#shhh dont tell c i dropped the whole first half
lux-scriptum · 4 months
Silent: they have to be really quiet/hold the moan?
Listen. Listen. I didn't expect to get a response. So how about a hefty snippet (read: the first half) from Elliot and his future bf's meetcute I've been working on for months. I know its cheating, but- eepy and I dont wanna write. Plus this took me months and I'm proud of it
The tiles of the single person bathroom were cool against Elliot’s back. Where his strappy crop top and playful half-jacket didn’t cover, his heated skin pressed right up against it. He barely managed a squeak of discomfort before he was crowded further against the wall. His companion’s mouth found his; he wound his arms over broad shoulders as a thigh pressed between his own. A hand gripped his waist. Tugged him closer. The movement made it impossible to not grind down impatiently. Elliot’s next sound was more a whine than anything else. 
To his utter embarrassment, the man chuckled at his little whimper. A calloused thumb swiped over his hip bone. When he pulled back to complain the man just switched to nibbling on his jaw. His breath huffed out. Fine. Fine. He wiggled instead. “C’monnnn,” he half-whispered as he was forcefully held still. 
Brown eyes twinkled down at him. Then up at him as the man sank to the floor. Those warm, electric hands slid over his skirt and then under. 
“Oh, fuck,” Elliot breathed. He couldn’t look away. Didn’t want to. 
All he got in response was a raised eyebrow as his lacy boy shorts ended up around his ankles. He refused to be embarrassed by how the sapphire color complimented the embroidery on his miniskirt and jacket. It had seemed a good decision at home, and he wouldn’t allow the dingy light of a bar bathroom make him second guess himself. Even if amusement had tipped the mouth that had been pressed against his moments ago up into a half smile. 
“Think you can be quiet?” The whisper was pressed against the strip of skin revealed by his crop top. “I get the feeling you don't want to be interrupted.” 
Honestly, this man could have asked him anything in that moment and Elliot would have nodded. There was something about the crinkle around his eyes, the hair slipping from the halfhearted bun to get in his face, that made Elliot’s heart do little flip flops. The hand gripping his thigh slid up teasingly; Elliot bit his lip in an effort to keep quiet. 
Another kiss was pressed to his skin, this time to his hip. Finally, finally, fingers closed around him. Despite himself he bucked into the touch with a sharp intake of breath. 
“Shh. Be still.” This time there was a scrape of teeth. A question, no real bite yet. Elliot responded with a little twitch. His teeth bit into his lip deeper. It was in vain. A tiny moan escaped anyway at the teasing stroke he got. Those brown eyes flicked up to his. The laughing crinkles got deeper. And then his skirt was pushed further up and the man's mouth was around him. This time he let out a strangled cry, one he quickly muffled with his own hand. Clearly he’d flirted with the right man. The man with his face between Elliot’s legs knew exactly what he was doing. Every flick of his tongue, every long drag down Elliot’s length, every finger dug into his thigh just so, was enough Elliot was trembling. He didn’t even have a name to pant. 
A whimper bubbled up faster than Elliot could stifle it. He grabbed at whatever was closest and found himself with a handful of yellow and orange tye dyed hoodie. The man pulled off with a quiet chuckle. “I know you can keep quiet,” he teased. And then he dove back in like he hadn’t been interrupted. The squeak Elliot let out as he took Elliot down to the base was strangled. There was no moving against this guy’s hold, but Elliot couldn’t help twitching anyway. Surely his nails had to hurt, but the man hadn’t flinched. 
It took less time than Elliot would have liked to come. The entire time the man between his legs never once looked away. He did, however, brace his hands on Elliot’s hips to keep him from sliding down the wall. There was a gentle reverence in the way he slid Elliot’s lacy boyshorts back up Elliot’s trembling thighs. He pressed another playful kiss to Elliot’s hip as Elliot tried to remember how to breathe. Even after he stood he held on for a few moments longer, as if he didn’t trust Elliot to stay upright in his stilettos. 
“You good?” He asked, running a thumb over Elliot’s bottom lip. Elliot nodded mutely. “Good. I’ll be at the bar when you’re ready, okay?”
Elliot nodded again. He watched this stranger, who had just blown his mind, casually grab a smooth black stone off the sink on the way out. As soon as the stone hit his pocket the sounds of the bar came rushing back. Before Elliot could form enough of a thought to splutter at him, he was gone and the door shut again. 
