#Mahiru needs to name her man
Milgram & Ghost Stories Dub
Kotoko’s Deep Cover is going to drop, so we are going to need all the chuckles we can get. These may not be the most infamous, but they are from the Ghost Stories dub (albeit with some tweaks). Please enjoy these incorrect quotes.
Jackalope: “You four are the ugliest fucking prisoners I’ve ever had the misfortune of laying my eyes on. I can’t wait for this bitch to kill you.”
Es: “Wow. That is some really nice animation.”
Haruka: “Pardon me! I really enjoyed running with you today. Don’t you have any money for shoes? Did the Crips beat you up and take your shoes too? They took mine and now Kazui only buys me cheap ones from Payless.”
Yuno: “Sentimental flashback time is over you stupid, bunny-loving bitch!”
Fuuta: “Don’t you look at me with those hepatitis eyes!”
Muu: “Haruka! Have you done your homework yet? Oh wait, you’re dyslexic. Done your yet homework have you? You hey I’m answer hey talking me too.”
Shidou: “I have such fond memories of that hospital. It’s a lovely place of healing, except for those who die.”
Mahiru: “OOH! Shirotabi! All dead but you, it’s a miracle.”
Kazui: “Why are all my memories sepia tone?”
Amane: “Lord, reveal Your Salvation since I am your favorite among these heathens.”
Mikoto: “Looks like it’s just me and you, rabbit. Call me Jackalope! Okay fine. Looks like it’s just me and you Jackalope… I’m going fucking crazy.”
John: “Doesn’t work. I used an Ouija board once to contact a dead hooker I saw on the news and she didn’t show up. Bitch.”
Kotoko: “Maybe we should arm the rabbits with little guns.”
Kotoko: “Fuuta! Get your ass down here!”
Fuuta: “What?”
Kotoko: “Don’t you ‘what’ me when I call you! You say ‘Yes ma’am!’”
Fuuta: muttering “You’re such a bitch.”
Kotoko: “What did you say?”
Fuuta: “I have an itch.”
Fuuta: “They beat me up all the time! I don’t need another goddamn reason!”
Mikoto: “You watch your goddamn mouth!”
Es: “Kotoko? You don’t look so good?”
Jackalope: “RUN! She’s a ghost and a bitch!”
Yuno: “Nice ass.”
Mahiru: “Do not lust in your heart-Jesus, you’re right.”
Mikoto: “Hey, can you guys hear anything?”
Kotoko: “You know what I hear? I hear the sound of you shutting the fuck up.”
Mikoto: “Let’s see… seven?”
Kotoko: “What the FUCK are you talking about?”
Muu: “Kotoko?”
Haruka: cries
Muu: “I’m sure I’ll live a long, miserable life of heartbreak and alcoholism before a vigilante takes me out.”
Haruka: “If you’re lying, thank you.”
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good-beanswrites · 1 month
Kazui adopts Amane
Kazui marries Shidou
Amane goes ballistic
LMAO she can never be free 💀💀💀I shifted things to work as a single silly scene, but omg it was incredibly fun picturing a feature-length comedy of Amane trying increasingly ridiculous ways to sabotage Kazui's wedding. For this scene, though, it was fun enough picturing what a quirky life these two would live on their own 😂
When Kazui told Amane the good news, she did a victory lap around his apartment. It was a silent, stoic march that made him look on in worry, but she assured him it was all in celebration. 
Now the day had finally arrived. She checked the clock, eagerly awaiting the newest arrival to the household. Kazui said he’d still be taking things slowly, but asking this mystery partner to move in was a huge step if you asked her.
And she was thrilled. No one had listened to her voice throughout all of Milgram, she’d been put through trial after trial, but things had finally made the switch for the better. She was getting her reward for her behavior. The prisoners listened to her pleas and allowed her to go home with Kazui. She’d have no more controlling wardens and sinful doctors hounding her all the time. She’d have a picture perfect home. She went from not having any kind fathers, and by the end of the night she’d practically have two.
Kazui had been a bit vague about this new man he’d been getting serious with. He said Amane may not approve of him, but she should give him a try. She denied all his concerns – she knew Kazui was likely still embarrassed about moving in with a man in the first place. So, as any perfect daughter would do, she proved her acceptance by reciting some facts that she’d researched about homosexuals. She wore the shirt with cats and rainbows that Mahiru had bought for her. In the days leading up to their meeting, she asked Kazui for the man’s name so she could pray for him before bed each night. 
Each time, however, Kazui found a way to skirt around the conversation and avoid telling her the name. That was no issue to her. It wasn’t anything new since coming to live with him. Sometimes he planned on cooking noodles for dinner, but felt the need to speak vaguely on the topic until the dishes were on the table. Sometimes he needed to fix a home appliance, but crept around the place with the type of secrecy you’d expect from a burglar. Amane was learning that he was simply not a forthcoming man, and that wasn’t anything to worry about.
She checked the clock again. And again. Kazui had come home late from his shift, and was busy showering in the bedroom. He said he’d hurry out, but she was thrilled with the responsibility of answering the door. She would get to welcome their new guest into the home and make a good first impression. She would do this perfectly. 
She paced the kitchen, keeping her arms behind her back like Kazui had a tendency to do. She crept to the door, pressing her ear against it. Hearing nothing, she resumed her stiff pacing of the kitchen. She heard the water shut off, and worried Kazui would be out in time to steal away her chance at the welcome speech she’d been rehearsing. 
But then – there it was. The polite knock on the door.
She flew across the room, throwing the door open. Her beaming expression immediately melted away.
“Oh. It’s you.” Kirisaki Shidou stood in the doorway, smiling down at her in his sweet, infuriating way. Amane had seen a few of the others since everything had ended, but she was struck with how odd he looked in casual clothing. Her frown deepened. She much preferred the prison uniform for him. 
“Hello, Amane-chan.” 
She shifted the door an inch, showing her intention to close it momentarily. “I’m sure Kazui-san would appreciate your visit, but we have other plans tonight. You should come back another time. We’re expecting a very, very important guest.”
“Are you now?” Shidou’s smile didn’t fade, like she hoped it would. Instead, it almost seemed to grow warmer. 
Amane moved the door another inch closed. She felt rage swirling in her chest. What if Kazui’s partner showed up now? What if her speech was ruined because Shidou had absolutely no manners and wouldn’t leave when asked?
“We are. I’m terribly sorry–” the look on her face communicated just how sorry she really was “–but you’ll have to leave. It would be horribly rude to our guest if you’re still here.”
“I see… you don’t wish to be rude to this guest.”
She shifted it more closed. “Precisely.”
“Well, then, I suppose I can come in? It would be rude to make me wait out here, would it not?”
Amane scoffed. “I just said –” Her eyes widened. He smiled. 
Reaching above her, Kazui opened the door all the way. His voice boomed. “Shidou-kun, I’m so glad you could make it!”
Amane looked at Shidou’s expression. Then Kazui’s. Then back to Shidou’s. She took a steady breath. So this is how it was, mm? 
She grabbed the edge of the door and slammed it shut.
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Ranking all of the Milgram Birthday Outfits on a scale of 1/10 because it's 3AM over here and I have to do school things at 6 (Inspired by this video) ↓
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Already off to an incredibly strong start, because as we know, Haruka is perfect and can do no wrong. Dog? Little sister? Who's that? Sounds like a myth honesty. Alright, jokes and Haruka bias aside, very nice ! Relatively plain all things considered, but that's quite fitting for Haruka (I mean, have you seen how this kid dresses normally? I'm somewhat surprised that he didn't go for a full white look. Wonder if Muu helped him out when choosing his pieces) I also love the color blue, so bonus points for that. (shut up I know I just said I would ignore biases) Overall, I give Haruka Sakurai a 8/10 !! Lookin' good, buddy ! ↓
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Yuno looks so pretty and the outfit is SO cute !! I love the frilliness of the shirt, the pleated skirt is really cute and in general I love the shades of pink chosen for this outfit, and those SHOEEEES girl where did you get those give me name and address. I honestly have no complaints at all I give Yuno Kashiki a 10/10 !! Absolutely gorgeous girl !! (Also it's unfortunate we're only ranking the outfits and not the cakes, because the decision to give Yuno a fucking staircase cake was genius) ↓
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...Mannn, I wish I could say I liked this outfit so badly. The outfit itself is alright, if a bit basic, and Fuuta looks very handsome ! But I can't help but feel like black would've been a better choice for him than dark brown. And Fuuta...my guy...WHY those shoes? I could've maybe forgiven the outfit colors if you didn't decide to pair them with shiny gold...sneakers? What the hell even are those? Get better shoes, man. Overall, I'm giving Fuuta Kajiyama a 4/10. I like the outfit it'self (minus the shoes), but the coloring brings it down a lot for me. ↓
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Christ, no wonder Muu got model deals ! Look at this queen right here !! She looks absolutely gorgeous, the dress is beautiful and I love the Beauty And The Beast inspiration. The earrings being inspired by an hourglass is a very cool detail, and the heels look great as well ! I genuinely don't think I have any faults with this one Muu Kusunoki gets a 10/10 ! Nice job dressing to impress ! ↓
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One chance Mr. Kirisaki, one cha-- Ahem. As I was saying, Shidou looks amazing in this outfit !! I'm usually not a fan of there being so much white on it's own (I sound like a certain horror fanatic, sheesh.) But Shidou reallly rocks it, and the purple accents are very nice in comparison !! I also really like the shoes for some reason. Shidou is being added to the list also consisting of Muu and Yuno where I need to see who their shoemaker is For Shidou Kirisaki, I give a 9/10 !! Very pretty man. ↓
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Mahiru looks very pretty here ! I love the poofy hair accessory, and the birdcage earrings are a very nice touch. That being said however...the dress is a bit too plain for me. I cannot help but feel like something is missing here that would make the overall outfit look way better. A sash maybe? Despite that though, Mahiru Shiina gets a 6/10 !! Looking ready for a date !  ↓
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Ooooh...Kazui stans forgive me, but I'm pretty indifferent to this outfit. It's not bad mind you ! Kazui looks very handsome in it, and I like the blue chosen for his tie. But it's the same problem with Mahiru where I feel like it's a bit too plain and could've used something more, like a pattern on his vest or pants. Also though his shoes aren't the atrocity that is Fuuta's, I feel like a black or even a dark blue akin to Haruka would've looked a lot better in comparison to the rest of his outfit. Kazui Mukuhara is granted a 5/10. Not the best, not the worst. Sorry old man. ↓
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AHHH SHE LOOKS SO CUTE !! It's like if the frilliness from Yuno's outfit was upped to twenty ! Amane's dress is adorable and looks very comfortable as well, I want a bigger sized version for myself. I also really like her big bow, as well as the blue shoes. But most importantly, Amane seems to be genuinely happy wearing it, and as a fandom, Amane's happienss takes priority. Amane Momose, you'll be getting a 9/10 from me ! Good on ya, kid ! ↓
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Ahhh, he's so cute ! Look at how polite he looks ! The blazer is nice, and also blue. Blue bias. And the boots absolutely fucking SLAY. The way his hair is styled looks very nice as well ! I also think this is the closest we have gotten to official art of Mikoto smiling genuinely, and I personally think we need more. And more. And more. Mikoto Kayano gets a 10/10 !! Very cute boy ! ↓
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Ma'am, I politely and respectfully ask you to break my neck mercilessly-- Ahem. As I was saying. KOTOKO LOOKS FUCKING AMAZING !! The undershirt oh my god the FUCKING UNDERSHIRT !! Absolutely adore it so much. The colors are all very pleasing to the eye, the skirt is very cute, and the heels look cool as hell !! But Kotoko also looks cool as hell in anything, so is this really fair? Kotoko Yuzuriha has obtained a 10/10 ! Absolutely gorgeous.
