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rightnewshindi · 6 months
हाई कोर्ट ने निकम्मे और लापरवाह अधिकारियों को लगाई फटकार, कहा, ऐसे अधिकारी बढ़ा रहे अदालतों का बोझ
हाई कोर्ट ने निकम्मे और लापरवाह अधिकारियों को लगाई फटकार, कहा, ऐसे अधिकारी बढ़ा रहे अदालतों का बोझ
Himachal High Court: हिमाचल प्रदेश हाई कोर्ट ने अदालतों में मामलों के लंबित पड़े रहने के लिए सरकारी अधिकारियों की लापरवाही और अयोग्यता को जिम्मेदार ठहराया है। कोर्ट ने कहा कि ऐसे अधिकारी अपने कंधों पर जिम्मेदारी लेने की बजाय कोर्ट के आदेशों की राह देखते रहते हैं, जिस कारण सामान्य जनता को कोर्ट का रुख करने पर मजबूर होना पड़ता है। इतना ही नहीं, नकारा और लापरवाह अधिकारी अदालती आदेशों की अनुपालना समय…
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annarellix · 1 year
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Paris, 1974. Radha is now living in Paris with her husband, Pierre, and their two daughters. She still grieves for the baby boy she gave up years ago, when she was only a child herself, but she loves being a mother to her daughters, and she’s finally found her passion—the treasure trove of scents. She has an exciting and challenging position working for a master perfumer, helping to design completely new fragrances for clients and building her career one scent at a time. She only wishes Pierre could understand her need to work. She feels his frustration, but she can’t give up this thing that drives her. Tasked with her first major project, Radha travels to India, where she enlists the help of her sister, Lakshmi, and the courtesans of Agra—women who use the power of fragrance to seduce, tease and entice. She’s on the cusp of a breakthrough when she finds out the son she never told her husband about is heading to Paris to find her—upending her carefully managed world and threatening to destroy a vulnerable marriage.
The Jaipur Trilogy Book 1: The Henna Artist Book 2: The Secret Keeper of Jaipur Book 3: The Perfumist of Paris
The Author Born in India and raised in the U.S. since she was nine, Alka Joshi has a BA from Stanford University and an MFA from California College of Arts. Joshi's debut novel, The Henna Artist,  immediately became a NYT bestseller, a Reese Witherspoon Bookclub pick, was Longlisted for the Center for Fiction First Novel Prize, & is in development as a TV series. Her second novel, The Secret Keeper of Jaipur (2021), is followed by The Perfumist of Paris (2023). Find her online at www.alkajoshi.com.
SOCIAL: Author Website: www.alkajoshi.com TWITTER: @alkajoshi FB: @alkajoshi2019 Insta: @thealkajoshi Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/18257842.Alka_Joshi
BUY LINKS: Harlequin Indiebound Amazon Barnes & Noble Books-A-Million Target Google Apple Kobo
EXCERPT: Paris September 2, 1974
I pick up on the first ring; I know it’s going to be her. She always calls on his birthday. Not to remind me of the day he came into this world but to let me know I’m not alone in my remembrance. “Jiji?” I keep my voice low. I don’t want to wake Pierre and the girls. “Kaisa ho, choti behen?” my sister says. I hear the smile in her voice, and I respond with my own. It’s lovely to hear Lakshmi’s gentle Hindi here in my Paris apartment four thousand miles away. I’d always called her Jiji—big sister—but she hadn’t always called me choti behen. It was Malik who addressed me as little sister when I first met him in Jaipur eighteen years ago, and he wasn’t even related to Jiji and me by blood. He was simply her apprentice. My sister started calling me choti behen later, after everything in Jaipur turned topsy-turvy, forcing us to make a new home in Shimla. Today, my sister will talk about everything except the reason she’s calling. It’s the only way she’s found to make sure I get out of bed on this particular date, to prevent me from spiraling into darkness every year on the second of September, the day my son, Niki, was born. She started the tradition the first year I was separated from him, in 1957. I was just fourteen. Jiji arrived at my boarding school with a picnic, having arranged for the headmistress to excuse me from classes. We had recently moved from Jaipur to Shimla, and I was still getting used to our new home. I think Malik was the only one of us who adjusted easily to the cooler temperatures and thinner air of the Himalayan mountains, but I saw less of him now that he was busy with activities at his own school, Bishop Cotton. I was in history class when Jiji appeared at the door and beckoned me with a smile. As I stepped outside the room, she said, “It’s such a beautiful day, Radha. Shall we take a hike?” I looked down at my wool blazer and skirt, my stiff patent leather shoes, and wondered what had gotten into her. She laughed and told me