Well. Alright then. Elliot leaned on the sink as he let the noises of people having their drunken fun wash over him. His reflection stared back. Blue eyes wide. Makeup still in place only because Elliot didn’t waste time with subpar product. Lips bitten a little raw, and cheeks a hectic pink. His black curls would never dare to think to be frizzy, but they certainly weren’t the perfection he’d walked into this bathroom with. 
Too few moments passed before someone knocked with more aggression than necessary on the bathroom door. That was enough Elliot gathered himself. He snagged his purse off the ground where he’d dropped it. The woman impatiently waiting shouldered past him like he wasn’t even there. Rude. Rather than let it ruin his good mood Elliot flounced back towards the bar proper to pay his tab.
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lucidiasansgaster · 7 years
The Aftermath
Refuge, a place she knew was a safe place she could rest. She could only hope that Flaps was home.
Panting and, with a grunt, Lucidia was barely even able to crawl, forcing herself to move to get closer to the space. There had to be someone there, theres always someone.
"F...Flaps? Someone...? A-Anyone!"
* [The door is quick to open - and while Flaps doesn't answer, that little black and green kiddo is standing there. They look... Upset? Angry? It's clearly not at Luci, but it's present in their expression nonetheless.]
* [They rush out to help her to her feet, as far past the doorway as they're able.]
She was fighting the urge to lose her vision, struggling onto her feet with the help.
As soon as she was past the door, her legs buckled under her and she fell back to the floor, the orange flickering in her eye socket. Maybe she went a little overboard with the magic. Maybe..
* [Yeezus fam. They help her into a sitting position - their projection flickers violently and they look pained for a moment, but then it's gone and they're sitting next to her. A plate of food appears in their hands, and they offer it to her silently.]
Luci wasn't coherent for the moment, till she was sitting up. Yes good, she needed to stay awake and alert. Now that she was looking over towards them, a hint of recognition flashed on her features. An old friend.
Her gaze turned towards the plate of food and she softly nodded a silent 'thank you', already trying to eat.
* [They give a soft smile in return! a soft pat to her leg.] * { lotta shit went down, huh. you, uh.... eat up as best you can, okay? i don't think flaps is going to be back for a while. }
In a way, even if they weren't Flaps, she was relieved to see a familiar face, even in this place.
"...yes, indeed there has been." She murmured, taking a moment inbetween bites to speak. "I hope I could see him but, I understand. It is...good to see you again, Room."
* { good to see you, too. } [real soft smile.... but then they frown.] * { .... he died, you know. not... not flaps, but. } * { this whole mess, trying to save cubesy, it. really was kinda hopeless in the end. } * [oh.... are they???? they wipe at their eyes a bit,]
That...wasn't the news that she was expecting to hear.
Her grip faltered on the plate, like a heavy stone dropped within her gut. He..died? She was so focused on trying to save Eight, to repay the favor that she owed the fragment so long ago, that she hadn't been able to keep track of her friend. The news was quite unsettling and, clearly it showed. And even the scarlet red coat that she wore, given to her by him himself, was gone.
Lucidia didn't know what to say...but she was quite upset.
* [They just.... lean against her a bit.] { i'm - sorry, i should've... waited to tell you. i just. }
* { it's. i dont know. m'sorry. }
* [they're really!!! really upset, and in a good bit of pain. But they're definitely trying to not show it, as best they can.]
"...I...knew he'd done terrible things.." Lucidia whispered, trying to keep back tears welling up in her eye sockets. "But..he didn't deserve death."
Setting the plate of half-eaten food, she moved an arm around them, perhaps of comfort for the both of them. "I saved one..b...but...not the other.."
* { eight's the one who should be fucking dead. }
* [they lean into that hold though! they're just Angry and Hurting.]
She wasn't expecting the venom in their voice, silently swallowing back her words. She knew Eight possibly deserved it more, but the fragments, and SIX.
"...the favor I owed him was paid...I did what I had to. What I could."
