#shinichi kagari
voltageapps · 11 months
October 12 is the birthday of Shinichi Kagari from After School Affairs 👩‍🏫
Happy belated birthday Shinichi!
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annicaax · 1 year
MC and all the teachers are at their regular bar
Kenzo: say, the ban is lifted! Everyone is free to love who they want! Free to date, that is. Does anyone have anyone in mind? Hmm.. . Shinichi?
Shinichi: Why should I answer?
Kenzo: Well, I'm just curious and I figured you'd have an interesting reply *smug grin*
Shinichi: *sighs* *then straightens up in his seat, all solemn. His eyes find MC and stay rooted on her beautiful face.*
I did find somebody to love. We've come really far. Every emotion I found in my heart and every positive change I've undergone, i owe it to her. We grew as individuals as our love grew. I love her so dearly, so deeply and madly, never want to let her go. Nor can I exchange her for anything else in the world.
Kenzo: * nearly drops his beer mug*
Rikiya: *surprised stare*
Hidetaka: ...
Kiyonori: It's like Ryoma confessing his love to his wife... very moving... but not exactly. Ryoma is the best.
Rika: does this mean...
Kenzo: The one you love is...
Shinichi: *finishes his drink with a smile* I'm glad the ban is lifted else how could I be this open huh? Now I need to get going
Kenzo and Rikiya: Wait!
MC: *bolts up from her seat* Shinichi!
Shinichi stops near the doorway
MC: *teary eyed and smiling bright* Shinichi, I love you too! So much... I feel like screaming it from the top of a mountain
Shinichi: *stunned, then smiles* So do I. Let's do it. *Extends his hand in a princely manner* how about we go now, together? The night is quiet young.
Rikiya: Are they seriously gonna do it?
Kenzo: anything is possible *smiles*
Hidetaka: gross *nearly gags into his beer mug, suppressing his dark jealousy*
Rika: Aww... it's so romantic.
Kenzo: Shinichi changed. I'm happy for him. He's finally found his happiness
Hidetaka: .... *rolls eyes*
Kiyonori: I want to go home. Level up in my Bakumatsu RPG game.
Kenzo: *still watching Shinichi and mc holding hands* well, well...
MC: *facing the gang* well that's our truth! Be nice, guys.
Shinichi: *beaming* yeah! Phew we were planning to tell you guys from ages and didn't know how to. and it happened today
Kenzo: wow... so earnest. And haven't seen that smile in ages.
rikiya: is this still our Shin?
Shin: *glares* *pushes his glasses up and they flare*
Kiyo: *undaunted* history proved love does strange things to a person .. actually in the account of..
Everyone ignores him
Shin and MC escape to possibly a mountain top after everyone congratulate them. Kiyonori finishes his long rant an hour later and finds the rest of the gang sloshed and sleeping.
Takashi promises to take care of everyone. And so they take up the task of sobering the gang.
*an: scenario that came to my mind as i read shin's ending. I had to write.*
tysm for reading til bottom ^^
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rotantrm · 3 years
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Shinichi you’re both scared and scary 😅
SubStory - ASA - Rikaya - Having the blues -Rikiya & Kenzo
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theresivy · 3 years
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What do you mean my type is showing?
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kitty-otome · 3 years
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so, i asked my best friend (who doesn’t play otome games) to guess which subject the after school affairs love interests teach and this is how it went...
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her: ... *clearly disgusted* god, this is interesting. what kind of-
her: the hair! and just the “english” next to it. oh god.
me: okay so obviously he’s an english teacher. and um... yeah. he’s really good in english? i don’t know, i don’t really like him that much.
her: okay, i don’t know if this is my experience but the male english teachers are really weird. like i had an english teacher who always made sexual jokes, yeah it was creepy.
me: eww! i’ve only ever had female or gay english teachers, so i can’t relate, but i’m so sorry.
