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Breaking News: Local Queer RPs in ESO Again
Please love this calico-colored disaster. 
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goodspiritsnewsat · 5 years
GSN was recently invited to attend the 5th annual Shore Craft Beer Fest in Ocean City, Maryland on a most auspicious day of the year, February 29th, 2020. The event took place at several venues including the Ocean Downs Casino, Seacrets Jamaica USA and the Ocean City Convention over two days. Things kicked off at the casino with a roundtable discussion with local brewers, the mayor and a few social media bloggers and podcasters. Next, everyone made their way to the “Booze Before Beer” pre-party where attendees were given t-shirts and picked up their VIP wristbands for the next day. Finally, on Saturday, hundreds of people lined up to attend the beer fest where 40+ brewers handed out generous samples of their brews to the sound of a live band with an awesome view of the ocean. No one went hungry either as there were several excellent culinary treats to be had.
Here are some of the best memories from the weekend.
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For more information go to: Shore Craft Beer
  GSN’s One For the Road: 5th Annual Shore Craft Beer Fest – Love on Tap, Ocean City, MD GSN was recently invited to attend the 5th annual Shore Craft Beer Fest in Ocean City, Maryland…
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dwarvesdiealot · 8 years
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Even though she is just 10, Deduk has the makings of a capable leader. Hopefully her confidence, optimism and stubbornness will carry Shorecraft back to the glory days of not having rotting corpses everywhere.
Harriet the Spy meets Romulus Agustulus I like to think of her as.
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It's Tamm'lin Shorecraft - The Meowmage Magnifico, Mistress of Mayhem, and All Around Menace to Polite Society™ Art courtesy of @antlersandearlgrey 💖
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I like to stand in beautiful places and be the irregularity in them.
Tamm'lin Shorecraft who is a big whiny bitch
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Tamm’lin Shorecraft ... Mateus Server! FFXIV!
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◘ I do what I want. Y’ can’t stop me. No one can. ◘
Tamm’lin F. Shorecraft; Mateus/Balmung FFXIV
Awesome screens courtesy of @muffinsandglasses
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muffinsandglasses · 7 years
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Seeker of the Sun Miqo’te, Tamm’lin Shorecraft
                                               Welcome to the FC Tammi! <3 
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♤: Taking a bath together 83c
He had approached the Seeker during one of her afternoon ‘It’s not like I’ve got anything better to do’ lab visits, clearly overly excited and determined to rope Tamm into one of his experiments; A less exploding kind, much to Tamm’s disappointment, but an experiment none the less. Sadly, the technicalities of it were all above her head, but there was the promise of muffins, and so the ever-curious Miqo’te allowed herself to be a willing test subject. 
Fast forward to now; One Tamm’lin Shorecraft and one Alden Autumnsworn, sitting together in their bathing suits, in a large bathtub, dumping different concoctions into the water. 
The plan had gone awry, it seemed. She scowled. Of course, it was bound to, but Alden had assured her it... mostly wouldn’t!
Just a test, he had said. For science, he had said. I’ll give you twenty gil, he had said. 
Yet, here they were; The bath water had turned bright orange with shimmers of pink, while Alden Autumnsworn muttered to himself and jotted notes in a journal. “Oh, that’s interesting!” and “An unexpected result!” were repeatedly mouthed, while Tamm’lin looked on in mild annoyance and horror. Her tail was turning green, for gods sakes! What if this bunk was poisonous!? “Alden!” She hissed, splashing a bit of now-turquoise water at him. “Are w’ done yet?” 
The Hyur simply grinned, and poured another vial into the tub. 
(( Thanks for the ask! @muffinsandglasses Hope I got his characterization right! ))
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🎐- items/knick knacks they collected
Looking over the Seeker’s hidey hole, stuck snuggly in the Wandering Dodo’s Basement, one could easily see what Tamm’lin F. Shorecraft tries to be all about. Gil, money, moolah; Piles upon piles of gilded trinkets and treasures, with flowing mounds of gil shoved off haphazardly into corners. “I… I like ‘t collect things here an’ there, y’know?! ‘Specially when they are colored gold!” Tamm crowed, tongue stuck out and hands thrown up in a victory sign. “It’s fer good luck!”