* { i... i know. i'm sorry. i just.... }
* { he went out of his way, he killed. probably thousands upon thousands of completely innocent fragments, and he's not getting anything back from that. cubesy died, and eight's off scot free for now. Protected, even. }
* [there's a BIG sniffle. they're...... definitely crying now,]
* { he was - h-he was getting better, you know??? he was Changing, and he wanted to fix all the wrongs he did, and now its just - he's just gone. he's gone and eight won and i cant - i c-c ant even trust ANY of them anymore- }
"Shhh...I know Room..I know.."
She couldn't hold back the tears now, holding Room in her arms. The poor woman was shaking even, feeling like she was to blame for this.
"I...I know that Trois was improving, I saw it myself, the times I stayed with him and Loyalty.." Loyalty, what had become of him? She feared for the worst.
* [UNLESS SHE ASKS.... they aren't even going to say. of course they know! they saw all that went down. but they don't want to upset her further.]
* [instead of talking more, they just.... start full-out sobbing into her arms. they're doing a BIG cling.]
Lucidia doesn't release them, only tightening her arms around them. Seemed like both of them were crying.
"....I'm sorry...I'm sorry I...I couldn't save him.."
* [there's a little hiccup!!! they manage to calm themselves a bit, after a minute or so.]
* { its - th-this isn t your fau lt. even..... ev en if you had gone w-with him. it's not your fau lt. }
"H...he ran..b.before I could get there. Un, I-I had to help Un.."
She shivered but, the tears didn't stop. This really hit her much harder than it should of. Luci knew fragments perished in the Void, by multiple means. This, she didn't like at all. "...Trois..called to me, asking for my help to save Eight. I-I had no choice, I owed him."
* { he.... h-he knew he was going to die. that's.. why he told you t-to help eight. }
* [they're still real shaky, but... it's starting to subside. they're just getting quiet.]
He knew? If only she could of seen him one last time..
"....even after everything, h-he..wanted me to save Eight." It still doesn't help soothe the pain in her soul.
* [they nod softly.]
* { ... i don't know. how long it'll last, though. him being safe. }
* { i don't even know if he'll try to fix things. }
Luci couldn't even think straight, the more she thought on it. In the end, there was nothing either of them could do.
"I....I don't know. I can't tell with how Eight is. Even if I came when Trois called for me..now.." She didn't want to finish it. She was once more trapped within the Void.
* [they pat....]
* { .... i'm sure you'll get back out. }
She softly nodded, lifting a hand to wipe the tears from her cheekbone. It felt...alien, to not wear the coat she had grown quite fond of.
"I...I n..need to rest. I used too much of my magic."
* [they nod quietly.]
* { do you want me to show you to a bedroom where you can get some proper sleep....? there's beds up here, or i can show you to like. a proper bedroom. up to you. }
She wasn't sure if she could trust her legs but, softly, she nodded.
"Please? I..truly thank you Room. Of anywhere in the Void, this place was the first..that came to mind for safety."
* [WELL.... they did not get an answer on WHICH, but they'll show her to the room of beds on this floor. it's just a couple feet away, after all - and it literally is. a room of beds. the entire floor is just made up of beds all connected to one another. REAL COZY.]
Luci had managed to stand and being led off to the beds, already choosing one to sleep in. It definitely was cozy.
"Thank you again. Perhaps rest will help rebuild my magic."
* { i hope so, yeah. } [weak lil smile...] { just, uh... say something if you need anything, okay? }
"Alright, I will. I do hope Flaps is alright.."
She nods, yawning before getting comfy in the bed. Before she knew it, she was out like a light.
* [goodnight.... the lights in the room click off, and they vanish the projection before the door shuts softly.]
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gulescamisade · 7 years
Minnesota:  Day 4
JAKE: -Another night is going by, he's pretty sure. And he's so sweaty, hungry, and thirsty. If their captors had left food or water for him, Jake promptly turned it down as he felt was the NATURAL THING TO DO. He heard what became of those mushroom tests from LOWAS. None of this was exactly ideal... He groans miserably, rubbing his tum of awful hunger pains. The headaches and dry throat.-
JAMES: -continuing his meditation and fasting. Energy continues to be conserved and though he is hungry, it's not the worst he's experienced. He only hopes the fact that it's gone quiet these past few hours can only be a good thing. No news is good news, James tells himself. It's the only thing he can do.-
ROXY: =Things seem quiet..... she leans against her wall and tap tap........ who's next to her. TAPS=
JAMES: -The only one who is paying attention is James. Leans back to the wall and taps in response.-
JAKE: -curled up in a ball, having cried himself into another headache nap.-
ROXY: =Baby no........ she taps out [HOLD ONTO YOUR BUTT] in morse code then POOFs over into the next cell.=
JAMES: -sitting crosslegged with his whole button up and slack combos. Professional even in these dire circumstances. James looking a little haggard what with his hair out of place, but still alert. Ready for action if need be.- ROXY.
