#shiio posa
tenko-thinks · 2 years
WATCH Ruby Christo
GAZE AidenShiioDice
I'm a lil christo-ed out n have very little muse for him recently so ! AiShii it is ♡
Shiio Posa
[ GAZE ]  our muses are having sex in missionary and the one on the bottom tells them to slow down so they can just look at them for a few moments. 
"Haah..." Shiio let out a low whine in response to his wolf boyfriend's constant pounding inside of him. Legs wrapped around him desperately, hips trying to match Aiden's pace. His brows knit together slightly, hands tangling into Aiden's hair and up to his ears, lightly scratching at them.
The wolf opened his eyes with a low growl , pausing to look at Shiio for the first time that evening. Taking in his pretty flush and soft doe eyes. Softening slightly at the view.
" Love.. " Shiio cooed , hands trailing down to his jaw, pressing a kiss to his lips. Pulling away after a moment. "Slow down for just a moment , I want to see you when you- Ah-!" A thrust in warning to not finish that sentence, making the swordsman pout. "I'm being serious -!"
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rookvonhunt · 2 years
△ or ❅ for any ship we have ?
Wheezes of course.
Shiio Posa
send me ❅ for my muse to cuddle up next to yours while asleep on the couch
Shiio had picked a movie night for the pillars of hashikore. And currently he had been squished into the middle of the couch along with Tsuimizu. With Alla Breve and Reina quiet for once, Shiio had begun to doze off.
It was rare the toxin pillar did so. With Miyako lightly pushing him off of her he ended up on Tsuimizu. Head resting on top of hers.
She inhaled. Expecting a teasing jab or.. at least a laugh from them. Opening her eyes to notice how completely relaxed his body was. How even his breathing was...
He was... asleep..? On her?
Tsuimizu exhaled finally, looking around for help. No luck. Ah well.. she decided to follow the same rules as cats. You legally cannot move.
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terrovaniadorm · 2 years
Grabs you like a squeaky toy
I have question.
What do yr finalium kids think of raccohazard and hashikore/the people in the dorms >:3c
Let's start with Raccohazard
Finalium and Raccohazard are dorms founded upon similar figures (Will of the survivors and Strength of the STARS) i can see the two dorms get along 👁️ or at least be on good terms.
Lee is familiar with the dorm, not only because she's the dorm leader but because she's close friends with Clyde, she thinks Raccohazard members are really cool and brave! Admires Christo a lot because he seems like he's undefeatable she wants to be like him.
Edgar is also familiar because he was the previous dorm leader, Raccohazard is a good dorm, they know what they are doing. That's nice..Vice dorm head Lyon is a bit naive but he's not weak. Edgar would trust maybe
Onto Hashikore
Hashikore's belief in Justice and destroying the evil is something Finalium admires (a lot Finalium members are victims after all) i think a lot of Finalium admires Hashikore and their strength.
Lee is astonished by Reina and his energetic personality! She's like.. Sun itself, since she's a first year Lee didn't came across Hashikore's other leaders but she's glad to meet Reina! Probably one person that Lee doesn't mind that can treat her like younger sibling. She doesn't exactly understand Hashikore and it's ideals yet but they are still admirable.
Edgar knows Hashikore since he was the previous dorm leader of Finalium, much older than Lee, he was close with Kamala before Reina came. If he wasn't in Finalium he'd want to be in Hashikore. Edgar thinks Shiio's speed and intelligence are incredible, one of the few people Edgar doesn't act hostile to. It's all about that respect!
Bonus Alyssa: out of Finalium's every member, Alyssa is the one with a strong sense of justice, she's not strong as any of Hashikore's members but if they need help she'd be glad to help. Alyssa would be the one who'd enjoy Hashikore the most
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faerieluvss · 2 years
Hm... 💘💞 for aoi and shiio perhaps... w aoi crushing on shiio in the "my senpai is so cool.." kind of way :0
💞:A mentor/ protege relationship
i could definitely see that,as Aoi resides in the Papillion Manor w/Shiio.I could see them teaching medicine to her.She would definitely look up to Shiio,but in comes the whole inferiority complex comparing herself to Shiio in terms of knowlege and stuff.
