#shinji's history
nalia-tsukino · 9 months
Shinji Homura
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Name: Homura Shinji
Kanji: 炎 シンジ
Mother: Homura Natsumi 
Stepfather: Homura Shinjiro (née Tanaka)
Biological father: Hoshino Yamato
Younger sister: Homura Tamaki (3 years younger than Shinji, deceased at the age of 18)
Wife: Homura Himiko (née Kitsui)
Best friend: Tsukino Yuuto
Age: 26
Birthday: May 18th
Zodiac sign: Taurus
Blood type: AB
Height: 180 cm
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/him
Sexuality: Pan
Race: Kitsune (Yako)
Nationality: Japanese
Place of birth: Demon World
Current city: Kaminashi City
Voice actor: Imai Fumiya
Fragrance: Woody (Jil Sander Sun Men shower gel with notes of bergamot, flowers and musk)
When Shinji was born, everyone assumed that he is the biological son of Shinjiro. Only later it will come out that Yamato is his true biological father. This fact will make Shinjiro his stepfather.
Shinjiro doesn't have a bad position in society. To maintain the good reputation he does everything possible and is very strict with the family.
However, Shinjiro wants an even better position. He hoped to achieve this through an arranged marriage. So he hates the fact that his firstborn is a boy and shows this openly. He treats Shinji badly and beats him for every possible reason.
When Shinji's sister Tamaki was born, she was the great hope. An engagement was immediately arranged for her.
Tamaki didn't want to marry someone who she didn't love. She rebelled and let herself be seduced by a vampire. When Shinji found out, he tried to save his sister. But he came too late.
Due to his grief and anger, Shinji attacked the vampire without thinking further. He was in a state of emotional emergency. Suddenly his green flames turned black and he was able to kill the vampire with ease. There were no witnesses to this result and Shinji became a little scared of himself. Out of fear of possible consequences, he hid the fact with the changed fire color. He kept this secret until today. No one knew about it except Yuuto.
Shinjiro blamed Shinji for Tamaki's death and said hurtful words to him: "Why did she die and not you? No one would miss you. You destroyed my hopes."
However, Shinjiro didn't want to give up and decided to have another daughter.
Shinji was disgusted by the thought and decided to stop Shinjiro's plan. Since he achieved nothing in the Yako Realm, he sneaked into the Human World and looked for a way to prevent a new pregnancy among the Zenko. Unfortunately, the Zenko didn't help him, but he found a small group of dropout Yako that sold him pills to prevent a pregnancy. When Shinji returned to the Demon World, he brought the pills to his mother. She agreed with Shinji's idea and has been taking the pills regularly ever since.
Since Natsumi didn't get pregnant Shinjiro looked for an alternative, but he didn't achieve anything.
A few years later and some time after Yuuto's escape, Shinjiro found a fool who made a deal with him. Without Shinji's consent, he arranged an engagement with his deal partner's daughter.
Like his sister, Shinji didn't want to marry someone who he didn't love. Desperate for a way out, he tried to run away, but Shinjiro was clever and prevented his escape to the Human World. Natsumi asked him to accept the engagement and get married. Reluctantly, he was willing to grant his mother's wish.
Frustrated about Shinjiro's latest plans and Yuuto's current serious relationship, he was looking for distraction and began a fling with a man. It turned out that his lover was his fiancée's brother. When his fiancée's father found out, he broke the engagement.
Shinjiro was so furious about the cancellation that he once again beat Shinji and then threw him out of the house and banished him from the Demon World.
In order to bring the pills to his mother, Shinji sneaked secretly into the Demon World every now and then.
He found a job in the Human World as a caretaker. His boss, the landlord of the apartment complex, allowed him to live in a small, old house which is nearby his workplace.
Due to struggling with his new life and because he felt lonely, Shinji lost control over energy snatching and became hooked to energy. He started to fight against the addiction and decided not to have any more sexual encounters with humans in the future.
When Shinji once again sneaked into the Demon World to bring his mother the pills, he was caught by Shinjiro. Now Shinjiro found out everything about the plan to prevent pregnancy and freaked out. He and a few other relatives beat up Shinji very badly. They threw him almost half-dead through a portal into the Human World and they threatened him with death if he dared to come back. Afraid of losing her son, Shinji's mother begged him to obey and never return. Badly injured, he managed to call Yuuto and ask for help.
After his recovery, Shinji made plans to save his mother. But again and again there were delays until the plan was perfect and could be executed.
During the planning phase, Shinji met Himiko. Because of Shinji's bad experience, the beginning of the relationship was almost over before it had even really started. But the two made it and are very happy now.
After the successful rescue of Natsumi, Shinji tried to give her a good start in her new life in freedom.