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me: okay, guess what kind of teacher this-
her: SIR, THIS IS AN EDUCATIONAL- okay okay, hmmm. god, i feel like he could just be so many things things... i’d say either history or math?
me: yes, you got it! he’s a math teacher!
her: oh, really? yay! i still don’t get why he’s smoking, though.
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her: okay, i have to say history because of the sword.
me: yeah, it’s history.
*bursting out laughing*
her: he looks ready to slash the students with it!
her: actually... that’s pretty cool. like if my history teacher brought a sword i’d find them pretty cool.
me: i’d be kind of terrified, but agreed.
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her: aww, he seems so nice! uh... what subject? umm... like science? or gym?
me: GYM?
her: okay, i know he’s wearing a lab coat, but he’s outside!
me: *wheezes*
her: okay, okay, i’m saying science!
me: nope, he’s the school nurse.
her: ... oh yeah, that makes sense.
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her: awww! um, i have no idea why he has an animal? kind of confused? uh... i do not know what he can be.
me: he’s a physics teacher.
her: ... with a cat?
me: with a cat.
her: okay...
me: he’s an ex gang member who somehow became a physics teacher.
her: oh okay. i thought he was like a counselor who offered pet therapy.
me: ... that actually sounds nice. physics teacher are always psychopaths.
her: agreed!
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me: okay, this is the 17 year old i was telling you about.
her: ... huh?
me: you know, the 17 year old who likes the mc? i told you about him.
her: ohhh, him! huh... interesting.
me: i know, he doesn’t look 17.
her: he looks the same age as everyone else. he might even look older.
me: it’s probably the justin bieber hair.
her: *wheezes* it’s definitely the hair!
her: i want hair like the english teacher. and i still don’t get why that other guy was smoking.
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unknwnrm · 4 years
Hideteka: Subs are so fun to play with. All you have to do is hint what you might do, or back them at a corner with a look, or grab their wrist in a certain way and they're a wide-eyed mess
Rikiya: fuck, kinda subway you going to?
Shinichi: Substitute teachers deal with so much shit
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smolily · 4 years
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Is it a big deal if I have a thing for husbandos with glasses and messy hair ? T.T
Plus Ryota and Shinichi have a lot in common. They’re both math teachers and they’re good looking too lol.
Free Maths sessions PLS.
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kieshina · 4 years
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tsumikashares · 5 years
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大正ロマン、運命の人・Rose in the Embers 鷹司恭助・Kyosuke Takatsukasa
復讐のキスをあなたに・Kiss of Revenge 瀬崎一成・Issei Sezaki
最後の恋、僕にください・Finally in Love Again 桃井柊ー朗・Shuichiro Momoi
教師たちの秘密の放課後・After School Affairs 神狩真一・Shinichi Kagari
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rikumorimachisgirl · 5 years
I read After School Affairs and went through Shinichi's route again. I absolutely love this story and Shinichi. I love how his characters developed and how incredibly sweet he is underneath his unfeeling and stoic exterior. I was so incredibly sad when After the Bell came out because I kinda felt robbed. I wanted to see Shinichi and MC get married and all... 😔
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This is one of the best stories Voltage has and I just wish they didn't end it so abruptly.
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voltage-vixen · 5 years
Shopping for Christmas presents---- ASA
Christmas Countdown--- Day 8
What happens when you take your guy Christmas shopping with you?
Shinichi: “Honestly, are you sure you know what you’re doing?” Shinichi sighed.
MC was browsing for her friend Rika’s gift, and Shinichi had offered his assistance to help her pick out the perfect present. After searching through several different shelves, MC found an adorable picture frame. It was something she would personally love, and she hopefully held it up for Shinichi to look at.
“How could you pick out something so cheap looking?!”
Well, maybe critique was the more appropriate way to describe the situation. Shinichi had shot down every single one of her suggestions she had made, and MC was beginning to grow miffed by his authoritarian demeanor.
