#shit i'm gonna end up making a whole follow-up post on blood blossom immunity and the implications
ectokelpeigh · 3 years
he saw it in a movie once
Danny is overpowered and I believe his greatest weakness is being a dumbass teenager. But he got his powers by fucking around and finding out, and his dumbassery pays off now and then, making him even more powerful.
For instance, I can absolutely imagine him pulling a Westley and going out of his way to build up an immunity to blood blossoms.
I think it'd be an interesting bit of lore if Danny and Vlad can build immunities to natural ghost deterrents. Ghosts are defined by immutability, so they don't have an adaptive immune system. Danny's half-alive and since both sides of him are evidently in stages of rapid development, he's in the best position to pull it off.
Immunity would be super useful for obvious reasons: villains can't use it against him, his parents can't accidentally poison him, and he could even use it against other ghosts in a pinch.
But those very practical reasons for poisoning himself were not on his mind when he went through that painstaking process. They're just bonuses that may not even occur to him until he reaps those benefits.
No, his end goal was always staging a prank where he "accidentally" eats a meal prepared with the blossoms in front of Jazz. He acts completely oblivious when she tries to subtly discourage him from eating it in front of their parents:
Jazz: Hey guys I'm suddenly craving pizza let's order pizza!!!!!!
Danny: But lunch is already on the table? Mom worked hard on it
Jazz: But you're allergic to gluten!!!
Danny: No I'm not?
Jazz goes for broke when Danny's about to take a bite, slapping the food out of his hands just as he's about to take a bite. Danny and their parents look at her like ???? While she's occupied with explaining herself, Danny calmly gathers his food from the floor and takes a big old bite. Might even make an exaggerated munching sound because he can be a shitty little goblin boy
Jazz is blinded by panic and she never got the full blood blossom story in the first place, so doesn't realize that Danny should have been writhing on the floor just being in the flowers' proximity. So when she notices him chewing she thinks "Oh no, I'm too late" and fully goes into shock, and watches in horror as Danny finishes his meal with a smile.
He then volunteers to help his folks in the lab the rest of the day so Jazz can't outright confront/"warn" him that he just ate ghost kryptonite. Instead she hovers around him for hours, wincing if he so much as burps. Jazz finally gets him alone and:
Jazz: Are you okay???
Danny: I guess my stomach feels kind of funny. Actually, I do feel kind of light headed. Maybe I should go lie d—
...and he promptly feigns passing out.
Jazz drops to her knees, tearfully gathers Danny in her arms and calls Sam for help. Sam picks up and hears Jazz say: "Sam, you need to get over here, Danny" before the sound of Danny laughing like a deranged hyena drowns her out. It cuts off with Danny grunting and Sam thinks she hears him whine "Hey, ouch!" before Jazz says into the speaker, "…is going to die, because I'm going to kill him." and hangs up.
Sam texts Jazz "I'm assuming he deserved it so lmk if you want help hiding the body"
stay tuned for the thrilling sequel: ecto-weapons
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