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archivalofsins · 1 month
It's nice to think of kindness- Wrong which Milgram character would kill you and why?
(Before we get into it, none of these are meant to be theories on what the prisoners did or why. These are just incredibly general statements on why they may possibly kill you with some references to canon. I don't want someone taking this thing I wrote for fun too seriously.)
Haruka: You take up all the attention even though you swear you don't. Then complain to him or near him about how unfair all this is and overbearing it feels to be fawned over all the time. He thinks it's bad to hate you, but you're pressing all the wrong buttons.
Yuno: You keep fawning over her. Well, not her actually, just whatever you decide to project onto her. It's at a point that she's certain you've made a completely different version of her up to love and she the person doesn't matter. She's kind of fine with it. You're clearly having fun, and who is she to be a kill joy. But you keep bothering her based on conclusions you jumped to and she's running out of patience.
Futa: You pretend like you care a lot about doing the right thing online. You know all the buzz words and playing the caring saint is second nature to you. Your reputation is spotless and from experience he knows that means you've probably got the worst shit in your closet. That you might be a hypocrite who puts on this nice rule abiding front just to excuse harassing others under the guise of anonymity. He's not entirely sure but he's dealt with enough bad actors to kind of see a pattern. It's none of his business though unless you point that sort of attention at him or someone he cares about. Which luckily you haven't, right?
Mu: You were just such bullied kid material. I mean look at you- Being the nail that stuck up and her the hammer that hit you back down. It could be for a lot of reasons. You're bad at reading the mood or you're good at it but just don't care to play along and indulge her. You're uppity and think things should work in some purely righteous or good way. You just can't let the people around you have fun. Why are you being so mean and judgmental, huh? It's not like Mu did anything wrong? Honestly, I think you kinda deserve this one- She's been nothing but nice and accepting of you and your whims but suddenly you wanted a high horse to ride when it came to hers. It's like you only care about something being wrong when it's convenient for you. It's either wrong when everyone does it or no one. Fair is fair, after all.
Shidou: I'm sorry you needed medical care and came to this private organ harvesting farm disguised as a hospital. It sucks that you came here for an out of your control health emergency, but he just can't help himself. Maybe this time, what he's trying to do will work out. You won't be alive to know, though. Take some solace in knowing he probably won't even remember your name after the paperwork is filed. This truly was a random act and nothing personal. Well, unless... No, it's best not to say. At least then you can pass on without the knowledge that your life was weighed like cattle for a state fair. Maybe your inferior existence can save another's superior one. Then your life will have really meant something even after all that. You just need to hurry up and die already so he can check.
Mahiru: You know I should feel bad for you, but how did you even start this? No, seriously? How did you manage to get Mahiru's attention. Even you don't know, it's not like you're particularly interesting. Honestly, you wouldn't even say you did anything that nice, just the bare minimum. Well, whatever you did, I guess you better keep it up. Who knows what will happen when she loses interest- Huh, where'd you go? Hmm... weird. They're probably fine.
Kazui: No. Man, you really have a bad habit of saying that word to the wrong sort of person, huh? That's unfortunate. It gets more and more difficult to let a person down easy these days. But damn didn't think you'd get killed over it. Well... Now you know how women at bars feel.
Mikoto: Is it really self-defense if all a person is defending is their reputation. I mean all it takes is a few ridiculous accusations to ruin a person's entire life these days. So, maybe- just maybe you should have shut the fuck up. Don't worry you won't be able to talk for much longer. His problem and you will disappear at the exact same time.
Kotoko: Why are you evil? Less than human in every way? Oh, I'm not asking that seriously. These are just the things you'd be wondering when she hunts you down until you have nowhere else to run. Everyone makes mistakes from time to time, but you didn't think any of yours would make you deserving of something like this. But a crime is a crime. Evil is evil. This is just what happens when the same punishment is used across the board. You just never thought that board would include you.
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ultimatetattletale · 19 days
Hi sorry I died for a while but I've been waiting for my computer to be fixed so I can draw pretty stuff again (yes it's taken like 6 months). Now please consider my thoughts on what animals different danganronpa characters would be
I tried to make sure there weren't any duplicates unless the characters are related and some of these I've put more thought into lol
Yasuhiro is a goat but like the fainting ones because it sounds funny and I can see him freezing up and falling over.
Junko and ikusaba are both chihuahuas because they're super cute but stereotypically people say they're little demons and that fits junko, she seems innocent but is just a big meanie. And I see ikusaba as being like a buff chihuahua who's all awkward but could eat you alive.
Makoto and Komaru are ferrets, ferrets need other ferrets for inrichment and that's basically makoto he wants friends to be happy. Also I think ferrets are very silly, I have 4 named noodle, little man, chonk, and rebel (like Starbuck).
Kyoko is a cat, I felt like a cat could match many different characters but I believe that she fits a cat the most. Cats are cute but pretty solitary also I think it matches with the fact she isn't very scary compared to some characters (ik she's like mysterious type scary and stone cold but I think she's a cutie).
Fukawa is a skunk bc she's stinky.
Byakuya is a cheetah and I thought about this quite a bit, I had a few different ideas on what to pick but honestly I think since he's blonde he's obviously a cheetah!! Duh!!
Asahina is an otter bc swimming and cute.
Sakura... I had so much trouble deciding this one ommmgg 😭 I was thinking about bigger animals and like martial arts and I was thinking about a gorilla and how they like punch their chests. It's the best I could come up with.
Leon is a weasel because I could see a weasel trying baseball and not liking it very much.
Sayaka is a panda because people love pandas and I could see a panda singing pop music.
Chihiro is a bunny because cute and small, also he's like Judy hops cuz he and her wanna prove they're stronge or smth 💪🏻
Mondo is an alligator bc grrrr scary 🐊
Hijumi is a walrus bc his lips kinda look like a walrus and he's chunky like a walrus, I thought of a hamster too but I thought it fit another character better.
Ishimaru I can see being a Labrador dog bc he's a silly little guy. He'd be the dog that barks at flys.
Celeste is a fruit bat bc vampire bat is what she wishes she was so she tries to be scary and goth but she's just a cute fuzz baby.
Nagito is a wolf bc he's literally wolf in sheep's clothing but he's also kinda cute.
Hajime is a panther who doesn't know how to be a panther, he tries to be a house cat.
Teruteru is a mouse bc ratatouille but I wanted him to be a mouse bc they're smaller and I think someone else fits the rat better.
Twogami I was thinking maybe a pig who wears cheetah fur or smth, like he wears the animal skin of what he's imitating.
Pekoyama is a gazelle bc they're coooool.
Mahiru is a red panda cuz they're small and cute and red like her hair
Soda is a rat bc I can imagine him being a sewer rat who smells bad in his silly little jumper.
Sonia is a swan bc they're elegant and pretty like a princess.
Fuyuhiko is a honey badger bc they're not very big but they give 0 fucks abt anything.
Tanaka is a Vulture and everyone's like 'whaaat a vulture taking care of hamsters???? Craaazy he'll eat them' but really he loves his little guys and would never.
Nekomaru is a lion bc team work and big.
Akane is a jaguar bc big and grrrr.
Chiaki is a sugar glider bc tiny and cute.
Saionji is the basilisk bc I can see her Jesus running on water.
Ibuki is a parrot bc caawww and repeating people and singing bird.
Mikan is a possum bc they faint when scared and that's funny haha but also I think they're cute.
Kamukura is a panther but he knows how to be a panther and doesn't wanna be a house cat like Hajime.
Shuichi is a coyote bc he ain't a big wolf but he isn't a tiny dog, he's like in the middle and he's adaptable I'd say.
Kaede is a spider monkey cuz they're like very social but can be aggressive and I think kaede is a more bold but friendly character (ignoring pregame)
Amami is idk!!! I thought about it alot and I stuck with a tortus or a super chill deer.
Maki is like a black mamba cuz they're fast and when I think of an assassin I think of snakes. Also I believe black mambas aren't super aggressive unless bothered and I think this applies to Maki. She isn't aggressive really for no reason she might be sassy sometimes but she isn't gonna throttle you for no reason at all.
Himiko is a dove bc magician.
Kiibo is a chicken bc it made me think of the robot chicken TV channel thing.
Tsumugi is a fox bc cute and pretty but sneaky and will probably give you rabies.
Kirumi is an owl because she seems wise and owls are usually depicted as wise in media.
Ryouma is a poison dart frog bc tiny but will kill you with his tennis balls.
Korekiyo is a giraffe bc tall and lanky.
Tenko is a mongoose and honestly idk why I couldn't think of anything else except maybe that lizard that's like only girls and reproduces asexually so they're all female lizards.
Angie is an African wolf dog bc they work really well when hunting and it would be her little cult of dogs.
Kaito is a border collie bc they're really smart but cute and people always assume they're dumb but they're very smart and everyone says Kaito is dumb but honestly he's gotta be smart to be an astronaut.
Kokichi is a racoon bc he's a trash panda who would also give you rabies.
Miu is a pelican bc she has a big mouth and doesn't shut upppppp!!
Gonta Is an eleghant bc usually elephants are pretty chill and they're suuuuper cute and big.
OK thanks for listening to my Ted talk I might post drawings of chiaki soon bc she's my favorite female danganronpa character and I love her
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weather-cluddy · 1 year
Maybe I'm just not in the right circles, but I'm surprised that nobody has headcanonned Yuno as depressed so far. I mean, she's got persistent feelings of loneliness and emptiness in spite of having no apparent issues, which she tries to fix with risky sex. She claims that she "has something missing" and that she doesn't care about anybody, including herself. She says that she doesn't want to live past forty*. She often complains that things are too much of a bother, or acts happier than she really feels to please other people. When she "cools off", she socially withdrawns from everyone except those who she thinks need her (Mahiru and Amane, in this case).
I guess people don't think of it because she's not very self-loathing, but her words and attitude during the second trial sound like anhedonia to me, and it's not just stuff from after she withdrew emotionally. For example, looking at her interros: "What's your dream? Finding something I can get absorbed in" "If you could have a wish, what would it be? Nothing, I might regret it/ Nothing, as long as my friends and family are happy I'm fine (T2)". Plus her being asked about important memories twice and replying both times that there are none that stick out, and giving a similar answer to people she likes ("I like everyone except those I hate", so basically nobody stands out positively)
Overall, it just feels like she's got some serious apathy that goes beyond being, as she says, "a bit too realistic". Like I think at the point where you consider going into what's essentially customer service** for emotional relief as "necessary" and think being kidnapped and imprisoned is an improvement over your usual life, you've definitely got issues and the only question is what kind.
*I wonder if this is a trope in Japan? I'm reminded of a song with a similar name.
**I originally wrote that as a joke, but I really think it's worth exploring why she felt that the way to "warmth" (which seems to be something like understanding) was a profession where pretending to be the perfect girlfriend is part of the job description. Does the emotional distance feel more comfortable to her than being genuine? Or is she trying to prove something, that she's so desirable that men will risk social death and spend tons of money just to spend a few hours with her? I feel like her saying that what she likes in a man is having them treat her like she's special is an important piece of the puzzle, but there's not enough context for the full picture...
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kimetsu-chan · 8 months
Disclaimer! ⚠️: this is not meant to take jabs at the ocs as some of these characters have unpleasant personalities. I chose these based on similar traits, outfits they’d look good in, and the ultimate talents. If you would like me to alter the outfit, I will. It just needs to be recognizable as the specific character’s outfit. This will take me an incredibly long time, upwards to multiple weeks. Since I am doing splash arts and one big art piece. If you are uncomfortable with the character your oc was given, please let me know and I’ll do my best to rearrange things. I will only being drawing YOUR oc in THEIR outfit and pose. I will not be mixing the characters.
this’ll be a long post so get ready
First off, this can contain spoilers for Danganronpa V2.
