animeloverskylarmoon · 7 months
Shinji Hirako (Bleach) -Oneshot
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"You're weak."
Coughing up a mouthful of blood, your body hit the floor. You were bleeding profusely, and the arrancar before you was nothing if not terrifying. Rukia was hurt, you could see it. Ichigo was barely holding it together as it was.
The red blast now aimed at Rukia's head made you panicked.
Ichigo's yell was a reminder, and you could feel the tears rushing down your face as you crawled to get to her before that attack could land.
But just like that...
It was blocked as if by force, and you stared in awe. Rukia was breathing heavily. Very aware of how close she'd gotten to possible death.
Your eyes moved shakily to the figure, catching the gray coat and short blond hair.
He couldn't be. He was dressed formally, but there was a sword on his shoulder.
Grimmjow was still standing there, itching for a fight, and when the mysterious figure materialized a mask, it became clear that this was no mere human.
"What a hot blooded guy."
You never forgot the nonchalance of that statement.
"Oii! Quit slacking off!!"
You smiled at the sound of a familiar reaper yelling at some of the newer members of his squad.
"Hirako-san, you should give them a break."
He just frowned, waving his hand.
"This place really has gotten complacent. It's a good thing I'm back."
Well, his ego was as healthy as ever.
"Whatever you say, baldy."
You really did enjoy getting under his skin.
When the vizards were reinstated after the battle with Aizen, it was somewhat incredible. The vizards were amazing. Despite what had happened, they'd still come to defend Karakura Town. Although you weren't directly under Shinji's squad, you were usually at his side. After your first meeting, you couldn't help but admire him. He was someone you couldn't help but want to follow. In a way it made sense since he'd looked after his friends for all those years. You were fortunate to become so close to someone so reliable, loyal.
"Oh, I almost forgot. This is for you Hirako-san."
You reached into your robe pocket, pulling out a small box. He was puzzled.
"For me?"
He took it, opening the box. The sight of silver made his eyes widen.
"I saw this in the world of the living on my last mission. You seemed to really like it when we passed that human store. I thought the piercing would really suit you, so I got it."
You were wearing a big smile, and Shinji just gazed at the circular item.
"For me.."
It's not uncommon for him to get things from Love, or Rosa or even Lisa. They'd been in Karakura long enough to appreciate the modern advances. Yet somehow this gift felt different.
His silence was a bit unnerving.
"Ano...d-do you not like it?"
Now you feel a bit unsure.
Shinji closed the box with a broad smile.
"I love it. Thank you (Y/N)."
The smile he wore had your heart racing. Your cheeks flushed and you lowered your head with a nod.
"It was nothing..." You mutter.
It's times like this that you realize that maybe your feelings towards Shinji weren't solely admiration. Yes, it had started out that way. But the more you learned about him the closer you wanted to be. It's been a few years since that point, and lately it feels a bit unsettling how much you want him to look your way. Continue to show those smiles. Wear that expression that emits nothing but warmth that always feels as though it's directed at you.
"I'm going to show Hiyori, maybe she could learn a thing or two about treating people."
You aren't sure why the prospect of him showing anyone makes you embarrassed.
"W-wait d-don't show anyone!"
"Why not?"
You tried to reach for it, and Shinji held it away.
"N-Nevermind. I want it back!"
"Nope, it's mine." He stuck out his tongue, flash stepping and you chased after him, flustered.
"C-Come back!"
There's no denying that your dynamic is a bit comedic. Shinji is pretty much an imbecile most times, but when it counts, he always comes through. You've realized that maybe you've become a little dependent. He's always there. You don't think that will ever change.
That's why when he'd gotten back from his most recent mission and you heard he was hurt, you practically sprinted to his squad barracks.
He raised his head, standing in his room. There were bandages on his right arm, but other than that, he seemed fine.
"Ah, hey what's up?"
Your eyes shook. You knew you shouldn't have been worried. Shinji can take care of himself. But just the prospect of him getting hurt..it's crippling.
"You're okay.."
You keep your eyes low. Because you don't want him to notice how much this scares you.
"Yeah, I got a little careless with a hollow. It got a hold of my arm but I whacked it."
The image of him whacking a hollow with his sword is a bit comical. It almost makes you forget your earlier turmoil.
"That's good."
He pulls on his captain's cloak, and you bite the inside of your cheek.
"Well I just needed to make sure you were okay."
