#shiny Mewtwo
dingbat-things · 5 months
Sometimes being alone is nice.. But are we always truly alone??
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Part 1 of a comic!
I'll hopefully actually post for this!! If you have theorys, questions, asks go ahead send them in!!
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tizz-does-art · 10 months
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Times are changing...
It's time again. @xxtc-96xx 's Huey is a full grown 'Two as of today! I thought instead of drawing something silly and meme-y like the last 2 years, I'd do an actual picture. I let Spotify pick a theme for me based on the first song it shuffled- it wound up being Caleb Hyles' Hallelujah collab. And now I've made myself sad.
I've followed the Mew and Mewtwo series since before the baby boi got introduced, and now he's all big. Man, we all get old.
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rival-ado · 10 months
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mega mewtwo.... Y !!!
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mewtwoandme · 1 year
Have you ever drawn Blu as a normal green shiny? And what would his name be then?
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I'd probably stick with the color name theme with him. So if he was a regular shiny, he'd either be Shamrock or Basil, though I'm leaning more towards Basil :3
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risingbrightness · 24 days
Here I go, getting distracted again...
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(I wasn't planning on drawing this yet, but I just had to)
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fluffymuffincentral · 25 days
one of my creechurs, whose ref is outdated
this is my favorite out of all of my mewtwo ocs (Don’t tell the others, shhhh)
Mainly posting this because someone wants to do a crackship with one of my characters so I’m putting them in this post
That aside, this is Adrenaline, my first and favorite mewtwo oc
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sketchbook-gal-xe · 8 hours
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Here's pair of messy drawings of some mewtwos I saw in a dream the other day!
Not sure what all to say about them, but this dream was really cool! had a storyline and everything! the only thing it didn't have was their names. I thought their designs were super cool so I tried to recreate them to the best of my ability (Near identical from what I can recall :3)
more character rambles below!
Chroma is very determined and proactive, focusing on what needs to done even if it hurts him (leaving them quite emotionally withdrawn) they might seem a bit selfish at times, but they will not hesitate to help someone (Xe jumped Infront of Parfait to save them from a near deadly attack!)
Parfait is more optimistic, cheerful and quite resourceful. Chroma makes the big plans, Fae focuses on smaller things like making sure everyone is happy and taken care of, usually in charge of food and bandages (when Chroma was injured Fae dropped everything to make sure they recovered)
I'll probably use them as background characters for my main story and I might try to make a comic of their story from the dream :)
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I turned Volo into a Mew and Seren into a Mewtwo
It isn't at all because I love all the Mew/Two OCs all over the place, not at all, no way, and it has nothing to do with the fact that Mew is one of my favorite pokemon of all time, no sir
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phlurrii · 1 year
So… regarding Newtwo.
Since it’s pretty obvious they will be coming in at some point, whether by the extra container, cloning, or a different method entirely, I did intend for them to come in at one point or another. Except I didn’t plan on a one off joke of a shiny hunting “ritual” to fast track their design completion. So I decided I’ll share the adult version,
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Please welcome my worlds version of Newt! This is NOT her final design, only a handful of lucky jokesters know that, but this is her base! Now, why is she shiny? Well…
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I was shiny hunting Mewtwo in Ultra Moon in order to get a completely different characters in game counterpart, but then someone suggested to draw a shiny Mewtwo character; specifically to draw Newtwo as a shiny. Since once I drew and designed Flurry, 15 minutes later I got my shiny mew in Emerald. So, jokingly, I drew Newt as a shiny mewtwo, barely entered the markings stage when 15 minutes later, she appeared. So, I was quickly peer pressured into making it cannon because of the obvious XD Frankly I love it, I love her, and I LOVE how her finale design came out! For now that’s gonna be kept secret, but please enjoy some wack ass screenshots lol
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Also yes I caught her in a love ball, I tried a friend ball, but she wasn’t having it lol
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instaquarius · 1 year
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For full res
Just randomly felt like drawing some fanart for TC-96/ @xxtc-96xx 's Mew and Mewtwo comic of baby Huey meeting Smoltina (a cloned Giratina created by Mewtwo with some dried blood from Giratina that he randomly found post-destroying Team Rocket HQ and just before he made it to New Island and created his castle.)
Some more info on Smoltina here  and here  in the description
but basically Smoltina is (in PTA, PokeTale:  Ascendance) a Psychic/Dragon type, created using Mewtwo's DNA as a stabilizer  (which actually ended up yeeting the ghost typing cells coming from Giratina) cuz the cloning process making a God to help him erase all of humanity kept messing up, and I suppose being only technically a few days/a month old from after escaping the lab he didn't know Giratina was half ghost type  and THATS why it kept messing up-
But anyways because of Mewtwo DNA, Smoltina ended up becoming psychic/dragon.
Smol just being happy with the idea he might hopefully make a new friend, meanwhile Huey is just confused af why this tiny creature is so freaking happy to see him- lol
For PokeTale: Ascendance
An AU based off of an RP between me and a friend of mine from my discord server discord.gg/pQf9ZsdF6E where the Creation Trio as babies (a time they all cant really fully control their powers and junk) accidentally create a portal into the Undertale Universe and meet Chara and basically Arceus finds Chara and adopts her after finding out about her shitty human parents and Chara ends up helping Arceus raise the babies and basically lives in the Pokemon Universe now
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penumbramewtwos · 1 year
Fanart of the day: Nana
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She only took me 3 hours to make! I'm getting so much quicker aaaaa
Nana belongs to @dxzziie
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dingbat-things · 29 days
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Two little yellow fellows, Nana belongs to @dxzziie
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tizz-does-art · 2 years
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When M/Newtwo isn’t home
It’s @xxtc-96xx​ Huey’s birthday today! I am here, with gift. Last year I did a meme. This year, naturally, I do a meme. Now featuring: my second time ever drawing a Mewtwo. 👍 👍
I would have committed to doing the whole bit here but, alas, I am not an animator >:v so, please enjoy a two-framer
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ceruleancavesmonster · 11 months
Kyurem (normal human form): Cerulean Cave. He knew of it. He knew what often dwelled there. He did not, however, expect a Mewtwo to ever take the guise of humanity, given what he knew, unless this one was different somehow.
"So, how long have you dwelled here?" He asked, as he saw no point for small talk. They didn't seem to strike him as the type who cared for it, "have you found peace here?"
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Mewtwo spun around to look at the one who had invaded his home. He sensed great power radiating from this man.
(Who are you?)
He quickly frowned. “I’ve been here long enough to now call it home.” It hadn’t been long, but it seemed to be the cavern the hardest for any humans to reach. “Still, there is no peace here, only my suffering. Now leave before I make you.”
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mewtwoandme · 2 years
*TC makes a shiny swap*
... Shiny swap please 🥺
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For some reason out of all of them, seeing Gwen as a normal gardevoir is the weirdest XD
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risingbrightness · 1 month
Mewtwo Are you afraid of cucumbers?
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