#shibusawa p5
persona-game-info · 6 months
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easyaesthetics · 1 year
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Akechi would take a picture of the cakepop from evil Starbucks and post it to his foodblog, with the caption: “Effervescent ✨☺️🧁 The icing truly melts in my mouth 😍 So sweet! So delicious! 🤗 I’m definitely recommending this cakepop!” and then he’d throw it in the garbage without taking a single bite
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lavengoop · 1 year
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College Party🎉
Takuto Maruki Week Day 5: 💼Past Times📕
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supportive-editor · 2 years
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"Watch out for those microtransactions kids. You gotta limit yourself on that kinda shit."
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aigis-playlists · 8 days
Persona 5 Playlists 3/5
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jazinerambles · 1 year
Let’s summarize my thoughts on P5R. To be transparent, I played the OG version of P5 and was coming into P5R basically knowing about 3-5% of the new plot and mechanics if that. I am going to separate my thoughts by gameplay, Sumi, Akechi, Maruki, story, and other. Spoilers.
Gameplay: I have mentioned repeatedly that I fell in love with technicals, the updated baton pass, the showtimes, the disaster shadows, and most of the new boss phases. Sumi and Ann/Yusuke had my favorite showtimes.
For bosses, I didn't like the new Shiho shadow at all for Kamoshida’s fight. I thought the Okumura one was the best and Futaba’s the worst for bosses. Also, I kept forgetting I was playing this game on hard. So many great features, and I felt I wasn't challenged to use them.
I would love to see technicals return. I am not asking you Atlus. I am telling you. Bring them back. Please? Yaldaboth is still a joke. And the final boss is still Yaldaboth's concept plus a bit more when it comes to moves? Hit appendages with different attacks. Got it.
Also, I hated most of the designs for the third awakenings except Sumi's and Ann's. Also, some of them just had plain everyday names. It was weird. Sumi: So part of Sumi's story and knowing we might fight Maruki at some point, were the only thing I kind of knew going in.
Sumi is, fine? I don't hate her, but she isn't my favorite of the phantom thieves. I think her background story is interesting. I love her design. I really do not have much to say about her tbh. Maybe if I was blind to his part, I would have liked her more?
Maruki kind of stole the show. Similarly, how Zenkichi did for P5S. Such a great character. I definitely think he should be in jail for..something. But even before the 3rd semester, he easily became 1 of my favs. Despite the manipulation and not knowing when to call it quits.
My heart definitely broke for him and genuinely wished for his happiness. But it also felt good punching him in the face and reminding him to just let go (BTW violence is not the answer.) I hope Shibusawa can still be there for him. I'm glad he made it out. I was worried.
Akechi: But guess who didn't make it out, or did he? Akechi really grew on me. I think he shines when he doesn't care about others' perceptions of him. I love how he is straight to the point. That twist at the end got to me. I should have known. But the implications of the end?
That is what doesn't make sense. Does that mean we are still partially in Maruki's reality? Does it mean he was just daydreaming? Could he have actually survived? Who knows. I like how they kept it speculative. Also my AkeRyu crackship. Good times. Thank you.
Story: P5R is still very U shape, but now with the right side of the "U" much higher. I HATED the summer months and Hawaii trip of P5. It's easily the lowest part of the game for me. Hawaii could have easily been scrapped. I felt it was included to "fill in the calendar."
And then there is the calendar. Waiting and waiting and waiting for deadlines. Also a really weak part of P5 for me and Royal doesn't change this.  But after the end of the Okumura dungeon, the game is amazing again. Some of the character writing could be better...
I am still not sure how I feel about the third semester. Someone described it as an OVA or a movie. And yeah, that's the perfect description. It still feels detached, despite Sumi and Maruki being in the main game. Yet,  I think Maruki's story really carries it.
I still can't call the third semester the best plot in megaten for me, imo, but it is very high and I can't find too many faults with it. At the very least, it was nice seeing everyone's dreams come true. But I couldn't help but think about a certain paradox boy...
Other factors:
I think Atlus censorship to drag for Ryuji was weird.
