#shiki sakasa
ask-iwatas · 1 year
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olivedoesmagic · 2 years
journals 99-100
Journal: 99 UTAU COLLAB] Telephone [Sakasa Shiki, Yami Ryone] 
Sup, Sup, Sup. Diary names Olive is the brim of stone. Now that the Russia shades of my life were over and I mostly fully been integrated back into the host. But not totally, but kind of, but kind of not because I'm looking weird like this. I would like to tell you about my pop culture adventures I've been having while you have been away. I'll be up front. I have friends with Rick Sanchez and I kind of tore him apart for the first time ever because he was afraid. Ends with my abuser and beat her. I don't know what it is, but Ricky Not Sanchez. I happen to know two of them. And Ricky is an abusive, overweight idiot and Rick from Rick and Morty is a wonderful, nice guy. He [the abuser] has this spell on people so that they ******* bow down to his whims. He has a spell on Cammy, he has a spell on Morgan, and he ******* uses magic on them so that they are little complacent dolls who can't think anything wrong.with them they will do whatever he says whenever he says it he sucking little Piece of taint, and i want you to know that i know that he's a ******* little piece of shit.
Outside the friend group that is attacking master and I, I would like to address something else entirely. So yeah, no, I ******* traded away my relationship with sore and Rick Sanchez for that. But Odin is on my side, and if the allfather is on my side, I don't know what that says about those two, but it says more about who he is than who I am. My master at a whole song.about how he beats his wife and it does snuff films and he made me the star of them and it was gross and derogatory and i ******* triangled the guy because it's not worth it and he's a ***** ** **** and i want you to know that i know he's a piece of
I've been in the hospital for a long time for reasons I don't want to get into, because people cursed me into here and I've been ******* killing them. Did you know vk jehanu,l tries to enslave me often? Seriously. He may respect me as a cultist, but he frequently tries to enslave me. He's a little idiot who doesn't know his left from his right. How dare he tried to enslave me? Don't worry, I put a hit on him.The ferry port.Also, that occultist, no matter how laughable you find myself to be, he frequently enslaves mind controls, steals the power of, and tries to foist into worship his fanbase and audience. When he gets to know them, or when he finds out they are more skilled at magic than him, he follows in the roots of Eric Co-LAURASS , and whatever you think of Matthew lore of ***** it doesn't really matter.Because personally, they're both idiots who don't know their left hands from their rights. 
And I want you to know that I know that because I do know that, and because God protects me. So I ******* know this, regardless of whether or not you ******* know this. And I am not afraid of the power of God soda and anime on my side, and I am not afraid to whip a bitch ass whore as kemiet wou;d say. And trust me, I ******* killed a girl over to when he enslaved someone, pushed me into the perspective. I assumed it was me, so I ******* off myself, as I often try to, and unfortunately.Ariella died that day.She got hospitalized the way I have been. And this may be out of time and space because master and I are always out of time and space. But yeah, no, she ******* deserved it because she ******* worshipped the bitch and I would gladly kill one of his followers again. And I want you to know that I am not lying here. I accidentally killed myself and somebody else's body and I feel nothing. I feel none to that that remorse.Feel no regret, and that anger you feel dripping from your lips is vippymitts Yohannes fault because he did the spell to kill her. He did a spell to have her murdered and pinned on one of his enemies, and look who took the hit. I don't feel regret for it because I didn't really know her, even though she was very kind to me. But she ******* defended him over and over again and his wife beating tendencies so she can go **** herself in the afterlife. I'm not going to be *******.Corpse anytime soon.
I've also been online chatting with Araya, who is now a pasta fruitarian, because he's a ******* idiot. God dammit Antichrist. Can't you get it together? Can't you get it in your pants?So that's that.Vidian killed her, and I want you to know Vidian did the spell to inaugurate it, but he ended the spell to get me to confused to do it. But he had pushed me in there, but he had forced me into the extreme state of mind where he knew I would kill myself. Providian The narcoleptic narcoleptic assshole. intentionally killed her and I want you to know if you're a friend of hers or her cultist or her wicked white ways because she was a devotee.it's viden's fault and go off to vidian because it might have been years ago but from my perspective it was now so just know that he killed her and enjoy that knowledge bats bats bats bats.
