#shinazugawa shuuya
kimetsucollection · 6 months
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Sanekihiko my beloveds😭😭
i love these two and the way you write them,hoping there's more hcs or drabbles of them to come
i keep thinking abt how Akihiko would've loved Genya,and the Higuchi family meeting Sanemi
my brain with ideas is like spotting a squirrel in a city. not impossible, but sometimes it can be hard to find one. but sanekihiko are so so dear to me and it's a travesty that i never got a chance to explain about them more in fits canon! i love writing them - and also akihiko and ayame interactions.
anyways, this is part of an every sibling lives au that still ends up with the main squad being demon slayers
- "You have a little brother," Akihiko says, almost accusingly.
Sanemi grunts, eyes still closed. He thought he was going to have a nice nap before Akihiko arrived, but clearly his boyfriend was not going to let that happen.
"Don't know what you're talking about," mutters Sanemi.
If he doesn't look at the problem (Akihiko), then he doesn't have to deal with the problem.
"Shinazugawa Genya! Kanae just told me." A pause. "Does this mean I have a little brother?"
"You have five sisters."
"Don't change the subject!"
The fact that Akihiko even thinks it's a subject change means he's aware of how much he loves to babble about his sisters. Damn it. Who told him?
It was probably Tomioka. Or Murata. Those assholes.
Sanemi shifts from where he's seated at the base of the wisteria tree on the grounds of the Wind Estate. Akihiko takes it for what it is and throws himself into the spot made for him. Even without looking, Sanemi knows Akihiko has his cheeks puffed out in indignation.
He reaches up and squeezes a soft cheek between his fingers. Akihiko yelps, but doesn't pull away.
"I killed my mother," Sanemi says seriously.
"I know that," Akihiko lisps. "What, you think Genya-kun still blames you for it?"
"He should."
"But does he?"
How the hell would Sanemi know? He doesn't want anything to do with his eldest younger brother. It's bad enough that Himejima has to look after the rest of his orphaned younger siblings. Why couldn't Genya have been like the others and just stayed normal? It's the least he could've done for Sanemi's sake.
"I'm going to say hi to him," Akihiko decides.
Sanemi swiftly changes his hold on Akihiko so the younger man is squished against his chest instead. Akihiko makes a faint noise of offense, but doesn't pull away.
"Leave him alone," Sanemi grumbles, finally cracking an eye open. All he can see is Akihiko's unruly hair as he finds the best way to settle against Sanemi's chest. "Just let him do it on his own."
Akihiko's simmering silence is enough for Sanemi to know that he won't leave Genya alone.
Seriously, why did he have to end up dating the one guy with a sibling complex? He's so fucking annoying.
- "Genya!"
Akihiko is determined to make nice with Sanemi's little brother. Sanemi is a crotchety old bastard who always skirts around any topic of his family likenit's a plague that should never be mentioned.
What a hypocrite.
He'll listen to Akihiko and Kanae gush about their younger sisters, and maybe he'll even chime in a thing or two about his own, but he's stubbornly tight-lipped about his brothers. Not just Genya, but also Hiroshi, Koto and Shuuya. It's a miracle they even got their names out of him.
Ayame and Genya both turn towards him.
Akihiko's polite smile widens into a grin.
Would you look at that? Ayame's making friends!
Of course, Ayame has plenty of friends, but she only ever lets him talk to Tanjirou, Zenitsu and Inosuke. She's very secretive about any other friends she might have met, insisting that she doesn't have any.
He knows his eldest younger sister can be taciturn and a bit of a loner, but he doubts she's as solitary as she wants him to believe. Ayame can be very bubbly in the right circumstances.
"Niichan," Ayame sighs with a hint of exasperation. "What do you want with Genya-kun?"
Areh. She uses a suffix with Genya. How cute! She doesn't do that with Tanjirou, Zenitsu or Inosuke.
