#shinobu clone era
Seeing Double
Shinobu Kochou (and clone I guess) x They/Them Reader
A/N: Well, it’s been a long time coming, but I finally buckled down and did it. Survivors of the Shinobu Clone Era, your time has come. I truly hope you all enjoy this and thank you for your many months of patience while I struggled to figure out how to do this. Thanks for reading! Word Count: 5,122
��Are you done yet?” Shinobu murmured, watching the demon writhe in the dewy grass below.
She was slightly out of breath, her shoulder throbbed painfully, blood making her clothes and skin feel damp and sticky. She had made the mistake of thinking the battle was over prematurely. Apparently, the demon had a few tricks up her sleeves. Fortunately, Shinobu would not make the same mistake twice and kept her guard up even as her poison worked through the demon’s bloodstream for the fifth time that night.
“There is no way I’ll lose to you…” the demon hissed through gritted teeth, fangs on prominent display, “You can’t kill me.”
“Unfortunately, I’m inclined to agree at this point,” Shinobu sighed, but she did not let her blade waiver from where it rested against the demon’s throat, “however, even if I can’t kill you, the sun certainly will. Your time is nearly gone. How rude of you to keep me up all night like this. You demons just don’t know how to play fair at all, do you?”
“No!” The demon suddenly sobbed as it tried to wiggle away from Shinobu’s blade, “I was supposed to climb the ranks, I was supposed to become a Moon! He said he had high hopes for me! What would it all be for if I die here?!”
“For you, it will mean you did all of this for nothing. It’s as simple as that. For me, I will be avenging all of the people you’ve slaughtered. I shouldn’t make them wait any longer for justice, should I?”
Not wasting anymore time, she struck the demon again, pumping the her full of poison.
The demon shrieked, and the ground rumbled beneath Shinobu’s feet. She quickly leapt away as a perfect copy of the demon burst forth from the earth and swiped at Shinobu.
“You’re getting more creative with your blood art. If you had started off with a counter attack like this when the night began, you might have actually killed me instead of leaving me with just a few scratches.”
“You damn witch!” The demon bellowed. As much as she would have liked to crush the little demon slayer beneath her foot, the brat was right, the sun would soon rise and even her cloning blood art would not be able to save her from its rays. As fast as her legs could carry her, she began to run to the forest visible in the distance.
“Ah, you demons are all the same,” Shinobu smiled at the horrified face the demon made upon realizing that she was able to easily keep up with her pace, “I’ve heard that witch line before, do you think I’m a good witch, or a bad witch?”
Shinobu was surprised when the demon changed course to lunge at her, but she had just enough time to skewer her before she was thrown to the ground beneath the snarling demon. The demon coughed and gagged, a stream of blood fell from her lips to Shinobu’s body below.
“Really now, that’s just disgusting.” Shinobu frowned, anger flaring up within her.
Using all of her strength, she managed to swap their positions, bearing down on the demon’s stomach as she twisted her blade deeper in the demon’s chest. She glanced to the side to observe the soft glow that had caught her eye, the sun was finally rising over the trees. Then she brought her gaze back to the demon struggling beneath her.
“Good morning and goodbye.”
The demon let loose another angry cry that quickly morphed into one of pain as the sun’s light enveloped her skin. Before long, Shinobu was kneeling in the grass with nothing left of the demon that had been below her. A tired sigh left her lips as she rose to her feet.
She wiped at her face, disgusted by the inky blood that smeared across her fingers. She could see a stream in the nearby woods, so she walked over and washed the blood off as best she could from her skin and uniform jacket. Demon blood was dangerous after all, especially with an open wound. Though Shinobu figured she was safe, otherwise she would have probably turned by now. Still, it didn’t hurt to be extra cautious. She washed and bandaged her shoulder the best she could with what resources she had and watched the blood wash away further down the stream into the thick forest. It was so dark, she missed how the blood did not seem to dissolve in the stream’s current, instead clumping together into a mass as it faded from sight, a combination of both Shinobu’s blood and the demon’s.
“That takes care of that…” she returned to her feet and draped her wet jacket over her arm, “time to go home.”
As Shinobu expected, as soon as (Y/n) saw her shoulder they were all over her, worriedly checking her over despite Shinobu’s insistences that she was fine. However, it was nice to be doted on every now and again, she supposed. Especially by her partner whom she hadn’t been able to see in the past several days.
“Are you sure you’re okay? Can I get you anything else? We should check your shoulder again to make sure it’s not infected.”
“We just replaced the bandages,” Shinobu chuckled, cupping their face in her hands, “Everything is just fine, I promise.”
(Y/n) closed their eyes briefly and relaxed into Shinobu’s hands, then nodded.
“Yeah, okay, everything is just fine.”
“Mhm, so let’s go outside. It’s a beautiful day, and some of the herbs from the garden should be ready for harvesting.”
“I still think you should rest, gardening isn’t something you should be doing with your shoulder like that.”
“With you helping me, we will be done in no time. You worry too much, I know what I’m doing.”
“Okay, okay, but you better leave it to me if you get tired. Promise you will?”
Shinobu playfully rolled her eyes and gave (Y/n)’s cheeks a quick pinch before pulling away, “I promise.”
Shinobu was right, as she so often was. They had a good time in the garden, enjoying each other’s company and the pleasant weather. That didn’t mean (Y/n) wasn’t keeping a close eye on Shinobu over the next few weeks, however. Fortunately, Shinobu was perfectly fine. She bore a couple of faint scars once the wound healed, but nothing that would affect her abilities. They were just a few more scars to add to the collection, more marks to be gently touched and kissed by her incredibly sweet partner. How did she ever get so lucky?
When En came to her with a new mission she could see (Y/n) was struggling. In their eyes, Shinobu wasn’t ready to go back in the field just yet, but realistically they knew she had healed up just fine. It didn’t stop them from worrying though.
“Do you really have to go?” They finally asked while Shinobu was putting on her shoes.
Shinobu smiled, “Come here.”
They sat down beside her, hands tightly clasped. Shinobu put her hand over theirs and they relaxed slightly.
“I’m sorry, it’s just that the village you’re going to is days away, and the last time you were gone for that long, you got hurt.”
“I’ll be careful. Everything will be just fine, and you’ll be so busy around here that I’ll be back before you know it.”
“You better be.”
They shared a loving embrace and then Shinobu was on her way. That night as (Y/n) laid alone in bed, they wished for Shinobu’s swift return, perhaps they should have been more careful about what they wished for.
Shinobu sputtered and coughed, weakly dragging herself over the river bank. How had she gotten here? Hadn’t she just killed that annoying cloning demon? She vaguely remembered heading to the stream to wash herself off… had she fallen in? But then, why didn’t she have a single stitch of clothing to her name? Maybe she had stripped completely to cleanse herself of all dirt and blood, then slipped on a rock and hit her head?