 Last Surprise and the OG P5 opening are better 
The final OG ending is better than the P5R one. 
I liked Mishima and Morgana much more this time around.
 Overall, an amazing game with some flaws here and there.
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smolstarthief · 2 years
So I've been slowly planning out my own P5/P5R/P5S Arcana Swap AU
And here's what I got thanks to inputs from @creepymarsh and my husband: -Makoto: Fool (her idealism vs Zenkichi's cynicism)
-Sumi: Lovers (gymnastics star and model along with her twin with Kamoshida using Kasumi as leverage against her).
-Zenkichi: Justice
-Maruki: Hermit
-AkiRen: Faith (Based on a VERY OLD Twins AU I had a while back but slightly modified)
-Akane would be a bonus "Charity" Arcana!
-Sophia: Magician
-Either Morgana (hubby) or Ichinose would work as the Councilor Arcana but not sure yet.
Hubby's suggestions:
-Futaba: Chariot
-Sojiro: Hanged Man (Taba works with him)
-Ryuji: Emperor
-Haru: High Priestess
-Akechi: Devil
-Ann: Empress
-Yusuke: Moon
Further notes for Maruki and Zenkichi in particular:
-False Persona: Valjean
-True Persona: Fenrir
-(Proposed by Creepy) Fake outfit would be a stylized detective/steampunk outfit while his true outfit is his canon one but torn up and with holes along with chains that he can manipulate.
-He keeps his hair up in the ponytail for his celebrity persona but lets his hair down in 3rd semester.
-A shut-in researcher since a traumatic incident in college with Shibusawa occasionally stopping by to help him stay fed.
-Since there was a theory that the Conspiracy killed Rumi's parents during the break in as a fear tactic towards Maruki, why not utilize it but with Rumi herself added to the casualties? This led to his status as a shut-in.
-Also goes by (Also from Creepy) 13ARU3 (ICARUS) as an online persona.
-In a twist of irony, his previous online persona was Azathoth before copycats took over.
-Had a drinking habit.
-He would have longer hair tied in a ponytail with more pronounced dark circles under his eyes along with more loose/baggy clothing (primarily due to weight loss).
-His Persona is based on the founder of the Illuminati as well (called, "Weishaupt" to avoid confusion with Johanna and Adam in the Garden of Eden story).
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-If I go with that then it would be a pyramid surrounded by rings like Ophanim angels and of course with eyes to help with analysis.
-Maruki's outfit is a tough one since I was thinking of using elements of his godhood outfit but his mask is blank with an eye surrounded by circuitry patterns at the center that glows when in use. And shorter too. Maybe. I'm still thinking.
That's about all I have so far! Need to figure out the others!
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strangefellows · 2 years
Get ready for the great american novel
Atsushi, Chuuya, Arjuna, Nightingale, Moran, P5 Makoto
First impression
Atsushi: awwwwwwww babey
Chuuya: oh god oh fuck he's my type shit
Arjuna: huh! indian servant! i know literally nothing about indian mythology beyond names of gods/goddesses, so Okay I Guess
Nightingale: SHE'S WHAT CLASS NOW???? WHAT??????
Moran: MTP version? Like, "oh fuck he's my type huh"
Makoto: Oh. Oh god. It's just me. Mortifying ordeal time....
Impression now
Atsushi: AWWWWW BABEY X100 he's a precious angel with so much trauma and deserves to be protected, but also baby stop relying on Dazai so much.
Chuuya: HE'S STILL MY TYPE and I love him a lot and the concept of Arahabaki is fucking fascinating. There's a lot of potential there, but also I just. Love this bitch ass tiny mafioso.
Arjuna: He's not one of my favorite Servants, but he has his very cute moments as someone very serious or trying to be serious who gets dragged into Bullshit as not so above it all. His irrational rivalry with Karna is hilarious.
Nightingale: What the fuck do you mean she was this fucking weird in real life??? But also she's very fun, if terrifying.
Moran: I need to catch up on MTP but I still love him, and in general he's one of the more fascinating bit parts in the Holmes stories and has a lot of potential for fun.