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Kyoko Kirigiri technically shows up for the anime version on V2 but I want to include as many ppl as possible. + she’s my favorite so haha
Oc: Akari Fuyutsuki (@thewinterpillarhashira)
Talent: The Ultimate Detective
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An honorable mention since Eva thought Celestia would work better than Makoto 😋
Oc: Eva Himiko (@muitsuri)
Talent: The Ultimate Gambler—
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Byakuya Togami is the first person I thought of for this oc 😋 he and Makoto are sorta same in the sense that they appeared in the anime. Although Byakuya had an impersonator pretend to be him in the actual game
Oc: Celestine Ellis (@saffron0v0)
Talent: Ultimate Affluent Prodigy
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IF ANYONE KNOWS TERUTERU’S PERSONALITY, IM NOT TRYNA BE MEAN I PROMISE— I hate Teruteru okay 😭 I just like his accent and outfit
Oc: Kirika (I couldn’t find her last name) (@ta-ni-ya)
Talent: The Ultimate Chef
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Mahiru Koizumi so underrated omg 😭 I loovveee herrrr.
Oc: Marilyn Kaizumi (@cloudymistedskies)
Talent: The Ultimate Photographer
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Peko Pekoyama has such a fun name omg. I like saying it over and over again. Once again, and underrated character
Oc: Ilona Dulina (@tokito-dulya20)
Talent: The Ultimate Swordswoman
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I don’t really like Hiyoko either, but she’s adorable and I think her outfit would suit this oc very well
Oc: Akira Sakuranbura (@tinyperson00)
Talent: The Ultimate Traditional Dancer
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Ibuki is so chaotic and I love it. She’s so adorable. I love that she’s described to be pitch perfect and tone deaf at the same time—
Oc: Irina Gonshira (@shycroissanti)
Talent: The Ultimate Musician
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Mikan is such a shy girl. She also cries when embarrassed and stutters a lot. She’s not my favorite, but I don’t hate her. She’s really clumsy which I find relatable—
Oc: Milo Suzuki (@larz-barz)
Talent: The Ultimate Nurse
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Usami will be taking the place of Nekomaru since I don’t feel comfortable with draw Yuna in his clothes and such. Plus Usami’s the teacher and I thought it would be fitting.
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His character was a little hard to choose, but he’s actually pretty adorable. He calls everyone else “mortals” and he’s my sister’s favorite character
Oc: (I can’t remember her name 😭) (@littleolspring112)
Talent: The Ultimate Animal Caretaker
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Nagito is quite possibly the most popular character in the entire franchise. Man has simps left and right. It’s probably bc he’s a little crazy— and he has a rlly sad backstory 😭 he’s also the ✨ main antagonist ✨
Oc: Boo (idk their last name) (@boo-simplified)
Talent: The Ultimate Lucky Student
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Chiaki is the lead female character and I like her quite a lot!
Oc: Hanako Kimura (@rion-isnot-an-ai)
Talent: The Ultimate Gamer
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Hajime Hinata is the lead protagonist in this game CONGRATS TO THIS OC WHO HAS HIM
Oc: Yuki Ayaka (@sweetstarryeyedgirl)
Talent: He doesn’t have a talent though 💀
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I think you can tell by just looking at him… but he’s the mastermind. He also shares a body with Hajime 😃 (wee wo wee wo, wee wo wee wo weeeee—)
Oc: Ayuna Katsuki (@ayunakatsukiwolfhashira)
Talent: I think he’s also talentless, just really smart—
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My beautiful, stupid, girl. I love Akane. She’s really energetic and loud so she fits this oc
Oc: Asai (I can’t find her last name 😚) (@night-mince0)
Talent: The Ultimate Gymnast
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Sonia’s got two outfits, I’ll do this one though. She’s a literal sweetheart
Oc: Kiyoka Watanabe (@kiyokatokito)
Talent: The Ultimate Princess 0-o
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Kazuichi is such a goody goober. Keep your beanie on though. Please.
Oc: Amari Delarosa (@naramaiz)
Talent: The Ultimate Machanic
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Kazuichi calls him “boss man” and “baby face”. He hates it. Internally a sweetheart though
Oc: Basil (idk his last name) (@aceofstars0)
Talent: The Ultimate Yakuza— yes he’s part of the mafia. or at least his parents are
And that was the last one 😭
ima plan on doing a group pic, but I might not end up doing it— just cause it’s a lot of work 😭
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Ima replace Nekomaru with Usami/Yuna and add poses for everyone else who’s character doesnt show up (that’s not Byakuya I promis, that’s the impersonator)
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snailstriad · 8 months
Connections Between Novel and Current Milgram
Alright, it's theory time. While it's not confirmed yet, after Kotoko's music video, I am certainly sure that the two novels and our current Milgram are connected. Because their motives fit so well? Maybe some of you know about our "snails theory," right? If not or if you've forgotten about it, please take a look at it too! [in our twitter under the same name] (I must say that some parts of the theory (e.g the voices part) are wrong, but it is a theory after all.) To summarize, we think Haruka, Muu, Shidou, Amane, and Mikoto's beliefs and mindsets come from the first novel, and Yuno, Fuuta, Mahiru, Kazui, and Kotoko's mindsets and their thoughts resemble the second novel. First of all, please do not forget that we are not connecting crimes. Maybe you can see similarities but I, too, believe crimes and storyline different(not completely because of Touchi) from our current trials. This theory is only about mindsets. Well, let's start with 1st novel characters.
Our first prisoner, Gentle. He is a very emotional man to me. And killing a man, who is about to kill a woman. Of course this is pure coincidence but the thought of killing one life to save the others is bugging me. Because of this, I feel like there is a parallel between Gentle and Shidou.
Nervous. Her anxiety of being useless and a failure is similar to Muu actually. Another point that these two have in common is wanting to be appreciated. This desire for acknowledgment adds a psychological layer, suggesting how much external validation influences their thoughts and actions.
Considering that Close and Gentle are siblings, you might think I've lost my mind for what I'm about to say next, but yes, I believe Close and Amane have similar thought patterns. Let's look at the events this way: Close is someone who would do anything and everything to get the person she loves. However, after all the events, she no longer fears suffering. In fact, she wanted to experience pain and didn't seek help. This reminds me a lot of Amane. Maybe in the future, I'll prepare a separate theory for Amane, but I always felt that in that famous electric shock scene, Amane was afraid of pain, so it seemed like she was trying to comply with the rules. However, after her father's death, and of course, when she came to Milgram, she tried not to fear pain and even attempted to surpass the help she received.
The next prisoner, in my opinion, is probably the easiest to connect among all the characters: Two-Face. Initially, I had wondered besides the name, what similarities there could be with Mikoto, but then I realized I had overlooked the most important thing. Both of them were unaware of the consequences of their actions. As you know, Mikoto was completely oblivious to everything. On the other hand, Two-Face genuinely didn't know that what he was attempting could lead to an actual murder.
Our last character from the first novel is Torch. Firstly, when we saw less of Torch's story and mindset compared to the second novel, I couldn't liken him to anyone. However, later, with the release of the second novel, I understood that the reason Torch's (or Touchi's) life was saved was Milgram. Through Milgram, he found the love he had been seeking for a long time, thanks to Sumi. When I look at this child who has no one in his life, I see Haruka. Both are individuals without anyone and in need of love. Additionally, Milgram, who saved Touchi, also saved the first trial Haruka. The lack of self-confidence he had when he first arrived was overcome thanks to Milgram.
Our first prisoner in the second novel: Tatsumi. I might exceed my thread limit before finishing listing the commonalities with Fuuta. First, let's talk about how both perceive their crimes as a symbol of justice. For those who haven't read it, I'll give a brief overview of the common theme in the second novel: all the characters' crimes are based on a kind of murder trend called "justifiable righteous murder." When Touchi asks him what justice means, Tatsumi responds, "Justice is a social media hashtag." Most likely, you've already understood where I'm going with this: both share similar thoughts about the concept of justice. Another shared aspect is that both constantly question the concept of justice they possess.
Rina and Mei, since they share the same trial, I'll continue without separating them. In my previous theory, I talked about how Yuno and Mahiru are opposites of each other, yet still closely connected. The same holds true for Rina and Mei; they are almost opposites, but their attitudes towards all these events are still the same. It's similar to Yuno and Mahiru; Yuno has a very cold personality while Mahiru is the opposite. However, when it comes to Milgram and its rules, both pairs' thoughts align remarkably.
Alright, this was the person I found the most challenging to connect among all the prisoners: Tomonari. Because, honestly, when I first looked at him, nothing came to mind except the word "psychopath." However, if you look at Tomonari's actions, despite all the darkness within, he never tried to kill anyone until the very end, somewhat keeping his "true personality" hidden. You might get upset with me, I know, but I associate him with Kazui. As I mentioned, this theory is not about the crimes they committed. Kazui, too, chose to lie and conceal his true self until the very end of his life. In my view, they are similar because of these choices they made.
Finally, the last prisoner, Mako. First, I can't go without mentioning that, in Kotoko's MV, I saw Kotoko closely following the "Justifiable Righteous Murder" trend created by Mako (even looking at the news of Tatsumi's murder). Both of the characters are individuals willing to kill for the goals they have set in their minds. Additionally, both characters closely follow the workings of Milgram and manipulate it in line with their own interests.
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"Ichinose Guren was born into a religious Sect which was created five hundred years ago in a political conflict in which two brothers from the main house fought over an Ichinose woman. She had chosen the younger of them and as punishment she and here lover were violeted and disowned. The outcasts created a new sect in their name. Guren is believed to be their saviour, the one destined to liberate the Clan from their oppression, paralleling her role. The main Clan, Mikado no Oni, view Guren and everyone of Gurens family as naturally weak and subservient in a way that clearly mimics patriarchal oppression. When Guren was five years old she met Mahiru Hiiragi, heir to Mikado no Oni. Guren was very obviously jealous of her and their meeting is used to symbolise Guren learning her place in the world. Continously throughout the Guren refuses to give up on Mahiru despite her quite frankly ruining Guren's life and being unable to catch up with her. Guren gives up her humanity to inject a demon all for purposes of protecting her friends and striving to liberate her clan, while also chasing after Mahiru and her power. This eventually leads Guren to cause the apocalypse in a first act of free will. (forced to choose between the strength she desires and her own emotinonal "weakness") Mahiru mends with Gurens weapon taking over as her demon, causing Guren to become a namanari (a half demon made from two separate personalities, Gurens and Mahirus in this case who's human personality slowly starts to adapt the demonic traits). In consequence of this Guren acts all the more feminine when striving to get what she wants (to ressurect all of humanity. I think thats also trans because its a sort of rebirth in metaphor for transition.) Transition could have saved her, as i believe her gender envy for Hiiragi Mahiru caused the apocalypse." - @cannibalfrodo
"im really shit at writing out media analysis i either do it solely in my head or via fic so yall are just gonna have to trust me for this one.
the writer really horribly sucks at writing female characters but it's clear from the start (in catastrophe at 16 most noticeably, but even in the manga too) that guren isn't written like any of the male characters (even the other male protag of the manga, yuu) and much more resembles the female characters. a lot of her personality and identity is heavily sculpted by the traumatizing and pressuring life she's lived so far (being brought up as the head of a scorned branch, beaten by adults for simply being born in the way she was, raised with a lot of crunching expectations, etc). most of her actions in ca16 come from a deep want to please who she's with, or to not cause trouble with herself (#same bestie)—she knows she needs to be a son for her father, for her clan, for their retribution. she knows she doesn't have time to think on her emotions or wants, which is very evident throughout all of ca16 until the final book as more and more shit piles up on her plate and she's forced by her romantic interest, mahiru, to finally confront her "human sin" (which is loving her friends. and also being trans).
she never fully opens up to anyone, this includes mahiru, but nonetheless their relationship IS different (guren is very much like "i love you, you're so much like me but braver, i wish i were you" @ mahiru). in their first meeting again as teenagers she compliments how beautiful and powerful mahiru has grown, and does so multiple times throughout the books, most of which are immediately after her inner monologue beats her down and she goes into great depth on why she's so weak and unworthy (especially compared to mahiru).
she's not allowed to be herself, as a man and definitely not as a woman, throughout all books and manga & i believe that if she came out to her friends (who love her so much and would support her through anything) everything bad she ever does in the future (which i didn't even begin to COVER the main series) could be prevented because she'd be much more happy with herself and spectre in her relationships.
also she experiences the end of the world. truly just a girl in the world" - @9ureshin
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blueepink07 · 1 year
This scene in Umbilical is very interesting to me...