ROXY: =She's definitely been sweating but she didn't wanna flaunt her powers too much since they expect shit of her but... she can't just. Let them go without. Whoever else is here. She rushes over to him too= glad 2 see u too im fine
ROXY: u gotta grocery list? im ur gal call me target cuz wal marts 2 trashy and im the height of supermarket class
ROXY: not whole foods class tho thats borderin in2 pretentious
JAMES: -knits his eyebrows.- ...ARE YOU OFFERING FOOD?
ROXY: anythin u need that u can hide and food definitely
ROXY: gotcha =she finger waggles up a storm dropping two sturdy sacks of water, dried fruits in thin bags along with crackers and little bite-sized pieces of protein bars=
JAMES: -seems to be wiggling something out of the sole of his shoe.-
JAMES: -as it turns out, it is a single playing card. Flips it over the supplies as kind of single-slot emergency sylladex and stores it away.-
ROXY: =That's so cool... and a good idea= hope u dont mind me stealin ur idea.....
ROXY: =gestures to the other wall= is he over here u think? =taps??? TAPS=
JAMES: IT'S QUITE POSSIBLE. -What with hearing him yowl up a storm before.-
ROXY: never but ill try =two finger salute and BLIPS into the cell next to James'=
JAKE: -lying huddled in his corner like a sad dog, his back turned towards the door. Something about the BLIP stirs him awake, however, and he begins to wake up. Squinting with a bleariness around.- ....Rock and rolloxy?
ROXY: .....baby...... :C
ROXY: i gotta make it quick but do u need a hug?
JAKE: -it even hurts to cry but he's doing it anyway, rolling up to sit.- Yes... 8'C
ROXY: awww cmere =quickly shuffles over to give him a big strong hug=
ROXY: tell me wut u need and we can work it out... idk where we are and idk how many of us are in here....
ROXY: idk where everyone else is
JAKE: -weeps into her shoulder. Two smelly baras hugging it out.- Ive no idea either. Its—
JAKE: Cant i know if my sons are alright?? Oh rox its so cruel.
ROXY: i... wish i knew jakey boy.... if i could id get us a thing to try n get in2 this system but... that needs time and theyd be onto me lol...... not lol
ROXY: but well get outta this mess
JAKE: -scrubs at his face, so blotched and red with tears.- Well... well bust out of here! I know we will!
JAKE: And when we do they wont even know what hit them!
JAKE: Id do so right now if you gave the word. -looks off.- Maybe...
JAKE: Someone can help us?
ROXY: maybe but right now we can help each other =cups his face and kisses his forehead= ROXY: ill go scopin later.... try 2 see whats up
ROXY: maybe i can find every1
ROXY: but rn tell me what u need
JAKE: -smiles for the first time in a few days, warmed by the gesture. But then remembers what he's doing.- Shit uhh—
JAKE: Water and substantial edibles i think is a good start. -rubs his sad empty tum.-
ROXY: its the best start =smiles back at him then gets to work just giving him the same supplies she gave James= just hide em when someone comes u kno
ROXY: prison smugglin drills
JAKE: !!!
JAKE: Cripes this is just like magic...
JAKE: ... -looks around his cell.-
JAKE: Where ought i hide it?
ROXY: mmm ..... i might hafta steal a idea i saw from james hes ur neighbor btw
ROXY: =focuses......... tries to make the one dump sylladex card= this might work i think slip it in ur mustache lol or just like somewhere discreet
JAKE: Holy moly! -accepts the 1 dump sylladex card if she manages it.- Is this what i think it is?
JAKE: -Automatically believing that it's a 1 dump sylladex card so whether she DOES manage it, the card is already what she intends it to be.-
JAKE: -giving it a look over- :D
JAKE: -tucks it into the safety of his back pocket. Sitting on it now.-
ROXY: =bless u jake= good beans bby
ROXY: ill be back sometime keep ur spirits up ok?