His sharp eyes pick out the way she angles herself so she's standing between Akihiko and Genya protectively. She even reaches out to pull Genya a little behind her, even if Sanemi's little brother towers over her. Somehow or another, Genya has earned the right to be under her circle of protection. Now that is something special.
Akihiko tempers his grin and addresses Ayame first.
"A guy needs a reason to get to know his fellow Kisatsutai members better?" Akihiko answers evasively. "And how have you been, Aya-hime?"
"Ayame," she snaps, lips twitching to fight off a frown. "I'm not ten years old anymore, Niichan."
Genya lets out a faint questioning sound that he quickly swallows when Akihiko's gaze snaps to him.
"Niichan," Ayame says warningly.
Honestly, Akihiko won't let anyone talk to him that way. He's Giyuu's tsuguko, so he's used to the amount of respect and deference that title is awarded him. It doesn't hurt that his girlfriend and boyfriend are also Hashiras, but he likes to think that's a separate thing entirely.
Akihiko clasps his hands politely behind his back. "Introduce me to your friend, Ayame."
Ayame rolls her eyes. He's pretty sure she learned that from Shinobu-chan, because Rengoku-san would never treat others like that. He isn't even sure if Rengoku-san knows how to make such a disrespectful expression.
"Niichan, Genya. Genya, this is my Oniichan, Higuchi Akihiko."
Genya bows, mumbling a greeting. Akihiko can't help but beam.
He's so polite! Akihiko almost can't believe Sanemi raised him.
Ayame stomps on his foot.
"I should go," Genya says politely, leaning down so he can keep his voice quiet while he speaks to Ayame. "I need to see Kanae-sama."
Ayame blinks, then offers Genya a small smile. "Right. Don't let Niichan keep you. I'll see you around, Genya-kun."
"Mn. See you, Ayame."
Ayame's hand clamped around Akihiko's upper arm is the main reason why Akihiko doesn't go scurrying after Genya. He can't even find out why Genya is seeing Kanae; she's all about doctor-patient confidentiality, and he doubts Genya is seeing her for social reasons.
When he tears his gaze from Genya's retreating back, he's met with Ayame's grumpy frown.
"I can't go three seconds without you barging in on me talking to a friend?" she demands.
Akihiko analyses what he just saw.
Ayame and Genya were talking. Genya's body was utterly relaxed up to the point Akihiko invaded their conversation. There was a faint blush on his cheeks when Ayame stood in front of him. He was very careful to lower himself as much as his large bulk allowed so Ayame didn't feel too small.
Akihiko hums. "Just a friend?"
A scowl blooms on her face. "What's with that tone? I can have friends. You've met them!"
He hums again.
Ayame can have friends. She has the ability to be precocious when she isn't being grumpy. Zenitsu and Inosuke are definitely her friends, and there's been something strange brewing between her and Tanjirou for a while now. Then again, they've known each other for years, so that's something else entirely.
"Stop that," she orders, swatting his hand away when he tries to ruffle her hair. "Whatever it is you have to say, just spit it out."
"I just wonder what Tanjirou has to say about this, that's all."
It seems like Genya has a little crush.
On his sister.
Pink is smattered high on Ayame's cheekbones. "Why are you bringing Tanjirou into this? You're being all weird about him again."
Akihiko gives her a knowing look.
His sister notices everything that goes on. There's no way she misses the fond look in Tanjirou's eyes that he reserves just for her. It's a little beyond friendship, even if they both boldly declare that's all they have.
Akihiko isn't an idiot. He's sure Ayame isn't either.
She harrumphs. "If you must know, Tanjirou's the one who says I should try and talk to Genya-kun. That's all." As an afterthought, she adds, "What I do with my free time is no one else's business."
Especially yours, Niichan.
Ara ara, Ayame is so touchy. This must be a consequence of puberty. But then again, she's always been a little more secretive since she joined the Kisatsutai. Some days, he misses his little sister who used to look at him like he hung the stars in the sky. Now that they're both Demon Slayers, she's more aware of who he is as a person. It might also have something to do with the fact that she's a strong candidate for being Rengoku-san's tsuguko. In a few months, they might share the same title - even if under different Hashiras.
