#shiver gave her a bath once (after much bribery) so her hair is all clean and soft
namakes · 1 month
I'm not making this an actual fic (probably), but wanted to write out some stuff for splatoon/bloodborne AU anyway so text post it is. Will not be terribly lore compliant.
Shiver is a (human) hunter who had been using a chikage until she found the boom hammer, and fell in love with its explosive swings. She still goes back to her old weapon sometimes, just to keep things fresh. Wields her weapons in the opposite hands (gun right, melee left).
Frye was human, also a hunter, until she got afflicted with ashen blood-- which eventually caused her to turn into a blood starved beast. She pulled the skin off her own chest/back during the transformation in an attempt to get the uncomfortable feeling of the affliction to stop (didn't work, though it's where her "veil" is from). After this she kept to herself, generally avoiding other beasts and humans. Is always hungry, which is something that didn't change much from when she was human.
The two used to be hunting partners, and were very close. They shared a small house before Frye became a beast; she left during the change so she wouldn't hurt her partner. Shiver devoted more of herself to the hunt afterwards; her left eye started showing signs of blood-drunkenness, so now she always keeps it covered.
Despite Frye's attempts to stay hidden, Shiver ran into her on a hunt anyway. Though she doesn't bear much, if any, resemblance to her old human self, the bracelet she always wore (a now slightly dirtier yellow/purple cord with a little gold squid hanging off it) was still around her wrist. Shiver (absolutely did not) started crying when she noticed it and dropped her weapons (probably almost died before Frye also recognized her).
Now Frye follows her around, helping her on the occasion she goes hunting and mooching for blood cocktails (Shiver usually complains about the price). They're looking for somewhere safe to stay where the locals won't attack either of them Frye in her current state. Shiver heard a rumor about an old, burnt and forgotten town-- a home to beasts-- that they might be able to rest at...
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Wondrous Misfortune
Chapter 4
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3
This is a acotar fanfiction set a few years after acofas. The bone carver’s prediction is not all that meets the eye and so the next generation of warriors must navigate in the world that their parents built for them.
Three years later:
Nesta brushed off the chill of winter as she stepped through the threshold of her home, hanging her coat up by the door. Cassian had stayed home today, claiming to be “dying” and “puking up buckets.” He only had a small cold but Nesta secretly knew he wanted to watch the twins.
So she’d asked Azriel to make sure they didn’t tear down the house and to keep Cassian in bed for “healing.”
Nesta followed the sound of giggles into the family room, and started to wonder if having Azriel over was the best idea.
Titus and Aralyn were butt naked and covered in batter. Cassian and Az tried to corral them, their own arms covered, to no prevail. Nesta watched in amusement as Titus clung to the ceiling fan, his wings fluttering delicately, lips wobbling. Aralyn, however, darted under her father’s legs and ran, squealing like a newborn hog, up the stairs, bringing Az thundering after her. Both Aralyn and Titus had changed eye color so the hazel remained their only similarity. Aralyn’s blue eye was now the same shade as Nesta’s, but Titus’s was the Illyrian violet that Rhys had.
Titus, noticing his mother’s return, leapt from the fan. Nesta caught him expertly, holding him away from her as she examined the strawberry batter covering him.
“Sweetheart!” Cassian said. “You’re home early.”
“I thought I told you to stay in bed and Azriel to give them a bath.”
In her arms, Titus cringed, reaching to cling further to his mother.
Cassian echoed his cringe. “You see, I was feeling better so I was going to bathe them myself, but they are very slippery. And then I promised we could bake cupcakes as bribery, but they were having a little too much fun.”
Nesta narrowed her eyes, setting Titus down on the plush carpet. He only latched on to her leg. “Sick people aren’t supposed to be baking.”
Cassian rubbed the back of his neck, eyes fixed on their son. “Like I said, I was feeling a little better and I wanted to surprise my mate.”
From upstairs, there was a loud shriek, and Azriel came down, holding a squirmy Aralyn.
“Mommy!” Aralyn cried, trying to wriggle free of her uncle.
Nesta sighed, kissing her brow once, which was enough to calm her down. Titus, noticing the kiss, reached his arms upward. “Kiss! Kiss!”
Nesta knelt and kissed his brow too. Went she straightened, she eyed her mate. “Get them cleaned up and dressed. We’re having dinner at the House of Wind tonight.” With that, she handed off Titus and strode up the stairs.
Running her hands over her face, she made her way to her bathroom, pulling out hair pins as she went. She twisted the faucet above the tub to as hot as it would go and poured in her favorite oils. Soon, she was naked and sinking into the delicious heat, groaning louder than was appropriate.
It was still amazing that she could even use the tub. Could bathe in it without the nightmares flooding in. Though, she supposed it was Cassian who helped her with that. He’d installed a shower but when she asked him to, together they faced the bathtub.
Opening her eyes at the sound of the door, she saw Cassian there, a quiet smile on his face. He sat by the tub, finding a pin she had somehow missed in her hair and tugging it free. “How was work?”
Besides helping Feyre, Nesta also worked at the Palace of Thread and Jewels, managing the pounds of money they got in a day.