💘 an unrequited crush/love(or one sided idk what it was)
That sounds cute but like kinda sad.If she did ever develop a crush on Shiio she would brush it off as appreciation of her upperclassman and vice dorm leader,but would soon have to face that she may have a crush on him and that they wouldn’t accept their affections back,and again comes the self doubt,like “Shiio Senpai is so busy and works too hard,they could hardly be the type to fall for a cowardly nobody like me.”.
me lloro que triste (ToT)
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pulchinelle · 2 years
[ in the drive thru ] Uhhhhhh can I get uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh 👶 and get that with the number 4 shiio and tsuimizu combo it'd be funny
Or any other cursed ship you wanna come up with
Once again tenko gives me too much power/j
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[Spawns Saike]
Shiio and Tsuimizu get a daughter, Saike Posa
She takes after her father the good looks , her upbeat and friendly personality and the slight anger issues. She has a lot of patience like Tsuimizu though so it is hard to get her really angry.
She also takes her strenght from Tsuimizu, but still uses poison on her weapons.
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And another ship I wanted to try was Tera and Krystoff
The twins Nieves "Inverna" and Eirwen Trapka-Yatt, two very reserved people who tend to avoid crowds.
Eirwen is a person of few words, and he can go days without speaking at all. But he is very kind, and more gentle than his sister when handling delicate objects. He also learned from his mother how to cook and bake, it's one of his favorite hobbies.
Nieves is a lot more reckless than her twin brother, and speaks a lot more than him too (she has a slight accent when talking). Although she doesn't like crowds, she does like to talk to others. One of her favorite hobbies are drawing landscapes and collecting crystal balls.
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rookvonhunt · 2 years
"You are in the presence of the Pillars of Hashikore!"
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Shiio , Miyako , Reina , Aisenshi and Alla Breve , five of the nine pillars.
Click for quality
Close-ups under the cut ♡
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Aisenshi belongs to @just-an-otakus-blog and alla breve belongs to @mmm creamée on discord!!
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rookvonhunt · 2 years
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Name : Shiio Posa
Gender : Male
Age: 19
Birthday : May twenty fourth
Starsign: Gemini
Eye color: Carnation pink with pastel yellow
Hair Color: plum purple
Homeland : The village of Papillions. Located on the Feudal Peninsula
Dorm : Hashikore
School Year : fourth
Class : 4-A
Club : Science club
Best Subject : Magical Healing
Dominant hand : Left
Favorite food : Grapefruit tea
Least favorite food : bland meat
Likes : research, gardening, teasing Tsuimizu
Dislikes : being compared to kamala, his lack of strength, Daichi
Hobby : teasing Tsuimizu
Talent : discovering poison blends
Shiio's magic , which allows them to bolster their speed and inject a person with six consecutive jabs from his sword. All injecting highly toxic poisons. He has developed it for the sole purpose of fighting one specific Moon's key.
Shiio is known for his constant smile, even despite his cruel words and almost sadistic way of dealing with enemies.
He has an older brother , Kamala ( @crestbaby ) that he takes care of in the Papillion manor in hashikore. And he carries the same hope as his brother. That one day , hashikore and Arachninox can.. Become friends. And live in harmony.
Under his smile, Shiio clearly holds anger. Rage that is destructive.
Even though Shiio is incapable of decapitation or very damaging strikes, he has become a pillar for his unparalleled speed and quick thinking.
Always has blades in the heels of his boots. Which Tsuimizu ( @just-an-otakus-blog ) had to find out during a rescue mission of all things. When she was holding him down and he went to stab her in the face to get out of it.
The butterfly earrings are heirlooms. Ones shiio and kamala have always had after their parent's unfortunate and untimely demise.
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rookvonhunt · 2 years
I offer you Aiden and Rachel for any realtionships
Although I think Rachel would only collect hate among her way and Aiden well it depends he usually needs comfort by all the chaos.
Unfortunately I don't have much for Rachel in terms of pairing ideas but I did my best GWHDGRJ
For Aiden my first thought was
Shiio Posa
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The beautiful and graceful vice dorm leader of Hashikore. He's elegant and known for his ever persistent smile. Along with his drive to help those in need. He speaks quietly and is quite backhanded with his comments, but he means well.. He's his dorm's resident medical expert as well, and I could see Shiio spotting Aiden while scouting out HSA for potential threats and noticing his eye. While that normally drives others away it actually brings shiio TO him because of his medical expertise. He very gingerly asks him if he's alright and requires help. Shiio and Aiden make fun foils, as Aiden is more the gruff type that seems to use brute strength while Shiio is a pretty face without the strength to do real damage, so he relies on agility and speed.