"Alright," Akihiko acquiesces, holding his hands up in surrender. "I'm glad you're expanding your social circle, that's all. A girl your age should have plenty of friends."
Ayame's eyes narrow suspiciously.
She can squint at him all she likes, but he's being genuine. It's clear that Genya needs a friend, and he could do worse than Ayame.
- Damn it. He should have known. Sanemi should have damn well known.
It wasn't a coincidence that Akihiko looked for him after they completed their missions. They're both further north than usual, and Akihiko has been complaining that he misses his younger sisters. He sees plenty of Ayame, of course, but he has more sisters than just that one brat.
It's just a short detour, Akihiko wheedled.
Sanemi glowers at Akihiko's back as he goes to greet Ayame and Tanjirou with a tight hug.
Ayame's eyes shoot to Sanemi.
"What's he doing here?" she asks grumpily.
Tanjirou laughs nervously, shuffling on his feet. He doesn't meet Sanemi's eyes.
Good. He'd better not try and talk to him familiarly after headbutting him at the Hashira Trial. Kisatsutai members are forbidden to fight, but is one punch really a fight?
Akihiko laughs brightly. "Why else? He's never been to Okutama before!"
Sanemi knows what this is really about.
They met the rest of Sanemi's siblings last month. The kids had taken a shine to Akihiko almost immediately, and even Genya was in good spirits. Thanks to Akihiko's meddling, his relationship was getting better with Genya. Sanemi would still prefer if his eldest little brother followed a more normal and mundane life, but he only has himself to blame. No amount of injury will make Genya quit; his brother is made of stern stuff. He has to be in order to continue being a Demon Slayer despite not being able to master Total Concentration Breathing.
Sanemi still isn't happy, but he'll live with it. So long as Genya still lives.
Ayame's expression is polite, but hostile. If there's one thing Kamado Tanjirou is good at, it's distracting Ayame from how much she dislikes Sanemi. (He still doesn't owe that thick-skulled brat anything. He could take on anything Ayame chooses to throw his way.)
- The Higuchi home is still lively despite the tragedy that occurred years ago. Tanjirou had bowed out quickly, leaving for his home up the mountain to check on his younger siblings. Ayame did manage to eke out a promise that Tanjirou and his siblings would join them tomorrow for dinner before they set off for the Butterfly Estate the day after.
The first thing that greets Sanemi is the noise when the younger sisters of the Higuchi siblings realise their eldest siblings are home.
"Neechan!" two remarkably similar girls scream, diving for Ayame.
Ayame catches them, all tension in her body leaving as she listens to them babble over one another. Akihiko is similarly assaulted - the two youngest immediately swarm demanding, demanding he tell them stories of his adventures.
"Girls," a man calls out, peeking out from the forge. "Let Akihiko and Ayame take off their shoes first."
The man looks very similar to Akihiko and Ayame, although he doesn't have their blue eyes. This must be the uncle that moved back to Okutama to look after the younger siblings.
"Take-ji," Akihiko and Ayame chorus, "tadaima."
"Okaeri, Akihiko, Ayame." Curious violet eyes settle on Sanemi. "And who's this?"
"This," Akihiko tugs Sanemi's awkward figure forward, "is my boyfriend, Take-ji. Shinazugawa Sanemi."
"Ah! I've heard a lot about you! Akihiko writes about you often."
"What about Kanae-nee?" the only caramel-haired little girl demands. "What'd you do to her?"
That last question is aimed at Sanemi.
"She's my girlfriend too," answers Sanemi.
The little girl squints at him, then shrugs. "Okay."
Gods, it's a good thing children are so easy to handle.
"I want Tanjirou-san," the sister hanging off Ayame's arm declares. "That way, Neechan can have her boyfriend here too."
"Boy who's a friend," Ayame says hastily. "He's just a friend!"
More than one person snorts. Even Sanemi closes his eyes at the depths of her obliviousness.