Shinichi saw the look of distress flash across her face and realized that his comments may have taken things a bit to far.
“I’m sorry,” he muttered sheepishly, “The truth is, there’s actually a reason why I didn’t want you to get that for your friend. I actually bought you the same frame for Christmas, because I thought it would be perfect for the picture, we took together last weekend.”
Shinichi awkwardly started to shuffle away, but MC reached out and grabbed hold of his hand.
“That makes me happy you were thinking of me, but you could have just said so in the first place,” she teased.
Glancing around to make sure no one was watching, MC caught him off guard, and gave him a quick peck on the cheek.
With a perk in her step, MC continued the search for the perfect present for Rika, now feeling even more excited for her very own Christmas.
Rikiya: “Aw, babe, you don’t have to get worked up. Vanilla is going to love whatever you pick out for him,” Rikiya reassured his frantic girlfriend.
MC had insisted on getting Vanilla something to unwrap on Christmas day, and Rikiya volunteered to browse through the pet store with her. MC scanned the aisles, and soon found a green squeaky toy mouse, that she knew Vanilla would like playing with. Rikiya couldn’t help but chuckle when he saw her fist pump in triumph, and he pulled her into a tight embrace.
“Isn’t it cute?” MC questioned, while nuzzling in closer to his chest. Since they were in such a proximity, MC was able to smell his shampoo, and she happily inhaled his familiar scent.
“Not as cute as you,” he shyly replied. He smoothly slipped a small wrapped gift into her coat pocket, before pulling away.
MC went to grab her wallet from her purse, when her elbow bumped into the now bulky object in her pocket. Curious, she fished around until she found the gift. “Can I open this?”
Rikiya gave her a nod of approval, and MC tore into the colorful wrapping paper. MC gasped when she saw the small box held a silver cat paw bracelet.
“Here, let me,” Rikiya insisted. Grabbing the bracelet, he clasped the latch around her wrist, and she broke into a huge grin.
“Happy early Christmas,” Rikiya whispered, while they exchanged a small kiss in the middle of the commotion known as the pet shop.
Hidetaka: “There’s no need to go to such great lengths, to give some idiot gym teacher a present,” Hidetaka grumbled.
Headmistress Kiyokawa proposed that the teachers participate in a Secret Santa this year, and MC had drawn Coach Motai’s name. Hidetaka had suggested (more like insisted) that he tag along to help pick out a present for their colleague.
“Don’t be like that. I think the concept of a Secret Santa is fun,” MC sang, while skipping around the store.
She had hoped that her childlike demeanor would be enough to encourage Hidetaka to let loose and enjoy himself, but the menacing glare radiating from him was having the opposite effect MC had hoped for.
“You seem to sure be cheerful considering that you’re searching for a gift for a man that’s not myself,” he retorted.
MC gulped when she saw the predatory look flash in his eyes. Before she had a chance to regain her composure, Hidetaka had a firm grasp on her hand, and was soon dragging her out the door.
“Hey, I didn’t have a chance to lo-.”
“Quiet!” Hidetaka shushed. He forcefully drew his finger to her mouth to silence her.
“I hope you’re ready for your punishment,” he growled, before stomping away.
Hidetaka’s jealousy was becoming more and more evident, and MC paused to soak in one of these rare moments she witnessed this side of him.
“Are you lost or something?” Hidetaka called out to his daydreaming girlfriend.
Returning to her reality, MC trotted after him, and Hidetaka intertwined his hand into hers.
“I’m only doing this, so you don’t get lost again,” he fibbed.
Hidetaka decided that holding hands wasn’t bad occasionally, and kept sneaking glances at her obnoxiously happy face, keeping himself amused for the rest of their journey back to his place.
Chiharu: “Miss, this looks like it could be a good prospective choice,” Chiharu suggested, while holding up a candle.
MC was seeking a gift for Mr. Kagari, as a way to thank him for his support during the current school term. Chiharu and her casually met up at a local stationary shop to search for different options.
