kudouasagi135 · 29 days
pharaoh!Shinichi au
So this is some of my folklore that I had bent into a Kaishin au and I wanted to get this idea out of my head.
So here it goes:
Kaito is a 29 years expert Egyptologist who went to the Valley Of Kings in Egypt for more research about the infamous king Tutankhamun but had stumbled upon an undiscovered Tomb covered in sand, he decided to enter the underground tomb himself to only take a look at the structure only to find it to be a small tomb and seemingly one not for a great pharaoh.
Kaito then reads on the wall the normal warnings written on all tombs: The tomb was protected by the curse of the pharaoh.
Kaito then realised that, unlike other tombs, the warnings didn't mention a name, which was weird, all Egyptian tombs had the name of the buried pharaoh at the beginning of the sentence, but the tomb seemed old enough to be as old as the pyramids. If the tomb didn't mention a name then either the pharaoh didn't rule for long, or he was a hated king.
Or he just had a tragic story like Tut.
Upon venturing more, the air started to become heavy and Kaito knew he was getting closer to where the king was buried.
He found a sarcophagus made of stone at last, and when he opened it to find the mummy, he was shocked.
The mummy had its eyes opened and Kaito thought for a second that it was looking at him but then he was like "Nah! he died from over 2000 years, stupid mummy, that scare took years of my life."
When Kaito attempted to read the name engraved on the inside of the sarcophagus, his sight blurred, lost his balance and fell. When he got up to his feet, he found himself in the Duat. The underground world.
Kaito then realised he had died! And was sent to the underground for judgment upon entering the Pharaoh's tomb.
After making his journey through the Duat he finally reached the Hall of Maat. Here, the purity of the dead would be the determining factor in whether they would be allowed to enter the Kingdom of Osiris. A judge hall. Kaito realised there was an extra member in the hall who wasn't supposed to be there according to his studies, but with the command of Maat to speak and do his expected job, he revised in his head what the deceased were tasked to do here and did as he remembered.
The deceased's first task was to correctly address each of the forty-two Assessors of Maat by name while reciting the sins they did not commit during their lifetime.
Kaito was able to address each one of them correctly but stumbled when he reached the member who wasn't supposed to be there. He bowed in apology as to express he didn't know him.
Maat then said the most shocking revelation, "This is the pharaoh who you had disturbed."
And that made Kaito feel guilty right away.
After that, Kaito was presented with the balance that was used to weigh their heart against the feather of Maat. If Kaito's heart balanced with the feather of Maat, Thoth would record the result and he would be presented to Osiris, who admitted them into the Sekhet-Aaru. However, if his heart was heavier than the feather, it was to be devoured by the Goddess Ammit, permanently destroying the soul of the deceased, and ceasing to exist.
And to his bitter luck (thanks to the Kaito KID work he did in his teenagers) the heart was heavier.
And before his heart was fed to Admit, the pharaoh he had disturbed spoke up. "Wait a minute, Maat. I have another idea for him. He had been a criminal, but his goal was to destroy a whole gang that was more of a threat, and he did succeed in that, bringing the light to all those who were brutally murdered by the sinful hands of those criminals, feeding his heart to Maat feels unfair to me. Especially after all that he must have endured to cast the light on the truth."
Kaito didn't know how this young pharaoh knew all this, but this was working in his favour somehow.
"However, robbery is also considered a sin and an unforgivable mistake to make, especially with all the known consequences. And punishment is unavoidable, especially after disturbing a king's rest."
Okay, he withdrew his thoughts about this working for him.
"But since we need to reconnect our power to the real world and regain all knowledge that was lost, I suggest the idea to rebirth Kuroba Kaito's soul into his teenage body before he started his criminal activity, and for his punishment to drop completely, he has to catch those filthy criminals over again but without resorting to any criminal thoughts or actions."
Wait, what?
Maat then looked at the young pharaoh with inquiry "But to ensure Kuroba Kaito doesn't return to his criminal activity, we need an eye on him. That's impossible given our situation."
The pharaoh then gave Kaito a look, and Kaito was momentarily mesmerized by how sharp and intelligent these azure blue eyes were, he seemed determined and sure of his words.
"Then I'll do the pleasure of watching over Kuroba Kaito as the pharaoh of justice representing Maat on the lands of living. I'll get resurrected in my body and watch over him and live with him as a guard and a messenger for you all to resure Kuroba Kaito doesn't do anything of his criminal past ever again."
Kaito couldn't believe his ears, and felt like fainting right there.
He couldn't even believe it more when Maat agreed, after some hesitation.
"Then, Kuroba Kaito, do you agree to relive your teens and remove your sins from all minds, or would you prefer to let Ammit eat your heart, ceasing your existence?"
He chose the former, and when he reopened his eyes, he was inside his room, he ran to the mirror and saw his teenage face, and to his right, was the pharaoh, who looked bemused.
"Thanks to me now you have more years in your life you stupid thief."
And that's how Kaito earned himself a new roommate, and a new chance to correct everything.
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kudouasagi135 · 29 days
About the pharaoh!shinichi au!
This AU is free for artists to draw without permission but if you're a writer who wants to use this AU, please ask me first as I'm thinking of writing this as a big fanfic.
