#hugging him from behind and breathing in his scent to calm his senses after very stressful day
hayaku14 · 5 months
i just thought of kaishin hugging and i almost cried
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thef1diary · 3 months
oh my gosh congrats on 3k, lovely!! it makes me so happy to see you getting the love and support you deserve 🫶🏻
if i may i’d like to request prompt 8 from fluff list 3 <3
You’re My Home | D. Ricciardo
a/n: thank you lovely!! I mixed this request with “I was thinking this fluff prompt from list one #3 because I just know Danny ric gives amazing hugs” requested by @faithshouseofchaos because both prompts fit so well together.
prompts: "Nothing feels as good as coming home to you." "Nothing feels as good as having you come home to me." & Those tight hugs they give you after coming home, and you just squeeze back and melt in them because they are your home
wc: 900+
masterlist 3k celebration
It had been a very long, stressful trip. Your days were filled with meetings, flights, and endless tasks that had left you feeling exhausted. Near the end of the trip, the time felt unbelievably slow, the kind where every minute dragged on. You have glanced at your watch too many times to count, seemingly checking it every few minutes only to realize only a few seconds passed.
Your suitcase thumped heavily behind you as you trudged up the stairs, the elevator in your building having decided to break down just when you needed it most. The only thing stopping tears of stress and frustration from streaming down your cheeks was thinking of the comfort of home, the solace of his embrace.
You finally reach the door, unlocking it quickly and stepping inside. The familiar scent of home greeted you, immediately putting you at ease. The sound of the tv murmurs from the living room, where you know Daniel is probably unwinding after his own long day. Your shoulders relax a little, the weight of the trip beginning to lift.
"Hey, I'm home," you called out, slipping off your shoes and leaving your suitcase by the door. You stifle a giggle when you hear a yelp from him, followed by a muttered curse as he bangs his foot on the corner of the coffee table in his rush to reach the door.
His eyes light up with joy when he sees you, and he closes the distance between you in a few strides. He pulls you into a tight hug, his arms wrapping around you in a way that makes you feel safe and cherished. His embrace is strong yet tender, his body warm against yours, and you can't help but melt into him, clinging to him as if he was your lifeline. You can feel the steady rhythm of his heartbeat, a calming presence after the chaos of travel.
"Nothing feels as good as coming home to you," you murmured against his chest, breathing in his familiar scent.
He pulls back slightly, just enough to look into your eyes, his hands still resting on your waist. "Nothing feels as good as having you come home to me."
You smile up at him, your heart swelling with affection. His eyes are soft, filled with the kind of love that makes everything else fade away.
As you're admiring his gaze, seeing him in person again, his eyes narrow. "Hold on.." he murmured, playfully pulling back further as he looks at you from top to bottom. "How are you here already? I thought you were coming tomorrow."
You grin, enjoying the look of intrigue on his face. "Why? Am I interrupting your plans or something?" Then you gasp, smacking his chest as you question. "Don't tell me you were going to host a party here."
Daniel laughs, throwing his head back, and you couldn't help but join in, always finding his laugh contagious. He shook his head, "sweetheart, do you really think I'd host a party without you here? And no, you are not interrupting any plans, well, considering my plans included sulking and rewatching our favourite show, then yes, you did interrupt—in the best way possible."
You tugged him closer, feeling a warm sense of contentment wash over you. "Well, I'm glad to be your best interruption."
"Not that I mind, but I hope you didn't ditch work to come back early," he asks, bringing the conversation back to you.
"If it were up to you, I'd quit and travel with you," you comment, earning a toothy grin and a nod from him. "But, I managed to wrap up everything ahead of schedule. And honestly, I just missed you too much. I couldn't wait another day to come home."
His expression softens, his eyes filled with warmth and love. "I missed you too," he says, brushing away a strand of hair from your face. "Every minute you were gone felt like an eternity."
You nudged him playfully, even though you felt the same. "Alright don't be such a sap."
He laughs, holding onto your hands and pulling you close again, wrapping his arms around you. “Just for you, darling,” he commented, watching the blush rise to your cheeks.
Just as he was about to lean in to kiss you, his eyes widened as he remembered something. “Oh, I didn’t prepare anything for dinner since I wasn’t expecting you tonight.”
You raised your eyebrows, “then what were you planning on having?”
He shrugged, scratching the back of his neck. “Takeout?” He stated more as a question. You smiled, leaning into him and pressing a kiss to his nose. “Then takeout it is, I wanted to cuddle anyways.”
His eyes light up at that word, and he immediately picks you up in his arms with a playful grin. “Cuddling it is,” he says carrying you towards the couch.
You wrap your arms around his neck, laughing as he carefully maneuvers you to the soft cushions. He sets you down gently before plopping himself beside you, pulling you close. His arms envelop you as you snuggle into his chest, feeling the warmth and security of his embrace.
“Wait,” you say, suddenly remembering, “I need to take a shower. I just came from the airport.”
He tightens his hold, refusing to let go. “No way,” he says firmly. “I’m not letting go of you now. You can shower later.”
You decide against arguing, after all, you’re comfortable and don’t want to move either. Daniel kisses the top of your head, his voice tender as he continues. “You know, this is how I want to spend my life after I retire from racing. Just you and me, cuddled up like this.”
Your heart swells with love, the thought of a future filled with such simple, beautiful moments. “That sounds perfect,” you whisper, feeling completely at peace in his arms.
taglist: @nikfigueiredo @wonnou @jointhehunt67 @gxuh @67-angelofthelordme-67 @kigieri @lochnoch @llando4norris @monsieurbacteria6 @namgification @lilymurphy03 @sargeantdumbass @hiireadstuff @racingheartsposts @d3kstar @xjval @namjoonswaifu @isabellewinchester @thedecalcomania-blog @casperlikej @khaylin27 @mlioravanfleet @mehrmonga @tellybearryyyy @wobblymug @bokutos-babyowl @chilling-seavey
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nekohime19 · 5 days
Heart behind the lie # 14 : without you
Wukong has a rough time without Mac
Sun Wukong was tossing and turning inside of his sheets, pearls of sweat clinging to his fur like starving flees. The night wasn't young, the moon was already falling out of its throne, a dimming light that tenderly veiled the earth. He wasn't asleep, nor was he awake. He was in the in-between, in the frontière of irreality and reality, an indecisive state that was neither restful, nor peaceful. 
He could hear the whispers of the witch echoing inside of his ears, her words never leaving him even after her death, only kept at bay by the warm hold of the warrior. Her breath was freezing, cruel words etched on his very heart. Promises of pain, but also of rest, of everything he feared and longed for at the same time. Every time he closed his eyes, he could feel her fingers grazing his fur, her breath nipping at the shell of his ears. Not seeing in front of him gave room for his mind to conjure up her face, to imagine her ghost hovering above him. 
It wasn't always this intense, the first few nights without Macaque weren't the best, but they weren't horrible by any means. The feeling of the other was still very present, enough to calm his fretting mind. But as the days passed, as the scent of his moon disappeared from his couch, her image came more and more often, until he couldn't let himself fall asleep, afraid to fall prey to her clutches. 
He knew she wasn't there, that she was lost to oblivion, that she ceased to roam this world. But the fear lingered, it was in the quietest nights, the darkest of all, that he cowered the most, feeling scared without the light of the day. As shameful as it was, he began to leave a few nightlights, chasing the dark away, candles littered his bedroom, leaving no places for shadows. But even then, he was still afraid. 
People always said you only really missed something when you lost it, and they were right. He always appreciated the care his moon showered him in these last weeks, but never realized how much he needed it until he found himself alone in the heart of the night. He thought he was entirely healed, unwounded by the possession, he fooled himself, not willing to see the wounds etched on his mind. 
The great sage sighed, he left his sheets and dragged himself out of his nest. He took a single strand of hair and created a clone, then he went on the couch and curled on himself. The clone wordlessly went to hug him, magic-created arms circling him like his moon did before. Sun Wukong closed his eyes, imagining Macaque in the place of the clone, trying to fool his senses, and somewhat failing at it considering the warrior's scent was too faint. He smothered the chirps falling out of his lips in the clone’s chest, not willing to be this weak. He had the sudden urge to run out of his shack and call for the ebony monkey, searching for him in the dead of the night, but he repressed it. 
Macaque didn't want to see him. He made that very clear this last week, leaving not a single trace of him for the sage, hiding from him. It was almost as if the warrior was a ghost roaming his mountain, he would find footprints, sometimes places with his scent, or some strand of his fur, but he never found him. 
Sun Wukong didn't sleep tonight yet again, when dawn came, slipping through the windows, he let out a relieved sigh, happy that this hellish time was over. He made the clone disappear with a flick of wrist and left the couch, weekly nibbling on lingering peaches, the sweetness chasing away the bitterness of his night. 
The kid was going to come in the late morning, he couldn't look so disheveled, he didn't want to worry him. The great sage locked himself in his bathroom and looked at the reflection dancing in the mirror. He looked rough, eyes circled by a deep black, fur all over the place, glamours slipping here and there, revealing scars and white strands he usually kept hidden. The King frowned, not liking to see something so pitiful. He took a deep breath and dived in the gaze of his reflection. 
"Come on, get a hold of yourself." Muttered the sage, trying to stop his hands from shaking, scarred by another night cowering. "You've dealt with all your problems alone till now, it's not one week with someone that'll change that." The golden monkey tried to reign in his feelings, to chase away his fear and the memory of her. But it was no use, each time he closed his eyes, flashes of her cruel smile passed through his mind. The King cursed, and tried again to empty his head, to pretend that those cowering nights never existed. His hands didn't stop shaking, when he opened his eyes again, the only thing he saw was his pitiful reflection. Sun Wukong growled, in a fit of rage he punched the mirror, shattering his image. Cracks spread through the glass, scarring the tired face of his reflection, some shards fell in the sink, others nipped at his flesh, drawing blood. "Fuck." 
Sun Wukong picked up the shards, not caring about the state of his hand, and threw it in a nearby trash can. 
"I need a shower." Sighed the sage, he undressed himself, his scarred hand already healing itself, something as pathetic as glass not strong enough to wound him for life. He sat in his bathtub and drowned himself in warm water, trying to wash away the lingering feelings of her, the ghost of her breath grazing his skin. 
Once showered, he reapplied his glamors with a flick of hand, hiding any knots and imperfections behind well-crafted illusion, returning to his perfect, heroish self. He returned to the couch, trying to tell himself he didn't spend a lot more time on it because of Macaque's ghostly memory. He drowned his mind with silly shows, dutifully avoiding Monkey King : the animated series, and waited until his kid showed up. 
Some of his subjects came to him, voicing some worries about his tendency to stay inside these last days. They had been overjoyed when they learnt of his awakening, drowning him in coos and pets, but their joy was short-lived, replaced by worry the second they saw past his crumbling front. They brought the freshest fruits, organized the longest, warmest groomings and tried to sleep with him at night, to invite him into their nest. But as sweet as they were, their touch could only soothe one part of his heart. Moreover, Sun Wukong didn't want them to see him cowering at night. Even if he loved them dearly, he was still their King, he couldn't let himself be weak in front of them. 
MK arrived at the promised hour, and the King left all his somber musing behind, greeting his mentee with a blinding smile. 
"Monkey King!! How are you doing? Everything alright? You should really see a doctor! Maybe I should bring you to Red Son and-" 
"Hey, hey, bud."Chuckled the sage, he caught himself before he could ruffle the kid's hair, still hesitant to touch him, still thinking he hurt him in one way or another in his feral state (he noticed the kid was wearing long leaves around him, something he never did before). "I'm okay. I'm the Monkey King, remember ? Invincible and all!"
"But still…"
"Really, I'm fine! Anyway, it's been a long time since our last training, you're up to it?" MK lightened up like a thousand stars, he almost jumped on site. 
"But are you sure?"
"Totally! Besides I need to exercise a bit, all those belly scratches made me soft."
MK snickered at that, and left outside with a skip in his step. Sun Wukong opted for a light training, some basic footwork that wouldn't tire the kid out. He didn't want to do any spar for now, scared of the way MK flinched the last time he approached him, but also scared that his mentee would notice his lack of sleep. Sun Wukong did the exercises with the kid this time, instead of looking down at him from his cloud like he did before LBD. MK seemed much more receptive to his teaching when the sage was sweating with him, and Sun Wukong couldn't help but feel bad for the way he treated his mentee before. 
He never thought he would learn from the kid, but yet here he was, changing his eons-old ways because of a mortal. Life was truly unpredictable, he should have known that with how much he lived, and yet he was still surprised. 
They took a break after a few hours, lazing in the soft sun-drenched grass beside the shack, veiled by a comfortable silence. 
"Are you really fine?" Suddenly asked the kid, Sun Wukong turned towards him, his heart nipped by guilt. 
"I'm…" he repressed the “I'm fine” wanting to burn his lips and replied : "I manage."
"…Do you miss Macaque?" This was a loaded question, and Sun Wukong wasn't ready to be this upfront, especially since his feelings were a mess. 
"Hm… I do wonder what he's doing but… well…"
"I don't think he's fine." Sighed the kid, the sage straightened at that. 
"Why do you think so?" 
"He's been really gloomy."
"You talk to him?" Tentatively asked the King, trying to look disinterested, and failing at it. 
"Yeah, I visit him when I come here. He usually finds me first." The King immediately smothered the jealous pang tearing his heart, this wasn't the moment for petty feelings. 
"Oh… He likes it on the mountain ? Because, you know, I'm the King here and all so…I wanna know." 
"Well, I do think he's happy to be here. But I think he struggles with believing he's welcomed here, trust issues and all, he has a lot of those." Grumbled MK. 
"Hm, so he's not…sick or something ? Or need magic ?" 
"How do you…" MK cut himself with an award cough. "Right…Well, I can't tell you the details, because it's Macaque personal life, but… I'm kinda worried… I’m keeping an eye on him."
"Yeah, you do that. Tell me if he's unwell." MK looked at him with a raised eyebrow, and an impish smile. 
"Oh? You care about him?"
"Wha–pfff, me ? Nah, I just… you know he's technically a monkey, and I'm the Monkey King sooo, he's like my responsibility."
"Huh, you're really not convincing."
"Whatever you're imagining in this silly head of yours, it's wrong." Huffed the sage as he crossed his arms. 
"Yeah, because you totally didn't lie about your health to spend time with him." Sun Wukong stuttered, cheeks flaming, he looked at his mentee with an outraged face. 
"This was totally different!"
"Never thought you'd be this much in denial." Snickered MK like a little menace. 
"I'm not– it's a complicated situation."
"Yeaaah, I'm gonna believe that for your sake." Chuckled the boy with a silly smile. 
"What is this, “bully your mentor” day?" 
"More like a “training”day! Come on, Monkey King!" Cheered the boy as he sprang on his feet, Sun Wukong sighed and followed after him with a soft smile. 
"Hey, be more considerate of my old bones." Playfully groaned the sage as he stretched his arms. 
"Come on! I can give you belly scratches after if you want, except if you only like Macaque's one." Snickered the boy. 
"You little–" Spluttered the King as he chased after the giggling kid. 
When the kid left, the sage didn't feel like returning inside. The weather was nice, and the soft burn of his muscles felt good, for once he wasn't wallowing in raging feelings. He left the water-curtain cave and took a stroll, whistling lightly and greeting the monkeys he saw on his way. Sometimes, he wandered off his way, tempted by the residual scent of his moon, but he always shook it off, not wanting to lose himself. He could see traces of Macaque, and while it soothed something, it also burned. 
The sage sat on a cliff and watched the sun fall, he didn't try to sleep that night, knowing it would be useless. The dark was as terrifying as always, her memory returning the second the sun disappeared. But the stars littering the sky above him were comforting. Sun Wukong laid back, eyes lost in the sky, and breathed in the night. He was still scared, still unwell, but he felt slightly better than the night before. And maybe that was all that truly mattered. 
The next few days passed quickly, peaceful and tiring at the same time. Some nights were rougher than others, sometimes he cried till his voice broke, sometimes he just let his thoughts glide over him, observing them without being pulled by their rage. 
In one particularly rough night, he bolted out of his house, feeling too smothered inside of his own walls. He ran outside, trying to chase away his memories, the feeling of her ice, the sounds of her lies, the scent of her magic. Other memories merged with her image, times of pain. Her whispers merged with the taste of liquid iron, the feeling of her ice merging with the furnace’s fire. Everything was a blur of pain, he felt overwhelmed.
He unconsciously followed the scent of the warrior, and laid in a warm patch of grass shaped like him, under a towering tree, probably the place Macaque napped a few hours ago. He curled on himself, trying to hide his stuttering breath, trying to merge with the shape of the warrior printed on the grass. He felt ashamed to be reduced to this, he thought everything was going well, but everytime he succeeded in chasing away his fear, it came back with a vengeance. 
Why was he even trying to feel better at this point ? What was the point of trying to be better if he will always fall prey to his inner demons ? 
"Get a hold of yourself, Wukong, this is pathetic." Grumbled the sage, tiring of his own self. 
He stilled when he heard a very familiar step in his back. The sage slowly rose, heart hammering, and his breath stuttered when he saw who was standing behind him. 
Macaque wasn't looking at him, tail tied on his leg, scowl ever so present, he approached him and sat a few meters away. Close enough to be heard, but far enough to not be touched. Sun Wukong didn't know what to do, the mere sight of the other was messing with his heart, longing and anger beating in tandem inside of him. 
"I…what are you doing here?" Muttered the sage, he immediately belittled himself, this was a stupid thing to say. 
"The kid is organizing a recovery party. He wanted me to tell you." Whispered the macaque, his arms were tightly crossed in front of his chest, as he was protecting something from being seen, his heart, perhaps.
"Oh." Sun Wukong couldn't keep his disappointment out of his voice. "You… I see. You want me to leave? I mean it's your spot and… I’m gonna leave." Awkwardly sighed the sage. 
"Wait!" Squeaked the warrior, Sun Wukong immediately stilled, halting himself and sitting properly. Macaque sighed and put a hand on his face. "I… I wanna talk."
"Okay." Muttered the sage. "About what?" 
"Are you serious? What do tout think I wanna talk about?" Grumbled the macaque. 
"There is a lot to talk about with us."
"I wanna talk about the recents events." Sighed the warrior. 
"… I'm angry you lied, I feel used and I have…trouble…believing you did it for any other reason than to make fun of me."
"I didn't… I didn't do it because I wanted to make fun of you. It's just… I needed it, I still do."
"I know, but it's hard to believe that. It's also hard to believe you want me here." Admitted the warrior as he looked down. 
"I…I do want you here…" the macaque tightened his hold on himself. "Did you come here just to tell me that?" 
"I–no, but it's…why is this so hard?" 
"Feelings suck." Macaque snorted at that and Sun Wukong brightened up. 
"Yeah. This is kinda stupid. I'm stupid."
"I… you're not stupid, I'm glad you came to me. Those last nights were… challenging." Admitted the King as he held himself, his tail twitching nervously in his back. 
"What you missed me?" Scoffed the warrior, but his scorn quickly disappeared when he faced silence. "Oh… you're… you're okay?" 
"I'm… sometimes I just still wish I kept lying, it was easier." Whispered the sage, curled up on himself as he watched the stars glimmer.
"Hm, yeah, it was easier." Sun Wukong quickly turned towards the warrior. Because those words meant that some part of Macaque was missing what they had, it meant that maybe he could convince him to do it again, it meant that maybe he could keep her memory at bay. 
" I… you wanna keep pretending then?" 
"What?" Scoffed the warrior, voice rising. 
"I-I… It wouldn't be like last time." Rushed the sage, trying to appease him. "I…just for the night. If it's easier for you, I can be a mindless beast, just for the night, as long as you're with me." 
"Are you even hearing yourself?" Muttered the warrior. 
"I… I can give you magic if you need it-" 
"I didn't come here to beg!" 
