missjanjie · 12 days
42 for any s12 ship please !!!!
for anyone thats been here long enough to remember the summer camp au... this is for yall
42. "You look familiar."
If there were one thing Jan would always do, it was go out of her way to welcome new neighbors. She wouldn’t be half as comfortable as she was now if the people around her hadn’t helped her acclimate to Hell’s Kitchen. As soon as she saw movers taking boxes into the apartment across the hall, she got right to work making cookies. 
A few hours and one failed test batch later, she had the cookies neatly plated and wrapped in purple cellophane. She made her way across the hall and knocked on the door, bouncing on the balls of her feet as she waited. When the door opened, she started her greeting. “Hi, I’m Jan and I–” 
Her words died on her lips as she was caught off guard by the woman who opened the door. At first, she thought she was simply distracted by how attractive she was, but there was something else she couldn’t quite put a finger on. “You look familiar.” 
The woman chuckled softly. “Jackie,” she introduced before leading her inside. “You do too. Look familiar, I mean.” 
Jan wracked her brain for any ‘Jackie’ she’d crossed paths with, but only one bore any significance. “The only Jackie I’ve known is the one I went to summer camp with from, like, ages ten to thirteen.” Going back fifteen years, the details were spotty, but if there was anything she could remember with lucidity, it was her first love. 
“Oh my god!” Jackie’s face lit up with excitement. “Wait here,” she instructed, disappearing into her room and fishing through a still-unpacked box until she found what she was looking for, returning with a scrapbook. It had sustained some wear over the years, but overall, the condition held up. She motioned for Jan to sit with her on the couch and set the book on the coffee table.
Jan’s eyes widened as she looked at the cover. It was a picture of the two of them and their six cabinmates, as well as the three counselors that took care of them. She shifted her gaze towards Jackie, expression warm and fond. “I can’t believe it’s really you.”
“Me neither,” she grinned, shaking her head in disbelief. The two then spent the evening looking through the album and eating the cookies Jan brought. Despite all the time that’d passed, it somehow felt like they had just been sharing a bunk bed the night before. They had gotten older but came to realize they were still the same kids in many ways. 
“You know,” Jan remarked offhandedly, “We used to say we’d get married when we’re older.”
Jackie laughed softly. “I do remember that. But maybe we can start with a dinner date.”
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For the prompt ask maybe 43+ A + Z (friends to lovers) and Jankie <3
43 “I just wish you’d look at me that way.” + A. High School AU + Z. Specify: friends to lovers + Jankie
(I love a good Jankie 🥰 -Sinner)
Jackie knew that she and Jan were unlikely friends. Jan was pretty and one of the most popular girls in school. Her, Rosé, Denali and Nicky Doll were high school royalty, and the fact that they all liked Jackie enough to let her sit with them was absolutely mind blowing to her.
It was actually Nicky who introduced them. Despite her supermodel good looks and sexy French accent, Nicky was actually a huge nerd and would hang out with her and Rock and play video games and watch nerdy shows.
Nicky had invited them to come to lunch with her and her girls, and Rock had quickly declined, saying she had to help Erika with something, abandoning Jackie to go have lunch with the popular girls, who to Jackie’s relieved surprise, were all extremely nice and actually pretty goofy.
That one day became everyday, and Jackie was quite shocked to find herself considered one of the popular girls. And as the popular girls, all five of them were up for Spring Formal Queen. Jackie was flustered that she’d even been nominated at all.
She was shopping for dresses with Jan and Nicky. Denali and Rosé were going with each other of course, so they were shopping together and were going to surprise the other girls. Nicky was taking Jaida and they already had outfits so it was just her and Jan. She figured she could take Rock... but she hadn’t asked anyone yet.
“Jan, who are you going to ask to formal?” Jackie asked.
She bit her lip. “I don’t know... I was kinda hoping someone would ask me...”
Jackie looked at her. “They haven’t yet? They’re missing out. You’d make the best date!” She smiled encouragingly at her friend.
Nicky looked incredulously at her. ‘What?’ she mouthed.
Nicky just shook her head. She grabbed two coordinating dresses off the rack, handing one to Jan and one to Jackie. “Here. Put these on. Go!” She hustled them into changing rooms.
The dress Nicky gave her was sexy, way sexier than Jackie would have picked for herself. It was backless, and tight to her booty but high necked enough to not make Jackie feel too exposed. The length was very flattering too.
