stay as calm as possible. She ran her hands over her face as she became overwhelmed, trying not to crack under the pressure of the situation. “--I need to go. I just need to go.”
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