"I know but what can I do then!" Snapped the King, voice wavering. "Sorry… It’s just… I know you're living here, and I'm glad about it, but you're not letting me see you at all. It's almost as if you're not here."
"I need space, Wukong."
"I know, and I want to give you space, but I… I feel so bad it's… I just wish you held me."
"I can't do that. I can't lie with you, it's only gonna hurt us." Sighed the Macaque, gaze stubbornly avoiding him. Sun Wukong felt something inside of him break, he repressed the whines wanting to pass through his lips, he kept the hand wanting to reach for the warrior at his side, and laughed, sadly. 
"Yeah I… what was I thinking? Sorry, forget that. I mean it's not like you even missed me."
"It's not-"
"I'm gonna leave." Blurted Sun Wukong, tears nipping at his eyes. "Thank you for coming to talk, I appreciated it. Good night." But Macaque held him back before he could flee, leaping towards him and tightly gripping his wrist. 
"Just listen to me, you idiot." Sun Wukong sat back, now awfully close to the other. "I… I can't lie with you, because it'll only hurt us both. But it doesn't mean I didn't…miss you or whatever, I enjoyed those days too."
"Oh…" Muttered the sage, cheeks slowly becoming more and more red. 
"I know you're hurting."
"I'm not hurting that much-" but he cut himself when he saw the unimpressed gaze of the other.
"I know you're hurting, but I can't… I need time to process some things, okay?" 
"Okay…why are you even caring about me?" Awkwardly chuckled the sage, flushing the second the words passed his lips. 
"I'm just tired of fighting. I don't know if we can salvage something, our relationship is pretty messed up, I really don't know, so I'm just gonna do what I want."
"Hm, so I can do what I want too ?"
"As long as you don't push me to do things I don't want to."
"Okay. Can I give you magic then?"
"I'm just worried, okay. Might come as a shock to you, but I kinda care. I don't know your situation but last time you didn't have magic you weren't well."
"… I really don't want you to pity me." Sighed the macaque. 
"It's not pity, it's care. Just a bit. Indulge me a bit more tonight, please."
"Okay… "Sun Wukong tried to repress the smile blooming on his lips, he carefully took the other hand and brought it to his forehead, eagerly giving bits of his magic. Macaque quietly sighed, he took back his hand after a few seconds, perhaps not liking to be this vulnerable. "I didn't come here for that."
"I know." Chuckled the sage. 
"You're a handful." Snorted the warrior, he hesitantly took off his scarf and carefully warped it around the sage. Sun Wukong sucked in a breath, heart beating wildly. "I can't be with you tonight, I need alone time to think, I think we both do, so just hold on to this." The King dumbly nodded, shocked by the gesture, not thinking for a moment that Macaque would ever part from his beloved scarf. "I… I'll be at the recovery party." 
"So I can see you again?" Carefully asked the sage. 
"In theory."
"That's enough for me."
"‘kay." Mumbled the warrior, he rose, awkwardly scratching the back of his neck, avoiding any prolonged glance. "Night Wukong."
"Night Macaque."
Macaque nodded at him, he turned around and left with soft sounding steps. The sage watched him until his silhouette disappeared in the night, he then laid back in the grass and tightly grasped the scarf warped around his neck, losing himself in the ebony monkey's scent. 
For the first time in a few weeks, he slept well. 
Ch1 / Previous / Next
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maehemthemisfit · 2 years
Since Sumeru radiates Arabian trading energy, I like the idea of Tighnari with you, a successful merchant who actually deals with a lot of shady business (like the yakuza using a lot of normal business as fronts). I like the idea of you using pricy oils on Tighnari's tail while listening to what your secretary has to say about today's meeting and the trades. Btw I'm the one who sent the KM imagines and the dead inside reader, just call me ☂️ anon :)
NOOOO like!!! YES. I'd like to think Tighnari's animal features are sensitive or at most it's a very personal and intimate moment for him/species to let someone touch them so he'd rather you do it in private.
Btw this ain't proof read
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your occupations don't really align so scheduling time to spend together can be a hassle, but surprisingly the both of you make it work. Tighnari doesn't mind if you're spending time with him on one of his patrols, in his humble abode, or if it's your office, as long as he gets to be near you and has your attention then he's really isn't one to argue... well, most times at least.
this time is no different. somehow you managed to convince the forest ranger to let you apply some new oils that reached your inventory recently to his tail. He was skeptical at first, asking for all the ingredients and if it was a waterproof formula, but the price immediately caught his eye. no, no, no, why are you spending so much money on oils that he could make himself!? his solutions work just fine, but then again, you already paid for it and the pleading look in your eye made him cave in, and he let out a prolonged sigh as he swayed his tail into your lap with a look of defeat written on his face.
it was peaceful at first, listening to you talk about your day as you card your fingers through the fur of his tail, gently massaging the product into his thick coat and brushing the dark tufts. it made his tail soft and it smelt of honey and flowers, the airy scent fortunately not overbearing to his keen sense of smell. It was nice, calm, and so—
"[name]? ah, sorry to interrupt but would you mind if I go over the schedule? you have a few meetings to attend soon and I want to make sure you have all the details and paperwork before going—"
and just like that Tighnari was annoyed, even more so when you hummed in agreement and allowed your secretary to go over what they wanted to voice. to him, it felt invasive for someone to interrupt such an endearing moment, and it wasn't long before you picked up on Tighnari's change in behavior, his tail going stiff and his shoulders tense.
your fingers tugged lightly on his tail, hugging it a bit closer to your chest which caused the grumpy fox to perk up, wide eyes scanning your sly smirk and knowing he'd been caught like a deer in headlights. Tighnari expected you to tease him, but the warmth and understanding he felt in your gaze washed away the thought, your hand coming up to dismiss your secretary from the room despite not going over the entire list.
"it can wait," you assured, watching as your secretary nodded and quickly left the room. "i'm sorry," you whispered after a beat, setting your brush aside to caress his tail with both hands before it slipped from your grasp.
A pang of guilt filled your chest, thinking Tighnari was still upset, but he was far from it, in fact, he was quick to restore the fragile moment the two of you previously had. a weight was placed on the crook of your neck, comforting vibrations running along your skin as the melody of Tighnari purring blessed your ears. he nuzzled into you, holding you close to his chest as he breathed out words of appreciation, the sudden warm embrace making you drowsy. if only you could see that gradual shade of red creeping up his neck, tail swishing behind him.
despite the disturbance, it was easy to fall back into place like pieces to a puzzle, drowning in the warmth of each other and affectionate touches.
the two of you wouldn't break away, not until responsibilities demanded and screamed for your attention. but even then, the thought of work wasn't as convincing as Tighnari's arms and fluffy features. and soon what felt like a forgiving hug for the moment, started to feel like "maybe I could miss a meeting or two".
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ALSO HI ☂️ ANON!! I think the emoji is really fitting since you'll be feeling the downpour on my TEARS with you bittersweet or just down right angst imagines 😭 I still love you tho anytime you're in my inbox
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daddyblackjack · 2 years
Arcane Ink - Chapter 5
Pairing: Weskano (Albert Wesker x Vittorio Toscano)
NSFW (Suggestive, sexy time will follow in the next chapter)
Albert woke up, Vittorio’s face nuzzled into his neck, feeling his slow breathing against his skin. They’d made a habit of cuddling together, falling asleep in each other’s arms after the sessions. They decided to do them at Albert’s place again after a particularly awkward run in with another survivor after Albert had left Vittorio’s housing. While Albert had managed to quiet the self-loathing for feeling so drawn to Vittorio, needing him, new doubts had started to creep into his mind. He’s too good for you. He doesn’t love you, how could he? He’d turn on you if he ever found out what you did, who you used to be. Albert knew all these things to be true. How could they not be after all? Vittorio was his polar opposite, a pacifist through and through. A complete sweetheart and utter sunshine. Albert had jokingly called him “light of my life” as his tattoos were lighting up in the dark, but a part of him had meant it. Vittorio had laughed – that damn laugh - and apologized, but Albert had assured him that he didn’t mind. Vittorio yawned and stretched, and pulled back to meet Albert’s eyes, and as he did he giggled. Albert felt his cheeks flush, but also feeling confused and self-conscious about what made Vittorio let out that cute laugh. “Um, good morning?” Albert suggested. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” Vittorio replied, still giggling, pressing his head against his chest. “What’s got you in such a giddy mood today?” “You just look so cute with your bed hair and your big cat eyes.” Vittorio said, meeting Albert’s eyes again and giving him a warm smile. “I… what? Cat eyes?” Albert knew that his eyes had become red, glowing, and slitted after being revived by the progenitor virus, but he didn’t think of them as ‘cat eyes’. Although it was odd that he could purr. “Oh, your pupils are very dilated, you know, like how cat eyes can go really wide?” Albert gulped, his cheeks feeling hot. Were his eyes really dilating like that when he looked at Vittorio? He grumbled and turned around, too embarrassed to look at Vittorio. “Ah no, I’m sorry!” Vittorio said has he clung onto Albert, hugging him from behind. “I thought you knew!” “You didn’t see anything.” Albert mumbled in response, feeling himself lean into the embrace. Vittorio was spooning him now, and started playing with Albert’s hair. The sensation never failed calm him. He loved the way Vittorio’s fingers were gliding through his strands, twisting them, tugging them gently, rubbing along his scalp, tracing his hairline, scratching his neck… Albert felt himself loosing focus, and started purring again. He always felt flustered when it happened, but he couldn’t help it when Vittorio touched his hair. He could feel the man stifling another giggle. “Don’t you dare.” Albert mumbled, eyes feeling heavy. Vittorio hugged him in response. Albert could feel him grinning into his neck. Cheeky little shit. They had to get up and get back to work, though clearly neither of them wanted to. After a couple of minutes, Albert started to make the sliver of an effort to get up, but Vittorio was just clinging on to him, mumbling sounds of disapproval as Albert was trying to climb over him in order to get out of bed. So, Albert let himself plop onto Vittorio, who was directly underneath him, making him gasp more out of surprise than being winded. “You’re gonna have to let me get up eventually” Albert mumbled into Vittorio’s shoulder, but Vittorio just wrapped his arms around him. Albert couldn’t deny how comfortable he’d gotten with feeling Vittorio’s skin against his own, feeling his warmth, breathing in his scent, hearing his heartbeat, looking into those beautiful gray eyes… he wanted to taste him too. He wanted to have all his senses focused on the man who made his head spin. Whenever Albert lay on top of Vittorio, his thoughts drifted to the things he wanted to do to him, the pleasure he wanted to make him feel.
Wanting to kiss his neck, licking his skin, giving him love bites, marking him as his own. And his thoughts immediately halted him by sputtering his doubts. He would never dare to get carried away out of fear of losing him. Instead, Albert sighed. He could feel Vittorio’s fingernails tracing his spine, drawing small circles on his back. Albert imagined his nails clawing into him from the pleasure of Albert pounding into him, and it took everything in Albert to push that thought to the side and not immediately start grinding against Vittorio. Those thoughts, this longing had been crossing Alberts mind more and more frequently. He hoped that if Vittorio could feel his erection, he would simply assume it was morning wood. God how he wanted to kiss Vittorio. The comfortable intimacy they shared not only through the sessions of Albert tracing his skin, but also cuddling together had made it difficult to tell if Vittorio was making advances towards Albert. He usually could tell quite well if someone had a crush on him, like he had with Chris while working at S.T.A.R.S., or Excella while working for Tricell, but he never had his own feelings clutter his perception before. And although he thought that he had Vittorio wrapped around his finger, he noticed that Vittorio was a touchy person in general, which not only made it more difficult to tell how Vittorio actually felt about him but also made Albert jealous. And why would he like you anyway? His doubts reminded him. Albert made another effort to get up, and while Vittorio was still muttering in disapproval, he wasn’t resisting as much. He sat up after Albert got up and reached up to rub his thumb across Albert’s eyebrows. “You always look like you’re brooding. Or like you’re in a bad mood.” He said as he was trying to unfurrow Albert’s brow. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Albert replied sarcastically. He let his brow relax, smiled as he leaned his head into Vittorio’s hand, and closed his eyes. When he opened them again, Vittorio was blushing. Albert gently pulled away and proceeded to get ready to do some more killing.
Vittorio glanced at his hand again, as he was flipping through some books in the archive. He couldn’t concentrate on what he was reading. When Albert had leaned into his hand that morning, it felt as though he had kissed his palm. The thought made his heart skip a beat. The anticipation for the upcoming session didn’t make it any better. They had decided that Albert would work on his feet and legs after finishing tracing the tattoos on Vittorio’s torso. He’d steadily made his way up, and this session he would be working on his upper thighs and possibly his crotch. Vittorio was trying to figure out what he could wear to not sit there completely bottomless. The thought of that, imagining Albert touching his inner thighs, having to sit there with his legs spread, completely exposed… Vittorio bit his lip as he felt himself go hard. There was no way he could hide his enjoyment this time. His heart was racing. He had to come up with something, and fast.   He put the book back in its place – distracting himself wasn’t working – and headed back to his housing to check what he could wear. As he was rummaging through his clothes, he found his old tunic skirt. Albert could lift it as he worked, and it would allow Vittorio at least some coverage. He put it on, only wearing his underwear underneath, and realized that the slit in the side was not helping. He didn’t have time to figure out anything else, and it was better than nothing, so he grabbed the notebook and went to meet up with Albert. As he was walking his mind was racing. What if Albert did notice? There was no way he wouldn’t. Would he be weirded out? Was Albert even sexually interested in him? And if he was, did Vittorio really want to go this far with him? Albert was still a killer, after all. Was he indulging too much in him?
Albert was waiting for Vittorio in the archive when he saw him arrive wearing a shirt, boots and a leather skirt that was about knee length. His eyes went wide, and he was grateful for his sunglasses hiding his expression. “Vittorio… what are you wearing?” “Ah…well…” he started as his face flushed; eyes turned to the floor. “You finished most of my legs already, so I figured this would be… easiest to work on my thighs without… you know… without having me be completely naked.” He tried explaining, giving Albert an awkward smile while rubbing the back of his neck. Albert froze for a moment. He had completely forgotten what part of Vittorio’s body he would be tracing during this session. “Ah, right. Well, it suits you.” He managed to respond. He pressed his lips together as he thought about touching and teasing his thighs, feeling his heart race. “Th- thank you.” Vittorio sputtered in response as he followed Albert. “Would you rather sit or lie down?” Albert asked as they got to his quarters. “Uuh…” Vittorio pondered. If he sat, then he would have to look at Albert between his legs the entire time. But if he lied down, he would be in an even more exposed position with Albert basically on top of him. “I think I’ll sit.” He finally said. Merda. He was already hard, his heart racing, his cheeks feeling hot. He went to sit down on Albert’s desk when he motioned to the couch. “Make yourself comfortable?” he asked as he was taking his gloves off, taking the notebook from Vittorio. Vittorio gulped. He sat down on the couch and leaned back, as Albert kneeled in front of him, positioning himself between Vittorio’s legs, gently placing a hand on Vittorio’s thigh. The sensation made him twitch. Vittorio suddenly felt himself unsure what to do with his hands, so he loosely crossed them and let them rest on his stomach. Though he was tightly gripping his sleeve, inhaling sharply has Albert’s hand moved up his thigh, pushing the skirt out of the way of the area Albert would be tracing. He gently nudged Vittorio’s legs further apart to get a good view. Vittorio had to bite his lip to stifle a moan. He dared to look down at Albert, who looked so hot kneeling in front of his spread legs like that. Vittorio felt his erection twitch and prayed that Albert wouldn’t notice how it was poking against his skirt. As Albert’s hands slowly moved further and further up towards his crotch, seemingly taking his sweet time on both sides, it became more and more difficult to sit still. Vittorio had to press his own hand on his mouth to stifle the moans. He closed his eyes, peeking every now and again to look at Albert. The way the man was gripping his thigh, stretching the skin slightly to make out the tattoos better, made Vittorio’s head spin. Especially when Albert rubbed his thumb across the sigil he was tracing. Vittorio felt his heart race, his breathing fast, desperately trying to keep it together as Albert gently ran his nails across the sensitive skin. He was fully erect at this point, feeling himself throb against the fabric of his underwear. Vittorio let out a shaky sigh and felt a small moan escape him. Since he was bright red already, he couldn’t look any more flustered. He glanced down at Albert who met his gaze, also blushing, but Vittorio immediately broke eye contact, feeling too embarrassed in the position he was in. Albert had stopped moving his hands, and when Vittorio looked at him again, he was still staring him down, his eyes fully dilated which made him look very cute. “Does this please you, milord?” he asked, biting his lip and grinning, seeming pleased at Vittorio’s eyes going wide. Piccola merda! The bastard was messing with him. “I... uh… yes, it feels quite nice.” Vittorio managed to sputter. He needed a second to gather the courage to add: “You’re being a good servant.” Two could play this game, Albert.
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miwsolovely · 10 months
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pairings: carmy x reader
summary: carmy is in love with you <3
contains: fluff ! pure soft cute fluff
wc: idk who wanna count for me😓
a/n: unedited </3 (‘nepenthe’ means something that can make you forget grief or suffering)
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hes so nervous when he first meets you omg
like the moment u step into the cafe, hes so nervous and he doesn’t know why
its only when you come up to him to make your order does he realize why his hearts beating as fast as it is, why his palms are sweaty, and why hes hoping he ironed his uniform the night before and brushed his hair this morning
N READER SPACES OUT bc of carmy’s beauty ofc, n carmy tries to make sure reader is okay but then backs out in the middle of worrying yk??
the transition from the numbing cold of chicago to the warm hug of ‘nepenthe’ was something you could get used to; and the cafe definitely lives up to its name.
the thought of the hot coffee that was spilt on your already injured hands, left your mind like a flip switching off.
(i like to think that reader likes hands on activities like sewing, pottery, and playing string instruments <3 so their hands are sometimes always covered in band-aids or rough from callouses)
you just got back from train station after ending your shift early at the business you own and you heard about a fairly new cafe that recently opened up so you decided to check it out.
but if you thought the outside was pretty, the inside blew you away.
The sun shines through the windows casting a perfectly warm and gentle light onto the tables and chairs. The quiet buzz of conversation fills the air as customers gather and talk over a warm cup of coffee or tea.
The scents of freshly baked pastries and warm, buttery croissants waft through the room, inviting patrons to indulge in some delicious treats. Soft music plays in the background, creating a comfortable atmosphere that encourages relaxation and a sense of warmth.
oh, dont forget the very handsome man at the register. cant forget him.
you didnt even notice you had spaced out and were already at the register until he placed a hand on your shoulder.
“shit—sorry—you uh, spaced out and i was just, sorry, what—what can i get for you?”
THIS MAN HAS “i could make that for you” or “i could make that 10x better” TYPE VIBES OMGG
you two might be watching idk hells kitchen for ex and gordon ramsey shows up with the best dish ever. and you could be like:
“that looks so good . . .” you said abruptly. your head resting on carmy’s chest just spending time together. watching hell’s kitchen with him was the funnest and calmest thing ever. doing anything was fun with him.
carmy’s eyes shifted from the show to you, then shifting back to the show.
“I could make that for you.” he replies. hand fiddling with yours, an act thats calming and grounding for him. “could make it way better jus’ f’you” he mumbles under his breath.
you look up from your position on his chest. trying to find his eyes that seem to be avoiding yours after a moment of —not awkward silence— just, silence.
because in reality, behind that silence you’re just drinking him in. this sweet man who offered to cook for you. this sweet man who remembers the tiniest details about you.
“you’d really do that? for me?” you ask him, with that sweet voice of yours.
