umihoshi-art · 24 days
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I think she should get to slap him once.
In a universe where, when Maruki's reality was broken, so was the actualization on Rumi. So she came to get his ass. (they made out after)
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study? no- make a 5k long maruki angst fanfic where he throws away everything associated with rumi (photgraphs and engagement rings)
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inkpens-coffee · 2 years
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Gave up everything… 🍎
Art Commissions Are Open. Likes and Reblogs are heavily appreciated.
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artekai · 1 year
MY SCRUNKLIES!!!! I will always love them :3
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I'm repeating myself but I don't really know what to say that I haven't already said!! I think they're great and Rumi deserved so much better. P5R stands for Persona 5 Rumi. To me ❤️ Their angst is immaculate, 10/10, no notes, but I love seeing them in fluffy situations too because I need to heal ;-;
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koppeine-writings · 1 year
Writer’s Month 2023 II
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Shibusawa left him alone that night, after telling him about the state of his research.
All Takuto could remember was downing bottle after bottle. He didn’t even realize he blacked out, and somehow, managed to come home to his messed up apartment.
Takuto could only describe the following morning as nothing more than a regret.
Pairing - none | Takuto Maruki-centric (Persona 5 Royal) Rating - Teen and Up Audiences Word Count - 2.1k~
Brooding | Bingo of Our Own | @thebo3bingo​​
Drunk on Life / “I’m sorry, but I don’t understand.” | July Break Bingo | @julybreakbingo​​
Silence | Takuto Maruki Week 2023 | @takutomarukiweek​
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Whumpfic in Progress III
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Whumpfic in Progress is a series where I share my WIPs! They are mostly fandom-specific, with the occasional original work, but its still a whumpfic nonetheless <3
title: perfume
- takuto maruki-focused (persona 5) - angst / whump one-shot being created for Writer's Month - full story to be published on august
CONTENT WARNINGS: alcoholism, hangover, grief, implied self-harm
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Takuto still tried to remain ignorant of the fact that he inadvertently caused himself this pain. The pain of constantly digging his nails into his skin. Of always glancing around him to find an available job. Of the constant nights without sleep, trying to find a way to progress his research despite the funding being cut off. But all his poor decisions fueled by loss were written in the stars; He couldn’t escape it as much as he wanted to.
The relentless whirling of his head was nothing short of a reminder of how far gone he was. Of how much of a mess he had become since he discovered his Actualization ability. Takuto felt the way his hair became disheveled and unkempt as the days went on. But what was even more noticeable was how his eyes turned from an optimistic brown hue, to something almost devoid of life, stained with agony.
Yet, despite all his suffering, Takuto couldn’t bring himself to care.
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I do not allow reposts of my writing. Feedback, comments, and support for my writing on this blog and my Archive of Our Own are much appreciated!
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takutomarukiweek · 2 years
um, sorry for the really minor clarification lol..... i'm 100% down on the "contributors do any content with proper tagging" train!!! but is it possible to maybe list the more common spellings for how certain maruki ships are tagged?
this is both as a way for content creators to find *MORE* of what they already like, and for ppl looking elsewhere to easily filter the tag & move on btw. hopefully not a discourse thing at all
it's silly to say, but due to the abundance of names & spellings for joker's character, i kinda have trouble keeping track of every way joker can be named, listed, or tagged in portmanteau (name-smushing) ships 😅😅😅
see: calling him "pego" in pegoryu, but "shu" in shuakeshu, or using "ren" vs "akira" and making double the tags. (also, mixing up which name goes first in the shiptag just adds another layer of confusion lmao).
it's super no big deal if you're not interested!!! really it comes down to listing some tips like using the "takurumi" tag to get more hits, as compared to the less-known "marurumi" tag. contributors can still do what they want tho, like duh
also sorry to put twitter users on blast here lmao, but i'd appreciate if ships weren't tagged using emojis? 🧃☕️ like even if they make sense they're still really hard to filter 🙏🙏🙏
Hey! Don't worry, this is a perfectly alright thing to ask clarification for.
Maybe in the future I'l make a more proper and formal post, but since I don't know all of the possible ships Maruki has, I hope this will be okay for this ask in the mean time!
I do understand that a lot of ships have a lot of name variation and order, hence why I have decided to allow for all the ones you know of, especially those with Maruki has the focus character IE his name is at the beginning of the ship name. But that still means applying proper shipping tags to be used when posting.