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The people who are next to Yuno have facial expressions.
In Milgram the characters with a well defined face are usually important for the prisoners or for the story.
Good examples are Haruka's mother, whose face appears in the second MV, while his victim still doesn't have a face. Fuuta's supposedly friends at the arcade, Rei -> important storywise, being the victim + a possible affection Muu had for her (implied), Shidou's family (the patients don't have faces), Mahiru's boyfriend, Hanako - Kazui's wife and victim, Kotoko - the man who she steps on his stomach (victim).
So why Yuno, in the only sequence where there are people shown, actually remembers their facial expressions?
Well, I think this scene is more a representation of the society.
If we look closely, we notice a young woman, a middle-age man, a student like Yuno, a younger boy, probably in primary school, an older man.
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Basically, people from all ages.
Despite that Yuno tells Es that she doesn't want to change her ways, she had to become a people pleaser. After all, why would she need to put up different facades for every client or person she is with? Why so much effort, that she is even matching clothes to fit the vibe with who she is with? Of course, she made all this with a purpose in mind, to find warmth! In Milgram, she stopped putting up a facade, because this place doesn't represent a place of interest for her anymore.
Ultimately, despite having a purpose in mind, she became, along the way, a people pleaser.
As I stated in my older analysis, Yuno is not fond of society. Because of people who like to humiliate and talk behind their peers who act different or have other perceptions, Yuno has to hide her work and her true self. For a long time, I have been thinking why Yuno makes so much effort, if she, in reality, doesn't care that much about herself...
"Yuno: Haha, we both lie, don't we? The difference is the reason for lying. Kazui-san, you lie to protect yourself, because you're important to yourself. For me, no one is particularly important. That includes myself as well."
Well, in Japan, reputation is very important! If Yuno, will show her true name and self, she might be putting her family in danger, along the way. And she will never want that, because she cares a lot about her family!
"What do you think about your family?"
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If Yuno, because of a mistake, would tell her true identity, her family reputation might be at stake. Something that she will never want to happen.
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That's why Yuno cares about what these people think and deems them important. She needs to be sure that her facade of a simple high schooler is perfect! To not act out of ordinary, follow the flow, be the same as everyone, so the society will accept her!
Moreover, it's important to state that these people are coloured in a lighter shade of lavender, they are not colourful as other Milgram side characters who don't have faces.
Lavender can express a feeling of dullness, it's lethargic. It could represent Yuno's views about society, how she feels like everyone is the same: judging others for their own self-esteem and pride.
This colour is also a colder one, showing Yuno's loneliness and the lack of warmth she receives from other people. This actually reminds me of a certain dialogue!
"Yuno: That’s right. You know those people who just wanna convince themselves, so they intrude in other people’s affairs even though it’s not their place—I despise them. That’s what I was saying. They only do that to make themselves feel better, don’t they? Those people don’t actually end up doing anything.
Es: Yuno…
Yuno: No matter how many chilling memories I had to go through, those people never gave me any warmth. [sigh] Hehe, I ended up going off-topic there! Um, what did I wanna say again?"
~"chilling memories" ~
The lyrics that are accompaning these visuals are stating that Yuno is feeling some kind of discomfort (her pregnancy). She can't smile anymore, more genuinely.
"I feel a little weird I’m still not used to feeling this way
I can’t get you out of my head, it’s a secret, ok?
Why are you here? You annoy me a little
I can’t smile well anymore, it’s because of you"
Her smile here looks a bit forced. Her eyes don't share the same happiness as her mouth, showing that her expression is not genuine.
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Despite Yuno appearing calm about her pregnancy, she was actually a bit afraid and needed help! However, all she could see was a sea of purple, people, all the same, who would have just shamed her for her decisions and wouldn't help...
In Teardrop, the only human we see, other than Yuno, is one of her clients. Well, see, it's an exaggeration, since he is represented by his hand which has colour. Yuno remembers him as his hand who gave her warmth, at some point in time. A cute rabbit, a sweet drink and a nice memory!
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mitsubinyuri · 2 years
MILGRAM Guilty/Innocent verdicts, according to my father
MILGRAM, but instead of forming my own opinions I scroll randomly through the YouTube comments of each video, take the first theory I see, explain it poorly to my father and have HIM judge them guilty/innocent based off of that.
A 50 year old Taiwanese man’s opinions on MILGRAM characters. (He, as a doctor, had a LOT to say about Shidou)
[note that this was posted between It’s Not My Fault and Triage.]
ME: State your name and occupation, please.
DAD: Dad, Physician.
Haruka (no. 01) (no idea how to sum up the common consensus on him, but yknow what I’m thinking of) - INNOCENT
“I dunno... I think this guy needs treatment. I don’t know, there’s actually no causal link between having a learning disability, being neglected, and like, killing small creatures.” 
“They say killing animals in your youth is a risk factor for predicting if someone’s gonna grow up to be, an actual, y’know.” 
“I mean, so, forgivable? I mean, only in the sense that y’know, this may be part of him that’s sort of intrinsically broken and he really just needs treatment.”
Yuno (no. 02) (abortion “theory”) - INNOCENT
“Well, I mean, I don’t really have any- to me this is not an issue... I don’t think there’s any particular moral wrong here, I mean y’know, she does what she does, she was in a position that she found herself pregnant and she didn’t want to be pregnant so she had a perfectly legal and safe medical procedure to take care of it.”
I brought up the fact it might not have been legal.
“Well, I mean, either way, I don’t see that it’s an issue. I don’t have any issue with it.”
Fuuta (no. 03) (doxxing/cyberbullying theory) - GUILTY
“Yeah, well, I don’t really think there’s anything particularly excusable about this one.”
Muu (no. 04) (bully -> bullied “theory”, I brought up the lesbian theory to him and presented it as an additional option as well) - GUILTY
“I dunno. I mean, honestly, I don’t really have much sympathy in this case. If you’re gonna dish it out you better be ready to take it.”
“Look, if you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen, alright?! Y’know, I mean, seriously!”
“This is like, at best it’s just pure hypocrisy, okay, well turnabout. You didn’t think about it until you were the object.”
My sister makes an Ace Attorney reference referring to the word ‘turnabout’. He texts her an Ace Attorney meme. 
Shidou (no. 05) (organ harvester theory) - GUILTY
“This is not how any of this works, okay? You cannot just whip organs out of one person and bung (?) ‘em into someone else and it’s gonna be like ‘Wow, that’s awesome’!”
“Yeah, see, that to me is too far out there. I can’t even say because that’s now how it functions.”
I ask him if hypothetically you could, what the verdict would be.
“Even if you had a whole... You could some how make it work... it’s still not- no.”
“Besides, you can’t even perform surgeries at 29 unless you went through med school very quickly.”
Mahiru (no. 06) (toxic relationship + suicide theory) - GUILTY
“She sounds... extremely emotionally immature. I don’t think she was ready for a relationship.”
“Now, why didn’t the guy just dump her and walk away?”
I explain the ‘breakup ritual’ line, and bring up the ‘both sides toxic’ theory.
“Well, I mean, is there any evidence at all to support that sort of thing?”
I explain the vagueness of the video.
“Yeah, I dunno, I mean absent to any further data I’m not inclined to be merciful here.”
Kazui (no. 07) (cheating + suicide theory) - INNOCENT
“I mean, sad to say, it’s not an uncommon phenomenon. It’s a thing that happens, y’know,”
“So I don’t really, I mean, depending on how he broke it to her, I suppose, and if he actually DID have an affair or had just contemplated one.”
“Or even then, I sort of feel like jumping off a balcony over it is a little bit of an overreaction.”
“A lot depends on the specific details about how this came out, assuming that’s the correct story. I mean, the situation is sad, but at least the way it’s presented I don’t feel like I can hold him at fault for her deciding to throw herself to her death.”
“Well, I mean, and I think legally you couldn’t really say anything about it. I mean, he’s responsible in part but it’s not like he pushed her or anything like that.”
Amane (no. 08) (cult theory) - INNOCENT
“I mean, the thing is. This is one of those classic cases- assuming she’s been completely brainwashed by this cult, that’s one of those cases where deprogramming has to be the first step.”
“It’s related to not guilty by reason of insanity, this is someone who’s worldview has been warped to the extent that they’ve presumably sworn their unthinking allegiance to whoever their leader is.”
“Obviously she’s directly responsible, though I don’t know how a twelve year old can beat someone to death.”
“You would need therapy and deprogramming, before you try to bring it to trial.”
“It also depends on if the therapy turns out successful or not.”
I mention she’s twelve.
“Alright, so like, automatically guilty then.”
Mikoto (no. 09) (DID “theory”) - INNOCENT
“I mean... really? Does this alter even have a name?”
“I mean, legally you can’t render judgement here.” 
“I mean, assuming the alter was the one murdering people?”
“Yeah, I mean, I dunno, if he truly is suffering from this disorder, it’s like the other ones, we can’t hold him responsible.”
Kotoko (no. 10) (vigilante “theory”) - GUILTY
“So, basically... did she intend to kill him? Or did she try to beat him up and get carried away?”
I explain that she did intend to kill.
“Y’know, the fact of the matter is, as great as it sounds, I don’t really condone vigilantism. She knows exactly what she’s doing, right?”
I say yes.
“Okay, well, in that case, then I would think that she should be prepared to face the consequences.”
“Yeah, so this also sounds like someone who feels that they are above society’s rules. Not something I feel completely comfortable with, even if now they appear to be doing things on the right side.”
also said, at the end: “Just because someone cannot be held morally responsible for their actions also does not mean we should have them out roaming the streets.”
bold (no italics) is things that I said. Italics is things he did. 
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kromeihl · 2 years
Delicious taste of envy
➥Guren Ichinose
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"L-Lieutenant Colonel..." Sayuri gasped in surprise. She smiled sweetly, as a blush spread through her cheeks.
Her reactions always made you quite irritated. You wonder why..
"[Name]." The seated male spoke up, making you turn your gaze on his presence. "Lieutenant Colonel. What do you want?" You spat back.
"My, my, that tone of yours only appears on a bad day." He chuckled, his lower face being covered by his two hands that were intertwined with each other, his elbows being placed on his table.
"What happened?" He raised a brow, his eyes looking up at you. "Literally none of your business. Anyways, why'd you call me in your dusty office."
He sat properly, then leaning on his chair, taken aback by your words as he brushed his hair back. He shook his head after, you, earning a grin from him. "You really did have something happen in order for you to have your day ruined, huh?" He laughed.
"Sayuri said she needed a bit of assistance. The students have been 'out of control' she said." He rolled his eyes, knowing it was the two students, Yuichiro Hyakuya and Shiho Kimizuki.
"Mm.." You nodded as you listened, your gaze on the old books on the shelves, waiting to be read for a lifetime. "Are you willing to help?" He asked. Your gaze landed on him, rolling your eyes as you leaned with your two hands on his desk.
"Hey, you're their supervising teacher! Why should it be me?" You huffed, "But, I guess. I don't mind." You retreated to your standing position, your hands now crossed below your chest.
