melon-milkis · 1 year
the fact that Shinwha’s This Love only has 6mil plays on spotify is harrowing,,,, idk why but it was so big around like 2012/2014 it should have more 💀
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idolstylekpop · 2 years
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kazvha · 2 months
Hi, how are you? Do you mind if I suggest you an idea?
I'm wondering, what would happen if Jurion really fell in love with another girl (reader) and not Jiyoung? The reader is as awakened as he is, but with a contented, rare control of his powers. For example, Veramonte wanted to gain such rare control of powers and offered the reader’s family an arranged marriage with Jurion. He has no choice but to take it for granted and become a husband for someone who will not love him, and he is unlikely to love him, because he is desperately in love with Jiyoung. I would like to see how Jurion ends up falling in love with the reader, but he struggles with his feelings, because he loves Jiyoung, but she does not share his feelings, and the reader, no matter how you look at him, shows sympathy for him.
Summary: Being in a arranged marriage with Jurion while he's still in love with someone else
Notes: hey ngl these past weeks have been stressful & i'm procrastinating like crazy but other than that i'm doing alright & i hope you are too! thanks for the request🫰🏾
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• Veramonte considered you as a potential partner for his son Jurion as soon as he heard that you reached the world's top 100. His good impression of you only solidified after he saw how you carried yourself in person
• He wanted Jurion to move on after his proposal was rejected by Shinwha's president Jiyoung, so he proposed your family an arranged marriage
• Jurion and you were not excited by this union. You because you simply wanted to spend your life with the person you love, which was obviously not Jurion, and Jurion because he was in love with another woman
• You felt like you were a replacement. But no matter how upset you were, the union was beneficial for both families. You both had responsibilities to fulfill
• Even after your marriage talks, Jurion didn't stop trying to win Jiyoung's heart. He would continuously seek her out, each time with another excuse
• After seeing Jurion like this, completely blind in love, you swore to yourself to never fall in love with him. It would only end in your bitter heartbreak and you wondered, would you look like him then?
• Still, you became friends. You pitied him and tried to support his love. It would also mean that if these two got together, you would be free to be with the person you really love. The chance was very small, but still there
• You would always stay by his side and give him emotional support, even after he broke down one day realizing how fruitless his efforts were and how dumb it was to pursue this unrequired love
• Jurion gradually noticed that whenever you were with him, he felt good. You never forced him to do something he didn't want like his father, you never annoyed him like his brother, and you never judged him for his actions like everybody else did
• And when he saw you one time with another man, smiling and intimately talking with each other, he felt a pang in his chest for whatever reason...
• Who is this guy? And, did you look always this good? Why aren't you smiling like that around him? He thought you two were good friends- Wait a second. Friends? No, partners sounds better. Wait what-
• Jurion was struggling with his thoughts, his heart was messing with him. He thought he liked Jiyoung?
• Little did he know that every time you were with him, supported him, his heart yearned more and more for you
• Being so confused, the next time he saw you he blurted out that he thinks he likes you. Which also made you confused because why and how?? Did he even get over Shinhwa's president?
• He said that he wanted to try to be a better partner. Be worthy of you. It was smarter to give up on Jiyoung who already set her eyes on someone else and pursue love with the one who was already his fiancée, the one who he already trusts with his life
• But you didn't want to give your heart to an uncertain man. You wanted to see his actions instead of just hearing his flowery words.
• So Jurion proved himself over time, with actions like checking on you every day or spending time with you and making sure you're having a great time. He made you his top priority, so finally, you gave him a chance to be your boyfriend, or well, your fiancé
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tbh i ran out of ideas towards the end. sorry if this seems all over the place😭 i hope y'all still enjoyed
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sunfish999 · 4 days
yk im getting a lil annoyed at eleceed cuz ok i am totally fine with guestellaxkayden getting together, and the fight vs confession misunderstanding is funny as hell. However, why the fuck does guestella think kayden is into jiyoung if shes literally like 19. A lot of ppl think shes 20/21 but i feel like if jiwoo was 16 at the start and is now 17, then having a 20/21 y/o as a love interest is weird as hell cuz no way would i wanna date a 17 y/o. I could see if it was a one-sided crush but they make jiyoung blush a lot too. Anyway, why would a literal 30 y/o wanna date a 19 y/o😭 or even a 20/21 y/o. Like no thanks lol, he (should) definitely see her as a kid.