I could change into the clothes I wore for nature camp, the one our athletics teacher scheduled every month. I’d woken with a heaviness in my chest, and I wanted to say no, but one look at her eager face told me I couldn’t deny her. She’d cooked my favorite foods for the picnic. Makki ki roti dripping with ghee. Palak paneer so creamy I always had to take a second helping. Vegetable korma. And chole, the garbanzo bean curry with plenty of fresh cilantro. That day, we hiked Jakhu Hill. I told her how I hated math but loved my sweet old teacher. How my roommate, Mathilde, whistled in her sleep. Jiji told me that Madho Singh, Malik’s talking parakeet, was starting to learn Punjabi words. She’d begun taking him to the Community Clinic to amuse the patients while they waited to be seen by her and Dr. Jay. “The hill people have been teaching him the words they use to herd their sheep, and he’s using those same words now to corral patients in the waiting area!” She laughed, and it made me feel lighter. I’ve always loved her laugh; it’s like the temple bells that worshippers ring to receive blessings from Bhagwan. When we reached the temple at the top of the trail, we stopped to eat and watched the monkeys frolicking in the trees. A few of the bolder macaques eyed our lunch from just a few feet away. As I started to tell her a story about the Shakespeare play we were rehearsing after school, I stopped abruptly, remembering the plays Ravi and I used to rehearse together, the prelude to our lovemaking. When I froze, she knew it was time to steer the conversation into less dangerous territory, and she smoothly transitioned to how many times she’d beat Dr. Jay at backgammon. “I let Jay think he’s winning until he realizes he isn’t,” Lakshmi grinned. I liked Dr. Kumar (Dr. Jay to Malik and me), the doctor who looked after me when I was pregnant with Niki—here in Shimla. I’d been the first to notice that he couldn’t take his eyes off Lakshmi, but she’d dismissed it; she merely considered the two of them to be good friends. And here he and my sister have been married now for ten years! He’s been good for her—better than her ex-husband was. He taught her to ride horses. In the beginning, she was scared to be high off the ground (secretly, I think she was afraid of losing control), but now she can’t imagine her life without her favorite gelding, Chandra. So lost am I in memories of the sharp scents of Shimla’s pines, the fresh hay Chandra enjoys, the fragrance of lime aftershave and antiseptic coming off Dr. Jay’s coat, that I don’t hear Lakshmi’s question. She asks again. My sister knows how to exercise infinite patience—she had to do it often enough with those society ladies in Jaipur whose bodies she spent hours decorating with henna paste. I look at the clock on my living room wall. “Well, in another hour, I’ll get the girls up and make their breakfast.” I move to the balcony windows to draw back the drapes. It’s overcast today, but a little warmer than yesterday. Down below, a moped winds its way among parked cars on our street. An older gentleman, keys jingling in his palm, unlocks his shop door a few feet from the entrance to our apartment building. “The girls and I may walk a ways before we get on the Métro.” “Won’t the nanny be taking them to school?” Turning from the window, I explain to Jiji that we had to let our nanny go quite suddenly and the task of taking my daughters to the International School has fallen to me. “What happened?” It’s a good thing Jiji can’t see the color rise in my cheeks. It’s embarrassing to admit that Shanti, my nine-year-old daughter, struck her nanny on the arm, and Yasmin did what she would have done to one of her children back in Algeria: she slapped Shanti. Even as I say it, I feel pinpricks of guilt stab the tender skin just under my belly button. What kind of mother raises a child who attacks others? Have I not taught her right from wrong? Is it because I’m neglecting her, preferring the comfort of work to raising a girl who is presenting challenges I’m not sure I can handle? Isn’t that what Pierre has been insinuating? I can almost hear him say, “This is what happens when a mother puts her work before family.” I put a hand on my forehead. Oh, why did he fire Yasmin before talking to me? I didn’t even have a chance to understand what transpired, and now my husband expects me to find a replacement. Why am I the one who must find the solution to a problem I didn’t cause? My sister asks how my work is going. This is safer ground. My discomfort gives way to excitement. “I’ve been working on a formula for Delphine that she thinks is going to be next season’s favorite fragrance. I’m on round three of the iteration. The way she