#shiro tagachi
el-is-away · 1 year
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i love shiro
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enchanticleer · 1 year
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new achievement "normal about that old man (2/2)"
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thank you @legendary-alliance-stance for speaking the truth (and for my new blog header)
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Okay so I was originally gonna just do Shiro's EoD specific lines, but ended up doing them all. Oops!
Dedicated to my lovely boyfriend @legendary-assassin-stance <3
(Revenant used is a male human btw, which means I got only the idle dialogue replies unique to that.)
Transcript under the cut:
Combat Skills
Activating Legendary Assassin Stance:
"I have returned, to fight at your side."
"I demand that you release me!"
Enchanted Daggers:
"We must rise and return to the fight!"
Jade Winds:
"Together, we have no equal!"
Idle Dialogue
Shiro: What has become of the empire in my absence?
<Character name>: Emperor Usoku expelled all nonhumans and closed Cantha's borders long ago. After Orr rose, it was isolated further.
Shiro: The emperor feared my great power—do you?
<Character name>: Was that supposed to scare me?
Reacting to Legendary Alliance Stance
Shiro: I can hear them. The "heroes."
Shiro: Archemorus and Viktor stopped me once, but look around! Their people are dead. My legacy lives on.
Echovald Wilds
Shiro: The forest breathes again...
Shiro: A pity the Kurzicks don't breathe with it. They were an impressive people. Vicious. Gone.
New Kaineng City
Shiro: This was not Tah's image. This is not what the empire was supposed to become.
Shiro: Everything is so...bright. Loud.
Shiro: In another lifetime, I may have called this place "home."
Shiro: That time has long since passed. The city has been corroded.
Seitung Province, at Zen Daijun Temple
Shiro: I wonder how long it took them to cleanse this land?
??? (Wiki lists it as not being location tied, however I've never seen it pop up as idle dialogue outside Dragon's End, and believe me, I spent a lot of time sitting around listening to this guy's idle dialogue in other EoD maps. So it might be Dragon's End specific? Unsure, would love any confirmation either way if anyone can provide it!)
Shiro: My power may be waning, but they will always remember my name.
Dragon's End, atop the Harvest Temple
Shiro: A pain I will never forget... And yet, I'd do it all again just to see everything crumble.
The Desolation, at the Mouth of Torment
Shiro: I can feel you, my friend...
Shiro: Your power is thick. Potent.
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So for you revenants out there. I’ve always found shiro to be...sympathetic. A man who was dealt a bad hand. And while he was alive he was far from a good person, he wasnt evil either. There are a few voice lines that flesh out that side of him for me. His new voice lines in new kaineng for example. 
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A line near the mouth of torment also sounds very wistful. 
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So my headcanon is that with my revenant while he bemoans being channeled by eve, the strange charr and his strange way of being charmed him just a touch because when you cast his healing skill  
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He sounds almost worried, but at the same time like he wants you to keep going, to keep fighting. Anyways i have feelings about shiro.
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diamond-dangeresque · 11 months
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visiting the Empress didn't go all too well
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guildwarsgirl · 1 year
Regarding future posts about my Shiro and Tagachi family lore:
So, I said before that I'd cover my personal lore for Shiro Tagachi and his family, including any members that lead down to my GW2 characters.
Well, this has changed somewhat. Looking at the family tree that I set up, because of course I did, I realized that there's a LOT of Tagachi family members. Like, a lot. This family's got some rich history.
With that being said, despite their rich history, a few of the members didn't really do anything super important, so I may be skipping a generation or two and only covering the important family members.
I hope no ones judges me for this.
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where-is-caithe · 2 years
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i havent been in the Desolation on a rev in a while so I havent heard this voiceline before.
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atonalginger · 5 months
OC questionnaire
So I have been tagged by two folks and I have a lot of ocs so I'm going to do a spattering of them with a read more to save folks dashboards! Thanks for the tags @avani-telvanni and @silurisanguine ! --
I'm going to go with some of my lesser known ocs, ones I haven't written about but are around!