“gotta prove to you that m’ better than gordan fuckin’ ramsey, so why not? wanna be my taste tester?”
would def have the craziest but most organized grocery list known to man.
like this piece of paper could be three feet long and carmy still find a way to finish in under an hour
if you even TRY to pull out your wallet to help pay, carmy is already leading you outside to his car, receipt in hand before the thought even crosses your mind <3
reader would be sad abt it being too cold and when carmy notices and is js staring at reader with those eyes omg.
poor reader forgot what they were sad about. and carmy loves that he can make you forget your worries. he loves you.
the grocery store was cold. the jacket you were wearing, carmy’s jacket, was warm yes—but for some god forsaken reason, people just loved making grocery stores or any store in general cold as fuck.
you suppose your discomfort in the cold aisle showed because the moment your hands reached for carmy’s, he turned around to hold yours.
“you feelin’ okay baby?” he asks while your poor little mind was confused on how he knew something was wrong when he didnt even look at you yet.
“yeah m’ okay, its a bit cold, and looking at all this food’s making me hungry.” you giggle, and then reaching up to fix a stray curl of hair on his head.
“sorry baby, i can make somethin’ f’you when we get home?” he says, catching your hand in his and kissing your palm, leaving his lips there and looking at you with so much raw, undying love in his eyes.
“i—yeah, yeah, uhm—huh?”
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- please do not plagiarize, copy, or repost my works to other platforms !
- likes, comments, and reblogs are very appreciated <3 !!
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potatobugxo · 3 years
comforting huggy after him falling 💔💔i cant it breaks my heart i just want to fix him up and give him a hug UGH
my poor babyy 😭
i literally cannot even rewatch the cutscene where he falls, i cant even look at fanart of him hurt/bloody/upset because it makes me wanna cry just seeing him like that 🥺 i love him so much
this turned out way longer than i was expecting to write so... hope you enjoy <3
warnings: blood/injuries, trauma
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if only you had been there.
after hearing the loud banging coming from the vents, you had only assumed that huggy was chasing the person who had entered the factory in an attempt to scare them off. huggy had put you into a room safe and away from the intruding human, as he thought they might be a danger to you and he wanted to keep you out of harms way.
to protect you.
he did everything to protect you.
if only you had been there to prevent all of this from happening. when you heard the loud thuds against metal, followed by a loud screeching, his loud screeching, your heart sunk to the pit of your stomach, fearing the worst.
“huggy!” you cried frantically, breaking off into short bursts of running before looking at your surroundings thoroughly in an attempt to find where he had went - or rather, landed. “huggy! where are you?!”
tears were brimming in your eyes. you could have sworn you heard a loud, banging noise come from this very area, so far down into the pits of the abandoned factory.
he must have fallen so far.
looking around up at the ceiling, your foot nearly slipped in a puddle of some kind of liquid. heart pounding, your suspicions were confirmed as your gaze trailed down to the floor, only to see a massive puddle of blood coating the concrete. retracting your foot, a sharp gasp was inhaled into your lungs. only then did the scent of heavy metal pierce your senses, making you cover your nose. and knowing who’s it was made it even worse.
“huggy! huggy, please, where are you!?”
you prayed, hoped with everything in your being that he was still alive.
“just make a noise, baby, please! any noise to let me know where you are!”
your hands pressed against your chest almost as if to calm your pounding heart, though nothing would work at this rate.
until a little noise, a soft, little, pained coo came from behind a large wall with nothing but darkness behind it.
“huggy?! i’m coming!”
nearly slipping on the blood once more, you ran toward the concrete wall, making a sharp round of the corner only to come face-to-face with the most upsetting sight you’d ever seen. huggy was leaned up against a dark corner, breaths quiet yet heavy, the side of his face split wide open with blood staining his blue fur. you covered your mouth in an attempt to not burst into tears.
“huggy! oh no, no no...”
you approached him, placing your hands on his knee and inspecting his other wounds. only his head had a severe injury, while the only other wound being his right shoulder looking busted and possibly dislocated. peeking one of his shut eyes open, huggy’s large, watery dark pupil met your gaze. he let out a purr immediately upon seeing you, and in an attempt to move to possibly pick you up, he hissed from how much pain he was in.
“don’t move, huggy it’s okay! i’m here, i’m here...”
you had calmed down, even if only by a little, still feeling sick and worried for your large blue friend. thinking quickly, you took your jacket off, determined to patch him up the best you could. huggy slumped down against the wall further to the point you were able to reach the wound on his head. standing on your tip-toes, you lifted your jacket up and wrapped it around his wound to stop the bleeding for now. you had bottled water back in your “safehouse” in the factory, so you’d use that to wash the blood from his fur.
“it’s alright, you’re okay now, you’re gonna be okay...”
reaching your hand up, you gently stroked the fur on the unharmed side of his face. huggy, snapping out of being conscious and unconscious, let out a long, soft purr before crawling to you, resting his head against your chest while the rest of his body went limp along the floor. you too sat down, back pressed against the wall while you held him.
“you will be okay...”
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zuluc · 4 years
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summary: how the genshin boys give hugs
characters: childe, diluc, kaeya, razor, venti, xiao, xingqiu, zhongli
style & genre: bulleted & written; fluff
warnings: none
notes: a self-indulgent fic for my birthday yay, i hope you guys enjoy this I just really want a hug but it’s hard to see friends right now 🤧🤧
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sometimes a side hug or quick embrace; sometimes not because there are days he never wants to let you go
his outward persona is lost because he trusts you
once his arms come around you, you feel like the life is being squeezed out of you, in a good way of course
there are still traces of his past he has yet to share but he wants you to know how much you mean to him
Paimon had stayed behind to finish that chop suey Su Er'niang offered you both. You finished your share, giving some to your companion, and you left to sight-see around Liyue. 
It’s different from Mondstadt and there were quite a bit of things to get done here for your journey. Your feet take you to the stairs leading up to the Wanwen Bookstore and you hope no one has bought out the book you wanted to finish.
Before you could take a step upwards, someone grabs your wrist and pulls you into a small alley. You hand comes up to summon your sword but then your vision is obscured by a head of copper hair. You gasp when his arms tighten around your torso while he heaves a sigh beside your ear. He lets go after a few seconds and you can see the smile on his face.
“Just a recharge,” Childe winks and turns around to get back to what he was doing.
he gives the type of hugs that hold so much emotion that he hides from the public
his body runs warm and appreciates when you snuggle further into him when he has you
his hugs are never quick and he likes to take his time, his hold tight enough to make you feel safe but loose enough to allow you to leave if you so wish
rarely initiates them but will take full control when you’re in private
You could tell when the work he had was becoming too much for the night. The annoyance tainted his handsome features and you just wanted to take it all away. Diluc worked hard, everyone knew that, but he was only human. 
You give him the letter Jean wrote out and proceed towards the door to get back to your own duties. Your name rolls off his lips and when you turn around to look at him he’s gesturing for you to get closer. When you’re mere inches from his desk he stands up and places one hand on your back and the other on the back of your head, burying his face into your neck.
The temperature outside was chilly and his naturally warm body contrasts to how you felt prior. You can feel him frown against you when he feels how cold your skin is.
“Will you be coming back tonight?”
he gives you many hugs, anywhere and at anytime
there isn’t a day where you never receive one and if that every happens, the next day will include even more
will almost always lift you off your feet and/or catch you off guard; he likes to keep you on your toes
even when you’re just standing around waiting for another mission or watching the sun set he’ll hold you close against his side
He’s late. Again. 
You finished off the last of the slimes around Starfell Lake with little to no damage to yourself, luckily, but someone was supposed to assist you to get the job done faster. You look around for any more enemies before kneeling down and dipping your hand into the water. It was cool against your skin, relaxing you after the day’s work. But it might have been just a bit too peaceful.
A force pushes you forward and you close your eyes to brace for the inevitable impact into the water. You wait a few seconds before realizing that you are still very much dry, but there’s something blocking you from lifting your arms. Kaeya chuckles behind you as you lightly hit his arm, hugging you tight.
“I got you,” he says with a smile.
he’s an awkward hugger, mostly because he doesn’t know how these things work as well as that he doesn’t want to hurt you
he doesn’t know where to put his hands and they usually end up against his sides before he realizes that he makes you think he doesn’t like them
when he gets more comfortable, his hugs are gentle and soft
he grew up with the wolves and these types of things just didn’t happen, but you make his heart soar
He’s taking a casual walk in Wolvendom to reflect on what Lupus Boreas had told him only days ago. He wasn’t a wolf, he was human, but he couldn’t accept it so quickly. His mind wanders and he doesn’t hear the steps, or rather running, behind him. It’s only until you jump on his back that he realizes.
You knew that he was thinking about what happened and you wanted to return as fast as you could to check on him. You slide off his back and he gives you a forced grin. Razor avoids your gaze but you place your hands on his shoulders to square them towards you.
He appreciates your presence and he wants nothing more than comfort, hands twitching at his sides. You’re aware of his little signals and smile when you hug him tightly. He closes his eyes and breaths in your calming scent while hugging you back with care.
“Thank you.”
there’s a sense of happiness once he hugs you because it just makes you feel lighter and free
there seems to always be a slight breeze about him and you can feel it brush your face when you rest your head on his shoulder
he comes and goes but never forgets to hug you before and after he returns to see you
his hold can range from very loose to holding on just a bit tighter
Venti left a month ago and you knew that’s just how his way of life was. He was never one to stay place for too long, much like the wind you would say. You yourself were someone who likes to travel around, but everything always brought you back to Mondstadt. 
You stand overlooking the city at “your usual place,” as he liked to call it, for some peace of mind. You sit on the edge of the statue’s outstretched hands and lean back on your hands to take in the view. A soft breeze passes by you and your ears pick up a quiet sound behind you. You smile and stand up, immediately wrapping your arms around him. 
His own naturally fall in place behind your back and a light laugh escapes his lips. It was nice to see you again, as always.
“Missed me?”
he used to be so stiff when he first started hugging you as he never had physical contact with anyone
being you, he warms up and learns how to properly hug someone
will have a hand behind your head because he wants to make sure that every part you of is against him
he’s very protective of you in general and it gives him a peace of mind knowing he can keep an eye on you in this way
You’re sleeping, sitting in his lap with your head resting against his chest as he sits on the balcony of Wangshu Inn. You came to him only a few moments ago and it was clear that you took the time to clear out nearby hilichurl camps due to the small scratches and bruises you had on you.
Xiao narrows his eyes at more of the culprits across the water on the little islands, making a note to do something with them later. You mumble in your sleep and he looks down to see your brows furrowed. He cups your face gently and smooths his thumb over your cheek which causes your face to return to it’s peaceful state and you move closer to him. 
It was surprising that he fell for someone. You made your way into his life so unexpectedly and now he just wanted to take care of you. And he wouldn’t change a thing.
“Rest well.”
very proper hugs because they are reciprocated in with the same energy, or even more, than the ones you may give him
he has no problem in giving you hugs away from prying eyes
he would usually whisk you away onto adventures with him with a promise of them
will get flustered when you hug him while saying just how much you appreciate him
You’re amused at the way he presents himself to others and talks to them as expected of him. Xingqiu was known to be mild- and well-mannered as his mischievous side was hidden from those not so close to him.
You both manage to escape the party, standing beside each other as you look up into the night sky. He feels less restricted with you and he takes this opportunity to lace his fingers through yours. You give him a fond smile and return to staring at the stars.
An idea pops into your head and you let go of his hand, him giving you a questioning look before he is brought into a hug. Xingqiu blushes at the suddenness of your actions but returns it nonetheless. His eyes keep diverting to the house so you have to reassure him that no one can see the both of you. 
“Let’s get out of here.”
he enjoys hugging, contrary to what most might think
he likes the intimate feeling and being close to someone he loves in such a sweet way that can be done anywhere
he will never deny you of the affection and if you initiate it he will go through with it no matter what
he’s always looking at you paired with a soft smile on his face whenever he has you in his arms
Zhongli’s voice pierces the quiet as you both take a stroll outside of Liyue. He’s telling you of its history and old traditions that have disappeared throughout the years, but you’re becoming tired due to the sound of his voice.
When you’re out of sight from the guards at the front gates you give a slight tug to the end of his coat sleeve. He stops in the middle of his story and sees that your eyes are growing weary. You keep your hold on his sleeve until you pull yourself to rest your head on his chest, closing your eyes and content with the sound of the night as you’re against him. 
He holds you close, making sure that you’re not actually asleep as it would make for a very interesting walk back. You tell him that you’re just resting your eyes for a few moments and that he can keep talking. That you love the sound of his voice. Zhongli places a kiss to your forehead as he continues, adoration for you clear in his eyes.
“Now, where was I...”
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titanicsimp · 3 years
Could you write some smut reader/Zeke/Levi? Btw the one reader/Zeke/Reiner/Porco was ✨✨✨🤤👀👀❤
I worked on this fic for a MONTH thanks to my fever brain <’3
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Zeke Yeager x female!reader x Levi Ackerman
cw: threesome, oral sex, vaginal sex, anal sex, creampies, backshot, double penetration, fingering, biting/marking, rough sex, clit slapping, face slapping (once), spit kink, very minor injury (cut on lip), slight angst
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The scent of smoke fills your senses with every soft puff of breath he lets out along your neck, his lips trailing along it like you are made off of the nicotine he’s so addicted to. As his hands dip below the fabric of your shirt, you can’t help but wonder how you ended up here, meeting in the middle of the night in a lonely storage space, in the arms of a man who by all means should be the enemy.
When his lips find yours, you can taste the answer on them. You had been lonely, so lonely. The man you loved had long made it clear he had no intention of being with you, he barely spared you a glance most of the time. When you had confessed how you felt, he had flat out rejected you, no reason had been specified outside ‘I can’t.’. Zeke was the exact opposite of him, not only as a person but also in his interest in you. He didn’t avert his eyes when you passed by, he didn’t give you cold stares, instead he gazed at you with lust without any hesitation or shame.
Was it weak of you to give in to this morally corrupt man so easily? Probably, but you were sick of spending the cold nights on Paradis alone, and Zeke was more than willing to keep you company.
Zeke’s touch feels wrong, yet it awakens a fire inside of you. Every spot he touches seems to tingle with anticipation, and you sigh into the kiss. Had it been so long?
Too lost in your thoughts to hear the jiggling of the doorknob, you are unaware someone has just entered the room, the feeble lock having easily given in. By the time Zeke notices, his hand has already been snatched away from under your shirt, his normally great senses having been slowed by his arousal.
“Do I have to cut your hands off again, beast?!”
You look on in shock as Zeke’s hand is forced to his back, and a knife is brought to his throat. You recognize the voice instantly, you have spent too many years around him not to. “Levi!”
“You think you can assault one of my soldiers?! You think you can lay your dirty hands on her?!” Though you can’t see his expression from behind Zeke, his voice lets you know he’s furious.
Zeke huffs but doesn’t move, an irritated look on his face at the interruption. “I think you have the wrong impression here. This wasn’t my idea.” His tone is smug, provoking Levi to dig the blade into the skin of Zeke’s neck.
“He’s right!” You say quickly, your hands quivering by your side. Though you would prefer to just disappear at the moment, you need to speak up before it gets even further out of hand. Out of all people, why him?!
The knife retreats from Zeke’s throat, leaving a single scarlet droplet in its wake. His lips quirk up slightly into a smile, smug at the short freeze he had noticed from the man behind him.
You want to avert your eyes when Levi steps out of Zeke’s shadow, but you don’t want to be disrespectful, not more than you already were by messing around with the enemy anyway.
“What did you say?” Levi asks, steel eyes commanding you to repeat yourself.
Your throat feels dry out of nowhere as your gaze locks onto his. “I said that he’s right. What you saw was my idea, captain.”
His usual stoic expression twists to one of hurt for just a brief moment, disappearing within seconds. He regained his composure so quickly that you question whether you actually saw it or were just imagining it.
Levi returns his knife to its sheath, eyes burning holes into your form. “We’re leaving.”
You blink in confusion, looking from Zeke to Levi and back. “What? I know what Yeager has done, but I wasn’t aware that interpersonal relationships aren’t allowed, seeing how things were going with-“
“It’s not about that!” Levi barks out, making you flinch. You had seen him angry like this only a handful of times, and only in situations far worse than this.
Zeke comes closer to you, facing Levi with a shrug of his shoulders. “Seems like y/n wants to stay with me.”
This whole situation is growing more awkward by the minute. Normally you would go with Levi without a second thought, but now you found someone that desires you you don’t want to give it up that easily. The thought of spending another 6 years of your limited life alone makes you stand your ground.
“You can have her,” Levi says, causing your heart to plummet to your stomach.
“When I’m six feet under the ground.”
You stare at Levi. His expression and voice have calmed down, but his anger seems to roll off of him in waves. Should you be happy? More than likely this has nothing to do with you, and all with the promise he made to Erwin.
You fiddle with your skirt uneasily. Gods, how could you be doing this? What a betrayal to all who have fought and died by your side these past few years.
Zeke glances over to you, taking in your nervous form before sighing. “I’m not sure if it will wreck your little soldier, but I don’t mind sharing.”
If you weren’t absolutely frozen in shock, your jaw would drop to the floor. Your turbulent thoughts are instantly blown away by Zeke’s words, a whole new moral conflict arising. Heat rises to your cheeks at his suggestion, the word choice of ‘wreck’ making your knees embarrassingly weak.
Levi grits his teeth. “I must have knocked some threads loose last time we fought for you to even suggest such a thing.”
His rejection doesn’t surprise you in the slightest. He didn’t want to sleep with you when it was just you and him, so now with Zeke here? No chance.
Zeke takes off his glasses, examining them in the light of the lantern before polishing them on his sleeve. He’s practically oozing disinterest, which you are guessing is the point. “I understand. You don’t want to do anything that will leave you embarrassed.” He says.
Levi stares him down, but Zeke continues casually polishing his glasses. “What are you implying?”
You look at Zeke, shaking your head slightly. Just drop it, this is madness.
“I don’t think I need to tell you what I’m implying.” He sighs when Levi doesn’t say anything.
“Just stop!”
Their gazes both snap to you after you yell. Your fists are balled, form trembling slightly from embarrassment and adrenaline. Sure, the prospect is exciting, but it will never happen, and at this point, you are starting to feel humiliated over the continuous rejections from Levi.
“I’m leaving.” You tell them and start walking towards the door, adjusting your messy shirt on the way. Levi tries to grab your arm when you pass, but you slap his hand away. “Alone.”
You already have the doorknob in your hand when the wood of the door shakes with impact. Wide-eyed, you look at the boot that’s keeping the door shut. The owner of it gazes at you with a conflicted look. “If you want to stay with him, stay.” He spat out the word ‘him’ like it was poison on his tongue.
Your gaze travels up his form and to his face, confusion written all over yours. What is this pushing and pulling? Stay, leave, which is it?
“Y/n, come.” You look back, seeing Zeke beckoning you with open arms, his glasses back on his face.
You chew on your lips, glancing between the two men once again. Levi drops his gaze, avoiding your questioning eyes. Ah yes, that’s how it is, isn’t it? The previous moments were exactly that, moments, and they had passed now he had come back to his senses.
Slowly, your hand slips from the doorknob, and as it does you can sense Levi tensing up next to you. Not daring to look at him in fear of conflicting your heart any further, you go back to Zeke. As you stare at your new lover with a stinging heart, you hear shuffling behind you. When you turn your head you find that Levi has propped an old chair under the doorknob, closing the storage room off more effectively. 
“You didn’t think I was going to leave her with you, did you?”
What? Your mind races as Zeke pulls you closer, hugging your back to his chest and his fingers finding your chin. Levi is... staying? You are given no time to process what this means as Zeke’s lips press against yours. He drags you into a wild kiss, forcing your mouth open by your chin so he can push his tongue past your lips. One of his legs pushes yours apart from behind, your skirt hiking up on his knee. You squeeze your eyes shut in embarrassment, the person you admire the most watching you get devoured by another man.