So as an example, say for someone like Joker, and you intend on using him as a pairing character for Maruki. This will become the more commonly known "Marushu" tag, or any variation with the name preference (Akira and Ren) for Joker. This also means that tags for ships and pairings have to be in text for better searching and filtering, instead of emojis.
And lastly, regarding how to tag ships and pairings for this event, it is ideal to use the tags that the contributor knows and believes their work fits in! As long as, Maruki is the focus character, then you're good to go. Plus, I'll do my best to reblog works to this blog, so make sure to use the official tag #takutomarukiweek2023 and/or tag this blog to make sure your work can be seen.
Note: Do keep in mind that this is subjective to change as the event goes on, and as I receive feedback and suggestions as to how to improve it.
Thank you for asking this, may the rest of your day go well!
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its-coda · 2 years
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fluffy pancakes ft. takurumi!
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dancingpurge · 2 years
You all call yourselves hopeless romantics, yet NO ONE has written Maruki and Rumi reuniting on Tanabata.
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snorsii · 3 years
Ohhhh, those outfits are all so cute, how can I choose? >.< Could I have Rumi in B4 and Takuto in A2? Or just one of them if you aren't feeling both :3
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did 'em both because Do Not Seperate Them™️
power couple comin' through 😤💖
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umihoshi-art · 20 days
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me and my friend agree that Rumi is too horny to notice the red flags
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SUMMARY (Chapter 2):
Takuto moves on to cleaning the kitchen and the living room, and comes across more memories of his past.
He questioned why he hadn’t threw away Shido’s random note, and contemplates if it’s worth throwing away his engagement ring in the process.
Pairing - none | Takuto Maruki-centric (Persona 5 Royal) Rating - General Audiences Word Count - 2,835
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Flower Delivery | Any Fandom Fluff Bingo | @anyfandomfluffbingo​
Ransom Note | Bad Things Happen Bingo | @badthingshappenbingo​
Break Their Heart to Save Them | Custom Takuto Maruki Card | @anyfandomgoesbingo​
Broken Engagement | Bingo of Our Own | @thebo3bingo​
Two of Swords | Tarot Card Bingo
Accidental Murder / “Well done! I better step up my game as well!” | Multi-Fandom Flash Bingo | @multifandom-lover​
Possible / Knowledge / Disassociating / Listening Intensely / Abandon / Last Kiss / Ransom Note / A Day Off / Moving On | July Break Mini Bingo | @julybreakbingo​
Isolation / Flowers | Takuto Maruki Week 2023 | @takutomarukiweek​
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inkpens-coffee · 1 year
Maruki Week 2023 - Day 4 🍎
Trust / Regrets / Fantasies
It finally happened. Takuto was on a date with Rumi Chibana. He’s had a crush on her for so long but never had the courage to talk to her. Basically, Rumi did the asking; she snuck up on him after class and practically demanded a date. Takuto was startled but he said yes. In addition to his nice outfit, he brought a gorgeous bouquet of red tulips—they reminded him of Rumi's red hair. Takuto's heart skipped a beat when they met outside the school, Rumi looked amazing. Within seconds he was stumbling over his words but she just smiled and accepted the bouquet. Rumi seemed to have everything planned, so Takuto didn't think to ask if she had a license when they got into her car. Or if the car was even hers.
Now they’re at the beach, laying on the hood of the car while watching the sunset. Rumi was talking about an argument she got into with a teacher but all Takuto could think about was… why? Why would this firecracker of a girl chose him of all people? As far as he knew, Rumi’s never had any interest in boys—when guys flirt with her, she scares them off with threats of physical violence. Plus, Takuto’s barely said two words to her before tonight. So why now…?
“And of course I’m the one that gets in trouble and not that bastard for being a sexist prick,” Rumi was saying. “Ugh, all the teachers at our school are the worst.”
“… What are we doing here?”
“Ain’t that just life’s biggest question,”
“No, I mean… why did you ask me out?”
“Dude, I’ve seen you staring at me in class.” Leaning on her hand, Rumi looked down at Takuto. As she stared at him, he tensed up.
“And you’re not a total dick like the rest of the guys in our class so I figured, why not?”
“You don’t talk much, do you?”
“N-Not all the time,” Takuto chuckled, “actually my mothers say I talk too much but I don’t think I do it on purpose! Sometimes it’s too quiet and I don’t know what to do so I find something to talk about, you know? Like, uh… octopus facts!”
Rumi snickered. “What?”
“Octopus facts. Not everyone knows a lot of facts about octopuses. Did you know each tentacle has a mind of its own?”
“… For real?”