You turned abruptly, with every intention to leave, but you can't get your feet to move.
He blinks, then stumbles when your body crashes into his. Your hands are holding on a bit tightly, and Shinji finally gathers his footing, looking down a bit stunned.
"I-I like you Hirako-san, p-please..be more careful."
You're pleading and he just stares.
He's really not used to anyone worrying about him. Usually, he's the one always looking out for others. It's an instinct that he's always had. But the care you show, the pure elation you've always expressed when you look at him, smile at him, it's hard for him to deny that he wasn't smitten with you. Your little quirks were cute. By nature he's protective. Especially after that day with Grimmjow. The thought of you ever being in such a situation has always made him uneasy. That's why he was happy that you were always so close.
It seems that it's all catching up to you, because you pull away slowly, still refusing to look directly at him.
"G-Gomen, I guess I got carried away."
You were smiling, but he could see through it. You were trying to make it seem like if he rejected you on the spot, it would be no big deal.
"So anyway I should get back to my squad. Kiyone and Sentaro are probably tearing the place apart. "
You moved to reach for the door, and Shinji pressed his hand against the wall, stopping all motion. You froze, staring at him.
He grinned, and when he flicked his tongue, you were stunned to see the familiar piercing. You intended to point it out, but his fingers tilted your chin and your eyes grew wide when he pressed his lips softly against your own. Heat rushed all the way up your neck, brain shorting out.
"He's kissing me...he's...kissing me...HE'S KISSING ME!!"
Steam was pouring out of your ears, and Shinji pulled back with a teasing flick of his tongue.
"I knew it, you taste delicious (Y/N)-chan."
The seductive way he said that statement just added redness to your cheeks and Shinji laughed at your bewildered expression as he leaned in, pressing another kiss to your lips.
"I'm in your care now (Y/N)."
He couldn't have been more content at the revelation. 
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Shinji Hirako - Oneshot (Bleach)
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Being able to see things that most people couldn't has never been much of a gift.
As a child it was easy to pass off for something else. But the older you grew, the more you realized that most preferred to be the same. The unknown scared people. But not you. That's why when you met Shinji, it was the first time in your life that you were thankful for your ability to see what others could not.
"So you're a visored?"
"I am."
Shinji sheathed his weapon, jumping down from the pole. He still had that mask on his face, and all you could truly do was marvel at him. Decked down in a suit, he looked sort of like a businessman. Except you were positive business men did not go around fighting monsters in the sky.
"You don't seem scared of me." He tilted his head, now standing directly in front of you.
"If you wanted to hurt me, I'm sure you would have just left that monster to do it."
Shinji studies you.
"It's obvious she's the same as Orihime and the others, but I don't see any weapons. She also seemed to be running away when the hollow attacked."
"Have you always been able to see them?"
"Yes, ever since I was a kid."
"I thought so."
"Will you tell me more? I want to know everything." You looked generally curious, and Shinji smiled.
"You're a strange one. But sure, I suppose it wouldn't hurt to fill you in. I think the most important advice I should give you is to steer clear of all those monsters with the masks. They're dangerous."
"You also have a mask." You pointed.
He blinked, as if just realizing.
"I guess you're right."
He lifted his hand, and you could see the white hardened surface of his mask begin to turn into particles as it faded. Your eyes were wide in interest.
There really was much more out there than you realized.
Shinji's feet tapped against the concrete softly as he walked down the street.
"I'm positive her school is around here somewhere."
He'd been tracking you since that day. Mostly to keep an eye out. Although he was positive you weren't a threat, it never hurt to be careful. In the event that you did turn out to be an accomplice of Aizen, he wanted to be ahead of the game. A part of him sort of hoped you would be at the same school as Ichigo, that way they could also keep tabs on you. But the moment he saw your uniform he knew that wasn't a possibility.
The little murmurs distracted him for a moment. Students were gathered at the gate, and a couple of the girls seemed to have spotted him.
"I'm being reckless."
The whole point of this was to go unnoticed. He hadn't realized that school already let out.
"Hirako-san?" Your call makes him turn. You stepped out from the crowd, looking at him in confusion.
"(Y/N)-san! What are the odds?" He smiled brightly, and the both of you took off down the street.
"I think she bought it."
"Why are you following me?"
Your flat tone made a bead of sweat run down the side of his head.
"I-I don't know what you mean. I was actually headed to get some ramen. "
"The shop is in the other direction."