Jackie emerged at the same time as Jan and Jackie sucked in a breath... holy shit Jan was so beautiful... she looked like an angel, just gorgeous and hot and so so out of Jackie’s league. Nicky had given them coordinating outfits but Jan far outshined her. Jackie didn’t mind. She knew Jan would. Jan was absolutely stunning.
Nicky had wandered off and Jackie blushed, realizing just how much she’d been staring at her friend.
“You look great, Jan,” she said quietly, looking away.
“So do you Jackie. I just wish you’d look at me that way more...”
Jackie looked back at her. “Wh-what?”
“Jackie... I want you to take me to formal.”
Jackie’s jaw dropped. “Me??”
Jan bit her lip. “Unless you don’t want to?”
Jackie took her friend’s hands. “It’s not like that at all. I’d love to take you to formal. I just thought you were so out of my league...”
Jan laughed. “Oh my god! Jackie!”
She wrapped Jackie’s arms around her so they were standing in a prom pose, looking at the mirror. “Look at you, look at us. We fit together so perfectly.” Jan looked expectantly at her.
Shit, what was Jan expecting?
Nicky’s voice sounded behind them. “Ask her to formal already so we can buy these dresses!”
They laughed.
Jackie kept hold of Jan’s hands. “Jan, will you go to formal with me?”
Jan smiled radiantly. “I’d love to Jackie.”
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missjanjie · 1 month
🎶 for jankie pretty please !!! :)
jankie is still probs one of the only pairings i will write as cc without being prompted to lol. and i just felt like this song worked better w that setting
I Honestly Love You - Olivia Newton-John
If we both were born In another place and time This moment might be ending in a kiss But there you are with yours And here I am with mine So I guess we'll just be leaving it at this I love you I honestly love you I honestly love you
“I just found out they’re putting us in the same room for the rest of the trip,” Jan read off his phone. “I guess we haven’t been all that subtle after all, huh?” 
“Either that or they’re trying to save a few bucks,” Jackie joked. But they both knew it was an open secret that they were hooking up on tour. Both of their relationships were open, so they weren’t technically doing anything wrong. But neither of them would ever volunteer that information – sleeping with randoms and sleeping with each other were two entirely different things, even if they hadn’t outright acknowledged why. 
They were on the tour bus between stops on their duo tour, something they’d been having the time of their lives doing. They’d always worked well together and enjoyed each other’s company, so nobody thought twice about it and they received plenty of support. But the more alone time they spent together, the harder it was to ignore the feelings that always seemed to bloom when distractions were out of the way. Sex seemed to be the obvious outlet – they could get the feelings out while everything else was left unsaid. 
“Do you ever feel like this is, like, our way of peeking into an alternate timeline?” Jan asked as he curled up against Jackie’s side. 
Jackie furrowed his brows as he wrapped an arm securely around him. “What, a timeline where we’re lesbians with a penchant for road trips?” 
“No– Well, kind of– no, no… a timeline where we’re together.” He chewed on his lip, realizing he couldn’t swallow the words now that they were out. “I just feel like… in another life, we were meant to be together.”
“And it’d be this one if we were single?”
Jan tilted his head to look up at him. “That’s the only thing holding us back, isn’t it?”
And there it was – the truth they’d been dancing around laid bare. They both knew that was the reason they kept their relationship secret, the sex might have been excusable, but the emotional affair had crossed a line some time ago. “While we’re being honest…” Jackie started, ignoring the knot in his stomach, “I honestly love you.”
Jan shifted up further to kiss him, gently cupping his face. “I love you too.” Sure, this made things immensely more complicated, but at least they knew where they stood.
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missjanjie · 9 months
how about this for a prompt: write a letter from one character to another in the ship of your choice (maybe jackie and someone?)
alexa play as if we never said goodbye (this is set in that universe and i took some liberties bcs i missed the summer camp au)
“How do you spell ‘enamored’?” Jackie asked without looking up from her notebook.
Crystal furrowed her brows. “How do you define it?” She tried to lean over to glimpse at what her cabin-mate was writing, but was promptly blocked.
“Nevermind. I don’t want Jan to think I’m showing off anyway… or that I was showing off when she reads this in the future,” she mumbled, scribbling out some lines before ripping out the page and crumpling it up in frustration.
She tilted her head. “If she’s not gonna see this until we open the time capsule, why are you so worried about what it says? We’re gonna be like, basically grown-ups.”