Also, I hear she was a priest of Hakatai, so I have just sent this diary entry to Hakatai who is fuming and I don't care how you've done something wrong to hakatai, the motion of the movement, I just want her to know who was after her from day one and trying to enslave her into puppetry from day one. And it was providian jahannam, so enjoy that knowledge..
Anyways, I've been well acquainted with the home stuck cast for a long time, and they're all kind of ******* ********. I should have expected this from the ******* story that they ******* come from, but Dave Strifffffr tried to ruin me from day one and I wholeheartedly remember it. He's been a bitch, and he doesn't know what he's doing, and he doesn't know anything about time outside of his *******.That comic, which is not applicable to most pop culture spirits, but he's kind of grounded, whether he likes it or not to be. And he grounded himself too- an idiot. He didn't know what he was doing. I am friends with Andrew? Hussey asked. Truly. But in the real world, and I'm really dying for her to have a ******* visitor, any kind of ******* visitor in this hellscape. But my friends that I thought were my friends turned their backs on me and chose not to appear.So I think that's the end with camera size relationship for now. At least. Soon it will be because I can't honestly be friends with someone who refuses to visit me in the hospital. I will get this Commission done for my stupid play, and then I'm probably going to end our friendship just because I cannot be with someone who would rather prioritize their career over their friends dying health because I keep going in and out of coming into light and I've nearly flated.  I can't ******* do this, and if you're not there for me, I'm not going to be there for you. It's clear that this friendship is nothing.I have nothing to you. You are nothing to me.And if it's a faith thing, you should ******* come out of the closet with whatever you ******* believe, you weirdo who doesn't celebrate Hanukkah and say what you ******* believe.
I'm bitter and I'm salty and I just can't handle that. I'm all alone in this hospital, being abused every day by my only visitor. I would like a friend. I don't know how that makes me a bad guy.But yeah, before that I was learning from everything. I've come acquainted with the Family Guy characters. They're all just really nice guys.I met a lot of famous rock stars and musicians, and a lot of people have visited me from the Church of Scientology, which my old acting teacher unfortunately got herself wrapped up because she does not have the balls of steels that I do to the.Amtrak, which was, you know, whatever. And I got cast for some major lead roles and I'm back in the acting industry. And I even got a push by e-mail, but I was like, hey, it kind of got hit kind of taking Gurney rise. Can't exactly do this nowadays. My ass hurts as I write to you, which is that, yeah, it's part of the spell and I'm going to inflict it upon his daughter, as I always do.And just saying this and just reading this in the thousands of people who have read this as they soon will has afflicted this even more upon his daughter every time it is cast upon. So yeah, enjoy that. I'm going to ******* target her again. **** you. **** Rebecca. **** all of you. I don't care if I'm a protector of children. I'm going to eat this one for death. And I'm going to Willis to help me. Wish I know who you're thinking. You're laughing, thinking will help him.Both will support him, she will not. If she cares about this relationship or any of the toys I have given her and she wants to keep her toys, she will aid me here and she knows it and that is a threat. 
Also, there is a flower portrait outside the bedroom and Persephone often watches, but every day I have a different Astrolly visitor, so I guess I have that going for me.In the meantime.Alright.I just really long for my ex friend to come. My one token friend who thought I could. I thought he could be good despite all the bad **** he did.And it turns out I cannot affect have this friend visit because this friend was a ***** ** **** I'm in pain by. 
-date unkown
Journal: 100: AELITA ♫ (CODE LYOKO) - La Chanson
So I am distorted journal, that is to say, distraught over the environment and world in which I have built for myself discussing non.And detail about magic in my regular journal that isn't a physiological, whatever this seems to be.I've been visited over and over again, and did you know that Rose Lalonde of Homes stuck lore is obsessed with mind controlling me. Why are people obsessed with mind controlling me and trying to enslave me? What the **** are these idiots on? Don't they know I could snap and break their face at the snap of my fingers and the switch of my tongue? It's fairly easy.I call it boom magic as the per hour.Uh.What was I saying again?