just knows how to pull back on one ingredient and add barely a drop of another to make the fragrance a success is remarkable, Jiji.” I can talk forever about fragrances. When I’m mixing a formula, hours can pass before I stop to look around, stretch my neck or step outside the lab for a glass of water and a chat with Celeste, Delphine’s secretary. It’s Celeste who often reminds me that it’s time for me to pick up the girls from school when I’m between nannies. And when I do have someone to look after the girls, Celeste casually asks what I’m serving for dinner, reminding me that I need to stop work and get home in time to feed them. On the days Pierre cooks, I’m only too happy to stay an extra hour before finishing work for the day. It’s peaceful in the lab. And quiet. And the scents—honey and clove and vetiver and jasmine and cedar and myrrh and gardenia and musk—are such comforting companions. They ask nothing of me except the freedom to envelop another world with their essence. My sister understands. She told me once that when she skated a reed dipped in henna paste across the palm, thigh or belly of a client to draw a Turkish fig or a boteh leaf or a sleeping baby, everything fell away—time, responsibilities, worries. My daughter Asha’s birthday is coming up. She’s turning seven, but I know Jiji won’t bring it up. Today, my sister will refrain from any mention of birthdays, babies or pregnancies because she knows these subjects will inflame my bruised memories. Lakshmi knows how hard I’ve worked to block out the existence of my firstborn, the baby I had to give up for adoption. I’d barely finished grade eight when Jiji told me why my breasts were tender, why I felt vaguely nauseous. I wanted to share the good news with Ravi: we were going to have a baby! I’d been so sure he would marry me when he found out he was going to be a father. But before I could tell him, his parents whisked him away to England to finish high school. I haven’t laid eyes on him since. Did he know we’d had a son? Or that our baby’s name is Nikhil? I wanted so much to keep my baby, but Jiji said I needed to finish school. At thirteen, I was too young to be a mother. What a relief it was when my sister’s closest friends, Kanta and Manu, agreed to raise the baby as their own and then offered to keep me as his nanny, his ayah. They had the means, the desire and an empty nursery. I could be with Niki all day, rock him, sing him to sleep, kiss his peppercorn toes, pretend he was all mine. It took me only four months to realize that I was doing more harm than good, hurting Kanta and Manu by wanting Niki to love only me. When I was first separated from my son, I thought about him every hour of every day. The curl on one side of his head that refused to settle down. The way his belly button stuck out. How eagerly his fat fingers grasped the milk bottle I wasn’t supposed to give him. Having lost her own baby, Kanta was happy to feed Niki from her own breast. And that made me jealous—and furious. Why did she get to nurse my baby and pretend he was hers? I knew it was better for him to accept her as his new mother, but still. I hated her for it. I knew that as long as I stayed in Kanta’s house, I would keep Niki from loving the woman who wanted to nurture him and was capable of caring for him in the long run. Lakshmi saw it, too. But she left the decision to me. So I made the only choice I could. I left him. And I tried my best to pretend he never existed. If I could convince myself that the hours Ravi Singh and I spent rehearsing Shakespeare—coiling our bodies around each other as Othello and Desdemona, devouring each other into exhaustion—had been a dream, surely I could convince myself our baby had been a dream, too. And it worked. On every day but the second of September. Ever since I left Jaipur, Kanta has been sending envelopes so thick I know what they contain without opening them: photos of Niki the baby, the toddler, the boy. I return each one, unopened, safe in the knowledge that the past can’t touch me, can’t splice my heart, can’t leave me bleeding. The last time I saw Jiji in Shimla, she showed me a similar envelope addressed to her. I recognized the blue paper, Kanta’s elegant handwriting—letters like g and y looping gracefully—and shook my head. “When you’re ready, we can look at the photos together,” Jiji said. But I knew I never would. Today, I’ll make it through Niki’s seventeenth birthday in a haze, as I always do. I know tomorrow will be better. Tomorrow, I’ll be able to do what I couldn’t today. I’ll seal that memory of my firstborn as tightly as if I were securing the lid of a steel tiffin for my lunch, making sure that not a drop of the masala dal can escape.
