#shiny timburr line
shiny-poke-edits · 2 years
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the timburr line
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regallibellbright · 8 months
So. Fun fact about me and Pokemon: I have played at least one game of every set since Crystal.
I also have historically TERRIBLE shiny luck. Like, up until the Switch era, I had gotten THREE unscripted shinies. (This has improved since Let’s Go.) One was a Smoochum from the Dizzy Punch Egg in Crystal. Being in Crystal, she couldn’t transfer over, and it took me well over a year to realize she was shiny because the anime made Smoochum pretty pink and I was eight and didn’t really notice the special sparkle that only it and the red Gyarados had.
One was in either Moon or Ultra Moon. Shiny Pineco. Gold. Sparkly. I have no strong feelings about this except that it was my first shiny encounter in a literal decade and I actually caught it, so I like it.
But then. BUT THEN. There was the shiny Wooper I encountered in Platinum. I love Wooper! I was so excited to see a shiny! I was using Piplup but like for a shiny Wooper I was probably willing to rearrange my team so I could use it!
It was in the Safari Zone and fled almost immediately.
I have never gotten over this. Shiny Wooper, to this day, is my white whale. I still check every Wooper I encounter in Go just in case.
I just saw next month’s Community Day Pokemon.
So yeah, I’m having a totally normal one at the moment and will be TOTALLY NORMAL on November 5th from 2 PM to 5 PM.
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jadeazora · 8 months
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Shiny Timburr line, complete! Definitely sending these guys to Scarlet later.
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thebexdex · 9 months
Some of the newest additions to the dex thanks to the DLC
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I can’t get over how good and clean Vikavolt and the Jangmo-o line looks in this game. They do the metal shinies so fricken well.
But all these guys are new. They’re the only shinies I’ve found thus far in Kitakami so I’m certainly not complaining.
Vikavolt was evolved from a Chargabug I found with lvl 2 encounter bc I wanted to use it on my play through team, Dragon encounter and sparkling lvl 3 for the Jangmo-o, found two, evolved one for my team so I still need Hakamo-o.
Timburr was an outbreak, 517 encounters. Cramorant outbreak, 1203 encounters.
And Probopass was a random Nosepass while I was hatching eggs that I evolved bc I needed Probopass.
Dex total: 288/1225 (with the editions of the new forms)
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denydestiny-doodles · 11 months
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you know what. here. character ref explanations under the cut-
gus is a fusion. he's better at welding and building the frames for houses than the actual house part of a house. he's a plan guy. his mom was a world-traveling cinderace and his dad was a gurdurr- gus is a fire/fighting type :-)
rhett is a normal timburr and baldwin is a shiny tyrogue and they are the timburr brothers. their dad was a hitmontop and their mom was a conkeldurr and they are color-coded off of the cuphead brothers and no i have not played the game but shiny tyrogue is blue. they live in town. they are good guys
quinn is a quagsire and brionne fusion and they simply miss their many wooper kids that all grew up a long time ago. in a way, the pokemon of paradise are kind of like kids. even if all of them are grown adults :/
hector is my attempt at a dragonite/scraggy line fusion. i would've tried to incorporate others of the line in there but i didn't know how to.
i drew patience the virizion for the meme. she deserves the world. all i'm saying is virizion might be one of my favorite characters of all time. she's. it's hard to explain it. she's just great
gus the gurdurr and peter are in the other meme. - i've decided hector and gus are roommates. what if you and your recently reformed partner-in-crime lived a skip and a throw away from two young adults who beat you up and maybe saved your whatever-you-have-going-on. and also you built their house. what then
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nb2000 · 8 months
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I’d just resigned myself to only catching the one shiny Timburr when two more spawned, so I got the full line!
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2500dollarmagikarp · 1 year
Since you're in Unova, what is the most common pokemon you see come in? just curious <3
The most common Pokemon to be brought into the centers tends to be the starters. Y'know, Tepig, Snivy, Oshawott, their evolutions. After that lilipups and purrloins, then after that is Patrats and Pidoves. Y'know, those Pokemon people stumble into all over the place, you see the most of them because kids have them as their first or second Pokemon.
For a more unexpected one I see high numbers of, the Timburr line. They help out with construction and demolition, all sorts of hard manual labor, so a lot of working folk have 'em and bring 'em in regularly to make sure they aren't working themselves too hard- Pokemon from that line are damn stubborn and would sooner jump off a cliff than accept something being beyond their limit, so they end up overworking or injurying themselves biting off more than they can chew sometimes.