Your eyes were now on him, and he scratched his head.
"You've got me. Guess I'm no good at this spy thing huh." You were quiet, still walking in step.
"You think I might be an enemy."
Shinji's eyes harden.
"Do I have a right to worry?"
You shook your head.
"I'm kind of flattered that you think I'd be anywhere near as strong as you, but I'm not. Other than seeing spirits, I have no other abilities." Your eyes fell, and Shinji noticed how sad you looked at the statement. Like you were disappointed in yourself.
"I may look naive but I know there's more to it than just random hollows running around."
When he gave you a download of the world you knew little about, it felt like he did his best to omit certain points. Like he was holding back. Now seeing him here at your school, it made sense. There was something much stronger out there.
Something dangerous.
"You're pretty perceptive (Y/N)-san."
"It pays to be vigilant, especially with all I see."
"Well, you're not wrong."
He's misread the situation.
"I apologize if I offended you. It wasn't my intention. I just need to protect my family."
He'd told you about them too.
"I understand. You're a good brother Hirako-san."
He chuckled. He'd meant to explain that they weren't exactly blood related siblings, but that feels like a conversation for another day.
"I suppose I am huh." He was wearing a prideful grin, and it made you giggle.
"Like this?"
You brought your hand over your face in the motion you'd seen him do many times, and Shinji laughed.
"I think you've got it."
You smiled.
"I wish I had that power, it always looks so cool when you use it."
"It does have its perks."
Sitting on the roof of your house, you were thankful for the darkness. It always made the sky light up so beautifully.
"Hirako-san." He turns.
"Can you do it now?" You were watching him expectantly.
"Do what exactly?"
You made the motion over your face, and he raised a brow.
He knows he's probably asked you the question already, but he really does wonder if you're not frightened at the sight of his mask. Maybe it's because you've always been able to see strange things, so to you it's nothing. But to him, it's a little disarming. Or maybe just refreshing.
This part of himself wasn't exactly something he was always proud of. At the very beginning he resented his hollow side. This transformation was the cause of the biggest loss in his life. It was a reflection of pain. But now, after all those years he'd finally learn to bear with it. Somehow looking at you, it strengthens that resolve.
"Alright, but don't go crying like a baby." You turn to him fully, and Shinji draws the mask on in seconds.
"How's it look?"
Your eyes widen at the distortion of his voice.
"His voice..changed too.."
When you first met, you'd been a bit caught up in the moment. You can't stop yourself, you reach out, touching it lightly. Shinji's eyes track everything you do, and when you remove your hands, he pulls it off his face. He's holding the mask in his hand, and his eyes are still that bright shade of yellow. This was unlike anything you'd ever seen.
"You're so cool Hirako-san.."
It sounds like an unconscious mutter, you're still very much taken with his changed appearance.
"You're the coolest." This time, you grin, and his eyes widen just a little. He smiles, himself.
"Thanks (Y/N)."
"You want to do what?"
"You can fly can't you Hirako-san?"
You're shifting on your feet. The both of you were heading in the direction of your home when you brought up the topic. But your request made him stop.
"S-So I was wondering if you wouldn't mind..taking me to fly with you just once.." Your cheeks are flushed, and Shinji can't help it, he laughs out loud. Your cheeks darken and you hit his chest.
You storm off angrily, and Shinji does his best to stifle his little snickers as he walks up behind you.
"All you had to do was ask (Y/N)."
It's a whisper, and you squeal when he picks you up suddenly. He jumps into the air, and the force of the wind makes you clutch onto Shinji as you close your eyes. You bury your face into his chest, and he looks down at you with a tender gaze.
"Are you going to keep your eyes closed the entire time?"
You nod, still not looking. Shinji has already stopped moving, but you haven't noticed.
"It's okay, you can open your eyes (Y/N)."
At first you don't really react, but after a little while, you peek an eye open. Very soon your eyes spring open and you gape. You're so high up, you can practically see everything.
"This is...amazing.."
Shinji wasn't sure he could say that. He's always traveled like this, it was much easier. So of course it isn't anything new. But watching how astonished you looked, for some reason it now has a different appeal.
"Whenever you like, I can take you up here."
You turn back to him with the biggest brightest smile, and his face colors just a little.
"Thank you Shinji!!"
He isn't sure what to say, all he knows is that he loves to see such a happy look on your face.
"He's like a model or something."