Excerpted from The Perfumist of Paris by Alka Joshi © 2023 by Alka Joshi, used with permission from HarperCollins/MIRA Books.
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tazakhabar24 · 2 years
Latest Shimla News | 13 Days of Monsoon and 67 Lives Lost | Himachal News Updates
Latest Shimla News | 13 Days of Monsoon and 67 Lives Lost | Himachal News Updates
Latest Shimla News | 13 Days of Monsoon and 67 Lives Lost | Himachal News Updates Shimla News: हिमाचल प्रदेश में मानसून चल रहा है। शिमला के साथ-साथ कई इलाकों में बारिश चल रही है। यदि मौसम विभाग की मानें तो आगामी 4-5 दिनों में भी मानसून सक्रिय रहेगा। इसकी तीव्रता जरूर कम होगी। मौसम विभाग ने कुल्लू के लिए चेतावनी दी है। यहां बादल फटने और बाढ़ की संभावना से इनकार नहीं किया जा सकता। नदियों और नालों…
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hpabhiabhi · 3 years
Unlike before nowadays, a word can spread much faster than any in this world with the help of the internet. You can almost find anything on the internet nowadays whether it is about sport or business. But to find it you need a realizable source on the internet like himachal abhi abhi. Here you can News Update Himachal without any interruptions.
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gurujiforexwebsite · 3 years
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edustokefan · 6 years
Top 10 Boarding Schools in India | Admission Details | 2019 – 2020
Bishop Cotton School, Shimla
Address: Shimla Bypass, Near, Khalini, Shimla, Himachal Pradesh 171002
Phone : (0177) 2620880 
One of the oldest boarding schools in Asia, Bishop Cotton was founded in 1859, by Bishop George Edward Lynch Cotton, son of an Army Captain, who died leading his Regiment in battle. Bishop Cotton School strives to achieve and maintain the highest standard of excellence in its programme of total education empowering men rooted in India’s heritage to live as committed and good human beings contributing positively to the country. The school has its own curriculum for classes III to VIII. Classes IX to XII follow the CISCE syllabus. 
The admission stars in the month of August. The entrance tests are conducted over the first weekend of September at Shimla and second week end of September at Delhi.
  Fee Structure - Indian Nationals
 Admission     Application Fee: ₹ 11,500
 Security     Deposit : ₹ 50,000
 Other     One Time Payment : ₹ 130,000
 Yearly     Fees : ₹ 492,000
  Fee Structure :
International Students
 Admission     Application Fee: US$ 413
 Security     Deposit : US$1,164
 Other     One Time Payment: US$ 2,233
 Yearly     Fees : US$ 11,799
 Lawrence School, Lovedale,Ooty
Address: Ootacamund, The Nigiris, Lovedale​, Tamil Nadu 643003
Phone:  +914232442552
Lovedale is situated about 6 kilometres from Ootacamund, on the central plateau of the Nilgiri Hills. The school was established in the year 1858.  Students are nurtured with care and encouragement to pursue various art forms and sporting activities for just studies will not make them an all-rounder. This school is an autonomous institution run under the aegis of The Ministry of Human Resource Development, Govt. of India.​​
The admission starts from the month of April.  Class Five is preferred as the entry point. Beyond these classes, there are no vacancies, though occasionally seats do become available in higher classes. Admission is based on an Aptitude Analysis held the preceding November, in all major cities in India. As there are a large number of applicants, priority is given to those who register first.
Fee Structure:
Indian Students
 Security     Deposit : ₹ 75,000
 Other     One Time Payment : ₹ 265,000
 Yearly     Fees : ₹ 381,160
  International Students:
 Security     Deposit : US$120,276
 Other     One Time Payment: US$ 419,146
 Yearly     Fees : US$ 1,019,509
 Mayo College
Address:Shrinagar Rd, Ajmer, Rajasthan 305008
Phone: +911452661154 , +911452664393
 One of the oldest schools of India established in the year 1869, today the students and the alumni are head-held-high about their favourite place all smiles about this amazing institution they are a part of . The school which hosts various clubs like humanitarian, hobby, theatre, music, scouting, adventure and photography also provides unmatched efficiency in the academic front by experimenting various methods to achieve perfection in every student. The royal campus coupled with king-size facilities, facilitating for a stay that promises glory and achievement. This all boys’ CBSE school emphasizes on the quality education for each and everyone. The availability of scholarships and the student exchange programs gives students from others countries, an opportunity to be a part of this glorious institution.