Zeke pulls away from the kiss slightly, leaving his tongue sticking out so he can show off the string of saliva connecting it with yours. He glances at Levi from the side, keeping you panting in your position. “Let’s get to it then, if you hadn’t interrupted us I would’ve already been between her legs.” Heat creeps up your neck at his crude words.
“Bastard.” Levi curses under his breath, sharp eyes finding yours. You can’t place his look, there’s anger there for sure, but also something else.
After Zeke’s little display, you are expecting him to leave the room any second and have him never want to look you in the eye again, but instead of doing that, he starts undoing the straps of his uniform.
It’s impolite to stare, but how couldn’t you? In all these years you’d never seen him anymore bare than in his nightclothes, and here he was, getting ready to strip right in front of you. Taking advantage of your distracted mind, Zeke swiftly pulls up your shirt, exposing your bra to them and making goosebumps rise on your skin from the cold air. As Levi’s eyes trail over your chest, you regret your choice of bra. It has a very low-cut cup, barely covering your nipples.
Zeke’s one hand remains on your chin as the other snakes up to the exposed flesh of your breasts. You shiver when he traces a finger just above the edge of your bra. “You even wore something nice for me? I’m honored.” Zeke presses his lips to your ear but still says it loudly enough for Levi to hear. You really had. It’s not like you had a ton of fancy underwear laying around, 98% of it were practical ones that weren’t exactly eye candy.
You gasp when Zeke backs up for a second and swiftly pulls your shirt off completely, forcing your arms up. He easily catches your wrists together in one colossal hand, keeping your arms up to ensure you can’t cover yourself.
“What do you think, Levi, should I take off everything?” Zeke asks, amusement sounding in his voice.
Your wide eyes move to Levi, a frustrated expression showing on his face. You would’ve thought he wasn’t enjoying it if it wasn’t for the obvious imprint in his pants.
Zeke tuts at Levi’s lack of answer, freehand creeping down your stomach and to the fabric of your skirt. “You’re right, it’s better to take our time.”
He crunches the fabric up in his hand, slowly pulling it up more and more until your panties are revealed. His breath is hot on your ear, becoming noticeably faster when his fingers grace over the silk of your underwear. Your arms wiggle in his grip as his fingers tease over your heat, sliding past your clothed slit. The more pressure he puts against the material, the more your body heats up, and soon he can feel a damp spot through it.
You look at Levi through your lashes, lids low as you hang back against Zeke’s body and let him explore yours. The embarrassment has mostly faded and you allow yourself to stare at him to your heart’s content. You notice everything; the subtle twitches of his face, his widened pupils, the way he swallows heavily every time a tiny mewl escapes your mouth. All of it combined with Zeke’s touches is sending electricity through your body.
Zeke’s hand trails up slightly, leaving your damp panties to stick to your core. You turn your head to the side, giving him a pleading look to take them off. He tugs at your arms, making you stand straighter and causing your ass to bump against his crotch, letting you feel the noticeable bulge there. His hand dips underneath the elastic of your panties, causing your breath to hitch in your throat. The pads of his fingers cause shivers to run down your body as they glide over your mount before dipping between your legs. You open your legs slightly so he can reach you well, causing him to chuckle.
“Eager aren’t we?” He has a hungry glint in his eyes when they meet yours.
You lean into his touch when his fingers stroke over your slit, gathering your slick on them. He parts your folds gently with two of his fingers, his middle finger teasing over your entrance. Levi comes closer, lured in by the pants and whimpers falling from your lips. Heat rises to your cheeks as he stands in front of you, barely any distance between the two of you. He looks down at where Zeke’s hand is teasing your cunt, Zeke’s finger lightly pressing on your entrance before moving away once again.
Levi’s hands come up, cupping your soft breasts in them. You bite your lip as he rubs your hardened nipples through the fabric with his thumbs. His gaze shoots up as soon as a moan sounds from you, one corner of his lips quirking up. More moans slip past your lips as he rolls your nipples between two of his fingers, the thin fabric of your bra adding even more friction.
Zeke frowns behind you. All he got was a few whimpers until now, but Levi touches you and you are moaning like a whore. No, he can’t have that.
You cry out when two of Zeke’s fingers suddenly thrust into your tight heat, a wet squelch resonating throughout the room. You barely notice Levi’s hands freezing on your breasts as Zeke’s fingers curl inside of you, intently searching for the rough patch on your walls.
Levi grabs onto your chin, his other hand harshly fondling your breast. He isn’t pleased like when you moaned for him, far from it. His lips crash onto yours, catching your open mouth by surprise. The moans enticed by Zeke’s fingers are muffled by Levi’s tongue, both men groaning as you shake between their forms. This isn’t how you expected your first kiss with Levi, but you might just like it more, the desperation behind it intoxicating.
Zeke’s fingers finally find their target, and he notices instantly as your arms jerk in his grip, your cunt clenching around him. He pushes and strokes over the spot feverishly, and not even Levi’s mouth can muffle your moans anymore.
“You should feel how she’s sucking me in, Levi. I’ve never felt such an eager cunt.” Zeke taunts. Levi doesn’t answer, lips moving against yours so roughly that you feel like your lips will be bruised afterward.
You’re getting close, you can feel it as your whole body starts tensing, bucking into Zeke’s curling fingers. You aren’t sure if Levi means to add to it, but as his hand dips below the fabric of your bra, nail softly raking over your sensitive nipple, you feel yourself rushing towards the edge.
It only takes a few more strokes of Zeke’s fingers before you cum around them. Your legs buckle and tense as you orgasm, Zeke praising you and grinding his bulge against your ass. “That’s it, good girl.”
Levi causes you to yelp out in pain when he bites down on your bottom lip out of nowhere, breaking a tiny part of the skin. You stare at him in shock as he backs up, still shaking from cumming as you watch him wipe the trickle of blood away from his lip. Even Zeke wasn’t expecting that, his fingers leaving your heat quickly and forcing your face to the side. He examines the small cut on your lip even as you try to cringe away from him cupping your face with slick covered fingers.
“Don’t cum for that animal when your mouth is on mine.”
You look at Levi from the corner of your eye. He doesn’t seem angry or shocked with himself, instead, he seems pleased.
Zeke chuckles. “Jealousy doesn’t suit you, Levi.”
His grip tightens on your wiggling wrists as you try to get some space between the two of you. He tuts at you, making your eyes dart back to his. You can tell from his grin that the little sympathy he might have had just now has disappeared.
“Open your mouth.” He says. He can feel your jaw tense at his words. He loves how innocently wide-eyed you look at him while knowing full well that your cunt is throbbing at the idea of obeying him.
Slowly, you open your mouth, and Zeke’s fingers ease off of your jaw. When you have opened your mouth wide enough for his liking, he slides the two wet fingers past your lips, deliberately going past the cut. Your taste is mixed with a faint hint of blood, but you don’t stop to think about it as Zeke’s fingers press down on your tongue. While you are lapping at his fingers, he finally lets go of your wrists, letting your arms fall to your sides.
You hear Levi sighing close by. “Seems like you are all show and no action. Couldn’t have expected more from a circus monkey.”
Zeke’s eyes stay on yours, daring you to look away even as they talk. “It’s called foreplay.” He responds casually.
Seemingly satisfied with your suckling at his fingers, he slowly pulls them out of your mouth. Taking in your swollen lips, he can’t hold back the urge to make you look even more pathetic. He wipes his fingers off on your cheek, leaving your own spit on it. Is it embarrassing? Most definitely, but in a different way than normally. Something about their rough treatment makes your abdomen flutter in excitement.
Zeke suddenly pushes you towards Levi by your shoulders. “Entertain him while I get these tight fucking pants off.” Zeke grumbles and you can instantly hear him start fumbling with his belt.
Your nerves chitter as you look at Levi. His watchful gaze always makes you scared to make a wrong move. You want to be good to him, for such a long time already that the need to is practically overflowing.
Tired of your staring, Levi makes the first move, pulling your hand forward and against his crotch. Your eyes dart from the bulge you are cupping in your hand to his face. “I’ve waited long enough, take off my pants.” The slight tremor in his voice as he speaks and the pink color on his cheeks has your heart beating faster.
He lets go of your hand, allowing you to move it. You slide your flat palm along the imprint of his cock, making him part his lips in a pant. Making quick work of the button on his pants, you start sliding down the elastic of it, taking his underwear off with it. When his cock is exposed, he pushes your hands away, quickly taking his underwear and pants off completely. He glares at you as he takes off his shirt as well, hair getting tossed on the way. “Strip.” He tells you. The way he throws his clothes to the side is yet another surprise in this odd night.
You let your skirt fall to the floor first, then your wet panties, and lastly your bra. Shivers run up your body from both the cold and the nerves that course through your body as you are naked in front of Levi for the first time. He watches you for a moment, his length twitching excitedly against his stomach. You are watching him as well, but you aren’t sure where to look first. His chest is lean yet muscled, dipping down his in a delicious V just above his crotch. Not following where the V is going would be a shame, and so you eagerly eye his cock. It’s long, curved to the side just slightly with a girth that already ensures you that he will fill you up well.
Wetting your lips, you step towards him, closing the distance between the two of you back up. Reaching out, you wrap your hand around his length. It feels hot and heavy in your hand as you give it a testing pump. You hear Levi’s breath hitch when you look at him through your lashes, eyes lidded. As your hand pumps his cock slowly, he can’t help but tense at the memory of all the nights he spend imagining his hand was yours. Watching you jerk him off, your pretty face so close to his, makes him want to hold you, but also ruin you until you cry.
“Y/n.” He starts and you cock your head to the side slightly, showing that you are listening even though your eyes are trained on his cock again. “Turn around.”
Your eyes snap back to his, searching for what exactly he wants but finding only more questions at the intense lust he’s showing. Precum leaks from the head of Levi’s cock as you obediently turn around, still within reach just like he wanted. You swallow heavily as you are now faced with a fully naked Zeke, his hand eagerly pumping his cock. He gives you a lopsided grin as his thumb rubs over the head of his cock, making it twitch in response.
Levi’s fingers press down softly between your shoulder blades, instructing you to bend forward just slightly. It’s not necessary for what he’s planning, but after Zeke made it a point to show off, he intends to pay him back. You yelp when Levi kicks your legs open and one of his hands grabs onto your hair, roughly pulling at it. He thrusts his cock between your thighs, causing them to be even slicker by combining your already present wetness on them with his pre. Tiny mewls leave your lips as he slides his cock back and forth, the top dragging against your soaked heat. Your plush thighs feel amazing already, but just sliding against them is not what he intended. He grabs onto his cock with his free hand and pushes the tip between your folds. Your surprised look makes Zeke chuckle, cock still in his hand. Is Levi going to put it in? The question rushes through your head and you feel the tip of his cock catch onto your entrance.
“Not yet.” He groans, unsure whether he’s telling you or himself.
The head of his cock slips away from your entrance, his length now snuggly between your folds. Your wet cunt feels better than he could’ve imagined as it drags past his cock, everything about it beckoning him to take you already. Hand on your hair tightening painfully, he starts thrusting slightly as you squeeze your thighs to keep him near. Your heavy pants are interrupted by a moan every time his tip slips against your clit, sending pleasure through your body.
“Look at those pretty lips.” Zeke says, coming closer to your bend-over form.
His cock is glistening with his precum, the head of it flushed red. As he’s closer to you you can really take it in, and the size is startling. Gods, you already have Levi’s sliding against your cunt and now there’s another right in front of your face, this is insane.
Zeke observes the bliss that comes over your face with every thrust of Levi’s. “Your shortness comes in handy for once, like this she’s at the perfect height to suck my cock.” Zeke tells Levi, tapping his cock on your parted lips.
Levi shoots him a nasty look. How he can be so cocky is truly beyond Levi. It doesn’t matter though, it’s clear that you like him better, your body speaks volumes on that. His thoughts making him slide forward faster, his hips connecting with your ass in a loud slap. As you open your mouth to moan at Levi’s actions, Zeke makes little time of thrusting his cock into it. You cough and sputter as you choke on his length, being given no time before he greedily slides himself down your throat.
Tears form in your eyes as Zeke fucks your mouth roughly, your nose bumping against his trimmed pubes over and over again. Levi curses behind you, jealously stirring in his chest. He disgusts himself with how the sight of Zeke defiling you both angers and arouses him. You scream around Zeke’s cock when Levi harshly brings his hand down on your ass. He hits your soft flesh repeatedly, his cock twitching against your heat at every hit.
Zeke coos at you as your tear-filled eyes overspill, the stimulation from both sides becoming too much. His hand strokes over your cheek comfortingly, though he refuses to slow down his thrusts into your squeezing throat. You feel your ass sting from the continuous slaps Levi is landing on your ass, the pain mixing with the pleasure.
Levi stares down at the darkened skin of your ass, his handprints littered all over it. A smile twists onto his face, proud of his work and the way your cunt is drooling over his length in return. Meanwhile, you are still choking down Zeke’s length, the strangled sounds from your throat making it clear that you are struggling. Your sounds draw Levi’s gaze back to where Zeke is fucking your face just in time. Levi recognizes the look on Zeke’s face instantly, head lightly thrown back and eyes closed. Without a second thought, Levi uses the hand in your hair to pull you off of the other man’s cock. You gasp and sputter for air, just as surprised as Zeke as he curses. “What the fuck?!”
“I’m not letting you cum in her mouth, I’m still planning on coming near it.” Levi explains casually as he slides his cock out from between your thighs.
You are still hacking and coughing as the two men exchange dead glares. Will you survive this? You truly wonder as you regain your breath. It’s like being pulled apart between two forces, but you would be lying if you said you weren’t enjoying every second of it.
“Shit.” Zeke runs a hand down his face, stroking it over his beard. “We can’t take her like this.”
You look up suddenly at his words. Hold on a second, he can’t be tapping out now?!
Zeke gestures towards a sturdy crate off to the side. “Sit on that, Levi.”
Levi grimaces and you look between the two men, just relieved you aren’t being left like this.
Zeke sighs and waves towards the crate again. “Do it or I’ll shove my cock back down her throat, and this time I won’t stop till I’m done.”
You look at Levi, who despite looking slightly disgruntled, agrees and goes to sit on the crate. Zeke swiftly picks you up after, the muscles of his chest presses temptingly against your back. He only holds you for a second before he sits you down on Levi’s lap, having you straddle him.
You place your hands on Levi’s shoulders, a shy smile on your face. He can’t help but chuckle slightly at that, you are still unsure even as his cock is pressing against your cunt. Zeke comes to stand behind you, hands grabbing onto your sore ass. He makes you push it towards him before he spreads your cheeks, whistling at the sight of your dripping hole.
“Don’t know how you resisted all this time.” He comments towards Levi.
Levi’s eyes don’t leave yours, too enthralled by finally having you on him to have Zeke ruin the moment. “Hurry up already, shit beard.”
Zeke lets one of your cheeks go to grab onto his cock. “As you wish.”
Surprising both you and Levi, Zeke aligns himself and pushes into your cunt in one swift thrust. You cry out loudly, nails digging crescent shapes into Levi’s shoulders. Levi is caught off guard for a second as he watches your blissed-out face, and Zeke takes the opportunity to pull out and thrust in with force once again.
“Let’s see if you get the same sound out of her.” Zeke taunts, smacking your sore ass once before pulling out of you. It’s obvious to even your foggy self that he did it just to rile up Levi.
You are panting again, your body shaken by Zeke’s surprise. The walls of your cunt sting from the sudden stretch, but at the same time squeeze eagerly around nothing, waiting for more.
Levi cups your chin in his hand as the other goes to your hip. You watch his dull blue eyes shimmer as he shifts under you till his cock is poking at your dripping entrance. For a second, you wonder how different this would’ve been if he had accepted you sooner.
With a hard push to your hip, he thrusts you onto his length, forcing your spasming walls to accommodate him in one go. To Zeke’s disdain, you do cry out for the other man. Not just the sound either, you cry out his name excitedly.
Levi pulls you in by your chin for a quick, sloppy kiss. It feels so hot inside you, so tight, he’s losing his sense and that’s exactly why he was afraid to do this with you. After this, he won’t want to let you go, while the world may force him to do so. He can’t think about that now though, not while your lips are on his. In this moment you are here, and he will enjoy you fully.
With one of Zeke’s hands still firmly on your cheek, he pulls it to the side, allowing a clearer view of how your hole is stretched and stuffed around Levi’s cock. He feels his face flushing. Though he would’ve liked to enjoy your cunt for himself, this sharing has turned out pretty entertaining so far.
You gasp against Levi’s lips when Zeke presses the tip of his cock against your other entrance. Breaking the kiss, Levi keeps his hand on your chin, thumb rubbing over your bottom lip soothingly, careful to avoid the cut he made. “Take a deep breath.”
Your breath comes out in trembles as Zeke pushes past your tight entrance, his cock coated in your slick. You can feel every inch of him slowly sliding into your ass, causing you to whimper as you soon feel overwhelmingly full. The wall separating their cocks twitches as both their lengths slide against it.
“You took that so well.” Zeke says as his hand finds grip on your free hip. He brushes your hair away from your ear, leaning in closer till his warm breath washes over it. “Makes me wonder how many men you let fuck your little ass.”
You bite back a moan when Zeke bites the top of your ear softly and, unbeknownst to you, connects eyes with Levi. “What do you think, Levi? You are her supervisor after all.”
Levi’s jaw clenches and he drops his hand slightly from your chin. “Seems like I missed a lot.”
You swallow nervously at the angry look in his eyes, your holes involuntarily clenching around their cocks. Quick like always, Levi moves his hand to your neck in the blink of an eye. You quiver between their bodies as he squeezing down on the sides of your neck.
“Who else did you do it with?” He questions, his gaze not allowing you to avert yours.
You gasp as Zeke starts moving, dragging his cock out just a little before thrusting back in. He’s more than eager to add onto your punishment, your body still struggling against the intrusion.
Levi shoots a glare over your shoulder, but Zeke shrugs it off. “You feel how she’s squeezing down. Seems like your cadet likes it rough.”
You didn’t think your embarrassment could return in this situation, but it does. Your perverseness was already exposed, but now the full extent of it is coming out as they question it.
“Tell me who fucked you!” Levi snarls, his hand squeezing harder around your throat. The fact that it happened right under his nose makes his jealousy spark into a wildfire.
His cock twitches inside you at the way your mouth quirks up into a smile. You are enjoying this, aren’t you?
Switching tactics, he leans in closer, ghosting his lips over yours and sliding his cock halfway out of your heat. You fall right for the bait as you try to move in to kiss him, whining when he pulls away just before you reach his lips. “Tell me who.”
Levi can feel your throat moving under his hand as you start and stop speaking multiple times. Your eyes and mouth go wide when Zeke thrusts into you hard, making your ass sting all over again from the impact. 
“Tell him.”
You nod your head up and down desperately. “Alright!” You yelp out as Zeke continues his sharp thrusts.
“Jean! Jean! Just a few times.” You say quickly, your cheeks burning up from shame.
Levi stays quiet for a moment, and you would have been scared if his cock wasn’t buried inside of you. He pulls you closer by your throat, examining your face. “Did he fill you like this?”
You want to answer, but your mouth is left hanging agape as Levi suddenly slams his full length up into you. Choked sounds leave your lips as he forces your hips to stay up as he joins Zeke in a harsh pace.
Zeke’s hands come around your front, fondling your breasts and soon squeezing your nipples with his fingers. “You sure have yourself a good slut here.”
All you can do is moan and cry out a jumble of their names as they fuck into your tight holes. Gods, have you ever felt this good before?
“I’m jealous.” Zeke grunts out, rolling your nipples between his fingers before giving your breasts a forceful squeeze.
Levi grunts as he watches Zeke squeeze your breasts together, his eyes glued to the cleavage it created. The sight makes him want to stick his cock between them, but that will have to wait for another time.
“Levi! Zeke! Ah!-” You mewl, your slick dripping down Levi’s cock as you bathe in the pleasure of being pinned between them.