"So tall!!"
"He looks like a doctor or a lawyer!"
You can hear the squeals coming from the gate, and you push through to get home.
"How annoying."
Why were they freaking out anyway, it was just a guy. You move to head on your way home.
Shinji's call catches you a little off guard.
So he's what's behind the ruckus. For some reason hearing the way they were fawning over him is irritating. You walk over taking his hand as you glare at the girls. A few of them take a step back as you trudge down the street. Shinji just observes. When you're out of sight, you release his hand.
"Hirako-san, don't stop by my school anymore."
"Eh? Why not?"
He thought you liked it when he showed up. You never had an issue before.
You don't say anything, just puff your cheeks. A smirk makes its way on his face.
"Are you jealous of the attention I get (Y/N)-san~"
"I-I don't care!!" You stomp away with your chin up and Shinji takes your wrist softly to stop you.
"I guess I won't stop by anymore." He's wearing a little smile and you turn your head.
"I said I didn't care."
"I know." He links his finger with you, humming as he walks with you.
A part of you thought that those days would last forever. You and Shinji, just fooling around. But with every month that came and went, your meetings started to get scarce. The atmosphere felt thicker. Like there was something looming in the air.
Something bad.
One particular afternoon you'd been missing him more than usual. You weren't sure how he knew, maybe he could feel it, but there was a knock at your door, and when you opened it, suddenly it felt like you couldn't hold back your relief.
"Hey! Sorry I've been so flaky I had to-" You crashed into his chest, and he took a step back. His arms were raised a bit awkwardly into the air.
You shook your head into his shirt.
"Don't lie to me, it's bad, isn't it?"
He had every intention of coming in and giving you a comforting lie. He should have known better.
"It's bad. People might die. I might die."
You clutched onto his shirt tighter, looking up at him. He could see the tears begin to form.
You sound so defeated and it breaks his heart.
He brushed the tear off your cheek with a weak smile.
"I can't abandon my friends, my family. They're all depending on me. They need me."
"I need you!!"
It was selfish, you know that. But what else could you do? Why couldn't he just stay here with you. Away from the battle.
"I promise you I'll do my best to come back to you."
Once again he was wearing that smile. The one he gave you when he was trying to reassure you of something.
"I'll come back for you."
All you can do is wait, hope, pray that this wasn't your last meeting.
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Bleach Fanfiction - Chapter 2
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"You're in a good mood." you looked over at Shinji. He walked into your room with a grin. "Did you finally own up?" he teased. "M-Mind your business!" you fired. He laughed. 
"So that's a no." you huffed, folding your arms. 
"I'll t-tell him today.." You mumbled. 
"Oh! Finally some progress." you let out a dry chuckle. As much as you wanted to believe Kensei probably felt the same way, an unsettling feeling was present in your stomach. If he did reject you, you weren't sure what you would do. Shinji noticed the sudden doubt in your eyes. 
"Quit being a punk, you'll be fine." He raised a hand, patting you on the head. You looked up and he smiled at you. 
"Just tell him how you feel." you smiled despite your fears.
"T-Thanks taicho." Shinji's grin turned wider. "So now you have respect." He joked. You giggled.
"W-Well I'm off!!" you spun on your heels, running out the door. 
"Don't eat all of my candy!!" you yelled at him. "No promises!!" came his reply.
"I just need to say it. M-Muguruma-taicho, I-I like you!" 
You kept rehearsing the words in your head. This was it. You weren't going to back down. You were walking down the hall to his office. When you finally got to his door you were shaking. You raised your hand to knock.
"I love you Mashiro." Your body froze at the words you heard from the other side of the door.
"Uwah! I didn't hear you, say it louder Kensei~~" you heard Mashiro say. The male coughed, you could hear the embarrassment in his words. 
"I-I love you!!" he grumbled it out this time. All you heard was a small cheer from Mashiro. A drop hit the floor at your feet as you just stood there. You couldn't tell what was happening on the other side of the door after that. When you heard Kensei groan you turned your back, running off.
"Finally got all her candy. Damn she's getting really good at hiding it." 
Shinji had rummaged through your cabinets in search of the snacks you often kept in your quarters. You were probably going to lecture him tomorrow, but he didn't care. 
He visibly jumped when he heard something crash into the side of your room. Shinji moved away from the kitchen, going towards your door. He looked over when he saw you picking yourself off the ground.