Oh, we also see way more Sewaddle and Leavanny than we do Swadloon. Once someone's sewaddle evolves, I suppose it often doesn't take very long for them to evolve into Leavanny, so you see Swadloon a lot less. I just thought that was a delightful thing, considering Swadloon needs to be very close to its trainer to evolve.
To end this off, a bonus story relating to the most common pokemon brought to the center: I remember one kid coming in with a Pidove while another trainer was here with one a Pidove of their own, talking to the nurse up front, and the kid marched up to the counter with her Pidove, looked between it and the other, and realized that they were Not the Same Color. Her's was Shiny. Seeing it dawn on the kids face was hilarious.
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mamamittens · 1 month
Lay Down New Tracks (Sneak Peek)
Pokemon Black and White Ft. OC (Finley)
Warnings: In progress work, slow to update, and canon typical violence. Anime and game logic/rules/lore blended. For more information please refer to this post!
Word count: 1,963
Sunlight strained through the dense canopy of Pinwheel Forest. Casting strange shadows on stranger still corners of the woods. Soft calls of pokemon and distant battles echoed between the trees. Tympoles bounced in and out of a large pond nearby with their agile flippers as timburrs milled about, inspecting fallen branches and their own signature, square logs. Almost comparing the two or perhaps assessing a possible upgrade. Pidoves called from above and occasionally flit down to the forest floor in an attempt to steal berries and seed from unsuspecting pokemon.
A sawk slammed his fist into the bark of a large tree, sending thick branches to the forest floor from high above, startling many nearby.
“Ri!” the sawk froze, glaring over his shoulder with a huff. Eyeing the unusual riolu before it. Even in the gloom of the forest, it was clear they were human-kept, the bright red fabric around their neck with some human symbol glaring even in the dim forest. Eyes almost a glowing red as the pokemon raised their paws in a challenge.
Sawk almost thought they had to be a ‘shiny’. The unusually colored variant that humans went crazy for. But instead of the yellow coat most shiny riolu sported, they were silver. The black of their mask and on their torso a far cry from the clean lines he expected, instead almost splattered like ink. Fur dense and curly, giving a wild, unkempt look to them, particularly the teal collar of fluff. Not helped by the expected yellow color being present on their paws and feet as though they slammed them into gold paint with exuberance. Even their tail and ears lacked the clean, sharp angles he knew riolu normally had. More akin to a paintbrush, bushy and fluffy with long fur.
Sawk, unimpressed at the disturbance to their training despite the unusual nature of it, eyed the pokemon. Looking around for the human that must be nearby.
There was a soft rustling that alerted the pokemon to a new presence.
The human sawk had been expecting.
Tall with purple hair obscuring their face. A yellow hoodie and jeans with a bag on their back. They smiled at sawk, nodding in greeting before squatting down just a ways behind the riolu. Though he couldn’t see quite clearly, he knew their eyes shone with interest. Lips moving but no sound reaching his ears—an unusual trait for a ‘pokemon trainer’.
Usually the hardest part of running into one was how loud they were. Tramping through bushes, loudly calling out to one another or their ‘partners’.
It was odd.
This was very odd.
But… sawk smiled, tightening his belt.
If the strange duo insisted on interrupting his training, the least he could do was show them why it was such a bad idea.
“Sa—wk~!” his legs heated up with low sweep as he leapt forward, ready to send the two packing.
Red eyes narrowed at him and riolu blurred, disappearing in an instant.
A flash of a golden paw, coated in metal claw slammed into sawk’s body from the side, sending him flying. He recovered quickly, digging his hand into the forest floor to slow down as he looked to his opponent, body tense and bruised. The riolu was airborne, paw clenched in a rock smash he barely managed to dodge. Trainer still squat low to the forest floor as a tympole curious investigated their shoes.
They were completely unafraid, hands making strange signs he couldn’t recognize nor make sense of in the heat of battle.
Quickly, sawk threw out a karate chop but was met with a force palm instantly. Fluffy paw letting a pulse of aura-imbued energy before their body twisted, free foot swinging out in a devastating high jump kick that slammed into sawk’s face. His whole world sent reeling as he staggered back. Barely able to keep his feet under him as another force palm exploded into his face.
The canopy above swayed. Sunlight glittering in many erratic pieces despite his best effort to remain aware. Making him faintly dizzy as he closed his eyes to try and gather himself.