Zeke and Levi look at each other, and though they couldn’t be more different, the two men understand each other’s gazes perfectly at this moment. Stilling inside of you, Levi makes your hand clamber desperately down his shoulders and chest.
“Levi, please!” You whine, attempting to move your hips but being hindered by Zeke’s restless thrusts, his hands having left your breasts to hold your waist instead.
Just as Zeke’s cock slides out of your tight hole till the tip, Levi thrusts up into you, filling you completely. Your eyes roll back from the pleasure as they switched up the pace, one now pounding into you while the other pulls away.
You barely even realized that Levi’s hand was still on your neck until he removes it, making you sigh under the relief of the pressure. “I waited so long, assuming you would break under my touch. But look at you now.” He grunts out.
Zeke chuckles as he bends forward to run his tongue over the length of your neck, causing you to shiver. “That’s on you, Levi. I saw it right away.”
You can feel his voice vibrate against your skin, lips so close you can feel them slightly ghost past when he enunciates. “Though I have to admit, the extend of it surprised even me.”
Your hands run from Levi’s pecks to his firm abs while Zeke’s broad chest presses against your back. The slaps of their bodies hitting yours resonating beautifully throughout the room. How did you get so lucky to be sandwiched between these men?
You bite your sore bottom lip as you feel the coil in your abdomen start to tighten. They too can tell you are getting close, your hips clumsily moving in search of more friction.
One of Levi’s hands moves between your bodies, slender fingers quickly seeking out your swollen clit. Screams get caught in your sore throat as he rubs agonizingly slow circles over your clit, his fingertips never faltering in the precise movements.
“Shit.” Zeke curses out behind you, thrusts growing sloppy as he feels your body starting to quiver from your incoming orgasm.
Levi’s free hand grabs your face, squeezing your cheeks together, his lips quirked up in a lopsided smirk. “You hear that? Shit beard over there is about to cum.”
Your chest heaves heavily with your moans as Levi’s fingers work your clit faster, causing your holes to clench around their dick tightly.
“Bet you’d like that huh? Have him fill your ass with his cum?” Levi asks mockingly, squeezing your cheeks tighter.
His cock can’t help but twitch inside of you at the sight of your pathetically blissed-out face.
“Mmhm! Yes!” Is all you can cry out, so close to your release.
Levi releases your face, his eyes seemingly growing more darkened with lust by the second. Without warning, he moves his hand away from your clit slightly only to bring it back down with a slap. You squeeze your eyes shut as you cum from the sudden sharp pleasure, your legs shaking at either side of his.
You barely register Zeke’s wild pumping into you or the way Levi groans out your name as your orgasm rips through your body. The stimulation of their touches only prolong your bliss, mewls, and whimpers leaving your mouth like a chant.
With a hard slap to your ass, Zeke brings your focus back on him. You are still cumming as he squeezes the soft flesh in his hand, thrusting into you one last time. He breaths out your name as he empties himself inside of you and the warm sensation of his release spreading through you feels sinfully good.
Zeke leaves his cock buried to the hilt inside of your ass till the last twitch, your tight hole objecting when he starts pulling out. You feel his cum leaking out and spreading over your cheeks when he has pulled out of you completely. His hands grip your ass tightly as he spreads it, groaning at the sight of your leaking hole. At every thrust of Levi’s, your tight entrance twitches and forces more of Zeke’s cum to leak out.
Levi’s fingers have returned to rubbing quick circles over your swollen clit while he fucks you, and the intense sensation after you have barely finished cumming has your eyes rolling back as you cry out his name in encouragement. “Ah-! Don’t stop,” your unfocused gaze finding his “More.”
“You want ‘more’?” Zeke repeats, mockingly mimicking your slurred tone.
He grips his still-hard cock in his hand, pumping it in his fist. “Do you want more of him, or of me?”
You can barely muster an answer as Levi bounces you on his cock, your body shaking with the need to orgasm again. “B-Both!” You choke out.
“Guess I have no choice.” Zeke chuckles as he positions the tip of his cock at your twitching hole. Even though this is the second time, you still pleasantly surprise him with the way you eagerly suck him in.
Levi can feel the way your cunt spasms around him when Zeke thrusts his length into you, your mouth once again opening in a wide O. He’s the one who made you cum, isn’t he? So why are you still so damn focused on that shit face?!
He calls your name, but your foggy mind doesn’t register it. You are too close again, and after cumming so hard already twice, you feel like this time you won’t be able to stop.
The side of your face stings slightly and Levi gives you a dark grin as your gaze connects with his, your eyes cleared from their earlier fog. “Don’t go drifting off on me now, brat.”
You nod your head, your arms wrapping around his neck. You are back to focus, but you hope he doesn’t think that will prevent you from cumming. The way that they fill you is just too good.
“You can’t blame her. Her slutty body is betraying her.” Zeke says as his mouth moves to your neck once again. You don’t think anything of it as his hot tongue glides over your skin, so used to their constant touches by now.
Levi’s fingers leave your clit, once again followed by a sharp slap. This time he doesn’t do it just once though, he repeats the slap three times before going back to rubbing the abused nub. The way your sounds and labored breaths hitch in your throat every time have him closing in on his end faster than he wants.
Zeke’s gentle lapping and sucking at your neck turns animalistic as he suddenly bites down at the juncture of your neck and shoulder and you yelp as his teeth dig slightly into the sensitive skin. It only lasts for a few seconds before he sucks a giant hickey on top of the bite mark, placing a gentle kiss on the bruise afterward.
Shit, shit. Trembles rattle your body as you drench Levi’s cock with your slick, cumming from the added pleasure of Zeke’s bite. You let your forehead fall against Levi’s shoulder, mumbling slurred words and moans into his skin, your tiny muscle spasms alerting both men of your orgasm. 
Levi pushes Zeke’s head away from your neck. “What do you think you’re-” He stops his sentence, taking the other man in with narrowed eyes.
Zeke slows his thrusting, raising his shoulders in innocence. He’s about to say something, but Levi grabs Zeke’s attention by taking your face in his hand.
Their conversation has completely gone over your head, still tingling all over as the tip of Levi’s cock hits the sensitive spot on your wall repeatedly, dragging out your orgasm. The way they slowed down has you whine in displeasure as well as curl your toes at how it increases the intensity of each dragged-out thrust. The hand on your chin barely catches your attention, only truly noticing it when Levi’s voice pierces your thoughts.
“Open up and stick out your tongue.”
You do as he commands, your mind not even questioning it for a second. Levi chuckles at your display of obedience, you always were good at following orders. Zeke can make marks all he wants, but Levi knows who owns you on the inside.
Keeping a good grip on your chin whilst continuing to fuck into you, Levi observes your open mouth for a second before spitting in it. You mewl as he keeps your mouth open, watching his spit run down your tongue.
Zeke grabs you by your hair, forcing your face out of Levi’s grip and forcing it to the side. He groans at the mess Levi just made, your eyes growing watery as you moan with your mouth wide open. Zeke let’s go off your hair after noticing Levi’s glare. Shit, he could say so many things, but he’s close again, and he’d rather making a mess of your soft ass than argue with Levi.
“Swallow.” Levi orders when your face is turned back to him.
You close your mouth slowly, eyes staying on his as you swallow. A choked sound comes from his throat as he snaps his hips up into you, your hands flying up to grip the back of his hair.
“Fuck!” He curses. “Be a good girl and cum again, when you do I’ll fill you up.” He says, wanting to drag another handful of screams from your throat before he finally cums.
You nod your head, tears forming in your eyes from the intensity as both men desperately rut into you. Your holes spasm around them, your tired body ready to fulfill Levi’s wish any second.
Zeke’s forehead rests against the back of your head, his glasses fogging up from his panting. Every tremble of your perfect body pushes him closer to the edge.
“Z-Zeke.” He thinks he imagined it for a moment, but then your sweet voice calls out for him again. “Zeke!” One of your arms has left Levi so you can place your hand on the back of Zeke’s head.
You are pulling at both men’s hair now as your hips sway in a desperate attempt to ride their cocks.
“Levi!” You call out as well, the man busy clenching his jaw in an effort not to let too many moans out.
“Please! Please!” You beg, your fingers trembling as they grab at their locks. You scream out in pleasure, your orgasm interrupting your pleading. “I-” It’s so hard to talk, your throat feeling squeezes without any hand being near it. “I can’t take anymore! Please, cum!” You cry out, continuously interrupted by wild pants.
Both are happy to oblige, having had their fun in torturing you and now eager to give you your award. Zeke pulls out of your ass in one quick slide, pumping his slick cock in his fist. He’s the first to cum as he empties himself all over your ass and back, his cock jerking in his hand at the sight of your skin getting more and more soiled by him.
Levi presses a hard kiss to your lips before finally giving in to his release, making sure your beautiful eyes are on his as he lets go. You can feel every hot shot of his cum inside of you, your cunt clenching around him tightly. Zeke is just admiring his handy work from behind you as Levi fills you up for what must almost be a minute. Your hand in Levi’s hair twirls his soft locks between your fingers, your heart squeezing as your exhausted mind ponders he pend up he must have been himself.
You smile weakly as Levi kisses you again after he’s finished cumming. It feels appreciative, and he really does feel that way as he can’t remember the last time he felt so good.
Zeke takes in the way he painted your skin with his cum one more time before turning around to get his clothes, leaving you nestled on Levi’s lap. You let your head drop to Levi’s shoulder, not caring that his cock is still inside you as exhaustion nips at your body.
Levi strokes your hair gently, but his watchful gaze is glued to Zeke. It’s a good thing that Zeke is putting on his clothes because it’s clear from the look in the other man’s eyes that his presence is no longer welcome. Always the defying type, Zeke gives the side of your hip a quick tap before exiting the room.
“See you soon, y/n.”
After the door has shut after the blonde man, Levi immediately jumps to action. He moves you off of his cock, his cum streaming out onto your thighs and his lap.
“Shit.” He mumbles at the mess.
He kisses your forehead softly, making your lidded eyes look up at him. “You did well, but do this again and I will leave you like this for the other scouts to find.” He tells you strictly, hands coming up under your arms to lift you up.
You can only nod weakly, not able to find your voice anymore. Perhaps he’s a little mad at you, but you don’t regret it at all. Your lips twitch into a tired smile as you think, ‘yeah, I really did do well.’.
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4joonkookie · 3 years
27 Candles
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💜 Pairing: Namjoon x Reader
💜 Words: 3.5K
💜 Summary:
A 12 hour diary of Namjoon’s 27th birthday.
💜 Tags/Warnings:
Smut, angst, breakup, DaddyJoon, Dom/sub, Daddykink, collars, Daddy/Babygirl, birthday sex, breakup sex, makeup sex, blindfolded sex, butt play, rough sex, spanking, riding, grinding, dirty talk, back scratching, fluff, Happy Birthday to the only man I’d call Daddy, not beta read, wish I had more time.
2:30 PM
After spending hours agonizing over your approach, you call Namjoon to wish him a happy birthday. It’s been a while since you’ve heard his voice. The low rumble sends vibrations through your body.
“We should celebrate,” you insist, exposing your ulterior motive.
“What do you want to do?” he muses.
You're quiet for a while, then take a deep breath.
“It's your birthday. I want you to tell me.”
The request is bold, but subtle enough. He lets out a low laugh, a knowing one, and clears his throat.
“Yeah?” his voice lowers, probably in an area with others. “You wanna be my good girl? Be good to me?”
“Yes,” you reply, just as low though, no one is around you. “I want you to have what you want for your birthday.”
Arousal pools in your belly while you fidget with your nervous hands.
“I like that idea,” he hums. “So I'll come by the apartment when I'm done?”
“No,” you assert, disrupting your compliance. “Can I see your new place?”.
He’s had his own place for over a month now but the place you shared is still “the apartment”.
“Sure, there’s not much there. It’s basically empty,” he replies.
You assure him that's just fine. Adjusting to living in “the” apartment without him has been hard enough. A new, less familiar place might make it easier. A place not-so-lived-in.
A place he can’t leave you again.
He’s quiet for a long time again before speaking.
“Is this a good idea?” he asks, in the exhale of a heavy sigh. His tone has changed, reality settling in.
“No,” you confirm, shaking your head although you’re alone.
The line is hushed, again. The silence is heavy with all of the unspoken “I miss you”, “I need you”, “something is missing without you”.
You both know where this goes, neither having the strength to step away.
3:37 PM
When the elevators open to his apartment corridor, there is a young woman kneeling at the door. Heart pounding, you walk slowly, keeping your head down and avoid eye contact altogether when she stands and begins to walk toward you. You quickly turn your head and breathe a sigh of relief to see her disappear behind the elevator doors.
A decorative basket sits at the front doorstep. You snatch it up, enter the lock code quickly and shut the door behind you.
The basket holds a bottle of champagne on dry ice. Also, a pair of lace panties. Two fixture items, surrounded by decorative flowers, candies and a notecard.
The note is a handwritten message about missing Namjoon on his birthday and a promise of wearing the panties “next time”; a drawn heart and scribbled name.
You open the champagne, chug from the bottle and toss the rest to the trash, attempting to discard the jealousy panging in your gut.
The breakup was two months ago. You hadn’t exactly agreed to “be friends”, it just happened. Though, you haven’t seen each other in person since he moved his things out.
You take in the view of the place. It’s enormously empty. The refrigerator and cabinets are empty, a layer of dust covering the bottom of the inside. A laptop and recording equipment are the only things set up in the living room alongside a couch. The Bedroom has no walls and sits on a raised platform in the living room, a total bachelor pad. Condom wrappers lay on the bedside table near the unmade bed. The bathroom counter, cluttered with his products and potions. You pick up the bottles one by one, searching for what’s new about him. Finally, the closet. You choose a shirt and to put on and discard everything else.
Your phone buzzes, Namjoon saying he’ll be there in about an hour. It’s sooner than you thought but you order groceries anyway. It always takes longer for him to get home than he says.
“Home.” You think. This isn’t home.
4:58 PM
Surprisingly on time, he arrives carrying handfuls of delivered bags.
“You bought groceries?” He uses his foot to close the door behind him.
“Yes,” you reply, removing bags from his hands. “Why don’t you have groceries? Just hire someone to do it.”
“Why hire someone when you’re willing to do it for me?”
“I didn’t,” you banter. “I hired someone to do it.” You shrug.
You close the refrigerator behind you. His phone starts to ring, he silences it.
“Where did you get champagne?” He questions.
When you casually mention the name of the woman who signed the card, he stiffens. Checks his phone, frantic.
“You talked to her?” He remains calm, but you can tell he’s uneasy.
“Yeah, I ran into her dropping this off on my way in. She’s sweet,” you string him along, feeling a little bratty “She said she wishes she could’ve seen you on your birthday.”
He gives you a long look and you hold his gaze.
“Liar!” he laughs, approaching you. His demeanor is calming, his smile relieves something in that “something is missing” category.
“How do you know her name?” He asks curiously.
You stall, not wanting to admit your resentful gesture.
“Oh there was a note, I must’ve misplaced it,” you say, appearing (hopefully-to-be) absent-minded.
He reaches a hand to peek in the trash can. Before he can, his phone rings again. He silences it immediately.
“Is that her?” You ask, casual, distracting.
He shifts uncomfortably but is honest. “We were going to meet up today. I cancelled.”
You tilt your head. “You said you didn’t have plans.”
“I didn’t,” he says plainly.
You hide a shy smile, briefly ducking your head. “And if I hadn’t invited myself over?” you tease.
“I’d be wishing you had.” He gets closer and a familiar electricity buzzes through you. He rests his hands too comfortably on your back, pulling you in, hugging you too tight, smelling your hair.
“I missed you,” He nuzzles his cheek to yours, brushing against you. The moves are slow, requainting.
His lips press against yours and you feel yourself slipping back into him. You try to shake off the feeling, remembering what you discussed on the phone.
“So, what do you want?”
He follows along, seemingly eager to take the edge off of these heavy feelings for a while too. He guides you back to the wall.
You can feel the undertones changing. His gaze darkens, your body being enclosed in his arms.
A hand moves to your bare neck, strokes the soft skin. Your heartbeat quickens. After some back and forth, you ultimately decided not to wear the collar. Not his to claim anymore, anyway. He silently acknowledges the absence of it and moves to your waist.
“It was very rude of you to throw away my things just because you’re jealous.”
“Not jealous,” you pout, and his lips drag against your neck. He bites down at your words causing you to gasp. He pins your hands above your head, against the wall while continuing work on your neck.
“Say it,” he chides. “Tell me how jealous you are that someone else can be good for me.”
Your blood boils, thinking of the woman at the door, condoms on the nightstand.
“And how many good girls do you have?” You query, calmly.
He squeezes your wrists above you. “Say it. And I'll tell you.”
You sigh heavily and give in. “Ok, I’m jealous, you admit.
He giggles between kisses on your skin. “I know.”
“So? How many?” Not giving in to his touch yet, still wanting to know.
He shrinks the grip on your wrists to one hand and uses the other to brush a finger against your lip.
“There are many girls who are good to me but I have only one good girl.”
He releases your wrists and your lips crash together, tongues passing sloppily. You drink each other in after months apart.
“Don’t move,” he instructs, and pulls away. You stand still, watching him disappear into the bedroom. He quickly reemerges with hands behind his back.
“Turn around,” he says, before he can make it all the way back to you.
Without hesitation, you turn and place both hands on the wall, bracing yourself. You feel his presence behind you and it all goes black. A silky fabric drapes over your eyes, a knot being tied just behind your head.
You reach behind yourself to grab at him. “What are you doing?!” The sudden darkness is startling, shocking.
He wraps arms tight around your body to still you.
“Shhh….,” he soothes. This is what I want.” A hand slides beneath the hem of your panties, circling fingers at your wet center, free arm holding you tight to his chest.
He raises his fingers to your lips, offering a taste of yourself.
When you release his fingers, he loosens his grasp on your body and grips a hand at the back of your neck. You straighten up on two feet.
“Walk,” he demands.
After walking a ways, your back hits the mattress.
You can’t see him but his hands are hot on your skin, traveling in unseen paths. You can hear your breath, loud. The quiet in the room is loud.
It’s dark, but the fear begins to fade. All other senses are heightened.
There is a sense of right with his hands on your skin again, lips on yours again, his scent filling your nostrils again, feeling his weight above you again.
He drags his tongue slowly down the center of your body, between your breasts, over your navel and fastens his mouth to your center making you squirm as he sucks below, arms hooked around your thighs.
He licks lovingly, skillfully, and pulls away too soon. He pulls you up by your arms and guides you to sit up.
“Show me what a good girl you are?” he whispers above you. The whisper is crystal clear, echoing in your ears.
You nod into the darkness and hear him removing clothes. Cock free, he pushes the tip to your lips and pushes in slow, to the back of your throat, holding himself there.
“No hands,” he warns. He slides out just as slowly and you do your best to control your gags.
He pushes in again, too quickly and deep. You pull away, coughing and trapping his shaft with your hand.
“No.” he pushes your hand away. He grabs your chin, prying your jaw open and pushes in again. Drool spills and tears moisten the fabric over your eyes. He grabs the back of your head and pushes it flush against his pelvis, no room for grabby hands.
You choke and back off of it, using both hands this time to remove it. You cough when he pulls out, a string of saliva still connecting you.
It’s been a while since you've done this but somehow, it’s more difficult because you can’t see.
“Bend Over,” he growls.
You turn over and feel the familiar caress over your cheek before he moves, muscle memory. He lays a hard smack and you moan, spine lighting up. You smile gleefully to yourself. A familiar warmth overtakes you.
“You’re out of practice,” he taunts, “Need to remember how to behave.”
Another hit, and you cry out again. Spanks, all the more exciting and titillating behind a blindfold.
“You want to give Daddy what he wants, you said?” you hear his voice from behind you.
You nod, zoned in on your lack of vision.
