#shirotabi is the rabbit name
Milgram & Ghost Stories Dub
Kotoko’s Deep Cover is going to drop, so we are going to need all the chuckles we can get. These may not be the most infamous, but they are from the Ghost Stories dub (albeit with some tweaks). Please enjoy these incorrect quotes.
Jackalope: “You four are the ugliest fucking prisoners I’ve ever had the misfortune of laying my eyes on. I can’t wait for this bitch to kill you.”
Es: “Wow. That is some really nice animation.”
Haruka: “Pardon me! I really enjoyed running with you today. Don’t you have any money for shoes? Did the Crips beat you up and take your shoes too? They took mine and now Kazui only buys me cheap ones from Payless.”
Yuno: “Sentimental flashback time is over you stupid, bunny-loving bitch!”
Fuuta: “Don’t you look at me with those hepatitis eyes!”
Muu: “Haruka! Have you done your homework yet? Oh wait, you’re dyslexic. Done your yet homework have you? You hey I’m answer hey talking me too.”
Shidou: “I have such fond memories of that hospital. It’s a lovely place of healing, except for those who die.”
Mahiru: “OOH! Shirotabi! All dead but you, it’s a miracle.”
Kazui: “Why are all my memories sepia tone?”
Amane: “Lord, reveal Your Salvation since I am your favorite among these heathens.”
Mikoto: “Looks like it’s just me and you, rabbit. Call me Jackalope! Okay fine. Looks like it’s just me and you Jackalope… I’m going fucking crazy.”
John: “Doesn’t work. I used an Ouija board once to contact a dead hooker I saw on the news and she didn’t show up. Bitch.”
Kotoko: “Maybe we should arm the rabbits with little guns.”
Kotoko: “Fuuta! Get your ass down here!”
Fuuta: “What?”
Kotoko: “Don’t you ‘what’ me when I call you! You say ‘Yes ma’am!’”
Fuuta: muttering “You’re such a bitch.”
Kotoko: “What did you say?”
Fuuta: “I have an itch.”
Fuuta: “They beat me up all the time! I don’t need another goddamn reason!”
Mikoto: “You watch your goddamn mouth!”
Es: “Kotoko? You don’t look so good?”
Jackalope: “RUN! She’s a ghost and a bitch!”
Yuno: “Nice ass.”
Mahiru: “Do not lust in your heart-Jesus, you’re right.”
Mikoto: “Hey, can you guys hear anything?”
Kotoko: “You know what I hear? I hear the sound of you shutting the fuck up.”
Mikoto: “Let’s see… seven?”
Kotoko: “What the FUCK are you talking about?”
Muu: “Kotoko?”
Haruka: cries
Muu: “I’m sure I’ll live a long, miserable life of heartbreak and alcoholism before a vigilante takes me out.”
Haruka: “If you’re lying, thank you.”
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