#shitpost about aemond
vhagarswar · 10 months
''The same thing we try everynight.''
Gee mate what you want to do tonight?
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the same thing we try to do every night, pinky.
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Trying to take over the world!!!!
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Pinky and the brain
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yes pinky and the brain
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The one is a genius
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The other's insane
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They're laboratory mice
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Their genes have been spliced
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they're pinky
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they're pinky
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and the brain
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brain brain brain brain!
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sansaorgana · 2 years
Also, remember how we saw kid!Aemond almost saying that he feels sorry after Harwin Strong’s death? He almost said “I’m sorry for your loss” to Harwin’s bastard kids. I know he eventually didn’t but he had it in his heart to feel sorry for them; maybe he just lacked the courage (sometimes it takes bravery to be kind as well). Meanwhile, Lucerys never intended to even apologize for something he had done himself – taking Aemond’s eye.
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helaenasaegon · 1 year
Daemon: *cuts a man’s head in half in front of a room full of people*
Helaena: *horrified*
Aegon: *disgusted and at least mildly shocked*
Aemond: “Gods, I’ve never been so horny in my li-”
Aegon and Helaena:
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rosalinesurvived · 1 year
Need me a funky little hotd/teen wolf au. The Hightowers are an ancient hunter family while the Targaryens are werewolves. Alicent was childhood girl bestie companions with Rhaenyra who never told Ali she was a werewolf out of fear of driving her away. Alicent was married to Viserys as a peace offer by Otto, ultimately leading to a war. Gwayne and later Criston teach Ali how to be a hunter to kill her bitch husband…
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devynsshitposts · 1 year
imma be straight with y’all, if one of my faves (including but not limited to @abadtakehonestly @hotdapologist @valeskafics ) gets shadow banned i straight up just do not know only because i go straight to their blog, cause i am not scrolling through the tags to see if they posted (unless they ask to just make sure they have been released from the shadowlands) i just go straight to their page cause even if they didn’t post new chapters they still answers asks and everything and that brightens up my day
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wakeofvultures · 2 years
Another conversation that does not happen in my fic but definitely could:
Alicent to Aemond: Elayne has a good head on her shoulders. As your wife, she will help balance out your more reckless tendencies.
Elayne: *accepts what she thinks is a dangerous/potentially fatal betrothal to remain close to her girlfriend, subtly talks back to Daemon “Fuck Around and Find Out“ Targaryen because it is her duty to defend her husband’s honor, and tells her husband to propose marriage to another woman even though it would paint a target on her back as the person currently married to her husband.*
Aemond: ...
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The children would respect mama stark 😤
Y/n : ...children
Triplets : * stop and make a line from tallest to shortest by minutes *
Also i feel like aemond would have a big crush on her , he would be talking to one of her children like :
Ok ...the first one who gives me mommy's panties gets a ride with vaghar
[Blurb IV for the Stark!Reader Universe]
Aemond Targaryen & the Stark-Targaryen spawn + a hint of Aemond Targaryen x Stark!Reader [Daemon in the background be fucking quiet]
Word Count: >700
Warnings: Shitpost ahead (real), my a/n is longer than the fic (half real), I locked Daemon in the basement to write this AHHAHAHA (very real), crack fic, soft!aemond, aemond simping, and me simping for him, this is honestly pretty long for a blurb but whatever, fluff, typos, etc.
Blurb III Blurb V
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Also i don't know if you noticed bestie, but i set the start of daemon and stark!reader's relationship wayyyyyyyyyy before aemond was alive, cause Aemma was still queen when they got married. BUT FUCK CONTINUITY. IS AEMOND PROBABLY YOUNGER THAN HER KIDS??????????? ASHFA:FOAEW HAHAHHAHHAAHHAAHAHH MAYBE WTF but let's pretend it's totally canon that aemond is a grown ass adult when stark!reader gave birth because it took THAT long for their enemies to lovers to turn into fucking lovers LOLOLOLOL And i literally just answered an ask about how many kids they have and i was like 'idk i didn't even gender or name them' FUCK OFF NOW THATS ALL ABOUT TO CHANGE i still didn't name them though because a;lsfhkalsfhahsfas The incest is real, i got so confused about how they were related to aemond Tagging: @deniixlovezelda @pinksirensong @nyctophilic0vitnir
"Company fall in," Aemond commands. He peers down at the blonde children, hands behind his back, jaw tense. His violet eye narrows, "where is your brother?"