“Yeah. Octopus tentacles can do things completely on their own while the host does something else, like opening a shell while the octopus is checking out a cave. Scientists have observed severed tentacles flinching away in pain when they were pinched by tools during examinations. They’ve also got three hearts! Two pump blood and the other—oh, s-sorry, I’m rambling…”
“Well, shit, now I’m hooked! What’s the third heart do? I gotta know!” Rumi exclaimed.
“Really? Oh, uh, it keeps circulation flowing in the organs. The third heart actually stops beating when the octopus swims. That’s why they’re always crawling rather than swimming.”
“Wow. Octopuses are badass.”
Takuto stared at Rumi like she was a goddess. Apart from his mothers, nobody ever wants to listen to him talk about his interests or anything for that matter.
“Do you like any sea creatures?” He asked.
“Huh, I never thought about it. Hmm, I’d say jellyfish! They’re so cute!”
“Have you ever seen a jellyfish bloom?”
“That’s when there’s a bunch all together, right? Those are so pretty.”
“We should go to the aquarium sometime. I-If you want to that is! I guess it’s a little too early for me to be talking about a second date, haha,”
Rumi smiled softly, but it didn’t last as she sighed and slid off the hood. Sensing a change in her mood, Takuto followed behind. They walked quietly down the beach, Rumi stopping when they were close to the waves. She said nothing, silently staring out at the water.
“Are you ok?” Takuto muttered.
“Kind of,” Rumi dropped her hands at her sides. “I… got into fight with my parents. My older sisters are these perfect little princesses and I’m the menace that cut her hair and causes trouble so they got upset with me and I said some bad things…”
Tears sparkled in her eyes. She rubbed them away before they could fall.
“I needed a break from them pressuring me to study for college so I asked you out and… borrowed my big sis’s car.”
“I see… Are you regretting that decision now?”
“I was at first but…” Rumi looked at him with melancholy eyes. “I really like spending time with you, Takuto-Kun.”
Takuto didn’t need a mirror to know his entire face was turning red. The girl looked so beautiful, he wanted to pour his heart out to her right then and there. Don’t be weird, Maruki! He wanted to punch himself in the face. How could he show her he cared about her without making a complete fool of himself?
“It’s gonna be dark soon. I doubt I’ll be allowed out for a while after this. Maybe we should get going—“
Without a second thought, Takuto grabbed Rumi’s hand. Time froze for a moment, his heart was beating out of his chest. Can she hear it? Swallowing the lump in his throat, Takuto spoke up.
“D-Do you regret cutting your hair?”
“Huh? Well… No. Guys used to pull it all the time and that sucked.” Rumi shrugged.
“Do you regret always speaking your mind?”
“Not in the slightest.” She shook her head.
“I-I can’t say I understand your situation perfectly because I’m an only child and my mothers don’t really care what I do—well, I never do anything reckless so they don’t have a reason, b-but that’s not the point! I like you, Rumi! I’m happy I’m here with you!”
Takuto willed himself to look her in the eye.
“So let’s not have any regrets!”
Rumi was stunned for a moment, cheeks turning pink. Then her eyes sparkled as she squeezed Takuto’s hand in hers.
“Do you trust me?” She said.
Takuto nodded eagerly. “More than anything!”
A big smile grew on her face. Rumi ran for the water, pulling Takuto along with her. He never realized how strong she was for her size. Rumi jumped at the water while laughing.
They both went in with a splash. The impact surprised Takuto and he fell face first in the water. He came back up to see Rumi laughing her heart out, shaking water out her shining red hair like a dog. Her smile was brighter than the sunset. Their nice clothes were soaked with saltwater, and his mothers would scold him for it when he returned home but he didn’t care. Takuto started laughing too.
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artekai · 11 months
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Hmmmmm 🤔
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koppeine-writings · 1 year
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raining colors on the window pane
abandoning it all for the touch of her climbing up small mountains where bridges shattered and fall; he didn't dare tip over the edge, peering into the icy waters.
he reassured himself that it wasn't cold, but a refreshing spring that pierced his heart.
it would burn him, if he fell and descended within. his mind and he drifted apart as the water whispered truths and sweet delicate lies, that terrified him.
the bedroom lock clicked, forgotten, staying awake as the sun rose and descended; he held onto the nothingness again, and again.
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cantfoolajoker · 4 years
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takuto maruki && utopia by daoko
and delicate flower buds blossom and wilt the seas, the skies, the trees and the ground the me who stays frozen in this place watching the brilliant lights take you away
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