Common Aptitude Analysis for admission to Mayo College is held in the 3rd week of November every year at various centres in India. It can also be arranged overseas through the India Embassy in that country. The Analysis evaluates the candidate in English, Hindi and Mathematics to test the age specified skills in Mathematics and languages. Parents are notified in the month of August preceding the year in which admission is sought. Only the student who are eligible as per their previous Class of study and who are registered for admission are allowed to take the Aptitude Analysis.
Fee Structure:
Indian Students
 Admission     Application Fee: ₹ 16,500
 Security     Deposit : ₹ 325,000
 Other     One Time Payment : ₹ 181,700
 Yearly     Fees : ₹ 650,000
 International Students
 Admission     Application Fee: US$ 60,138
 Security     Deposit : US$650,000
 Other     One Time Payment: US$ 181,700
 Yearly     Fees : US$ 1,300,000
 Rishi Valley School
Address: Rishi Valley, Chittoor District, Madanapalle, Andhra Pradesh 517352
Phone: +918571280044 , +918571280086
 This institution was established in the 1970s, this is one of the top rated boarding schools of India. This gets all its credit for the quality of education and the faculty who have mastered the art of effective teaching. The purpose, the aim and drive of the school is to equip the child with the most excellent technological proficiency so that the student may function with clarity and efficiency in the modern world. The school comprises of an Institute for Bird studies and Natural history that runs a correspondence course which is well-known all over the country. Special training in music, dance, theatre and sports are given as a part of the curriculum in the school.
Admission Details:
Admissions for an academic year commencing in mid-June of a particular year will be considered only between 1st September and 1st December of the preceding year. The application should reach the School Office, duly filled in, not later than 1st December. In early January (early February for class 11), these Application Forms are examined by a Selection Committee and a shortlist produced of those candidates who will be called for a formal test and interview.
Fee Structure:
Indian Nationals
 Admission     Application Fee: ₹ 500
 Other One Time     Payment : ₹ 400,000
 Yearly Fees     : ₹ 400,500
International Students
 Yearly Fees     : US$ 18,202
 Sahyadri School
Address: Rajgurunagar, Dist. Pune, Tiwai Hill, Maharashtra 410513
Phone:02135 288 440
This institution comes under the umbrella of the prestigious Krishnamurthy foundation which follows the ideals and the vision of the great educationist, the visionary himself Sri. Jiddu Krishnamurthy. Shaped like a twelve-petal lotus, the building exudes serenity and a special atmosphere. A spacious hall of twelve sides surrounded by a wide veranda on all sides is an ideal location for deep study. The school comprises of a well-stocked library with carefully selected books ensures adequate opportunity for reading. Well-equipped laboratories, computer facilities and audio-visual equipment are resources that further enrich learning.
Admission details:
The entry points to the school are in classes 4 to 7, and class 11. For admission to class 4, a child should be in the range of 8.5 to 9.5 years of age. Admission forms for all classes are available from October 1st. Interviews for admissions are held in January and February. 
Fee Structure:
Indian Students:
 Admission     Application Fee: ₹ 2,500
 Other One Time     Payment : ₹ 40,000
 Yearly Fees     : ₹ 500,000
International Students
 Admission     Application Fee: US$ 125
 Other One Time     Payment: US$ 425
 Yearly Fees     : US$ 11,500
 St. Georges College, Mussorie
Address: Barlow Ganj, Mussoorie, Uttarakhand 248122
Phone: 0135 263 2765
An all-boys residential and non-residential institution is spread over a whooping 400 acres of area in the estate at Barlowganj village, a hamlet situated 5 km from the hill town of Mussoorie, popularly referred to as the ‘Queen of Hills’. A perfect blend of latest technological equipment and the tradition methods of teaching, this school has something more than expected to offer to each student. The misty mornings and the enchanting evenings pave way for a fresh new start by the dawn for every student of this school.