What she failed to mention, however, is that tucked away in a small, wood-carved box is a pair of cracked and worn spectacles, placed carefully next to a shining new pair. The former had initials engraved, though now rubbed way into illegibility save for an ‘Y’. The latter are clearly fake; Meant as replicas of another pair, perhaps. Other than the glasses, there isn’t much else; Just a scrap of journaling paper that simply reads, ‘I promise.’
(Thank you for the ask, @righthererightzao !!!
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Dark Side Of The Moon
Leaves rustled softly overhead, warm afternoon sunlight filtered through them and onto the calico-patterned Seeker. Good conditions for a late day rest. After all, it had been an eventful fortnight already, with a new surprise ‘round every bend. 
In accordance, a short nap in the sun was deserved. A gentle smile crossed her face, as Tamm felt some unknown insect crawl across her arm. The stupid cat couldn’t help but be grateful for the moment of peace. Crows called, cicadas buzzed, and the air smelled of the mugginess of late summer-almost-turned-fall. All alone in the woods, Tamm’lin Shorecraft could at least let her guard down long enough to appreciate the quiet of the world around her.To rest, to recharge, to renew; For a spell, the infamously horrible miqo’te could afford to be not-so-horrible. 
And so, she did. 
(Thank you for the ask, @jadestormbrand! The restful and content part of Tamm is something that isn’t shown much at all, so I was grateful for the prompt!)
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Tamm'lin Shorecraft; Mischievous Khajiiti Mage, Prettiest of Cats
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♥ from S'leika!
It’s late, even for one Tamm'lin F. Shorecraft, so when she heard quiet sobs drifting out from somewhere in the Goblet, it surprised her.
Ever curious, the calico-patterned Miqo'te wandered from her seat in The Warehouse garden, in search of the owner to the cries.
After swiving and swerving to avoid some curious nightwatch, the cat came upon a deserted court yard, overlooking the great canyon that surrounded at least part of the Goblet.
Well, would be deserted, save for one very sad, very sombre looking Miqo'te woman. Tamm inwardly swore, suggesting to herself to perhaps just not.
That, of course, was ignored.
As she crept closer, the features of the other cat became clearer; Inky hair, rich born features, and … “Oh.”
That’s S'leika. “…oh, dear.”
“Are y’ alright, ma'am?” Tamm called out softly, skulking closer to the other.
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dwarvesdiealot · 8 years
January 253 - Rimtar is the worst
Since the booze has been running low and the adults want to keep it to themselves, I was outside having a drink in the river. 
I think that the monsters have been killed and going outside helps me forget that everyone I know has either been killed by were-asses or killed each other. I like coming out to the river, it’s quiet and the smell of rotting is weaker here. I feel like I’m doing ok for being 10.My mother, Unib, has a grave at least, no one has seen Urvad my father. They were good fighters. I want to be happy that I’m alive.
I come to the river so I can think. I was sitting, watching the water go past and thinking that maybe the mountain home might send a rescue and then Rimtar ran over, handed me a book she scribbled in, a white stone that the leader gets and said I needed to keep track of things now. She might be older than me but she’s always been stupider than me. I can’t be in charge but just so that someone who can write is doing it, I want to keep track of what’s going on. There are fourteen of us left now. 
Eight children, six adults. I hope they can bury the bodies soon. I’m scared of ghosts.
Stupid Rimtar, I don’t want work, I just want my parents and to see the mountain home again.
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dwarvesdiealot · 8 years
In Memoriam - Lokum Idoriton
A short note in memory of our most orderly citizen.
Lokum Idoriton, engraver of cockroaches in other peoples bedrooms and chaser of order was killed in some wereassery, late in 251.We wish him efficient and well-organized travels. Simulataneously, we hope that the murky circumstances and disorderly fashion in which his death occurred do not warrant a haunting. We promise to build a coffin quickly as an excess of doom is the last thing currently needed.
May he forever be digging downwards.
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dwarvesdiealot · 8 years
We’re Still Here
I promise. The stunning conclusion of everyone in Shorecraft continuing to die will continue.
To be continued.
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