If Tanjirou is just her friend, Sanemi will eat his own zori. No one looks at a mere friend the way those two look at each other. If Sanemi didn't know any better, he'd think Ayame thinks the sun rises just for Tanjirou.
Akihiko and Ayame's other uncle, Osamu-san, ushers them all inside for tea and dinner. It's clear that he's the one who makes sure the household functions properly.
Sanemi had forgotten what a home felt like. With the Shinazugawas, it's clear that the home Himejima-san provided for them is just a house. They're all working to pay back the old monk's kindness.
With the Higuchis, it's a home. There are various crafts littering the walls and floors, with evidence that Takehiko-san and Osamu-san are doing their best to give the younger Higuchi sisters as much normalcy as possible, even with their scars and their lack of parents. Between Akihiko and Ayame, they earn enough to keep things running and comfortable even with the forge currently out of use.
Akihiko's younger sisters - except for Ayame - hang around Sanemi like stray cats. They pester him with questions, wanting to know what life outside of their village is like. It even makes Ayame warm up to him a little, although she's more icy instead of frosty. She puts up an admirable act of civility for her younger sisters, either way.
- "They like you," Akihiko tells him when it's just the two of them.
Ayame and Tanjirou were called out to a mission before them. There were plenty of tears and whining from the four Higuchi sisters, but Tanjirou handled all of them with aplomb. It helped that his own younger siblings were there to distract the Higuchis.
Sanemi nods.
His throat feels tight.
He knows he isn't very likeable. Intimidating is a kind way of describing him.
"Do you think," he says quietly, "that I could visit again?"
He misses the feeling of a home. He thinks it would be nice if he could bring his own siblings to Okutama next time.
Akihiko smiles brilliantly. It takes Sanemi's breath away, like the first bloom of spring.
Akihiko tentatively takes his hand and squeezes. "We'd all like that very much, Sanemi."
Sanemi almost says I love you. The fond look in Akihiko's gaze tells him he already knows.
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cinemaactor · 1 month
🌪️- doubles not alright
⚡- doubles alright
Akito Shinonome 🌪️
Sanemi Shinazugawa 🌪️
Fuuta Kajiyama 🌪️
Ryuji Sakamoto ⚡
Yakou Furio ⚡
Kano Shuuya 🌪️
707 🌪️
Xander Mathews ⚡
Ganji Gupta 🌪️
Emil Mesmer ⚡
Luca Balsa⚡
Lyney ⚡
Medicine Pocket 🌪️
Nagito Komeada⚡
Kokichi Ouma ⚡
Chuuya Nakahara ⚡
Edgar Allen Poe ⚡
Im definitely forgetting some but it's alright
0 notes
partingofwinter · 3 years
-✧ 𝑲𝒊𝒏 𝑳𝒊𝒔𝒕✧-
💐 I, frankly, have too many kins (should be over 100), so this’ll be done by series. Stance on doubles will be marked, and so will selfhoods (strongest most important ones!!) 
💐 Under a cut since this is gonna get long.  💐 Last Update: 5.31.22
List is in alphabetical order. A “✧” will designate a selfhood.  Kinsiders and synpaths will be included in the lists and marked properly! Fictives are pretty much the exception to any stance on doubles. If contacted for canons where I have multiple kins, it can be presumed that I am ok.