"Hey! You scared the crap out of me!" 
You didn't respond. Shnji's eyes focused when he realized something wasn't right. When you finally lifted your eyes he was shocked to see the broken expression on your face. You were shaking, and tears were pouring out of your eyes. 
He dropped the contents in his hand rushing over to you. You stumbled again and he caught you before you could fall. You sank to your knees, taking Shinji with you as you clenched unto him. Your body shook as you cried, burying your face into his robes. 
"What happened.." he questioned trying to soothe you. "H-He...he loves Mashiro...I-I was stupid to think..." you continued to sob, gripping his robes tighter. Shinji's hand held you securely. He didn't say much, just kept you close. 
What could he say?
"I should have never encouraged her.." he felt guilty. If what you said was true then no matter what you would get your heart broken, yet somehow he felt like it was his fault.
"I'm sorry (Y/N)." You didn't respond, just stayed there. Holding unto him.
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Bleach Fanfiction- Chapter 6
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"What did I tell you about eating my candy!!" you fired. You were at it again. Shinji always came by your room just to steal your stuff. 
"I dnft know whaf you mean." he said with a mouthful of sweets. The pulse on your head grew. 
"You stuffed your face and you're acting like you didn't do it!!" 
You pulled out your zampaktou with a dark chuckle. He started to sweat nervously. He swallowed. 
"N-Now now, you wouldn't raise your blade against your captain." You smirked and he flash stepped away. You sighed glaring at the door.
"Things have been really slow." 
You were strolling through the Rukongai with Kensei. The both of you were on patrol, just to make sure nothing unusual was going on. Since your confession, things had actually been better than ever. Your feelings had been a weight you were carrying around all those years. 
Now that he knew you felt lighter. Of course at the beginning it was awkward. Kensei would refrain from touching you and patting your head at the beginning because he thought you didn't want the contact. You assured him that it was fine and now you talked to Kensei about everything. You were glad you never had to risk his friendship. In the back of your mind you were sort of relieved.
"I'm going to fall asleep if something doesn't happen soon." He said boredly.
"Is that so reaper?" 
You flinched, turning at the voice behind you. Neither of you had a chance to react. A tentacle came out at you, striking you in the shoulder. You gasped when the appendage went right through. It pulled back and you stumbled forward. (Y/N)!!" Kensei's eyes blazed. You were shocked when his reiatsu released in a burst. He pulled his mask on and the hollow look just as surprised. 
"H-How do you possess a mask!You're a reaper!" 
It sounded panicked. Kensei raised his blade, slicing the hollow directly down its center. It let out a shrill cry disappearing. When it was gone Kensei turned to you, his mask vanishing. He picked you up into his arms. You winced slightly. Your shoulder was bleeding badly. 
"U-Usually I could sense them better.." you said apologetically. He grunted. 
"Stop talking I'm getting you help." he took off with you in tow.
Hanataro was tending to a patient when Kensei appeared out of nowhere. The blue haired boy stumbled back. "M-Muguruma-taicho!!" Kensei didn't waste time. He placed you on an empty bed. "She needs help!" Hanataro moved forward watching the huge hole in your shoulder. 
You had fallen unconscious on the way. "Please wait outside." Hanataro instructed. Kensei was about to object, but Unohana walked in. 
"He can't work efficiently if you hover around. So please wait outside. " 
She said it in a polite voice but the look in her eyes assured him that it wasn't a request. Kensei sweat dropped. "H-Hai.." he stepped out of the room as Hanataro got to work.
"Where is she!!" you jumped when you heard the door slam open. Shinji looked frantic. He stormed in the Fourth Squad barracks. You turned to Shinji with a blush. He stopped short when he saw your attire. Your shoulder was covered with gauze and you had your black bottoms on, trying to pull the top part back over your body. 
You were holding your uncovered chest. You didn't think anyone would come in so you didn't think twice about changing. Now you realize that was a wrong move. You spun around dropping to your knees with a scream and Shinji finally reacted. He ran out of the room hurriedly. Shinji's cheeks were visibly red.
"I-I had no idea she was so.."
Hanataro appeared, hearing the scream. "Is she hurt!!" he panicked, rushing in the room.
"H-Hey wait!!" Hanataro had already entered.
"K-KYAH!!!" Hanataro came running out almost immediately with flushed cheeks. He stumbled back hitting the wall. The door was wide open now. Shinji ducked when he saw a lamp come hurtling out the room. It hit Hanataro square in the face.