Before Guren could talk, two male voices were heard shouting. Guren sighed as he stood up, walking before standing behind you. You turned around, looking at Guren who was now faced infront of you.
"Let's check on them, shall we?" He suggested, you nodded.
Both of you walked through the silent hallway, until the sound of punching and shouting went in. You cringed at the imaginary situation you were trying to create in your head. You blinked, looking at the man infront of you who had his hands on his pockets.
He was really tall, wasn't he? You laughed, and he heard. You quickly cover your mouth with your hand, coughing awkwardly as a cover up to what happened. "Sorry, itchy throat." You laughed.
He raised a brow and grinned, "Itchy throat but you laughed? What were you thinking about, hm?" He stopped in his tracks, turning to face you. "About your non-long lasting relationship..." You mumbled.
He frowned, sighing as he started to walk again, "Sorry! I didn't mean that." You felt guilty, you were just trying to make a joke...That may have gone too far. The pang on your chest made your day even worst. Why did you have to joke about his relationship with Mahiru?
You both arrived infront of the classroom's door, him sliding it open, walking in, as you followed behind.
Sayuri gasped in surprise, seeing the Lieutenant Colonel appear. "Why is it always so damn loud in here?" He sounded really pissed, huh. You looked way as you felt your cheeks turn warm. 'He does sound kind of hot...' You thought.
You walked in with Guren, standing in the front of the class as you sticked your gaze to Sayuri. She was more than happy to see Guren, especially him standing infront of her.
'Ugh, what a-'
Your thoughts stopped as you looked at the black haired student speak in an irritating tone.
You didn't notice your eyebrows were furrowed, until you looked at Guren, who raised a brow.
"What?" You asked, blinking, your eyebrows still furrowed. "Are you mad at Yuichiro or what?" He joked, "You look mad." He cleared up. You blinked, relaxing your face as you realized.
"Oh..I'm not mad at all." You cleared your throat, turning to the pink haired male who questioned in a well-mannered way.
Guren spoke back, as your mind blurs. 'Why do I feel so upset?' You turned your gaze to Sayuri, who was looking at Guren.
"Master Guren!" She gasped, you swore you wanted to tear of that clip of hers from her hair before realizing why she yelled out his name.
Black thick strings came out from the floors and ceiling. You felt the whole classroom shake as you turn to Guren who had his katana out.
You looked at the students who were struggling to breathe, including Sayuri who looked like she was being squeezed. "Psh, what a weakling." You managed to spit out. Realizing you had said it out loud, but because of the screams of Guren's demon, it wasn't heard.
You sighed in relief, removing your gaze from Sayuri to Guren. Shoot. He was looking at you. He blinked before putting his katana back to it's own place, "Alright." He said while doing it.
Everybody gasped for air as the others stayed still without reacting. I blinked, looking at Shinoa who had a mischievous grin plastered on her face. You smiled back, rolling your eyes playfully to earn a funny reaction from her.
Guren pointed out all of the people who was standing. After his small fight with Shinoa, everyone headed out to get their own cursed gear.
[Name] walked behind the group, as she made holes in the back of Sayuri's head from her intense stare. Guren and Sayuri were walking side by side. It made her so, jealous?
She continued her intense staring, Guren turned his head to the side, glancing at the girl who was walking behind. He noticed that she was staring into Sayuri's soul. He smirked. Letting the others walk first. Sayuri noticed and looked at Guren who was now walking back.
"M-Master Guren- Where are you going?" Sayuri asked, her stuttering made your blood boil. You gritted your teeth as you noticed Guren infront of you. You looked up at him, realizing he had ignored Sayuri's question.
You stared into his eyes, hearing Shinoa call Sayuri to continue walking. You sighed, mentally thanking Shinoa. "Look, I'm sorry I made that joke.." You looked at the ground before a hand was placed on your chin, forcing you to look up at his gorgeous purple eyes. "It's alright. It's true, that relationship didn't last long. Although she's my sword now. It's a demon-human relationship now." He joked, "Whatever." You huffed.
"I'd rather you call me Master Guren than Sayuri calling me that, though. But she's a good girl, so she calls me that." He smirked, earning an irritated and cute reaction from you. "Oh my God, what's so special about her and her half bun hairstyle?! Even she talks to me about how Mahiru is-"
You were forced to shut up as a pair of lips were placed on yours. It lasted a good 10 seconds before he pulled away. "Relax, I only have my eyes on you.
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OWARI NO SERAPH IS SO UNDERRATED ISTG?! I'm inlove with this man<3 (Seraph of the end fans, please I beg you, request!!! Except for Ferid, I despise that man :D)
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good-beanswrites · 9 months
Remembering how Futa said in one timeline that there’s no way a woman could beat a man in a fight and got his ass beat. Can you do a crackfic of the girls beating him up for that?
Ahahaha thank you for the request!! This was really fun to write omg -- and well deserved, there was no need for all that in the timeline convo 😤 He was too busy thinking of leverages and forms he failed to consider the fury of a woman scorned..... may he rest in peace......
Fuuta didn’t even know what he did to earn himself an ass-beating.
“Oh, you know what you did,” Yuno said. She closed the cell door behind her. 
Whatever it was, it had managed to anger every woman on the premises. He thought it took a lot to get girls riled up this much – something like cheating on them or calling them names, you know? But without a single action on his part, he found himself facing Yuno, Muu, and Amane. All three had a fire in their eyes that Fuuta was not liking the look of. 
Mahiru had pointed him to his cell, saying Es was looking for him there. She spoke strangely as she did it, and waited awkwardly outside as he went in, but everyone around here was a little odd. How was he supposed to distinguish when people were being murderer-in-a-supernatural-prison weird from setting-a-trap-to-corner-him-in-his-cell weird?
He waved his palms in front of him. “Listen, listen! Let’s just talk, okay? Let’s slow down.”
Muu cracked her knuckles.
Amane began rolling up her sleeves in perfect creases. “You have doubted our abilities. We will make you a believer.”
Fuuta took a few steps back. His voice came out loud and frantic. “What are you talking about? If you’re looking to pick a fight, you better think twice, because I’m not gonna hit a girl or anything.”
“Oh, good!” Yuno’s voice was as bubbly as always as the three closed in. “That will make our job a lot easier.”
He felt his back hit the wall. “I mean it, let’s just talk about this for a sec! Hey!”
Mikoto’s voice came from outside the cell. 
“Mappi? What’s going on in there?”
“Yes!” Fuuta called, “Mikoto! Help! They’re gonna kill me in here!”
“Oh, no need to worry~ The girls are just teaching him a little lesson about not saying awful things.”
“Isn’t this going a bit too far…? What did he even say?”
“Nothing! Come on, get me the fuck outta here!”
“I believe his exact words were, ‘there’s no way a girl could win in a fight against a man.’”
Fuuta paled. He did say that, didn't he...
“Oh crap. Yeah, that’d do it. Carry on.”
“Wha–? Mikoto!” 
He gaped at the three in front of him. 
He remembered a hero in a video game who had faced off against an unbeatable foe; a glorious knight who came to understand that he could never conquer the world-razing dragon before him. After giving his all, and seeing his fate was sealed, the hero had no choice. In a manly show of valor, he’d lifted his chin, closed his eyes, and accepted his impending, gory death.  
Yuno's gaze was cold as she raised her arms. Muu had a hungry look in her eyes. Amane clenched her fists, her posture perfect.
It wasn’t a dragon, but Fuuta would argue this was a good deal more dangerous. He lifted his chin and squeezed his eyes shut.
“Get ‘em, girls!”
Kotoko approached just as the other girls filed out of Fuuta’s cell. They had giddy looks on their faces. They giggled and whispered in a huddle as they walked around the panopticon. 
“Wow, Muu!”
“Haha, I didn’t know you had it in you!”
“That felt amazing…”
Kotoko didn’t know what kind of game they were all playing in there, but Fuuta was in for a big surprise now. The fun was over. Today was the day she acted out her responsibilities as Es’ fang. Today was the day she delivered justice. 
She swung the cell door open. Her eyebrows shot up. 
Her head whipped around to take a look at the girls, still complementing one another and laughing lightly.
Hell, her work here was already done.
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good-beans · 8 months
Rank the Milgram characters by how often you bully them (or how likely you would).
Now these are the real Milgram questions, thank you 👏
Jackalope: If I was a better cook I'd make rabbit stew.
Fuuta: My man. My skrunkly. My sad wet cat. I am always bullying him. He’s nasty. He’s mean. He's lame. He fucked up so so bad. He’s insufferable. Bad fashion. A gamer. Twitter user. Probably stinky. I love him with all my heart.
Shidou: Also love him and exist in a state on nonstop shittalking. He sucks and he’s the biggest drama queen in Milgram. Everything he does is ridiculously dramatic. Oh, did you know he's a doctor? Did he mention that yet???? He’s extra in his videos and his questions and minigrams and official art. He’s gotta chill.
Kotoko: Also a drama queen. She’s so INTENSE. She’s STRUNG TIGHT. She’s that person who outdoes everyone at the potluck and there’s no need for all that. She needs to Chill Out which makes her fun to tease.
Es: I know they’re doing their best but also I have so much to say on the way they’re running things. The Puerto Rico thing. The kicking-grown-men-fairly-often thing. The John thing. Seriously? That's the name you pick? Fucking John?????
Kazui: Also a drama queen. I mean, I'm extra about being gay too but he’s being so dramatic about it that it’s literally getting people killed 🙄
Mikoto: Teasing him only for his denial of the situation. It has been 3+ years. Please. Have a shred of self reflection. Look inside for one tiny second. Please. I’m begging you. And also bullying you until you do.
John: I mean I completely understand trying to fix a problem and fucking things up further but that doesn't mean I can't bully him for it too
Muu: She and Haruka are a bit harder to tease because their stories make me more sad than anything, but also. Bee jokes.
Haruka: I am so so sad over him all the time. However he is very dramatic about some things and I can tease him a bit. As a treat.
Mahiru: Character of all time, she’s done nothing wrong, but she gets a little bit of bullying for the same reason as Mikoto. Girl that’s rats!!!!!
Yuno: Once again she makes me too emotional to effectively bully. She’s staying in her lane and not being overdramatic. She’s pissed off all the time and she should be!!
Amane: What could I even tease her about?? I would actively join her in bullying Fuuta and Shidou in those minigrams, and anyone else she wanted. Muu better watch out, there’s new mean girls in town
Also I'm officially turning this back on you (and anyone who sees this) because now I want to see people's bullying tiers 😂
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Peko Pekoyama VS Right-Hand Man [Danganronpa Survivor VS Henry Stickmin]
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Hifumi: Peko Pekoyama, the cold and sharp Ultimate Swordswoman...
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Leona: The Right Hand Man; Cybernetic enforcer of the Toppat Clan!
Hifumi: You'd be hard strung to find a personal bodyguard better than these two, but will their personalities define your decision, or their strength? If it's the latter, then you'd best pay close attention!
Leona: He's Hifumi and I'm Leona!
Hifumi: And it's our job to analyze their weapons, talents and skills, to see who will win a DEATH BATTLE!
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Hifumi: Putting your life on the line to protect what you stand for is the natural code of one who wields the blade. And while Peko Pekoyama is not technically a samurai or a ninja, this is a code she upholds regardless.
Leona: Huh, stepping it up a bit this time, eh?
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Hifumi: Well it's like you said. We can't just do the same intro every time. Mrs Pekoyama's, or as she's known now, Ms Kuzuryu's parents abandoned her when she was a young child, and the Kuzuryu Family, a Yakuza group, took her under their wing. She was raised alongside Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu, the eldest child of the Kuzuryu family and the eventual heir to the group, and she was trained to be his bodyguard, doing whatever he requested of her, killing whoever needed to die, and even told to sacrifice herself to protect him.