You don’t sense the next hit coming, it’s so much more intense. You’ve been punished for not using words. Without hesitation, they come spilling out.
“Yes, Daddy.”
This was definitely missing. Not so much that you need to be punished but that you want to be tamed.
And no one does it like him.
He slides two fingers into you from behind. You moan and buck back, bouncing on his fingers.
He leans down to lap you, licking up from your pussy and his fingers up to your ass, prodding his tongue inside the tight muscle.
He moves away and you hear the click of a bottle. Cold lube spills over your exposed skin.
Two fingers still in your pussy, He gruffly pushes a third to your bum, pouring more lube with a free hand. He pushes to the webbing of his hand and holds it, giving you time to adjust.
“Good girl loves being filled up, huh?”
You nod before catching yourself. “Yes, Daddy.”
He adds a second finger inside, two in each opening now, scissoring and stretching you open.
You sob, everything feeling that much more intense and full in the dark.
He pulls his fingers out of your body with a lewd pop.
“Are you ready to try again?.”
“Yes.” Something clicks in your mind and has your body assuming the previous position.
The shock of the sensory change and overwhelming emotion before had you too frantic, unable to focus.
Now, bridled in just the right way, he pushes into your throat with no objections from your body, only eager acceptance.
He begins thrusting at the back of your throat. You relax your jaw and control your gags. The darkness isn’t so startling anymore. It helps you focus on controlling your muscles, a meditation almost. You grip the sheets to keep your hands away.
He pulls out and you try to even your desperate breath, swallowing pooled saliva.
He tests your compliance, pushing to the back again, using two hands to hold your head down, letting your face slide off silently.
“There she is,” he strokes your hair as you wipe your mouth. “There’s my good girl.”
The praise fuels you, feeling pleased and settled.
He turns you over again and slides inside right away, slapping hips against you. You whimper and move your body with his.
You nearly ascend when he pushes his index finger into your stretched ass while still thrusting inside.
His cock thrusts against your g spot and presses against his finger behind your walls.The repeated pressure on both sides makes your knees shake. The sound you make is almost primal, body falling limp, spiraling through an orgasm.
He frees his hands and pushes your shoulders flat to the bed to slam inside. You lay, boneless as he grunts and growls through his own orgasm.
Falling beside you, he removes the blindfold and gestures for you to lay on his chest.
He pets and strokes the places he’s left marks. He slides his thumb along your worked jaw.
You didn’t realize how badly you’ve missed this feeling of safe, being claimed again.
8:09 PM
Limbs draped together laying on the bed, Namjoon carries on about his most recent lyric-writing.
Words, spilling out a mile a minute, eyes focused outward, trying to find a lyrical solution by talking aloud.
You study him, just as you always had. The same ,familiar motions and conversation but a different background.
It’s unmistakable.
It’s not any particular location that’s “lived-in”. This place echoes with empty and still smells of fresh paint.
It’s the relationship, the vibes. You and Namjoon are lived-in.
His voice, his touch. You know it’s everything you need but know it won’t last. You broke up for a reason, a dark cloud lingering over your temporary reconnection.
You try not to think of it, letting this temporary elation carry you both to the point where you must eventually take stock of what’s happening and acknowledge that you’re worse together, no matter how good it feels right now.
Despite your silent spiral, he continues talking, unbothered. You watch him, endeared, absorbing every morsel of himself he has to offer before you part again.
Eventually, he catches himself. “Sorry, should I stop?”
You climb on top of him and snag the nearby blindfold. You playfully spread it over his mouth and a giggle erupts from underneath. You slide it up to his eyes, mimicking your position from earlier. He inhales sharply and smiles.
You take his earlobe into your mouth and suck marks to his collarbone, not caring of the consequences. He doesn’t stop you, hissing and grabbing at your hair.
You relish In taking him like this, the breakup, giving you freedom to reciprocate this notion and him, the freedom to surrender to it.
You lean down and graze your teeth over his nipples, a secret sensitive spot.
He gasps and lets out a whimper. It was beautiful. You chase it again, sucking and blowing cold air over them.
Still naked, you grasp the shaft and wrap your pussy over him, eyes rolling back at the pleasing friction.
You slide up and down, chasing the high.
He’s moaning in a way you’ve never heard, the intensity of not having vision.
Still above him, you plant a foot on the ground and slide his length inside of yourself.
Your hips move above him, slowly at first. You watch him, every pant and bead of sweat dripping. You get to see him in a way you couldn’t if he could see you back.
Soon, it feels too good, dick rocking right on your spot, fast and deep. He moves his hips faster below you, a signal to speed up.
You rock back and forth, squirming and squelching on his cock, feeling a little freer that he can’t see you, but only feel you so intensely.
He sinks and drags fingernails down your back with a hiss and a moan. He keeps his nails buried in your skin and holds your hips down.
“Fuck,” he pants as you pull the blindfold loose to see him come.
His hands grab yours and you use your laced hands to brace yourself, squeezing fingers tight when you both come.
It feels like an official reuniting, coming together again. Having more even ground this time, just experiencing this together.
Now, all is right again. Doubt, drowned just a bit longer.
11:51 PM
You’re in a marathon of a conversation, catching up on the last few months.
You laugh and talk and joke, just like old times. He grabs you by the waist.
He kisses you. Long and full of expectation.
“Just remind me why.” He exhales and pushes his forehead to yours.
“No, Joonie, we can’t do this_” You feel thorns grow on your skin and try to push away.
He doesn’t remember yet. This is a beaten path. As much as you missed the four walls you shared, by the end of it all, it was suffocating. Walls, closing in.
“Please,” he pleads. “Because i’m looking at you and we’re here talking and kissing and fucking, perfect as it always was and I can’t, for the life of me, figure out why we’re not together.”
You shake your head as tears burn at your eyelids.
“No, Namjoon, we cannot have this fight again…” you try to free yourself again. There’s so much more to it all than sex and conversation.
“Who’s fighting?”
“You know why we’re not together,” you argue. It was bad for a long time. We fought and fought_…”
“Maybe we didn’t try hard enough,” he interrupts.
You look at him, shake your head.
“I did.” Tears falling freely now. “We can’t see each other anymore. It’s not fair. Not to either one of us.
You laugh to yourself. “We both knew it was a bad idea. We knew we’d end up right back here.”
“And where is that?” he asks, soft tears spilling from his sharp eyes.
You don’t answer. Just offer a weak smile as you quickly dress.
“Happy Birthday.”
And just like that, it’s all over, 2 strokes to midnight.
12:13 AM
You turn on the lights to “the” empty apartment and intentionally don’t look around. Any progress you had made at making the place feel like just yours are back at square one.
Your body is heavy with regret, can’t believe you let yourself drown in him again.
You crawl under the covers and wait for it to be just not so hard, back turned away from the side of the bed that feels so devastatingly empty.
2:30 AM
You stir awake from a noise at the door. The knock sounds again, waking you completely.
You sleepily drag yourself to the door.
There he stands, eyes swollen, looking lost and vulnerable.
You stare at each other in the doorway, unable to tell if there are a million unsaid things being spoken or just emotions spilling sloppily around with no rhyme or reason.
The same electricity fires inside. Even though you can’t remember what you said when you left.
The only thing you can remember right now is how right it is that he’s here. And how wrong it was when he was gone, and how empty his side of the bed is.
You extend your hand out, inviting him in. He looks for a long time and finally accepts. You shut the door behind him, locking you both back into those four walls.
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apocalypticgargoyle · 3 years
Dream smut or fluff where reader and him are high key mean to eachotjer despite having so many mutual friends, but then something (very vague i know I’m sorry) makes them have to get close and the develop feelings? Sorry I’m shit at requests but thank you!!!
i know this is shitty im sorry akjsdh bls forgive me
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𝐄𝐋𝐄𝐕𝐀𝐓𝐎𝐑. ♘ 𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
± warnings: dream being a dick, slight slut shaming, toxic behavior, vulgar/suggestive mentions and language, sexual harassment on a bus (not by dream, you can breathe)
⋆ song recommendation: When the Night is Over by Lord Huron
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You pulled a blanket beneath your chin, yawning slightly at whatever the tv was playing. You only had it on in an attempt to drown out the noises coming from your roommate's bedroom as she smoozed her date. You were honestly shocked the two hadn’t moved in together yet with all the time they spent wrapped up.
Her door opened, her eyes widening slightly at the sight of you sprawled out on the couch. He marched toward you quietly, hovering over your shoulder. You peered up at her hesitantly. “What are you watching?” She asked, voice barely above a whisper. You furrowed your brows, opening your mouth to speak but she hurriedly cut you off. “Do you mind watching it at Nick’s instead?”
You raised your eyebrows. “You’re kicking me out again?” She gave you an apologetic smile, making you roll your eyes as you stood up and pulled on your jacket. “This would hurt less if they also paid rent,” you mumbled, with a small glare.
She thanked you repeatedly, holding onto your arm as you gathered what little belongings you needed for the night. “I promise I’ll make it up to you,” she courted, opening the door for you. “Tomorrow, dinner’s on me okay?” You sent her a tired look and she apologized again. She stopped you as you stepped out into the cold night, leaning through the space between the door and the frame. “Maybe you can cozy up to that Clay guy? You guys have such a good vibe,” she mocked, making you chuckle lightly.
You shook your head, waving to her. “Enjoy your night. Please, for the love of God, clean the bathroom afterward,” you called, hearing her laugh at your statement.
The bus ride was quiet due to the time of night and the weather, both of which you didn’t mind. You knew Nick’s house would be warm and loud. Before you knew it, you found yourself in front of his apartment door, kicking at the concrete ground as you heard someone stumbling to let you inside. The door opened swiftly, Clay’s large frame blocking the light from the kitchen. He leaned against the doorframe mockingly as he looked at you.
He wet his lips. “Who’s the lucky guy tonight?” He joshed.
You rolled your eyes, brushing past his body to get out of the cold. “Whoever’s dick you’re not sucking, I guess,” you quipped back, making him laugh darkly. You kicked off your shoes as he shut the door. “Where’s Sapnap?” You asked, shrugging off your jacket. You’d texted him ahead of time to ask if you could stay over, which he readily agreed to.
Clay sent you a smug look. “You guys have a fun night planned?” He made a gesture with his hand to insinuate you were there to give Nick a handjob.
You bit back a chuckle. “Why? You wanna join?” You shot back. He bit his lip and moaned pornographically.
“Cut it out, Dream,” Nick grumbled as he walked into the room. He pulled on your arm to follow him.
Dream scoffed exasperatedly. “Me? I’m not the one who started it!” He called after the two of you.
As Nick pushed you out of the room, you turned your head. “You most certainly did!” You answered. You heard him chuckle at your words as Nick shut the door to his room. You plopped down on his bed as he sat in his chair, swiveling to look at you. “Why does Dream pick at me so much?” You mumbled, fishing in your pockets for your phone.
“He’s jealous,” Nick answered absent-mindedly. “What's the date look like tonight?” He asked, referring to the reason you were there in the first place. This wasn’t the first time or the last time your roommate had kicked you out. It was becoming a more frequent occurrence for you to end up on Nick’s couch or at their place in the middle of the day with your toothbrush and a change of clothes.
You moved to lean into his pillows. “I don’t know, it's the same granola fucker she’s been hanging around,” you answered.
He rubbed his chin with a slight smirk. “There’s a subtle justice to knowing she’s still with that asshat,” he commented, making you snort.
A week later, you were on your way back to your apartment after a lecture when someone felt you up. It was the straw on the camel’s back for you as you spin around to smack the guy, stirring up a few of the bystanders. You’d walked the rest of the way home, stepping through the door to be met with your roommate and her hookup twisted together in the kitchen.
You clamped your hand over your eyes, mumbling about how you just wanted to take a nap when you were once again sent to Nick’s. You let subtle tears fall as you trudged your way across the city, hoping to get out whatever darkness you had to your attitude. The last thing you wanted to do was confront Clay looking like you did. He was like the troll with the keys to the bridge. That was really the only reason the two of you ever talked, so you knew he’d be waiting to berate you before you could get to Nick.
As you walked into the building, you spotted Clay carrying a large box, his hair slightly disheveled and his hands dirty. You knew almost instantly that he was probably attempting to fix the kitchen sink and got a call because of the size of the package. That sink had been dripping since they’d moved in, making it Clay’s mission to futz around with it every Friday afternoon. You tried helping him one time, only ending up with a deflated sense of confidence and the second wave of your childhood anger issues.
He nodded at you as you held the elevator door open for him. “What’s up, babycakes?” He chirped, popping his gum. When you hesitated to answer, he looked at you fully, scoffing. “Damn, walk of shame gone sour?”
You crossed your arms over your chest, inhaling deeply to try and calm your nerves. “I’m not really in the mood today,” you muttered, tucking your hands between your back and the wall.
He snorted, setting the box down between his feet. “You’re always in the mood! Isn’t that like your thing,” he continued to jeer. “You look like you had a fun night though-”
“Clay, stop. I’m serious,” barked at him. His expression twisting at your use of his name.
He raised his hands in mock defense. “Sorry, I thought we had---like a bit thing, um-” he cut himself off, awkwardly shoving his fists in his pockets. After a beat of silence between the two of you, the elevator came to a sharp halt on the wrong floor, the light switching to red. The two of you shared a look, knowing that the landlord was probably flipping the wrong switches again. Clay texted Nick to see what was going on.
It began to grow colder in the elevator, as it usually did. When it was off, the cold from outside usually seeped in through the elevator shaft. There was one time you were stuck in the elevator for a few hours with one of your neighbors and Karl when he had come to visit. Back then, the three of you played Uno on the guy’s phone. It was also summer, so the chill creeping up your legs wasn’t as intolerable as it was now.
You rubbed the arms of your sweater in hopes of generating some kind of warmth. Clay watched you carefully, his hands moving to grip the bar behind him. “Do you want my sweatshirt?” He offered. You shook your head, sliding onto the ground and hugging your knees to your chest. He hesitantly slumped down beside you, kicking his long legs out towards the door. The red light filling the space made his features look softer.
He nudged your arm gently with his own. “I know I’m not Sapnap, but…” he chewed on the inside of his cheek, shrugging slightly, “I mean, we’re stuck in here. We can talk about it.”
You blinked away the tears threatening to spill once again, your eyes burning and tired. “I haven’t slept with him, you know?” You stated, turning to look at him briefly before moving to sit cross-legged, planning with your fingers. “I’ve never even kissed him. I’ve never kissed anyone,” you scoffed. Clay was silent, but out of the corner of your eye, you could see him watching you intently.
Being this close to him, you could smell the smoky vanilla undertones of his cologne. The scent reminded you of a masculine version of the candle your aunt always burned when she went out for a night to spite her ex-husband.
Clay leaned his head back against the wood paneling, his soft blond hair flattening in the back to spread against the wall. You swallowed, sighing slightly. “I haven’t even had my first kiss yet and I’m getting groped on the bus and kicked out of my damn apartment because my roommate and her fucking boyfriend have to hook up on every surface. Nothing is sacred.” You shook your head, wiping away some stray tears with the back of your hand and sniffling pathetically. “You can keep making slut jokes, I don’t care. But I swear to God, I haven’t done anything with Sapnap. Or Karl, or Quackity. No one.”
He chuckled softly. “I know. That’s why I used to make those jokes,” he mumbled. “It was like… ironic humor. And then it got so far that the only way I knew you’d talk back to me was if I was fucking around with you,” he admitted. You chuckled slightly at his words, taking a deep breath.
“Oh, Dream,” you sighed. “I would have hooked up with you if you weren’t such an ass,” you chided. His laugh made you feel better. He held his hand out to you, more for support than anything, but as you laced your fingers with his, your heart eased, feeling safe beside him.
After a beat of silence, he spoke up again. "I can ride the bus with you now... if you want..." He offered, a shyness that seemed so foreign to his character shown through his eyes. "I promise I won't grope you," he joshed, making you roll your eyes.
"That's really not something we should be joking about," you mumbled, wiping away the rest of your tears on your sleeve.
His thumb brushed against the back of your hand soothingly. "I mask my awkwardness around you in dark humor. I'm sorry."
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helloalycia · 3 years
The Wrong Lifetime — Fourteen // Wanda Maximoff
chapter thirteen | story masterlist | main masterlist | wattpad | epilogue
author’s note: the last chapter is finally here! i hope you like it 😊
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There were many times when I'd get distracted by thoughts of Wanda.
I could be going for a walk and remember that time she tripped over the flat pavement, almost bringing me down with her. I could be shopping for stationary and remember that time she almost bought the whole shop in one visit. I could be sitting by the water fountain and remember that time she tried to make a wish, only to drop her whole purse in it.
This time, I'd just woken up to the sun streaming through my curtains. I rolled over to an empty bed, hand brushing against the cold sheets as they expected more. For some reason, my subconscious decided to taunt me with a memory taking place just after we'd first made love in her room...
"I love you so much," Wanda told me with an enchanting smile.
I turned to face her, one arm comfortable under the pillow as the other rested outside the duvet, covering my bare chest. She raised her hand, pushing a strand of hair behind my ear before resting her hand there. I smiled at the contact and felt a warmth spreading all over me at the affectionate gaze she sent my way.
"I know, love, you only said it several times," I teased lightly, making her chuckle. "I love you, too, though, in case you didn't know."
She sighed contently, eyes closing. I admired how beautiful she looked with her hair sprawled over her bare shoulders, smile on her lips and freckles dusting her skin. Her touch still ghosted my body, taste still embedded between my lips, scent still wavering in my nose. She was permanent and I was certain she'd never leave.
"We should probably get up in case somebody comes to check on us," she said, interrupting my moment of admiration.
Her eyes flickered open slowly, blue with golden flecks glistening right back at me. Suddenly, anything that happened after this didn't matter to me. For once, I appreciated where we were, what we had and nothing more or less. No wedding, no future... just now.
"We should," I agreed regretfully, though her leg moved closer to mine and made me wish we could stay here longer. "I wish we didn't have to."
She smiled halfheartedly, hand moving down my cheek, caressing the skin, before they rested at my chin. She outlined my lips with her thumb before leaning forward and stealing a kiss.
"Can't we have a few more minutes?" she asked, lips brushing mine as she spoke.
She was making it very hard to deny her and judging from the playful smirk on her lips, she knew that.
"I guess we can," I agreed quietly, making her smile with satisfaction.
She rolled on top of me, capturing my lips in a kiss as her bare chest pressed to mine and my hand found her waist for support. As usual, the effect she had on me was indescribable and I couldn't imagine us ever leaving the bed. I knew for sure that I'd never been happier than I was in that moment.
It was such a perfect moment, but it haunted me. Nothing felt right without her. She'd overwhelmed all of my senses and remained, even when I didn't have her by me in person. The wedding was literally in a few weeks, but I hadn't managed to get over her.
How could I be her maid of honour when I could barely speak to her? Not without wanting to curl in a ball and cry afterwards. Every thing I did seemed to be filled with memories of her. She was inescapable.
A groan left my lips as I dragged my hand down my face with frustration. I couldn't let her get to me yet again. I had an interview with the local paper today. The last thing I needed was Wanda as a distraction.
So, with that lovely thought lingering in my mind, I dragged myself out of bed to get ready for the day ahead.
Press interviews weren't something I was used to.
Whenever Y/B/N had them with journalists for his books, I wasn't present. The only thing I heard was when he came back and told me how it went, then I proceeded to read about it in the paper the next day.
I was sat in Steve's office at Maximoff Publishing with Steve sat by my side, sending me a supportive smile. A journalist from the local paper sat before us, notebook and pen in hand as he watched on with curious eyes.
"So, Y/N," he began. "I'll start with the obvious, if you don't mind."
I glanced at Steve who nodded encouragingly. Clearing my throat, I looked to the journalist. "Sure thing."
He smiled and glanced at his notebook before asking, "How does it feel to be published? You're Pietro Maximoff's first female author."