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Name: Becker Mae Preacher Nickname/chosen name: Beck Gender: gender fluid (they/them) Star Sign: ? Height: 5'10" Orientation: pan Nationality/ Ethnicity: ?? raised under the Serpent's Embrace Favorite fruit: oranges Favorite season: whatever is comfortable Favorite Flower: orchids Favorite Scent: fresh coffee Coffee, tea or hot chocolate: coffee black Average hours of sleep: 3 Dogs or Cats: snakes Dream trip: must.keep.jumping. Number of blankets: 2 Random Fact: raised by smugglers
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Name: Sorvin Rutherford Nickname/chosen name: Gender: boy Star Sign: um...he's from thedas so I don't know how well those apply Height: 4' something and growing fast Orientation: he's a kid he don't know yet Nationality/ Ethnicity: Ferelden half elf half human (because I reject the idea that half elves don't keep any elven features) Favorite fruit: freshly picked berries Favorite season: Winter Favorite Flower: Embruim Favorite Scent: books Coffee, tea or hot chocolate: hot chocolate Average hours of sleep: 6 maybe, stays up reading Dogs or Cats: dogs! Dream trip: someplace quiet, where the world isn't demanding he fix everything. Number of blankets: all of them Random Fact: his dream is to become a master healer like Enchanter Wynne and his mum.
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(the oc is the one on the left, the dark haired man is an AU Detective Rama)
Name: Maeva Icekin Nickname/chosen name: Maev to some, Gender: female Star Sign: from Tyria I don't know that this can be applied Height: 5'4" Orientation: straight Nationality/ Ethnicity: raised in Hoelbrak by a norn family, born in Kryta Favorite fruit: plums Favorite season: autumn Favorite Flower: water lillies Favorite Scent: amber and cedar Coffee, tea or hot chocolate: tea Average hours of sleep: never enough Dogs or Cats: cats Dream trip: home Number of blankets: all of them Random Fact: Maeva was a Weaver (Elementalist) until Path of Fire. She is the little (both in order and literally) of the Commander (a norn Mesmer) and during the first fight with Balthazar he took her magic/severed her connection to the elements. At some point in her recovery from her burns she started hearing voices and realized she was a revenant. Her main leggy heroes are Shiro Tagachi and Archemorus/Saint Viktor. It gets loud in her head sometimes.... Oh and she got thrown through the Mists into another World where things are very different from hers
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poweredsuit · 9 months
Signal detected. Quadrangulating...
The control booth whooped- chairs spun, furry paws slapped pointy Asura digits, and several scientists pulled on headphones linked to the powered suit's various receivers.
X coordinate bearing relative west. Adjusting.
Y coordinate bearing relative south. Adjusting.
Z coordinate bearing relative down. Adjusting.
W coordinate bearing relative past. Adjusting.
The suit's vocalizer was basic and internal- without a speaker, it transmitted only over radio waves, directly back to control. The voice was the mentholated, Oola-esque authority of the former project director, one of a couple thousand pre-recorded lines.
"Do you think it's a hit?" a young charr in thick goggles asked, curling a hand around the shoulder of a norn in headphones, his desk covered in platters of ceremonial incense.
"We've had half a dozen echoes of Tagachi in the past month. I would not expect anything too different in this region of the mists."
There was a collective groan at that. The Mists were full of pits and eddies, where echoes could bounce around. A thousand Jalis Ironhammers swinging a thousand iron hammers, each with a marginally different outcome, eventualities unfolding, separating, and slowing.
"We should set up a filter for Tagachi," the young charr suggested. At that, a square-jawed asura stood up in his chair.
"No filters. Last time we did that, we failed to catch the Reza Frequency, and we've been trying to find a new one ever since. There could be some mutant Shiro in the mix that can eat lightning and crap thunder, and I'm not missing it."
And so the boss had spoken. The control booth fell quiet, the operators to their instruments.
"It ain't Shiro. We'd have heard clanging and banging by now. It's quiet. It's something, but it's quiet."
They all heard it, but only the young charr cringed at the sound.