She gingerly touched her face, the back of her head, her temples… no, everything felt normal. Nothing was out of place… she shook her head and hoisted herself up to stand on wobbly legs. She had to get home, who knew how long she had been out? (Y/n) and the girls were probably worried sick. However, if she was going anywhere, she’d need to find something to wear.
Her heart suddenly shot against her rib cage. Her uniform would be easily replaced, that was no issue, even her nichirin sword could be forged anew. She had dozens of identical butterfly clips to choose from as a replacement, but her haori, that was irreplaceable. Shinobu didn’t know how far she had been swept away, it could be anywhere— She willed herself to calm down, crushing the panic rising within her.
She remembered now, she was sure she had draped it over (Y/n) before she left on this disaster of a mission. They had fallen asleep while reading and Shinobu didn’t have the heart to wake them, but she knew they would have been upset if she left without saying anything so she left the haori with them. She relaxed considerably, but there was still the issue of clothing.
Shinobu carefully navigated the terrain for a few kilometers and found a little house with laundry hung up to dry. She stealthily looked around, but saw not a soul. She reached out for the olive colored kimono. Not really a color that she would pick for herself, but beggars couldn’t be choosers and the fact that it was mostly dry to boot was a blessing. She grabbed all of the needed materials and quickly dressed herself so she could be on her way. She would be sure to have En drop by with a generous amount of yen as compensation once she got home.
When she saw the high fence that surrounded her estate, she could have just about cried in relief. Finally she could get away from the hot sun. Why was it so bright today? She navigated the garden and stepped inside the mansion, but she wasn’t going to go to bed just yet, she needed to check in with everyone first.
Fortunately, with it being nearly noon, she knew exactly where to find them all. She slunk into the kitchen with a tired smile, seeing everyone hard at work. Everyone looked well, she was so glad to be home.
“Knock, knock~” Shinobu grinned as six heads whipped up from their respective tasks with excited gasps.
They all came running and crowded around her.
“You really were back before I knew it!” (Y/n)’s genuine stunned look made Shinobu laugh. “Seriously, it’s only been two days!”
Really? Well that was a relief. (Y/n) pulled away from the hug and finally noticed what Shinobu was wearing and gave her a puzzled look.
“What are you wearing? I’ve never seen that kimono before.”
“Ah, I stopped to rest at a Wisteria House along the way. I told them it was comfortable, so they let me keep it.” She smiled.
Shinobu was not about to tell anyone about her little impromptu nudity adventure. It was a secret she’d take to her grave.
“No offense, my dear, but you should have rested there longer, you look like hell… and I mean that in the most loving way possible.”
“Aren’t you sweet,” Shinobu replied with playful sarcasm. “I’ll be heading to bed now so you don’t have to see me like this for even a second more.”
“I didn’t mean it like that!” (Y/n) briefly panicked until Shinobu laughed.
“I’m not really offended, relax. Have a good lunch.”
“Can I make you anything before you go to sleep?”
“No, I probably would fall asleep before I could finish, but I would like to join everyone for dinner later.”
“Okay, sleep well. I’m glad you’re home.”
“Me too.” Shinobu smiled, then made her way to the bedroom. She stroked Fugu’s fish tank as she walked past and then collapsed into bed, falling asleep before her head even hit the pillow.
Shinobu returned from her mission five days after she had set out. Two days to travel out to the village, one night to slay the demon, and two more days to get back home. She was excited to see (Y/n) right away when she went through the gate. They were sweeping the pathway, not yet aware of her presence.
She snuck up behind them and chuckled over the startled sound that left their mouth as she hugged them from behind.
“I’m sorry dear, did I frighten you?”
“I would say so!” (Y/n) huffed, but they did turn in Shinobu’s arms to reciprocate the surprise hug. “How long did you wait to pull that? You said you had, and I quote, ‘important lab work that really shouldn’t be put off any longer,’”
“When did I say I thing like that?” Shinobu chuckled.
“Like you don’t know, oh! You found your haori and your kyahan too! Thank goodness, where were they? We practically turned the whole mansion upside down looking for those.”
“Did you think they were missing?” Shinobu tilted her head to the side, “Did I startle you too severely?”
“That is supremely unfunny, Shinobu. I understand that everything is fine now, but you have been very upset the last three days. I know you tried to hide it well, but I could feel you tossing and turning every night.”
“(Y/n), what are you talking about? Are you ill?” Shinobu tried to rest her hand against (Y/n)’s forehead, but they took her hand.
“I’m perfectly fine. Are you ill?” They asked.
“I never lost my haori, nor have I been here the last three days. The village I needed to travel to was a two day journey alone, there was no way I would be returning three whole days early. A five day round trip in and of itself was rather difficult to pull off.”
“Okay, yeah, sure. I totally just imagined you being here for the last three days, my bad.”
The couple was becoming a little agitated, neither willing to give up any ground, both believing what they said was true, because in a way, both sentiments were really quite true.
“Woah, Shinobu-sama, how did you get out here so fast?” Naho had to do a double take when she walked out onto the engawa with a basket of laundry.
“You even brought the girls into this? Did my absence really disturb you this much?” Shinobu shook her head in disbelief.
“I didn’t bring anyone into anything!” (Y/n) threw their hands up in exasperation.
“Wait, Naho, did you happen to check that basket for my haori already?”
(Y/n), Shinobu and Naho spun around to find another Shinobu standing in the doorway. When she locked eyes with… with herself, she stiffened.
“(Y/n), Naho, get away from her.” She cautioned.
“I think not.” Shinobu, uh, the one with the haori, stepped forward, placing herself between (Y/n), Naho, and in her eyes, the imposter.
“What the hell is going on?” (Y/n)’s eyes flitted between the two while their brain flipped through the events of last few days in an attempt to think of something, anything that would show them where they had messed up, but as far as they could tell, the Shinobus were exactly the same physically and mentally. Whoever the imposter was, was a damn good one.
And of course it didn’t take long for the rest of the girls to peek through the door with their own laundry baskets. The Shinobu who stood on the engawa urged them to stay inside. She saw how her doppelgänger’s hand rested against her blade’s hilt, her new sword was still in the process of being forged so she had no way of defending herself, or anyone else.
(Y/n) noticed this as well and and moved to put their hand atop the sword-wielding Shinobu’s, but stopped just short, hovering. The fact that (Y/n) wasn’t one hundred percent certain that she would never hurt them, made Shinobu’s heart ache.
“Let’s all just calm down… we will get to the bottom of this,” (Y/n) looked past the Shinobu in the doorway to Kanao who seemed to be frozen in place, “Kanao, bring Naho inside, keep everyone back. And… you,” they fumbled, gesturing towards the Shinobu that still stood there, “come out here.”
