harpers-tartarus · 2 years
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harpers-tartarus · 2 years
2022 Writing Review
I've been seeing these crop up so I figured I'd do one myself lol
1. Number of stories posted to AO3: 27
2. Word count posted for the year: 977,499 wowza!
3. Fandoms I wrote for: FMA:B, BBC Merlin, Dragon Prince, Young Justice, DC Comics, Star Wars, Naruto
4. Pairings: Edling, Mercival, Dick GraysonxOC, Sobiwan
5. Story with the most: 
Kudos: The Golden Sun 3,954 Bookmarks: The Golden Sun 2,055 Comment Threads: The Golden Sun 875
6. Work I’m most proud of (and why): I think its a tie between The Golden Sun and Tempest because mostly its my own plot with very little canon involved, TGS more so than T
7. Work I’m least proud of (and why): Looking Beyond is something I wrote back in high school, I was sixteen and had a very different world view. And Harry Potter is very...white and straight.
8. Share or describe a favorite review you received: @heartsalotofstuff always leaves me such lovely reviews even after I've sent her so many spoilers for TGS :D
9. A time when writing was really, really hard: Early into my diagnosis of cancer was difficult to really open my laptop at all.
10. A scene or character you wrote that surprised you: Writing Olivier Mira Armstrong in TGS was a challenge and she's still a struggle that I hope will improve
11. A favorite excerpt of your writing: The Golden Sun, ch. 27
“What is it?” Roy’s heart had already fallen into his stomach. Maybe it was something to do with the Elric brothers, maybe the train back from Dublith had derailed and all of Roy’s broken promises would be burned into his lungs like ash on the winds of Ishval.
“It’s about Ed’s recertification, sir, it seems he’s chosen a battle assessment against the Flame Alchemist.”
The blood drained from Roy’s face and the rug might as well’ve been pulled from under his feet.
His crimes against Ishval…and she’d come knocking in the worst way.
12. How did you grow as a writer this year: I'm getting more into writing more sensual/sexual scenes, which wasn't something I was comfortable with doing before
13. How do you hope to grow next year: I'm not sure, just growth as a writer, in general
14. Who was your greatest positive influence this year as a writer (could be another writer, beta, cheerleader, etc): @heartsalotofstuff
@thenumberonegaylord @iliyad
15. Anything from your real life show up in your writing this year: Ironically, Amy being debilitated from pain in Tempest, because I started writing that before I had cancer and before I developed chronic pain in my shoulder from a surgery (thanks, Dr. K)
16. Any new wisdom you can share with other writers: Always be open to your weaknesses, that's what having a beta is all about. Someone who can check your work and tell you if something makes sense in the story.
17. Any projects you’re looking forward to starting (or finishing) in the new year: I'm looking forward to finally get back to working on Crookedverse lol, that's been on the backburner so long that I've come up with a prequel for the series
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harpers-tartarus · 2 years
to people that don't know, I have two siblings who are twins, Rae and Percy
Apparently ppl are confusing them with each other
Percy: I have green hair!
Me: and a long face
Percy: Rae has long hair!
Me: and a short face
Rae: the only highlights I have are gray :(
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harpers-tartarus · 2 years
Thanks! Its very exciting news! I have one small spot in my right armpit so I'm getting another scan in 6 weeks but they can officially say that I am in remission :)
And you know that you're friends with a good bunch of people when they all tell you that its the best news they've heard all day/week/month :)
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harpers-tartarus · 2 years
I'm sorry that people are hassling you over your update schedule while you are dealing with freaking CANCER. That is completely unacceptable behavior. I hope that your treatment goes well and that you are able to make a full recovery. Also, I adore your writing, and have followed you in to fandoms that I normally don't read much. It's all amazing.
yeah, its a little exasperating, especially with my hospitalization. Thankfully I'm doing much better now and next week we'll see if I'm in the clear and don't need any more treatment.
