plumclans · 10 months
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shorekit, aptly named but still insecure about it
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Updated sprites (Moon 6)
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Moon 130
Hailleaf had healed from some minor scrapes and had set foot into the forest, only to instantly have their tail bitten by a fox. The dejected trudge back to the medicine den was met with sympathetic glances and muffled laughter.
Bearrain's broken bone has become infected.
Dewspots and Moletangle have managed to fight back their infections with Moletangle being able to recover entirely.
Buzzardpaw's mangled tail has healed up well.
Sunpaw caught whitecough.
Mallowpaw has had their leg amputated. They quietly pray that they can still be a warrior with one less leg.
Waterkit was almost abducted by a seagull but Grousefleck managed to kill the bird before it took off with the kit.
Riverfin has recovered very well from their snake bite. In fact, the only evidence of there ever being a bite is a scar.
Skyback has caught whitecough from treating Sunpaw. Sunpaw feels really guilty.
Moletangle and Busheye have confessed to each other and become mates!
Mallowpaw's amputated leg had developed an infection. the medicine cats are working hard to preserve as much of their leftover leg as possible.
Wormpaw, Peachpaw and Lichenpaw have all become apprentices! Their mentors are Pondfrost, Whisperpeak, and Splashtooth.
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Waterkit has passed on due to the injuries sustained by the seagull.
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Brushkit was also almost abducted by a seagull but Clamtrail saved the kit before the seagull could fly away.
Slightkit has admitted themselves to the medicine cat den when their runny nose only seems to get worse.
Sunkit and Shorekit have caught kittencough.
Grousefleck was badly injured in a fight with a big dog.
Hawkbit, Dazzlenest, and Riversand have caught whitecough.
Pondfrost fought off a rouge all by themselves and they weren't even touched!
Dazzlenest tried to confess to Conchblaze but was rejected.
Bearrain's infection is gone and their broken leg is now twisted.
Runningcrest, Hemlockpelt, Moonkick, Springkit, Sharphare, Splashtooth, Hawkbit, Fleckrustle, Mantisears, and Thunderfur were all abducted by twolegs.
Dewspots' leg is healed but weaker than before.
Vestapelt narrowly avoided a fox.
Moletangle has also caught whitecough.
Fawnfur is able to walk around again after injuring their leg.
Buzzardpaw becomes Buzzardspike and is celebrated for their energy!
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Sunpaw has recovered from whitecough.
Sootpaw is made an apprentice to Shimmerfreckle and immediately asks about gathering moss.
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Springkit has died. So far from home and so alone. they wonder if Starclan waits for them or if they are too far away for even Starclan to see them.
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A loner decides to join the clan. They take on the name of Pinebranch.
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When on a patrol sent to look for the missing cats Chasingpaw hears the sound of a dog in the distance. When investigating the noise they see a cat being chased around by a large dog. The patrol manages to lead the dog away while Chasingpaw escorts the injured cat the the medicine den. Moved by their bravery and kindness the cat joins the clan and takes on the name of Shellaster.
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Pinebranch finds an abandoned kit on their first patrol out and brings it back to camp to be nursed back to health. They decide to name the kit Flashkit.
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Squidburn and Pinebranch have been infected with whitecough.
Hailleaf's tail is scarred but healed from their wound.
Skyback has recovered from whitecough.
Beetleclaw has caught yellowcough.
Sunpaw has become Sunknoll and is honored for their dedication.
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Mallowpaw is feeling better than they have been in a long time so they start running around camp doing exercises and apprentice tasks so that they can recover faster! However, this has only led them to scrape their paw pads pretty badly.
Heatherpaw begins training with Tumblethud.
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Sunkit and Shorekit have died of kittencough. Shadowcreek knows that if Hemlockpelt finds their way back they will be devastated...
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Clamtrail caught greencough.
Swiftspark and Skyback have caught whitecough.
Primwave was rejected by Swiftspark.
Dazzlenest has recovered from greencough... and then fell out of a tree...
Moletangle and Slightkit have recovered from whitecough.
Heatherpaw got into a scuffle with a fox and came out of it with only a few minor scratches!
Brushpaw and Slightpaw have become apprentices under Shadowcreek and Podarch.