A while later, Shinji found out that Natsumi had a serious relationship before her marriage to Shinjiro. Since Shinjiro wanted to marry Natsumi at that time, he tricked Natsumi's boyfriend Yamato and caused his banishment from the Demon World. It turned out that Yamato is the head of the dropout Yako group. Now Shinji understood why Yamato was willing to help with the rescue of Natsumi. After all these years, the two can finally have a relationship and be happy. 
Natsumi and Yamato were hesitant first, but then revealed that it's possible that Yamato is Shinji's biological father. Together they decided to find out the truth and took a DNA test. The test result confirmed that Yamato is Shinji's biological father.
Shinji has orange-red hair and his eyes are amber-yellow.
He is tall and skinny. Still, he has a decent amount of muscles.
He has 3 ear piercings (2 on his left ear and 1 on his right ear). The stud earrings are a gift from his sister and he never takes them off.
Shinji's fur is orange-red. His tail tips, paws and his chest area is yellowish.
He has 3 tails.
His foxfire is green, but it can turn black.
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Actually, Shinji is rather soft but he doesn't show it. For this Shinjiro is partly to blame.
Shinji was a sensibel child and he liked to cuddle with his mother and sister. In Shinjiro's eyes cuddling and being soft were unmanly and a sign of weakness. So he ordered him to become harder and forbade him to cuddle.
However, Shinji couldn't change his nature and cuddled with his mother and sister secretly.
Since his childhood he pretends to be rough on the outside. But inside it looks different. He yearns for gentle affection.
Later he started to compensate the missing love and affection with the kick of energy snatching.
To this day he hasn't overcome the loss of his sister. That's why he developed a fear of losing someone. When Yuuto left the Demon World, he freaked out. It was only through the support of his mother that he could gathered himself and moved on.
He is a hothead.
Shinji can call and control his foxfire perfectly by will.
He has the rare skill that his fire changes color. However, he can't control this. It simply happens under intense feelings and emotional stress. With the altered flames, he is even able to kill vampires. The ability to change the color of fire was common among the very first Kitsune, no matter whether Yako or Zenko. Over centuries and with the circulation of the Kitsune, this characteristic was lost more and more. Only the heirs of the very first Kitsune's bloodline own it. However, not every of them who carries it is able to use it. Strong feelings and emotions are necessary triggers.
He can change his form partly or completely by will.
He can walk into dreams.
He can seperate his star pearl, but never does it.
Since his foxfire appeared Shinji trained very hard to impress Shinjiro and make him proud. However, Shinjiro didn't care about his skills and the amount of his tails.
Shinji can cook simple dishes that his mother taught him secretly.
He can dance.
He can draw, but never does it.
He is talented in crafts.
He can carve wood.
Shinji made his first experiences with a man. With him he had a serious but short relationship. When he dropped his shell and showed his softer side, his first love broke up with him. He began to wonder if Shinjiro was right about unmanliness. So he decided not to show his soft side to anyone anymore.
Shinji told Yuuto what happened. Since that day Yuuto knows about Shinji's soft side but has never seen it.
When Shinji was heartbroken, Yuuto tried to distract him with buddy activities. Yuuto's caring is the reason why Shinji developed feelings for him.
Since Yuuto never showed that kind of interest and because he was afraid of being hurt again, he never told Yuuto about his feelings. Also, he wanted to protect the friendship.
After this experience, he had only flings and one-night stands. On the one hand because of what happened with his ex and on the other hand because of his feelings for Yuuto.
When he had chosen a sex partner he played the Big Bad Fox and showed no feelings except lust. Because of this he got involved with the wrong partners. But he couldn't see his mistake here.
Secretly, he yearned for gentle affection, cuddling and love.
After finding his true love Himiko, he made it difficult for himself. His past and experiences were to blame. It took him a while to understand what he was doing wrong. At the moment he finally opened his eyes, he dropped his shell and showed his true self.
Shinji is a very caring partner.
He is gentle and touchy and yearn for soft attention. At every possible opportunity he takes Himiko in his arms, kissing and stroking her lovingly.
But Shinji is also passionately. He likes to show that he wants Himiko and only her.
Unlike in the past when he was dominant, he is a switch now.
He likes gentle and rough sex.
Dishes with meat
Vanilla ice cream
Beer and coffee
Board games
Video games
Listening to music
Dominant and aggressive people
Life according to Yako rules
Reading books
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Art made by @cutelih
Sprite made with Picrew
Shinji Homura, Shinjiro Homura, Natsumi Homura, Tamaki Homura and Yamato Hoshino belong to @nalia-tsukino
Himiko Homura and Yuuto Tsukino belong to @yuriko-mukami
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linktoo-doodles · 2 months
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i cant believe akis afraid of thunderstorms………….