Jackie flopped back on the bed with a dramatic sigh. “You don’t get it, this has to sum up everything I feel while making sense. Don’t you want the last thing you say to Gigi to be meaningful?”
“We already slept in the same bed, we’re basically pre-married.”
“Engaged,” she corrected.
“Engaged in what?”
She laughed, finally taking a moment to calm down. “I just want this to be perfect, I can’t just stuff a bunch of failed love letters into the time capsule. This is supposed to be romantic.”
Crystal furrowed her brows. “What about what happened at the Halloween party?”
Jackie blushed, pulling the hoodie of her sweatshirt over her head. “That’s different. I think.”
She shrugged. “Better mention it in the letter, though.”
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missjanjie · 1 year
"is that my shirt?" with whatever ship you want
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Jan hummed to herself as she filled up her plate at the hotel breakfast bar. It was her third day there, but she was still impressed and delighted by all the French pastries to choose from. She was there in France for her friend Nicky's wedding. At first she was hesitant to be a bridesmaid, taking on the work of planning as well as rearranging her schedule for a destination wedding seemed daunting, but she decided the special day was worth the trouble.
Her saving grace throughout the planning was Nicky’s maid of honor, Jackie. While they had met when living in California, Nicky had been living in New York for almost three years, and Jackie had made the cross-country move only a few months before Jaida proposed. Nicky had insisted it was serendipitous, that clearly Jan and Jackie were meant to be in her bridal party.
What ended up happening was Jackie taking the lead with Jan as her sidekick, a dynamic that worked well for them over the past six months. So much so, that when Nicky asked if they would be willing to share a hotel room, they agreed without hesitation.
All of that led to now, with Jan trying to open the door to her room with one hand while holding two plates of food in the other, beaming proudly once she’d gotten in without dropping anything. “I brought breakfast,” she chirped, setting one of the plates on Jackie’s bed before sitting cross-legged on her own.
Jackie started to eat, then tilted her head and furrowed her brows. “Is that my shirt?” 
Jan paused between bites and looked down. “Huh. I thought it felt a little snug, just figured I was bloated.” While their figures weren’t drastically different, she did have a more curvy silhouette and larger breasts, leaving her amused at her own mistake of not noticing it. 
She just laughed and shook her head. “You look better in my clothes than I do,” she remarked, because despite it being a couple sizes too small on Jan, it hugged her figure in a way that made it impossible for her not to stare at. 
That made her blush as she became aware of Jackie’s gaze laser-focused on her. “Thanks, though I think anything looks good on you,” she told her as she finished eating and tossed the paper plate into the garbage bin. “God, I can’t believe tomorrow’s the big day. It feels kind of weird, not spending my free time with you planning this thing.” 
Jackie chuckled softly. “You know we’re still allowed to hang out once we get back home, right? We don’t need a reason to.”
“See, this is why you’re the smart one,” Jan laughed. “I can’t believe we live in the same neighborhood and never ran into each other.”
“I don’t go out much,” she shrugged, “planning the wedding has been the most human interaction outside of work I’ve had in a while.” She threw her plate out as well, then sat at the edge of her bed. She had kept to herself a lot since she moved to New York – Nicky was the only person she knew and making friends had never come easily to her. “You’ve brought me out of my shell, I appreciate it.”
Jan moved to sit next to her. “I’m glad, ‘cause you’re really fun to be around, I like spending time with you. I’d have missed you too much if you went back to California,” she admitted, resting her head on Jackie’s shoulder. 
Jackie smiled and wrapped an arm around her. “Well, you won’t be getting rid of me that easily.”
She picked her head up and grinned. Then, after a split-second’s hesitation, she leaned in and pecked her lips. “Promise?” 
She blinked in surprise, her face flushing red. But in a move that surprised herself, she copied Jan’s actions and kissed her in response. “Promise.”
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missjanjie · 2 years
“Do I look like a medical professional?” Any ship
“Well, kind of,” Jan answered, “it’s the glasses.”
Jackie sighed, unsure of what else she could’ve expected from her. “Touché. Anyway, no, I don’t know why you’ve suddenly had sleeping problems.”
“Do you have any suggestions to help?” She asked, “because I’ve been relying on weed and that’s an expensive habit.”
She covered her mouth to hide a snort of laughter. “I take it things like tea or melatonin don’t cut it?” When Jan shook her head ‘no’, she followed up with, “masturbation doesn’t help either?”