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Moletangle decided to tangle with a large dog and was injured.
A loner decides to join the clan. They take on the new name of Cavewave.
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Some rouges attack a search patrol and kill Wormpaw, Deltarunner, and Sabletooth.
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Rewrite Events: Leaf-bare, Year 1
Graystripe falls in love with a RiverClan warrior, Silverstream, after she saves him from drowning
Cinderpaw is badly wounded after being hit by a monster and her apprentice training is suspended
Tulipkit dies. His Star Name is Tulipbloom
Brokentail and his rogues attack the camp by are defeated and driven off. Brokentail is blinded in the attack and taken captive by ThunderClan. Clawface, one of Brokentail’s rogues, is killed as well
Princess gives one of her kits, Cloudy, to Fireheart to join ThunderClan. He is renamed Cloudkit and fostered by Brindleface
Applefur gives birth to Volewhisper’s kits Rowankit, Lavenderkit, and Cedarkit. Lavenderkit soon dies after showing symptoms of a strange illness that Cloudypelt’s never seen before. Lavenderkit’s Star Name is Lavenderbreeze
Plumclaw dies
Swamppaw is finally made an apprentice, and their mentor is Nightoak
Silverstream falls in love with a ThunderClan warrior, Graystripe, after she saves him from drowning
Mosspelt gives birth to Frogleap’s kits Robinkit, Woodkit, and Lightkit
Birdsong dies from eating poisoned fish
Later on in the season, there is a devastating flood. During the flood, the following cats die: Reedtail, Scalepaw, Robinkit, Woodkit, Heronflight, and Frogleap. Scalepaw’s Star Name is Scalepelt, Robinkit’s Star Name is Robingleam, and Woodkit’s Star Name is Woodstream
After the flood, Sedgewhisker gives birth to a litter of kits: Emberkit, Shorekit, Flutterkit, and Moonkit
In the famine in the aftermath of the flood, Sedgewhisker is unable to produce enough milk and Shorekit, Flutterkit, and Moonkit starve to death. Their Star Names are Shoresong, Fluttersigh, and Moonsky.
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thunderclan — year eight — newleaf
dewpaw, juniperpaw, pinkpaw, and trailpaw are apprenticed to coneclaw, chestnutfur, cinderheart, and hollyleaf.
cottonkit dies.
sorreltail has another litter, with her late mate brackenstar (if i'm counting the months on that right), lilykit and seedkit.
dovewing has four kittens without an obvious sire (i.e., tigerheart): freckledkit (mottled brown tom), ridgekit (she-cat with gold eyes), shorekit (tom with yellow eyes), and stormkit.
and that's it!
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mallowmask · 4 years
Second time trying to post this ^ ^”“““
I finally got Krita working!!!! What is lipsync.
This is Yellowpaw and Shorekit- Yellowpaw found a very young Shorekit when they were both in the twoleg place. Yellowpaw was a stray and didn’t want to look after the obviously lost house-cat, but ended up doing so anyway. They’re basically siblings now ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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theanarcats · 4 years
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Lampreystar, leader of TideClan
Lampreystar was born to Sealjump and Raytooth of TideClan as Lampreykit, alongside her sister, Leechkit. Lampreystar, surprisingly, wasn’t a model apprentice. She often liked to “take matters into her own paws” which resulted in the leader, Seafoamstar, having to fetch her from trespassing on other Clans’ land multiple times. Lampreypaw grew relatively close with Olmeyes, the medicine cat, as Seafoamstar often forbid her from leaving camp as punishment. She would incessantly bother him while he tried to work, but Olmeyes and Lampreystar still ended up having a friendly fondness for each other that remains strong to this day.
When Heronpaw was apprenticed, Lampreypaw and Heronpaw hit it off right away and he turned out to be a great influence on her. They ended up being named warriors together -- Lampreyspark and Heronbill. It wasn’t long until they had a litter of kits; Eelkit and Shorekit. After her kids had been made warriors, Lampreyspark became heavily aware of her ambitions. Having a family was a nice distraction from her warrior duties, but she felt a hunger for power that she’d never felt before. Some cats say that if Heronbill wasn’t there for her, she may have been willing to do anything possible to secure her status as leader, including murder.