Shinobu stood frozen for a few beats, watching Kanao carefully walk around her without daring to make eye contact.
“(Y/n), really?” Shinobu was hurt that her own partner wasn’t fully convinced that she was herself.
“Yes, please. Let’s not make this harder than it has to be. I’ll need to be the one to figure this out.”
And so Shinobu joined them on the ground as Kanao ushered Naho back inside with the others. They watched from the doorway as the two Shinobu’s defensively stood opposite of each other with (Y/n) mediating.
“(Y/n), you know it’s me, don’t you?” The Shinobu with the haori interrupted, “I have my haori, kyahan, and my nichirin sword. Items this imposter has failed to replicate.”
“It pains me to admit weakness, but you surely stole my things from me in the time I had blacked out during my most recent mission— (Y/n) don’t give me that look, I was embarrassed, that’s why I didn’t tell you. As you can see, I’m just fine now.”
“That does sound quite embarrassing… it doesn’t sound like someone who should be a Hashira. It doesn’t sound like me.” Haori Shinobu goaded.
“My, I’ve never wanted to punch myself in the face before, but there is a first time for everything I suppose.” The other Shinobu smiled tightly, fists clenched behind her back.
“Maybe you should give it a try, we can put this whole misunderstanding to rest once and for all.”
“Will you two quit it!” (Y/n) shouted, trying not to waiver as two pairs of heated, endlessly purple eyes met theirs. “We’re doing this my way!”
“And what is your way, dear?”
“Yes love, what is your plan?”
The two Shinobus locked eyes again, seemingly ready to strangle each other, but (Y/n) held their position between them firm.
“By asking questions only the real Shinobu would know the answers too. That should help us sort this out quickly.”
And boy, were they wrong.
Each answer whispered against (Y/n)’s ear was completely correct, almost always verbatim with the same inflections even. They had tried swapping the turn order to see if one of them just had very exceptional hearing, but the results remained the same. Even the most intimate questions that only the couple should know, were answered correctly by both parties. (Y/n) didn’t know what to do, they were running out of options.
But as luck would have it, what they thought would just be a throwaway question to give them more time to think of a better one was where the two finally differed.
“Where did your most recent mission take place?”
“In a village to the west, a two days walk from here.” Haori Shinobu whispered.
(Y/n) nodded, that was correct. Shinobu, with a few exceptions, always told them where her next mission would take her. She then lended her ear to the other Shinobu, surprised to see she looked a little unsure before steeling herself and leaning in to whisper her own answer.
“Near a forest to the south, almost a two week round journey.“
(Y/n) stiffened at the answer and both Shinobus noticed, the haori-clad one taking a more offensive stance than the other who looked more defensive.
“Finally slipped up, did you? Although I must say that I find the fact that you knew the answers to most of those questions entirely disturbing.”
“I am not an imposter.” The other Shinobu refuted, trying to keep her voice even. “You’ve been planning this… I… how did you make me lose so much time? What did you do to me?”
Shinobu had known something hadn’t been right from the moment she woke up on that riverbank. It had frightened her, but she did what she always did best and pushed it all deep down.
She had woken up naked with none of her beloved belongings in sight, no problem. She had found some clothes along the way.
She found herself a little more noticeably irritated by the sun. She burned more easily, but she just attributed it to the summer season. Even now her eyes stung a little.
When she got home, she had found out that she had lost almost a month of time somehow. Perhaps she had just been a little loopy from exhaustion.
She couldn’t help but be alarmed, however. Any normal person would. A month was a lot of time to be left unaccounted for. She had a half formed hypothesis in her mind that she refused to finish, afraid of the answer she’d come to. She had set up everything she would need to start testing, but she couldn’t bring herself to actually carry it out. She was such a busy woman that it was easy to come up with excuses to hold off.
“The time for mind games is over. You have lost.” Haori Shinobu asserted, “But what to do with you now… I should consult with Oyakata-sama. To imitate me with almost complete accuracy is quite concerning, and I don’t even know why you’ve done it yet.”
“(Y/n), please,” The other Shinobu beseeched, she tried to take hold of their arm, but haori Shinobu would have none of it and drew her sword in warning, forcing her doppelgänger a few steps back.
“I also don’t appreciate how you’ve manipulated my partner through all of this. To tell you the truth, that makes me the angriest of all, that you have been taking advantage of them over the last few days… maybe I should slice off a finger or two to prevent any misunderstandings moving forward.”
“Shinobu, don’t.” (Y/n) pleaded, “I feel like we might be missing something. I mean, it wasn’t your most recent mission location that she described, but it was the one right before it.”
Shinobu seemed to consider this, a spark lit her eyes like she had an idea, but she shook her head, then reconsidered. Whatever she had thought of, she didn’t seem to want it to be true.
“We need to go to the lab. It’ll take some time to set up for the testing I want to do, but—“
“It’s already set up.” The other Shinobu murmured. She tried to keep the look of dread off her face, but the other two could describe her as looking nothing short of haunted.
“What are you testing? What is this about? What do you two think is happening?” (Y/n) questioned as the Shinobus smeared blood on a microscope slide and carefully slid it into place.
Neither answered, but the Shinobu with the haori offered the other the honors of taking the first look through the microscope with a gesture of her hand. Cautiously, the other Shinobu took the opportunity, and stared through the microscope for what (Y/n) felt was an agonizingly long time before slowly straightening back up. (Y/n) felt worried for her, she looked a little paler than usual.
Haori Shinobu took a look next and let out a long exhale before straightening back up as well.
“What? What is it?” (Y/n) asked again, hating being out of the loop.
“The demon I fought during that mission had a peculiar blood art, it was able to create a clone of itself when the preceding body became too damaged to continue on. When we fought, blood from our combined wounds came into contact. I had washed it off and thought nothing of it, but it’s clear now that our combined blood resulted in…”
“In me.” The other Shinobu whispered, placing a hand on her chest, “I’m a clone.”
So many conditions had to be met just the right way for things to turn out as they did, it was unbelievable. A scientific marvel, if it had been attempted on purpose it would have never worked and yet, here (Y/n) stood with two genuine Shinobus. They had deduced that somehow the ratio of Shinobu’s blood, the demon’s, the trace amounts of poison and low light of the forest stream, was what led to the clone’s steady creation over the last month. The combination of everything else over the weakened demon blood seemed to be why this Shinobu was, well, Shinobu and not a demon. Though there were still trace amounts of demon blood in her system, the cells were dead or dying and quickly being replaced by normal, human blood cells as they days went on.
It was fascinating, but… what were they to do now? For all intents and purposes, clone Shinobu was very much as real and human as the original with all of her memories and mannerisms. The first few weeks were chaotic. They had to catch everyone up on the whole situation and well, how do you prepare someone for an introduction to their friend and colleague’s clone?