"An author who happens to be female," I corrected, hoping I didn't come off as rude. "And that isn't something that should be new, in my opinion. It should be normalised."
He nodded, noting it down in his notebook. "Controversy... I like it."
Swallowing hard, I resisted the urge to roll my eyes.
"I think the readers would like to know how you managed to score a publisher," he began his next question. "How exactly did you get noticed amongst the many authors that look to be published?"
Okay, not so difficult, I could answer that.
"Well, it was actually my–" I paused, Wanda's face flashing to mind. Okay, maybe a little difficult.
"Your...?" the journalist prompted.
I blinked, attempting to find my words.
"Wanda," Steve answered, starting me off.
I looked to him with grateful eyes before looking back to the journalist. "Right. Yes. Wanda."
"Your brother's fiancé, right?" the journalist asked for clarification.
"Yes," I answered, with an accidental clipped tone. "She... she was the one who gave my work to her brother. Asked him to look at it. And the rest is history."
The journalist was making notes as I spoke, nodding and humming in response, before looking to me with raised brows.
"So, the wedding," he said, making me wince subtly. "Are you excited?"
Forcing a smile, I said, "Ecstatic."
"How does it feel to have your two families uniting?" he asked, and I chewed on my lips, unsure how to respond.
"I– er–"
"Are you afraid that Y/B/N marrying Wanda may put him in Pietro's good graces?" he interrupted eagerly, leaning forward in his seat.
I opened my mouth to answer, but I didn't know what to say that wouldn't land me in hot water or make me look like a jealous sibling. Glancing to Steve questioningly, he thankfully noticed my speechlessness and gave the journalist a warning stare.
"Can you stay on topic, please?" he asked the keen journalist. "Y/N is here to talk about her book and nothing more."
"Okay, okay," the journalist gave in, making me exhale slowly. "What's next in store for your readers, Y/N? A sequel, perhaps?"
"I'm not sure," I answered truthfully. "I'm still in awe at the reception from the first one."
He nodded, note taking as he listened. "How many books do you think you'll get out of your career before getting married like your brother?"
I raised my eyebrows with disbelief. But I didn't get to answer as he was already moving onto his next question.
"Are you not worried about getting married? You know, men don't like smart women."
Narrowing my eyes at him, I clenched my fists by my side and was very close to strangling him before we were interrupted. A servant whom I recognised from home knocked on the door and earned everyone's attention.
"Oh, tell him to go away," the journalist said dismissively, waving his hand.
Steve looked to me and I plastered a bitter smile on my lips as I glanced at the journalist.
"I'd let him in if I were you," I told Steve, and he seemed to understand that I was about to pummel the journalist if I wasn't distracted, because he nodded and motioned for the servant to enter.
The journalist sighed rudely and I clenched my jaw before looking to the servant with a quirked brow. He looked out of breath, panting for air and face flushed red.
"Did you run here?" I realised, cocking my head to the side with confusion.
He nodded, straightening up and attempting to catch his breath. "Yes, Miss Y/L/N. Very sorry to interrupt, but your mother insisted I hurry."
My eyes widened. "Oh, God, what happened? Is she okay?"
"Kind of," he answered, before clarifying, "The wedding between your brother and Miss Maximoff has been cancelled."
"What?!" everyone in the room asked at the same time.
What did he mean the wedding had been cancelled?! Wanda and Y/B/N weren't going to get married?
"I don't know the details," the servant got out quickly. "I just know that your mother sent me to fetch you as soon as possible. She's distraught and requires you home immediately."
I nodded instantly, already making a move to stand up, then I remembered where I was.
"You mustn't publish anything you just heard," I told the journalist with a stern finger, but he seemed over the moon at the news.
"Go, Y/N, your mother needs you," Steve said, resting a hand on my shoulder as he, too, stood up. He side-eyed the journalist as he added, "I'll take care of this tool."
At that, the journalist's eyes widened with fear and judging from the smirk on Steve's lips, I knew things would be okay.
"Thank you," I told him, hugging him quickly, before looking to the servant. "I'll go now. Thank you."
After giving the servant some money to grab a treat and calm him from his breathless state, I got a carriage home with my mind racing a million thoughts a minute.
Why was the wedding off? My mum was distraught, according to the servant, so that could only mean it hadn't been her choice. Was it Y/B/N? Had he broken it off? Or maybe it was Wanda? But no. She'd never do that. She wouldn't hurt her family like that.
I wasn't sure what it was, but I definitely didn't know how to feel. This could either be heavily in my favour or go against me in the worst way possible...
When I arrived home, I found my family in the dining room. My mum was sat down, upset and shaking her head in her hands, tear marks on her face. My dad was sat beside her, rubbing her back soothingly and whispering calming things to her as my brother stood to the side, looking apologetic and uncomfortable.
"It's okay, mum, it'll be okay," he was saying to her from across the table. "It's not a big deal. I can find somebody–"
"Hello...," I began awkwardly, standing in the doorway and hesitant to move forward. "I just got the news from our servant. What happened?"
"Oh, Y/N, you shouldn't have–" my father began regretfully, before my mum slammed her hand on the table and glared at my brother.
"Y/B/N broke off the engagement!" she shouted with frustration.
"There you go...," my dad mumbled before returning his attention to his wife.
"Mum, I–"
"You did what?!" I cut Y/B/N off with raised brows. "You broke off the engagement? You dumped Wanda?"
He looked to me with sad eyes. "Y/N–"
"You idiot!" I shouted, feeling angry as I imagined the effect this must have had on the Maximoff family. "What the hell is wrong with you?! Why would you–?!"
He grabbed my waving arm and dragged me out of the dining room, making me shove him off when we reached the hall.
"Why the hell did you break it off?!" I yelled at him with a glare. "Why would you–"
"I didn't!" he whisper-shouted back, looking down at me with a downcast expression. "She did!"
My anger faded as I realised he was telling the truth. He looked genuinely hurt, eyes glassy and a frown on his lips. Wanda was the one to break it off? What?
"She broke it off with me," he elaborated quietly, so our parents couldn't hear. "She told me this morning. She said she didn't love me and that she couldn't marry me."
I swallowed hard, looking away from him momentarily. "Why did you tell mum and dad that it was you who broke up with her?"
He pinched his forehead with agitation. "Because it looks a lot less foolish if I say it was me rather than her. She doesn't love me, Y/N. She never did."
I risked looking at him, seeing his disheartened expression. Part of me felt guilty because I knew it was my fault this had happened, but I couldn't exactly say that to him, so I stayed quiet. He shook his head once more before walking away, leaving me standing there with shock.
"Er, Miss Y/L/N?"
I spun around when one of our servants approached me.
"I know now isn't the best time," she began, "but a letter came for you earlier. I left it on your desk as you were at work."
Nodding, I offered the servant a halfhearted smile before watching her leave. There was so much to unpack right now...
I headed upstairs and to my room to see what letter was here for me. But I was finding it hard to focus since all that was on my mind was the broken engagement and Y/B/N and Wanda... I needed to see her. What the hell was I doing here?
Planning on going to see Wanda as soon as possible, I grabbed the letter from my desk with the intention of reading it on the way out, but then I recognised the handwriting on the front and paused at my desk.
It was Wanda's handwriting.
I hurried to tear open the envelope, wondering what she had to say. It was no doubt related to the broken engagement.
Dearest Y/N,
I hope that you manage to read this letter before you hear the news, but knowing our families, you'll read it afterwards. In which case, you will know that I have broken off the engagement with Y/B/N.
It was the right thing to do. I chose to do it and I'm sorry if it's caused tension between your brother and your family, but I knew that I couldn't go forward with it when I'm in love with you. I'm not expecting you to come back to me and run away together all dramatically – this isn't about that.
I did this for myself. I'm not in love with your brother and I never was. He should have known that. He had to. Because if not, I'm afraid I broke his heart. And that's the last thing I wanted.
I also did this for you. I need you to know that I'm not heartless or horrible and I didn't expect you to sacrifice anything for me. Cheating on your brother with you... I never meant for this to happen, nor did I mean to get in the way of you both. Falling in love with you was completely accidental, but I don't regret it.
I don't want to go on too much, but I just needed you to know the truth, from me, that I am truly sorry for causing you such pain. I'm still in love with you and I'll never forget what we had. In another lifetime, maybe we could have worked. I'm certain that you were always perfect for me, as was what we had. You are magic, Y/N. I just wasn't powerful enough to keep you.
When I finished reading, I flipped the page over, expecting to find more, but it was blank. She'd ended it there and I didn't know what to think. My heart was racing, mind adjusting too slowly for my liking. She'd broke it off with him for me. I knew she loved me, but I guess I'd never realised just how much.
After recovering from my shock, I put the letter away and left for Wanda's, not bothering to tell my family where I was going. My dad was attempting to console my disappointed mother as Y/B/N moped around somewhere else, so I took that as my chance to nip out without them noticing.
I was trying to plan what to say to her – I didn't even know what I wanted to say to her. She said she didn't expect me to get back with her, and even without Y/B/N and their engagement in the way, we still couldn't be together. Not like how we wanted to be. But I wanted to. I wanted her. All this time without her had been heartbreaking – I didn't want to leave her again. I didn't know the specifics of how we would work, but we could work. We had to.
When I reached her house, it was her mother who opened the door. And that's when I realised that I wasn't sure if she blamed Y/B/N or her daughter for the engagement breaking apart.
"Iryna, hi," I greeted with a nervous smile. "I'm sorry if this is a bad time–"
"Y/N, I'm glad you're here," she cut me off, immediately pulling me in for a hug. "Thank you for coming."
I nodded with mild confusion, returning the hug, before pulling away.
"I'm so sorry for the pain Wanda has caused to your family," she said regretfully. "I hope that your parents aren't as distraught as we are."
I eyed her strangely, still not sure what Wanda had told her. Either way, I didn't bother questioning it as my urgency to see Wanda was overpowering my curiosity.
"It's okay, Iryna, there's no need to apologise," I reassured her. "My family will be okay... I just thought I'd come and check in on Wanda. It's a lot, what happened."
She nodded sympathetically. "Thank you, sweetheart. You're such a good friend to her." She stood to the side to let me in. "Go on up. She's in her room. Hasn't come out since this morning."
I offered a small, awkward smile Iryna's way before letting myself in and going upstairs to Wanda's room. My palms were sweaty and my mouth was dry – stupidly juxtaposed – when I stopped before Wanda's door. On the way over here, I still hadn't decided what to say. I figured it would just come to me when I saw her. One could hope.
Knocking on the door, I heard her sweet, accented voice give me permission to enter. My stomach flipped at the sound and I did as she said. Closing the door behind me, I turned and saw Wanda sat at a stool before a canvas.
Noticing I didn't say anything, she glanced over her shoulder casually, probably expecting a family member. She widened her eyes when she realised it was me and immediately stood up, smoothing out her paint-covered smock in an attempt to look neater. The simple action warmed my heart – she was adorable and I couldn't help but smile.
"Hi," I said quietly.
She cleared her throat, eyes darting around nervously. "Hey. I didn't– what are– hi."
I let my eyes wander, admiring her messy ponytail and the strokes of paint on her face that she definitely wasn't aware of. She was stunning, even with her confused eyes and pursed lips. Better yet, her hand was ring-free and I was reminded of the fact that she wasn't engaged anymore.
"I assume you're here because you read the letter," she began apologetically, but I didn't let her finish because the longer I was in her presence, the more I realised I wanted to kiss her.
Approaching her, I found her eyes before pressing my lips to hers. My hands cupped her cheeks as I held her close, revelling in her taste and scent and touch. She was quick to react, her fingers curling around my waist and tugging me towards her, squeezing our bodies together. Breathing became a problem and we regretfully had to pull away, but remained close enough to exchange breaths and swim in each other's eyes. I'd never been more relieved to see the colour green.
"You're not mad," she realised, looking between my eyes as if trying to search for some anger.
"How can I be mad that you broke off your engagement for me, knowing we can never be together in the way that you deserve?" I asked with disbelief.
She smiled beautifully, making my heart flutter in my chest. "You still love me."
I stole another kiss from her lips. "I never stopped, Wanda. Of course I still love you."
She rested her forehead to mine and closed her eyes peacefully. "Thank you for coming back."
I laughed, feeling tears brim my eyes. "I'm not leaving again, love. We'll find a way to make this work. I promise you that."
Wanda Maximoff deserved the world. And I was going to give it to her in this lifetime and beyond.
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thebadboyfanclub · 4 years
You Are My Home (Geralt x Reader)
This was requested by anon. Enjoy!
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The life (y/n) had it was something Geralt often envied, it was a way of living that had nothing to do with him, it was almost like she created her own magical bubble that kept her away from anything harmful, she lived in harmony with everything.
(Y/n) was a farmer's daughter, an only child and her mother passed away when she was young, a few years after she made her first step into adulthood her father also passed, so since she was a little girl her day was filled with taking care of the land and looking after the animals she so much adored. It wasn't the squeezing cow tits and cleaning out the stables that fascinated him, it was the utter bliss you could identify at the twinkle of her eyes, she was in love with her life, the bitterness and greed of the world had graced by her and left her unharmed.
(Y/n) had stumbled across Geralt at the market of the closest town of her home. She sold fruits, milk and vegetables there, still the reason why Geralt noticed wasn't her healthy goods, it was her booming voice as she shouted at a man. 
"If you lay your hands on a child again I will make sure you have no hands to do so!"
As he approached to see what all the fuss was about he saw her. Her hair was nearly pulled back and away from her face, her dress was this beautiful purple color as her hands were on her sides, one breath away from the man's face. Another thing he noticed was the child in question that hid behind her as it clinged on her legs for protection.
"He stole apples from my table"
"You want apples? Here"
She turned and took as many she could hold and started to throw them at the man. He acted out on impulse and stepped in to restrict her, she had a strong fire in her but he would hate to see the obviously taller man harm her.
"That's enough, I think you proved your point"
He said to her as he got in front of her and gently touched her forearms to make her take a few steps back.
"That low life, he almost killed the poor little boy over a few apples"
She muttered as she turned her back on Geralt and kneeled to the kids level. Her hand reached the child's face as she inspected him.
"Are you alright dear? Come with me, I have a bottle of milk for you"
He felt a bit hurt as the girl ignored his presence entirely. As the woman and the child walked over her counter, she instruced the child to sit on the stool as she passed him a bottle of milk. 
The child smiled brightly before chugging the bottle, at that moment of silent Geralt found the courage to speak up.
"I'm Geralt"
"Oh I'm sorry I got completely distracted. I am (y/n), thank you for helping me"
After that Geralt felt compelled by her, he would leave her for a short period of time to travel and pick up jobs, yet he always felt the need to come back to her. She was his haven, his safe space to relax, even when compared to him she was this tiny little thing she made him feel protected.
He awoke at the smell of fresh baked goods, he had come to her cottage late at night and exhausted. She only smiled in a sleepy manner and hugged him tight before helping him get into bed with her with no questions or spared words. 
At that time (y/n) walked in the bedroom with a cup in her hand. She was dressed in her white night dress and her hair was down, framing her beautiful face. She sat on his side of the bed as he sat up, the sheets falling from his torso.
"Good morning"
"I believe a good evening is more appropriate. Here, drink this"
She said as she passed the cup to him. (Y/n) loved thyme tea, she always made it for him whenever he came to visit her, the aroma of it made him feel welcomed and now he had linked that smell with her. He remembered how she rambled about how much it helps and nourishes you, he didn't remember what she said exactly but just seeing her so happy and focused on a subject about a simple thing made him smile. 
"Hmmm, what have I done to deserve you?"
He asked before taking a sip of the tea. She giggled at his teasing, he always said that to her, at first she found it funny however she was aware that Geralt thought very low of him, it made her so mad that he didn't see what she was seeing.
"It's the least I could do, you keep us safe"
"It wasn't by choice"
"No one forces you to work Geralt, you go hunting for jobs"
He didn't respond, he was well aware that she had a strong case here. After taking a few sips of the warm liquid he left the cup on the side of his bed before reaching for her hand to caress her soft warm skin. She looked at her hand in his, his skin against hers brought her goosebumps, she tried to hide her smile from him, although Geralt saw it and decided to not comment on it.
"How are things here?"
"Carina gave birth"
"Oh well she was really big last time I saw her"
"She was having a baby cow inside her, I think that's a bit normal"
They had been around enough for her to know what he wanted. She slowly crawled on her side and got under the covers with him, he smiled as he laid back down and rested his head on her breasts while his arms went around her waist bringing her as close as possible. Her fingers went up on his head, slowly caressing his long silver hair she so much adored, for a man that gets covered with monster blood ever so often his hair was soft like silk. 
His warmth made her relax even more as she took a deep inhale and closed her eyes, enjoying his natural scent tingling her nostrils, she never thought a man's smell would bring her such a calm sensation that made her muscles relax completely, the feeling was almost euphoric as she continued to run her fingers through his white mane.
Geralt enjoyed being caressed by her, after years of feeling the touch of a woman only after offering her coins he finally felt he was being cared for, it was something he thought he would never experience. Now here she was making the giant witcher melt in her arms.
"I missed you"
He whispered just enough for her to hear, (y/n) smiled before placing a kiss at the top of his head. Anyone else would laugh at the sight of the big bad witcher snuggling up on a girl and letting her wrap her legs around his torso in order to make him feel protected. She wasn't short but anyone would look small in comparison.
"I missed you too dearest"
Hearing her speak to him in such a delicate and soft way made him feel his stomach twist, in a good way of course. She was what he never knew he missed, she was the warm sun in his gloomy life.
"One day I won't have to leave you"
"One day I will put poison in your tea. Not the deathly kind, maybe paralyze you so you won't be able to leave"
His chest erupted with laughter at her snarky comment, she never phrased her sadness and displeasure when he left her, still he could sense it. It was exactly what he felt so there was a mutual understanding of how much they both hated that departure. He raised his head to look at her as she offered him a warm smile in return
"You are my home"
"Maybe one day my home won't have to slip away from me"
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lucialily99 · 3 years
Grimmauld Place
Sirius Black x muggle!fem!reader
Staring up at the newly exposed Grimmauld Place 12, my hands shook from anticipation and the winter air breezing around. I stood frozen mentally going over all the reasons as to why I shouldn’t go in.
“They are going to hate you, they are powerful wizards and you’re just a maggle, muggle, miggle? I can’t remember what Sirius said”
“What if they decide you're not good enough for their friend and father figure?”
Two arms sliding around my waist stopped my internal dialogue. As I breathed in the scent of smoke, leather and expensive cologne, I instantly felt calm and remembered why I was here in the first place.
“Come on beautiful, they are going to love you”, Sirius whispered whilst nuzzling into my neck
“They are going to think I’m weak, after all I am just some maggle”
“Muggle, love” Sirius laughed
“Muggle, whatever, they are going to hate me because I’m some young muggle, who knows nothing about witches or fire whiskey or animagus’s”
“Love, look at me” as Sirius’s grey eyes stared into my soul I realised the reason why I fell in love with him in the first place. “They are going to love you no matter what, because you are the most kind and beautiful woman I have ever met, and if I love you, they will love you as well.”
I stared at him a while longer appreciating the man who loved me with all of his heart. As we walked up to the door I stared curiously at Sirius as he knocked on the door.
“Siri, why are you knocking on the door of your own house” I proposed.
“Well I told Moony…”
“Remus” I exclaimed happily
Sirius laughed, “Yes love, Remus, I told him to answer the door because I wanted you to meet him first.”
As the door began to open I was presented with a incredibly tall and lean figure which matched the description of Remus perfectly along with the pictures of him during their years as school students
“Moony, this is Y/n”
“Hi Y/n, it’s lovely to finally meet the girl, Sirius won’t stop talking about” we chuckled “No seriously, I feel like I know you more than I know Padfoot these days” Remus smiled brightly at me, his smile have a beautifully calming affect.