But what i’m annoyed at is that i feel like the current ‘guestella thinks kayden is into jiyoung’ is just a filler continued miscommunication issue to drag out the kayden guestella arc, and it doesnt seem like much thought was put into it because of this plot hole created that messes up jiyoung’s age into my opinion. I’d like to think the author is not a weirdo who is pairing a minor with a younger adult (aka 16 vs 20 or 17 vs 21, both are quite weird) and then also making guestella think it’s realistic for a 20/21 vs 28/30 y/o pairing. (Obviously this is realistic irl in SOME cases, but overall i think its unnecessary to put that into this comic, as a 21 y/o i am at a very different point in life than someone that much older)
Tldr: i think author needs to make ages more clear, or at least make others treat jiyoung younger if theyre pairing her with jiwoo.
even if shes the head of shinwha and ‘had to grow up too fast bc she has to protect everyone and is super powerful,’ theres gonna be at least someone (ergo, kayden and co) who would treat her as her age, because they are just as (probably more idk) powerful as her.
uhh after writing this im confusing myself even more, none of this is my hardcore unchanging belief its just my opinion after most recent chapters, but feel free to leave ur opinion so i can compare!!!
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beautifulpersonpeach · 9 months
The SM-Jessica special? That's interesting. Do you really think there's something SM did to set up and blacklist MHJ the way they did for Jessica?
Lol Anon,
You might as well be asking me if water is wet. There's no need to even work to come up with a conspiracy, you just have to be aware of very recent history that is public information. I mean, think about it. JYJ from TVXQ remain effectively blacklisted 20 years later (even though they have made the most remarkable improvement in the last five years), while Yunho and Changmin maintain a thriving career and spotless reputation (despite occasional whispers on k-blogs that are promptly deleted); Kris Wu from EXO, when the allegations were first made against him, he pointed out how the first girl from the Chinese chatroom had obtained the highest clearance access to him that would've been impossible without ridiculously high financial backing (he's still a rapist so it doesn't matter, but still); you already know what happened to Jessica. There's a reason SM Entertainment has earned a reputation of being the absolute worst of all the top k-pop agencies in Korea, for the entirety of the company's existence.
More recently, during the EXO-CBX slave contract scandal, an anonymous staff blind from SM posted on gossip blogs asserted that Chen, Baekhyun, and Xiumin were extremely entitled and ungrateful fuck-ups who trampled on the other staff at SM - it was a massive and effective hit job (link to the blind here - translation here). In Korea there's chatter about how the change in sentiment against CBX due to that letter, was likely a factor in the trio quickly reaching an agreement with SM.
And then there's Min Heejin. Consider how she said when the allegations were first made, her response was that the pictures of "naked children" on her wall were a gift from a friend, that they weren’t even hers and that the claim she's a pedophile was completely absurd. Very normal and expected claims from someone who wanted to defend herself. Likely an excuse. What she didn't say though, was who that friend was. That was answered less than a week later when an SM employee (with a posting history spanning years and not a burn account), posted a blind that she was the one who presented the pictures to Min Heejin and even took it upon herself to hire help to hang up the pictures on her wall, as a present to MHJ, her dear friend, who she had a history of posting about (MHJ) as a bitch, a whore, and the parasite who stood in her way of advancing at SM... There was fairly normal chatter from the Koreans in the comment section of that post, but everybody understood what happened. The next day that post and the account that made it were deleted.
Shinwha has been the only group to somewhat escape SM and remain fairly independently successful, but the company has also done everything to make sure that's not repeated for anyone else. Including Min Heejin. Who chose to work at HYBE, of all places. Remember that tomfoolery about the "Pink Bloods"? I promise you Chris Lee and several staff think in very tribal terms about their business culture. And this is something that's widely assumed and accepted on the k-side.