Leona: From when she was but a baby, Peko was taught the art of sword fighting so she could work as a bodyguard and personal hitman. Yep, she was 5 five years old when she was turned into a hitman with a killer sword! Why couldn't that be me!? That sounds awesome!
Hifumi: Remember, she was a bodyguard for a Yakuza organization. It's anything BUT awesome. Living in that environment twisted the girl's mind, and she started to live as nothing more than a tool for Mr Kuzuryu to use at his disposal. She didn't even see herself as a person, and nobody else treated her that way. However, if she was a tool, she was indeed a very powerful tool, having developed her skills in the art of Kendo so she could effortlessly defeat grown men in combat.
Leona: So skilled in fact, that she was invited into Hope's Peak Academy as the Ultimate Swordswoman, alongside Fuyuhiko who became the Ultimate Yakuza. It was there that she and Fuyuhiko met their classmates, who would eventually become their found family. And although she was reticent, she was nothing if not dependable in the eyes of her newfound companions. Still, as we know, while school life was fantastic, she succumbed to the Ultimate Despair and was brainwashed, along with her fellow classmates.
Hifumi: Mrs Pekoyama would follow the way of Junko Enoshuma alongside the Remnants of Despair down a path filled with evil and suffering.
Leona: Why can't we just have a happy backstory for once?
Hifumi: Name one person close to us who hasn't gone through some despair-related trauma?
Leona: My point exactly! But the good news is thanks to the work of Hajime Hinata originally, not only was Peko able to break out of her despairing mindset, but she was also able to find humanity within herself.
Hifumi: As we said before, Mrs Pekoyama was raised harshly, and couldn't live a life where she was anything more than a tool to Mr Kuzuryu. When the two of them were captured by the Future Foundation, she even went as far as killing Mahiru Koizumi in cold blood so she could take the fall for him, simply because she thought she was doing her duty.
Leona: But Fuyuhiko didn't see it that way. He wanted nothing more than to treat Peko like an equal, not that he could admit that. It was these hidden feelings that resulted in Peko getting executed, but luckily, she was resuscitated and joined the Remnant's fight to redeem themselves! Oh! And she got a huge relationship upgrade with Fuyu too! They got married and had a baby girl! 
Hifumi: She certainly lives a very blissful life, one that she probably never even dreamed of before, but it doesn't change the fact that if the world or her family are ever in danger, she's always prepared to pick up that sword again!
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Leona: Getting into what Peko's best feats of strength are, she was, as Hifumi said, strong enough to defeat grown men in battle, and this was when she was much younger than she is now. Not only that, but she's more than shown why she is the Ultimate Swordswoman. She is powerful enough to take on Mukuro Ikusaba head-to-head and repel a mob of Monokumas. And if you'd seen our summary in Mukuro Vs Kayano, you'd know just how big a deal that is.
Hifumi: True...But I think it's worth noting that Mrs Pekoyama LOST that battle. And while yes, she was fighting toe to toe, it's highly likely Ms Ikusaba was holding back on her. After all, she was integral to Enoshima's plan at the time. However, that's not to say she hasn't defeated some impressive opponents herself. She's clashed and defeated the likes of Kyosuke Munakata and Mikoto Itsuki, the former of whom was able to trade blows with Kuripa Kurafto, even without his sword.
Leona: And as we said before, it's highly likely Kuripa is on a similar plane of power to Mukuro, given that no one can figure out who won their fight the first time they met. On top of that, she's also battled the Ultimate Frisbee Player, who uses his frisbee's as weapons. 
Hifumi: Mrs Pekoyama's feat of taking that Ultimate down is one of her more impressive. She was quick enough to avoid his attacks and even ran up a wall to escape from him before blitzing him with one blow.
Leona: We can compare Peko's speed with that of people like Nekomaru Nidai or the already-established renowned speedster from our previous matchup, Akane Owari. And like we said, Mukuro may have been holding back, but the Ultimate Soldier is still capable of combating hundreds of Monokuma's while dodging fire from sentry turrets. And Peko has pulled off a similar feat, fighting against an army of sword-wielding mannequins during her execution on Jabberwock Island.
Hifumi: Despite the nature of executions to whittle you down into abysmal despair, Mrs Pekoyama notably didn't suffer any damage while she was fighting, not until she accidently slashed Mr Kuzuryu's eye with her sword and shielded him with her body so he didn't die. 
Leona: But another thing worth noting is that the main gimmick of Peko's execution, One-Woman Army, was that she was being controlled by Monokuma via a voodoo doll. So it's hard to pin down what exactly were her feats, or what were Monokuma's.
Hifumi: But of course, speaking of her execution, when it comes to fighting, she's not much of an Ultimate Swordswoman without her signature weapon!
Leona: You mean her sword?
Hifumi: No, the special rocket launcher that shoots teddy bears. OF COURSE I MEAN HER SWORD! In a rather crafty manner, Mrs Pekoyama gives everyone the impression of carrying around a wooden bamboo katana, simply as part of her regular attire. However, she actually conceals a real blade underneath it...albeit a blunted one, to comply with the Future Foundation's no-killing policy.
Leona: She can still easily cut a bitch with it though, and her slashes are so precise and so strong, she can even cut through the atmosphere, and create shockwaves and blasts of air just by swinging the thing! Peko is also capable of using her sword as a non-offensive weapon. She even knows how to climb up places by using the handle as a stepping stool. And who knows what else she can use that thing for if she puts her mind to it.
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Hifumi: Mrs Pekoyama has also been shown to wield weapons similar to blades with the same level of precision and stealth. She was able to kill Mahiru Koizumi instantly with a single blow to the head with a bat, and according to the Monokuma file, Ms Koizumi's death was instant, meaning she'd had to have caught her by surprise.
Leona: Peko is undoubtedly a skilled swordswoman, with an expert level of cunning, immense power, and abnormal speed, but that doesn't mean she is perfect. Far from it actually. 
Hifumi: That she does. Repeatedly in the past, granted this is a weakness she is working to overcome, Mrs Pekoyama's combat skills have been shown to not be that great when she's disarmed. She can barely throw a punch, and when she's able to hit someone, like she did with Mikoto Itsuki, it pales in comparisons to feats of strength we've seen from characters before. Even Mr Makoto Naegi with his limited training has shown to be able to overpower her in a punching contest.
Leona: It's because of this weakness that Maki Harukawa was able to defeat her, despite being a combat novice herself. But on top of all of that, while her cool nature and edgy aura kind of makes you forget this, Peko's win/lose ratio is actually almost as bad as Akane's. Sure, she's been able to defeat Mikoto Itsuki, overcoming her primary weakness to do so, but she still lost horribly to Mukuro and was apparently captured easily by the Future Foundation, despite having a corrupted mafia at her side.
Hifumi: Even with her flaws, Mrs Pekoyama possesses the courage and skill to be called the most powerful sword-wielder in the world. And regardless of whether it's for the sake of the clan, for the lives of those she loves, or to protect her dear family, she's always got a sword by her side to prove why she deserves that title.
Leona: And her husband and daughter can more than attest to that!
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Leona: One might look at a man like Henry Stickmin and see a...stick man...But don't underestimate him! He's the best thief/prison escapee/bounty hunter/cyborg/government agent/mafia boss/HOLY SHIT this guy gets around!
Hifumi: Spanning across multiple different timelines of course. That's kind of the premise of his game. Henry Stickmin's story started off with a simple bank heist, which led to his arrest and subsequent epic breakout of prison. Then, he went on to steal the Tunisian Diamond, a priceless museum artifact. This crime put him in the eyes of the government and military, and was enlisted to help them take down the most infamous, dastardly and evil organization in the whole world!
Leona: THE TOPPAT CLAN! DUN DUN DUN! Now, of course, depending on what actions you take depends on what Henry's relationship with the clan becomes. Either he remains neutral in the conflict, becomes a government agent fighting against them, or becomes their leader, then is either betrayed or-
Hifumi: Hold on hold on hold on...We'll be at this all day if you list ALL the possibilities. Point is...Toppat Clan. Bad news. 
Leona: Right, right, sorry...The Toppat's were originally led by Reginald Copperbottom, and while Reg is was indeed a villainous evildooer who his followers looked upon with respect, there was another ringleader, who when it was his turn to take over the clan, ruled it with a LITERAL IRON FIST...!
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Hifumi: THIS is the Right-Hand Man; a man with no name, no origin, and no business but show business. If what's been shown of the clan so far is anything to go by, the most likely scenario is he was formerly just a lowly member of the clan, but he greatly enhanced his reputation by either moving up the ranks or by acting in the clan's best interests.
Leona: Whatever it was, it elevated him to the position of Right-Hand Man, and with that newfound authority, he would risk his life to protect the Toppats...And that's basically what ended up happening. However, this random-ass doctor in the ocean, brought him back...as a cyborg!
Hifumi: Right-Hand Man's cyborg form, AKA Right-Hand Man Reborn is the most powerful adversary Henry Stickmin, or anyone for that matter, has ever faced. And with his cyborg augmentations, he packs more than a punch.
Leona: Right-Hand Man, or RHM for short, is capable of fighting on an equal level with Henry Stickmin, in both his regular and cyborg form. And this is a big deal since Henry's whole thing is applying the power of references which allows him to do basically everything.
Hifumi: And RHM has a similar set of powers! Even without his cyborg augmentations. He can create shockwaves, throw three large bombs at once, form a reflector that blocks and deflects most projectiles, and he is an extremely proficient weapon user. He can even handle an enormous chain gun by himself!
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Leona: His abilities AS a cyborg are astounding. Not only are all the feats Hifumi just listed enhanced, but he can shoot lasers from his eye, shoot his right hand like a rocket, extend his arm, morph his right hand into a sword or a laser blaster, teleport, put up a shield around himself, and even charge up a massive orb of energy that cyborg Henry was overwhelmed by, even when he tried to absorb it.
Hifumi: RHM's power can be scaled to Henry in his own cyborg form, as in that route, he was modified by the same Russian scientist. One of the way's Henry tries to counter the large energy orb, other than absorbing it, is smacking it so hard it travels all around the world until it ends up right back where it started. This feat would have required the strength of at least 672.224 kilograms of TNT, likely even MORE than that.
Leona: Henry's head-sized hardened rock is also no match for him, and he can break it easily with a single punch. 
Hifumi: He's also capable of throwing several people - including Henry, who appears to weigh 110 pounds - off him in a dogpile! Quite heavy for a stick figure! And as one might expect, his defensive capabilities are bar none too. This guy can withstand moves from fighting games like suplexes and bullshit combos that involve him being upper-cutted repeatedly, and tanked it like it was nothing! Additionally, he made it through being sent through the Toppat Spaceship, breaking only half of his body and losing an arm, but otherwise was fine, and remained conscious.
Leona: And as far as tools go, he's armed with a few standard weapons, including a metal baseball bat, bombs, a machine gun, twin pistols, a grappling hook, and a pistol. But all of that pales in comparison to RHM's unmatched most powerful ability...TAIM IN A BOTTERU!
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Hifumi: Also known as Bottled Time, this ability is...no point in beating around the bush...a STAND ability, like that in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. Because that's what it's referencing, we have to assume that it bares all the same traits as a stand, which by default, non-stand users can't see it, nor harm it.
Leona: As long as RHM's subconscious activates The Stand, or Spirit as the game calls it, which resembles an hourglass, it will gather "The Sands of Time." RHM can use this power to slow down his perception of time once it has enough stored up. This allows him to easily avoid even Henry's Spirit, "Reference," and its lightning-fast attacks. Additionally, he has the ability to entirely stop time for anyone save himself if he accumulates enough Sands.