Jan’s eyes went wide with enthusiasm. “That can help me sleep? Oh my god, that makes so much sense, I can’t believe I never thought of it,” she giggled.
Jackie couldn’t help but smile fondly at the jovial reaction. “Yeah, sex would work even better, but I didn’t want to assume–”
“Are you offering?”
The blunt question stopped her dead in her tracks. Sure, the two neighbors have been friendly and even flirty with each other, but she’d never expected her to be so direct. “I-I… um… I mean, if you…”
“If I’m interested? Yeah, obviously.”
Jackie chuckled sheepishly and rubbed the back of her neck. “Not as obvious as you’d think.”
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missjanjie · 2 years
jackie cox and jan, number 48
48. A kiss... out of habit
“You bitches are trending,” Nicky remarked without looking up from his phone. “Was this a stunt? Were you guys planning it?”
Jan and Jackie looked at each other in confusion, then at Nicky, asking in unison, “planning what?” 
He arched his brow curiously. “The kiss? After Jan won her award?” He turned his phone screen to the two of them, showing how social media was flooded with clips, gifs, and screenshots of a kiss between the two of them. The night before, Jan, Jackie, and a few other queens attended a livestreamed award show for LGBTQ+ media that Jan was nominated for. When he was announced as the winner for his category, the camera was focused on him, so when he kissed Jackie, who was sitting right next to him, everyone saw before it could pan away. 
“Honestly, I didn’t even realize I did that,” Jan confessed, “I guess it’s kind of habitual.” 
“You and Jackie have a habit of kissing?” 
Jackie took the phone from him to better see what people were saying. “Well, that’s pretty irrefutable,” he observed, then handed the phone back to him while admitting, “we’ve made a habit of a bit more than that.” 
“An affair?” Nicky’s eyes went saucer-wide, “how scandalous!” 
“I don’t know if you can call it an ‘affair’ if neither of us are cheating – both of our relationships are open,” Jan explained, only to quietly add, “they just didn’t know the specifics of who we were being open with.” 
“Not that we’re hiding it,” Jackie quickly – almost defensively – pointed out. “But this wasn’t how we wanted them to find out, let alone have the fans start to speculate. I know I egg it on all the time, but I don’t think anyone would’ve suspected anything until now.” 
Nicky nodded as he listened, his lips pursed together. “So what are you going to do now that everyone knows about this part of your ‘habit’?” 
“We’re not gonna make a public announcement about us fucking if that’s what you mean,” Jan retorted with a dry laugh. “We’ll handle our personal business in private as far as our boyfriends are concerned, but this isn’t a habit we plan on breaking.”
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missjanjie · 2 years
jankie and “i don’t think i can do this anymore”
“Come on,” Jackie pouted, “just one more episode?”
Jan rolled her eyes fondly. “One more episode is gonna turn into ‘we might as well watch the rest of the season’ which will turn into ‘but that was a cliffhanger, we can’t end now’. You know I’m right, Jackie.”
She huffed. “I thought you’d be into it by now,” she mumbled.
“To be fair,” she pointed out, “I did say hell would freeze over before I became a Trekkie. I’m happy to support you from the side… you know, while I’m watching Real Housewives.”
Jackie put her hands up in surrender. “Okay, okay, you did sit through almost three whole seasons, I appreciate the effort.”
“Only for you, baby,” Jan cooed and kissed her cheek.
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missjanjie · 3 years
jankie + nye kiss for the prompts 💞
With the crowd counting down and cheering when it struck midnight, Jan and Jackie lost themselves in the energy of the room, in the buzz of the alcohol, and they kissed. It was a chaste kiss, a close lipped peck and a hug as they rang in the new year, something totally innocent to anyone that saw.
Then why was it all Jan could think about? He tightly gripped his cocktail when they were backstage, unable to shake what he could only describe as a sudden craving, an urge. “I need you to kiss me again,” he said suddenly.
Jackie looked at him oddly, though his cheeks had reddened at the request and he sputtered out a “what?”
“Please,” he turned to face him, “it’s like… an itch I can’t scratch, I need to get it out of my system.”
Perplexed but amused, Jackie heeded Jan’s plea, cupping his face and placing a deep kiss to his lips, nothing like the one on stage.
Jan gripped onto Jackie for dear life, his mind lost in the passion of the kiss, the feeling of Jackie’s tongue tangling with his own, his body aching with even more need.