Of course, none of this information really makes it to the international side. Or people note it in bits and pieces that may or may not be properly translated or shown to carry the right weight. Either way, there's a natural information barrier between Korean and international fandoms, there's Korean fans of rival groups who wouldn't want this to spread, in favour of the current narrative against MHJ and it's easy to see how SM can use this to their advantage. Also, the competitiveness inherent to k-pop ensures that so long as NewJeans is the top girl group, they are deserving of the worst and most dehumanizing handicap in k-pop: the ick factor of pedophilia.
I mean, I saw in real time how k-pop stans were in love with NewJeans precisely up till the moment the pre-order numbers for their debut album was released and was on pace to break records set by any other debut at the time. The moment that happened people started looking for anything to detract from the group, there were even bullying accusations started for Minji randomly on naver but ofc it never gained traction because only a few hours later, an account that hadn't posted since February 2022 suddenly posted a a massive thread about how the pictures on Min Heejin's wall on her Instagram (which had been posted for months without incident) were actually proof she's secretly a pedophile, therefore, NewJeans should be boycotted, hated, and shunned or MHJ should abandon working with NewJeans. This is a narrative they will never let up because it's easy to use, extremely damaging, and cruel. It's why:
none of the groups Min Heejin worked on as Creative Director while at SM, such as SHINee, f(x), NCT Dream and NCT more broadly, Red Velvet, etc, are treated as 'created with pedophilia in mind' the way it's applied to NewJeans, even though they ascribe to MHJ every portion of responsibility for the song and artist, as though it's all her work;
Also, why is it that the whole team of people who worked with MHJ at SM, many with known public sordid histories, people whose choices would've certainly shown in the work as well - why aren't they awarded even a sliver of attention or responsibility? That's how we have people believing the lyrics for Ice Cream Cake by Red Velvet were under the direction of graphic designer and CD MHJ.... Like, seriously lmao. Going by her job description, her involvement would’ve began and ended in the styling and overall art direction of the group and MV. It's one of the most iconic MVs in k-pop btw.
even they admit that MHJ is singlehandedly responsible for creating our current idea of "concepts" in k-pop. N.B: the idea that a conceptual thematic for a group, debut, and comeback should be centered around one central idea - it was established and promoted by MHJ in SM which helped establish SM as a formidable company in the Big3. Most of the classics from SM were overseen by MHJ;
It's also why names like Park Jin-young, Yang Hyun-suk, and Yoo Young-jin are names you might prolly feel the need to google to be certain of who they are, despite three of them being three of the biggest names in k-pop, certified male creeps with known public histories of drooling over teen girls on camera while being the right-hand man for a guy wanted by Interpol as in the case of YYJ (and then debuting minor groups); disbanding their groups and having sex with them while underage and then later marrying them as in the case of YG, installing cameras in their bathrooms and then debuting a group like Treasure and BabyMonster; taking minors to R Kelly's house and then debuting them with his partnership as in the case of JYP, and then debuting Wonder Girls, Itzy, NMIXX with minors and questionable approaches... and yet none of these groups are expected to be boycotted to punish their 'creepy CEO'. Even though all three men are heavily involved in their companies and in managing their groups, including in creative direction, and they take ownership of that work... they’re not treated with the same venom left for MHJ, even their groups' works aren't judged as being the product of those men alone (a reasonable assumption), the way it's done for MHJ with NewJeans (an unreasonable assumption).
To hurt the opposing fandom and group is the point for a lot of fans here, unfortunately. And that’s why k-pop stans will continue to push the pedophilia label on NewJeans and MHJ. It’s something I said as soon as their pre-release order numbers dropped before debut. Just given the nature of the threat NewJeans poses to every girl group, *and* the fact they’re from HYBE, guarantees they will always be hated by majority of k-pop stans.
I do have to mention there's many honest to goodness earnest k-pop stans who think they're genuinely exposing a danger to society, and while they could be right, most of the allegations against MHJ simply do not hold up under intense scrutiny, by my standards at least. And even if she is a criminal and a freak, I wouldn't care anyway the way I don't care now for YYJ, YG, and JYP - bonafide groomers and creeps, managing their groups till now.
That's just the fact.
And y'all already know how I feel about Cookie lol.
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tarosucheon · 2 years
So uhm i have this headcanon where subin has a black card BAHSHDHJAHSJA.