Hifumi: RHM also confirmed in the route where he uses said ability that they aren't connected to his cybernetic augmentations, so even if an opponent was to remove or break them, the ability would remain the same.
Leona: As far as weaknesses go, they're not completely clear cut. However, RHM has shown to have a tendency to underestimate his foes, which has led to his downfall on many branches of the timeline. Additionally, despite being able to survive incredible and unimaginable feats of durability, he's been eliminated permanently by disintegration, decay, ripping him in half, cutting him to pieces, and destroying his upper body, among other things.
Hifumi: He's also susceptible to being hacked, and can turn against his teammates if he is. However, it's not too difficult for him to break out of this should he be reminded of where his allegiance lies.
Leona: If you attempt to steal anything, you'd better be careful because the Toppats might want it, and if they do, this cyborg will stop at nothing to ensure they get it. Cross his path, and he'll DELETE you.
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Hifumi: Alright, the combatants are set! We've run the data through all possibilities!
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Peko Pekoyama stands on the edge of a beach, looking up into the sky above. The airspace is dominated by a gigantic red airship with the symbol of a hat on the side. She plants her sword on the ground in front of her and waits patiently as the airship descends. Once it's level with her,  a ramp slides out and two figures slowly descend down it, one wearing two top hats on top of each other, and the other a cyborg with a strong red mustache.
Reginald Copperbottom: What's this...? A welcoming party? Just for us!?
Peko: ...
Peko plants her sword in the ground and stands to attention, barely even blinking as she glares daggers at the Toppats.
Reginald Copperbottom: Greetings, fine subject of Jabberwock Island...I am Reginald Copperbottom, leader of the Toppat Clan. And...I accept your surrender...
Peko: I was expecting your arrival, Mr Copperbottom...I must say you're...
Peko pauses and squints as she eyes Reg and RHM up and down.
Peko: ...skinnier...than I thought you would be...
Reginald Copperbottom: I will take that as a compliment...Now would you be so kind as to wave the white flag and submit the island's resources to me?
Peko: Hm...See, that's not going to happen. I have a life and a family on that island...If you want to get to it...
She plucks her sword out of the ground and brandishes it, pointing it at the Toppats.
Peko: You're going to have to go through me first...
Reginald Copperbottom: Hm...No, ma'am...I believe it is US that will go through YOU...!
Peko: That's...what I just said...
Reginald Copperbottom: O-Oh...um...G-Get her Right Hand Man!
RHM: Nothin' personal babe...
RHM rocket propels himself into the air as Reginald stomps back into the airship and flies it out of the way of the fight. RHM unsheathes a huge blade from his arm and flies at Peko with a heavy swing. Peko grabs her own sword in kind, and despite the sheer scale of RHM's blade, is able to block it. The impact though, tears off the bamboo sheen, revealing the real blade underneath it.
RHM: Mm...Crafty~ But your attacks are weak...!
Peko: I'm not proud to admit this, but I've killed several people in my lifetime. Keep that up and we'll see who's really weak...!
The real battle starts when RHM throws his rocket fist at his opponent, which Peko parries. Rather, it flies over her head and causes an explosive blast behind her. Peko then launches himself into the air and begins slicing at RHM, who deflects her blows as he regenerates his fist,  before blasting himself backwards.
RHM: What's the matter, doll!? A lil' too fast for you!?
RHM: Ah-Oww...!
Peko retaliates to this retort by lobbing her blade at him, causing it to smack against his metallic head, dropping and planting itself in the ground beneath him.
RHM: Alright, THAT was just mean! HRAAGH!
Peko: KEGH!
RHM soars towards her, ready to pound her into oblivion, but Peko counters his advance by pulling out a baseball bat and smashing him around the face! The force sends him flying off into the near horizon and crashing into a cliff. Peko uses the opportunity to retrieve her sword, then duel wields the blade and the bat.
RHM: Grrgh...
RHM gets back up, shakes off the blow with a nonchalant snap of his neck, and launches an eye laser towards Peko. Peko is able to dodge and weave her way out of the line of fire as she gets in close. RHM stops his fire and once again unsheathes the large blade from his arm, throwing and extending it forward. Peko limbos underneath it and tries to slash at RHM with her sword, but he rocket boosts himself up and knocks her backwards.
Peko: Keh...!
Peko frantically tries to put some distance between then as RHM flies upwards and charges a gigantic ball of energy, which he then tosses to the ground with a shout. An enormous portion of the peaceful archipelago is destroyed by the explosion that follows.
RHM: I know that didn't get 'er...Where the hell did she...? GAGH!
After the explosion, RHM lands on the ground and snarls in frustration and looks for his enemy. Peko seizes the chance to ambush him covertly from behind, slicing through his stick-figure torso with her sword after she charges at him.
Peko: Shame that clunky cyborg body doesn't give you increased spacial awareness.
RHM: Ok...It's PERSONAL now...!
Peko: GAH!
RHM is almost completely unphased by the stab, backhanding Peko and sending her flying backwards, with the sword becoming dislodged from his body. RHM then spins around and fires another eye laser at her.
Peko counters the eye laser by throwing her bat into the air, which is completely disintegrated by the laser, but RHM also fires a laser from his arm cannon, and that hits her dead on, blasting her in the chest and sending her crashing back into cliff. 
Peko: HMPH! 
RHM tries to smash Peko into the cliff face, but she leaps up and dodges, running up the cliff, then launching herself back down towards him, slicing him across the chest.
Peko: Tch...!
Peko: Since you're so curious...
Peko: My name...is Peko Kuzuryu...Formerly Peko Pekoyama...And I've helped quell clans a lot more imposing than the likes of you...! So get ready to say goodbye...!
Peko sprints ahead at ever-increasing speeds, vanishing in a puff of wind and circling her adversary too quickly for him to see. She then slashes him with her sword quickly and repeatedly, hitting him from all sides!
Peko's onslaught is brought to a swift close when RHM employs the power of his Spirit. Her above lightning speed is drastically slowed down, and she moves at barely a snails pace in the perception of the Toppat enforcer. RHM cackles, reaches under his hat and pulls out a pistol.
RHM: You fool...
Peko: AAAGH!
RHM doesn't hesitate to pull the trigger and shoots her several times in the chest. Peko drops her sword, keels over and collapses to her knees. RHM then follows this up by punching her in the face, which sends her body crashing against the cliff.
RHM: You know, they say that when you're on your deathbed is when you look back and reflect upon your actions...
Peko: Gegh...Ngh...
RHM: So, why don't you tell me why you thought this was a good idea? Let's be honest, you didn't 'ave what it took to beat me...!
Peko, struggling to breath, bleeding profusely with several holes in her body, instead of cursing, begins to chuckle.
RHM: Mm? What's funny?
Peko: You're right...You're absolutely right...I didn't have what it took...I knew that from the beginning...A power like that is just far too much for me...
She uses what remains of her strength to sit up.
Peko: But...I was never planning on winning...I'm just the distraction...
RHM: What? Distraction from...?
Reginald Copperbottom [Over Radio]: RIGHT HAND MAN! Where are you!? COME IN RIGHT HAND MAN!
RHM: What!? What's goin' on!?
Reginald Copperbottom [Over Radio]: It-It's the Future Foundation! They hijacked the airship! They've locked us all inside and destroyed the engine room! The ship it's-!
RHM: Ah-!? Reg!? REG!?
RHM looks behind him in horror as a giant explosion goes off in the rear of the airship! Reginald Copperbottom's transmission is cut clean off.
Peko: I never said I would defeat you...I said...it's time to say goodbye...
Peko: Keugh!
Fueled with rage at being tricked, RHM turns around and blast a hole straight through Peko's torso with his eye laser, turning her into a human donut! He then activates his rockets and flies full blast towards the airship!
He panics, having just wasted his Spirit power on Peko, and therefore not having enough Sands to slow down time. And thus, he is unable to make it in time as the airship explodes sky high, every last trace of the Toppat Clan going with it. 
There, in the quiet of the unclouded blue sky, RHM completely loses his bravado and composure. He screams in fury and denial at having just lost everything, firing off every weapon in his body at once
Peko: Hah...Haah...
Peko Pekoyama, meanwhile, crawls back to the surface of what's left of Jabberwock Island and leans her lifeless body against a rock. She reaches into the pocket of her outfit and pulls out a keepsake. A photo of her and her husband with their baby daughter Natsumi, taken by Mahiru Koizumi before.
Peko: I'm sorry Natsumi...But I did what I had to...Stay safe...Be...a good...girl...
Peko's arm goes limp, and she drops the photo, as her body loses what little life remained in it, and she slips into eternal unconsciousness...
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Hifumi: Rest in peace, Peko Kuzuryu.
Leona: You will be honored as a hero, like all brave samurai before you. The fault lies not with you, but with the FUCKING MORONS who voted for this matchup! You were CLEARLY outmatched here!
Hifumi: It's actually NOT impossible for Mrs Pekoyama to have pulled out a win here, but...yes...her chances are INCREDIBLY slim. As we said, RHM could be killed if he's decapitated or cut into pieces, which as the Ultimate Swordswoman, she was more than capable of doing.
Leona: However, there are a few things to consider in that regard. For one, during the execution, Peko was being strung along by a voodoo doll in the hands of Monokuma. So technically it was Monokuma cutting through those mannequins, not her.
Hifumi: Of course, it's not that hard to assume Mrs Pekoyama COULD do it without the use of the voodoo doll, and her feats of strength have shown she's more than capable of cutting down opponents larger and bulkier than her but...The other issue is that in order to pull this off, she'd need an opening, and Right Hand Man didn't really HAVE any.
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Leona: Right Hand Man's arsenal was incredibly vast compared to Peko who really just has a sword. Even if she somehow managed to get past the lasers, rocket fists, and everything else that dude can pull out from under his toppat, she'd still have to contend with Bottled Time. Which she had basically no way of dealing with, not the time stop, nor the Spirit itself.
Hifumi: It's also unlikely that Mrs Pekoyama's blade could even do the job against RHM's reinforced body. Some of the feats that he's survived pale in comparison to simply being cut through by a sword. In fact, Cyborg Henry was able to damage him pretty good with a javelin, and he still kept going.
Leona: Also, even if we can scale Peko's speed feats to that of other powerful characters in Danganronpa, we can't necessarily scale her in terms of strength. Even if we were to put her on a slightly higher level than that of Akane, that still pales in comparison to the kinds of feats RHM can be scaled to, like Henry's baseball bat feat.
Hifumi: Right Hand Man unfortunately had Mrs Pekoyama outmatched in all bases; strength, speed, stamina, defense, arsenal and whatever else you can think of. Even if Mrs Pekoyama was willing to fight until her last breath, her determination couldn't ultimately match up to RHM's might.
Leona: She got Pek-owned!
Hifumi: ...That...was your worst one yet...
Leona: You know what? You're right. I've gotta "Right Hand" it to you on that one.
Hifumi: Ugh...
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Next time:
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These two large and in-charge fighters, who are bigger than life itself, yet possess a heart of pure gold inside them will cross over hell and high water to save their world and protect their loved ones. But if world's collide, which one is gonna come out on top!?
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Points of Origin & Paths to Take (Part 4)
1 / 2 / 3 / 4
Kazui & Amane: the Absence of Authenticity
“I keep on seeing dreams / I am always indecisive, I can’t be saved”
“Just need to believe / there is no reason to break a promise”
Amane's Trial Two verdict has been decided, so it is once again time for me to babble on. These two were much easier to assign a “lack of” value compared to Shidou and Mahiru. I really do think that authenticity plays a key role in both their music videos, and while it’s more obvious with Kazui, Amane shows it as well. They both deal with their environment rejecting their true selves and build up these idealized versions to act out. Performance is a recurring motif with both of them. Kazui with a play in “Half” and then magic tricks in “Cat” and Amane with her TV show in “Magic” and then the marching band in “Purge March.”