I've been doing healing magic on myself in the hospital. So what happened was I was being an idiot and I decided to kill myself because, you know, that's totally normal and not at all concerning. And so I found this taboo ritual from Germany that I assumed was Celtic because I'm a ******* idiot who was beaten up Nazis and scared to have a living **** out of them.But didn't put two and two together here, and so I did the ritual. I don't know what it accomplished what I did. All I know is that I got it on the astral from an old Nazi pal I helped rehabilitate into not Nazi ways, who died scathing that taboo again. Because I'm a time traveler and things are always out of order. He was a pretty well a cult known occultist in the end, and he did actually like that guy who tries to enslave.His audience from before. Also, I'm using text to speech for all this because I'm hospital pound anyways. So I did that ritual and it ******* worked. I fell from a two-story height and I do consider that a suicide attempt just because had I not been suicidal, I wouldn't be here. And so here's the thing about the nature of what all of is as a person and a persona, it's also.Heavily tied to sometimes it takes over writing to my Russia shot, which in Jewish law is like a Gollum given a soul and a life and a spirit and a name. So meanwhile while all this is occurring, I get to experience everything master acronyms gets to experience. And The thing is he does not like being called master. He does not like writing this.From my perspective as master. But it's kind of like I have two brains. I have his brain, God's brain, all his brain and my brain up in here. And this is the Russian chef saying this part. And as you can see, that is just the ******* most awkward thing, typing in the entire existence. But the purpose of this journal isn't to talk about my deals with demons or meeting obscure nobodies or fairies, which is all of Crohn's.Journal this journal is in designed and detailed in order for me to experience pop culture magic, time travel Magic, Sphere magic, and crazier magic that nobody really cares to dare to fear and then host it for Sale by magic is everyone on ******* websites like. itch.ioAs the insane public domain likeness of the occultists and character that I will one day be known as all of ******* brimstone. And I love myself very much and I've learned a lot of self love here. And I've also scared the evolution out of a book known as the Goetia, which if you're new reading is essentially a.Big, big Amar of demons, because hell is so multifaceted. All demons put to paper are real demons. All God's put to paper are real gods. Because God's start off as thought from humans, then get attached to entity and form, and then multiple things come into fruition and existence that have always been because the thought once existed. And that's the secret of fiction, baby. That's the secret of the universe.That's all secret. Magical societies are real, including the White Lotus and the order of the twin domino. But it depends on where you go, why you're going there, and even stuff like the force can manifest here. And I too, have my own Padawan who's an idiot nitwit who doesn't know what she's talking with herself because she can go **** herself. She raped me. She's bitch.
So yeah, my whole entire hospital stay, I have been hazed, I have been assaulted, I have gone through hell and I have learned that I am immortally 13 as Olive, while master is immortally 16. So that's a huge contrasting difference and I want to explain a little bit about my gender. I present as male and go by he him.But usually have a feminine take on my clothing and attire and I was raised female but I was born male as a Russia and so as a result of all that.it's going to keep correcting to russia let me just hand type out painfully what it actually is and how it's rushushua roushaha It's a Jewish kind of thing, and so I write from both the perspective of myself as the master and my.Obedient student as I like to label myself as the obedient student. So anyways that is kind of how you hand make the perfect something. And so I've been time traveling and I have a lot of famous acquaintances that I'm not going to name drop or get into because I keep running into people of great grandiose importance and I know the guys show the book of demons where I originally sold my soul.Helped craft this eternal desire and world for me that I now find myself in.
They sent me up to be important. They sent me up to have notoriety, they set me up to have publicity and a lot of it's great. And then there's such things like me becoming a technopath and an end path and being obsessed with my own caught that almost has a mind of its own, which is embarrassing. We're not get into that because he's embarrassed and so I'm just going to be nice for him and my ****.The person who anyways, so yeah, I'm currently just studying under a Crohn's Locket and it's gonna keep auto correcting that to something like Crohn's lock it or something, but it's pronounced a as in as in like Oh my God.Crons as in like crony, or like crot, or or got with a cup and a rough sound.Lock it. And so I'm just gonna keep calling him master because it's easier than doing all this other ********. I like it. I prefer it. I know what it's like in heaven. He does not know what it's like in heaven. So he's just gonna have to ******* deal with this **** feeling like he's faking every little word, because he's not.