So uhm i think it's a fruit tea order with subin jiwoo jisuk and wooin (basically the gang ehe) with how subin uses her black card and spends it with the group (and also boasting it in front of jisuk lmao) if that makes sense?
Basically 30% sweetness and 50% tanginess (??) Cause the squad can't have a day without being chaotic lmao
I'm sorry if this is a hard order i just can't help myself jsksjkajska
Have a nice day! :>
↳ Response: ooh I adore his headcanon so much. We as a fandom don't talk enough about Rich Kids Jisuk and Subin and I think that's a problem. Also the fact that you added the sweetness preference I;;; much affection for you
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꒰Subin Black Card HCs ༉‧₊˚✧
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꒰ ⌨ A new order has come in! ··· ꒱
↷ Base: Fruit Tea [No reader]
↷ Boba: how Subin uses her black card
↷Allergies (Warnings): none
↷Sweetness preference: 30% sweetness, 50% tanginess
↷ Additional Notes: None
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Subin doesn’t seem like the type of person to throw away money Just Because, but also the type to spend half of her allotted budget on arcade games that are obviously scams 
Actually didn’t realize what it meant to have a black card until she whipped it out at school to buy a soda from the vending machine. The vending machine. Subin is really quite something. 
Usually quite generous in treating for people, but gets stupidly stubborn about it when it comes to Jisuk. 
“You think I’d waste this hard-earned money on you?!” “That isn’t even your money, you stingy bitch.” 
Half of the expenses is covering Wooin’s food. 
Jisuk called Subin Wooin’s “sugar mommy” once and he ended up in the hospital for a week 
Both she and Jisuk are planning to cover Jiwoo and Wooin’s tuition if/when they head into college
Considering both Subin and Jisuk’s positions, it make a lot more sense for Subin to have a black card and not Jisuk 
Subin was described to be treated like a princess, and never had much discipline enforced on her. A black card probably would’ve been one of the first things she was given once she was able to speak. 
The reason Jisuk wouldn’t have a black card? Jiyoung is a damn strict sister. I think she wouldn’t approve of Jisuk spending money recklessly despite his status, and although allows him to use the Shinwha budget, he has to get her approval first and get money loaned to him (as seen when he asks Jiyoung for an allowance) 
She’d probably enforce more sensible ideals onto Jisuk, and a black card is way out of the question. I don’t think Jisuk would even care or want a black card, either. Maybe it’s more convenient, but other than that, it doesn’t matter to him. 
That is, until Subin started flexing that stupid little black piece of plastic, and nothing gets Jisuk going more than feeling inferior to Subin. 
(Spoiler alert: He never got a black card, and sulked about it for weeks) 
She has lent her card to Wooin and Jiwoo several times-which started becoming an even more common occurrence when she figured out their means of transportation. Although they are regularly sponsored by Shinwha and the Union for flights and carrides, they’re still unaffiliated, which means they don’t exactly sit in the lap of luxury. 
Anyways, Subin changed that. Whenever they’re travelling somewhere, she has literally sneaked her card into their pockets so they can use it to get the best rental cars, hotels and airlines (all of which are benefits of having a black card) 
They keep on telling her it’s too much, but homegirl deadass Does Not Care. You call it spoiling her friends, she calls it expressing her affection. 
The type to use her black card for free trials, then completely forget to turn it off after the 30 days and get charged 
Thank you for reading!
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gotinterest · 1 year
So you mean to tell me BTS covered that one Shinwha song in 2015 WITH the n word still in there?