"P-PERVERTS!!!" you shouted embarrassed.
"S-Sorry Hanataro..." the male was on a bed being attended to. He laughed. "I-It's fine I should have knocked." You were now fully clothed. You directed a glare at you captain.
"I w-was worried." he defended. You sighed. You bowed to Hanataro, thanking him for his help as you left him to rest. "Next time knock why don't you." He looked away.
"Sorry, the last time you got injured you didn't even say anything. When Kensei came and told me what happened it sounded bad. Then again I just took off so maybe it wasn't as bad as I assumed." you looked at him. "He must have been really worried.." you smiled up at him.
"I'm fine taicho." you assured him. He glanced at you. His eyes seemed focused on your shoulder. He could see the bandages peeking out from the side of your neck. "Kensei was worried too." he commented. You nodded. "Yeah, I should probably let him know that I'm okay. "
"You should be more careful, you underestimate hollows sometimes." You raised your head with a huff, walking off in the front angrily. 
"I know, I'm not a kid. You don't have to keep lecturing m-" you paused when you felt his arms wrap around you from the behind. His buried his face into your shoulder. His hair tickled your neck and your breath hitched. 
"I just want you to be safe (Y/N).."
You didn't reply verbally, just nodded your head. Lately it felt like things were changing between you and Shinji. He was a lot more...affectionate. 
"I'll b-be careful." you stuttered out. 
"Good girl.." 
He whispered against your ear. A pleasant shiver ran up your spine and you clenched your fist to keep yourself from making a sound. Why was his words affecting you? He always made comments like that before. Albeit always in a teasing fashion but still. Why did it feel different now?
Shinji watched you when he raised his head. Studying how much his words seem to be affecting you. He grinned. "So adorable. " he loved your innocent reactions. Teasing you always made his day. He liked that he was the one making your breath hitch. He was responsible for the redness that seemed to grace your cheeks now. He pulled away, turning you around slowly. Your eyes were trying to look at anything but his face.
His palm came down, lifting your chin. Your eyes darted up almost immediately, trembling. He could see the emotion behind them. He loved the way you were looking at him now.
"That's right, don't look at anyone that way but me."
Shinji had seen all those years you were pining over Kensei. There was always a longing in your eyes. He had to admit it made him jealous. But the look in your eyes now. The raw emotion, it gave him hope. It gave him life.
 "Shinji..." even the way you said his name. It made him want to ravish you. 
"How have I been able to resist you all these years?" 
He really had no idea. Sheer luck maybe. You were nibbling your lower lip nervously. Your eyes searching his.
"Is..this real?" 
You weren't sure anymore. Maybe you were hallucinating. That hollow must have put a number on you. At this point you didn't care. You just wanted him closer. Shinji leaned forward, and you were apparently doing the same. Your eyelids lowered with every passing second that he got close.
"SHINJI!!!" you jumped back when something green crossed your vision, tackling Shinji to the ground. You stared owlishly for a few seconds.
When you looked over Mashiro was clutching unto Shinji. She was pointing at the side.
"Kensei is being a bully again!!" she wailed. As if hearing his name he appeared. He looked pissed. His eyes softened when he saw you. 
"Hey, you're out already. I thought Hanataro said you needed to rest." you waved him off. "I'm fine with just a few scratches. Shinji stood with a grouchy look. "I'd appreciate it if your girlfriend didn't tackle me." He picked her up like a football, tossing her and you sweat dropped. She squealed when Kensei caught her with ease. 
"Don't worry I'll take care of her." he said with a sinister look. She paled.
"Save me (Y/N)-chan!!" You laughed awkwardly as he disappeared with her. You turned back to Shinji who still had a look of annoyance on his face. He caught your stare and you looked down quickly. 
"W-We should get back." you said hurriedly. You were already walking off and he followed behind. You knew he was staring at you, you could feel his eyes drilling holes in your back. You flushed.
Things were changing alright.
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Bleach Fanfiction- Chapter 5
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(Y/N)-san look!" your eyes moved over to the enthusiastic female. You smiled at the weird expression Orihime made with her eyes. 
"How the hell do you do that!? Your eyes look like three's!!" 
Ichigo was freaking out and you belt out a loud laugh at his confusion.