Makoto: WE STAN A QUEEN. She's amazing. I love her. She's like me only ballsier, I wish I had her in high school.
Favorite moment
Atsushi: Probably either him rescuing Kyouka the first time on the train, or him beating the absolute mcfuck out of Fitzgerald. Be brave little tiger! Oh also him wrecking Shibusawa.
Arjuna: I'm not counting Godjuna, so probably him showing up in events to be overly serious and straight man and failing.
Nightingale: Her speech to Cu Alter at the end, her Santa event, her being so unamused with Dantes.
Moran: OH GOD IT'S BEEN A WHILE SINCE I READ MTP....but his arc with his former army stuff was really good.
Makoto: Her awakening for sure, also her all out attack makes me giddy I love the freezeframe.
Idea for a story
Atsushi: Honey get a vacation. Go to the beach. Do normal teenager things.
Chuuya: exploring Arahabaki in venues other than Stormbringer, hellyeah.
Nightingale: Interactions with the rest of the Chaldea Nursing Staff would be very fun.
Makoto: As with all my P5 answers for this, More Akechi Interactions, I want them to talk about her dreams for commissionership and how she understands forcing yourself into a Perfect Little Japanese Teenager box to fit in and meet expectations.
Unpopular opinion
Atsushi: I don't know opinions on him? Whoops.
Chuuya: While I don't mind the stuff Stormbringer did as much as most people seemed to, I do agree that I think Asagiri leaned too much into Nasu's "magic is computer science" mindset.
Arjuna: ....I don't have enough opinions on him oops.
Nightingale: What are opinions on her even?
Moran: .....I don't like BBC Sherlock. Fullstop.
Makoto: I think she needs to really reflect on what her dream means considering her relationships with Akira "burned hard by the justice system" Kurusu and knowing Akechi and what he went through, and she needs to be aware of what it means to be a police officer.
Favorite relationship
Atsushi: More than him and Dazai, I love him and Kyoka and the rest of the ADA and the found family needs to get explored more.
Arjuna: Obviously him and Karna, lets go boys.
Nightingale: I don't ship it, but her and Dantes' thing they've got going where he calls her Mercedes as a nickname and he thinks she's fucking insane -- not that he's not, but not in that way -- it's hilarious.
Moran: Him and James and the rest of the Moriarty team are always good.
Makoto: Her relationship with all the PT is very good! If I didn't ship shuake as hard as I did I'd definitely like her and Joker together.
Favorite headcanon
Atsushi: Teach this boi how to do normal teen stuff please, he doesn't know things most teenagers should.
Chuuya: Not sure! I don't have many headcanons.
Arjuna: Uhhhhhhhhhhhh.
Nightingale: She can will and HAS knocked people out to make them at least get five minutes rest. She's terrified even the other Berserkers by this point.
Moran: God I cannot remember.
Makoto: I don't think I have too many headcanons for her!
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Excuse me, but this beautiful man has no business having a fully illustrated portrait when we can't even be confidants 😩
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its-coda · 3 years
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starlight-phantom · 3 years
Ok an idea that popped out when thinking of your arcana swap AU but....Takurumiren family in the swap universe? 👀
Like I doubt it would work since both Rumi and Takuto are Futaba’s confidant but imagine her finding out Ren is their son and she’s like ??? How???
Oh my god???? I hadn't thought about combining the two aus but holy shit that would work so well??? Especially because Faith!Ren, the whole twin backstory thing would work really well.
Like, Death!Takuto is a doctor so his motivation could be working to save people who are involved in similar accidents, and then Devil!Rumi is a journalist so maybe she thinks there's something more to the accidents occurring around Tokyo and wants to put a stop to them so no one else has to go what she went through.
AND, there's the whole Ren thinking he's Akira thing. If we keep Shibusawa as a close friend of Takuto and Rumi's, it would make sense for him to change Ren's cognition because he's basically an uncle to him and just wants to help him be happy again. Plus, it would add some foreshadowing to the twist because Futaba would refer to their son as Akira and they'd show some visible confusion.