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emeraldbabygirl · 1 year
I need to know who the long haired man is he’s so yummy, sex on legs if you will why tf the backup dancers gotta be so fine? Woodz has sexy dancers, Sunmi and Chungha OBVIOUSLY have sexy dancers, Yubin and Hyuna have sexy dancers, Kai has had sexy dancers wINk wOnK Noze, Shinwha has had sexy dancers cough cough Sangwook, fucking epipen even has sexy dancers COUGH COUGH Kain and Hojin COUGH COUGH GAG Dreamcatcher has one yummy dancer, Nuest, 9muses and Imfact had the same yummy backup dancer LIKE GAG ME WITH A SPOON WHY IS EVERYONE SO YUMMY I WANT YUMMY DANCERS WHY ARE THE BACKUP DANCERS SO FINE WHAT THE FUCK RELEASE THE FANCAMS FROM THEM TOO THEY DESERVE IT 😩😩😩
Ugh I just ✨ backup dancers ✨
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topconfessions · 7 days
DearMoon is cancelled…. I had a feeling this would happen… we are not yet scientifically advanced enough for space tourism… how do you think TOP is handling the disappointing news?! Especially since it appears he quit BigBang and YG for the moon and lost the copyright to his name T.O.P
He lost the copyright? How on earth.... thats insane. He shouldve saved all his money and invested in buying the rights to his name instead of art and other things. I believe this wil crush him and he'll need time to process this but MAY post something as he understands and accepts it. Or he may wipe his IG clean and start from scratch which he should do.
I'm going to leave it alone cause I don't need to argue or fuss with any anons who want to swear up and down if you speculate someone is on spectrum you're evil and a hater like its a disgrace to have autism or be on spectrums.
I still believe he is somewhat on the spectrum but very high functioning. This entire dearmoon project was giving Hank Hill from king of the hill and how propane is essentially Hanks life and he loves that more comfortably & openly than his own family.
I hope he focuses on his wine brand and other ventures. Its never wise in life to put all your eggs in one basket, especially if its a risky or niche venture that isnt secure nor tangible. Last space mission I remember that succeeded and didnt take so long to occur was the one where William shatner was a passenger and thats a given since its very on brand for him to go.
I think that will be the last project and test tbh. I dont think we'll get a celebrity / public figures flight to the moon ever again. If we DO? Itll be close to 2027-2029. Thats my estimate and opinion. I feel G dragon shouldve been the one selected for the trip as he is a pillar and pennacle of Kpop or someone from shinwha. Steve Aoki is okay. The rest were whatever.
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digitalgenral · 1 year
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jirk · 3 years
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more Eleceed fanart because
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jjmorelikeotp · 4 years
Perfect Man by Shinwha is I Want It That Way for Kpop Stans Periodt
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tinyh0pe · 3 years
✧ ⃟ ⃟ ━━ Perfect Man, Type One: Jihyun Kim. ━━  ⃟ ⃟  ✧
⌒⌒⌒⌒ ┈┈─⵿──⵿── °◌̊ ݅
░░۟⃟🌻༘ — No puedo evitar pensar en los chicos de MM cuando escucho el tema "Perfect Man" del grupo Shinhwa, así que estaré recreándolos uno a uno. 🥺 Diría que es la primera serie de dibujos que crearé, y me entusiasma mucho. ✨♥️
💙;; Y por supuesto que el primero tenía que ser Jihyun, y lo caractericé igual que Hyesung, pues me pareció que coincidía con él. ✨🌷
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kpopmultifan · 5 years
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Shinhwa’s Shin Hyesung has released the track list for his upcoming special album “Setlist” which features the title track “You Are” & is scheduled to be released on October 8th.
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yourpinkpill · 5 years
Jungkook and Shinhwa’s Minwoo in Celebrity Bromance (2016)
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kpopbios2 · 5 years
Music Win Showcase: 2004 | 1 |
Song Title: 180 Degrees
Artist: MC Mong 
Show: Inkigayo 
Number of Wins for Song: 2
Number of Wins add to their Wins: 0 + 1 = 1
Song Title: Because You’re My Girl 
Artist: Lee Seung-Gi 
Show: Inkigayo 
Number of Wins for Song: 1
Number of Wins add to their Wins: 0 + 1 = 1
Song Title: Believe 
Artist: TVXQ 
Show: M Countdown 
Number of Wins for Song: 4
Number of Wins add to their Wins: 7 + 4 = 11
Song Title: Brand New 
Artist: Shinhwa
Show: Inkgayo & M Countdown 
Number of Wins for Song: 5
Number of Wins add to their Wins: 22 + 5 = 27 
Song Title: Crazy 
Artist: Shinhwa
Show: Inkigayo
Number of Wins for Song: 2
Number of Wins add to their Wins: 27 + 2 = 29 
Showcase Masterlist
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