It’s time for me to push my ‘Kazui is Es’s dad’ fringe theory. Just kidding. But you guys are welcome to try and pull that crack theory from my cold, dead hands :)
Unfortunately, I don’t have any cool theories about Kazui’s murder. I think he is a gay man who hid his sexuality to protect himself from harsh discrimination and married Hinako to further protect himself from any accusations (see his ‘marriage is great for social credibility’ response from Trial Two). Sometime before Milgram, stress and/or exhaustion from his lies boiled over, and Kazui confessed to his wife that he didn’t love her (and that he is gay), and then Hinako committed suicide. Based on Hinako’s reaction at the end of “Cat” (when Kazui turns the ring into a cigarette and asks for a break), I think that Hinako wasn’t expecting Kazui to tell her that he didn’t love her and that drove her to suicide. Throughout “Cat” she is almost always looking at Kazui with loving adoration and Kazui seems to return it. With Kazui’s confession, her whole world turned on its head. The man she married, the one that, “loved her more than anything,” does not love her the same way she does. I’d argue that Kazui cares deeply for Hinako, even if he doesn’t love her romantically or sexually, because he is distraught over her death, admits from the get-go that she was dead because of him, and outright states that he should have kept lying, implying that he would have kept lying if he had known the truth would have pushed her over the edge.
In Kazui’s first performance, “Half” the Kazui onstage is clearly a metaphor for him playing the role of a respectable, straight man who is very much in love with his wife. Not exactly a ground-breaking analysis, I know, but I do enjoy some low-lying fruit when I do this stuff. We don’t get to see his wife’s face, and I don’t recall learning that her name was Hinako until the second trial. She’s kind of just there for the most part. In “Half”, Hinako does reach out to caress Kazui’s face only for him to give her a sad look, but otherwise, he is mostly watching her while she’s stationary. She’s more or less a prop in this performance. In “Cat”, Hinako is a bit more active. It seems that she was a coworker of Kazui’s, and we see her steal a glance or two at Kazui, before he realizes and then seemingly asks her on their first date. I do want to note that when we see their feet while they’re walking, Kazui seems to be walking slightly ahead of her (leading her on), and he turns first to offer Hinako the large bouquet of red roses and then switches it for an engagement ring using sleight of hand. She's more of an active participant, but except for the whole stealing a glance thing, she is more or less reactive rather than proactive. Similar to Mahiru, Kazui acknowledges the effect he had on Hinako (labeling it as “victim (Hinako) and perpetrator (Kazui)”) whereas he focused on the effect their relationship had on him in his first trial music video.
I do like how similar to Yuno, Kazui decides to make his second trial music video less palatable, if that makes sense. Magicians rely on sleight of hand to trick their audience. Kazui emphasizes deception in his lyrics along with the many magic tricks he performs during "Cat". He is no longer just playing a role assigned to him, but actively deceiving Hinako. "Cat" is also... let's say more explicit than "Half" was, but not in a sexual way. Let's ignore that poor dove and focus on the apples. If the green apple represents Kazui's homosexuality, or true feelings for Hinako, then the red apples must be heterosexuality, and Hinako's feelings for him. In "Half" we see a fuzzy image of a balcony at sunset and then what looks like shattered, round pieces of red porcelain. It could have been a bowl, but it was probably a red apple. I can't say for sure that it was an apple, because we didn't see it break. When the red apple is destroyed in "Cat", we see Hinako fall this time, and the red apple smashes into the ground in her place. It's not a pleasant thing to look at. It reminds me of when I took a forensics class and got to spend time analyzing blood splatters, and it resembles the high-velocity, high-impact spray pattern. Which is what you'd see if someone had jumped or fallen from a great height.
Similar to Shidou, I think Kazui may have voiced a desire to be found innocent only to help protect the other prisoners if Kotoko, or a different prisoner, rampages while Es sleeps in-between the second and third trial. Were this threat not an issue, I doubt he would have voiced an opinion on which verdict he wanted in his second voice drama and continue to do what he did during his first voice drama: finding out who runs Milgram, why are they doing this, and what is the end-goal. Kotoko's rampage put these questions on the back-burner, and we all know that something is definitely going down between trials to keep them on the backburner. If I was a betting gal, I'd say if there had been nothing to make Kazui worry about other things, he probably would have needled Es on their personal dislike of cheaters to try and get a guilty verdict since the innocent verdict brought him no relief.
I'll be honest, on my first watch of "Magic", I thought that the injured cat was another child in Amane's cult that she had helped until they both were caught and punished for it. And that the other child died during the punishment, and Amane thought it was her fault for helping the other child break the cult's rules. Wow, did "Purge March" annihilate that theory completely. Amane's mother is giving the pedophile killer that Kotoko killed a run for his money for the number one asshole victim spot.
Now, to Amane's two performances: in "Magic" we are treated to a rather cutesy kid's show musical number, and then in "Purge March" we get a terrifying marching band. Honestly, I think we deserved it in response for the Trial One Guilty verdict. I wonder how many near misses she had with Kotoko "I'll throw hands with an eight-year-old! I don't give a fuck!" Yuzuriha in-between Trials One and Two. No wonder she had those scissors on the ready. I just want to get this off my chest, I don’t think the audience was ever going to “win” against her cult teachings by voting one way or the other. It's going to be something Amane sorts out herself. A Trial One Guilty verdict led her to double down on her religious teachings, but there’s no guarantee that a Trial One Innocent verdict would prevented that from happening. It seems that the mental restriction that comes from a Guilty verdict results in said prisoner being overwhelmed with our opinions while they are processing their verdict. All four Trial One Guilty prisoners seemed to have withdrawn socially, and are more focused on themselves than on their existing relationships, (Fuuta doesn't care about watching out for Haruka, Mikoto seems to have holed up in his room and the smoking club was disbanded, Mahiru's social interactions are now limited to her two caretakers, Shidou and Yuno, Amane won't initiate conversations with others).
There may have been a chance that with an Innocent verdict, Amane would have had the freedom of thought to grapple with Shidou's medical treatment of the wounded prisoners in a more healthy way. Kotoko did severely injure two prisoners that she seemed to get along with. Fuuta is immature but doesn't condescend to her and we see Amane tease him in the timeline conversations. Mahiru dotes on her in a way Amane likes (compliments her maturity, asks about her family (who Amane loves), etc.), and the two seem to get along. Shidou treats her the same way he treated his two young sons (who are probably half her age or less), which she hates, and is doing the same thing that got her in massive trouble, but was not punished. She could grow to resent Shidou for not getting punished by Es or anyone else, or she could start to understand what happened to her was immensely cruel, unfair, and wrong. The latter would have done a hell of a lot for getting her out of her cult's teachings.
Alas, we cannot rewind the clock, so let's go back to a more proper analysis of her two performances. "Magic" is less ominous than "Purge March" in the same way that "Courage the Cowardly Dog" is less ominous "The Shining". Both are meant to make you feel uneasy, but the former has a PG rating. Visually, "Magic" starts out innocently enough. Amane is in what I can only assume is a Magical Girl costume and surrounded by the personification of her cult's four tenets. It reminds me of shows like "High-Five" and "Yo Gabba Gabba". For those not familiar with them, they're both shows meant for children under the age of eight, filled with educational songs and dance numbers with human actors and muppet looking creatures of various sizes. She is educating Es (and us) on the teachings she was brought up on. Each muppet in "Magic" has a gimmick and color. We have Gachata the green robot who encourages healthy habits, like waking up on time, studying, and working hard. There's Yuri, the yellow big brother, who encourages donations and is said to be kind and compassionate. There's Gozake, the blue monk, who leads a choir and seems to be the religious leader teaching Amane and the pets. Then there's Riyome that pink bitch the pink faith healer, who espouses that prayer is the best medicine. Of course, Riyome is the most ominous motherfucker of the four tenets, and instead of having a wholly cutesy scene like the previous three, we watch a spotlight break and fall and then take out that cat with extreme prejudice. Not a hint of shrapnel hits the others. The actual violence is cartoon-ed out with a dust cloud, and the only signs of injury are the faint scratch lines and over the top tears from the cat.
We see Amane sin, and by sin, I mean she gave the poor cat a Band-Aid. She gets caught by the four evil muppets, who then punish her. The stern robot lectures her. The compassionate big bro beats her. The monk bastard waterboards her and then pink bitch tazes her. Granted, the last two are made explicit in "Purge March" whereas they are just cartoon violence with some papery waterfalls and lightning bolts. Not explicit, but concerning nonetheless. After her punishment, Amane picks herself up, goes through a transformation, waves her lightning wand (in hindsight, oh shit), and swears to be a good girl and reaffirms that a promise is a promise.
"Magic" is colorful and fun and light-hearted. Contrast to "Purge March" which is pretty devoid of color, serious, and harsh. "Purge March" reflects her doubling down and taking things seriously. Amane no longer has a colorful outfit. Her marching band costume is almost entirely white, with some black and gold accents. The confetti is about as colorful as the marching band scenes get. We see how strict Amane is with herself for making a mistake (when the one Amane drops the blue vulgarity flag). Instead of cartoon violence, we see Amane condemn one of the flag holding Amanes to drown after dropping the flag, we see her gasp for air after either being drowned in a tub or waterboarded with the shower head, and Amane shrink in fear as her mother readies her damn Taser. As Amane in the real world goes off to confront her mother, the Amanes in the marching band sequence break formation and rush forward to swarm her mother.
This may not matter, but I just want to point out that in both music videos, Amane wears yellow. Her Magical Girl costume is mostly yellow (yes, I am counting that creamy pale yellow as yellow), and then she has gold accents on her marching band outfits. Yellow is associated with our compassionate, physically violent big bro Yuri, whose flag motto is "Tis ordained, thou shall deliver unto those thou believest in." If we look back to "Undercover" we see Amane slam some kind of object into Es's back (hitting just like she was taught) and from what the entire fandom has gathered from her videos, voice dramas, and interrogation question responses, Amane delivered a punishment to a fellow believer who failed to follow their religious doctrine. Just as she was taught.
Also, I only noticed this because other people have pointed out that the "discard vulgarity" blue flag in "Purge March" is the disrespected flag, but in "Magic", there is hardly any blue in Amane's magical girl costume. The majority of her costume (the hat, the bolero jacket, the flower looking overskirt) is that pale yellow/cream color. Underneath the bolero jacket are some pink paneling that becomes pink wings. Amane's hair and eyes are green, which we could count. As for the color blue, there is one underpanel on that flowery overskirt that is blue. The shadows on the marching band Amanes in "Purge March" have a blue tint to them, which is kind of funny, because the whole performance thing falls under vulgarity.
This is getting really long, so let’s wrap it up. The lack of authenticity for these two led to performances that slap so hard, you guys. They both have Innocent verdicts this round, so I think Kazui will go the extra mile to earn condemnation (since our forgiveness does nothing other than allow him to occupy a potential protector role) while Amane could become conflicted over the reversal of verdicts or act out some kind of gravitas for Es finally seeing her point of view. I do think they’ll both be more honest with us. I’m curious as to what kind of performances we’ll see with them next trial.
It would be a nice subversion of expectations if Kazui does drop the facade he keeps up and is completely honest in his performance, but I’m not so sure we’ll get that. We’ll probably get some kind of conman vibes from Kazui. I crave “Catch Me if You Can” vibes goddamnit! I want Amane to have fun. She had her little tv show and then her marching band. Both went hard and were fun. Maybe she’ll go to an amusement park. Or have a little idol concert. Idk. She may roll it back. A school play would be fun, but given her insistence to not be treated like a child, that has a close to zero chance of happening. It will probably resemble a church choir/religious service, but I want the idol concert. I want some Magical Girl fun. What do y’all think? Any heartier predictions than what I got?
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