Coming over the exclusive frequency from the distant depths of the mists was a little tune, repetitious and inexpert, that sounded every bit like a little wooden flute.
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friesian · 1 year
psst hey tell me about tsujio 👀 (- @legendary-alliance-stance)
ok so im typing this up in bed on my phone so this may not be 100% clear BUT.
the long story short is that tsujio's body is cohinhabited by his great (x???) grandfather shiro tagachi and he does NOT like it. not to mention HAVING the last name tagachi is like a hell on earth just for him.
because of that i have it that he's blackmailed by MinSec to work for them to both monitor him and use the sort of power his lineage has for their advantage. not to mention the fact that he "channels" shiro as a revenant. that's his excuse. he is DEFINITELY NOT POSSESSED by the ACTUAL SPIRIT of his grandfather.
sometimes shiro does slip out and does. Evil. or just says things. benign or TERRIBLE. meanwhile tsujio himself is just a young 22-23 year old who wants to go to conventions for nerd culture shit and make friends, find himself, learn to cope with his identity, do acrobatics/parkour, and maybe learn to somehow get along with his grandfather. but they're at odds and ends to say the least. shiro CARES about his lineage, but in a way to carry HIS legacy, not what tsujio wants to do.
tsujio does care about his grandfather in a weird way. he certainly wants his body back, that's for sure. and the horrors shiro caused is unforgivable. but a part of him that is desperate for validation and love from a parental figure, since he was relinquished to the child care system as a baby, just wants shiro to care about him. maybe even in a fucked up way.
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el-is-away · 1 year
Since the boy™ hasnt been in the ask game yet, im asking about Deli >:D
01. Full name: Delicon Strix
02. Best friend: Maelgwynne (yuors,,,..)
03. Sexuality: Gay
04. Favorite color: Baby blue, marine blue, icy white.
05. Relationship status: taken! by Gwynne too <3
06. Ideal mate: a stubborn, not easily offended person who can stand their ground.
07. Turn-ons: something outta the ordinary! deli is very easily taken back by things that he doesnt find familliar, or just generally stuff outta the norm on partners.
08. Favorite food: a good plate of salmon sushi!
09. Crushes: does his current boyfriend count as a crush? lets assume that
10. Favorite music: deli is not really into music.. doesn't really have a preference, i suppose
11. Biggest fear: to be involuntarily posessed, to hurt loved ones or not be able to help them in time of need
12. Biggest fantasy: to be free of the burden of past and forget it to live a normal life
13. Bad habits: often too critical and confrontational.. is capable of being chill, but being annoying and karen-esque is def much more fun
14. Biggest regret: not reconnecting with old friends, pushing many away, leaving the grove too early and losing touch with the dream.
15. Best kept secrets: is a big softie, deep down inside.
17. Worst romantic experience: if you count being attracted to a cool ass ice lizard and then being posessed as romantic, that is it! but seriously, he didnt really have that many romantic encounters to begin with. and usually HE WAS THE PROBLEM.
18. Biggest insecurity: thinks that he is extremely boring and has no hobbies but cooking and bashing faces in...
19. Weapon of choice: two swords / a greatsword.
20. Role Model: shiro tagachi. glint. archemorus!
look at a bunch of his swaggy little looks. my fav is the fisherman extravaganza
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please enjoy this low-effort 1am meme that came to me in a vision (aka: my boyfriend)
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also stand alone post for the lil chibis I drew for those ship memes, because I had a lot of fun with them <3
Yūma and Noriaki belong to @legendary-assassin-stance
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🖊 for eve again
Eve cant taste or smell or feel anything. For all intents and purpose he is a walking talking corpse. He doesnt need to eat or breath either. He is very good friends with shiro tagachi as he allows the man to take control of his body near completely when he channels shiro as well as agreeing with many of the things shiro says about cantha. Malyxx is also on good terms with eve though eve is more cautious of him. Ventari and Glint refuse to be channeled by him and so he can not use their powers. Kala finds eve amusing if not very annoying.
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brightwingedbat · 1 year
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