He expected to feel a pokeball slam into his chest. To feel the world close around him as the device tried to capture him for his new trainer.
Instead, he felt a gentle hand slip into his. Squeezing softly before turning it over and depositing something into it. It felt familiar. The shape filling his palm pleasantly as he reflexively clenched his fist for the prize.
“S-Sawk?” He opened his eyes just enough to see the dappled canopy above go dark. Soft strands of hair brushing over his face as that gentle hand rubbed his cheek.
They spoke to him then.
Their voice soft like a stream but rough like old bark under his palms.
“You fought wonderfully, sawk. I hope we can fight again someday.”
Despite himself, he was a little disappointed when they left. A curious pidove cooing at his prize until he held it to his chest. The scent of an oran berry filling his nose.
He loved his home in the forest and the freedom to train as he wished but… he suspected he could grow much stronger with a trainer like this one.
Even if they were silly enough to feed wild pokemon healing berries.
The skin of the oran berry broke under his teeth with a filling, sweet flavor. Ripe and perfect for the occasion.
Still, it seems he wasn’t deemed worthy of the human’s team—that’s alright though.
He had a good idea that at the very least, he’d been promised a rematch. And really, who was he to complain about such an opportunity?
Her kits played between the berry bushes. Little zoroa pouncing on fluffy gray tails as they darted to and fro, taunting each other in a silly game under the evening sun. Their form shifting to different pokemon on occasion. Eevee, lillipups, or even the occasional joltik for mischief. This was common and good practice for them, the older zoroark knew, recalling similar such games with her own littermates.
Suddenly, a boisterous and familiar riolu pounced just behind the youngest kit, startling them all with a hearty cry.
Human-kept, clearly. The red bandana around their neck easy to spot against blue, black, and silver fur.
And familiar in an unmistakable way few pokemon could be. Gold fur splattered up their paws a perfect representation of his childish nature. As well as the human he protected.
The zoroark huffed, settling down for a nap, ear twitching in her mane as soft footsteps approached her from behind. The scent of fresh berries tickled her nose as a kerchief was slipped before her. A snack for indulging the pokemon’s intrusion, as well as the human’s.
Her nose slipped up the tidy knot and to the soft hand. Noting the familiar scent of paint on them. Fingertips curled around her muzzle, stroking the fur gently as her kits pounced onto the riolu. All of them collapsing in a pile of complaining fur. She reached out her paw and wrapped it around the human, pulling them in under her. Tucking the girl-human into her embrace. Settling her chin over the soft fabric hood with a huff.
They both nodded off on the soft grass under the warm sun, deep in Lostlorn forest. Eventually, the kits joined in after tiring themselves out. The riolu, just as energetic as their kin, kept watch though.
She wondered to herself if this human would get along well with the other one her kin helped raise…
Later perhaps.
The boy-human had found his own group of humans some time ago, though he still seemed so very lonely—if the words of her kin were anything to go by.
The door to her apartment closed with a soft click. Claws tapping along the tile as a very satisfied riolu strut into the entryway.
“Bath and then cake, okay?” Finley reminded him with a fond smile.
They both were covered in grass stains and dirt from their long walk around Unova.
“Ri-oolu~!” He barked happily, carrying the bakery box with their special cake.
It was a big night after all.
Finley turned nineteen today.
Plat skipped over to the kitchen, mindful of his dirty paws as he used his foot to open the fridge and put away the cake. Fin already making her way to the bathroom to ready the tub.
The apartment was rather upscale and large, high up over the city, though not nearly the tallest. Open concept that would lovingly accommodate even fairly large pokemon with relative ease. White tile and vaulted ceilings, murals she’d painted with landscapes from her dreams. A mountain crowned in light in the living room adjacent to the floor to ceiling windows overlooking the city. Fireplace centered in the heart of it like a cave with an iron grate, unused in the summer but deeply appreciated in the winter. Snippets of a beach littered with ships as the backsplash in the kitchen made from tiles to match the dark wood accents. Thick forests down the halls. Winter landscape in the office where she worked on her art.
Each one held pokemon appropriate for their region as they would be in the wild. Eating, fighting, sleeping, and mingling about.
It had been a project that took months, starting from her first day in the apartment. But it helped.
Honestly, just moving helped.
“Ri!” Plat called out, splashing the water in the tub.
Fin smiled and looked at him, having missed him walk in.