Even when the hype started to die down, the Shinobus were still rather tense around each other. It couldn’t have been easy to suddenly have someone just like you, filling the same niche as you did. But what made them most upset was how distant (Y/n) had become over those last few weeks.
(Y/n) didn’t know how to proceed. Logically, they should just continue on with the original Shinobu as they always had, right? But it felt so much more complicated to them than that. Clone Shinobu didn’t just look like Shinobu, she was her. They shared all the same memories up until clone Shinobu’s incubation began.
And (Y/n) was nothing if not extremely empathetic to that fact. They couldn’t bear to be affectionate with Shinobu knowing that the other would be resigned to grin and bear it. They knew Shinobu better than anyone, how hard it had been for her to open up to them, to allow herself to love and be loved in a romantic partnership. They loved Shinobu with all their heart, and that apparently extended to her clone as well.
So they kept themself busy and avoided them both, not an easy feat. It was hard enough trying to avoid one Shinobu, so two was an extremely difficult task. Their attempts to find them were never coordinated however, making it a little easier to stay out of their way, but then their luck had finally run out.
They had seen Shinobu turning the corner at the end of the hall they were walking through, they locked eyes and (Y/n) knew it was foolish to think they could outrun her, but they still turned and ran back in the direction they had came from. They had almost thought they were going to get away with it when they managed to reach the corner without being tackled to the ground, but they ran right into the arms of the Shinobu clone. She smirked at them as if she knew they had been coming, and then she spun them around, holding their wrists behind their back before marching them back into sight.
“Look who I caught,” She sing-songed, meeting Shinobu prime in the middle, “Safe to say that plan worked quite well.”
“Yes, and to think all we needed was a little teamwork. I’m almost sad we got them on the first attempt.”
“Well I suppose I could let them go right now and we could hunt them for sport. It would serve them right for being so cold lately. Haven’t we always made a point to communicate uncertainties instead of lonely brooding?” Clone Shinobu reminded, wiggling (Y/n)’s confined hands.
“Exactly right,” Shinobu prime nodded, “however, I am quite tired of this game of hide-and-seek. It’s time to move on.”
(Y/n)’s head swiveled between the two, their mouth opening and closing without any words coming through. The Shinobus laughed in unison.
“Surprised we’re getting along so well?” Shinobu prime asked.
“We’ve done a lot of talking since you went into hiding under our own roof,” Clone Shinobu explained, “A lot of talking.”
“Yes, it was a bit… combative at first, but we have since reached an understanding and a compromise.”
“A compromise?” (Y/n) had noticed that the clone Shinobu, though wearing Shinobu’s old, pure white haori, she was also in the possession of familiar butterfly patterned kyahan.
“Yes, a compromise of many parts.”
“So many discussions.”
“As it turns out, it’s actually quite useful to be in two places at once.”
“It definitely makes the work load more manageable.”
“We suddenly found ourselves with more time on our hands.”
“But what is the point of having more time,”
“If we can’t spend it with all of the people we care about.”
“And we do mean all.”
“You guys are making me dizzy with all this back and forth…” (Y/n) chuckled nervously. Clone Shinobu had since let go of their wrists since they weren’t trying to escape anymore, so they rubbed the back of their neck to try to soothe their nerves.
“Would it be better if we spoke in unison?” The doubles asked together.
“Oh gods no, that’s so creepy!”
They laughed and (Y/n) couldn’t help but to join in. When they quieted, the Shinobu’s crowded around them to give them a hug and they melted. It had felt like forever since they lost got a Shinobu hug, and now it was double the comfort! Their skin burned and their heart sped up when a pair of chaste kisses were placed on either cheek. Then their hands were taken by a Shinobu on either side and together they led them down the hall.
“Where are we going?” (Y/n) asked.
“We haven’t decided yet.”
“We just know that wherever we go, you are required to go with us.”
“Oh, required huh?” They grinned.
“That’s what you get when you avoid us for days on end.”
“Now you have to be at our mercy for whatever activities we decide to partake in.”
(Y/n)’s grin faltered upon seeing the mischievous look the duo shared as they tugged them along. Did they have some kind of psychic link? Why were they suddenly giggling, and why did it sound so evil? Oh gods… they should not have left them alone together. One Shinobu could be plenty to deal with on her own, but two?
(Y/n) didn’t stand a chance.
241 notes · View notes
giggly-squiggily · 3 months
Headcanons To Dabbles Masterlist (D-G)
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Here are all the dabbles from the Headcanons to Dabble Event from D-F! :D (Previous Masterlist was too big- had to break it up)
Full Masterlist
Last updated: 7/4/24
Do The Thing? (Lee!Maki, Ler!Kaede)
Check-In! (Lee!Taka, Lers!Mondo, Leon, Chihiro)
Cheer Up, Kiyo! (Lee!Korekiyo, Ler!Gonta)
Company (Lee!Shuichi, Ler!Kokichi)
Foot Rest (Lee!Yasuhiro, Ler!Mondo)
Nails (Korekiyo x Reader)
Sibling Check (Switches!Ibuki, Hajime)
Sweet Talk (Nagito x Reader)
Death Note
Self Preservation (Lee!L, Ler!Light)
Demon Slayer
Air Tickles (Lee!Akaza, Ler!Hantengu Clones)
All Ears (Lee!Douma, Ler!Akaza)
Bed Time (Douma x Reader)
Challenge Accepted (Lee!Douma, Ler!Kokushibou)
Crybaby (Lee!Douma, Ler!Kokushibou)
Cupid (Lee!Sanemi, Ler!Tengen)
Douma's Army (Lee!Daki, Gyutaro, Kaigaku, Ler!Gyokko)
Drummer Boy and The Pesky Spider (Lee!Kyogai, Ler!Rui)
Eye Contact (Lee!Tengen, Ler!Sanemi)
Elevator (Lee!Kokushibou, Ler!Douma)
Eyes On Me (Lee!Koku, Ler!Douma)
Feathered Touch (Lee!Giyu, Ler!Crow)
Fluster (Lee!Douma, Ler!Kokushibou)
First Aid (Lee!Tanjiro, Ler!Genya)
Five Seconds (Lee!Akaza, Ler!Douma)
Frustration Cure (Lee!Tanjiro, Lers!Rengoku, Mitsuri)
Future Sightings (Lee!Kokushibou, Ler!Douma)