Lampreyspark slowly moved up the ranks, from lieutenant warrior to commander warrior, and then captain, and finally admiral. One particularly harsh leaf-bare, greencough took the life of the deputy. Seafoamstar promoted Lampreyspark directly to deputy. Seafoamstar lived out the remainder of her two lives, succumbing one to the same greencough that killed her former deputy, and losing the final one in battle against BlazeClan. Lampreyspark became Lampreystar and named her more promising daughter, Shorewave, deputy.
Despite her ambition, Lampreystar is not tyrannical by any means, but takes her responsibilities very seriously and is trying to pass her knowledge and strength to her kits.
She is the mate of Heronbill, mother of Eelstorm & Shorewave, and sister of Leechwhisker. Her parents are Sealjump and Raytooth.
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plumclans · 10 months
about plumclans
follow along with me, wren tansypaws, as i attempt the clangen loner challenge and, more challenging than that, attempt to continuously draw alongside it!
about plumclan
plumclan is located on a beach in the northeastern united states. it is named after the beach plum, a hardy shrub that thrives in conditions that many other plants find adverse...but when tragedy strikes, will the clan's remaining members be as capable as their namesake?
main characters
tinykit / she / eldest kit / art bitterkit / he / littermate to shorekit / art shorekit / she / littermate to bitterkit / art
#plumupdate / storyline posts #askplum / answered ic asks #oocplum / ooc posts and ask answers #artplum / other art
disclaimer ;)
im an artist with wildly varied motivation who works a full time job and has other obligations, so updates may be very irregular! nevertheless, i plan to try my best to keep up with this because it is FUN !
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New cat, kits, and updated sprites. (Moon 5)
Littlepatch (Cis molly, she/her, 48 moons)
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Shorekit (Tom)
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Shrubkit (Tom)
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Muddykit (Tom)
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Lavenderkit (Molly)
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Ashkit (Molly)
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Moon 125 part 2
Erminedapple has safely returned home!
Hemlockpelt has given birth to three kits! Springkit, Shorekit, and Sunkit.
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Riverfin was bitten by a snake and survived!
Hailleaf fought off a rouge without a scratch.
Fawnfur's leg was injured in a twoleg trap.
Chasingpaw has been apprenticed to Hailleaf.
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thunderclan — year eight — greenleaf
chestnutfur dies. juniperpaw is reapprenticed to whitewing.
cherryfall and molewhisker become warriors.
ridgepaw is apprenticed to shrewsky.
shorekit dies.
ivypool and mousewhisker have one kit, echokit, a blind, dark grey tom with white patches, and long fur.
brindleface dies.
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shadowclan — year two — leafbare
bristlefur and turtlespark become warriors.
snakepaw is apprenticed to brokenstar, who is, yes, still alive.
shorekit dies.
lizardstripe has six kits, cariboukit (mottled white tom with hazel eyes), cottonkit (white she-cat with long fur and differently coloured eyes), hemlockkit (dappled white tom with long fur and amber eyes), leopardkit (brown she-cat with long fur and amber eyes), orangekit (white she-cat with mottled, reddish-brown patches and green eyes), and willowkit (white and brown tom with darker spots and hazel eyes).
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shadowclan — year two — leaffall
clawface dies.
rowanpaw is apprenticed to badgerfang. congrats, badger. lived a lot longer this time <3
echokit dies.
tallpoppy has a kit — turtlepaw is reapprenticed to blackfoot — named shorekit, a smoky tom with white patches and hazel eyes.
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mallowmask · 5 years
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Time for some OC refs! These are some of the cats planned for Rapids Clan (there are more! These are just the ones I've fleshed out a teensy bit). Sort of a mixed bag here, old OC's and brand-new-just-made-this-week ones!
Left to right top to bottom:
Shallowstar, Buzzardeye, Smallshade, Tuftpaw, Mallowmask, Birchleap
Thrushfeather, Grassclaw, Boulderpaw, Yellowpaw, Summitpaw, Morningpoppy
Drizzlepool, Thistlekit, Shorekit, Dustshadow, Slatehaze
Send an ask if you're curious about any of them! =D
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