The eldest by technicality answers, "which one?"
Aemond hums at the sass, "obviously the one that is not here."
The siblings look amongst themselves and decide it was one of the twins missing. The youngest of the triplets shrugs, "we don't know where he went."
"Clearly, you don't even care where he went. You will get in trouble with your mother if she hears of this."
"No," the second triplet answers, "you will, cousin."
Aemond's nose flares as he narrows his eyes yet again.
"Aemond," the only girl in the row raises her hand.
"Yes, my love?"
"My braid is falling out," she raises her blonde hair. The flowers Aemond had placed in it moments ago fall. Sequentially, her lip quivers and tears prick in her eyes.
"Oh no," "Don't cry," "It's okay," and things along this line are spoken by the little girl's infinite supply of brothers.
Aemond can only watch as the boys come upon her, picking up her flowers and trying to fix her hair.
"NO I WANT AEMOND TO FIX MY HAIR!" she whines, full on breaking into a sob.
The boys turn to their him in panic. Aemond swiftly picks the girl up in his arms.
"Right," he mutters to the boys as he rocks the child too soothe her. She latches onto him as Aemond continues, "have you lot retrieved what I asked you to?"
"No! They're truly lost!"
"They weren't in the drawers."
"Or the laundry."
"They're," poof sound, "gone for good!"
He hums, readjusting the girl in his arms to look at her, "well it seems no one will ride Vhagar today-"
"-and your sister and I," he turns to the boys once, "will busy ourselves with braiding."
She grins as she grips Aemond's cheeks in her tiny hand.
Aemond gives her a lopsided smile.
"Aemond," I call. My son, who had come to me in hopes we find his siblings, releases my hand runs off to the rest of his brothers. "I see it is you who have been entertaining my children."
A stampede of children run up to my skirt. The girl in Aemond's arms wrangle away from him. Once she is released, she runs up to me, flashing her teary eyes and pout.
"Oh my dear, what has-"
"Her flowers fell."
"HE ruined her braid."
"I did NOT!"
"You did!!"
"Boys, that's enough," I quip.
"Aemond and I will braid hairs!" my little girl mutters amidst the chaos of her brothers.
"Ah," I lean down to her and caress her face. I straighten up when Aemond circles around the kids to come up beside me. I give him a look before turning down to the small blondes, "children, have you been heckling Prince Aemond for a ride on Vhagar again?"
"Your father will not be happy to hear about this."
"We were only helping him look for your knickers, mummy."
Aemond's blood stills.
"There is a knickers thief!"
"Aemond is trying to catch him."
I turn to Aemond who offers a stoic look. He clears his throat and eyes me intently when he says, "the matter has greatly distressed the servants and I have been alerted by it."
"We can't find your knickers anywhere!"
"Because I don't have knickers," I retort to my son, "I do not wear them."
Aemond gulps roughly.
The boys look up at me and one asks, "why?"
"Well, that is a question for your father," I dismiss, cocking my head to the side, "come along. It is time to feed the wolves."
The children cheer, falling into conversation about their direwolves. I turn to Aemond, who was rubbing his temples, stressed by the noise I suppose. I watch as my daughter comes up to him and grabs his hand.
"Aemond, if you still wish to indulge my daughter, you may take her up the chambers while the rest of us head to the wolf den."
"But I want to see the wolfies too, mummy!"
Aemond chuckles airily, shaking his head, "then off to the wolfies."
"But you clearly seem distressed-"
"I assure you, my princess," Aemond reaches his hand out to me. I place my hand in his. He presses a kiss at the back of my hand, "no distress is possible in your presence."
I snort, rolling my eyes. I pull away, "you are such a boy when you tease me."
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jaegonsmoon · 1 year
This is an abo shitpost but like alpha jace is betrothed to omega helaena and during the wedding as they are about to say their vows and get married, he accidentally pulls a Ross geller move and calls her aegon 😂 who is already mated and pregnant to his little brother alpha Luke
nono cuz you know what I love. When they’re paired to the wrong brothers against their wills, and everybody knows what’s going down over there.