Ace Attorney: - Barok van Zieks (kinsidering, doubles ok)  - Enoch Drebber (kinsidering, doubles ask)
Akatsuki no Yona: - Kija (doubles ok)
Akuma no Riddle: - Eisuke Inukai (stance on doubles unknown)
American Horror Story: - Xavier Plympton (doubles ok)
Ao no Exorcist: - Arthur Auguste Angel (doubles ok)
Are You Alice?: - White Rabbit (doubles not preferred)
Bleach: - Ulquiorra Cifer (stance on doubles unknown)
Blood Bank: - Shell Overlord (doubles ok IF your an adult)
Bungou Stray Dogs: - Atsushi Nakajima (doubles ask) - Bram Stoker (kinsidering, doubles ok) - Fyodor Dostoevsky (doubles ok, canon talk iffy if I’m personally shifted) - Saigiku Jouno (kinsidering, doubles ok)
Chainsaw Man: - Aki Hayakawa (doubles ask)
Danganronpa: - +2 noncanons - Makoto Naegi (kinsidering, doubles ok) - Mukuro Ikusaba (synpath, doubles ok) - Rantaro Amami (doubles ok)
D.Gray-Man:  - Allen Walker (kinsidering, doubles ask) - Yuu Kanda (kinsidering, doubles ok)
DRAMAtical Murder: - Koujaku (doubles not preferred but idc)
Ensemble Stars: - Keito Hasumi (doubles ok) - Rinne Amagi (kinsidering, doubles ok) - Ritsu Sakuma (doubles iffy, ok for canon discussion) - Shu Itsuki  ✧ (no doubles) - Tsumugi Aoba (doubles ok, unclear if he’s a kin or a synpath)
Evillious Chronicles: - Hansel / Pollo / Lemy Abelard (no doubles) - Karchess Crim (doubles ok)
Fairy Tail: - Mystogan (synpath) - Jellal Fernandes (no doubles) - Zeref Dragneel (kinsidering, doubles ok)
Fantastic Beasts: - Newt Scamander (doubles ok)
Final Fantasy VII: - Cloud Strife (kinsidering, doubles ok) - Vincent Valentine (doubles ask) - Reno (Kinsidering, doubles ok) 
Fire Emblem:  - Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd (doubles iffy/stance unclear) - Felix Hugo Fraldarius (kinsidering, stance on doubles unknown)
Fruits Basket: - Ayame Sohma (doubles ask)
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood: - Envy (no doubles)
Genshin Impact: - Albedo (doubles ok) - Ayato Kamisato (doubles not preferred) - Baizhu (doubles ask/iffy) - Dainsleif  ✧ (no doubles) - Diluc Ragnvindr (doubles ok, incredibly weak) - Tartaglia (doubles ok) - Xiao (doubles ok, canon talk iffy if I’m personally shifted) - Zhongli / Rex Lapis (doubles ask)
Hades: - Zagreus (doubles ok)
Heaven Official’s Blessing:  - Xie Lian (doubles ask/iffy)
Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni: - Keiichi Maebara (doubles ok)
Houseki no Kuni: - Aculeatus (doubles ask) - Lapis Lazuli (doubles ok)
Howl’s Moving Castle (book) - Howl Jenkins Pendragon (doubles ok)
Hypnosis Mic: - Doppo Kannonzaka (doubles ask) - Rosho Tsutsujimori (kinsidering, doubles ok)
Ib: - Garry (doubles ok)
Identity V: - Aesop Carl “Embalmer”  ✧ (no doubles preferred) - Phillipe “Wax Artist” (doubles ok)
Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun: - Akane Aoi (doubles ask) - Kou Minamoto (no doubles) - Tsuchigomori (doubles ask)
Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure: - Bruno Bucciarati (stance on doubles unknown) - Gyro Zeppeli (doubles ok) - Narciso Anasui (no doubles) - Rohan Kishibe (doubles ok, canon talk iffy if I’m personally shifted )
Jujustu Kaisen: - Satoru Gojo (doubles ask, mostly ok) - Toji Fushiguro (doubles not preferred) - Yuuta Okottsu (doubles ok, partially a copinglink)
Kagerou Project: - Konoha / Haruka Kokonose (doubles ok) - Shuuya Kano (doubles ask)
Kimetsu no Yaiba: - Doma (doubles ask) - Sanemi Shinazugawa (no doubles) - Yoriichi Tsugikuni (stance on doubles unknown)
Kingdom Hearts:  - Riku (doubles ask)  - Terra (kinsider/synpath, doubles ok)
Kuroshitsuji: - Real!Ciel Phantomhive (doubles ask) - Othello (doubles ok)
League of Legends:  - Viktor (doubles ask. mix of arcane and league).