“Did that scratch your itch?” Jackie asked with a smirk once they came up for air, though he could tell from Jan’s lust-blown eyes and still-puckered lips that the answer was no.
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missjanjie · 3 years
The jankie nye kiss was so cute 🥺 if you’re still accepting prompts maybe one of them where jackie refers to jan as her work wife in front of the other s12 queens?
“Of course y’all are in the same dressing room,” Jaida teased, “living ten blocks from each other just ain’t enough, huh?”
Jan rolled his eyes, “you say that like we had a say in who’s with us – they just happened to reunite the QJ’s for the tour.”
Jaida shrugged and sat in front of the mirror, “don’t mind me though, just over here third wheeling.”
As they were all getting ready, the queens went in and out of each other’s dressing rooms, chatting and catching up, happy to finally be on a cast tour. “Though this is just like any other gig for Jan and Jackie,” Nicky was saying, laughing at his own comment.
“She’s my work wife,” Jackie defended, an arm wrapping around Jan’s waist, “I can’t help that we have excellent stage chemistry.”
Gigi arched her brow, “you sure it’s just on stage?”
Jan’s face flushed red, and Jackie’s hand resting on the side of his bare torso didn’t help, “yeah, well, look who’s talking.”
She shrugged, “hey, I own my shit, if you wanna delay the inevitable, that’s your business.”
Jan managed to change the subject after that, trying not to linger on the idea that Gigi was right – that they were building up to something inevitable, something beyond their better judgement or control.
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missjanjie · 3 years
Jankie with 153 + 163? Thank you, prompts queen! 👑💜
153. “I’m flirting with you.” / 163. “I’m sick of being useless.” / 42. “Either ask her out or I will do it for you!”
Jan whined dramatically, draping herself across Rosé’s bed. She glanced over when she didn’t get a response from her roommate, then groaned more pointedly.
Rosé sighed, turning around in her desk chair as she gave in. “Okay, I’ll bite. What’s wrong?”
“Having a crush is exhausting,” she lamented. “I’m sick of being useless.”
“I’m also sick of you being useless,” she replied without missing a beat. “If you think having a crush is exhausting, imagine dealing with you while you have a crush. That’s exhausting,” she told her. “You can’t keep this shit to yourself forever.”
Jan pouted. “But she’s my friend. I’d rather have her as a friend than not have her at all,” she explained, though at this point, even she knew that was a lame cop-out.
Rosé pinched the bridge of her nose. “Either ask her out or I will do it for you!” she huffed, finally deciding to lay down an ultimatum for the sake of her sanity. And to help her best friend, of course.
Luckily, Jan put her hands up in surrender. “Okay, okay. I’ll figure something out.”
‘Figuring something out’ for Jan evidently meant trying to flirt with Jackie with more and more obviousness and hope that she would take a hint. But after a few days, she concluded that she was either being too subtle or Jackie was being willfully ignorant.
“So yeah,” Jackie was saying, “I’m officially the only single adult in my close family. Which feels as great as you’d expect,” she summed up with a dry laugh.
Jan clicked her tongue and shook her head. “There’s no reason you should be single. You’re hot and smart and funny and hot and kind…” she listed, voice trailing off.
“You said hot twice.”
“Yeah,” she nodded, “I’m flirting with you.”
Jackie blinked in surprise. “Oh,” she took a sip of her coffee as she processed that, then realized Jan was looking at her incredulously. “What?”
After a beat, Jan couldn’t help but laugh. “Oh my god, you really had no idea,” she exhaled deeply to collect herself. “I’ve been flirting with you because I like you, okay? I thought that’d be a lot harder to admit, but I guess I was starting to get impatient with you not picking up on it.”
“Well, I’m sorry,” Jackie chuckled. “Let me take you out to dinner to make up for it?”
“I’ll allow it,” Jan winked. Sure, she never technically asked Jackie out, but she figured Rosé would grant her this loophole.
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missjanjie · 3 years
jankie + prompt is them going on their first date in that cute debate commission you wrote. ty queen 💕
“You’re not paying attention!” Jan huffed and threw a pillow at Rosé, who had started to doze off, startling her to sit upright.
Rosé stretched out a bit. “In my defense, this is like, the sixtieth outfit you’ve tried on. I was about to lock you in the walk-in until Jackie got here,” she chuckled. “You look great, she’s gonna be all over you. Can we please call it a night?”