EDIT: oh my gosh I didnt realize this I feel sick
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chloelefay · 5 months
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imported a couple of old evangelion tie-in manga
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they're so fucking gay for eachother
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catboysalmon · 2 years
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the 3 genders
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misato-kasturagi · 2 months
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apocalypta-secundus · 8 months
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"Why do you bake cookies but cook bacon?"
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weedle-testaburger · 26 days
i saw a video earlier of someone saying happy endings feel wrong to them and respectfully i don't know what the fuck they're on about. happy endings are the most powerful thing fiction can do as far as i'm concerned. so often the real world ends up going in miserable directions so being reminded that yes, good things can happen too is way more powerful for me
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hirak0s · 4 months
“Oh Shin-chiii~” Kisuke lilted from his office entrance, loud enough for any nearby Fifth Division personnel to overhear.
[[ for the nickname meme ]]
Give my muse an embarrassing nickname
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There was a headache coming oooon and there it was! Right in front of everyone else... for them to hear. Great. "What is it Ki~sukebe?" Actually, why was he here? "Ya usually don' come visitin' wha's the 'ccasion?"
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hirak0hnos · 5 months
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"...Now ya tell me I can have my dick out in public. Can ya make up yer mind?"
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ancientevangelions · 1 year
Evangelion, LGBT+ Rights and Time
It is fascinating how readings of Evangelion have changed over time as society varies. In 2012-2015 (and to some degree even now), vocal shippers would bully others if they chose the "wrong" pairings. Reminder to everyone that you choose to engage with fan content, and it is 100% your choice to harass and bully people over their views. Shipping fictional characters should be fun and a way to engage on a different level with fandom, not an exercise in who has the moral high ground. There are shows I will not engage with because I find the canon pairings to trigger my C-PTSD, but I block those tags. (It's Madoka Magica; the third movie starts a violent fear reaction).
When I first watched Evangelion circa 2010, a Trans reading of Evangelion, though not unheard of, was less common than it is now. I grew up in Northern Alberta, Canada, where we knew what gay, straight, and bi were. Still, everything else was not mentioned until after I graduated high school and moved to a bigger city for University in 2009. This led to me doing a lot of self-discovery. I didn't fully embrace my non-binary identity until I turned 28 for various reasons, including personal safety (that would be spring of 2019, for those wondering). I knew my gender identity differed from others because of the LGBT+ club at University, where I would hang out and learn new terminologies, identities, and what consent meant. Still, until recently, people did not talk about LGBT+ identity outside of these circles, especially not in groups with aging populations. Fast forward to now (2023) on Tumblr, when there are so many differences in opinions and interpretations. I wonder if people my age (or older) watched Eva and considered the characters could be anything but straight and cis or if they were shocked by Maya's love for Ritsuko when it was revealed in End of Evangelion. 90s media had a lot of ingrained homophobia and transphobia. You don't need to look further than popular sitcoms like the Simpsons or FRIENDS to see the LGBT+ community ridiculed for a cheap laugh. Western society was very anti-LGBT, and though we have made gains with marriage equality laws in 2005 for Canada, there is still room for improvement.
When I watched NGE/EoE, It was at the start of LGBT+ identities becoming more prevalent in Western media. I watched the ambiguous interactions of episode 24, and I remember thinking how sad it was that Kaworu had to die. The interactions between Shinji and Kaworu did not appear romantic or wholesome while I watched. It seemed tragic and doomed to failure (like Shiniji's previous attempts at gaining understanding.) Upon my first watch, I concluded that Shinji's desperation for affection led to his attraction to Kaworu. It did not seem genuine, and I saw it as less romantic and more as a deeply tragic episode where a broken boy is manipulated by lies of exclusion and ultimately heartbroken because he is once again betrayed and left alone. This reading was solidified for me in EoE when Asuka confronts Shinji with the line that anyone will do in Hell's Kitchen. Shinji is even more frantic and desperate for someone to love and save him and is once again rejected. Shinji wants someone to give him love and support and to understand and help him. The fear and desperation of being left alone make Episode 24 and End of Evangelion incredibly twisted and tragic. Shinji's arc climaxes with the tragedy of human miscommunication, desperation for affection, and the desire for love and understanding without the act.
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Hell's Kitchen (End of Evangelion)
There's so much pain in suffering and loneliness. Additionally, I firmly believe Shinji did not/does not love anyone romantically in NGE/EoE. I am not saying he has no potential to love anyone. He is not there yet in his journey. He may have crushes or interests, but romantic love takes Time, communication, compromise, understanding, and so many elements of vulnerability between two people to establish, form, and maintain that connection. Shinji did not have the time to develop a true romantic bond with anyone and was not in a formal relationship. Yes, he kissed Asuka and relied on her for stability/support. He had deep conversations with Kaworu and received unconditional affection. He trusted and depended on Misato. He was curious about Rei and wanted to help her/know more about her. Still, he never took steps to form a romantic partnership, instead preferring to "keep things ambiguous."