Gone In The Wind (Lee!Gyomei, Ler!Sanemi)
Heat Of The Moment (Lee!Douma, Ler!Akaza)
Keen Sense Of Hearing (Lee!Tanjiro, Inosuke, Ler!Zenitsu)
Lavender Fly (Lee!Giyu, Ler!Shinobu)
Little hands, my only weakness (Switches!Gyomei, Nezuko)
The Look (Lee!Douma, Ler!Kokushibou)
Medicine (Lee!Gyomei, Ler!Shinobu)
Mending (Lee!Genya, Ler!Sanemi)
Messed With The Wrong Demon (Lee!Douma, Ler!Koku)
Mirrored Memories (Lee!Muichiro, Lers!Kagaya, Amane) 
Mirror (Lee!Nezuko, Ler!Tengen)
Munch (Lee!Gyomei, Ler!Reader)
Off Button (Lee!Akaza, Lers!Daki, Gyutaro)
Ribs (Lee!Gyutaro, Ler!Rui)
Run (Lee!Rui, Ler!Douma)
Sit With Me (Lee!Gyomei, Ler!Kagaya)
Smile (Lee!Giyu, Ler!Sanemi)
Snowflakes (Lee!Douma, Ler!Akaza)
Spell It For Me (Lee!Sanemi, Ler!Tengen)
Stripes (Lee!Akaza, Ler!Douma)
Taisho Era Tickle Monster (Switch!Tanjiro, Lees!Zenitsu, Nezuko)
(Tickle) Fight Me! (Lee!Inosuke, Ler!Tanjiiro)
Team Work Makes The Dream Work (Lee!Tengen, Lers!Sanemi, Giyu)
Teenage Dream (Muichiro x Reader) 
Thick Skin (Lee!Douma, Lers!Daki, Rui)
Tickle Yourself (Lee!Aizetsu, Ler!Urogi)
Unexpected (Switches!Sabito, Giyu) 
Unshakable (Lee!Kokushibou, Ler!Douma) 
What I Like About You (Lee!Douma, Ler!Kokushibou)
Who’s Better? (Lees!Sanemi, Muichiro, Lers!Tengen, Rengoku)
Dr Stone
Chair Sized (Lee!Ryusui, Ler!Tsukasa) 
Ballet (Lee!Gen, Ler!Senku)
Dad Mode (Lee!Senku, Ler!Byakuya)
Flower Language (Lee!Gen, Ler!Senku)
Heartbeat (Ukyo x Romantic!Reader) 
I Smell A Storm (Lee!Tsukasa, Ler!Ryusui)
Returning Hug (Lee!Ryusui, Ler!Tsukasa)
Talk to me (Lee!Gen, Ler!Senku) 
Traitor (Lee!Ryusui, Ler!Tsukasa)
Fire Emblem
Retainer's Contribution (Lee!Sylvain, Lers!Dimitri, Dedue)
Splitting Sides (Lee!Claude, Ler!Hilda)
Fire Force
Begone, Devil! (Lee!Shinra, Ler!Arthur)
Free! Iwatobi Swim Club
Ants (Lee!Ikuya, Ler!Natsuya) 
Foot Rest (Lee!Rin, Ler!Sousuke)
Liar Liar (Lee!Rin, Ler!Sousuke)
Jog Your Memory (Lee!Rin, Ler!Nagisa)
Resting Bitch Face (Lee!Haru, Ler!Makoto) 
Temper Tantrum (Lee!Rin, Ler!Nitori)
Fruits Basket
Rival (Lee!Nao, Ler!Yuki)
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eidolonshiva · 2 months
How have you been? I hope all is well. Have you been thinking about Fumiko lately? Any headcanons to share? :3
Hi, anon. Thanks for the ask! I work in academia so August/September are always the worst months of the year for me, but I'm hanging in there. My depression always ramps up this time of year.
I'm always rotating my disaster-girl in my head like she was a rotisserie chicken. So I am always happy to share headcannons/little factoids.
Popping under a cut for length.
Modern AU/Academy AU
Serious headcannons:
Although if they were to meet in the canon timeline they would not get along, I feel like Shinobu and Fumiko would be close friends in any other version of their characters. They have similar personalities in the fact that they like to torment people who they feel have wronged either them or those that they are both to. They're could also both talk for hours about how to make poison or medicine. Fumiko is good at reading people and would be one of the few people who would call Shinobu out for putting on a fake personality, making her one of the rare people the petite woman could be her true self around.
I've been thinking of what Fumiko's vice would be in a modern setting in lieu of wisteria poisoning, and I think an equivalent would be prescription opioids. Stealing one of her father's prescription pads and getting a hold of some fake ID's would make access to the drugs an easy task.
A way to tie in her dual personality is that she's usually shy, studious, and timid but she's also a rampant party girl. She'll take any substance offered to her in an attempt to suppress her feelings.
I imagine that the Shabana siblings mother is not in the picture - I can't see any version of her being a good parent. In my AU, the Shabana's live in a run-down studio above the combini Gyutaro works at. After it's eventually condemned, they move in with the Mutō family (Ume sharing a bedroom with Fumiko and Gyutaro sleeping on the couch.) Atsuo, Fumiko's father, welcomes them in warmly but Satoru, her younger brother, is pissed to have new roommates. Ume and Satoru don't get along; Ume is not used to no longer being the youngest sibling and Satoru doesn't trust the Shabanas and feels like they are using his sister.
Gyutaro and Fumiko's firstborn is still an accident. Fumiko's IUD failed due to her heavy drug use.
Fumiko suffers from frequent headaches and has a habit of touching the back of her head where her second mouth is located in her canon version.
Silly headcannons:
At her job at the makeup store, she's had to restrain Inosuke to prevent him from trying to eat the jelly blush more than once.
In the academy, she would be in the cooking club.
Also in the academy, Rengoku would be her homeroom teacher. The two get along because they both love to eat, including sneaking into the Home Economics class where they would have to hide from Haganezuka while pilfering snacks. Imagine the velociraptor in the kitchen scene from Jurassic Park.
Fumiko gets along well with the Hantengu family who are brothers in this instead of clones. She's one of the rare people Zohakuten likes due to Fumiko's "big sister" energy and the fact that he's friends with Satoru.
Fumiko has pretty bad vision and wears contacts. She has glasses that she wears at home, but is embarrassed of them so won't wear them out of the house.
General Factoids/"Taisho Era Secrets"
Fumiko is a pretty good singer, and will often sing or hum little songs while she works.
Although her family ran a Wisteria House, she never fully trusted the Slayer Corps. She found is suspicious how a lot of the members seemed to be children who found themselves in an unfortunate situation. This creeping doubt also made her transition to a demon easier.
Although she comes from a decent family (respectable occupation but average income/house), she never had a betrothal. Her father was a modern-minded man and would never push his daughter into a relationship she did not want. Gyutaro was her first relationship experience.
0 notes
Demon Slayer 21 - 24 | Given 7 - 11 (FINAL) | Astra 9 - 12 (FINAL) | Fruits Basket 20 - 24 | Dr Stone 8 - 11 | Cop Craft 8 - 10 (not including recap ep.)