You kept laughing, holding your stomach. Orihime smiled warmly at your laugh and slowly but surely a smile made its way on Ichigo's face. You were wiping at your eyes, still recovering from your laughing fit. You looked up when you slowly started to calm down. You flushed when you saw them both staring at you. "A-Ah s-sorry.." you said softly. Orihime shook her head.
"We're happy, you finally laughed. You looked so sad for a while now. I just wanted to see you smile." your eyes widened. 
"Yeah, you've been sulking since you left the Soul Society. " You bit your lip, keeping silent. Orihime took your hands. "It's okay. Whenever you wanna talk we're here for you (Y/N)-san." you gave her a grateful smile. 
"T-Thank you Inoue." she nodded and Ichigo brought his hand down on your head. You feel forward at the weight. 
"That being said, no more sulking around, it's pissing me off. "
"F-Fine!" you said pushing his hand away. Ichigo looked down at you. 
"By the way where's Shinji? Isn't he your captain? Did he send you here to do his work." You were about to answer when you heard a knock on Orihime's door. 
"Oh, someone's here?" She stood and Ichigo looked at her quizzically. 
"Were you expecting someone?" she shook her head, moving to the door. You stood up too. When you felt the familiar wave of energy you took a few steps back.
"C-Crap!" you were about to slip out. You weren't ready. Ichigo noticed your sudden change. He grabbed you by the collar when you had turned to run off. 
"Where do you think you're going?" you glared. 
"L-Let me go I-Ichigo!! You don't understand I have to-"
"You have to face him." you stared at him shocked. 
"I knew something was up the moment you came without Shinji. He never lets you out of his sight. He'd never send you on a mission alone." you looked down. Ichigo's hand dropped, releasing you. "If you want to run go ahead."
You shifted on your legs. Ichigo smirked. "Tired of running away huh." You finally looked up, when Orihime walked back she was with someone. "Guys look who stopped by!" your eyes shook when they connected with your blond captain.
"Shinji.." you whispered. His eyes looked resolute. "We have to talk. " you nodded.
You left Orihime's house, walking with Shinji. He didn't say anything. You'd never seen him look so serious. He was also wearing casual clothes to fit in. A black shirt with a tie and slacks. You weren't sure what to say. 
"S-Shinji I-"
"Save it. It was bad enough you neglected to tell me about your earlier injury, but you took off on a mission without my consent. You're reckless and you could have gotten hurt." your shoulders dropped. "I-I'm sorry." you apologized. He stopped walking, turning to you. 
"I should have you do desk duty for the next six months just for that." you didn't care about any punishment.
Hell you would run around the Soul Society naked if it meant he'd forgive you for what you said to him. He just looked at you, and you thought he was going to confront you for blaming him about what happened with Kensei. His hand raised and you shut your eyes. When his palm rested on your cheek your eyes sprung open. He was looking at you so tenderly.
"I don't blame you for what you said. You were angry, I understand that. We can't help who we fall in love with (Y/N). Sometimes we just end up getting hurt. " your lips quivered.
"There's nothing wrong with you, so stop being so hard on yourself. " Shinji's words made your heart swell. His thumb swiped the stray tear that fell from your eyes. "It's alright to feel vulnerable. I won't think any less of you (Y/N). Just come to me next time you're hurting. Don't run away. You don't know how worried I was that you were maybe somewhere in pain. And I couldn't help. " the look in his eyes, it made your stomach churn. 
"I-I never meant for that to happen.." you said softly. His stare was so intense your throat felt dry.
All the years you had known Shinji, he never looked at you like that. 
"S-Shinj-" his thumb brushed your lower lip and you froze. Your body tensed as you struggled to keep his heated gaze. 
"I should punish you for the confusion you caused..." his tone was low and you swallowed. His eyes lowered to your lips. His mouth opened slightly and you could see his tongue ring peeking out. You felt like the air had gotten thick around you. You couldn't speak, couldn't breathe. All you could hear was the strumming of your heart at how close Shinji's face seemed to be to you now. 
"Very naughty.." he murmured leaning in.
All you saw was a slipper coming at incredible speed. You didn't have a chance to warn Shinji before it whacked him at the side of his head. The force sent him barrelling the ground in a jumbled heap. You blinked, just watching. You were still in a daze.
Shinji raged when he picked himself off the ground. They both started bickering, throwing punches and kicks at each other. You watched the scene, fingers moving to your lips. "For a moment there I thought he was going to.." you shook your head. It was ridiculous. Shinji didn't see you that way.