Admission details:
Admissions are open for the year 2019 – classes IV – IX, Registration closes 10th September 2018. Registration opens for class XI from November 2018 still February 2019.
Fee Structure:
Day School
 Annual Fees: ₹     44884
 Admission Fees     : ₹ 1,00,000/-
 Application Fees     : ₹ 6500
 Security Fees : ₹     25000
 Other Fees : ₹     59000
Indian Students
 Admission Fees     : ₹ 6,500
 Security Deposit     : ₹ 50,000
 One Time     Payment: ₹ 252,000
 Yearly Fees     : ₹ 451,892
 The Doon School
Address: Mall Rd, Seyad Mohalla, Kishan Nagar Chowk, Krishna Nagar, Dehradun, Uttarakhand 248001
Phone: +911352526406 , +918979639477 , +911352526400
The school which specializes in all boys boarding education, was born in the year 1935. Since then this school is recognized as one of the most trusted educational institutions of which is always talked about. This school is ranked as one of the top boarding schools of India which is often been cited as ‘Eton of India’by some media biggies. The school’s beautiful 70 acre campus with wide natural display of flora, fauna and bird life provide all boys with endless green patches and fresh air where they are able to live and learn. It is an environment rarely offered by schools in large and small cities in India, or indeed some other countries.
Admission Details:
 Fee Structure:
Indian Nationals
 Admission Application     Fee: ₹ 18,500
 Security Deposit     : ₹ 400,000
 Other One Time     Payment : ₹ 400,000
 Yearly Fees     : ₹ 1,025,000
International Students
 Admission     Application Fee: US$ 1,000
 Security Deposit     : US$9,105
 Other One Time     Payment: US$ 9,815
 Yearly Fees     : US$ 18,208
 The Lawrence School, Sanawar
Address : Sanawar, Kasauli, Solan, Himachal Pradesh 173202
Phone : +911792261208
The Lawrence School – Sanawar, established in 1847, situated at a height of 1750 meters and spread over an area of 139 acres, heavily forested with pine, deodar and other conifer trees, is the proud concept of Sir Henry Lawrence, and his wife Honoria. This CBSE co-ed school has students coming from all over the country and abroad , filling this place with cultural diversity.One of the main intentions of this institution is to provide a maximum variety of academic choices for the students in consonance with the latest changes and developments around the world. Hygienic dorms, infirmaries, huge playground, well maintained labs and libraries are some of the eye-catching facilities this school has. The school has a dedicated 24/7 working hospital which provides good medical support for the students and the staff.
 Admission details:
Applications are usually accepted up to 31st October from the children seeking entry into Classes V(about 20 girls and 45 boys), VI (about 05 girls and 10 boys) and VII (about 10 girls and 15 boys )for which the child has to be registered. Entrance test for these classes is usually conducted on the second Sunday of November at Sanawar, Gurgaon, Mumbai, Kolkata, Lucknow, Hyderabad, Guwahati, Kathmandu and Dubai. 
Fee Structure:
Indian Nationals
 Application and     registration Fee: ₹ 20,000
 Security Deposit     : ₹ 320,000
 Other One Time     Payment : ₹ 193,400
 Yearly Fees : ₹     582,900
 Welham Girls School
Address: 19, Municipal Rd, Panchpuri Colony, Dalanwala, Dehradun, Uttarakhand 248001
Phone: +911352657223 , +911352659690 , +911352657378
This is a traditional boarding school for girls at the foothills of the Uttrakhand in Dehradun. Established in the year 1957, Aartta Shanti Phala Vidya – The Fulfilment of Education Is to Bring Peace to the Suffering- constitutes the motto of this school. The School wishes to offer its students the widest possible opportunity to develop their areas of interest and therefore makes every effort to cater to an individual’s special requirements by accommodating subjects in a wide variety of combinations. 
Admission Details:
The new academic session begins in early April every year. Admissions are offered in Classes VI, VII and XI only, subject to the availability of seats. The lower age limit for admission in the School is 10½ on 1st April of the year of joining the School in Class VI. Similarly, correlation of age and class to which admission is sought is an essential requirement.