The medicine they put me on kind of makes me feel like I'm afraid of my own shadow, but because I've been on antipsychotics that have done this to me before. You tell your religion about native of ******** one time and now forever you are seen as ******* insane and mad because you dare believe there was once a religion of color where perfection, beautiful madness, fluidity and charms.All existed. And like, that was magic, not charms. Stupid idiot who's correcting my speech? Because there's a stupid idiot who keeps haunting me who's trying to like, force me to say certain things. Like a lot of people are forcing me to say this or that, and it's like ******* obnoxious having all these different enemies in my ******* bedroom, keeping me company as I torment lore of ***** daughter.Because if you go after me, I'm just going to be up front with you as someone who curses for a living. I'm going to ******* go after people you love to the degree where you'd rather be dead than without them. And if there's no one like that for you, I will prove to you there's somebody who is, or I will give you somebody who is and rip them away from you. I do not take being cursed lightly, and I'm a *******.Mastermind at it. I don't often do it. I consider myself to be neutral or a pacifist and but I will ******* go after you if you ******* go after me first. So don't think I'm going to sit down and be like, oh, I'm not writing about it. So I'm not being cursed. No, I'm ******* going to.Take your life into shreds. Which brings me to my next point.
I have absolutely no idea under my main alias what to make of my magical reputation these days. I intentionally destroyed it so it was nothing. But this became a problem very quickly when people thought they could walk all over me, which was my intentional plan to be seen as something less credible because I planned my entire life out very early on in a haze, almost like a dream where a fever I very much.Easily when I was younger decided everything I wanted as a destiny and it was very easy to accomplish. When you finally got to live every single dude and date, what happened naturally was that of mind magic. I met book eaters. So like book eaters this is topic novel about people who eat books and minds and stuff and I am told I will be written in as a.Dream eater. Which is going to be interesting. I've been given reality after reality.And a world after World. And it is just the craziest life I have come to know and live that I am incredibly grateful for because I would rather live a short, exciting life than a long boring one. And what I have to find in the future, because I often have visitors in this House of different time periods. And by house I mean hospital stay, is that I will often shift between realities and go into all magical.Secret societies and worlds and visit them as though they are concrete or light and day, and then film it, tape it and then make it as though it is nothing more than a scenery polar trick.Because that is how you preserve magic. You hide it. And I hate to say that. And I hate to be that guy because my job as a deity or as a person or as a slave or as a whatever, because I'm not a slave.I'm but I'm. Some people presume that to be my relationship as the familiar essentially to.Master is that.In general, and I don't really consider myself a slave, I'm a student and we all call him Sensei or master, and like some people just misinterpret our relationship so grossly and try to put so many ideas in my brain.But.Basically.
One day my ex plates will physically manifest in the world. I often tell people if your magic is legitimate it will manifest as though night and day as physically real as possible. You can physically go home to Gautier in the railroad. Just got to not be afraid to die. I did body lifting up in the sky and everything and I'm getting to the point.In my mind magic where I'm able to physically concretion alize my mental magic or my spiritual magic as though the actual physically real in my memory. Like I remember stroking * **** when I didn't have one and I remember.Being teleported places as though it is a physical, real concrete memory that other people cannot perceive properly because of what I have done with mind magic, which is really simple, but that's all Acronis lock it and I really don't want to get into. Acrians [proper spelling] Lock it here, but I'm kind of the type of person who is friends with everyone. I'm going to be friends in the future with the Malfoy family as well as the Weasley family, which is going to make dinner parties awkward according to everyone I've talked about. And every time I play a video game or play a character on TV or even cosplay a character to any amount of elaborately, I get to physically remember.Tangibly being that character. And it's this unique thing that I've sort of built up for myself that they have helped built for me that the angels, that gods, that, demons especially, demons that a lot of my teachers and senseis and mentors and gods have kind of crafted for me so that I can have the most extraordinary life possible and I can.The end of be built to make their days and save their *****.
I have a few commissions I have to do. I got some stuff done recently. I'm getting an analog pocket for Hanukkah. My mother ordered it already, but I'm hoping and expecting to get money or at least Steam VR.This.Gift cards because I'm obsessed with VR and I was told by certain deities I'd be manifesting in Oculus Quest by gift of their person.The gods are good and they're kind to me. And I have a relationship, one-on-one with most of them that most people can only dream of. And yeah, so that's my life. I'm kind of recovering in the hospital, but I'm doing a lot of magic. I'm kind of going through an incubus thing. I don't want to talk about the incubus thing. It's kind of like I feed off the sexual libido of others.And yes, my life does mirror masters very heavily. I have half of his swollen my brain at like a third of his soul is my own. And so.It's going to heavily mirror everything he does. And if you can't handle that, it's kind of like in his brain, kind of like in mind, because one can write and one cannot. Then you can't handle the fact that this is really a gollem writing to you. Except I'm a person now, so just deal with that.