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Bleach Fanfiction - Chapter 3
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"I love you Mashiro." 
You woke up with a start, looking around your room startled. Your hand moved to your forehead. 
"Was it..a dream?" your eyes looked up and Shinji was sitting at the side of your bed, his eyes landed on you. 
"You're awake. " he gave you a sympathetic look and that's when you knew. 
"So I didn't just dream that. " you swallowed. Your eyes felt like they were about to well up again. 
"W-Well at least I finally know how he feels right." you laughed but it wasn't genuine. You just kept laughing stupidly. 
"I-It's not even that big a deal really. P-People get rejected all the time. I'm being over dramatic." you pushed off your sheets as you stood.
"We should probably get back to the squad. Who knows what's going on there without you to watch them. " you walked over to the door not meeting his eyes.
"(Y/N)." you stopped at his call. Shinji rose to his feet. He walked over to you, with every step he took closer you felt like your mask was going to break. He was now directly behind you. 
When his hand touched your shoulder you tensed. You didn't want to look at him. You couldn't. You already broke down in front of him, you wanted to keep what little dignity you had left.
"There's nothing to be ashamed of. I'd be more worried if you didn't react to this." your shoulders trembled at his words. 
"At least now you can move on. " Anger sparked in your eyes. You spun around slapping his hand away.
"W-Why did you have to get involved!!" you shouted. Shinji took a step back.
"I- I was just trying to.." you shook your head. 
"You just wanted to make a fool of me!! I told you!! I told you and you kept encouraging me. THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT I HATE YOU SHINJI!!!" 
You didn't give him a chance to reply. You slid the door open roughly, diving into the sky as you rubbed at your eyes aggressively. Shinji stood there in shock. He looked down at the hand you slapped away in regret. Your words had really stung.
"Have you seen (Y/N)?" After you stormed off Shinji thought it was best to give you space. He knew you were just emotionally distraught now and he didn't blame you. It was his fault. He should have just left it alone. It had been at least two days and he hadn't seen you at all. 
He was starting to get worried. You weren't at your quarters, or Kensei's, Lisa's or even Love's barracks. Shinji was standing in the Fourth Barracks now, looking down at the blue haired healer. Hanataro shook his head. 
"She hasn't been here since the last time that hollow hit her in the side." Hanataro said absentmindedly. Shinji's eyes widened. 
"When was this!?" Shinji demanded. Hanataro flinched realizing what he said. 
"O-Oh! A-Ah. Did I say that? I-I must be tired. I haven't seen her in months!" Hanataro laughed to play it off but Shinji just glared at him. Hanataro shrunk under the gaze. "S-She told me not to say anything. It was a week ago. She's fine now. She just didn't want you to worry Hirako-taichou."
"Tch, so she can trust you but not her own taicho!" Shinji stormed out, flashtepping. When he was out of the building. He tried his best to track your reiatsu but he couldn't feel a thing.
"Where the hell is she!? " Shinji was worried now. 
"Maybe I should go to the Head Captain. What if she got injured again and didn't come to me because of what happened. " 
His heart dropped just imagining you were somewhere probably bleeding. He turned on his feet about to take off again.
"Shinji!" the yell stopped him. 
"Hey, I thought you and (Y/N) got a mission in Karakura?" Shinji looked confused. "What? I never signed off on any mission."
"Oh, well I guess it was just (Y/N). Have you spoken to her? She's...I feel like she's been avoiding me." Kensei said. Shinji sighed heavily. 
"She's in love with you." Shinji said Kensei's eyes widened. It wasn't going to do any good keeping him in the dark. 
"She heard you telling Mashiro that you love her a few nights ago. She didn't tell me the whole story but it broke her." Kensei's eyes wavered. "I.." he wasn't sure what to say. 
"You don't have to explain. This will all blow over so you don't have to worry about it. I just need to talk to her. "
"I didn't know." Kensei said. Shinji looked at him. 
"It wouldn't have made a difference. Do you think the outcome would have been different if she told you directly?" Kensei couldn't answer.
"If you accepted her confession out of pity, that would have been far worse than any rejection. Trust me." Shinji patted Kensei on the shoulder. 
"Let me worry about her now, she's my responsibility." Kensei looked reluctant, but he nodded. 
Shinji took off this time.
"When I find you I'm gonna give you a piece of my mind!"
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