Jan pouted, looking herself over in the mirror. She’d settled on a white tennis shirt and a lavender-plaid skirt. “Fine, fine, I guess I do look cute enough,” she relented as she fixed her hair up into a high ponytail.
“Thank god,” she retorted as she pushed herself to her feet. “Not that I don’t love hanging out with you, but there are other places I planned to spend my Saturday night.”
“Between Denali’s thighs?”
“Exactly, see ya!”
Jan rolled her eyes as she watched Rosé leave. In the fifteen minutes between then and Jackie’s arrival, she did everything she could think of to primp and prep, only to nearly trip over herself as she sprinted down the stairs to meet her outside. “Hey!”
Jackie smiled and pulled Jan into a hug. “You look great,” she observed. “You ready to go?”
She nodded brightly, climbing into the passenger seat. They were going to one of Jan’s favorite restaurants as per Jackie’s insistence. And once there, they cozied up in a corner booth, where Jan was lucky she’d practically had the menu memorized, because her gaze never left the older girl once.
“Okay, you have very good taste,” Jackie remarked once their food came, narrowly avoiding talking with her mouth full.
“Of course, I like you, don’t I?” Jan retorted with a playful wink.
She bumped against her lightly. “That was so corny, oh my god,” she teased, “you’re so cute.”
Once dinner had ended, it was clear that neither of the girls wanted the night to end, and Jackie was finally the one to broach the subject. “Do you wanna come back to my place? Watch a movie or something?”
Jan nodded brightly. “Yeah! I think that’d be fun.” She knew Jackie’s home quite well at this point from all of the time she’d spent there for their tutoring sessions, if they could still be called that. So once they were back in her bedroom, she was comfortable nearly instantly, and it didn’t take long for them to agree on a movie.
“Listen,” Jackie started a few minutes into it. “I know we mentioned it, but I don’t want you to think I only brought you back here for, you know, a netflix and chill moment. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I would totally be into that, but I really do just like spending time with you.”
“Aw, Jackie,” she leaned over and kissed her cheek. “I didn’t think you were trying to take advantage of me or anything. That said, I was kinda hoping for a little bit of fooling around.”
She smirked softly, pulling the shorter girl closer. “I think that can be arranged.”
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missjanjie · 3 years
another jankie parent au where they're comforting bebe after a nightmare?
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“Daddy? Baba?”
Jan and Jackie had become rather light sleepers since Bernadette was born, so her voice brought them right out of their sleep. “What’s the matter, baby?” Jan asked their toddler.
“Bad dream,” she mumbled, rubbing her eye with one hand.
“Oh no, come here angel,” Jan scooped her up onto the bed. “Do you want a story?” he asked, and when he got an affirmative nod, said to Jackie, “grab brown bear from her room.”
Jackie returned shortly after with the book, sitting on the other side of Bernadette. He and Jan alternated reading each animal, giving each of them a different, silly voice, making their daughter sleepily giggle.
By the time they finished the book, Bernadette had fallen back asleep. “I’ll tuck her back in,” Jackie said and carried her back to her room. It had been difficult, but they were trying to get her out of the habit of sleeping in their bed, lest she develop codependency issues.
Truth be told, though, it was harder on Jan and Jackie than it was for her. But they turned the volume on the baby monitor up and went back to sleep nonetheless.
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missjanjie · 3 years
Jankie + 9 and/or 12. Maybe a followup to the royal x commoner you wrote a few days ago, please? 🥺
9. “I always end up coming back to you.”
Jackie sighed softly as she looked at Jan in bed next to her. There was something about the calm silence after sex that allowed her to properly admire every inch of her body. But something sparkling in the early morning rising sunlight caught her eye, the necklace Jan had on, a reminder of just how different their lives were. “Eventually they’re going to notice the nights you don’t return home.”
“I know, what can I say?” Jan rolled onto her side to better look at her. “I always end up coming back to you.”
“But do you have a plan? If someone does find out?”
Jan didn’t answer for a few moments, cuddling up to Jackie instead. “What am I supposed to say? ‘Don’t have me betrothed to someone that could bring more wealth and power into the family because I’m in love with a merchant’? I have no idea how they would react, but I can’t imagine it would be favorably.”
“I never expected to be able to marry you,” she offered, unsure if it would be a comfort or salt in the wound. “I just wish you didn’t have to keep sneaking around like this. It feels like I’m putting you in danger.”