As for rachel.. I suggest
Archibald D'bullion
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This immortal is jaded and apathetic , but he's fond of other merchants. While not exactly a ship suggestion they may work as business partners for a short while. As Archie isn't above a few white lies to sell his wares. Along with his actual high quality items could go for much higher prices along with Rachel's cheaper ones. "They keep coming back , you raise the prices slowly" Archie says. He's far more experienced than her , after all. He's a smooth talker and charismatic, hard to dislike. And he doesn't hate people much at all. Being around him is also like a safety net, as very few people can actually threaten Archibald. So if anyone tries to start anything, he can deal with them without Rachel having to get physical.
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rookvonhunt · 2 years
The dorm leaders of Hashikore , everybody!
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I.e shiio being the most morally questionable of his dorm.
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rookvonhunt · 2 years
L2 or R2... I would say For L2 Aiden Shiio and R2 Candice and Greb but I leave it to you
My toxic trait is thinking I can just draw complicated poses with pen 🥴
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I would've done cangreg as well but I'm in a rush and also very angry rn so ! Wahoo
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rookvonhunt · 2 years
☎️ Taron Fenhua, Candice Greg, Lyon Dragiselle, Shioo Aiden
Taron x Song Fenhua
NAME : Taron. ♤♡
RINGTONE : default , song fenhua isn't the type to change it
PICTURE : a picture taron snagged of the two of them at a Boba shop
LAST TEXT RECIEVED : are u free tonight, or is yr prince whining too much again
LAST TEXT SENT : =v= now let's not phrase it that way...
Candice x Greg
NAME : °♡° dickhead °♡°
RINGTONE : misery x cpr remix. Greg calling him during class is the worst ♡ but he won't change it.
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LAST TEXT RECIEVED : Candi I think I fucked up I h[text cut off]
Lyon x Dragiselle
NAME : Dragi 💜💜
RINGTONE : fly to stay alive - maNga
PICTURE : a picture of her inessa sent him w a cute snapchat filter
LAST TEXT RECIEVED : I'm coming over to RSA today.
LAST TEXT SENT : oh!!! Sudden!! Ok ill sneak away from Christo lol.
Shiio x Aiden
NAME : Renous-San
RINGTONE : the sound of sparkles , it's cute
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LAST TEXT RECIEVED : change my picture in your phone
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rookvonhunt · 2 years
[ posts the other kny / Arachninox spoiler ]
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rookvonhunt · 2 years
Kabedon Aiden Shioo or Malik Tyler
Oughhhyughiyh.. I love them both convulses
Shiio Posa
" Huhuhu.. Naughty wolf... "
Shiio mused softly, staring up into his boyfriend's eyes. Ignoring the slight pain from the bark of the tree he was pinned to sticking into his back. Smiling serenely despite Aiden's steely and angry gaze and trailing fingers up his arm, resting his hand on the other man's shoulder.
" You should truly learn to be more patient, love. "
Aiden huffed and narrowed his eyes further. Knowing what Shiio was playing at.
" Shiio... "
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rookvonhunt · 2 years
NODS RAPIDLY OF COURSE. Excluding reina simply bc we already Know
What Hashikore Thinks of Nahkt
Shiio Posa
" Aahhh~ Samigina-san? "
Shiio is on positive terms with the mummy!
He thinks nahkt is cute ! In the big brother sort of way.
Thinks of him as a puppy in love as soon as he was introduced to Reina.
They're a cute pairing, and Shiio is so happy the dorm leader has found her true love ! It's so romantic!
Miyako Crost
" He is so kind.. it is impossible to contain my feelings.. So warm.. "
Miyako adores Nahkt for his large heart that drives him to help people.
She gets along very well with him! Even if every time she begins crying he somewhat panics.
Thiugh they're not excessively close, i see Miyako being one of the first hashikore members Nahkt seeks out if Reina is unavailable.
Jirou Kanata
" Samigina-senpai... he's a really good guy, huh? "
Jirou thinks of him like he thinks of nahkt's own partner. As a sibling figure. The big brother Jirou never had.
He's able to talk to nahkt with ease ! There's no stress at all because he doesn't need to be as proper as he is with the pillars.