“It is lovely to meet you as well Remus, Sirius has told me so much about you as well”. I smiled
“Alright, enough with the niceties, let's meet everyone else”. Sirius lead me through the door, leading me through an eerie dark hallway
“Now we are just going to very silently walk through the hallway as to not wake up….”
“Mudblood, mudblood in my house” Walburga Black screeched bring me to a halt in front of her hidden .
“Oh shut up you wretched old woman”
“Sirius Orion Black, that is no way to speak to your mother” I exclaimed with a hint of a smirk on my face. Sirius kissed the smirk off my face pushing me along.
As soon as I enter the kitchen I was immediately meet with an overwhelming sense of life and family.
“Harry, come here there is someone I would like you to meet” Sirius waved over a boy with adorable fluffy hair and round glasses.
“Harry Potter, this is my girlfriend, Y/n L/n”
“Hi Harry it is wonderful to meet you, I must say although I didn’t have the pleasure of meeting your dad, from what Sirius has shown me, you are truly the spitting image of him, except I would say you’re cuter” I smiled brightly at the boy who smiled adorably back at me.
“Thanks Y/n” he surprised me with a hug, “Thank you for making him so happy, him being happy makes me happy as well”.
“Oh sweetheart, there is no need to thank me, he makes me incredibly happy and I am thankful for you for bringing so much light into his life after those 12 terrible years”
I pulled away from Harry as I heard a sniffle behind me. Turning to Sirius I stared into his watery eyes for the umpteenth time that night, giving him a light peck on his pink lips.
“Yes well, anyway many more people to meet” Sirius sniffed and tried to inconspicuously wipe his eyes as Harry and I laughed.
After going through and meeting many powerful and kind wizards, we got to Fred and George Weasley, easily my favourites.
“Hi I’m Fred”
“and I’m George”
I flinched as they appeared out of nowhere.
"Fred, George don’t scare the poor girl” Mrs Weasley frustratingly said as we all shared a laugh.
Soon I turned to see an old looking elf hunched over with a sneer present on his face
“Oh, you must be the blood traitors mudblood girlfriend” he sneered
“Away with you” Sirius yelled at Kreacher, an house elf soon became familiarised with over my relationship with Sirius
“Sorry about that” he smiled as he turned to me “Dinners ready” Mrs Weasley called out
As we sat down to dinner, with Sirius at the head of the table, me to his left and Harry to his right, I was overcome with a strong sense of family and love. I felt truly at home with these people who accepted me so easily no matter the fact that I, a muggle, possess no magic or power.
Everything was going immensely well until around half way through dinner an old man with half-moon glasses appeared with a ghastly look on his face bringing with him some terrible news.
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saltyhyunjae · 3 years
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genre/warnings: angst, fluff, slow burn, enemies to lovers (?), kidnapping, criminal!tbz, mentions of guns & knives, suicide and depression mention, a bit of abuse, sangyeon is lowkey very mean in this chapter.
word count: 2.2k
summary: y/n really goes through it.
chapter three
“Finally.” You look behind Hyunjae to see Sangyeon, Juyeon, Changmin and Eric walking towards you, Sangyeon looking like he is about to kill you. You’re dead. He grabs your wrist and rips you out of Hyunjae’s grip. He drags you all the way to the house, never loosening his grip. When you guys step inside, the rest is already there waiting in the living room.
Sangyeon let’s go of you and you touch your wrist that has turned red. He turns around and before anyone even gets to speak, you feel the palm of his hand across your cheek. He hit you. You hear some of the boys gasp as you start tearing up, your cheek burning. You’re done for.
“YOU WERE JUST GONNA REPORT US HUH? YOU WERE JUST PRETENDING TO CARE FOR US SO YOU COULD JUST BETRAY US WHEN WE LEAST EXPECTED IT, RIGHT?” His hand lifts up again and you flinch expecting another slap, but it never comes. You open your eyes to Hyunjae grabbing Sangyeon’s wrist, stopping him from slapping you. “Enough.”
Sangyeon takes a deep breath finally coming to his senses. He didn’t want to hit you, but as soon as they finally found you, he saw red. “Changmin, Eric, take her to the storage room.” He orders before walking away
When you enter the storage room, they close the door behind you. Jacob told you once before about how the storage room is the only room with a lock or cameras in the house. You sit down on the floor and finally breakdown, sobbing loudly.
When you’ve finally calmed down, you hear the lock and the door opens. It’s Jacob. He comes in with an emergency kit and gives you a faint smile. “I would ask if you’re okay but I already know the answer to that.” He tries to joke and you give him a small smile.
“Let’s see.” He gently grabs your jaw and starts cleaning up the wound on your cheek, the other one still red from the hit. You notice the bandage around his arm, around the place you stabbed him. “Sorry, I didn't know it was you.” You mutter looking down. “It’s okay, I understand.” He softly pats your shoulder.
When he’s done with your face he cleans up the wounds on your knee and elbows. You give him a barely audible ‘thank you’ and he leaves to get you blankets and a pillow. He tells you goodnight, once you two made up your ‘bed’ and as soon as he leaves you break down again, and so you cry yourself to sleep.
»»————- ➴ ————-««
Weeks go by and you’re back in your room again, which now has locks on the window and a camera. Jacob brings you your meals and the only time you go outside your room is when you go to the bathroom or when they have to take you with them on their missions. During the missions you just quietly stay put.
Ever since the day you tried to escape you haven’t spoken or even looked at the boys, besides jacob. They, except for Sangyeon, tried to speak to you a few times, but you just ignored them and they eventually gave up. You’ve been crying yourself to sleep every night and besides eating all you do is sleep and shower, just waiting for your days to be over.
You’re awake but your eyes are closed trying to get more sleep. Winter is coming and it’s starting to get colder. You’ve been here for about two months now. You put your blanket over your head and sigh.
Hyunjae knocks on your door slowly opening it. You look up expecting Jacob. You two make eye contact for a second before you look down again. He gives you your breakfast and you nod at him.
You expect him to leave, but he doesn’t, instead he sits next to you on your bed. He inspects you as you eat. You look exhausted, eyes puffy from crying all night. He feels his heart breaking looking at your state. He feels so helpless, he wants to do something but he knows that he can’t. He knows how stubborn Sangyeon is, he’ll never let you go.
“I’m sorry.” He mutters, you look up at him confused. “I’m sorry I got you into this situation.” He feels like it’s all his fault, he was the one that pleaded Sangyeon, who wanted to kill you at the store after they took everything, to just keep you as a maid. Usually he would be the one to propose the idea of killing a witness, but as soon as he laid eyes on you in the store, he felt something he has never felt before, something he can't describe.
You don’t know why but you feel tears coming up. You try to turn away but Hyunjae grabs you and pulls you in a hug. You rest your head on his shoulder and start crying as he rubs your back.
Hyunjae holds you close, his heart racing faster than he thought was possible. After you have finally calmed down, Hyunjae tells you to rest up and you sleep till Jacob gives you your dinner, returning to your usual schedule.
A week later not much has changed besides the fact that now both Jacob and Hyunjae also give you your meals. They’re the only ones you interact with making small talks when they drop by.
“What does your room look like?” You ask Jacob, who places your food beside you. “Want me to show it to you?” You nod excitedly and he laughs. “Eat up then i’ll show you.”
After you’re done eating, Jacob brings you to his room. When you enter his room you’re hit with the scent of vanilla and rose. Around his wall he has posters of movies and his bed is neatly made up, just like the rest of his room. “Wow, it's pretty.” “Thank you.” He smiles looking down with his hands in his pockets.
Jacob doesn’t know why but every time he’s around he gets a bit nervous and his heart starts beating faster. He knows he shouldn’t be feeling like this since you're their captive, but he can’t help it.
You look around some more while Jacob sits on the bed. You turn your head to the right and look at the ground, spotting a gun in the corner of his room. You decide to not point it out and go on with your mini tour.
After you and Jacob talk about random things for like an hour, you go back to your room. “It was nice seeing you get out of your room again. My room is always open for you to hang out!.” Jacob smiles and you thank him before he closes the door behind him.
A few days later you have another big mental breakdown again, the fifth of the month. You want to leave. You need to leave. But you can’t. Out of frustration you grab your hair. You can’t take it anymore. You needed to find a way out. But how?
You already tried to escape once it’s impossible to do that now. You needed to end this. Suddenly Jacob’s gun comes to your mind. You needed to end them. You started laughing. You were just gonna do it, you were going to kill infamous criminals The Boyz.
You spent the next couple of days trying to come up with a plan when Jacob one day mentions they were going to have a movie night later that day, he asked if you wanted to join them but you declined. After he left you couldn’t help but smile. Tonight is the night.
»»————- ➴ ————-««
“NO! No horror movies.” Eric tries to fight Changmin of him, earning a bite from the older one. Eric starts screaming and let’s go of the remote. Changmin grabs it and starts the movie. The tv is so loud they can’t hear any noises from outside the living room.
You walk into Jacob’s room about 20 minutes after the movie started, grabbing his gun. Thank god it’s loaded. You slowly walk downstairs and sneak into the kitchen, grabbing a big sharp knife. Before you enter the living room you take a deep breath preparing yourself. The boys are so into the movie they don’t notice you walking in, and thank god the lights are out too. You approach Sunwoo who is the closest to your reach. You point your knife at his neck and get ready to use it.
Sangyeon looks to his side and notices you behind Sunwoo, holding something in both of your hands. He gasps when he sees the knife and gun. “Sunwoo! Behind you!” The boys all jump up and the light goes on.
Changmin speeds to you and grabs you from behind. “Oh my God, Y/n, What the fuck.” Sunwoo breathes in shock. “Y/n! Put that down.” Hyunjae tries to stop you. You feel like you're going out of your mind. You start to laugh hysterically and then start to scream. “NO! let me go NOW!.” You laugh again. “Let me go or you guys are dying.”
“Y/n please.” Jacob tries. “I SAID LET ME GO!” You desperately try to wiggle out of Changmin's arms. You suddenly feel a tear running down your cheek. You didn’t even notice you were crying. “Y/n don’t be stupid put that dow-.” Sangyeon speaks up but you cut him off. “SHUT UP!” Anger starts racing in you, hearing his voice. “You’re the last one I wanna hear right now!” You start to see red as you break down in sobs.
“You guys are horrible. You guys are the reason I don't wanna live anymore. You guys ruined my life. YOU ALL RUINED ME. Either you guys are dying or it’s me!” “Y/n, nobody is dying tonight.” Hyunjae tries to slowly approach you.
“Oh no?” You give them a wicked smile. You notice Changmin’s grip on you loosened a bit giving you the opportunity to lift your hand that’s holding the gun. You point it up to your head. Changmin freezes up and Hyunjae’s eyes widen in fear. “Y/n!-”
Before you can pull the trigger, Juyeon knocks the gun out of your hand letting it fall onto the ground. You let out a loud scream before falling on your knees. You can’t stop your tears from falling and loud sobs from coming out of your mouth.
Both Jacob and Hyunjae run over to you and Hyunjae holds you close to his chest. “It’s okay, it’s okay.” He tries to shush you. You grasp onto his shirt and start to hyperventilate. Jacob kneels before you and runs his fingers through your hair trying to calm you down, while the rest of the boys just stand there in shock.
Hyunjae picks you up and carries you to your room. You finally calm down as he lays you down on the bed. You crawl between the sheets, your back facing him. Hyunjae stays quiet and strokes your hair as you fall asleep.
“I can’t believe she tried to kill me!” Sunwoo puts his hand in the air out of disbelief as Hyunjae walks into the room. “She tried to kill all of us, don’t feel special.” Kevin huffs earning a glare from Sunwoo. “But still!” “Shut up, she’s finally asleep.” Hyunjae sits on the couch.
“How could she be like this?” Eric sighs. Jacob takes a deep breath, he’s been trying to stay calm since the day you tried to run away, but right now the frustration is taking over him.
“Are we surprised she’s like this?!” His voice raises a bit, surprising the members. “Didn’t you guys hear her? We ruined her! She did nothing to this deserve this, yet we got her into this stupid situation!”
“You just had to slap her.” Younghoon turns to Sangyeon. “I don’t know, I didn't want to.” Hyunjae rolls his eyes. “Then apologize.” “Like apologizing is gonna do something.” Sangyeon huffs. “Right, I'm sure she hates us for life now.” Eric leans back in his seat.
“Can’t we just let her go.” Jacob groans. “No! That's out of the question. She’ll report us right away.” “But Sangye-.” “No.”
“And what if we convince her to not report us?” Haknyeon smirks. “You wanna torture her?” Changmin gives Haknyeon a confused look. “Listen, I have a plan.” Everyone groans and Chanhee rolls his eyes. “Not again.”
“No listen, this plan is better.” Everyone turns their attention to Haknyeon as he starts explaining his plan. “Okay so, We’ll just let her live with us as part of the group instead of her being a maid or prisoner or something like that.” Haknyeon smiles as if it’s the best idea in the world.
“We’re called the boyz, not the boyz plus one girl.” Eric snorts. “Okay, but she won’t report her friends, or herself, right?”
“I think it’s a good idea.” Juyeon agrees with Haknyeon. “Of Course you do.” Chanhee sighs. “Well the idea isn’t that bad.” Kevin speaks up. “We could use some help.” “Right, I agree too.” Hyunjae stands up, he doesn’t really like the idea, but everything is better than watching you suffer because of them. After a lot of thinking all of the boys finally agree and go to bed.
»»————- ➴ ————-««
tag list:
@beauchamp-fraser @n-xrmy @givememunjang @choidokim @stxrles-nxmss
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denkamis · 4 years
Can you please write a fluff one shot about a sk8 the infinity like his girlfriend/boyfriend/s/o falls asleep on him
to anon: omg first request omgomg thank you so much for sending one in! i wasn’t sure which sk8 character you were referring to, so i decided to write one for both reki and langa! hope you don’t mind hehe <3 this is the one for reki, the one for langa will take a little bit longer bc of valentine’s & other requests but i hope you like this one regardless!
warnings: none, just some fluffy times with the best boy. reader is gn!
word count: 1.3k
sleepyhead. (reki x reader)
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Late nights were certainly not a rare occurrence with your boyfriend, Reki. He was filled to the brim with energy and passion that practically flowed out of him like a geyser. Not that you were opposed to that at all, you found that it was one of the qualities that made you fall for him in the first place. Though, you worried that he wasn’t taking into consideration his own personal health during these late night excursions. Take for instance tonight, as it was slowly approaching two thirty am, it seemed that the redhead had no clear intention of stopping his work.
The two of you were cooped up in his workshop behind his house, Reki singing along to some “cool jams” as he called them. In reality, it was his Spotify playlist of the “best 2000’s alternative” music like Sk8er Boi by Avril Lavigne and Dear Maria, Count Me In by All Time Low. You were barely hanging onto your string of consciousness, the mere idea of sleep sounding like absolute heaven at this very moment. You were propped up on a stool in the corner, the stack of skating magazines Reki had given you to flick through in case you got bored now sat in a neat pile off to the side. You had read each one of them front to back twice already tonight.
It wasn’t that you didn’t love spending time with Reki. You enjoyed listening to his midnight ramblings of whatever came to mind. His ideas for new boards, designs for stickers, and other creative ways to beat his future S opponents were usually his topics of interest. No one really noticed how much of an imaginative person your boyfriend was. He could be impulsive and over excited at times, but his fantastic mind and his willingness to create made your heart soar. Not only that, but he was fairly handy when it came to fixing up and assembling his own boards like he was some mad scientist waiting for one of his many experiments to go right. You indulged him as much as you could, you really did enjoy his company. Even if you would much rather be curled up beside him snuggling in bed rather than hear Reki precariously make his way through the lyrics of Check Yes Juliet for what seemed like the seventh time.
“Reki,” you spoke up finally as the analog clock on the wall indicated the current time of two forty-three am. Reki looked up from Langa’s custom longboard, hair bouncing about despite already being contained by the headband he wore everyday. “Yeah?” he asked, throwing a glance over his shoulder only to see your weary eyelids and tired expression. His entire demeanour melted, lips jutted out in a tiny pout upon seeing his poor baby so tired.
He backed away from his worktable, dancing and tiptoeing across the floor to avoid stepping on any spare parts or tools he had left lying about his mishmash of a workshop.
“Is baby tired?” he cooed, sawdusted fingers beginning to tug and pinch at the corners of your cheeks. You groaned in annoyance, your sleep deprived state causing you to be a tad more irritable at this hour. “Reki,” you repeated in a more serious tone, ember coloured irises meeting your e/c ones. His calloused hands moved to cup your face, warmth enveloping you in a way that felt like home. The scent of pine and the remnants of orange crush soda invaded your senses. He smiled at you with that goofy face of his, the one that Langa constantly teased for being weird. Maybe it was your sleepy nature, but he looked even more gorgeous in the harsh LED lighting of his garage. Tiny strands of his auburn hair fell in front of his face as he tilted his head to the side, his smile growing as he watched your eyes begin to droop.
“Please. Let’s go to bed,” you asked of him as kindly yet firmly as you could. Reki clicked his tongue a bit, thinking for a moment before delivering a cute peck to your nose. “A few more minutes! Then we can head inside, grab a cookie or two and crawl into bed together! It’ll be just a jiffy okay? Here, you can even set an alarm,” Reki was already reaching for his phone in his hoodie pocket so that you could do just as he suggested. He stopped in his tracks as he felt your hands clasp around his hoodie, pulling him close so that you could hug his torso. He laughed at how clingy you could be while being so sleepy, his hand patting atop your head as a form of affection.
“Wow, you really are.. sleeping,” Reki’s voice trailed off as he looked down to be greeted by you completely passed out against him. Your arms held your boyfriend close, your face buried within the fabric of his yellow skater boy hoodie. Soft snores escaped you, your breathing slowed and calm as you finally let your consciousness slip out of your ever fleeting grasp. Reki’s face began to bloom with colour the longer he stared at you, panic setting in as he realized what was truly happening.
You had fallen asleep against him. Oh shit. Oh god. You were asleep against him. That meant you were so comfortable that you just so happened to pass out in his arms. Reki bit back a giddy smile, warmth cascading through him in a form of nothing but love radiating solely for you at nearly three in the morning. His heart thumped rapidly against his rib cage. No matter how long he had been with you, he kept discovering new things about you that made him absolutely lose his mind. You falling asleep against him definitely being one of those many things. You looked so peaceful, so unbothered and safe within his embrace. This warmth you had given him overtook his will to keep working, his hands moving your hair out of the way of your face to kiss your forehead.
“Sorry for making you stay up, sweet baby,” he apologized in a quiet tone. His hands moved your arms to around his neck, using his strength to lift you up and wrap your legs securely around his waist. “I can’t say I’m not grateful for you being here for me, though. You could have left too, yet you stayed here for me,” Reki spoke to your sleeping form. The fact that you had stayed up with him this late made him even more grateful to have you. Reki grunted a bit as he adjusted to the newfound weight of you around him, your hair getting in his mouth and his eyes squinting to find the light switch so that he could flick it off before leaving. Reki was always careful with you, handling you as if you were a sort of glass figurine he barely even had the permission to touch.
“You look so damn cute like this, y’know,” he continued to speak as he maneuvered his way about his house, trying his best to subdue his footsteps and make as little noise as possible. He didn’t want to wake up his mom or little sisters. “Man, I’m so lucky. Seriously really lucky to have someone like you in my life.”
In your sleep, you subconsciously nuzzled your head against his chest. He melted a bit, holding back a tiny noise of happiness as he began to beam like an idiot holding his partner. You were the most amazing person, the person who made him happy every single day without fail, the person who picked him up no matter how much he bailed or got hurt. He loved you more than anything, and he wanted to treat you as well as you treated him. Even if it meant carrying you to bed after a late night of him talking your ear off about skateboarding for three consecutive hours.
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all works © denkamis 2021.
wanna be on the taglist? see this post!
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