“I’m putting myself in danger,” she replied. “There has to be a solution.” She closed her eyes as she tried to conjure up some way to keep the love of her life close to her, even if she did end up being married to some stranger of her parents’ selection. “What if you worked in the castle? I’ve shared a Lady’s Maid with my sisters, no one would bat an eye if I took one on for myself. And that means we would be together at all times, you’d even be able to stay in my room.”
Jackie smiled, touched that Jan would go out of her way to do something like that. “I have brothers and sisters, they could take over the shop. They may question why I would choose to work as a Lady’s Maid, but I can’t imagine they would pry into it.”
“So you’ll do it? You’ll come stay with me?” Jan asked with wide, hopeful eyes.
She nodded, tilting the princesses’ head up to place a kiss to her lips. “I’ll come stay with you.”
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missjanjie · 3 years
Jankie + 😬🤎💘
😬 confessing their feelings
🤎 royal x commoner
💘 love at first sight
Jan looked around as she ducked into the town bookshop. It wasn’t easy for her to venture into the parts of the kingdom where commonfolk could easily spot her, leading her to keep a cloak over her most casual outfits whenever she needed to escape the confines of the castle.
“Do you need help finding anything?” the store owner’s voice jolted Jan into reality. “Didn’t mean to startle you. I’m Jacqueline,” she introduced, “the shop’s owner.”
“Oh, no, it’s fine, I-” When Jan turned to face the woman, her train of thought went right off the rails. She had heard the store’s original owner had retired, that his daughter had just taken over, but she had no idea his daughter would be the most beautiful woman she had ever laid eyes on. “I… um…”
Jackie furrowed her brows, the cogs churning in her mind as she tried to put a name to the face she swore she’d seen before. “Have we met?”
Jan swallowed thickly. She was fairly certain that Jackie had seen her one way or another, but couldn’t say as much without revealing her identity. “I don’t believe so, I would recognize a woman as beautiful as you.”
She blushed and ducked her head for a moment. “That’s kind of you to say. Coming from a face as lovely as yours, that’s high praise.”
Something stirred inside Jan. It was something intense and warm, that she could feel through her whole body. As a princess, she had found herself in a wide variety of social situations, but she had never felt such a sudden pull to another person. “May I ask you something that’ll sound crazy?”
“You feel it too?” Jackie asked, voice soft but certain.
Jan nodded, a sigh of relief slipping out. “I’ll be honest, Jacqueline, I never believed in kismet, but you might’ve changed my mind,” she confessed before they locked in a sudden, passionate embrace, relieved to have been alone in the store. “I never told you my name,” she realized, then swallowed thickly as she continued, “my name is Jan. I, um, live in that castle all the way up the road.”
Jackie’s eyes went wide and her jaw went slack. She sputtered and stammered as she tried to find her words. “I… well, your highness… what happens now?”
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missjanjie · 3 years
Anything with parent jankie please 🥺
hi im still in love w this au bye
“You know she’s not going to remember this, right?” Jan couldn’t help but chuckle as they entered the third hour of preparing for Bernadette’s first birthday party.
“You and I both know it’s not really for her. It’s about her, for us,” Jackie retorted as he finished tying off balloons.
And Jan couldn’t argue with that, they both knew that if their daughter was in charge of throwing herself a party, they would be back home watching Paw Patrol and Frozen all day and maybe get a cupcake for her to smush all over her face. But instead, they were having a proper celebration in Jan’s parents’ home, decorating the expansive living and dining room while Rosé babysat.
“I think that’s everything,” Jan said with a satisfied smile, then checked his phone. “Not a moment too soon, Rosé is on her way over with Bebe. Let’s hope she got her into her party dress without a tantrum.”
“From Bebe or Rosé?” Jackie joked. Luckily, their daughter arrived in the dress they’d picked out for her, and she seemed perfectly happy.
Rosé grinned as he set the present he’d bought for her with the others. “That is literally the most well behaved baby I’ve ever seen, must be Jackie’s genes.”
Jan rolled his eyes and set Bebe up in her playpen. “She was raised right,” he retorted.
Bernadette’s good behavior continued through the party, allowing for tons of photo ops from either Jan and Jackie or Jan’s family.
As they all sang ‘happy birthday’ to her, Jackie looked over at Jan with a surprised expression. “Are you crying?” he asked softly.
Jan sniffled and wiped his eyes quickly. “No, I’m fine,” he exhaled deeply. “I just love her so much.”
His husband smiled and pressed a kiss to his temple. “Me too, baby. Me too.”
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