“Somehow, I can’t picture Mr. Kagari as the type of person that would enjoy the scent of fluffy marshmallow,” MC chuckled.
Chiharu’s shoulders slumped dejectedly, and MC contained the giggle that was threatening to escape when she saw his pout. Wanting to help reassure him, MC walked over to him, and gently tapped his arm.
“For the record, I personally can always go for a fluffy marshmallow candle,” she informed him suggestively.
Chiharu arched an eyebrow, seeming to pick up on the meaning of her words.
“Well, maybe if you’re a good girl this year, Santa will bring you something extra nice,” he replied.
He gestured her with his finger, and MC leaned in closer to his mouth.
“And by Santa, I mean me,” Chiharu knowingly smirked.
Playfully rolling her eyes, MC turned around to start looking again, but omitted a yelp when she felt Chiharu’s hand slap her ass.
She spun around to glare at him, but only saw his arrogant sneer grinning back at her.
“Is there a problem, Miss?” Chiharu taunted.
Brat. Just wait until we get back to my place.
MC just smiled and kept her thoughts to herself, while plotting her revenge on her devious boyfriend.
Feel free to check out my L365 Masterlist!
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annicaax · 3 years
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sure, sir! if its you I'd love to practice practice practice...
ahh now that I picked shin again... I can't stop reading! uwu love this man!
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sweet-pinkitty · 3 years
Month of October from Love 365…
💟 Month of January | Month of February | Month of March | Month of April | Month of May | Month of June | Month of July | Month of August | Month of September 🔚
Date of Birth with this list the other guys birthdays by Love 365!
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cupidsmusings · 5 years
The Affair that Never Happened
Description: It was here third and final and final year at Seishun High School. A year that was coveted by most and looked back on with cherished memories. For this particular student though, she found herself in a peculiar situation that set a catalyst for things to come.
Rating: PG-13
Series: The Affair That Never Happened
Chapter 4: The Formation of a Plan
Couples: Eventual reader x Shinichi, unrequited reader x Chiharu
Author’s note: I know the chapter title isn’t interesting but I tried my best ;.;
   When her alarm blared sharply in the silence of her room she was jostled from her sleep. Groggy and confused she felt around for her phone and without opening up her eyes she found the annoying device. With a few flimsy clicks of trial and error, she finally managed to press snooze. With a soft sigh, she snuggled deep into her sheets and cocooned herself inside their warmth. Drifting off back to sleep she made a mental note to definitely wake up the next time her alarm went off. It was too bad that she made that promise three more times before she decided to peel the covers off of herself and make an effort to get ready.
   Once dressed she stared at herself in the mirror that hung on her bedroom door. Thankfully there were no bags under her eyes that indicated her lack of sleep and her complexion was as it had always been. It was a good thing she looked normal because the bizarre events of the night before made her feel at a little of a loss. It was equal parts amusing, stressful, and confusing. She sure played it like a cool cucumber when he walked in on her while she was bathing. BATHING! How was she supposed to face him today? Hopefully, he’d have been too drunk to even remember what happened the night before.
   As she looked at her reflection she caught sight of the clock reflected in it as well. Noting the time she walked over to the box at the edge of her bed and scooped out a breakfast bar. Sometimes she’d go without breakfast, but when she was feeling particularly peckish but wanted to use as much time as she could to sleep in she would eat one of the many breakfast bars she had. Many people would urge her to wake up and have breakfast with them but it was either wake up at the ungodly hour of 6 or try and make it there and eat within a time-frame before seven, or whenever breakfast actually ended.
   The only good thing that brought a smile to her face was imagining Kagari-sensei’s face when he woke up in a room that was a mix of pastels and yellows. The smile widened at the thought that he would look behind him and take a horrified gander at the backdrop of the bed. Perhaps it wouldn’t even be of dread. Wouldn’t it be a riot if that stuff turned that fickle robot on? That idea in and of itself had her laughing. With her mood brightened by that vivid imagination, she exited her room and finished the breakfast bar before she even made it to her classroom.