Comedian side stories though are welcomed, just tell me first what you are planning to write. (⁠ㆁ⁠ω⁠ㆁ⁠)
People who are seeing this for the first time, let's make a small recap!
Kaito is an Egyptologist, who accidentally found an old tomb that wasn't yet discovered when visiting the Valley of Kings.
The tomb is small and not made well for a pharaoh, but the writing on the walls stated perfectly that the person buried inside was pharaoh.
Kaito entered the tomb alone and ignored the warning words written In hieroglyphics over the walls.
The tomb is protected by the curse of the pharaoh.
Kaito eventually finds the stone sarcophagus of the pharaoh and uncovers the lid to come face-to-face with a mummy staring into his soul.
Kaito is killed by the Pharaoh's curse and is sent to the underworld where he is to be given judgment for his misdeeds in his lifetime.
He is found guilty by the ancient Egyptian gods and his heart is about to be Ammit but the pharaoh stops them from destroying it just in time.
The young pharaoh suggested Kaito get resurrected into his teenage body before he started his criminal activity as a thief to remove the punishment as Kaito had brought justice upon even more unforgiving criminals, so giving him a punishment sounds a little unfair. And the young pharaoh, king Senzo, is to keep watch over Kaito to make sure Kaito doesn't do criminal work ever again.
In other words, they want him to catch the organisation again but this time without using KID's name.
Kaito doesn't have any other options and agrees.
And hurray! Now he has a pharaoh's spirit lurking around him 24/7 while also redoing highschool from scratch and catching Snake over again as well!
Calling the pharaoh Senso though seemed lame and weird to him, especially that the pharaoh can let others see him if he willed it, so he decided to give him a Japanese name.
"You're name from now on until the end of this is Shinichi, any objections?"
Too bad Shinichi was distracted by the fluffy guest room bed to even respond to him.
And this is basically it, reblog all you want, I don't mind, any questions can be sent to my ask.
And also if you want to know, all the above is ancient Egyptian folklore from my home country (⁠◕⁠ᴗ⁠◕⁠✿⁠) And if you want to know more about this you can search on Wikipedia "Book Of The Dead", I confirmed the variety of the information, so don't worry ;⁠)
Now, Peace out! (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)
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kudouasagi135 · 5 days
After Shinichi started living in Kaito's home…
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Quick pharaoh!Shinichi au sketch 。⁠◕⁠‿⁠◕⁠。
Shinichi starts getting so impressed with everything in this timeline that he started digging into Kaito's stuff without permission, and Kaito is generally annoyed with it but he can't help it.
Shinichi also allowed him to put on his father's costume (Kaito KID clothes) whenever he wanted but not use it for stealing or he will send him back to the underworld (⁠・⁠_⁠・⁠;⁠)
These boys don't get along right away with each other, especially with Shinichi being the only barrier between Kaito and actual death.
New au info down here ↓
Shinichi becomes a ghost after he starts living with Kaito, but not exactly one.
Shinichi can control who can see him and who can't, but he will become completely invisible and unable to do that on every new moon 🌑, and even Kaito won't be able to see him.
Shinichi can also interact with any object from the real world and can choose to have his hand move through the object or hold it.
Shinichi can have a human body every two full moons, he won't be a ghost on those days, but he loses connection with the underworld, only to regain them the day after. Along with his ghostly nature.
On the blood moon, Shinichi will hide away in his room from Kaito and not show himself to anyone, concerning everyone who knows about his existence (Yup, Kaito told them about it)
All detco characters will belong to the Egyptian civilization era with alternative names (Shinichi was called Senzo before Kaito changed it into Shinichi and teaching him Japanese), while all mk characters will belong to our current timeline, and we will consider Toichi to have actually died in this series because if he were alive then I wouldn't have been able to fit all the family drama in the au.
And that's all, I'm out, peace! (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)
I'm currently writing chapter 1 and will upload the story on fanfiction.net after I am done writing the drafts for chapter 2 or 3 so that I'll be able to update weekly.
But I'm currently busy with another secret project that everyone will enjoy and it might be out on AO3, Fanfic & Wattpad (This is a very old, badly made, discontinued fic that I used the link for because I didn't know how to get the account link on Wattpad, you can read it if you want but I recommend not to because it is really bad (⁠ ̄⁠ヘ⁠ ̄⁠;⁠)) on Monday morning according to the middle east timeline.
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kudouasagi135 · 12 days
So I wanted to collect all my posts in one so it would be easy to find, and since I do more than one fandom normally this will make it easier for us all. (⁠ʘ⁠ᴗ⁠ʘ⁠✿⁠)
Pharaoh!Shinichi au here (extra info)
Gem!Shinichi au fanfic links
More Pharaoh!Shinichi au here
Incorrect quotes: Kaito, Shinichi…
Chibi sketches: Hattori…
(The dotes mean there will be more in the future)
Jax sketches (Digital soon)
More work in progress…
Shinobu art (My best piece of work 。⁠◕⁠‿⁠◕⁠。)
You Can Find Me:
On fanfiction.net
On AO3
On YouTube (Oldest platform)
On TikTok
And that's pretty much it, I'll also add in new posts I upload on here regularly so you won't get lost in my account (⁠・⁠_⁠・⁠;⁠)
I'm out, peace! (⁠ ⁠╹⁠▽⁠╹⁠ ⁠)
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