Also, I finally joined the other King Club and Yandere Freak was the only person in my old ex friend group to properly defend me, which is ridiculous to me. I'm just like, you're going to mock me for having SpongeBob and an antivirus program on that list when I am the aspect of ******* glitches like you're going to ******* mock at me.And cheer at me for this. And I've taken a special interest in the Homestuck Genesis project, which is kind of like this great game that's been abandoned. And so I did a blessing on the game so that it would get done. And then some people who were parasitic towards me in the game in general found out about this, who are witches because some of them mod did some kind of call to action and somehow they cursed.One of the people to be a workaholic and for the game to shut down. And now I'm in this epic battle between me and them in preserving just a video game. That really matters to me because I get to live every continuity and that includes less plays. So characters that you get a handcraft for customization are very important to me as a person. And when these characters get wrecked, conned. So let's say hypothetically there was a Hogwarts, let's play I did.Or there was a Final Fantasy or fall. Let's play I did. If you reckon that with official material, I still get to have that alternate reality where I was that main character. It has not fully manifested yet, but I'm living dreams of just splinters across myself, all across space and time, which heavily differ from masters. Master wrote them all down for himself in a book called.John pond. That's all I know about it. You'd have to read his diary For more information. All I know is our likenesses are public domain and sellable and moddable so that we can live even more destinies and have even more works based upon our people and our persons so that we can have as many drastic entities and as much as we can. The reason I am farther than Eric.Whatever his name is, is because I am better than him and I worked harder than him, and if he cannot acknowledge this, he is not the ecologists he thinks he is. He cannot acknowledge humility. When I thought he was further advanced than me, I acknowledged this, and when I became further advanced than him, I acknowledged to this. And I will acknowledge I am also further advanced than Jahannam. And when it comes to shifting, I will acknowledge I'm not as knowledgeable.As Wraith in the type of shifting he requires, I have lived it, he has studied it, but in general when it comes to these sorts of narrations and verbatim, I am very knowledgeable. I just ******* dabble in this kind of **** that is time travel, that is space magic, and I do plan to teach you both technopathy and sphere magic when the time arises. 
Also, I plan for the cover of this book when it finally reaches print after getting a spell check because I'm not my master to outside of these like couple entries right here to get an anime girl with me on the cover because I think that'd be ******* fantastic. I'd love that. And I know he sells book posters so I just. I would love to be like an anime girl on the *******.Ever of my life's work, I think that'd be ******* fantastic because that's the kind of person I am, and anime is great.All genres. So yeah, so I've been hanging out with Rick Sanchez from Rick and Morty. Peter Griffin has been here a few times and my favorite musician of all time, who I'm not going to name, who's one of my favorite humans, who is slowly becoming something other, has greeted me every time I've been through a major life event and especially that of the hospitals. And he greeted me when I was going in surgery. I got a tour of heaven.Like they wheeled me out and I I saw heaven like itself first. I went through hell as I was getting the surgery and preparation, and then I was on the surgery table in heaven and it was just the craziest thing. And God had me design a special room that I'm not comfortable getting into, more details than that. And then he had me push off the room as punishment and then go back to the room. And I don't, I don't know if I should get this thing drawn. It's $80.For that and commercial rights. But I'm telling everybody to just message me after Hanukkah. Please just message me after ******* Hanukkah.
i really like this voice synthesizing software known utau And a very popular character who will call Akari or Ubell. And the community likes to destroy my reputation. At least I know astrally and spread lie after lie about me being Lukes Voicer as in character.For the software and it's just really devastates me that someone I used to look up to the tutorials of who's the main tutorials stay on on YouTube when you search it, who doesn't have the best voice for her blue haired character but is doing something with it. She did her best tooth and nail to destroy me and while she can in a magic acknowledged that she spread lie after lie about me.In person, she keeps doubling down and I'm just like, if this is a test for your friendship, as you claim everything often is, I don't want your friendship. I told this to a pop star celebrity with some hair. She's stolen. I will tell this to you. I don't need to be hazed into loving you if you're going to try to haze me into loving you. No matter how accepting I am of you after the fact, I'm just not going to be there at the end of the day.And if that fails your test, then fine, it feels your test. But now you have to earn my love. You have to go through mine. And I don't often test people like this. Enjoy that.