   Upon entering the classroom her troubled thoughts melted away when she was greeted by Chiharu. Ah, today was going to be good. She was greeted right away by the boy she loved, so that MUST mean that it would only go uphill from there, right? Right?
   “Can I talk to you for a bit? It’s about your math tutoring.” Before she could even respond he took her by her forearm and dragged her out of the classroom and into the semi-empty hallway.
   “Can you not tutor me anymore or something?” She asked despite all her focus being directed to the warmth his palm radiated.
   Oh listen to her, she sounded like a love-struck school girl. She never thought she’d sound like such a thing! With a dopey smile, she wasn’t able to get rid of, not that she wanted to even if she could, she followed him until they reached a small area where no other students could hear them. Despite this Chiharu began to whisper.
   “What were you doing out so late last night?” He asked her with furrowed brows.
   Oh, he sure was adorable wasn’t he? Wait. No! He saw her? When did he see her? When she snuck out or when she snuck in?
   “I just wanted to let off some steam.” She explained. “So I met up with a friend and we hung out. I ended up falling asleep so I stayed out later than I wanted to. I promise I wasn’t planning on staying out that late. Besides I was safe as can be. See, I’m all good.”
   To emphasize her statement she moved her arms about at her sides. Chiharu did not look amused. It felt good that he worried about her, a bit too good if she was being honest with herself. The little green monster inside her that had been silently stewing in the fact that he had begun to date someone else, and a teacher none-the-less, sucked up all the attention that he gave her. It caused her to feel special but she didn’t know why. It was hard to describe really. She was aware that he was dating someone, but it felt nice that he was putting his concern in her well-being rather than his older, prettier and more mature girlfriend. Whoa there girl, that was the green monster talking. And man was that little dude rude.
   “Dude, seriously, I’m good.” She said and gave him a frivolous pat on the shoulder. “When did you see me anyways?”
   She was curious, but her curiosity grew when his eyes ever so slightly drifted to the left. What was this? Was he out late into the night as well?
   “Were you perhaps out having fun as well?” She inquired with a playful smirk and a quirked brow.
   “I wouldn’t… Not in that kind of place…” He was blushing now and his words had come out awkward and rather frazzled.
   “What… What kind of place?” She asked with a gentle cock of her head.
   “Y’know… The place where you were.” He mumbled.
   “You’re gonna have to be more specific because I was in more than one place yesterday night.”
   “The… The love hotel.” He said and managed to control the gentle blush that stained his cheeks.
   “Oh, there.” She said noncanonically.
   Oh there! Of course, it had to be there! This was great. Peachy. Just flat out fucking amazing.
   “You won’t tell anyone will you?” She asked, not even bothering to try and explain herself.
   “I won’t if you promise not to do something so dangerous again! You could get expelled for such things! With the no dating rule, which you are breaking, you would add more of a sentence to your rap sheet if someone saw you!” He hissed.
   “I’m not dating anyone.” She said as if that helped the entire situation.
   “You’re gonna give a guy a heart attack at such a young age. You know this right? You are aware of how dangerous that is right?” He snapped at her but there was an exasperation to his tone that she couldn’t help but feel sorry for him. But not sorry enough to tell him the truth. He probably wouldn’t even believe it anyways, because to be fair it did sound a bit far-fetched. She watched him lean his body forward so his arms would be propped on the window-ceil.
   “Don’t tell me you’re in love with me?” She couldn’t help but tease him.
   “Why would I be in love with you?” He asked, a mixture of disgust and confusion written on his face as he looked up at her.
   Well, that hurt like a knife to the chest.
   “Then my stalker, maybe?” She asked, her smirk still present.
   “That’ll be a very hard no.”
   “Then what were you doing out late at night?”
   He didn’t have to tell her, but it would make things fair.