Shinji is still figuring things out. The point of NGE and EoE isn't romance. It's figuring out your identity.
This message of misunderstanding and muddling through your identity is likely why it resonates so much with LGBT+ communities because many of us did have to muddle out our difficult questions of identity. It can be intimidating to navigate so much information, especially if you aren't in a safe environment. It feels similar to being attacked by alien forces in a war zone, except instead of Angels, it is hate-filled views, bullying, name-calling, misinformation, and fear. And instead of Evas/NERV, we have GSAs, outreach centres, online spaces, and supportive people that we hope will help us more than they harm us.
I find an element of cultural difference intriguing in Evangelion (and all Japanese anime to some degree). Japanese people interpret scenes very differently from English-speaking Western audiences. Part of the nuance is lost in translation, cultural differences, and the differences in Time that have passed. I highly recommend reading various semi-autobiographical works such as "The Bride was a Boy" or "My lesbian experience with loneliness." to understand the queer experience in Japan better. There are a lot of differences to sort through when we look at different cultures. Unfortunately, Japan has a ways to go on LGBT+ rights, including access to transgender health care and same-sex marriage (which, at the time of writing, is still not recognized in Japan). My point is that culture-to-culture intent in various media, whether written or visual, will be lost. We can, of course, read interpretations, watch video essays, talk to friends, etc. Still, to draw our conclusions, we often would rather watch the source material as "purely" as well as can without interference from other people. This brings in a final theme from Evangelion. We can never understand anyone 100%; only you can completely understand yourself. So whether you agree or disagree with me, remember these are my thoughts and opinions shaped by my life growing up as an LGBT+ Canadian. So be good to yourself, and congratulations.
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♡ >> send me a kink and I'll have my muse rate it << ♡; impact play for all ur bleach ocs, wax play for all ur canon bleach muses
Leyre: Impact Play
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scale: fuck no, gross, not for them, eh, no opinion, kinda, hot, fuck yes, p l e a s e do this
Akina: Impact Play
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scale: fuck no, gross, not for them, eh, no opinion, kinda, hot, fuck yes, p l e a s e do this
Lyn: Impact Play
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scale: fuck no, gross, not for them, eh, no opinion, kinda, hot, fuck yes, p l e a s e do this
Ikkaku: Wax Play
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scale: fuck no, gross, not for them, eh, no opinion, kinda, hot, fuck yes, p l e a s e do this
Shinji: Wax Play
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scale: fuck no, gross, not for them, eh, no opinion, kinda, hot, fuck yes, p l e a s e do this
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doobashmurp · 1 year
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apocalypta-secundus · 8 months
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"Why do they call it oven when you of in the cold food of out hot eat the food?"
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sentofight · 1 year
❛ i haven’t laughed like this in a long time. ❜ Akihiko from Shinji
"You should've seen their faces when the brick was turned to dust. I swear one of them leaked on himself." Akihiko paused to see Shinji's reaction to the story. It seems it was hilarious for him to start laughing like that. In a way, Akihiko had not seen Shinji laugh like this before--in ages (it feels like.) He thought he might start momther him about how he should not have practically punched a brick and should've avoided it but seeing him laugh about it, made Akihiko a little bit stunned, honestly.
A vision of his old self, for a fleeting second, appeared right behind Shinji. That Shinji who smiled often joked and did silly things with him and Mitsuru. Who was with them and didn't cut ties all of a sudden. So ... he was still there, somewhere. Thankfully ...
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Akihiko closed his eyes for a second then looked back at Shinji, "And I haven't seen you laugh like that, too. Say, I was expecting more of 'Are you an idiot to punch a brick?' more than this ... but hey, I don't hate it. Don't give me that stinky look. I bet my pocket money you would've headbutted it to scare the living hell out of that guy. You're crazier than me, don't play dumb!" a chuckle escaped the boxer's lips. He had seen Shinji do crazy stuff before so imagining that was not that hard.
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softu starters | accepting | @iptosi
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kufuutarou12 · 1 year
Alberto Giacometti would be a Neon Genesis Evangelion fan. He'd also be a Shinji Kin.
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hirak0s · 2 months
@kvbikiri mentioned you on a post ““I haven’t had booze in months… am I really seeing...”:
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"Payback fer the slipper to the face an' the goosin's. Wanna meet 'yame too?"
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