Fee Structure:
Indian Nationals
 Registration     Fee: ₹ 20,000
Admission Fee: Rs.     50,000/-
 Security Deposit     : ₹ 312,500
 Other One Time     Payment : ₹ 110,000
 Yearly Fees     : ₹ 625,000
 International Students
 Admission     Application Fee: US$ 341
 Woodstock School
Address: Tehri Road, Landour, Near Landour Community hospital, Mussoorie, Uttarakhand 248179
Phone: +91 (135) 263-9000
Admission Details:
The admission for the school is open now, i.e. December onwards for new admission. A few spaces remain for the 2018-2019 academic year for 2 boys in Grade 6 only, starting February 2019.
Fee Structure:
Indian Nationals
 Admission     Application Fee: ₹ 10,250
 Security Deposit     : ₹ 200,000
 Other One Time     Payment : ₹ 400,000
 Yearly Fees     : ₹ 1,450,000
 International Students
 Admission     Application Fee: US$ 150
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rightnewshindi · 7 months
शिमला में दो सड़क हादसों में गई पांच लोगों को जान, एक गंभीर रूप से घायल
शिमला में दो सड़क हादसों में गई पांच लोगों को जान, एक गंभीर रूप से घायल
Himachal News: शिमला जिला में दो दर्दनाक सडक़ हादसों में पांच लोगों की मौत हो गई और एक घायल हो गया। शिमला के चौपाल उपमंडल के संराह और कुमारसैन के सैंज के पास पेश आए सडक़ हादसों में दो युवकों सहित पांच लोगों ने जान गंवाई है। चौपाल के संराह मार्ग पर एक बोलेरो कैंपर दुर्घटनाग्रस्त हो गई है, जिसमें चार लोग सवार थे। दर्दनाक सडक़ हादसे में तीन लोगों की मौत हो गई। मृतकों की पहचान चालक कमल प्रकाश निवासी…
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rightnewshindi · 7 months
शिमला पुलिस ने कार सवार तस्कर से बरामद की चरस, अफीम और नशीली गोलियां, आरोपी चालक गिरफ्तार
शिमला पुलिस ने कार सवार तस्कर से बरामद की चरस, अफीम और नशीली गोलियां, आरोपी चालक गिरफ्तार
Shimla News: शिमला पुलिस ने एक तस्कर को गिरफ्तार कर भारी मात्रा में नशीले पदार्थ बरामद किए हैं। आरोपी कार में नशीले पदार्थ लेकर जा रहा था। शिमला की बालूगंज पुलिस ने बुधवार रात क्रासिंग के पास कार (एचपी 11ए- 8804) की तलाशी ली। कार से 40.97 ग्राम अफीम 20.18 ग्राम चरस व 456 नशीली दवाई की गोलियां बरामद हुईं। आरोपित कार चालक की पहचान सोलन जिला के शायरी निवासी चमन लाल के रूप में हुई है। एसपी शिमला…
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rightnewshindi · 7 months
चौपाल के बंधु ढांक से गहरी खाई में गिरी अनियंत्रित कार, तीन लोगों की मौके पर मौत
चौपाल के बंधु ढांक से गहरी खाई में गिरी अनियंत्रित कार, तीन लोगों की मौके पर मौत
Shimla News: शिमला जिला के ठियोग उपमंडल में भीषण सडक़ हादसा पेश आया है। मंगलवार दोपहर बाद चौपाल से सटे बलसन क्षेत्र में एक कार अनियंत्रित होकर खाई में गिर गई। हादसे के दौरान कार सवार तीन लोगों की मौके पर ही मौत हो गई है। हादसा धनोट में बंधु ढांक के पास पौने चार बजे के करीब हुआ। पुलिस के मुताबिक कार अनियंत्रित होकर सडक़ से 350 मीटर नीचे गहरी खाई में जा गिरी। कार सवार लोग उत्तराखंड के रहने वाले बताए…
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hpabhiabhi · 3 years
शिमला। सीएम जयराम ठाकुर ने पीएम नरेंद्र मोदी से बीते दिन मुलाकात के बाद आज शिमला में मीडिया से बातचीत की।
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hpabhiabhi · 3 years
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gurujiforexwebsite · 3 years
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gurujiforexwebsite · 3 years
हिमाचल आज के मुख्य समाचार | Today Himachal News | 14 September 2021 | Himachal News | HP Live News
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