Omega Aegon who’s heavily pregnant, yes, but they’re all holding their breaths bc they know whose baby that is.
Jace is tired that day, he spent the whole night with Aegon. They made love multiple times, he was worshipping and whispering his name till morning came. To say his name in the altar was only natural when he was only half listening—half thinking of the prior night the whole time.
Lucerys knows. He is on board, because you see, he has his eyes on the wrong uncle. One who everyone swore and claimed he was a beta, until Lucerys, infuriatingly, found out the truth. Uncle Aemond was an omega. An omega that wanted to live a life as a beta, unmated and in solitude. Much like Helaena would have wanted. Aemond being an omega had created an obsession in Lucerys. He wanted him, he always did to begin with. Jacaerys always wanted Aegon, but it wasn’t ideal. Their uncle wasn’t diplomatic enough to carry the duties of king consort of Rhaenyra’s heir. They all agreed on it when Aegon took a liking to the liquors and the realm’s festivities. They paired him up with Lucerys to try and rectify him. Jace didn’t give a fuck. Neither did Luke. They shook on it.
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vhagarswar · 10 months
Daeron returns home shitpost.
Daeron:*returns to King's landing*
Daeron that night: *asleep in his own rooms*
A door: *slammed*
Daeron: wtfff
Aegon, wearing his hobo cloak: Greetings brother.
Aemond, also wearing his cloak but his is is made of quality fabric: *silence*
Daeron; Hello. I- what is going on?
Aegon: It is time brother.
Aemond: *annoyed*
Aegon: ask me what it's time for please I have other things to do unfortunately.
Daeron: Time for what?
Aegon: to get It wet.
Daeron; to get what wet?
Aegon: awh he's so innocent bless his innocent mind uwu adorable.
Aegon: *demonic voice* we must corrupt his soul
Aemonds mind; kittens and puppies. Meow.
Aegon: it's time to become a man
Daeron: you want me to kill someone?!
Aegon: what? No. Why do you both think of murder 24/7 what is up with that?!
Aemond: it's the traumas.
Daeron: we are at war
Aegon: fuck the damn war I wanna do something fun and hang out with my brothers!!!
Daeron: Fine. Lets go to a brothel I suppose.
Aemond:*as a big brother* ah he can't use the words whore house.
Aegon: we'll teach him soon enough.
The three of them; sneak out of the castle
Aegon: I can't believe we pulled that off
Daeron: security sucks here
Aemond; agreed.
A deep voice: You have all forsaken me. You have betrayed me. You will all perish
A cloaked figure:*approaches*
Aemond: gods is this..
Aegon: father?
Daeron: wait we have one?
The cloaked figure:*giggles*
The cloaked figure:*reveals herself*
Helaena: I heard you all sneak out. Why didn't you invite me with you? I love late night outings!:))
Helaena: where are we going? Is there food? I like night food. Did anyone bring coin?
Aemond; it is dangerous for you to be here
Helaena: what danger is there for me surrounded by my brother's and the fiercest warriors of the realm?
Aegon: are the warriors with us right now?
Daeron: she means us
Aegon: o.
Helaena: so what do we have planned?
Daeron: they were planning to go to a bro-
Aemond: Brother! Our plans have altered last minute remember
Daeron: what but you all promised me-
Aegon: one day, young apprentice. One day.
Aemond: I was never called your apprentice
Helaena: I'm getting bored here
Aemond: i suppose we could take her to see the night Market. That is entertaining.
A witch: do you wish to know your death child?
Helaena: no, do you? I see you hanging from the ceiling of your own house your own neck cracked and twisted-
Witch: *gawks*
Daeron: damn
Aegon, holding four cups of wine and handing it to his siblings: I got everyone a cup. Drink up quickly the night is young.
Aemond, watches someone swallow a sword: that's just a waste of the sword
Daeron: can't imagine it tastes good as well
Music plays
Helaena: I wanna dance!
Aegon; fine
Helaena: No I wanna dance.
Helaena: Aemond?
Aemond, blushing: yes my queen?
Helaena: you want to hold my bag when I dance with Daeron?
