#shinichi smiling and reaching for kaito's head to gently card through his hair leaning in to press a kiss on top of his head
hayaku14 · 2 months
i just thought of kaishin hugging and i almost cried
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archester-creations · 2 years
one man’s lap is another man’s home
"Can I?" Shinichi gestures to Kaito's lap and Kaito finds himself agreeing before he can even register what he's doing. The detective just looks so tired. There are dark circles under his eyes and with the way he's swaying he's bound to fall over if he remains standing. Kaito tucks his feet under himself and pats his lap. The grateful smile Shinichi gives him is tired and warm. It's a little ridiculous. No smile that tired should be that bright.
They haven't even exchanged names yet, but Shinichi just settles next to him before he carefully flops over, head landing in the middle of Kaito's lap. Kaito leans back against the tree he is sitting under. A second passes and Kaito reaches out, running his fingers through Shinichi's hair. It's soft. Shinichi's eyes close as Kaito scratches lightly at his scalp. "Do you usually use stranger's laps for pillows?" Kaito asks quietly. Shinichi presses his face into the soft of Kaito's stomach, his nose tickling him just slightly. It makes his abdominal muscles bunch to get away from the feeling but Kaito doesn't move. "You're not a stranger." Kaito stiffens, but he doesn't stop running fingers through Shinichi's hair. His finger catches on a knot and he gently tugs until the knot unravels. "What do you mean by that?" With a sound of discontent, Shinichi turns his head so he can look up at Kaito. When he opens his eyes there's annoyance in the sapphire. "How dumb do you think I am, KID?" For a moment, Kaito gapes. Just a moment. It's apparently long enough for Shinichi, who rolls his eyes with a huff and proceeds to press his face against Kaito again, scrunching up his nose against Kaito's stomach no doubt just to tickle him. Kaito squirms. "Stop that," he protests quietly and Shinichi settles after one last nose wiggle. In retaliation, Kaito pulls at a lock of Shinichi's hair. Shinichi winces but doesn't move past that and Kaito goes back to carding his fingers through his hair. "I don't, I just never expected our first meeting to go like this." "'M tired," Shinichi mumbles against the fabric of his shirt and Kaito smiles at the muffled quality. "That's what you get for sticking your nose into every murder you cross paths with," Kaito teases. Shinichi's teeth nip at the fabric of his shirt, getting just the barest hint of skin under it, more annoyed by that than at the perceived slight to his ability to recognize KID. "I can't just ignore them." "I know," Kaito soothes, scratching at Shinichi's scalp again with his nails until Shinichi releases a shuddering breath and his body goes lax. "Rest, detective." The huff Shinichi gives brushes air against the new wet spot on Kaito's shirt, but Shinichi listens. An arm wraps around Kaito and a finger hooks into a belt loop at his back in a half embrace. Barely a minute passes before soft snores come from Shinichi. Kaito closes his eyes and lets himself drift, fingers absently playing with Shinichi's hair as the boy sleeps.
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