Thank you for your kind words and for enjoying my work :)
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harpers-tartarus · 2 years
tfw you've been dealing with enlarged lymph nodes for more than a month, went the ED, got antibiotics that didn't do shit, and finally went to your ENT dr who was booked solid like 'whadup Dr. K, check this out!' and he was immediately like 'I want to stick a needle in that'
so I've finally had a biopsy, sent the obligatory 'I lived bitch' text to the fam and besties and hopefully in two weeks I'll know what's fucked up with my body :)
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harpers-tartarus · 2 years
my friend: call me when you get off in the morning
my friend: does not wake up until noon after telling me she'd be awake at 8am
me, leaving a voicemail: BOO YOU WHORE
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harpers-tartarus · 2 years
do you know how petty you have to be to refuse to acknowledge your granddaughter's birthday, that she celebrated by getting chemo 5 days in a row?
Let me set the scene
I haven't eaten or drunk anything since 3am bc I'm having a port place in my chest so I can receive chemo and a bone marrow biopsy so my dr can be sure the cancer isn't in my marrow (which would change my treatment from stage 2 to like a stage 4)
and I happen to check FB and see my grandmother has commented on a post that I shared from 2 years ago (for context, this post was about SPINACH AND ARTICHOKE DIP) asking if my medical stuff was happening at Methodist (one of the hospitals in the area I live, the one where I used to work before I started travel nursing)
Now, the only ppl who have known about my diagnosis are family members and several close friends, and you would think that if I hadn't made any posts about it that it would be the smart thing to not say anything, but in the words of my mother 'she's old and dumb'
So I'm upset to the point of tears and mom gets her to take it down and the woman texts me 'sorry, it was a joke' BITCH you think me having cancer is a fucking JOKE??
And then a week later I was getting 5 days of chemo in row, hospitalized over the weekend bc I couldn't keep anything down, and monday rolls around and its my 26th birthday ("well, its not an important birthday once you hit adulthood," my nurse tells me. "Its my golden birthday," I point out and she's horrifically apologetic, bless her)
The clinic I am getting treatment at got me a birthday cake
My grandmother has said nothing about my birthday. Oh, she has the time to tell other ppl happy birthday, just not the granddaughter she pissed off that is currently cancer-ridden and undergoing treatment, while giving money to the siblings for watching their dogs at the vet clinic they work at, you know, what they get paid to do.
You wanna be petty, Lila? I can be petty. I can go no contact with your racist and bigoted ass. Bc I was there when you thought Percy was upset with you bc you didn't approve of their 'lifestyle' which you claimed was the contrary DESPITE making the most offensive post about gender identities.
You ain't got much going for you at this point and mom likes me more, stay in your goddamn lane.
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harpers-tartarus · 2 years
you know...if hospitals actually paid staff what they were worth, then they wouldn't be leaving in droves
and if they paid travel nurses more than scraps, they would have people extending their contracts more
just a thought
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harpers-tartarus · 3 years
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harpers-tartarus · 3 years
tfw when you call up a hotel for an extended stay 13 wk contract and they give you a price over your housing budget but you go online and its $30 less and IN your budget ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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harpers-tartarus · 3 years
Dr: have you been around anyone with covid?
Me: lmao of course
Dr: you're positive
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harpers-tartarus · 3 years
if yall are going to a hotel that allows dogs...make sure that the dogs are trained not to bark at all hours of the day and night (bc its 1230am and im still hearing barking) and also, if your dog shits outside and there's a dog poop bag station literally 5 feet away, don't leave the turd in the fucking snow.
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harpers-tartarus · 3 years
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The plague doctor and I made it to the hotel :) the drive was fairly short (1.5hrs) but I'd fucked up my back somehow so I was miserable the entire time 😭😭
And this is how many bags I came with for a 3 mo assignment
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So I've taken some aleve and am using a heating pad, hoping my back is functional by Monday bc that's my first day
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harpers-tartarus · 3 years
I'm working very hard to update BFI tonight in between packing to uproot my life for 3 months lol so cross your fingers I manage to get it done 🤞🤞
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harpers-tartarus · 3 years
straight up, in January I'm honestly debating just switching to travel nursing with the work wife (we'd be opposite shifts but ya homegirl ain't EVER going to day shift) bc moolah and also traveling and choosing your schedule and I'm down for that
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