Demon Slayer 21
Ooh, butterfly titlecard.
Well…at least we know Muzan…wasn’t always Muzan Jackson.
Can demons go to hell…?
Aw, seeing Rui become human again (at least in his head) was pretty cute.
Shinobu is off her rocker!!! (a continuation of a comment I made in the collab post for last ep.)
“…don’t forget about the other one!” – The other…what, exactly…?
This girl…is Kanao, isn’t it…? She’s the “other one”!
I was almost hoping Shinobu’s shoe blade would stab the crow…it ruined a perfectly good buch of Giyu reaction faces…
Ukogi! You came back to me!
Why can’t the girls wear trousers too…? (someone grumbles “Because that’s not in accordance with the times in the Taisho Era) I don’t care, let girls wear pants! This is not Strike Witches! Update: Shinobu wears pants, actually…*people collectively facepalm*
Kakushi means “hidden/to hide”. It makes a lot of sense, to be honest.
Given 7
I like the ambient sounds in this show.
If Akihiko learnt you thought something was wrong with him, he’d beat you up. Stat.
Haruki and Akihiko: masters of reading the room. (When they’re counted as a pair, that is.)
I just realised Akihiko is daling with Mafuyu because of Yayoi…Yayoi is what Kasai could be and Ugetsu/Akihiko is what Ritsuka/Mafuyu could be.
Dr Stone 8
Note Jasper says “baka musume” – he still acknowledges Kohaku is his daughter even after disowning her.
“We’re neither gods nor geniuses,” says Senku, a genius…hmm.
Suika has such a cute voice that it’s easy to guess her gender…*hint hint*
Was it “kitto” (certainly) or “Kinro” Ginro said in his sleep…?
I think the eyecatch might be iron sand (some form of it, at least).
Fruits Basket 20
(no notes here, sorry!)
Cop Craft 8
What was that black thing that appeared before the plane broke apart…?
Ohhhhhhh…kay. That was not something I signed up for…
Isn’t there some kind of magic Tilarna can use to get back into her body?
I find it ironic that Seven Miles (a place name, I presume) is 3 miles away…
Given 8
I never skip the OP…so I guess it helps that I found Marutsuke and Kizuato on Spotify. (<-Here you go.)
Indirect kiss…!
I’m reminded of what Boueibu said about umbrella colour being a reflection of your personality when I see Mafuyu with a disposable umbrella.
“Hiiragi Kashima wants to be forgiven” sounds like a LN title.
(I had some notes here, but I forgot them…such is the life of watching on phone but writing the notes down later.)
Demon Slayer 22
I LOLled when Tanjiro asked what a Hashira was…(does he know what it is…? Should we know at this point what it is, or did spoilers ruin it for me?)
Wisteria pattern!
LOL, I like Mist Hashira already!
Only Shinobu has a hiragana first name (out of the Hashiras)…hmm.
Shi-Shinazugawa…? Isn’t that the surname of angry-for-the-sake-of-angry mohawk guy from Final Selection…?
Tanjiro uses his head…once again. (That joke never gets old! What do you mean, you don’t like it…?)
Hashiras’ jackets say korosu (to kill) while ordinary slayers get horobosu (to destroy) and Kakushis’ jackets say, well, kakushi (to hide).
“I wonder if the sky is blue.” – Is this person (master of the mansion)…blind…?
The bandage-head Hashira who says “flamboyant” all the time…he reminds me of Senku…(in a bad way.)
I wonder if Giyu will be punished…? A few comments this episode have suggested such an outcome.
“…devours humans…”
Rengoku (flame Hashira)…I think I once saw him being referred to as “Blaziken Head” by someone on the ‘net…LOL.
How does the Master know this…? The Kasugai crows, right?
I just realised the love Hashira has a skirt…
Poor Giyu has his head turned away…he’s too embarrassed to even blush.
Fruits Basket 21
I noticed the fanclub only ever calls Hana “wave girl”…
I love how the narrator, a middle-aged man, has to voice the thoughts of a teenage girl.
Fruits Basket 22
(no notes, sorry!)
Dr Stone 9
H & N, huh…?
Astra 9
So…what is the sphere…?
Luca’s real dad vs. Quitterie’s mom = art vs. science, LOL.
…I almost cried when everyone started crying…
Uh…random question I didn’t think about when it was revealed, but should Luca invest in a bra…?
You can see Gruppies and waves on the wall while Kanata and Luca talk…and shrooms...and coral…
Wait, so these guys are all…aliens? Polina is the only one from Earth…? What about the sphere???
Cop Craft 9
Why did the intro get moved to the middle of the episode…? Also, I’ve noticed there’s a special episode next week…it means there really was a budget and/or scheduling stuff-up along the way somewhere, just like you can suspect with an anime that moves as terribly as this one.
There’s a strange dent in Kei’s leg…specifically, on his kneecap…
Astra 10
Guardian Enzo said no one’s mentioned the Astra crew never said they were from Earth before…now I’m noticing it too.
W-WHAT?! I was right????? (see this post for why I suspected Charce to be the culprit)
Demon Slayer 23
3 episodes until the end, huh…?
Why does Sanemi taunting Nezuko remind me of a sexual encounter…? (with the “You know you want it” etc.)…Uh, bad news, guys. Sanemi is 21 and Nezuko is 14, so no shipping unless you don’t mind 7 year age gaps and an underage girl, all in the one ship.
Mist Hashira? Using rocks to flick at the esteemed guest (Tanjiro)? Hmm, he ain’t quite my type after all…
This Kakushi that keeps punching Tanjiro seems to be a woman…or just a guy with very long eyelashes. Update: Nope, definitely a woman. The Kakushi dynamic almost reminds me of Jessie and James from Pokémon…
Heyyyyyyy! Don’t underestimate a girl!!!!!!!!!!
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh nope. Nope. Nope. I was hoping we wouldn’t hear about how Zenitsu’s hands were the size of a KFC spork, but…eeeeeeeeeesh…
I never thought I’d be so happy to have Inosuke silenced by spider daddy…well, here we are.
“…I’ll become an old guy and die.” – Wow…even I don’t think of that stuff…
I wonder if Muzan had anything to do with why the Master’s head looks the way it is?
Dr Stone 10
(no notes, sorry!)
Given 9
I wonder if Akihiko ever liked Yayoi in the first place…
I noticed Ritsuka says “atarashii hito” which is translated to “someone else”…the English suggests more intimacy than the Japanese…hmm.
Mafuyu, my boy…! (I bet you could call all of The Seasons “my boys” now.)
I love how Take acts as Haruki’s straight man.
I was wondering why the ANN review was referring to Given as “Wonderwall” – that’s the name of the next episode.
Fruits Basket 23
“What are you doing?”