Aemond:*demonic mjttering* yes of course
Daeron and Helaena; dance
Aegon: where did he learn to dance as that?
Aemond; can't have been with us
A hobo:
Aegon: who the fuck is that
Aemond; idk keep an eye on helaena. He smells of horse piss
Helaena: O, hello Ser Criston!:)
Daeron: hello! *unaware who criston is*
aemond and aegon:*gawk*
Criston: *removes his hood and looks at Aemond*
Aemond:*looks away*
Aemond; we can explain
Helaena: Daeron wanted to see King's Landing so we took him out.
Criston: during the hour of the owl? Are you aware how this could have ended for all of you?
Helaena: Please sir criston. *puppy eyes and dark magic*
Cirston: Fine but I stay. You need someone to watch you all.
Helaeana: Yess!
Helaena at some point: you know what we should do?
Daeron; *asleep*
Aemond: no? What should we do my queen?
Aegon: careful aemond I can hear your voice switch between regular Aemond and aroused demon
Helaena: Haha you're funny aegon aemond is as a sweet little brother to me:))
Helaena; we should get matching tattoos
Aegon: that sounds cool let's do it
Aemond: what kind of tattoo
Helaena: a spider wearing the crown of Aegon I drenched in blood and with "We light the way' under it.
Aemond; I stand corrected that sounds cool
Aegon:*drags daeron as the three of them go find a tattoo person*
Helaena after the tattoos are finished: Oh you are all so handsome
Aemond, looking at his tattoo
Aemond; Uhm he made a mistake.
Helaena: No I changed my mind. I wanted a unicorn instead.
Daeron: It's not the worse
Aegon: What the fuck are you talking about there's a unicorn on my arm
Daeron:*walks up to a village maiden and shows her the unicorn*
Aemond: No way
Aegon: it won't work
Daeron and the maid: hit it off
Aegon: *in tears* my apprentice has become the master. Impossible.
Helaena::)) I'm so glad we got to do this. A positive memory between us all
Aemond: I will never understand women.
Helaena: so you guys still want to go to the whore house or not?
Aegon and aemond:*nearly choke on their drinks*
This is what brainrot looks like
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divine-donna · 1 year
lights! camera! action!
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in honor of hotd’s golden globe win, have just this random shitpost of an au for the hotd cast.
aka. movie star au! (i also saw someone edit ewan to be aemond on the red carpet so that also inspired me)
anyways where do you see yourself, or your oc, fitting in this au? i’d love to know!!
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ser criston cole
say hello to ser criston! or just cris, as you’ve come to call him. a stuntman making his acting debut in the new drama, house of the dragon. compared to his stoic persona, he is very goofy. laughs a lot and can never do one take. being serious is not his forte which only makes his acting chops a lot more impressive. he also laughs when he’s nervous and he’s constantly nervous around the more experienced people. doing combat scenes with him is super fun and he always makes sure his costars, and even you, are alright. does his own stunts. formerly worked on the game of thrones show (according to rumors at least).
“the princess rhaenyra is brazen and relentless. a spider who, haha. spiders. a spider who strings and sucks her prey dry. hahaha. i’m so sorry guys. can i get some water please?”
daemon targaryen
daemon is an experienced actor with a lot of films under his belt. however, he’s most prominently known to have starred in lots of b movies, particularly of the horror genre. he’s given his characters depth but the critical reception has really shrouded his talent. house of the dragon, then, is proof that he can act. and, most importantly, that he’s a good actor. he acts with professionalism and enjoys spending time with his costars outside of work. he does have a loyal following that are willing to watch anything he is in but also, he’s been single for a long time. dating just isn’t in his mind until he meets you.
“that was a really great shoot today. anyways, (y/n), do you want to join me and the others to grab some food? we’re all quite hungry and want to wish the children goodbye and good luck on future projects. kind of sad they’re leaving.”
rhaenyra targaryen
rhaenyra targaryen is a famed stage actor. outside of theatre and drag, they are not well known. house of the dragon signifies their serious television debut. rhaenyra is queer, using they/she pronouns, and presents masc outside of the show. they bring a unique perspective to their character and are well respected in the theatre and drag scene. they got into performing through drag and was even featured on a reality show for a brief time. they become a queer icon once making their television debut and can’t be any happier with their success.