The master bath was a blessing. A corner shower stall with multiple shower heads able to function as a sauna and a massive bathtub with jets. All sturdy with clean tile and chrome. Accented with green rugs, towels, and accessories. Built with height and mass in mind.
The whole building was like that, really. Clearly intended for people with unusual pokemon.
Fin had seen a lot of pokemon, both in her building and the city surrounding it.
Some made her heart ache—but it was a good kind of ache.
Everyone was busy, but happy.
Well, Plat was actually looking annoyed at the delay for cake.
Their weekly walks always required a bath afterwards though, so he knew it was useless to argue by now. It would likely be worse if riolus were prone to self-grooming with some other pokemon were, but no. Even in the wild they preferred bathing in streams instead of licking themselves. Didn’t stop Plat from licking her when he wanted to be a shit though.
“Alright, let’s get cleaned up!” she laughed, picking up Plat and setting him gently into the tub. His fur was dense and curled in her fingers easily at every opportunity. He was a good sport about it, even when she scrubbed his toe beans and cleaned his ears. Dirt and debris floating off as his fur regained a healthy, clean shine. With a good rinse, and a vigorous toweling off, he was released to dry off in front of the windows with the diminishing sunlight. “I’ll be right out, and then it’s cake time, Plat.”
There was no mural in this bathroom like most of the apartment, the humidity a poor pairing with artwork, much like the kitchen. But the colored tiles she’d placed were her favorite.
Grassland with pokemon peaking through like little secrets.
Like the start of her own pokemon journey nine years ago. She was so small back then, the entire world seemed bigger than she’d ever be able to properly view. The tall grass swallowing her up with ease. It was kind of funny, looking back.
In a lot of ways, Finley never imagined she’d be so tall.
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thebig-chillqueen · 7 years
Challenge: least favorite Pokemon of every type
Fire - Torkoal
Posion - Amoonguss 
Bug - Volbeat and Illumise
Fairy - Wigglytuff and the Clefairy line
Ground - Hippopatas
Fighting - Timburr line
Dark - Alolan Raticate
Steel - Bastiodon
Ice - Jynx
Ghost - Mimikkyu…I’M KIDDING I LOVE HIM ;33; Female Jellicent
Grass - Turtwig
Psychic - Munna and Musharna
Normal - Happiny
Flying - Wingull and Pelipper
Electric - Togedemaru
Rock - Nosepass
Dragon - Bagon
Eeveelution - Flareon **don’t get me wrong, I do love him but he’s last on my list of favorite Eeveelutions**
Legendary - Phione and Manaphy
Mega Evolution - Kangaskhan
Shiny - Espeon and any shiny that looks too similar to a Pokemon’s usual color (Garchomp)
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synthaphone · 7 years
also, this is very unlikely, but if anyone ever gets something from the magmar or drowzee lines in a love ball, i’d be super interested in trading for one of its offspring!! (or any special ball pokemon, really, i just am focusing on those right now because they have pink shinies and i like them)
as far as special ball pokemon go, i’ll put the ones I’ve got that i can breed under the cut:
Love Ball: Mimikyu, Timburr, Jangmo-o, Dratini, Salandit, A-Vulpix
Moon Ball: Cleffa, Jangmo-o, Mimikyu
Friend Ball: Pichu
Level Ball: Cyndaquil
Beast Ball: Rockruff, Gible, A-Sandshrew, Orange Minior, Mareanie, Togedemaru, Stufful, Wimpod, A-Meowth
Dive Ball: A-Vulpix, A-Sandshrew, Vanillite, Dratini, Oshawott, Rockruff, Bagon 
Nest Ball: Snivy, Chikorita
Repeat Ball: Jangmo-o
Luxury Ball: Arcanine
(the last few that aren’t special balls i have listed because they’re balls that match really well with the pokemon’s regular or shiny color scheme and are usually not intended for the type of pokemon that is in them, so they’re a pain to get)
anyway, yeah, if anyone wants any of these, i’d be happy breeding one for you! 
i am interested in pokemon caught in special or matching pokeballs, but if you don’t have any of those, it’s totally fine! just trade me either something you’ve given a cute nickname, or something you don’t mind me releasing (because i’m already running out of box space)
((also, yes, i used my one and only love ball on a conkeldurr, which i only slightly regret because i do really like the timburr line and it thankfully stayed inside, so at least i caught SOMETHING with it as opposed to my friend ball which is wasted forever)) (i tried to catch a leavanny with that one)
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shiny-poke-edits · 3 years
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the conkeldurr line
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