Astra 11
Only one ‘til the end…oh wow, where did the time go??? (Also, ep. 12’s title of “Friend-Ship” is terrible…a terrible pun…)
Duuuuuuuuuuuuuude, I saw the Seira = Aries thing right away…it’s exactly the same as what breaks Juuni Taisen for people…
Wait, but couldn’t Charce, as the king’s clone, becom the heir to the throne instead…?
Oh, that…that joke’s absolutely terrible…! *shakes head* Did you know I was holding my hand over my mouth for basically that entire climactic scene?  I think summer might have a fighting chance in the end-of-year rankings for once!
Demon Slayer 24
I love how Tanjiro is “that headbutting kid�� now.
There are cute little butterflies on the title card.
It’s good to see the return of Murata…and those transition faces.
Considering spiders are pretty gross if you think about it, both sides have a point…
Murata’s a more fun character than I thought a bit guy would be…in fact, that might explain why we learn his name, as opposed to being a nobody (like the female Slayer on the mountain that got killed by Spider Mama).
“I think we’re a lot better now.” – Aside from Zenitsu’s hands, that is…*makes disgusted face and thinks of KFC sporks*
Sleeping Ukogi is totes adorbs…*face beams with happiness*
Uhhhhhhhh…I reallllllllly dunno what to feel about Zenitsu’s love of girls. He’s no playboy, that’s for sure. Unfortunately (?), I do agree with Zenitsu on how Inosuke deals with girls though.
Zenitsu’s an M, I tell you! An MMMMMMM!
Wow, someone put real effort…into Zenitsu playing tag with a girl…sad life.
“A girl was able to do that to something that hard?!” – Nyeh-heh-heh-heh…call me dirty-minded, but…because this is blowing into a gourd we’re talking about, it sounds funny out of context.
Lemme guess…Aoi is this blue grumpy one. That’s why I dropped Divine Gate (since characters matched their colour schemes too well). Update: No, this blue one was talking when she mentioned Aoi, so Aoi is one of the three mini butterfly girls, I think. Update 2: No, the sentence was punctuated funny: “You’ll be up against myself, Aoi and Kanao there.” Turns out Aoi really is blue grumpy girl, because the sentence is missing a comma after “Aoi”.
“Please forgive me.” – Hey, Moya, you were right. Plus, that random Haganezuka appearance was funny – that’s been the first time in a while that I’ve laughed at Demon Slayer properly.
Apparently Shinobu and Tanjiro on the roof is a meme now. Now I see why.
“…with their instincts laid totally bare.” – I feel like slayers and demons aren’t so different, because even thought both fight for survival, slayers fight for revenge (in a sense, bloodlust) and demons for actual bloodlust.
“I feel like I can rest easy now.” – Sounds like an early death flag to me! (I may be an anime-only watcher at this point, but I encountered some spoilers that showed me Shinobu’s fate. Be mindful of that if it seems like I’m accurately predicting the future.)
Shinobu and Tanjiro…hmm, what a combo.
I love how the Zenitsu and Inosuke in the background react to crimes they’re being accused of in the foreground.
Cop Craft 10
Emails, emails…can’t anyone talk in person these days? (As much as I love emails, I gotta critique that.)
Hey wait. I thought their AI wasn’t so good…
Kei’s birthday is the 18th of June 1993…? Wow, I didn’t know he was 26.
New what now??? This really is straight outta Compton, if you know what I mean…
The march about aliens here reminds me of the climate strike the other day.
Given 10
Smol Ritsuka…
This show is hilarious when it needs to be. I’m really gonna miss it.
“Kedama” means hairball. “Tama” is a cat’s name, as implied here.
“Mafuyu” has “winter” in it to make a set of 4 seasons though…
Oh, so that’s why they’re – and this show is - “Given”.
Fruits Basket 24
Did Tohru vomit…or was she just catching her breath…?
“…when you are.”
Was this “monstrous Kyo” scene halfway through the manga or at the end? I don’t remember anymore…
Astra 12 (FINAL)
Hmm…I heard about gaman (“tolerance”, “persistence”…or maybe “working through hardship”…?) being a concept in the past few years and I think it’s very much embodied in the streotypical Japanese man…or just Kanata. Who knows?
So…what language are Kanata and co. really speaking? It seems like English, based on the spaceport screens (I rewatched ep. 1 today, I should know), but they’re speaking in Japanese for the sake of the fact it’s anime, right? Update: I also noticed quit a bit of the spaceport advertising is for Lucy Lum, while there is special attention paid to Aries’s eyes in ep. 1.
This is what they mean when they say “history is written by the victors”. To build from that, my idea is that the hegemonic idea becomes the truth, i.e. majority rules wins the ability to write history itself (e.g. patriarchal values, able-bodied people’s values etc. write history, not the minorities).
Aries may have eidetic memory, but she sucks at names. That’s consistent with ep. 1 too.
Oh, right! Kanata’s right arm is his dominant one!...I never knew such fond memories could be made of a single character’s appendage…who knew.
LOL, Charce brought out his sparkly face again.
Ooh, older!Ulgar is hot! Me likey!!!
Ooh, Funi’s star ornament. Ulgar still has one!
I swore that was Quitterie…turned out it was Funi. Oh well, Astra lied to me again. (I’m fine with that.)
You can even see Luca’s femininity for once…!
Ooh, red tulips = true love, white tulips = forgiveness/worthiness. Normally tulips represent “perfect love”. Perfect for Kanata and Aries, don’tcha think?
I was wondering why Kanata had a new black hand. (Maybe it was a glove or something.) Nope, it’s a prosthetic.
I don’t actually know how to say that joke about being a right-hand man in Japanese, despite hearing it from the show twice (I went back and tried to listen again). Somebody tell me, please!
I noticed one of the people in the cast list had an exclamation mark next to their name…well, that was funny for a second.
The one unrecognisable song was Astra-gou no Bouken (Adventure of the Spaceship Astra).
Well, that was a wild ride. I’m definitely sad that it’s over, but remember what they say in the show itself – look forward, not back. See you next time!
Given 11 (FINAL)
Come to think of it, if you interpret Kizuato one way, it means “Traces of Scars”, but this song’s title is in katakana so you can’t tell…
This is like a marriage proposal…
I’ve noticed something – ever since I started engaging with BL and yaoi in earnest, I’ve realised there’s this fear of “not being masculine” enough by both members of the couple. That’s probably what Ritsuka is going through with the box.
What did Ritsuka even bump into on his way out, though…?
Oh, science curriculum, huh? Me, I’m a student of the humanities, so I wouldn’t know about that feel…I was always average at English anyway after essays started coming in…
Oh, we’re back at Harusame. Didn’t think we would be.
I love how Mafuyu’s handle for the band is “Kedama”…the name of his dog.