“are those chocolate covered almonds? can i have one (y/n)?...thanks! say, there’s something i want to try with my character. spare me a minute so i can run it by you?...you’re the best!”
alicent hightower
alicent has quite the filmography to brag about. she’s been an actress since she was a child, thus she has as many films under her belt as daemon despite the latter being much older than her and having more experience. she is especially known from her role on a teen show as the sweet protagonist (who everyone eventually got fed up with after 8 seasons of no character growth). so playing a complex character like alicent lets her show off her acting chops while also metaphorically shedding her image as the good teenage girl. you can find her hanging out with rhaenyra or yourself.
“what made me want to take this role? well, it was a chance to grow, you know. and such a devoted mother, wife, woman, has layers to it. it just goes deeper than what i have done during most of my career. and to bring this woman to life is such a great honor.”
aegon targaryen
aegon targaryen is the leading man with a lot of fans and a role in an ongoing multi-movie franchise. a chris evans, if you will. his most notable role is as a righteous man, someone so morally upstanding. so to play someone like aegon provides him with a challenge. he loves the new material and to finally be something different! he’s also very much like criston, always cracking up during his lines and making jokes. he’s always bringing refreshments to set for everyone and there are nothing but good things said about him.
“oh wow. did you get me a smoothie (y/n)? you didn’t have to, y’know. i don’t mind getting you stuff....oh, you just wanted to? you are very sweet. maybe we can go grab some food after this shoot is done.”
aemond targaryen
the newbie. he’s only acted in soap operas and dramas but he blows up after his debut on house of the dragon. aemond becomes probably one of the most popular actors after his debut. his inexperience makes him nervous and after the takes are done, he’s always apologizing and asking if his costars are okay (like with luke). he’s mostly played sweethearts in his roles, so his character is a new change of pace. sometimes, he does need a pep talk from you because it is very intimidating to be working around such experienced actors and actresses like rhaenyra and alicent!
“i am so sorry if i was too aggressive. are you alright?...okay thank god! i was worried that i had pushed it too far....it was a good take? oh wow! thank you so much for the compliment (y/n)!”
helaena targaryen
the it-girl and a rising new talent, helaena is the hottest new actress. she rose to prominence with rom coms and many people feared she would be categorized as a rom com actress from then on out. however, helaena is not one for formulas! she starred in a tv series that went against her rom com image and a dramatic film that had critics praising her for weeks on end. house of the dragon is one of her many endeavors to expand her craft. she is also on the more famous side compared to some of her other costars and has a large social media following, hailed as a style icon.
“(y/n), you want to take a picture with me on the iron throne?...cool! weirdly enough, this is very comfortable....oh, are you cold? here, you can have my jacket. it gets quite chilly on the sound stage.”
jacaerys velaryon
jace has dipped his toes into acting, mostly in comedies because his comedic timing is amazing. but his primary source of income is as a model and a musician. he’s written a few songs solo and heads a punk band. house of the dragon represents his dramatic debut. and a lot of his fans don’t recognize him at first when he comes on screen until they look at the credits. nevertheless, he brings in new fans for his band and his numbers on social media sky rocket. he is a bit of a goofball like aegon and has a large storage of memes for the groupchats.
“hey (y/n), (y/n). why did the bike fall over? because it’s two tired! hahaha, sorry, sorry. i will stop telling you corny jokes. i know you secretly love them.”
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sapphire-writes · 11 months
You're going to live for the next thousand years -as the saying goes- because you updated JUST as i was thinking about you.
A couple of hours I saw this reaction image and I've just been vibrating with excitement to use it for this newest chapter.
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Gworl.... Miss Jo....
I like Floris.. i like her a lot. The whole chapter gave me slight Euphoria season 1 vibes except much less toxic and with Floris giving some serious but much kinder and friendlier Maddie energy. I like her!
Also, that man needs to grovel more!! Oh, you spent a whole ass week checking your phone? Grow up Aemond, you'll never be a tumblr girlie checking on her mutuals notifications for their shitposting.
Helaena was a real one too. As far as what Aegon did to kid Aemond...ugh... Trashy, lame, boo, tomatoes.. you ruined a perfectly good kid you wet sock!