She sighed as Cassian poured some of the water over her hair. “I was the only one in my department there today, but I supposed it could have been worse. It would have been better, however--” She glared at him. “--if I’d come home to clean kids and cupcakes.”
He winced. “The cupcakes are in the oven now.”
“Hmm.” She closed her eyes again, letting the steam waft against her face.
He leaned forward to kiss her lips, gently, slowly. “I’m sorry.”
“Apology accepted.”
“I hope you know that Aralyn wants a bath now that you’re in here.”
Nesta made a face. “She can bathe in her own bathroom, thank you very much.”
Cassian let out a low chuckle.
She tugged on his hand. “Az is watching them downstairs, right?”
“Join me.”
He gave a devilish grin and levered himself into the tub, clothes and all.
Nesta buttoned up Aralyn’s coat all the way to her chin and put her gloves over her fingers. Cassian was busy wrapping Titus in a scarf too big for his small neck.
Az, munching on a cupcake, watched rather unhelpfully.
“Can we leave?” Aralyn groaned. “It’s too hot.”
“It’s a very cold flight. Uncle Az is gonna carry you two,” Cassian said, trying to fix a cap over Titus’s midnight hair.
“I can fly!” Aralyn shouted, trying to get her wings free to show him.
Nesta put her hands on her shoulders. “We know, darling, but the cold can hurt you.”
She pouted, jutting out her lower lip.
“Let’s go.” Azriel stepped forward, lifting first Titus, then Aralyn. “No squirming,” he said to her and she froze, memorized by the shadows swirling around him.
They stepped out into the street and Cassian gathered Nesta into his arms. Beside them, Titus looked positively green. “I don’t wanna go,” he cried, reaching for his parents.
“I’ll give you an extra cupcake,” Cassian promised and launched into the sky.
Nesta clung to her mate, eyes on Azriel as he flapped after them. Aralyn’s teeth were already chattering.
They made haste to the House of Wind, Cassian’s lips chapped against the cold. He landed gracefully on the balcony, Azriel only a few steps behind him. Titus was shivering enough that Nesta took him and held him against her chest while as she walked inside.
Feyre and Rhysand were waiting inside, Amren scowling at Varian over the lip of her wine glass. Mor swept a giggling Aralyn away, showering her in kisses.
Feyre, however, took Titus, cooing at him and nearly biting Rhysand when he tried to take him.
Nesta knew how much Feyre and Rhysand loved the twins, but Titus held a special place after the loss of their own son. Nesta knew, that with his violet eye, he was quite possibly the boy from the Bone Carver’s image.
Nesta shrugged out of her coat. “Where is Elain?”
“She’s on her way,” Feyre answered, tickling Titus’s sides. His squeal might have been the loudest sound Nesta had heard him make.
Nesta nodded, watching as Amren swept Aralyn away from Mor. Mor squaked in protest.
Cassian, having wandered over, tapped Nesta’s bum lightly. She hissed at him.
“They’re fine,” he reassured her, leaning in for a kiss.
“I would have thought,” she said flatly, halting his lips, “that you were satisfied for the night.”
“I’ll show you just how satisfied I was.” He nipped her ear.
“We’re in public.” But it seemed the entire court was occupied with their children. He gave a playful growl when she tried to bat him away. “You won’t comfort your sick mate?”
“My sick mate who couldn’t manage to get two kids into the bath. Maybe you should have stayed home if you’re that ill.”
He huffed.
Aralyn, breaking free of Mor, collided with his legs and he went down with a dramatic "I have fallen!” She giggled, climbing over him and sitting on his chest as she sipped her apple juice from a wine glass.
Elain appeared not long after, hooked on Lucien’s arm. Her daughters, Paris and Tigerlily, were at their sides. Paris was eight and Tigerlily seven but they both had more sass than the three Archeron sisters combined.
Paris hugged Aralyn first, the girls squealing, then went to tackled Cassian again. Tigerlily stayed clung to her father’s side until Nesta opened her arms for a hug and she took full advantage.
Nesta smoothed down her unruly scarlet curls, pulling her back to see those auburn eyes. “Hello, Tiger.”
Tigerlily blushed but smiled and damn Nesta if it wasn’t beautiful.
They all sat down to eat, Paris teasing Titus with his food till he cried. The High Lord was the first to comfort him and Titus sat balanced on his knee for the rest of the meal. Nesta kicked Cassian under the table not once, but twice when his hand traveled dangerously up her thigh. Conversation buzzed, kids were tapped lightly on the nose, Elain even produced cookies for all of them.
The night stretched until Titus’s eyelids drooped, Aralyn already collapsed with Tigerlily and Paris in Cassian’s old bedroom. Nesta collected her son, taking him off to the room with the girls. She set him on the large bed, clicking her tongue at Paris who snored rather loudly. With care only a mother could have, she laid a heavy quilt over all of them, tucking it in at their toes.
When she turned back around, she saw Feyre watching her, eyes sad. “He would have been there too,” she whispered as a tear trailed down her cheek.
Nesta led her from the room. “I know,” she said. “I know.”
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