They don't get much one on one time though, as nene, inoko, perun, shiio, alla breve , reina and tsuimizu are dragging him around everywhere.
Inoko Bosha
" Whi the hell is that guy? Oh you mean Hahket Saunagina ?! "
Never actually learned his name. Just like most of her other schoolmates. And will randomly call him something similar to his real name.
Doesn't show courtesy like most hashikore students, but she likes him in her own way.
Aka she wrestles him to the ground and holds him in a submission pose until he either says mercy or a pillar comes to his rescue.
Inoko is Fond of him but it's clear she doesn't trust him, always moving away on instinct when he takes the first move. And hesitating even to speak to him. It's odd. And Jirou has said it Many times
Suzano Kai
" He's very ni--KYAAA-CE!! "
Suzano and Nahkt actually see each other almost every time he visits.
Mostly because she is Always in the infirmary or hurt Somewhere.
She likes him!! He's so nice and acknowledges her efforts! He's so cool..! And like.. the best! Next to Alla Breve-Senpai of course.
There's not much else to say, she just really likes him!!
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rookvonhunt · 2 years
💍 hit me with any Duo of us you feeling
cracks knuckles absolutely
Under cut for possible length!
Alucard and Flynn
"Marry? My my... someone is confident."
Alucard is a very finicky man, but Flynn has been with him long enough for marriage to come into the equation.
His first thought is the idea of mortality, but as they say.. live life to the fullest, yes?
Very calm outwardly during the ordeal but as soon as he's home he's screaming with his brothers like a bunch of excited girls.
Song Fenhua and Taron
"Oya..~ you wish to marry? Kehehe.. what a leap in a relationship."
More surprised than he lets on, but pleasantly so.
All he asks is that Taron is patient for the ceremony itself. After all, he has to worry for the crown prince of the deadrealm.
Living for 1000 years, not once did he imagine he'd truly find love or marry. Overall, he's conflicted. Perplexed, even. But.. he isn't opposed.
Dragiselle and Lyon
"...Like merry christmas?"
Lyon is fucking STUPID. Dragiselle will have to clarify instantly what she actually means.
But as soon as she does, he's a flustered mess. Not only because he made himself look stupid but because he's being asked by the love of his life! Of course he says yes afterwards!
Shiio and Aiden
"Ara ara ~ Such an ambitious man!"
Shiio is quick to accept the proposal , draping himself over his now fiance to admire the ring.
It's one of the few times Shiio feels genuinely happy and content. Safe and secure, even.
Maybe it's not all horrible in the world..
Candice and Greg
"HAH? Where's the camera , twerp?"
He really doesn't believe it at first , face turning bright red mid fancy dinner at a way too expensive restaurant with Emma , Peko , Dixie and Séan there as well.
When Greg gets down on one knee while Candice is getting a drink he immediately snorts it back out through his nose and chokes. He's completely embarrassed as peko pats his back and tries to offer him a napkin as Greg realizes what he's caused.
Still says yes as to not make the whole thing even more awkward while people are staring.
100% smacks him over the head after leaving.
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rookvonhunt · 2 years
🍳Shioo and Aiden or
♥️Fenhua and Taron
Shiio and Aiden Misadventures
Shiio is a bit lost. As beautiful and domestic as he is, he is absolutely lost in a kitchen.
He follows Aiden and his instructions to a T, terrified of mucking up a recipe.
Despite that he may be prone to... stealing Aiden away from the stove for a kiss or two.. or six..
They can't help it, Aiden is so handsome when he's focused. Occasionally feigns ignorance so he'll show them how to do it again. He's a visual and hands-on leaner.
Shiio is the type to start flour fights !! Things always get messy even if Aiden tries to avoid it as much as possible. Media has walked in on them completely covered in flour and/or batter on numerous occasions.
"Aiyah..." Shiio began , wringing his hands out after washing them. Only half listening to Aiden at that point. "So many steps... can't we take just one teensy littl-"
"No, Shiio." Aiden spoke to the hashikore student firmly , causing him to pout.
"Oh come on Aiden~☆" Shiio whined, puffing his cheeks out. To which Aiden snorted at. Turning back to face them once he finished his preparations.
"No matter how cute you are, you're not getting out of this. Come on. You have your own prep to do." A groan in response, making the beastman chuckle.
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