I liked that Floris got her apology, and i felt so bad for her. To be disrespected like that but see it as a compliment...oooh girl... My heart goes out to her.
Now i need you to know that the whole smut.. it was excellent... Rule of threes says the third time they indulge in their exhibitionism kink sth is going to happen! (they have no chill and im HERE FOR IT *screams in slut*)
But i also need to disclaim.. i may have an intense fear of heights and edges and Ferris wheels are particularly terrifying becuase they are slow, they build up the anticipation and the fear and let you stew in them. (I may have cried once before during a ride).
So my trashy brain kept thinking that throughout all the moaning and the *sounds* you would be able to hear the creaking of the rusty hinges and i just about died.
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Last but not least
Feral cunt struck thirsty ass pussy needy Aemond is something VERY PERSONAL and also PRECIOUS, PLEASE!!!! 😩😩😩😩😩
if that man begs again or acts desperate and needy🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼 i will throw my phone in the sea and watch it get swallowed by the waves
Dom! But bottom or Sub! But top Aemond is not a want actual it is a need.
This has been a PSA. Y'all are welcome.
Anyways! Great chapter as always can't wait for the gala shitshow (if dae shows up i wish baela decks him). I am now going to patiently wait for your readers to reblog the fic and post their own reaction images because istg this is the second wave of enjoyment i get everytime you or Rae update.
Bestie, first you need to know I live for your reactions- every time I post I literally giggle knowing I'll see you in my ask box soon 🤭 😘
I was totally channeling season 1 Euphoria with the carnival scene- I always knew the carnival was happening and at first, wasn't going to have Floris be a bestie, but I am such a girl's girl I simply could not make her mean!! GIRL POWER!!
Aemond begging. Let's talk about it.
ilysm bestie, thanks for taking the time to always send me your thoughts, seriously you make my whole day!!
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tourne · 2 years
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valerya / vae ✧ lucerys velaryon's apologist, newt scamander's newfound niffler, and a history lover.
twenty-four, she/her, asian, talkative enfp pisces, 8w7, proud ravenclaw, @drqgone 's new account
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tag guide ✧
​# ★. vae's library archive .⁠。⁠* — fics recommendation
# ★。. vae's hotel library `* — smutfics recommendation
# ☆. gifsets ∘⁠˚⁠˳⁠° — gifsets and will divided by each fandom
# ♬ . 。⁠vaecore *⁠.` — aesthetic or beauty related
# ✿. vae's ramble session 💭 — the thing where i ramble about things that picked up my mind 24/7
# ✯. shitposts — shitposts from either official tumblr or twitter and algorithm does it
# ๑. vae's simps`* — my beloved people i love so so much i even simping over them 24/7
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stanlist ♡
house of the dragon — Aegon and Aemond Targaryen, Alicent Hightower, Rhaenyra Targaryen, Lucerys and Jacaerys Velaryon, Helaena Targaryen
marvel — Peter Parker, Moon Knight, Matt Murdock, Bucky Barnes, Scott Lang, Sam Wilson, Pietro Maximoff
star wars universe — Anakin Skywalker, Luke Skywalker, Poe Dameron, Din Djarin, Obi-Wan Kenobi
celebrities — Olivia Cooke, Tom Glynn-Carney, Ewan Mitchell, Oscar Isaac, Emma D'Arcy, Pedro Pascal, Paul Rudd, Anthony Mackie, Charlie Cox, May Calamawy.
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dowagergreen · 2 years
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#DOWAGERGREEN: selective alicent hightower. influences present from canon but mostly headcanon based. there will be mature themes present on this blog. 21+ and mutuals only. fiercely defended by ash (she/her)  fair warning, i am an alicent loyalist and not an apologist.  ||  i can also occasionally be found here.  rules of engagement & dynamics below the cut. 
001. all basic forms of roleplay etiquette apply here. treat me as you’d like to be treated, do not try to enforce your will onto my character, no godmodding, etc. i’ll offer a warning once but beyond that, it’s a soft block. 
002. i do not tolerate bigotry or hate of any kind. any form of racism, anti-semitism, homophobia, transphobia, sexism (& more!) will result in a hard block. i don’t care who you are. 