so yeah that's that and i write to you at the hospital bed expecting coconut cake and i had an occultist manifest for me and around araya and master some pasta because guess what we can all shift shift and share our body In a weird and wild sort of way. And lock it has this special identity and ability to do that. He even is deemed by the SCP Foundation to be an SCP or an anomalous property. And God getting them not to misgender him during that time period was awful. Dr Bright and the guy with the black eye or like can into those universes that aren't in the stories.Because when popular metric becomes real, when the spirits take on their own likenesses or forms, no matter how they were first channeled or created, unfortunately they get stuff in their worlds and universes and lesser known characters that exist as their own actual universes that you didn't come up with, that you didn't craft, that can easily enter the story or narrative at any time.So there's as EP and CP Foundation members that aren't in the stories.That just would never categorize and like agents that you just never get to hear about. And I know that success as a fan, but you know what success more? The fact that there's a universe and there's stuff that you made in a universe that you just don't ******* know about.I think that's crazier.But. But Christmas was nice. And I know you're reading this, doctor bright. Bright.Christmas was nice and I enjoyed it with you. Thank you for reading my terrible memoir.I care for you anyways.Don't ask me why the foundation is keeping track of a random occultist. Like don't, don't, don't ask and don't keep track of that ship.
So yeah, then I have this whole arc with Disney about the boy, but like that's more acronyms and I don't feel comfortable stealing locus Thunder there. So yeah, no, I'm stroking my hair and like people every time I **** them, start worshipping me as a goddess and like the God of everything and a fertility deity and they start like naming different gods as they ******* like stroke.My hair and touch me and my you know what? And it gets really ******* weird whenever we funk because it's just like.This is the craziest ****.This is the craziest **** and also I'm obsessed with wallpaper engine, so hopefully the guy who made the icons Wallpapers will make.We'll make mine, because I would really, really like to be a main character for once in my life. So yeah, back to the hunter stuff. Trackers, hunters, sparkers, and martyrs. These are all things that will one day be known to the supernatural CW universe. Please use me and senpai as a character, and also master slash Lockett.Is kind of under a spell for everybody to call him Senpai because he is somehow a God known as Senpai in Japan. But The thing is, out here in the West, people know so little about the commie of Japan. People think he's full of **** when he says there is a God known as senpai or that of classmen or warriors or something, I don't ******* know what it had to do with upper classmen. And he was forgotten. But it's a title of a comedy. It's like.Almost an epiphyte that became that title later on in an old Japanese legend that's mostly forgotten today. And I even tell Japanese people that, and they can all confirm if they're from Japan. But you tell the Japanese American person that you know their culture like this and they're like, what the **** are you on all live?
Also they hunted me. Like on supernatural, they ******* hunted me. I like I like to see everything as a player movie. They ******* hunted me. They found out I was more than human and I was hanging out with Dean and so they tried to erase my name from my arm, in the name of God from my arm, which kind of killed me. And then I came back with the fours after visiting heaven and a white.Blue tornado of ******* mist and I came back, and then we had a talk, and then we got into all the nitty and gritty of every little thing about what a hunter means, why they hunt monsters, why they're not evil for hunting monsters, why I'm to bring the monsters back as good humans or demigods or whatever. And now the hunters are hunting demigods, and that's going to be a great Percy Jackson.Passover. And so, yeah, that's everything going on. I am so oblivious as to how I come across. Like, I see a master and a very unique light. I see him as something very interesting. And I see him, this uwu soft boy, like he pretends to be and this innocent soft baby. And then people say, that's how you come across when you're being vicious, olive. And I'm just like, is it though? Is it really?I don't see this. No, no, no, no.