   “Why are you two not inside the classroom?” A new stern voice sounded from behind them.
   “Making out.” “Sorry, sensei, we’ll go back now.” The two of them responded together.
   The expression in response to her comment made her laugh. Fingers pressed gently against her lips she looked back and forth between the two of them. Chiharu, looked to her with his mouth agape and Kagari-sensei looked ready to smack her if violence against students was allowed. She didn’t bother telling them she was kidding this time and instead skipped into the classroom.
   Also, how dare Kagari-sensei judge her even for a second when he got so wasted he threw up on her. Oh how she wished she could humiliate him with that fact, she steamed while she took her seat. Shit! She was supposed to text Akira that she made it home safe.
   “Stupid, stupid, stupid.” She muttered to herself and gently slammed her forehead against the desk. She quickly and very discreetly texted her friend that she indeed made it home safe but something happened that made her completely forget to text him that she had. Letting him know that she would tell him all the details later on that day.
   It was then that she noticed someone else had texted her. Someone whose number she didn’t know. With slow movements, she lifted her forehead off the desk to look at her homeroom teacher. He was also looking at her when she did this and it freaked her out so much she sat up straight in her seat. Did… Did he know too?
   Dread anchored her heart in her stomach and bile climbed up her throat as she let the thought sink in. Oh no. Oh God no. Oh hell no! Another slam of her forehead against her desk. She didn’t care that her fellow students were looking at her with quizzical expressions. She had bigger problems. Problem Uno: She was about to barf that delicious breakfast bar right up. Problem Duos: If he remembered then it was goodbye school and hello shame. Problem Tress: It would break her father’s heart.
   “{Last Name}-san, would you please reframe from making a scene?” The sigh that spoke volumes of disappointment was what almost sent her over the edge.
   “But scenes are what I’m good at.” She played it off as a joke and sat up.
   Back to the blasé attitude, she was known to have. It would do her no good speculating. Even if he did know it was her he had no proof and she could just play dumb. Well, that wasn’t a wonderful idea since anyone would believe whatever perfect Mr. Robot-Sensei said. Damn! What WOULD she do if he figured it out? This time she reframed from slamming her forehead against her desk but she allowed her lips to curl into a frown when Kagari-sensei looked away. He gave her one final exasperated look and told her, “This is a school, not a tv drama. Act your age, please.”
   “Righty-roo.” She smiled up at him.
   Well, that garnered her a glare. He didn’t bother to give her a response and instead made his way back to the front of the classroom. A little into the lesson, when she knew he was too busy to pay attention to her, she peeked at her phone that was inside her desk. With slyness that any good spy would possess she read the message on her phone.
   “Hello, I can’t seem to remember your name, but I remember bits and pieces of last night. One of those memories was of me ruining your cardigan. I will have it cleaned by tomorrow. Would you mind meeting up with me so I can give it to you? I would also like to properly apologize to you in person.”
   Ok. Ok. Ok. Ok. She wasn’t freaking out at all. Nope. Not a bit. He didn’t remember her, so that was good. Bad news, he wanted to meet her and she definitely wanted her cardigan back. Her stomach churned and she felt a cold sweat begin to coat her skin. Heartbeat increasing and head buzzing with a tickling sensation, she knew she needed to calm down first before she could devise any sort of plan. But how was she supposed to calm down? Any rational person would know that this situation was anything but calming!
   “{Name},” her classmate whispered to her. “Are you okay? You don’t look too good.”
   Oh good. She looked as horrible as she felt. And it wasn’t as if she could excuse herself because if she even suggested such a thing she had the feeling Kagari-sensei would assume she was lying. He really didn’t have much faith in her, did he? A self-deprecating laugh bubbled up her throat but she was successfully able to thwart it before it passed her lips.
   “I’m fine.” She responded with a small smile.
   “If you say so.” Her classmate mumbled, obviously still worried at the blatant lie.