JAKE: Yes ma am o whamma! -salutes her swiftfly. His spirits are in much better places than they were before.-
ROXY: good! =poof, she's outta there=
JAKE: -brimming with hope now and makes swift work of these dried fruits. Chugs what he can of the water.-
JAKE: -wiping off his mustache, he feels his willpower RENEWED. Better than ever.-
JAKE: -And if Roxy can pull her magic off, why the blazes can't he??? Jake rolls to stand, channeling that spark of hope to manifestation.-
(DIRK): -he puts the MAN in MANIFEST. extends leg, here is brain ghost dirk.-
(DIRK): Hey, that's the first time you summoned me consciously and not as the result of a homoerotic fantasy. Good job.
JAKE: -jumps as his voice comes up but brightens his scruffy self up immediately.- Dirk!
JAKE: Brain ghost! Youre here!
(DIRK): Yeah.
(DIRK): What are you gonna do with me now that I'm here? -lol and then what-
JAKE: -swiftly whaps the ishades off his face.- Give me that!
(DIRK): What the fuck. -covers his face. DON'T LOOK AT ME. he's being ironic mostly-
JAKE: -thrusting them onto his own face. Instant computer.- Hoo. Alright now. I need to contact the crew.
JAKE: Mind if i hornswoggle you of your pester client? Of course you do! -logging into his account.-
(DIRK): My pester client is imaginary, but alright.
JAKE: Huh? No its not? -It's not, Dirk. Look at it working. How??? Magic is how.-
(DIRK): -fucking incredible-
(DIRK): -obnoxiously hovers behind him-
(DIRK): It's almost like you have the ability to make anything a reality.
JAKE: -typing frantically, heart hammering as it actually DOES seem to work.- Shut up will you???
(DIRK): A dude summons you into his realm of existance just to tell you to shut up. Nice one.
JAKE: -Seeing everyone online makes his insides lurch painfully so he's only half paying attention to BGD. His franticness making his eyes water again as in the middle of the message, the connection severs.- Its—
JAKE: Its breaking up! -says with his concentration fizzling.-
(DIRK): Well don't give up.
(DIRK): Do something about it.
JAKE: Im trying damn you! Cant you see?? -says, clutching at the shades.-
(DIRK): And I'm telling you to try harder.
(DIRK): You have it in you to do this.
JAKE: -practically choking with frustration and wills the last bit of connection out of sheer spite. The last message gets through before cutting off completely.-
(DIRK): ...
(DIRK): There you go.
JAKE: -He is just never going to stop being tearstruck at this point. Obligatorily hands BGD his shades.-
JAKE: -His vision is swimming as his hand drops, looking at brain ghost now. Dirk knows Jake loves him doesn't he? Of course he does, a voice tells Jake predictably. It's what he wants to hear, it's the truth that he knows deep down in his heart and it's what BGD was basically scripted to say.-
JAKE: -So why was he still so miserable? He's gotta ask anyway.-
JAKE: He knows i love him right? Id do anything for him?
(DIRK): ... Of course he knows that.
(DIRK): He's probably driving himself up a wall cuz he can't tell you the same thing.
JAKE: -wipes at his nose.- I miss him something tremendous.
JAKE: You would think dodging near death experiences on a regular basis would make this easier to bear. But it doesnt.
JAKE: It really doesnt.
(DIRK): They're coming for you, you know. -he knows this because jake has to know this.-
(DIRK): ... -offers jake his hand to hold-
JAKE: -takes the hand, too dried up to cry in earnest anymore. His shoulders only sag.- At least i have you.
(DIRK): You'll always have me.
JAKE: -keeps their fingers twined together but gives up once their shoulders brush. Just rests his head against BGD, tired all over again.- Jeez louise dirk....
JAKE: Youre always so.
JAKE: You.
(DIRK): It's no coincidence. -leans on him too-
(DIRK): That's the way you want me to be.
JAKE: Shucks. Then i must be stock full of good ideas. -lets his eyes start to drift closed...-
(DIRK): Must be. -yes shhh sleep. it'll get better soon. just believe in that, jake-
JAKE: -having close company to fall asleep with is infitintely better than sleeping alone. Jake has decided this here and now.- 
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