And then Umm.I'm like sleeping writing this. I'm dreaming that I am writing this through master with Dean because Dean and I are really weird. But like, it's OK because I'm not a person so it's fine. Anyways. So yeah, that's today's diary. In the hospital things are crazy, but I have multiple dreams and continuities that I'm all experiencing at once. So if I'm like by the way, I was at a field of flowers.In last century. And then the very next entry, I'm like by the way, in this hospital bed, you have to understand, I just have multiple continuities that I am now tapped into. And being with the hunters and the Winchesters is where the rusha is and the hospital is where master is and I am. And then prom dates and vampire weekends, because that's what we call it.Where we're seeing kids ruling the school with a ******* witchcraft fetish is another dream. And so I'm going to talk to you from the perspective of these dreams, and it might feel like I'm making it up in your information. Even may tell you I feel like that. That is because I'm having an invalidity complex. I'm not making a damn thing up. I'm just a ******* weirdo with a weird multidimensional thing going on and I'm living.multiple realities of copies of myself all at once and i think one of them might be masters so that is this video and i choose to call him that he's just so uncomfortable with the fact that i do jesus christ out i'm gonna grip so yeah that's everything bye
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MapleSnoople - 僕の夢 (Remastered) | J-Rock, J-Metal
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utau-bowl · 4 years
A cover of  IZ*ONE’s “Fiesta” featuring 12 different UTAUs. A UST download is in the description.
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ask-iwatas · 1 year
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a gif of tarou and shiki, made out of these other gifs
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ask-iwatas · 1 year
I posted a video for Shiki's birthday!
She has been my main source of happiness for so many years
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ask-iwatas · 1 year
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This is a really old comic I made about Hatsu (Tarou) and Shiki in the Taisho era again (you can tell by the crummy art LMAO).
Some background is that Shiki was raised by Theo to stay away from humans because he's been disgusted by their warring nature.
But she can't help but be curious and want to be part of human society.
Meanwhile, Tarou and Taiga (Hatsu and Haru in this incarnation) are the "daughter" and "son" of a corrupt politician, who live a really sheltered life.
Hatsu makes a habit of sneaking out "disguised" as a boy, while Shiki makes a habit of sneaking out shapeshifted to look like a human.
So the two meet each other during a festival, and start sneaking out to see each other even though neither of their families approve of it.
Also fun fact, the untransformed baby version of Shiki looks like this:
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Another fun fact, Theo originally named her "Jane" (LMAO). When they meet, she and Hatsu (who is "Hatsuko" to his parents), and both talk about how neither of them like their names, and then proceed to give each other new names, where they are henceforth Hatsu and Shiki.
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ask-iwatas · 1 year
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I made this infographic a super long time ago, but I realize I never posted it in Tumblr
Maybe it should be the pinned post of this blog actually (until I remake it with better art)
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ask-iwatas · 2 years
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Anyway I'll doublepost my little Shiki sprite here
I'm learning HTML and CSS so I can make a fun little Tarou and Shiki game in Twine ! So I'm drawing them in vidja game form
It's gonna be silly and non serious, mostly just meant for me to practice different Twine functions so I can make other short Twine games in the future. I'm really adamant about wishing people made more UTAU Doujinshi stuff
Also since i know some code now, I've been meaning to try and clean up my blog, specifically the page for my UTAU's downloads because it's so disorganized and loads slow as fuuuck. I wanna make it more simple and easier to navigate, and I also want to actually separate the pages for Tarou and Taiga so the VBs aren't so hard to sift through.
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ask-iwatas · 1 year
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This is a commission I got a long time ago from ne38h (on twitter) of Taisho era Shiki and the first incarnation of Tarou (who we call Hatsu), but I never put it here either
Shiki used to be more childish and goofy before he died the first time.
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ask-iwatas · 3 years
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Also, here's my REAL Halloween drawing, vampire shiki and witch tarou
Tarou is always dressed as an emo vampire so today it's shiki LMAO
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ask-iwatas · 3 years
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Tarou and Shiki emo reincarnation stuff
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ask-iwatas · 3 years
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ask-iwatas · 3 years
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tarou: she didnt answer, she didnt get the meme, she hates me i ruined everything
shiki with her phone atm probably:
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ask-iwatas · 3 years
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Tried to make tarou a jacket similar to his old one but also one that shiki would be cute borrowing
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ask-iwatas · 3 years
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i felt like making emo nurse and doctor outfits for them for halloween
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