Little Nightmares 2: - Mono (doubles ok)
Mahoutsuki no Yome: - Lindel (doubles ask)
Makai Ouji: - Uriel (doubles not preferred)
Mirai Nikki: - Aru Akise (stance on doubles unknown)
Mo Dao Zu Shi: - Jiang Cheng (doubles ask) - Lan Wangji (kinsidering, doubles ok)
Mushishi: - Ginko (doubles not preferred)
My Hero Academia: - Keigo Takami (doubles ask) - Oboro Shirakumo (doubles ok)
Namari Hime: - +1 noncanon - Funkbeat (doubles ok) - Noel Baitel (doubles ok)
Neon Genesis Evangelion: - Kaworu Nagisa (doubles ask)
Noblesse:  - Frankenstein ✧ (doubles not prefered) 
Omori: - Sunny (stance on doubles unknown)
Original Characters (non-fandom):  - Malachi Faust (no doubles)
Otherkins: - Angelkin - Vampirekin
Overwatch: - Lena “Tracer” Oxton (doubles ok)
Owari no Seraph: - Ferid Bathory (doubles ok, canon talk iffy if I’m personally shifted) - Guren Ichinose (doubles ask) - Saito (no doubles preferred)
Pandora Hearts:  - Oswald Baskerville (kinsidering, doubles ok)  - Oz Vessalius (kinsidering, doubles ok) - Rufus Barma (kinsidering/synpath, stance unknown)  - Vincent Nightray ✧ (doubles not ok)
Parties are for Losers: - Dima / Dmitry (doubles ask) - Sergei (doubles ok)
Patalliro!: - Jack Barbarossa Bancoran (stance on doubles unknown)
Persona: - Akira Kurusu (doubles ok) - Eikichi Mishina (doubles ask) - Goro Akechi (no doubles unless I approach first) - Yusuke Kitagawa (doubles ok)
RWBY: - Penny Polendina (doubles ok)
Satsuriku no Tenshi:  - Daniel Dickens (kinsidering, doubles ok)
Shaperaverse: - Lloyd Allen (doubles ok)
Sk8 the Infinity: - Kojiro “Joe” Nanjo (doubles ok)
Soul Eater: - Crona Gorgon (doubles ask, canon talk iffy) - Justin Law (doubles ok) - Masamune Nakatsukasa (stance on doubles unknown)
Spirited Away: - Haku (doubles ok, canon talk iffy if I’m personally shifted)
Spring Awakening: - Moritz Stiefel (doubles ask, canon talk iffy if I’m personally shifted)
The Boy Who Fell: - Firenze (doubles ok)
The Magnus Archives: - Gerard Keay (doubles ask) - Jonah Magnus / Elias Bouchard (no doubles) - Jonathan Sims (doubles ok) - Timothy Stoker (doubles ask)
The Vampire Chronicles: - Lestat de Lioncourt  ✧ (no doubles. if necessary though, ask!)
Tokyo Ghoul: - Sasaki Haise / Ken Kaneki (doubles ask) - Shuu Tsukiyama (kinsidering, stance on doubles unknown) 
Touken Ranbu: - Mikazuki Munechika (doubles ask)
Twisted Wonderland: - Leona Kingscholar (doubles ask) - Riddle Rosehearts (no doubles preferred, ask if you must!)
Undertale: - Napstablook (doubles ok)
Vanitas no Carte: - Louis de Sade (no doubles) - Vanitas (doubles ask)
Vocaloid: - Fukase (doubles ok) - Winnie Schrader from Wozwald (doubles ask)
Witch Hat Atelier: - Qifrey (doubles ok, canon talk iffy if I’m personally shifted)
Witch’s Heart: - Noel Levine  ✧ (no doubles) 
Yuukoku no Moriarty:  - Mycroft Holmes (kinsidering, doubles ok) - William James Moriarty (no doubles unless stated otherwise) 
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