Update: Turns out the SNS account for Given (band), as well as Mafuyu and Ritsuka, are real...on Twitter. I’d assume Haruki and Akihiko join them for the movie...?
Dr Stone 11
Ooh, lyrics! Finally!
I almost expected Chrome to go, “What’s soap?” – he’s never seen it before, remember?
Note Kaseki means “fossil” in Japanese and contains the kanji for “stone” in it.
Ginro just yelled the Weekly Shonen Jump motto…coincidence? I think not!
Team Shiny Spear Tips Forever complicates things for the crew.
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heyiwrotesomethings · 2 months
I don't think I'm ready for Shinobu's fate in the anime, someone please clone her again
Bring back the clone shinobu era for a moment 😞🙏
Yeah, maybe that was the problem. Shinobu should have been taking time to make a clone army of herself and attack Douma like a swarm of angry bees.
Could have been like one of those war simulations. Who would win, one Douma or one thousand Shinobus? Honestly, I think one thousand Shinobus might have done the trick with all the poison between them. However, would still be devastating to lose any number of them 😔
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heyiwrotesomethings · 2 years
ello!!! sorry for intruding your questions a l o t lately especially the shinobu clone era, your way of understanding shinobu and mitsuri helped me understand them and it makes me lil gay heart happi and i just get a lot of ideas
hope you're not too forced to answer most of my questions there they're long usually ''''''
so um
do you think shinobu believes at the "drinking milk makes you talller"? 💀
I’m happy to hear that, I try my best! : D
I don’t mind questions either, it’s just surprising how many more I’ve been getting. The hardest part is just trying to come up with something of substance to say in return.
Now the milk!
I could see her thinking that when she was younger. I could also see her hating drinking just straight up milk, but suffering through just for a chance to grow a couple more inches. I can imagine poor Shinobu, maybe nine or ten years old, measuring herself everyday, drinking two tall glasses of milk each day, stretching, only to realize she’s not getting the height she desires. When it’s clear to her that she’s not getting any taller, she bitterly swears off milk and to this day she refuses to drink it.
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heyiwrotesomethings · 2 years
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I did it.
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heyiwrotesomethings · 2 years
Shinobu clones all lined up to get their good morning kisses from their s/o
This is sweet. We shall end the clone era here for now with this wholesome message.
I counted and we made like, 60ish posts in four days. Everyone rest now. If you want to revisit before the fic is made, you know the tag and the banner is always there for you.
Good night, good morning, or afternoon! 💜
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heyiwrotesomethings · 2 years
Coming in live on Slayer News! I'm your host BirbMcGee; coming to give you all of the daily news in Japan!
Today on this wonderful Friday, of September 8th, 2022, witnesses claim to see, 'Various of Butterflies' roaming around Tokyo, causing mayhem to a 24 year-old man named, Tengen Uzui; a Sound Hashira from the Demon Slayer Corporation. We have a surveillance camera that had recently caught action of the Sound Hashira, fleeing from one of the 'Various Butterflies', which appears to look like the Insect Hashira; Kochou Shinobu, who is also from the Demon Slayer Corporation!
In the video, the Sound Hashira had looked quite mortified while running covered in, what looks like, to be needles filled with a mysterious liquid. Scientists say that it could be homemade poison from the Insect Hahsira; considering she does specialize as a doctor in her own humble abode; The Butterfly Estate! And further more..! Oh, yes, Mhmm... Oh no-
Apologies folks, we are getting some interference within the studio, uh, what..? ...Oh God, they're here.. Already?! U-Uh, we're going to cut this episode short today folks, until next time-! AH, THEY'RE RAMPAGING THROUGH- GET THEM OUT- AAH- GET OFF ME- GET OFF- AAAAH-!
We are experiencing technical difficulties, please standby 😊
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heyiwrotesomethings · 2 years
Aoi: we’ll prepare your grave
Aoi should prepare one for me too at this point
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heyiwrotesomethings · 2 years
I imagine that (if they weren't around when the first clonenobu appeared) when s/o woke up to find two Shinobus, they thought they were either still dreaming or Shinobu decided to test something on them that's giving them powerful hallucination while they were asleep
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These two had the same energy so I put them together : )
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heyiwrotesomethings · 2 years
which shinobu is real ??? 😪
It kind of depends on if the clones come with clothes I guess because I kinda figured Original Shinobu would have Kanae’s haori while the other(s) do not.
Now I’m thinking about the clones having to get their own uniforms and just straight up burning Maeda on a pyre if he doesn’t make the uniforms to their liking.
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heyiwrotesomethings · 2 years
if kanae was still alive and there were clone shinobus, what would happen? how would the other butterfly girls react? like i imagine kanae just finds it amusing that there are so many shinobus bickering amongst each other, teasing (tormenting) giyuu (because more shinobus to torment giyuu is more fun), or causing chaos everywhere. i think naho, sumi, and kiyo would LOVE the fact that there are many shinobus. idk how aoi and kanao would react to the clone shinobus but thinking about it is so funny to me
Kanae: More little sisters to love 😊 I imagine it is tiring, but she doesn’t mind. She loves them all. Demands group hugs. Knows every Shinobu at just a glance.
Kanao: Maybe a little overwhelmed, but Shinobu’s always been good to her. Maybe the Shinobus come off as a little gruff, but her heart is fundamentally kind. She feels safe in the sea of Shinobus 🥲
Aoi: She has an immense amount of respect for Shinobu and looks up to her a lot, but I think she might feel like it’s a little crowded in the lab or the infirmary at times.
Sumi, Kiyo and Naho: They think the Shinobu Clones are so much fun. They aren’t always sure which one they’re talking to, but the Shinobus never hold it against them.
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heyiwrotesomethings · 2 years
Each Shinobu having to use a specific nickname for their darling so they could know which one's calling for them without seeing them
Awww wholesome ☺️
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heyiwrotesomethings · 2 years
wonder how giyuu, uzui and y/n sleep knowing there's a pile of shinobu clones slowly spawning suddenly
They sense a disturbance in the force.
But there is nothing they can do about it😔
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heyiwrotesomethings · 2 years
to prevent confusion i thought I'll call real shinobu Shino and the clone Nobu
what if the both can feel what the other feels? like shino gets sleepy so nobu gets kinda sleepy too? if one gets hurt the other feels it slightly, i wonder how heated the argument is gonna get
Yeah that would work nicely. Maybe I’d shorten Shino a little to Shi so we got Shi and Nobu so when Yn is at their wits end they can just put it all together as Shinobu and both will look up with the cutest sheepish looks. Nobu does just feel like a really good clone name for some reason. Feels right.
Having them be able to feel what the other feels is an interesting concept! If they do fight that would add a whole other realm of pain than destroying a version of yourself would already bring.
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