Anon your brain is huge I love this idea so much
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the-stars-and-ours · 4 years
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We’re all sleeping on the REAL Royal Trio smh
Happy Birthday, Rumi!
(Pictures were taken from Pexels!)
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ohii-san · 3 years
wrote a thing. give me clout. i made gay people somewhat real
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boomotherfucker · 3 years
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decided to do a little self-promo for once
been working on this fic for over a year and am now doing weekly/biweekly updates on it. basically just a p5-flavored post-canon mystery and an attempt to give akechi some friends lol
thank you to @fluffyquartz​ for making the cover; all the confidant stuff was made by me
read here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/33537475/chapters/83330098
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gimme-more-caffeine · 4 years
Multiple Persona AUs
I'm trying to figure out all my Persona AU ideas because my dumb brain wants to put them all in one GIANT AU which makes no sense. So here is a list of a few of them with some more details:
> Uncle Shibusawa AU (Also Maruki is Akiren's Dad AU)
- Akiren goes to live with his Uncle/Godfather during his probation instead and actually gets there a little earlier than canon time. The move is permanent as Shibu becomes his legal guardian through adoption
- Possible PT Shibusawa, debating on when mostly. I like @wildcard-rumi's idea/au of Shibu being a PT in the past with Rumi and Maruki. My brain wants to give him a Wyvern style Persona since Maruki has something that looks like an Eldritch creature
- Futaba went to Sojiro from the very beginning. Somehow Wakaba put in her will that should anything happen, Futaba goes to Sojiro
- Akiren and Futaba know each other due to their parents, they have kept in touch as best as they could over their years
- Maruki and Akiren's mother were young when Akiren was born, like first year of college kind of early. Before Rumi at least so Akiren didn't know of Rumi, or at least, what he does know is his mother sounded irritated about her (why he doesn't know)
- Taking inspiration from this fic without full on copying (trying to not copy, I just love a lot of ideas)
> Mishima has a Persona AU
- Two choices I came up with for Personas and weapons: Stingy Jack/Scythe or Sinbad/Chakrams
- Possible element: Dark/Curse or get creative and use water instead of Bufu
- Reason for Stingy Jack: it's one of my favorite Halloween legends/stories, but the one I'm familiar with is the ending where Jack is tasked to guide people in the dark with his turnip lanter as punishment for eternity. This one was told by my Mythology teacher, according to her, this is a lesser well known ending to the legend.
- I probably get the feel of the legend wrong, but I am basing this on the guiding ending. With the Phansite, Mishima can guide those who need help from the Phantom Thieves
- Scythes are one of my favorite weapons so I thought it could fit moon boy.
- I was partially inspired by Celty from Durarara for this
- The major con with using Stingy Jack is this feels more like it would fit the Devil or Death arcanas
- Reasons for Sinbad: Biggest reason, I am a fan of the DreamWorks movie. Also I was connecting the moon to water so pirate made sense to me. I'd replace dual wielding knives with using Chakrams (Blame Axel and Tron [and Colette from Tales of Symphinia]. Tron uses throwing disks and is a computer program so it made me connect him to Mishima). I admit that I also am inspired from the Sinbad anime but that probably doesn't really connect to anything
- The cons for using Sinbad are there is already a pirate (Captain Kidd) and a dagger user (Joker)
- I considered Mishima having a persona based on Tron
- Other Personas (these would be the second form) I wanted to use but make no sense or I can't think of a proper reason: Thoth or Artemis
- Other notes: Moon -> Night sky so something that made me think night traveler. Quick side note: had idea for something involving wolves or maybe an owl but l couldn’t properly find any rebels with these.
- Moon is connected to water so I was thinking maybe something involving a mermaid, siren or selkie. The Selkie is my strongest contender for trying to find legends.
- Other ideas I had for Mishima Personas (Since both Futaba and Maruki have Lovecraftian Creatures as Personas then maybe I can work this with Mishima?) are Cthulu or a Hyrdra
...Now that I realize it...I have probably repeated past ideas I've done...
> Familial AU (Making a separate post)
- Persona become animals in the real world and share a mental link with their PT
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