   “If you have something to say while I’m in the middle of teaching it must be very important,” Kagari-sensei said, his voice overbearing and grating.
   “I’m not feeling well and she was just worried about me.” She found herself saying in a defiant tone. “I was about to ask you if I may so kindly be excused to the nurse's office.”
   Perhaps that wasn’t the best tone to take with him in that very moment but a girl can only take so much rudeness. Granted she was talking while he was teaching, so maybe she deserved some repercussion but she didn’t deserve to be talked to like she just ruined his life. In fact, if SOMEONE hadn’t thrown up on her she wouldn’t be in her current state of turmoil.
   He looked down at her and the tension in the room rose to a suffocating degree as they continued to stare at one another.
   “You may go.” He almost spit out those words as his eyes flashed with a look that told her he absolutely did not want her to. “Since it seems that my teaching for today won’t help you.”
   His eyes had gleamed over her opened binder, which remained unmarked from that day’s lesson. She didn’t know why but she felt like he was calling her an idiot.
   “Yes, I doubt it will.” She responded calmly as she packed up her belongings and left the classroom with grace.
   But when she shut the door behind her and made her way slightly down the hallway she slammed her fist against the wall. The pain that sparked from her knuckles traveled up her arm and the back of her neck before it left her brain tingling. It was a good distraction and it helped ebb away the anger that boiled inside her.
   “I can’t wait for you to be groveling at my feet tomorrow. Begging for forgiveness for such “disgraceful” behavior.” She roared silently as she pulled her fist away from the wall.
   When she looked at her fist she was pleased that no skin broke, but there would definitely be bruises the next day if the redness that burned her skin meant anything. Once she entered the nurse's office she was surprised that there was no one there. Not even a student was asleep in the few sickbeds that aligned the walls. Using her alone time to good use she plopped rather unladylike on one of the beds and whipped out her phone. She spent her free time finding a place near a university she would claim that she went to.
   “We could meet up at the new café that opened up near my University.” She texted him and sent him the address of the café as well. “And I will accept apologies in a cup of coffee and a sweet treat.”
   The café had been a tempting sight when she looked up its information on her phone. It was a calming place with brown, black, and cream undertones that were derived throughout its furnishings and wall decor. It probably smelled of cinnamon and pastries. A comforting smell indeed. As she stared up at the ceiling she went over her plan. She’d go out tonight and buy a wig, one that might be pricey but would definitely look believable. She’d even find a good makeup tutorial video before-hand and buy the makeup needed to contour her face to look like someone else’s.  He’d never know it was her. She’d even make her voice higher or lower in pitch so he wouldn’t be able to catch onto her lie. And once she got her cardigan back she’d never need such tricks again.
   “Well, here’s to hoping anyways.” She muttered underneath her breath as she shut her eyes.
   She had barely gotten much sleep the night before and the bed was far more comfortable than one would assume. Treating it like her own bed, she snuggled deeper into the mattress and wrapped the blanket snuggly around her. By tomorrow night this whole nightmare would be over. At least, that’s what she told herself as she fell into a dreamless slumber.
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lxvescramble · 5 years
Kyosuke chat
Kyosuke Takatsukasa - Shinichi Kagari
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Kyosuke Takatsukasa - Eisuke Ichinomiya
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kitty-otome · 3 years
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today is day 7 of the 60 days of voltage challenge!
click here for the questions.
⇦ day 6 | day 8 ⇨
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now, i have three answers for this one.
if we’re talking sexiest guy on the app, i’d have to say jin namba from her love in the force. i mean, damn. you know i love muscular ossan’s.
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next we have shinichi kagari from after school affairs. just look at this man! he’s so handsome! there’s something so subtly sexy about him too.
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and finally we have taku hayama from irresistible mistakes. i honestly don’t really like him as a character, but his design is very pleasing to the eye.
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honestly, i almost added ota kisaki from kissed by the baddest bidder, so i thought i’d mention him too!
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