003. just as a matter of personal comfort, i’m not going to tolerate egregious incest. i know asoiaf is rife with canonical incest but there is a serious problem in this fandom with romanticizing it and treating it as if it’s forbidden romance (which it is not). what i mean by egregious is mostly the adding of incest where it does not and should not exist (ex. luke/aemond, jace/aegon, oc strong kids/green kids, aemond/aegon, etc.) also the aging up of minors to participate in these kinds of relationships is just unacceptable to me. i think it’s gross, we won’t vibe if you write things like this, and i’m just going to hard/soft block as i see fit. 
004. this is a hobby. it’s supposed to be fun. i go through bouts of high muse/activity where writing anything and everything is easy followed by periods of time where maybe only one thread is striking my fancy to periods where i can do little more than shitpost ooc. time taken to reply to a thread does not equal my interest or level of investment. i just have adhd. if you think i’ve forgotten about something, feel free to poke me about it. 
005. minors are not welcome here and i have no interest in interacting with anyone under the age of 21. i’m an adult and i’d rather curate my space with adults for my own comfort. 
006. if we’re mutuals, feel free to add me on discord for ooc chatting and general nonsense: ash.13 (just let me know who you are when you add & if this name is out of date and you can’t locate me, just shoot me an IM.) 
aegon ii targaryen (main) 
northsrose / obscuras / haelaena: 
lyanna stark (main) 
criston cole (main) 
helaena targaryen (main) 
honormine / fullrigor: 
harwin strong (main) 
oliver gatsby (main) 
criston cole (main) 
viserys i targaryen (main)
aegon ii targaryen (main)
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levithestripper · 3 years
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tag guide!
these are some of the tags i use to keep my blog somewhat organized!
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#jack likes to talk: mostly shitposts; when i talk about stuff not related to any certain fandom. sometimes they're related to a specific fandom, but they're not fics or art.
#jack’s mail: responding to my inbox; things that aren’t requests.
# jacks recs & #jack says look: post recommendations!
#jack’s writing recs: fanfiction and other witten content from others!
#jack’s art recs: art that i reblog and think you should see.
#jack’s gif recs: gifs that i reblog and think you should see.
#jack’s gifs & #jack’s edits: gifs and other edits (i.e. wallpapers/moodboards) i have made!
#jack’s tag games & #jack’s ask games: self-explanatory.
#jack plays: assassin’s creed 2, assassin’s creed valhalla, cyberpunk 2077, red dead redemption 2, and tears of the kingdom.
#jack watches: attack on titan, jujutsu kaisen, my hero academia, game of thrones, and percy jackson and the olympians.
#___ anon: when answering an anon with an emoji / symbol / letter identifying them! so far all of the emojis, symbols, and letters are up for grabs!
#oh no jack’s horny again: nsfw posts (does not include fanfiction)! 
#jack says this is very important: when i see something that is, well, very important! whether it be about irl problems or discourse i find on my dashboard. content here varies from super-duper serious to 'this is important to me personally'.
#jack’s thoughts: small untitled blurbs/drabbles/thirsts! this is for the little ideas that show up in my head that I don’t know what to do with. i have too many ideas to begin with, so the ones that don't end up getting hcs or full-blown fics about them usually end up here.
#jack's yearly reblog: scheduled posts that i reblog every year!
#jack's monthly reblog: scheduled posts that i reblog every month! i know repeated reblogs of the same post can be annoying, so it's listed here if you want to block it!
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when you’re off anon, i’ll tag your ask as your username/name! below is basically a list so i don't forget who's tagged as what :)
#—cat ˚ · .˚ ༘🦋⋆。˚
#lina my love (@/procrastinatingsoicanreadfanfics)
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vhagarswar · 10 months
I am not a aemond wifey I am worse than that I'm his loyal servant who cleans his boots for him every time he comes back from murdering innocent civilians and I light the fire in his fireplace for him and make sure his cushions are stuffed properly hope this helps
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vhagarswar · 9 months
Snow falls Aemond is such perfection I love my one eyed demon
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Chapter 2
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Chapter 2
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Chapter 2
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Chapter 2
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Chapter 2
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Chapter 2
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Chapter 2
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I am planning to do a exorcism because the demon that takes over when I write snow falls is insane...
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